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Pieces. Why an insurance loophole is preventing some from rebuilding their stormravaged homes. Good morning. Welcome to august america. Its great to have you with us. Im stephanie sy. Im thomas day den. The National Security agency is now under fire here at home. Both the president and congress are considering changes that would limit the n. S. A. s sweeping ability to collect intelligence. Words like constraint, transparency and increased oversight are now used when talking about the future of the nations spy agency. A Bipartisan Group of lawmakers is expected to introduce a bill that could curtail the n. S. A. s powers to indiscriminately collect personal information. The u. S. A. Freedom act is authored by patrick lahee. It would provide restrictions against who the n. S. A. Could target and require the government to delete information it collects accidentally, more aggressively than it does now. The bill has a dozen co sponsors in the senate and 70 in the house. Meanwhile, senator dianne feinstein, the democratic head of the Senate Intelligence committee, who has been a staunch defender of the n. S. A. Is criticizing the agencies monitoring of World Leaders like german chancellor angina merkel. In a statement, she says the white house says president obama was not aware of just how extensive the n. S. A. s intelligence gathering was until this summer but insists there will be a complete review of the n. S. A. s spying policy. What weve seen is their capacities continue to develop and expand and thats why im initiating a review to make sure that what theyre able to do doesnt necessarily mean what they should be doing. In washington, a european delegation arrived this week looking for answers about n. S. A. s spying claims, including new allegations 60 million calls were monitored in spain. It has to be rebuild. We need to figure out why this kind of mass surveillance activity is happening, and what kind of trust needs to be rebuilt. In the end, were fighting a battle interns of security. We need to get that balance right. While president obama maintains that he the final user of all n. S. A. Intelligence, european want their privacy better protected and say continued spying could affect a u. S. Europe trade agreement. Two Senior Intelligence leaders are expected to testify before the House Intelligence Committee today. Both will likely be asked why they never told the white house about the spying activities targeting World Leaders. A british man has been arrested for hacking into u. S. Army and nasa computer systems. The 28yearold is accused of stealing information about government employees. Prosecutors say the hacking, which started last year, exposed security risks and cost the government millions of dollars. He was arrested and released on bail until february. Words of praise from president obama during the ceremony honoring his new f. B. I. Director. James comey took over after james muller stepped down. He was installed as the bureaus new leader monday. The president describes him at someone who knows whats the right and whats wrong. He served at Deputy Attorney general during the george w. Bush administration. He said it must be independent of outside political forces. The f. B. I. s reputation for integrity is a gift given to every new employee by those who went before, but and it is gift that must be protected and earned every single day. During his time in the attorney generals office, comey blocked a wire topping authorization. Congress will hear testimony from survivors of the benghazi attack. In a tweet Lindsey Graham said some republicans are not satisfied with the information they have heard so far about the deadly 2012 attack on a u. S. Facility in libya. A suspected drone strike killed two members of an alqaeda linked group in sow mail i cant. The two were struck while in a a car. The men reportedly belonged to al shabab, blamed for the deadly kenya mall attack. Drones have been used before in that area. Members of congress are taking a closer look at the Obama Administrations drone strike policy today. In fact, theyve invited a pakistani family that was victimized by a strike to share their story, but they first spoke to aljazeera. It happened a little more than a year ago. For this 12yearold and 9yearold, the memories are still vivid. I saw these two bright lights fall from the sky and hit where my grandmother was standing. Then everything became dark, and i didnt know what to do, but i just wanted to run away, because i was just so scared. I looked at my hand and there was blood coming out of my hand. It was as if day became night. It became very dark all of a sudden, and where my grandmother was, i later heard, she was blown to pieces. The grandmother had been picking okra when she was hit. They had trouble buried her body. All that was left were fragments. The family has never been told why the 76yearold mid wife was targeted. I received a letter from an official in the pakistani government agreeing that what had happened to us was tragic, and we were innocent. They just said that this indeed was an american drone strike. Theyre not the only victims. Despite u. S. Claims that its Drone Program targets only alqaeda and taliban operatives, a recent report by two prominent human Rights Groups reveals at least 19 civilians have been killed by u. S. Drones since january, 2012. Theres a process that goes into how these operations are chosen. As part that have process, we take every effort to limit these casualties. They say that isnt the case. The childrens physical injuries have healed, but they cant escape the psychological scars. The drones still hover overhead. They have traveled to washington to share their story with u. S. Lawmakers. It marks the first time in history members of congress will hear from drone survivors. Why do you want to come to washington and speak to the politicians on capitol hill . Ive seen and ive heard obama say with conviction on the screen he will use drones on anyone who is against america who wants to cause harm to america. The reason i have come here with my children is to share my story and to share the truth. I want justice. I dont know what to make of what happened to me and my family. The second big thing that i want to urge is that these drones should just come to an end. They hope to pressure the u. S. Government to reevaluate its targeted killing program so other families are not also devastated by american drones. The state department refused to issue a visa to come to testify. Peace talks are taking on a flew urgency as it is clock ticks down to u. S. And nato withdrawal in afghanistan next year. Most afghans suspicious of pakistan, saying their neighbor is playing a doing russ game, interfering to keep afghanistan unstable and supporting the taliban. Theyve watched president karzai visit without results. In action, they are not doing what theyre saying. The action is important, not the talking. In august, afghan officials had hopes the Prime Minister could improve the strained relationship. President karzai extended his trip to islamabad and hoped to restart the Peace Process. Between the civilian governments, the relationship has been lukewarm. The center of the problem ties to taliban is the role of pakistans military. Whether that has changed or not remains to be seen. Karzai will ask for pakistans help to fight armed groups and keep the taliban from disrupting next years president ial election. Karzai cant run in those election he is. He said there can be no peace in afghanistan without pakistan, but its unclear whether he can persuade pakistan to deliver that peace. For more on the try lateral talks between britain, afghanistan and pakistan, lets go to phil ittner in london. A lot of expectations from this meeting. What is hoped to be achieved here . Well, thomas, first and foremost is to try and improve relations between afghanistan and pakistan. They have been strained throughout the war. There are a number of issues between the two, not least of which the frontier area that lies in the mountains between the two countries, where taliban and other groups have made bases. They will certainly be talking about that, but theyre also trying to just reestablish good ties. Was, Prime Minister is that reef is relatively new back into his post and they will be trying to get Common Ground to try and ultimately broker some sort of negotiated peace, which everybody recognizes will take all parties involved, including pakistan. Phil, one of the key points here, the whereabouts of a key taliban figure reportedly as jennifer mentioned under house arrest in pakistan, how important is kickstarting peace talks with the taliban . He is very important. One of the major stumbling blocks in trying to start the a Peace Process is finding somebody on it is taliban side of the equation with whom kabul can negotiate. Thats been a very tall order. He was in prison in pakistan since 2010 when arrested following a joint c. I. A. Pakistani operation. He was released recently. His exact whereabouts are unthrown, a it is believed he is under strict control by the pakistanis. Everybody involved, particularly afghans want to see that taliban leader released to begin negotiations. Lets hope for stability in the region. Phil, thank you. Today marks the one Year Anniversary of super storm sandy. It brought destructive winds, massive flooding and white spread Power Outages to the east coast. Victims a srying to get their lives back on track. Homeowners and businesses have worked to repair the damage caused by the storm. The cost both in human materials and financially have been enormous. In new jersey, 71 people were killed and the storm surge did damage. More than 5. 6 billion in federal Disaster Assistance has been paid out there so far. It killed 68 people in new york state, including 44 in new york city. More than 8 billion has been approved in state and federal assistance there. Six people died in connecticut, where more than 280 million in federal assistance loans and disaster claims have been issued. In new york city, crews are still working underground to repair damage to the subways caused by flooding from sandy. The east river connecting brooklyn and manhattan on the r. Line could remain out of service. Several other areas were damaged and repairs are on going. A Design Competition will help keep flooding like that seen in sandy. Designs were unveiled, one submission includes an eightmile system of levees and bedrooms that would protect manhattan. Another uses march land and artificial reefs to keep storm systems prom pushing in. Its been a stormy morning in the southern plains. It has. For more on the Morning National forecast, lets bring in meteorologist nicole mitchell. Good morning. Good morning. Well have more on sandy and the weather that was associated with that coming up, but i want to get you out the door this morning. Taking a look at the broad picture, the east coast pretty dry, although definitely cooler temperatures. We still have a little moisture out in the west, but most of the main energy with the system weve monitored has pulled into the midwest now. As we take a closer look with that, just because of some of that moisture, we have the area in white, the Winter Weather advisories, also freezing rain advisories, including south dakota, you are getting the freezing rain. Its extra slick heading out on those roads. Putting this into motion, aberdeen getting the light snow. As we warm up through the course of the day, more snow chances convert to chances for rain. Minnesota, its more likely you see the rain than snow, but definitely still on the cold side. Look at this area pushing in from missouri and dynamic enough that we could get strong storms today or tomorrow. I would say especially kansas down into texas, watch for that. The biggest threat would be wind and possibly hail. The core of the heaviest rain likely over missouri today, one area seeing and inch, other spots more than that. Weve got warm air in houston at 84 degrees. Ill have that closer look at sandy coming up later. Thank you, nicole. The Obama Administration is giving consumers more time to sign up for health care coverage, granting a six week extension to enroll in plans offered under the Affordable Care act and avoid new tax penalties. The move comes after the troubled rollout for the law. Tech problems playing the website. Republicans and some dems are calling for a one year delay of the penalties people would face if they dont get some kind of coverage. More testimony on capitol hill over what led to the Affordable Care acts botched debut. Next in line for questioning, Marlin Tavenner will testify. On wednesday, health and Human Services secretary Kathleen Sebelius will be questioned about the problemplagued on line exchange. She will be the most high profile figure to testify on the rolling outout. It will be her first time on capitol hill since the october 1 launch of the website. Republicans have called for her resignation, but president obama said he still has faith in her. Penn State University is getting ready to pay out 60 million to victims of former football coach Jerry Sandusky, announcing settlements with 26 accusers. This comes more than a year after sandusky was accused of 45 counts of child sex abuse and sent to prison for life. Penn state president Rodney Erickson called the settlements another step forward in the healing process for victims. A surprising study of College Campuses finds repeat rapists often go unpunished. He wasnt suspended. . He wasnt expelled . No. School predators going from one victim to another. Why Law Enforcement have such a hard time bringing them to justice. Where are you guys one year later . Basically exactly the same place we were the day after the storm. The insurance loophole thats leaving some sandy victims without the ability to rebuild their homes. How much you pay for loans could be decided in the next few days. Find out which Way Investors are betting. Welcome back. It is just a horrible misconception that when a woman is sexually assaulted on a college campus, her attacker made a one time bad decision. New research suggest the men behind these crimes are often repeat offenders. This week aljazeera focuses on the problem in a special series called sex crimes on campus. We have the story. In los angeles, private college, pricey with a postcard perfect campus is known for its commitment to social justice, so it is even more striking that this campus has reports of rape and Sexual Assault, much of it allegedly committed by repeat offenders. I ended up walking back to his place with him. Once we were there, he raped me. This woman, now a junior says she was raped in her first year. Her outrage grew after learning the college had already disciplined her attacker for a similar offense. He wasnt suspended. No. He wasnt expelled . No. Serial rape is the norm on College Campuses. Here . Here we have numerous cases with three or four women coming forward and alleging that the same man has raped or sexually assaulted them. Associate professor has been teaching there for seven years. Along with fellow faculty member daniel, the two have become activists for Sexual Assault victims. Ive been here since 2011. Over that time, ive talked with i would say dozens of young men and women who have been raped, sexually assaulted, sexually harassed, battered. Such stories of predators committing multiple assaults are actually not all that unusual. Researchers tell us the overwhelming majority of rapes on College Campuses are committed by repeat offends. Each serial offender had on average 14 victims. Clinical psychology david travels the country, training prosecutors and police on sex offenders. His Pioneering Research revealed a remarkable fact. The vast majority of sexual attacks on campuses perpetrated by serial offender, and they were prolific. The average number of rapes for each was six. Serial rapists. Yes. In his study published in 2002, he asked nearly 2,000 male students at a Massachusetts College about their sex lives. 6 of the men described their sexual encounters in a way that met the Legal Definition of rape, meaning they had sexual intercourse without the consent of the woman, often using either force or alcohol. Of that group, a majority had assaulted multiple women. Aljazeera, in los angeles. America tonight is taking a hard look at the issue of sex crimes on campus in a series airing this week at 9 00 p. M. Eastern. Tonight, they follow students at a Fraternity Party looking into the socalled hook up culture and its role in campus rape. Turning to business how to, the Federal Reserve begins a key two day meeting today. A lot is at stake. We have the latest business headlines. Good morning. Good morning. Yes, a lot is at stake. When the Federal Reserve met last month, most investors expected it to take steps to reduce the economic stimulus causing Interest Rates to go up. The fed surprised almost everyone and kept pumping money into the economy, buying 85 billion a month in bonds. After the Government Shutdown and backtoback Economic Data came out, most investors think the Interest Rates will be held down into next year. The fed will pour over three reports, the Producer Price index tells us about wholesale inflation. Keeping inflation under control is one of the feds key missions. Well see how shoppers are feeling. Retail Sales Numbers will tell us if people are out spending again. Today, Consumer Confidence figures will let us know how secure shoppers feel. That makes these reports especially important, but one analyst says expectations are low. We know from census data that the average income of americans is roughly the same as its been for the last couple of years, and incomes are in fact 8 below the levels of the last recession, so this is certainly a reason for consumers to be tightfisted. Futures are flat, traders waiting for those chick numbers and the feds decision. Stocks barely budged yesterday, investors appearing not wanting to do too much ahead of the meeting. Overseas, european stocks are slightly higher. Banks are not earning as much money as predict, so markets there are down. Disappointing earnings are weighing down asian markets. Nikkei lost a half , hong kong edged higher, shanghai is down a fraction. Apple was the big name on the earnings calendar yesterday, today its linkedin. The company has been adding new apps to increase its mobile presence. It reports after the bell today. Ill have more on that apple in the next hour. Well be looking forward to that. Thank you. Leaders around the world question americas intelligence practices with new spying allegations being revealed every few days. How is all this information being collected . We look at the techniques, their legality and the safeguards in place to protect your information. The hostage standoff in the fill peeps that lasted 19 days appears to show civilians being fired on by the army. What victims are saying about the newly released images. There could be thousands of dollars with your name on it. How an estimated 4 million 401k plans have become lost and whats being done to reconnect people with their money. Coming up in sports, all eyes in the showme state, and a monday night football game. Well have more on this historical night. Im going to take your questions on everything, except stock tips. Desenting views and always explore issues relevant to you. [[voiceover]] every day, events sweep across our country. And with them, a storm of views. How can you fully understand the impact unless youve heard angles you hadnt considered . Antonio mora brings you smart conversation that challenges the status quo with unexpected opinions and a fresh outlook. Including yours. Good morning. Welcome back to aljazeera america. These are our top stairs. One year ago today, super storm sandy slammed into the coast of new york, new jersey and connecticut. The storm killed 182 people in the United States and caused sitting 5 billion in damages. Pakistani victims of u. S. Drone strikes will speak to members of congress about their other deals. The briefing follows a new report that pakistans government secretly approved the strikes. Both president obama and congress are considering limiting the n. S. A. s powers to check intelligence. This following a string of controversies rewarding spying on other countries and their leaders. Spain is the latest country reportedly spied on by the agency. The n. S. A. Spying scandal put the issues of privacy from the fight against terrorism under an international microscope. How does the government collect information to protect National Security . Joining us is jonathan stray, a Computer Scientist and fellow at columbias university. What exactly is the n. S. A. Collecting . They are charged with collecting electronic intelligence around the globe generally for the u. S. Government, so they intercept information from fiber object tim cables all over the world that carry our phone traffic and internet traffic. They have radio listening posts listening to everything going into the air. It sounds like 1984, but how sophisticated is this technology . Can anyone do this . The n. S. A. Reckons to be the most sophisticated and largest in the world. The u. S. Cooperates with allies through you the world a collect and share intelligence. Does that mean our allies, britain, germany, and france would have Similar Technology to do the same to us . I mean in theory. We havent heard as much about what theyre doing. Its not a pr proprietary software that only the u. S. Has . A lot of the worlds internet traffic travels through the u. S. , even though the sender and receiver around in the u. S. , just because there are a lot of cables going through the country. Since the snowden leaks, what many are trying to figure out is is the u. S. Doing something beyond the pale any other country is doing . The u. S. Certainly isnt the only country with a spy agency. The u. S. And the group of allied countries who participate in this information sharing program, sometimes called five eyes after a world war ii agreement, its certainly the largest and most sophisticated. So theyre the best at doing it. Lets talk about chancellor merkel and how her phone was under surveillance. What type of surveillance would it have been under . I imagine that a leaderrer of germany would have some sort of super in crypted cell phone. Its possible that it was super encrypted, but its a phone sending or radio signals, and what it sounds like from reports in the german newspaper is that the surveillance is being conducted from the upper floors of the american embass in berlin. They had antennas there and recording perhaps not the contents of the calls, we dont know, but certainly the position and use of the phone. Certainly that was not under the agreement that you justify mentioned. Well to have leave it there, thank you so much for joining us this morning. Thank you. Students return to School One Week after a deadly shooting in nevada. As kids filed into Sparks Middle School, they were greeted by grief counselors. Police are still trying to figure out why 12yearold jose reyes killed his math teacher and shot two students. The teacher tried to talk him into handing over a gun when he was shot to death. The student shot himself. Hundreds say goodbye to a teacher in massachusetts. She was killed in a school bathroom, her body dumped in the woods behind the building. One of her students has pleaded not guilty to murder charges. Chinese authorities are scouring the capital of beijing for two suspects in a deadly car attack. Five people were killed and 30 others injured. Witnesses reported hearing an explosion before the car went up in flames. Reuters reports that chinese officials believe it may have been a suicide talk, but declined to comment on those reports today. State media named two suspects. In the philippines, a homemade video has surfaced, suggesting soldiers fired on civilians during a hostage situation last month. This video was given to aljazeera. The person who made it said it showed hostages begging it is army not to shoot and waving a white flag of surrender. Last months, separatists took several hundred people hostages. Fighting between the army and hostage takers left many dead in the city. Human rights are calling for an investigation. A former hostage spoke to us. The m. L. S. Were the first to fire. The military answered. I was hit with shrap necessarily in the head. A student lost an arm. There are cases that have to be fired, they will be fired. Perhaps i should caution you its a bit of propaganda. The actions brought it on. Three weeks of fighting between the rebels and Government Forces left more than 200 dead. The rebels were forced out of the city and their hostages freed. Europe is recovering from one of the most powerful storms to hit the continent in years, at least 13 people were killed, hundreds of thousands left without power. Many were stranded when transportation was shut down. The storm named st. Jude hit britain, germany and denmark the hardest. The stock markets eye popping 20 gain this year is good news for workers with 401k retirement accounts. Not everyone is sharing the profits. We explain why millions of americans are missing out. You have to focus on your wallet. Thats the key point over here. This is so important, because this isnt gift money, its money that people actually earned. You may have noticed a gain in your own account, but maybe you didnt. You could be one of an estimated 4 Million People who have lost retirement accounts, just sitting there, wasting away. Estimates vary on the total number of lost retirement dollars, but experts agree close to 4 million similar accounts are owned by lost investors. According to the Boston Research group, the average balance is 10,000. Almost 40 billion is sitting in lost accounts. If you do some math pretty quickly, you come up with somewhere between 30 billion and 50 billion. A person is considered lost when his or her address on a file is wrong or Social Security number off by a few digits. Many times workers are to blame. Lost participants or disconnected accounts are part of a larger dynamic that were trying to solve in the retirement system. Without help, many workers lose track of their 401ks. Because some of automatically enrolled, some dont know the accounts exist. As more and more Companies Use the auto enrollment feature be i think it will get worse. By 2011, the figure had grown to 45. 9 using automatic enrolling. The age of direct deposit mean many people dont examine checks to see what was deducted. People switch jobs a lot, more than 10 times in a career and may not update addresses. Nine and a half Million People change jobs every single year. This is a dynamic issue. The pie is growing. We need to get a solution faster. Another contributor is a d. O. L. Rule inquiring investment firms send certain account information used to paper only. We have a generation used to gettings things electronically. There are so many dollars lost up in these lost plans, the u. S. Department of labor held a hearing and invited companies, including american air lines, honey well international, inc. To testify about locating missing and lost account holders. Its big money out there. Aljazeera has assembled an action plan for you to log on and let you know what you need to do to claim the money that again is not a gift. Im on there. I need to get on that right away. Whats the first step in getting the money back. You need to review your resume and literally contact the Human Resource professionals at your former companies saying i worked here. I want to know was i ever auto enrolled in an account. What if you moved on and youre keeping it with your old employer for safe keeping, thats all right, right . If you change employers, they may charge an extra fee for keeping your retirement account, about 60 a month, eating away at the balance. I got to make a call. Thanks so much. Barneys has some explaining to do. A Civil Rights Group wants to meet with the head of the Department Store over a racial profiling allegation. Last week, two africanamerican customers accuse barnes of discrimination, saying they were detained by police on suspicion of credit card fraud after buying expensive items at a store in new york city. Macys is also under fire after a customer there was stopped while shopping in a Manhattan Store because of his race. Ross shimabuku is here. Red sox this close, they can taste it. After two crazy finishes, last night was the first normal world series game, but theres been nothing normal about david ortiz. Big papi has been putting on a show, batting over. 700. He said i was born for this. In the first, ortiz rips it by craig, driving in pedroia for the first run of the ballgame. Why are they pitching to ortiz . Ortiz king of the swing, lester king of the hill. He gave up one run, but that was a big one right here. Matt holliday hits that to the arch. That rocket ties things up at one. Holiday was getting his groove on, ditto for adam wainwright, striking out 10 batters in seven innings of work. This game tied at one in the seventh, boston threatens with two on, ross comes up with the money shot, goes double dipping down the left field line. Bogart scores, boston up 21. Jacoby ellsbury loops one to center, steven drew hustles home. Ross trying to score from second, not happening. The damage was already done, because red sox took a 31 lead into the ninth. The japanese sensation, lights out. Red sox 31 take a 32 series lead and are one victory away from capturing their third title in the last 10 years. We have more from st. Louis. In what has been a world series for the ages, the Boston Red Sox take two of three at Busch Stadium behind the big hitting of ortiz and pitching of john lester who has now beaten the cardinals twice in this series. Given this stage, given how strong hes been throughout the course of this year particularly the second half and what hes doing in his own right careerwise in the postseason, this was a big game. For him to go out and pitch like he did against, you know, a top flight starter in wainwright himself, we talked before the game, felt this was going to be a classic pitchers dual, it was shaping up to be that way. John lester was outstanding here tonight. I expect a lot of high things from myself, as do my teammates, and, you know, i think the biggest thing is when you go out in a game like this or middle of the season, you dont want to let those guys down. Were all trying to pull on the same rope, and get to one common goal. Thats what makes this team pretty special. The game six moves back to boston with the red sox one win away from winning another title. Your pitching matchup, john lackey the veteran against the rookie, michael waka. Reporting at the world series in st. Louis, jessica taft. The rams hosting the Seattle Seahawks and defense dominated. Russell wilson getting tossed around like a rag doll. Rams racked up seven sacks on the night. Wilson is like hello, can i please get some protection. Wilson goes up top, makes an unbelievable grab. He starts hotdogging it, takes it 80 yards to the happy place. Catch me if you can, seattle up 149. The rams had one last chance on fourth and goal. For the win, oh i mate when that happens. Seattle would go on to win it 149 to improve to 71, their best start in franchise history. Overall, a rough night for the fans in st. Louis. The cardinals and their rams, losers. One game. Ross, thank you. Coming up, one year after sandy slammed into the jersey shore, some not rebuilt. They blame an insurance loophole. Like having Car Insurance and they dont cover anything below the windows, even if youre in a car accident. The provision keeping them from fixing their homes and what can be done to change everything. What happens when social media uncovers unheard, fascinating news stories . It drives discussion across america. Share your story on tv and online. Audiences are intelligent and they know that their nicole, when the storm actually hit, it wasnt a hurricane anymore, and yet did so much damage. A lot of people dont realize that it was not a hurricane when it hit. It lost its tropical features. It was an normallous storm. You have to look at the size of the storm. If you had taken dandy and put it over the United States, the Tropical Storm winds would have stretched from new york all the way to absolute, 900 miles across. It took this right turn. With High Pressure to the north i have the, it steered right into the shore instead of parallelling the shore. That allowed it to well all the water in, being a big storm, hitting it directly led to the huge storm surge which caused the damage. You forget how big it was. A lot of people thought its really infrequent to see that kind of system, but its not. We see systems in the northeast more than we think, its just we have a short term memory when it comes to weather. In the 2000s, almost everything was a gulf strike. These are category threes and greater from 2001 to 2010. We think the northeast, we dont get that it much. 12 different strikes of category threes if we go back to the 1950s. It makes a difference of the type of pattern were in, where we are, and in this period, we actually had a couple strikes right along long island of category three storms. Those are intense storms. It was still one of the costliest storms the u. S. Has ever seen. As we go up the coastline, weve had a number of them into the northeast, were not the most likely place to see them, florida is more likely to see them, it used to be a loss of life we worry about more, now its storm costs, because so many more people are building on the coastline especially that insurance will bail people out, people rebuilt and rebuild, so we get higher totals, very expensive because of these storms. Were seeing that rebuilding again. Nicole mitchell, thank you. Super storm sandy destroyed more than 6,050,000 homes. Some people are still struggling to this day. We continue our original series surviving sandy one year later. Good morning, erika. Good morning to you. Its certainly a much different scene here in seaside heights, new jersey. It is beautiful, and a little chilly day down here. You can remember, this place was definitely hit hard. In fact, the amusement park, you may remember images, just over my shoulder here, the roller coaster floating in the ocean, but all that have is gone, acknowledge area has started to rebuild. For some of those folks who owned homes in this area, when the storm surge came and hit their homes. They figured if they had Flood Insurance, they were covered, but they soon found out and over the past year, that a loophole in the federal Flood Insurance program has left them struggling even one year later. It was the first home they owned and family lived in it for four months before super storm sandy shored do their town in new jersey. It was heartbreaking. Just heart wrenching. It was tough to separate out our situation from everybody elses, because theres such a collective heartbreak. Hear neighbors started picking up the pieces, but they have been at a stand still. Where are you guys one year later here . Basically exactly the same place we were the day after the storm. This is basically where the foundation cracked all the way down through the footings from the flooding and the force of the water on the house, which also buckled the inside of the house and the floors. First things first. Fix the foundation. Since they had Flood Insurance with the federal government, they thought they were covered, but when they went to collect their claim with the national Flood Insurance program run by fema, they were flatly denied. The policy does not insure for loss of property caused by earth movement, even caused by flood you. It made absolutely no sense that you can have a whole part of your house be excluded from a flood policy, even if caused by a flood, and its in all caps in the policy, which is like having Car Insurance and they dont cover anything below the windows, even if youre in a car accident. Keep in mind, after sandy, new Flood Insurance policies also require residents to elevate their home. You cant add on an extra five feet of concrete block on top of a foundation thats not sound. Thats just the most terrible injustice ive seen in 36 years of Disaster Relief work. The family is one of thousands of sandy survivors who have fallen victim to this federal loophole originally designed to prevent sinkhole coverage. Part of this problem is that this federal flood policy was written by congress, so it would take an act of congress to change the language to help storm victims, that is unless a high ranking state leader stepped in, like Governor Cuomo did for new yorkers plagued by this very predicament. The federal money made available to take care of this saved thousands of people. There could be thousands more who are still stranded because they live in new jersey. Governor christie made his voice for the victims heard early on by chastising congress for delaying Disaster Relief. 66 days and counting. Shame on you. Shame on congress. He has been silent on this particular problem. Its time for christie to step up and do the same thick. Hes got the same money, the same access to it. He can wave his hand and make this all go away. Jeff and deanna need this to go away soon. The rental assistance were getting runs up in six months. They cannot afford to pay rent on top of their mortgage and they do not have the cash to rebuild their home. That could cost as much as 150,000, they have slow small children who have their own feelings about the storm, and then theres jeff. You ok . Yeah. He was recently diagnosed with a rare autoimmune disease. We have all those things unfortunately have come to a head at the same time, which puts us in a very uniquely disastrous position. What gets them through each day is their kids. Really, if we didnt have them, i dont know how we would have made it through this year. Theyre so funny and full of life, so as long as we have that coming through the door every day when they get home from school, that makes it a lot easier. We reached out to governor Christies Office several times over the past months. No one has returned our calls or emails. While some folks are waiting to rebuild, others are waiting to have their memories restored. I would take one soggy album every night and peel the acetate off the covers. So many family photo albums ruined in the storm. Coming up, how volunteers across the world are pitching in to help sandy survivors bring back their precious pictures. That is coming up in hour 8 00 hour. Thanks, erika. Well see you again at 8 00. Heres what were following this morning. A bill is being proposed to do to limit the spying powers of the n. S. A. This after spain became the latest country involved in americas growing espionage scandal. A pakistani schoolteacher who was the victim of a drone strike will speak to members of congress along with his two children, who were also injured. Medicare and medicaid chairman is testifying to investigate technical problems with the federal Health Care Exchange website. Ross. In sports, how good has david ortiz been, just one victory away from capturing the world series title. Were off to a wet start. Embroiled in an embarrassing spy scandal, president obama may order the n. S. A. To stop eavesdropping on those believed to be friends to the u. S. , while Congress Considers ways to weaken the agency. A settlement in the Jerry Sandusky case to many boys abused by the former football coach. This new violent video emerging involving hostages in last months siege in the philippines. The government wants to know if the video is real. Others are also seeking answers. Oh, my god, its just beautiful one year later, remembering super storm sandy, how one group is helping those reclaim some of their most precious possessions. Welcome to aljazeera america, im del walters. After reports of u. S. Spying on its allies, leaders around the world, the n. S. A. Security agency is under fire today. Both the president and congress are looking at ways, changes that would limit the n. S. A. s sweeping ability to collect intelligence. Now terms like constraint, transparency, and increased oversight are being used when talking about the future of the nations spy agency. Aljazeeras Erika Ferrari has more. Lawmakers are expected to introduce a bill occur tailing the National Security agencies powers to indiscriminately collect personal information. The u. S. A. Freedom act is authored by patrick lay he. I did would provide stronger restrictions and require the government to delete information it collects accidentally more aggressively than it does now. The bill has a dozen co sponsors in the senate and 70 in the house. Meanwhile, senator dianne feinstein, the democratic head of the Senate Intelligence committee, who has been a staunch defender of the n. S. A. Is among those criticizing the agencies monitoring of World Leaders like german chancellor angela merkel. Insta statement, she said the white house says president obama was not aware of just how extensive the n. S. A. s intelligence gathering was until this summer, but the president insists there will be a complete review of the n. S. A. s spying policy. What weve seen over the last several years is their pass has continued to develop and expand and thats why im initiating now a review to make sure that what theyre able to do doesnt necessarily mean what they should be doing. In washington, a european delegation arrived looking for answers about n. S. A. Spying claims, including new allegations the u. S. Monitored 60 million calls in spain last december. Trust has to be rebuild. We need to figure out why this kind of mass surveillance activity is happening and what kind of trust needs to be rebuilt. In the end, were fighting a battle in terms of security. We need to get that balance right. While president obama maintains that he is the final user of all n. S. A. Intelligence, european officials are not backing down. They want their privacy better protected, and say continued spying could affect a u. S. Europe trade agreement. Meanwhile, two Senior Intelligence leaders are expected to testify before the House Intelligence Committee today. Both are likely to be asked why they never told the white house you about the activities targeting World Leaders. Americans are being given more time to buy their Health Insurance at the federal website, the Obama Administration granting a six week extension to those who want to sign up for plans under the Affordable Care act. That postpones penalties to april 1. The decision shows that the white house is acknowledging that glitches have slowed the website to a crawl. Members of consist in both parties want to delay the penalties for not signing up for a full year. Congress is set to hear more explanations about what went wrong with the rollout of the website. Marlin tavenner will be called to testify. Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius is set to testify monday. Some republicans now calling on her to resign. Penn State University has reached a multimillion Dollar Settlement with 17 boys, now men who say they were sexually abused by Jerry Sandusky. That was announced more than a year after he was sent to prison on 45 counts of child sex abuse. Hes the former penn state assistant football coach. We have more. A university once famous for its Football Team now synonymous with scandal will pay 60 million to 26 young men sexually abused by its former assistant football coach. Jerry sandusky is serving time in connection with 10 abuse cases. In a statement, the University President said this isnt the end of the ordeal. Six more alleged victims are negotiating with the school. Sandusky is appealing his conviction. Former head coach joe paterno died months after the scandal broke. His winning legacy tarnished among allegations he failed to report an eyewitness account of the abuse. Three former School Administrators await trial on charges they covered up wrongdoing to protect the schools Football Program, causing many to question the universitys devotion to a game that brought in more than 70 million in revenue, but may have cost it its reputation. Aljazeera. With us this morning to discuss the impact of the settlement is dominic romano, an attorney specializing in business and super at the same time cases. Good morning. Good morning. The question a lot of people are asking when you hear about these huge settlements is why should the state, the taxpayers have to pay for something that an individual football coach did . Thats an excellent question. Over 60 million here, and its not just the settlement money, the university spent 50 million on crisis management, legal fees, p. R. Expenses and awareness policies. When we say the university in the case of penn state, we should be saying the taxpayers. When we say the taxpayers, we should break that down to industrial northeast pennsylvania that may not be able to put food on his own tail. Why does he have to foot the bill for something Jerry Sandusky does wrong. The university is saying that most of the payment is coming primarily in fact, their position is that its not coming directly from the taxpayer, its insurance policy payouts and interest from the revenue of loans from third party affiliates. Over time, and given the massive amount of money involved, tens of billions of dollars, indirectly, some of these individual citizens going to foot the bill. Even though they say its insurance policy, someone has to pay the premium. Those premiums are likely to rise, one would think. If im another university with a huge Football Program where i realize there could be problems, am i watching the case . Youre watching it very, very carefully. This is raising aware in his across the country, not just in football, but in other institutions. We must take allegations of abuse seriously. In 1998 there was a report of abuse and dismissed, in 2001, Something Else happened and it was reported. The victim are getting large amounts, because the university failed to act. The military has the doctrine that says because you are employed by the United States government, you cannot sue the United States government as a soldier. Should there be now that were looking at these football and college programs, that are so specifically geared towards the future of an nfl player, should there be a policy that says you cant sue a university because it is stateowned . Do you think states are going to go that way. One would hope not. One would hope that the deterrent stays in place. I think you to have allow a remedy. There has to be serious consequence where there are transgressions, like it is sexual abuse of children. Ok, thank you very much for being with us. Shifting gears, it was one year ago today that super storm sandy struck up and down the eastern seaboard. Homes and businesses have been forced to repair the damage. The costs have been enormous. In new jersey, 71 people died, the storm surge devastated the jersey shore. More than 5. 6 billion in federal Disaster Assistance paid out so far. Sandy killed 68 people in new york state, including 44 in new york city alone. Morn 8 billion set aside for state and federal assistance there. Six people died in connecticut, where more than 280 million in federal assistance loans and disaster claims have already been issued. Meanwhile, in new york city, the subway crews are still repairing the damage that was caused by floodings from sandy. The east river connecting brooklyn and manhattan on the r. Line might be out of service for another year. Seven other underwater subway tunnels were also damaged. Repairs are still underway. Washington are now looking for ways to prevent the flooding damage caused by sandy from ever happening again. The federal government is looking at a Design Competition. 41 designs unveiled monday at new york university, one of the submissions includes an eightmile system of levees and berms that would protect manhattan. Another uses march lands and artificial reefs to keep the waters out of the bay. For a look at how this historic storm formed, we look to nicole mitchum. Its impressive that it wasnt even actually a hurricane on its hand fall, but yet is probably going to go in the record books as the second most expensive storm to the United States. Heres what we had happening as all of this was coming together. As it came up from the caribbean where it was more intense, as it removed up our coastline was a category one, but High Pressure to the north steered this directly in. You had two things going on. Sandy was enormous, almost 900 miles across. That builds up a huge well of water. Thats the storm surge. It took the direct hit, shoving all the water right in. If it had continued to parallel, we wouldnt have seen as big an impact versus that pepper in deck larr hit to the coastline. Back to the United States, what we are going to see is speaking of water, we have a lot of it this morning in parts of the midwest. Heavy rain right now in missouri. To the north of this, parts of south dakota getting snow, but as the day warms, more will change to rain. Kansas into texas today and tomorrow, watch for the chance for strong storms. A remind their coming up later in our hour, erika is going to continue her original series, surviving sandy one year later. She will talk to a woman who helped victims recover some of their most Cherished Memories. The leaders of pakistan and afghanistan will meet in london today to breathe life into stalled talks with with the taliban. The talks take on a new urgency as the clocks are ticking down to the withdrawal of troops next year. For more, we turn to phil ittner in london. A lot of expectations from this meeting. What do the two countries hope to achieve . First and foremost, the ultimate objective is a negotiated peace, some sort of end to the violence in afghanistan. There are a lot of issues that lie between pakistan and afghanistan on that issue, not least of which the camps that lie in the almost lawless frontier region and those mountains between the two countries. The two leaders will sit down and talk about that in particular, but there is a specific issue that president hamad suarez die comes to talk to the Prime Minister about that, a weasley released taliban leader whos been released but still not in direct contact with anybody, thought to be controlled by pakistan. President karzai will want to speak to him about restarting those peace talks. He is said to be under house arrest in pakistan. Is that the key Sticking Point in jump starting these talks . It has been a major stumbling block in starting these negotiations. It was attempted earlier this year by opening a Taliban Office in qatar, but that was shut down, so really finding somebody to talk to is very important. It could be him, one of the founder of the taliban. If he can be found and talks started, perhaps a road to peace can be found. Phil ittner joining us live from london, thank you very much. Sufficient lawmakers will hear firsthand accounts from victims of its Drone Program. Just over a year ago, a member r of a family was killed by a drone strike. They will put pressure on the government to rethink the Drone Program. The Pakistan Government secretly approved those attacks. Two leaders of a somali group have been killed in a drone strike. They belonged to al shabab. The strike was confirmed by al shabab and a Somali Intelligence officials. The weapons have been used there before. New video showing chaos during a violent standoff between the military and rebels in the philippines. Why leaders are raising red flags about that video. The white house now in damage control as the back lash over the n. S. A. s alleged spying Program Continues and spreads to its allies. We talk with an expert about whether the anger overseas is justified. A mystery surrounding this barge docked near San Francisco. The tech giant behind the structure and the plans it may have for it. Are you looking for a sign the economy is Getting Better . You might want to head to a casino. Ive got what the smart money is telling us about the economy. Explore issues relevant to you. President obama will huddle with c. E. O. s today on a meeting about cyber security. They will take a look at progress of an executive order that the president signed in february calling for a two year time line to set Security Standards for physical and cyber infrastructures. Several of americas closest allies are furious over reports saying the United States has been spying on them. The white house seems to be trying to mend its fences, while striking the delicate balance between privacy and National Security. David is a professor of law at indiana university. He joins us from indiana this morning to break down the controversy. In 1996, the n. S. A. Declassified its top secret echelon program. That agreement linked Super Computers around the world for purposes of spying. Many countries that are upset are part of that agreement. Is their outrage justified . Well, i think some of what the european allies are doing is a situation of perhaps protesting too much. The idea that countries spy on each other, including spying on upper level political leaders isnt necessarily a new issue or a new challenge that countries have to face. I think what we have today is a different situation perhaps than we faced in 1996 or even during the cold war, where the political context gives our allies a chance to score some diplomatic points against the u. S. And perhaps try to change u. S. Behavior for their own interests. I want to go back to the campaign when barack obama became president. He had a blackberry. The first thing the secret service said he cant keep it because it will be tapped. They gave him a super secret blackberry. How surprised should we be that the United States has been listening in on the World Leaders, as well. The major concern on the part of u. S. Intelligence agencies with rewards to the president S Communications was not perhaps germany, france or britain, but would be russia, iran or china. I think part of what jump sets the europeans is they think that their close allies of the United States and should not be subject to this broad and intensive intelligence gathering by the americans. How do you walk that tight rope . Many of these spying agreements date back to world war ii. Germany and japan were our enemies, russia part of the soviet union. Now in 60 years, our enemies have become our friends. Should the spying Community Change or should there be a wait and see approach . I think what we see is a need to review our intelligence gathering in connection with changes in the international system. During the cold war, many of our european allies were willing to let the United States gather massive stalls intelligence, because we faced a threat from the soviet union. Thats not true today. Some of these programs were learning about through leaks with snowden have to do with the panic after 9 11. We do need to go back and review those in terms of how were gathering intelligence worldwide, but especially with rewards to our allies. Thank you very much for being with us this morning. There is a mystery ship that is docked in San Francisco bay. If you think you can get the answers just by googling it, guess again. The barge appeared off a formal naval base and locals speculate that google might be behind it. It might be the companys flew Floating Center for google glass. Google has yet to comment. In business news, it is a very important week for Economic Data and the headlines begin today. The Federal Reserve begins a two day meeting this morning. Last month, most investors expected an easing of the monetary program, leading to higher Interest Rates, but the fed surprised almost everybody, it kept pumping money into the economy buying 85 billion a month in bonds. Now, after the Government Shutdown and disappointing data came out, most dont think the fed will begin to tap on the brake this week. The consensus is going that the fed will keep the Interest Rates down into next year. Today, well get a look at how wholesale inflation is doing with the Producer Price index. Keeping inflation under control is one of the feds key missions. Well see cop assumer confidence. The price index we are waiting for, we will learn if the Housing Market is still improving. The report will tell us if home values going up. Thats critical, the single biggest investment for most people is their home. One analyst says the Government Shutdown put a dent in Consumer Confidence. It shook the faith that americans have in their jobs, not just federal government workers. It was people who work for concessions that are dependent on the national parks, people who work for federal contractors. This has health a blow to job security for americans for and wide. As we wait for that data, stock futures relatively flat at this hour, traders waiting for economic numbers. Stocks barely budged, investors not wanting to do too much. The dow staying within one point of a record high. The nasdaq opens at 3940. Over seas, european stocks are slightly higher, weak Bank Earnings weighing down markets there. Disappointing earnings are dragging down asian markets. Nikkei lost a half . Shanghai is down a fraction. Heres a positive sign on the economy you might not have heard about. High rollers are paying their gambling debts off. During the great recession, all four major u. S. Casino corporations wayed their estimates for the number of dead beat gamblers on their books. Now, companies have lowered those estimates, and business numbers are returning to 2007 rates. Sears is working to cut costs. Apple stocks will be focused on on wall street. Apple beat expectations, but the stock fell sharply after concerns about the upcoming holiday season. After a Conference Call with tim cook, shares rebounded and are up again this morning, so trading is going on. Why should people care about how apple is doing . Somehow, i suspect its like the old days, when g. M. Would catch a cold, the rest would catch the flu. Even if you dont own an apple products, you likely have some shares in your 401k. Plan. A lot of people are attracted to it. Why are investors so nervous. Apple has these get a expectations. It expects to earn anywhere between 55 billion and 58 billion this quarter, including the Holiday Shopping season. Wall street wants more. If you dont give them what they want, they price a discount into your stock. Remember the days of the flashing 12 on your v. C. R. , so much has changed. New video emerged showing hostages shot in the philippines. The nations president wants to know if its real. Human rights group demand answers. We have more. The maker of this on line video says it shows hostages shouting at the army not to shoot. Theyre waving the white flag of surrender. Nearby, carrying weapons are said to be more Liberation National Front rebels. The Philippine Military believed to have opened fire. Some fall, while others scamper for safety. This man fought as a soldier against the group as they sought independence. Now the very same fighters are the ones who held them hostage. We were so happy because we thought a ceasefire had been declared. The mlnf fired first, the military retaliated. Hostages were shot. I was hit with shrapnel in the head. A student was shot in the arm, another in the stomach. The Philippine Government president has questioned the authenticity of the video, suggesting i did maybe fake, though they are taking the allegations seriously. The claims will be properly investigated and if there are cases that have to be found, they will be found. I should caution you that its so far a bit of propaganda. The actions brought about the crisis. Its been weeks sips the government declared the crisis officially over, but many questions remain. What really happened here during the 19 day siege, and who is responsible for the deaths of many civilians . Over 200 people have been killed. Mlnf fighters took over 200 civilians hostage, demanding to be allowed to hoist their independent flag at the center of the city. No clear negotiation with the Philippine Government took place. In the weeks that followed, thousands of troops surged in. The city became a battlefield. Still, junior doesnt blame anyone. He has come to accept that to survive, he only has himself to rely on. Aljazeera, southern philippines. More than 100,000 residents were displaced during that two week standoff. Still ahead, supporters of abortion rights in texas winning a round in their battle against that new state allow. What the ruling means for women throughout the state. As long as you have a computer and photo shop skills, no matter where you live in the world, you can reach out and help someone. The high Tech Solution one Group Offering to those affected by super storm sandy is helping bring Cherished Memories back to life. The problem of biblical proportions, how swarms of locusts are making a food crisis worse. [[voiceover]] every day, events sweep across our country. And with them, a storm of views. How can you fully understand the impact unless youve heard angles you hadnt considered . Antonio mora brings you smart conversation that challenges the status quo with unexpected opinions and a fresh outlook. Including yours. Determining using some sort of subjective interpretation of their policy as to whether or not your particular report was actually abusive, because if it doesnt contain language that specifically threatens you directly or is targeted towards you specifically, they may not consider it abuse. They may consider it offensive. And in that case they just recommend that you block that person. I dont want to minimise this, because i mean, theres some really horrible things that are on line, and its not its not just twitter, what has happened through social media and the anonymity of the net is that you see websites, hatefilled websites targetting all sorts of groups, popping up. There has been a huge number of those that exist as well. Theres more to Financial News than the ups and downs of the dow. For instance, can fracking change what you pay for water each month . Have you thought about how Climate Change can affect your grocery bill . Can Rare Minerals in china affect your cell phone bill . Or how a hospital in texas could drive up your healthcare premium . Ill make the connections from the news to your money real. Welcome back to aljazeera america. Im del walters. That new abortion limits set to take effect today in texas have been blocked by a federal judge. The ruling allows dozens of Womens Health clinics there to remain open. Aljazeeras heidi zhoucastro reports. Even as anti abortion protestors rally outside of a texas Abortion Clinic in support of the states efforts to restrict abotherses. Im out here to express our conviction to human life is sacred in all forms. Inside, they are celebrating a legal victory, north korea all of the licensed fashion sits are in operation tuesday. It was great to be able to tell women, women were calling us saying do i have my appointments tomorrow, can i come in . It was also more rewarding for me being able to tell my staff that they have a job. The legislators who backed the law hoped to shut down such clinics. Amy is the founder and Abortion Provider running six clinics in texas. Three of her clinics and about a third of those in the state would have closed under a new Provision Requiring doctors to be associated with a hospital within a certain distance. Mondays ruling from federal a federal judge found the requirement to be unconstitutional, because it is. A second part of the ruling upheld the requirement for doctors to follow guidelines when administering drugs for nonsurgical abortions. However, he said doctors account opt out of those guidelines in the interest of preserving the life or health of the mother. Were literally right now working with our attorneys to figure out what the decision means for the women we have booked for medicated abortions tomorrow. Abortions are banned after 20 weeks and Abortion Clinics must immediate the standards of surgery centers. The state filed an emergency appeal to the judges ruling, with with governor rick perry viewing to continue his effort to protect life. Now three months after a marathon filibuster against the new restrictions captured the nations attention, many voiced their opinions. It will be a higher court that makes the final decision. Heidi zhoucastro, aljazeera, austin. That texas law is one of the toughest in the nation. Those who oppose it say it would force a third of the 36 clinics that provide abortion to say close. More testimony ahead on capitol hill about the botched rollout of the Affordable Care website. Marlin tavenner will testify, the head of the centers for medicare and medicated services. She will be the First Administration official from that agency to testify before congress about the health care law. Health and Human Services secretary Kathleen Sebelius is going to get her turn to governor within owned. She will be the highest ranking if i believe so far to Face Congress about the troubled womanout. That capitol hill appearance will be her first since the launch of the website on october 1. Some republicans say that she should resign, but president obama says he still has faith in her. Joining us now with a Progress Report on where the website and the insurance plans stand is alan while in washington, d. C. Why is a policy maker like case being asked to testify when its a flawed website at the center of this controversy . The website is the mechanism by which people need to enroll in the new Health Insurance program, so if they cant get on the website, they cant get the insurance thats been promised to them under the law, and thats a pretty important component of the implementation of the Affordable Care act. Will this solve the partisan divide, and why is the focus being assigned to blame as opposed to fix the website itself and implementing the policy. Im sure this wont solve the partisan divide. It reflects that divide. It is a bit of a side show, clearly fixing the website is important, but the law that many features and attributes that go far beyond that site and the divisions run much deeper over the overall structure of the law, not the design and implementation of one website. Congress voted 41 times to repeal obamacare. Is there a belief in washington that these hearings are about fixing the website or yet another attempt, attempt number 42, to do away with the Affordable Care act. The house vote that had many times, the senate did not, which is why it remains law. These are a continuation of the high level of scrutiny and interest in the law, probably more about that than actually Findings Solutions to the problems. That being said, when something goes wrong in the real world, where most of us work, when something gets messed up, and as much as 500 million is spent, somebodys head has to roll. Why shouldnt Congress Call for the head of Kathleen Sebelius . The law is quite complex. We are in an era where people are looking to assign responsibility. I would just know the contrast that 16 states around the country are running their own versions of what the federal government tried to bring up and their success rate is pretty high, so this certainly is something that can be done successfully. Problems arise. If you can solve the problems in a reasonable amount of time, i think we would all move on, but if the problems are intractable, then i do think some accountability needs to be found. Im not sure who personally is responsible, but i think its appropriate to say at the end of the day if this is just a completely debacle, someone is probably responsible for that. Thanks for being with us this morning. Students in nevada going back to School One Week after a deadly shooting there, as children filed into Sparks Middle School on monday were greeted by grief counselors. Police are still trying to figure out just why the student kid his math teacher and shot two other students. That teacher tried to talk reyes into handing over his semiautomatic gun when he was hot to death. Reyes then turned the gun on himself. Hundreds said goodbye to a teacher in massachusetts who was killed in a school bathroom, her body dumped in the woods behind the building. One of her students has pleaded not guilty to charges that he murdered her. It was a clean getaway, almost. Authorities have captured two of the four oklahoma inmates who escaped. They were looking a little wet and a lot dirty. Police are still looking for the other two. Brazilian surfer was on a wave. It might have been 100 feet tall. That would shatter the big wave record set less than a year ago by american mcnamara. It was a good day at the beach. I surfed that wave shortly after he rescued his friend and fellow surfer, who almost drowned. Ross shimabuku says that aint nothing. He joins us now with the chowder winners in the world series. Boston so close and speaking of swells, its a swell ride for the red sox. How good has david ortiz been, batting over. 700. St. Louis starter at first base, hoping to add pop to the cardinals lineup. In the first inning, david ortiz rips it by craig, driving in pedroia for the first run of the ballgame. Why are they pitching to ortiz . Big papi reached base in nine consecutive place appearances and had 11 hits in the series. John lester living large struck out seven batters in 7 2 3 innings of work. He gave up just one run, but that was a big one. Matt holliday, cane hit it any harder . That rocket ties things up at one. Holiday getting his groove on, ditto for adam wainwright. The ace struck out 10 batters in seven innings of work. Into the seventh, boston threatens with two on. David ross comes up with the money shot going double dipping down the left field line. Bogart scores, boston up 21. Two batters later, ellsbury at the dish loops one to center. Drew hustles on home. Ross trying to score from second is chugging, and i mean chugging, not happening. The damage was already done. The red sox take a 21 lead into the ninth. Slams the door shut as the red sox win it 31 to take a 32 series lead. They are one victory away from capturing their third title in the last 10 years. Jessica taft has more from st. Louis. A world series for the ages, the red sox take 23 at Busch Stadium behind the big hitting of ortiz and great pitching of lester, whos now beaten the cardinals twice in this series. Given the stage, given how strong hes been through you the course of this year and particularly the second half and what hes doing in his own right careerwise in the postseason, yeah, this was a big game. For him to go out and pitch like he did against a top flight starter in wainwright himself, we talked you before the game, felt like this was going to be a classic pitchers dual. It was shaping up to be that way. We were able to break through in that seventh inning, but jon lester was out standing tonight. I expect a lot of high things from myself as do my teammates. The biggest thing is when you go out in a game like this or middle of the season, you dont want to let those guys down, and were all trying to pull on the same rope and get to one common goal. Thats what makes this team pretty special. The game six of the world series moves back to boston with the red sox one win away from winning another title. Your pitching matchup, the veteran against the rookie. Reporting for aljazeera at the world series in st. Louis, jessica taft. It was a rough night all around for the fans of st. Louis. Down the road, the rams hosted the seahawks. Seahawks were flying high. Wilson hooks up, taking you the 80 yards to the happy place. He scored two touchdowns on the night. Seattle would go on to hold for the victory to improve to 71 on the season. Time to follow the bouncing ball. The nba season will tip off tonight. The lakers minus kobe bryant will host the clippers in the battle of l. A. To me, im just in the same rivalry. Its against the same team is the lakers. The Division Games for us are good for the city. I always wanted to play here. You have the clippers and lakers earlier in the night, it will be the big match up in miami, lebron and Company Hosting the return of derrick rose. This is my golden tate. Bayh. See you, ross. It is a Natural Disaster of biblical proportion locusts are destroying land. They ate everything. Theres new growth now. But theyre frightened the swarms will return. The locusts ate the food for the bull Wide Receivers which are now too weak to plow, so everything has to be done by hand. The locusts same from the south, blown by the wind. They flew silently in a huge storm. We were surprised. They blocked out the sun. This years home run very much is down 21 . The World Food Program and the u. N. s food and Agriculture Organization says the recent swarms first appeared in 2009. But a political and economic crisis thats gripped the country that year left officials helpless, too. All the conditions were ripe for locusts to swarm. They grew out of control. An Eradication Program starts in november. Madagascar still needs to raise about a quarter of the 41 million needed for the three year plan. This is the best time of year to start the program, because the insects are on the ground reproducing and laying eggs. The reduced harvest means staple foods are more expensive, so theres more demand at feeding programs like this. W. F. P. Feeds nearly a quarter of a million children a day. It could be their only decent meal, a brief reprieve from a life made harder because of things out of their control, natural and man made. Food insecurity to families who are already struggling to make ends meet. 92 of the population have to live on less than 2 a day. While nothing like that, parts of the plains here are going to be dealing with more Severe Weather today. For more on that, we turn to nicole mitchell. Hope everyones having a great morning today. The system we were watching on the west coast is now pulling out into the midwest, causing problems here. You can see the wide area of moisture, everything from snow to heavy rain in missouri, and the northern end of this, youre going to see cities, not all of that making it to the ground, but glenwood and alexandria. Be careful heading out. Later in the day, some of this could convert into snow. As we get farther south on that line, were dealing with the heavy rain. Already pulling out of the dakotas because of this and mow of this is just for concerns this morning, some of those different winter storm advisories that we will deal with. As i mentioned, temperatures are going to be critical to rain versus snow today. You can see 39 degrees, so well get just above freezing enough so that some of that might convert to rain, but then back into the cold period overnight. On the Southern Side of this, the rain, missouri is going to be one of the places that could persistently see rain. Its kansas into texas where we have enough warm air intersecting with all of this that we could get the potential for Severe Weather. The biggest threat with that would be wind and hail. You can never rule out that risk with tornado. Part of that is the warm air we will see intersecting to provide that energy. If you are looking for the warm spot, you want to head south. Dallas is going to be right around 80 degrees. 39 degrees, its spring time in fargo. One year later as coastal communities recover from sandy, how people around the world are helping restore memories storm victims once thought were lost forever. Audiences are intelligent and they know that their super storm sandy carved destruction up and down the eastern seaboard, but on today, the one Year Anniversary, we have a story of rebirth. We complete our original series, surviving sandy one year later. We are joined live from the jersey shore. Erika. Sandy was such a powerful storm, churning up and spitting out large wooden board walks like this one here. In the moment, material possessions seemed less important to people. After the storm, they realized that so many things they lost in the storm, so many cherished items, some of those things like their family photo albums, they never thought they were going to oh get back. I love this shot. [ laughter ] look at you when sandys surge crashed through the windows of their home, the last thing they worried about were their photographs. We ran like hell up these stairs. After the water receded, they realized their precious pictures, collected over 50 years, were ruined. Disgusting. They are covered with mud. Mud and sewage. She did her best to save them. The older ones i was very, very afraid of. She could only salvage about 50. I guess my biggest fear was that i wouldnt get to them in time, because i literally he can tell you, i would take one soggy album every night and i peeled the covers off without ripping them. We found about freezing the photos to keep them from mold. We put as many as we could in the freezer. She obsessed over every picture. What i was saying to myself is at least i saved them. Maybe one day, theyll magically come back i dont know. That magical day came a few months after the storm as she was reading the newspaper. She found her photograph fairy in lee. I said hi, ive seen your damaged photograph that washed ashore. Would you like me to restore it for you. In her brooklyn apartment, she brings back memories. She spends up to 30 hours to restore a single picture. You can see her hard work with click of a mouse. She got a website up to get the word out to storm victims about her charitable cause, then set up scanning events in every affected area across new jersey and new york. One of the days, we scanned over 1200 photos in one day. As pictures piled up, the need for man power mounted. Theres absolutely no way, no possible way i could restore even 10 of these on my own. With hundreds of photos restored over the past year, care for sandy has actually become a worldwide effort, because lee has enlisted more than 500 volunteers in 30 countries across the globe, from a retired illustrator in the philippines to a music composer in venezuela, to a grandmother in virginia. As long as you have the computer and photo shop skills, you can reach out and help someone. They got multicultural help. In scotland, he helps, and dave gives back from indiana. Lee always makes the finishing touches. For her, these images are more than just pictures. Its a time machine. It takes you back. You can imagine their surprise when lee presented a few photos finished and framed weeks before schedule. Oh, my god you did the wedding photo see all of this stuff. Its gone. I see your brothers shoes and your dads shoes. From their wedding day to her childhood photo. That is absolutely amazing. My fathers gone and my sisters gone. Oh, my god, its just beautiful. Its really nice. An old memory reborn from a labor of love. Something good that i could actually take away from the experience, and hold on to. Care for sandy has grown so much over the past year that lee has actually stopped doing those scanning events, but she is always looking for volunteers across the world or even locally here in new york and new jersey and the eastern seaboard. She is looking for folks who can come to peoples homes in the devastated sandy areas and scan photos for them or of course be part of the team that helps photo shop those pictures. Erika, this has been a personal journey for you, too. Youve lived with this story for a a year. What has it felt like being back on the jersey shore this morning . You know, its pretty hopeful, actually. I can say that over the past year, you know, when the storm hit, i was on stanton island and thats where i spent about 30 straight days, and then after that, coming down to the jersey shore and seeing people across the year rebuild. One of the beautiful things about this has truly been the camaraderie of these communities coming together and wrapping their arms around each other to support each other and get through this. You feel encouraged . Absolutely. Aljazeera live from the jersey shore. Much more news straight ahead in just two and a half minutes. H all next week america tonight investigates the campus rape crisis. Serial rape is the norm on College Campuses. I know that when i did report, i was blamed. Then this friday at nine eastern, we open up the conversation in a live townhall event. Sex crimes on campus, a special week of coverage and live townhall on america tonight nine eastern. Only on al jazeera america. This is al jazeera. This is the al jazeera news hour, im david foster and these are the stories were covering in detail in the next 60 minutes. President obama looks to overhaul spying after a series of embarrassing disclosures. If. The car crash in teenen square. Was it a car

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