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International uproar over reports the u. S. Spied on germanys chancellor is not going away. There are claims president obama knew about the phone taps and approved them the white house says it is not true. We are getting reports that the eavesdropping started in 2002, before Angela Merkel was elected. This morning senator Jeanne Shaheen called on the nsa to come clear on the surveillance program. I think the revelations from Edward Snowden, and secrets that are revealed are doing damage to our bilateral relationships with germany, mexico and other countries where the suggestion is that weve lisped in listened in. I think we have repair work to do and hard questions it ask of the nsa about what is happening in the program. Its a different view from the chairman of the House Homeland Security committee. Congressman peter king says america should stop apologising for the nas. The reality is the nsa saved thousands of lives not just the United States, but france, germany and throughout europe. The french carried out spying operations ai gaips the United States against the United States. As far as germany thats where the hamburg plot began laing to nchb leading to 9 11. Former secretary of state Madeleine Albright agrees, saying the u. S. Is not the only one that spies on world leaders, but says france listened to her calls. A french ambassador once ask her about something she said on a private call. Madeleine albright said a roadside bomb hit a bus in afghanistan today, killing 18 people, returning from a wedding. It happened near the border with pakistan. The bus was carrying women and children. Roadside bombs are common in the region. Bombings devastate communities in iraq. A recent study estimates as many as half a Million People have died there since the u. S. Invasion. Osoma bin javaid reports. Clearing debris and washing away the blood. This is what it looked like after one in a series of four detonated car bombings and suicide attacks in the neighbourhoods in baghdad. Translation what happened here today is a catastrophe a child and woman and father three members of the same family killed. It was similar in other areas as well. The numbers of attacks has grown steadily for months, people are demanding answers. Translation cars were set on fire and shops damaged. Why does it happen to us . Where does it come from . It is not a human being that commits such acts, it cannot be. A corrupt and lopsided government continued to the sec taranism says the opposition. The government accuses sunni politicians of supporting what it calls terrorists groups like al qaeda. After this much death there seems to be no move to bridge the widening divide between shia and sunni muslims. The government seems to lose support at home and abroad. Prime minister neuro is heading Nouri Almaliki is heading to the u. S. , and is hopeful of winning a third term in upcoming elections. A study estimated as many as half a million died in iraq sips the u. S. In since the u. S. Invasion, getting rid of a dictator has made no difference to the lives of many who today have to bury some of their family. Syrias met a crucial deadline as it works to remove its chemical arsenal, an agreement that hopes to eliminate weapons by 2015. Kilmeny duchardt has more. Is it syria is meeting an ambitious deadline set by the organisation for the prohibition of chemical weapons, known as opcw do destroy its lethal stockpile by next year. Syria handed over the details of its poison gas and nerve Agent Program thursday, ahead of its october 27th deadline. Opcw is not really saying what the report says, but it did say the Syrian Government disclosed 23 chemical weapon sites. The head of the opcw u. N. Team said that the country has been cooperative. We have had good meetings with the Syrian Government, theres continued strong cooperation with the secretarygeneral and the director of opcw. We build on this. We have one shared goal the elimination of the program, which is of benefit to all and the syrian people. Not all are convinced, as evidenced on abcs this week, in syria the chemical weapons are catalogued, inspectors are in there finding and putting a stop to the program. Well see. Im a sceptic, like a lot of others are. I know friends in the region are worried. Syria is believed to possess around 1,000 met rig tonnes of chemical weapons, including mustard gas and sarin, which they denied for years. They deny any involvement in the august 21st chemical weapons attack that killed 1,400 people there. Under threat of u. S. Military action rush abrokered a deal with the United States for sir why to destroy their stockpiles. It is complicated and its not decided how or where syrias weapons will be dismantled. The next step is when the production and mixing facilities are dismantled. Around 20 syrian rebel groups refuse to take part in upcoming talks. They say negotiating with the government of Bashar Alassad will be an act of betrayal. A u. N. Team will sit with Syrian Government to push for a meeting. For now the fighting continues close to the capital. Our reporter is in the jordanian capital. Groups have seized control of a Border Crossing between syria and iraq after heavy fighting over the last few days. They seized control, snatching the area from the fighters who belonged to the Islamic State of iraq, a group linked to alqaeda. We understand several fighters on both sides were killed in the fighting. Ethnic kurds in syria have a complex role in syrias conflict. Some joined the rebels in fighting against the government. Some are loyal to the government and some care about the future of their minority as a group in syria, and the territories where they live in, close to the borders with turkey and iraq. We understand from activists that the group of kurdish fighters that was able to snatch control is close to the Syrian Government. Now, the Syrian National council has blamed iraq for allowing its Security Forces based at the crossing to shell the Border Crossing in order to help the kurds gain control and seize control of the crossing from the Islamic State of iraq and levante and blame iraq of meddling in syrian resolution and affairs. The syrian observatory for human rights says, quoting residents who live in the area, confirm that iraqi forces and no one from the iraqi side had anything to do with the clashes and did not aid the kurds in taking over this Border Crossing. I guess its safe to say that the Iraqi Government would feel more comfortable living next to kurds and sharing a Border Crossing with them, than being that close to members of a group that is allegedly linked to al qaeda. Israel agreed to release 26 palestine prisoners, and its the second group to go free since peace talks resumed. The names will be revealed 48 hours before they are freed. Israel announced a plan on thursday to expand its settlements in the west bank. An american held captive by columbian rebels since june is on his way home. Kevin scott sutay was handed over to officials at the bogota airport. He was kidnapped while on vacation. Earlier i spoke to our reporter. Heel told us how this could impact the relationship between farc and the columbian government. The Peace Process has been going on for a year and going through a rough time. In particular the issue is that no one is really happy with the pace of the negotiations. In almost a year they only reached an agreement on the first point of the six points of the talk gapda. And the agenda. And the president of columbia, santos, is putting pressure on because hes spected to announce hell run for relocation in coming weeks. This release will be seen as a gesture of goodwill on the part of the rebels, and hopefully well hear more good news and coming days. Do we have any idea on how the former marine was able to be picked up by this group . He was a veteran of the war in afghanistan. After being discharged he went on a very long trip. He was trekking through many countries in central and south america until he arrived in this region, a region close to the amma zone, and on the border with venezuela here in columbia. Well, thats a conflict region. Its known to be drug corridor, and many local authorities and others he met told him many times, from what we know, from the local news here, to actually leave that area. So finally he got caught by the farc and they thought he was a mercenary. Then roughly a month ago they published an article where he said he was a regular backpacking american. There is a lot of wind going on around the globe right now. The wind is created by air rushing as fast as it can from High Pressure to low pressure. It does so squeezing through any possible path of the least resistance. When that is translated into mountainous areas, it is so windy we have Wind Warnings put up, and that is what we have from idaho to central montana. A lot of the cold air is coming out of canada, pushing into Donald Moncayo temperatures pushing into montana, temperatures dropping 3040 degrees. Cold rain and blustery conditions in the columbian basin. We have Wind Warnings for places over to the east where the center of low pressure will drop down, dumping 48 inches of snowfall into the valley flurs of montana, pushing winds into nevada, and southern california. The winds will go into a highwind warning, and it will make it tough to see. The conditions for the 4 july pass youll have blowing, drifting snow. Heavy snow timed out as we get into tonight and earlier on monday. Temperatures will drop to freezing. A lot of places will have to watch out for icy spots on the roads as we get into the first part of the week in the west. The rest of the us well have cooling off. We have powerful winds to show you, impacting europe tonight. He is considered an icon of rocknroll. Legendary musician lou reed died at the age of 71. His works shape nearly 50 years of rock music. Jean meserve has more. [ music ] lou reed was an innovator, putting convention on its head as frontman for 60s band velvet underground. He gave success to his mentor, andy warhol. If it hadnt of been for andy, who knows whether wed have had a chance to do anything. I owe everything to mr andy warhol. Though he was never a great commercial success, his influence on rock with songs like heroin when i put a spike into my vain i tell you things arent quite the same plucked her eyebrows on the way shaved her legs. And walk on the wild side was profound. It wasnt heavy metal. It was concentrational with harsh guitars and the style came up with r m in the 80, and radiohead would say they owe a lot last night i said goodbye to my friend. The velvet underground was inducted into the hall of fame in 1986. Reed performed at the white house. He was a lirizist, a vocalist, a poet. He talked about himself as, above all, a guitarist. I love certain guitar things. Forever. Never grew up past that. Something happened. On the road to adulthood there was a detour called the guitar highway. A lot of people get on the guitar highway, they dont come back when im closing in on death reed, who received a liver transplant last may was 71. And just ahead americas escape route. Thousands risking life and limb for the chance of a better life. They may not live here legally. Undocumented workers are pitching in helping to rebuild the jersey shore. An important Congressional Election taking place in argentina was an appointment for the president. Her party lost seats to the opposition and many see the race as a barr om ter for the 2015 president ial election. More than 75 of the electorate turned out to vote. If the opposition gains steam the current president s family could be out of power for the first time in over a decade. It is an issue felt across the world. The u. S. Says not since 1994 has there been so many refugees. War is the number one cause. The u. N. Says half of all refugees come from five countries afghanistan, iraq, syria, sudan and somalia. Afghanistan topped the risk. One in every four refugees worldwide is afghan. The majority is in pakistan and iran. Seeking a better life abroad can be filled with difficulties. Routes are dangerous in cramped conditions on small boats and trucks. Refugees may face abuse and extortion. Shipwrecks have killed hundreds, putting pressure on european leaders. The danger has not stopped people. Barnaby fhillips has more. Its been noted the most beautiful beach in europe. How easy it is to forget the drama and tragedy playing out a. The italian navy sent one of its biggest ships to help with the crisis. We were allowed on board. In the hold found a pathetic cargo. 318 people picked up at sea the previous night. Most of the africans are young men. Many are eritreans, paying smugglers thousands to flee their country. It is very dangerous. So many Young Persons are dead. Then there are the syrians. Of all ages. None of them know what will happen next. Some are too young to understand where they are. They are registered straight away. The navy will take them to sicily, because lampedusa is struggling with the migrants it already has. This is not just an italian problem. Definitely not. The biggest part of these immigrants they wish to go to germany, norway, other parts of europe. At this moment theres a more flourishing economy. This is an historical situation in which people are leaving their home lands because of the change of the climate. Because of wars, its a massive activity. This is the center which the italian authorities built to house mying rapts on lamb migrants on lampedusa. It was built for 250, maximum 300. Theres a lot more than that here these days. At the moment there are over 700 inside. We were not given permission to enter. So through the fence we spoke to mohammed from damascus. How was his sea journey from lampedusa . So dangerous, so crowded. The waves and the sea its too dangerous. What do you want now . What is your dream for the future . To complete my studies. To have respect. Lampedusa was a sleepy place known for fishermen and sun sets. Now it has a fame it never desired, as the island which people risk everything to reach. One year ago today the east coast braced itself for what would by the deadliest hurricane to hit the region in 40 years. A year after Superstorm Sandy communities are still trying to rebuild. Theres a group of people who have down a lion share of the work updocumented workers. Kaelynn ford has their story. Lucio and alfredio worked on Staten Island for years. After hurricane sandy. They took to the streets to do what they do best. Together with other undocumented immigrants, they formed brieing aids. Thousands of day labourers that lived in the same neighbours were among the first responders, way before fema, way before the red cross. They went into the neighbourhood and brought relief to the many people that give them jobs the home owners that give them jobs for years. They worked for free, clearing debris and distributing food and water. Translation the people were grateful, happy we were there working. They didnt know who we were. We came up and started helping without being asked to. We were compelled to do it. Its not the first time undocumented immigrants have been on the front lines. A quarter of the workers who helped to rebuild new orleans were undocumented immigrants. According to a twim university of california berkley study. Those workers say the reconstruction of sandy is no different. In hurricane katrina, they came out. In new york there are tens of thousands affected themselves by the hurricane. They are helping the others who can afford the rebuilding process, but cannot afford to rebuild their own dwellings. Without access to federal assistance, many rely on centres like this one for help themselves. El centro del inmigrable offers Safety Equipment and training. Translation we didnt know anything about safety in the beginning. We didnt even have cloves. We are going to classes to learn about safety, to learn to clean out mould. To be prepared. A year later day labourers say their communities have also changed. Translation people looked at us differently after the help we offered them. Mens that looked at us suspiciously in the street now we see them, they say i had to us. The irony is that while the politicians discuss the future of the 12 million undocumented immigrants in the country, those undocumented immigrants are defining the future of many neighbourhoods. This is a case of new orleans. It was day labour who rebuilt that. It was day labour who brought back the sense of community. Community these immigrants say are stronger than ever. Darren haynes is here with the sports headlines. Game 4 of the worlds is getting started. After a controversial and dramatic uk game 3 the st Louis Cardinals and Boston Red Sox are back at it at game 4 in the world series. We are in the bottom of the first innings, theres no score. The cardinals lead 21. After tying a franchise low, winning two games the Kansas City Chiefs are one win away from tying their franchises best start to a season at nine. The chiefs improved to 8 and 0 after a win over the browns. Chief quarterback alex smith threw for 225 yards and two scores. Kansas cities will host the Buffalo Bills next week. More than 83,000 on hand to watch the 49ers take on the jackures in london. They got a chance to see the quarterback rush for two touch donees and lead for another. Frank go. Roe go. Ore within for two touch donees. Do all countries spy on each other. Former secretary Madeleine Albright says it will. Ahead on the week ahead the fal out from the nsa surveillance program. Why have only dozens signed up for Affordable Care act in mississippi. Welcome back to Al Jazeera America. Im jonathan betz. Here are the top stories this half hour. Columbias farc release an american hostage. Former marine Kevin Scott Sutay were turned over to the red cross and a group from norway and cuba. A dozen carr bombs in iraq. Hundreds were hurt. A group of soldiers were attacked in mosul. Rock icon lou reed passed away at the age of 71. His literary agent say the death was related to a liver transplant. Its time for a sunday night look at the week ahead. There were new details in a spying scandal straining americas transatlantic ties. The u. S. Was tapping german chancellor Angela Merkels cellphone for more than a decade. Amanda price has the story. When pam a spoke at berlins Brandenburg Gate the u. S. Was facing questions about the surveillance program. The president tried to use his address to smooth things over with his ally. Our current programs are bound by the rule of law, focused on the threat to security, not the communication of ordinary persons. The u. S. Had been focused on the communications of official persons. Secret u. S. Intelligence documents showed that the nsa used hitech antennae to monitor buildings. Angela merkels cell phone was added in 2002, three years before becoming chancellor. Theres a second spy agency in frankfurt. The u. S. Spy agency says it will not monitor the chancellor. The revelations sparked outrage in germany where surveillance a controversial because of the east germanys communist past. Like germans, Angela Merkel grew up in the east, where the secret police kept records on onethird of the population. Angela merkel is demanding an explanation and sending her intelligence chief to washington to get one. And germany was not the only target. The u. S. May have spied on the president s of mexico, brazil and maybe allies and 80 other countries. Thousands marched in washington to protest the program and demand a limit to the surveillance. Germany and brazil are pushing for a resolution calling for the right to privacy on the internet. A draft of the agreement could be circulated this week. Joining me to talk about this is al jazeera Americas National security contributor, and the publisher of harpers magazine. Rick, let me ask you first how damaging is this to president obama. All i can tell you is the french senators i met with in mark were unhappy about the spying on what they believe to be a loyal ally recently loyal ally. Whether or not everybody does it is a plausible argument. Not everybody thinks its okay. And as i said, the senator i talked with respect not only unhappy about the extent, the massive breadth of the spy program, but because theyve been let down by syria a separate issue. The notion that the United States and the Obama Administration are not reliable allies, not friends. Is there anger within the french government, as we heard Madeleine Albright said, they spied on me. Theres siniccism and embarrassment in the french government which does not have credibility with the electorate in france. The socialist government is way down in the polls. The notion that the french government has no control over its destiny. It cant protect itself against american spying. Do they have a reason to be outraged, frankly . I think so. I think you have to put the nsa spying scandal in the context of everything thats been happening in the war on terror. This is one of a series of things where you have seen parting of ways between europe and the United States. The drone issue is another, just last week in the u. N. Ga sorry, the u. N. General assembly. There was a debate about drones. Many European Countries joined with third world countries to express concern. Theres a sense that maybe the americans have gone too far in a quest for security. That is part of the equation here. When it comes to the spying, how does it rank on the evils of the United States . Well, i mean, remember the countries map of them have a history many of them have a history of spying. Communist east germany, where gerk come from. The stasy kept records on many citizens. There are historical emotional reasons for countries to be concerned about spying. It ranks high. High enough to torr peedo a trade deal i dont know about that. I want reaction from sunday morning talk shows. It was interesting to hear from peter king this morning, who says the u. S. Should not apoll guys. We heard from a democrat, senator, who actually is against the program. Lets listen in quickly. But i think the revelations from Edward Snowden and the secrets that have been revealed are doing significant damage to our bilateral relationships with germany, with mexico, with the other countries where the suggestion is that we have listened in. I think we have repair work to do, and i think we have hard questions we need to ask of the nsa about what is really happening in the program. The reality is the nsa saved thousands of lives, not just the United States, but also in france and germany and drought europe. The french are ones to talk. They carried out spying operations against the United States, government and industry. Germany thats where the hamburg plot began, leading to 9 11, they had dealings with iran, iraq, north korea. We are not doing this for the sum of it. Is there not value to this surveillance u. D. I think theres a vast xaj ration going on, particularity xaj ration going on, particularly from representative king. If you go back to the origins of 9 11 and the intelligence fed to the bush administration, ask richard clark, the counterterrorism chief, whether or not the actually listening in on conversations was the key to stopping 9 11. I mean, the key to stopping 9 11 might have been to prevent the pilots from training at schools in florida when they were openly discussing not landing and not taking off, but just flying the planes. I do not see this i think theres an obsession with gadgetry and technology in the United States which lowered and damaged the notion of human gel gens and analysis. Intelligence and analysis. Theres less emphasis in this country on learning about other countries and the way they think, and interviewing other people, and more obsession with damage etry and accumulation of raw data. It doesnt stop terrorism. Its observe, what kings. It doesnt stop terrorism . Theres no evidence that the giant surveillance programs stopped plots. Hold on, we had raids in africa. Where they are allegedly nabbing terrorists in villas on the beech. Does that not count. You have to decide what you mean by surveillance. If you have a suspicion about a target. Surveillance that we talk about are indiscriminate. They pick up everybodys data and are not focussed on individuals. We always use intelligence measures locally and abroad. The question is whether you can target everybody, rather than just those you suspect. The question you might ask is whether or not they are using google translator at the cia as opposed to training people in speaking and understanding of arabic. Its too big a net. Literally knowing what goes on in the countries and understanding language and cultures. Thats what we should do and that we are not. Let me ask you about president obama. He walked into office, insisting hed repair relationships with allies. Rick, do you think these making a bigger mess. I think hes got an incompetent state department and secretary of state as we saw during the syrian crisis. Whatever your point of view was on whether we should or should not hit syria and being wrongfooted by a reporter and set up by putin, who parades as the peacemaker and defender of Civil Liberties something doesnt work here. That, to me speaks to incompetence on the part of the barack Obama Administration. I dont think they have thought these things through. I dont think he thinks through what he says before he said it. With the president. The arabs his famous speech in cairo, where he spoke for an opening up. Dont forget, he stopped in riad before getting to cairo, reaffirming a connection with the olly gashingic oligarchic regime in the middle east. A topic for another day. Thank you both for m cooing in tonight for coming in tonight. We appreciate it. The health and Human Services secretary is set to appear before a committee. Kathleen sebelius will talk about problems rolling out in the Affordable Care act website. Congressman darrell issa said the president should think about changing the websites staff. The president has been poorly served in the implementation of his own signature legislation. If somebody doesnt leave and if there isnt a real restructuring, not just for 60 days someone come in and try to fix it, hes missing the point of management 101. That is that these people are to serve him well, and they hadnt. In mississippi only a few dozen signed up on the Health Care Exchange. Stephanie boswell went there to find out why. Chris miller is a chef at the Italian Grill and pizzeria in picayune mississippi. Hes the Soul Provider for his family of four, and says for the last year and a half they have not been able to afford insurance. I worry about that every day. All it takes is one accident. You could be in 20 to 100,000 in debt, or more than that. You never know. Miller says he and his wife are trying to find health care, but couldnt get on the federal Health Care Exchange website. In jackson sh bash ber shop owner chris performaige and terry harper say they have chris performaige and terry harper say they have insurance. I make better coverage for the same amount. I have minimum level so i can have something to cover me if something was to happen to me. Neither page nor harper have gone on line to repair rates. Every time they went to log in, there was something wrong, there were computer glitches. Mississippi is the only state plying to run a Health Care Exchange and was related. The federal government turned it down because of concerns the state would not provide support. That left people using the troubled federal exchange and mississippis insurance commissioner says as of october 31st, 35 people had signed up. Health care advocates are playing catch up. A lot of advocacy groups did a lot of work preparing for a mississippi exchange. We have been behind other states in trying to get the word out about the exchange. Jarvis dortch is training to be a federally funded navigator, a person who helps people to deal with the health care marketplace. Right now our focus is unrolling mississippi. So they can get Health Insurance and the tax credits they are eligible. Many residents dont have Internet Access or computers. Plus, according to the u. S. Department of health and Human Resources mississippi is the unhealthiest nation and has the thirdhighest premiums under Health Care Exchanges. Mississippi received only 1 million in federal aid to pub lisize the plan. Arkansas received 24 million. The Mississippi Medical Center got most of the money, 800,000. Covermississippi. Org which got left money is mapping out an effort to bring computers to the people. Theres a need for funding. We are a state where youll have to knock on doors to help people enrol and walk people through the process. Chris miller says he may take another look at the Health Care Exchanges, but will wait in the the website is more reliable. And coming up later a conversation with critically acclaimed author who after four best sellers has a share of detractors. Aljai vel shi asks the writer what he thinks about those that say his books lack academic rigor. Im trying to give people a way of reexamining their own lives and experience and getting insights into what they might have glance said over. My methods are modest. In other sense, not modest at all. I think one of the principal problems with the society is theres a growing divide between the fruits of academic thinking, and the rest of us. And if the kind of logic nazis have their way, the divide will grow, and theyll harp on those who want to try and bridge it by saying, youre popularizing, simleyifying. Be sure to tune in to tloor malcomglad wells conversation with ali velshi. Coming up in sports Darren Haynes joins us with a wrapup of nfl sunday, and technology and fashion usually dont go hand in hand. That could be about to change. Next up on Al Jazeera America wearable apps. You can get an app to do almost anything on your smartphone. Technology is moving further to computers you can wear. Tech savvy groups in seattle are coming up with ideas for wearable acts. We report on the promise and Privacy Concern surrounding the new technology. Here in the war room at the hackathon in seattle its not about breaking into computers, but creating ideas that will be the next big thing in technology you can wear. By night im a fashion designer. Hunched over a sewing machine and a line of computers, ellin and friends are merging skills. We turned this glove into a circuit board. To create a glove turning into an air guitar and maybe into something that can change someones life. Creating something where people who are challenged in terms of mobility have the ability to interact with computers in exciting ways. Alex don created the event three years ago. Coming to the hackathon, meetups and social events, find experts in the room, that have gathered there, asking questions to level up on the knowledge. Hakathon by definition is taking a product and making it do something else. Take this product. Its a senn sore placed inside of a shoe. It could be used to monitor activity or used to track your movements for video games. We want creative people, developers, designers, hackers on board to play around with the possibility. A big part. Hackathons is to find ways to use existing technology, like a brain reader. It attaches to your head and the cat ears move based on what is happening. On this device brain waves can recorded and shared. Theres concerns as to who has access. Professor wears a watch showing how much he exercises. He doesnt share that information on social media sites where third parties could collect the data. Who is going to use the data. Exly as the health eventually as the Health Care System is more expensive can Insurance Companies say, we looked at how many exercise you did and your fridge said you ate this many calories, well give you a disoupt or charge you discount or charge you more. Sfoo as wearable apps become commonpla commonplace, so are concerns as to whether they can help or hurt our lives. All right, dar enhaines is here with sport. The Dallas Cowboys could not pull it off. No, its week 8 of the nfl season. Dallas cowboys their 43 record, today played its heart out in detroit. Liens with the rock. Everyone say hello to calvin johnson. Takes the pass from staff ford and takes 87 yards before hes taken down on the dallas 3 yard line. Johnson again. This time from two yards out. Touchdown megatron. 329 yards, receiving seven yards inside the nfl record. Fourth quarter here come the cowboys. Tony romo to terence williams. Duped. 60 yard strike gives dallas a 2010 lead. Matthew stafford leaps up and over the line. Extra point is good. Lions win a tight one. Calvin, talk to me. Going to there on a good note on the first half of the season. Coming back, new stadium. Nobody thought we could pull it off in a minute. We had fire power. Its crazy, you know. We got one on one coverage. We take a hit. I dont know what our percentages were, but we have a hit on a lot of passes. We did what we needed to do to win the ball game. They did, we did, we have to live with that and look at ourselves in the mirror. Starts with me, the Coaching Staff then the players in the locker room. We have to learn from experience and find a way to finish. We were in a good position it win and had opportunities on offence to end it, and we didnt do it. We have to understand the importance of each sequence, each play to the outcome of the ball game. We didnt get it done. On paper the washington face a tough task how to slow down the denver bronko defense. Peyton manning and company are on pace to destroy the singleseason passing yard and touchdown record. 217, Peyton Manning to drieson. Broncos up 2114. Next possession in this one. Screep pass screen pass. 35 yards to the promise land. We are all tied up. Broncos up 2821. Theres more where that came from. Manning another screen pass. Hes off to the best patch of the grass. 35 yard touch done, 3821. Robert injured his left knee doing the intersection. Kurt cousins comes in to save the day. This is not what was in mind. Cousins picked up by dominic. Hes off to the races. 4521 the final. Afc north leading bankles, this was the andy dalton show. First goal for cincinnati, touchdown. Second quarter on third on goal, andy dalton. Jones with the snag. Right before the half, dalton goes to guess who, yes, marvin jones. Notice the trend. Jones out of bounds but the call reversed. Dalton and jones hook up in the third for a fourth time. Thats a franchise record for a quarterback receiver touchdown. Dalton seasonhigh touchdown passes. The patriots looking to bounce back after a lose last week. Not so good against miami. The dolphins out to a 140 lead. Tannehill 91 yard pass. Two interceptions. Tom brady booed. Watch out. Five place, a minute and 45 seconds for tom brady to hit aaron dobson for the score. One touch done, one interception. Patriots trail. Theres Steven Ridley in the fourth, finding the promise land. Patriots with 24 unanswered points. 2417 ball game. How about the saints marching in to buffalo. Secondquarter action. Stevie johnson, 13 yards out. Maurice jonesdrew breezes turn, 69 yards, airmail. He signs a package and hes gone. Just before the half breeze this time to jimmy grant. Breeze finishes with 2634, completing 10 passing yards to 10 targets. Im Darren Haynes, and thats a look at sport. You never mentioned the world series which is going on now. The battle is going on. It just started. Well talk about it at 11. Rebecca is back with weather next. Of. Parts of which oming and south wyoming and south dakota are expecting ice accumulation. Theres a cold low pressure storm coming in, dropping in from canada. Theres a lot of cold rain, and wind gusts anywhere from 30 to 50 Miles Per Hour occurring in the northwest, as well as snow in Donald Moncayo. Lets go montana. Lets go across the atlantic. Strong winds. A storm system, low pressure getting intense air rushing in to fill low pressure. Think of it like a bowl. Something wants to fill it up to balance nature out, or mother nature, the atmosphere out. Wind potential up to 70 Miles Per Hour. Theres several concerns around this. It will be on the northern coast of france and germany and switzerland that theyll face the powerful winds. Its rapping around the area of low pressure passing to the north. We get back to the United States. Here is the area of low pressure, theres a surface low on watervapour in oregon. Powerful winds, a lot of snow, and the freezele drizzle is of concern. More details at 11. Welcome to Al Jazeera America. Here are the top stories. President obama was personally briefed on chancellor merkel. Not only was he told about the spying he allowed it to continue. The Syrian Government met its deadline for stockpiling chemical wepons. Weapons. They submitted the declaration on thursday three days of before the deadline. Former marine was turned over to the red cross from from a gp from cuba an no an norway

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