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And with the deadline looming, congress and the white house are racing to reach a deal to raise the debt limit and end the Government Shutdown. House and Senate Leaders from both parties will hold another meeting with president obama this afternoon. Al jazeera libby casey joins us. And what can we expect from white house and members of congress and has there been any progress . Now were getting leaders from each of the bodies, the top folks from the house, the senate, on both sides of the aisle, republican and democrat. That needs major leader harry reid, Mitch Mcconnell, john boehner and nancy pelosi will be there together. These are the four people along with the president that can make a difference in dealing and negotiating. Were seeing a lot of behind closed door meeting. Harry reed and Mitch Mcconnell met about an hour ago. These are leaders in the senate and have a long history together but have not talked up until this weekend during this whole government shownd operation and the march shutdown towards the debt ceiling. Thats significant thats probably the greatest place to see hope for any sort of negotiated deal to come from the senate and these two men in particular. And libby, it seems like that proposal floated by Susan Collins of maine might have been a good proposal, what happened . She was a moderate, there was push back from the push back of the democrats because they didnt like some of the details. It would essentially get the Government Back up and running until springtime and would lift the debt ceiling for some period of time but democrats say it needing to longer. To be longer. It would roll back implementation of a tax on medical devices, and it would strengthen the financial requirements when people go onto these exchanges to enroll in Health Care Plans and some democrats said they might be willing to deal there. But the two sticking points are the timing. Democrats want a longer deal. They dont want to be litigating this in a couple of months time. Sequestration cuts, across the board spending cuts that kicked in last year, another round of those and they are pretty haphazard. They were put in place by congress and the white house as a fail save if congress couldnt come to agreement months ago. These are the worst Case Scenario and theyre coming into play and they dont want to worst of the cuts to go into play in january. What we should watch for del is whether the republicans and it likes like they mite be able to can talk about lengthening the time. If thats in place democrats can also come to the table and negotiate over. Libby casey joining us from capitol hill. A lot to catch one. Right now investors are marking time as they await any news an agreement for raising the u. S. Debt ceiling may finally be coming. Hooking at the big board. Failed negotiations over the weekend led stocks to open lower this morning. The dow down 15 points. But they have bounced back on indications some movement may be in the works in washington. Now, despite the Government Shutdown despite the Government Shutdown the statue of liberty is again open to visitors. New york state has agreed to pay the salaries of National Parks Service Workers so the monument can remain open. The state is paying the federal government 61,000 a day to keep lady liberty up and running. Governor andrew cuomo says the money new york is spending pales in comparison to how much it was losing while lady liberty was closed. The statue of liberty is one of a number of National Parks and monuments that have been reopened because states are deciding to foot the bill. Mount rushmore is open again. South dakota will pay about 15,000 per day for expenses. The grand canyon has reopened. Arizona to pay 650,000 to keep it operating for the next week. And colorados Rocky Mountain National Park is also up and running. It will cost the state nearly 363,000 to keep the park open for ten days. All told about a dozen parks are going to reopen thanks to temporary funding from individual states. Secretary of state john kerry and the u. N. Envoy for syria are meeting in london. They say an International Conference to set up a Transitional Government in syria must be organized right away. Kerry said its crucial to get the conference organized by midnovember. That is the target date that is set by the u. N. Special representative brahimi and i agree, as do many others, that there is no military solution in syria, and we believe it is urgent to set a date, convene the conference, and work towards a new syria. We also, expressing my own point of view because hes the negotiator and its not his point of view to say this but we believe that president assad has lost the legitimacy necessary to be able to be a cohesive force. Meanwhile there are now reports that four of those seven aid workers who were kidnapped in Northern Syria on sunday. Have been released. Three others remain in captivity in a rebelcontrolled town. The relief team of six red cross workers and one local volunteer were seized outside the city of saraqeb sunday on their way to damascus. Red cross Officials Say the aid workers were released near the turkish border. They were in the region handing out medical supplies. There are some signs of a pause in the war in damascus. The Syrian Goverment with the help of the red crescent escorted 1500 civilians to safe areas over the weekend. Meantime, the current regime continues to give up its arsenal of chemical weapons. But as it turns out actually doing so may actually help president bashar al assad. Al jazeeras zeina khodr explains. Syria is giving up its chemical weapons. But in return the regime may have bought time to stay in power at least until the disarmament process is completed in the middle of next year. That is also around the time the next president ial election is scheduled. Until then, president Bashar Al Assads cooperation is needed for the weapons mission to succeed. These such symbol of among the Security Apparatuses, the militia, et cetera, the organs of state if you will, he is the one, the pivot that all of these circle around. The war is no longer a conflict between two skies. Rebel groups have no unified command. Al qaeda is present and assad is not just relying on the military. He also depends on a dwee centralized Security Apparatus along with pro gsh government militia. I dont believe the americans want to see the syrian Security Apparatus to disintegrate. They made it very clear they want to preserve the machinery of governmental which includes the military intact. I dont think he will be authorized or i dont think handing in power will be one of his prerogatives. I think he will be allowed to complete his term. Reporter now russia and the u. S. Want to revive a Diplomatic Initiative in switzerland that stalled over that would involve members from the opposition and the regime. It will be about reaching an agreement on powersharing, that is something the opposition and its regional backers dont want. In january assad made clear a political settlement would involve a cease fire and a dialogue to decide on a new cabinet and government. Insisting that assad handing over power is not up for discussion. The chemical weapons agreement has been a turning point. Assad may have won this political battle in a war that has still not been won. Zeina khodr, al jazeera beirut. There are reports that police may have played a role in a deadly stampede in central india. More than 1 ten people were killed in sundays incident. We are a kilometer away from where the stampede happened on sun. Officials say the death figure now stands at more than 110 people including some 30 children. Some of them as young as just a year old. Now as you can see all around me pilgrims still are continuing to go to the temple where this accident happened and that is because this is the last day of the 10 day festival, thats an incredible important festival, giving prayers to the hindu god december. Goddess. Despite the accident that happened yesterday, theyve cordoned off this side of the road so that the vehicles cant come in but people are continuing to stream in and they say that was the problem yesterday, officials told us there were some 100,000 people that were making their way up to the temple which is about two kilometers one kilometer that way and they just couldnt control the crowds. There are rumors that on a particular bridge thousands of people standing at the time people were saying that the bridge was going to collapse that it was unsteady and that may have caused panic amongst the people causing the stampede. However, officials have not told us that that was the case, they havent given us any cause. Now one of the most concerning things about this is that a similar accident happened in 2006, 57 people died in the stampede at that time. But since then there has been no action made to make this festival more safe. It happens every year. But so far there has been no action taken. Thank you very much. Millions of muslims are making their way to mecca. A pilgrimage. Well explain why this is something they have to do, it is a mandatory journey. How can you fully understand the impact unless youve heard angles you hadnt considered . Antonio mora brings you smart conversation that challenges the status quo with unexpected opinions and a fresh outlook. Including yours. Theres more to Financial News than the ups and downs of the dow. For instance, can fracking change what you pay for water each month . Have you thought about how Climate Change can affect your grocery bill . Can Rare Minerals in china affect your cell phone bill . Or how a hospital in texas could drive up your healthcare premium . Ill make the connections from the news to your money real. Those are the pictures. An estimated 2 million muslims in saudi arabia, theyre there for their annual pilgrimage to mecca. At mountain arafat. Spending the day in prepare. The main ritual of the hajj. Hashem are ahelbarra reports from mecca. Muslims believe the day of judgment, where they will be sent for their final judgment. Which is why arafat is considered the highlight of hajj, invoking god and seeking forgiveness. Habib todd boerger converted to islam two years ago. All pilgrims here wear the simple white iram and all social status disappears. Learning that islam was not herself a muslim but started teaching me some things she had learned. I started with that. Now then my heart continued to open more and more. Habib hopes that once he gets back home, he will convince his family and friends that he made the right choice. My family has some concerns and issue, and they also recognize that i have a deep connection with god. With the one god. I believe that people have no idea what islam is. Originally from texas, habib now lives in california. He says his biggest challenge is to change misconceptions in merrick about islam. Its unfortunate that the media in the state has portrayed islam as it is because theres no connection between terrorism and islam. As a arafat day draws to an end, muslims say the prophet mohamed delivered his last sermon. For habib this is a new start he hopes to visit more muslim countries and discover the true meanings of islam. Joining us now is hussein rashid. We are talking about momentous occasions in a muslims life. This is where adam built when he was compiled from eden, this is where mohamed made sacred. This calls out to every muslim in his heart. What does hajj entail . Only muslims can go there, today is a day of solid prayer. Tomorrow will be a day of recreating abrahamsing sacrifice. You are part abram, part ishmael. A lot of muslims remember the seem from malcolm x, spiek lee. They had to have people convert in order to film this there. The same where who have to bring in Chinese Workers to convert as well. As far as dates for hajj do they change every year or is it a specific time . The muslim calendar is a lunar calendar, if hajj today falls on october 14th next year it will probably fall around october 3rd. And fascinating this year some changes. There were concerns about the crowd and crowd control and also concerns about the construction that is taken in and around mecca. Tell us about those concerns and specifically wording about the issue of terrorism. You know there was a very interesting pronouncement i heard come out of the grand mufti of saudi arabia today, i think thats a fundamental aspect of his belief. According to the talmud, if you take one persons life its like you take the life of all humanity. For the grand mufti to make this statement, takes advantage of this grand ritual and trying to send a very strong message. But i think what you see is theres a lack of concern as to how people are actually acting within saudi arabia. You oppress minorities, you oppress shia minorities, so theres a sense of hypocrisy in my opinion. They express this as life changing. Would you go . I would like to go. Its expensive. It is expensive. It is something i would love to do, i dont feel im spiritually ready for it. But i would love to go. We are making a very strange shift, to washington, where president obama is distressing reporters concerning the ongoing debt crisis. Take a look. The main reason is just to say thank you. Weve got wonderful, wonderful volunteers at marthas table. They do a great job all year round making sure folks who are in need are able to get the kind of nutritious meals that are so important to families and so we very much appreciate them and we appreciate marthas table. We come here usually every thanksgiving with the whole family to do great work. Part of the reason im here is we have got a lot of volunteered where furloughed federal workers. Have not been paid, very eager to be back on the job but are not even allowed to work and yet they are here contributing and giving back to the community. I think that shows the kind of spirit we have among all kinds of federal workers all across the country. People who dedicate their lives to public service, think what theyre doing is important and yet find themselves in a situation which because of politics theyre not able to do their jobs. Now this week well be entering into the third week of a Government Shutdown that was completely unnecessary. And im going ohave the opportunity to meet again with the going to have the opportunity to meet again with the congressional leaders this afternoon and i am going to once again urge them to open the government and make sure that the United States government is paying its bills. This is fairly simple. And this whole shutdown has been completely unnecessary. Keep in mind that the problem is not that the u. S. Government has run out of money. The problem is not that our deficits are going up. Our deficits have actually been cut in half since i came into office and are continuing to go down. The problem is not that theres not the opportunity for us to work intelligently to come up with a budget that comes long term fiscal stability while still investing in growth. The problem is that weve seen this brinksmanship as a strategy time and time again to try to extract extreme or partisan concessions. And i think the American People have made very clear thats not how we expect washington to do business. There are going to be differences between the parties. Theres going to be differences in terms of Budget Priorities but we dont need to inflict the pain on the American People or risk the possibility that americas full faith and credit is damaged just because one side isnt getting its way and not only is it untenable for us to continue this shutdown, this week, if we dont start making some Real Progress both in the house and in the senate, and if republicans arent willing to set aside some of their partisan concerns in order to do whats right for the country, we stand a good chance of defaulting. And defaulting would have a potentially devastating effect on our economy. Sending Interest Rates shooting up. People, whether Social Security recipients or people with disabilities or Small Business people who are vendors to government not getting paid on time, weve already had a damaging effect on our economy because of the shutdown. That damage would be greatly magnified if we dont make sure that the governments paying its bills and that has to be decided this week. So my hope is that the kind of spirit that is shown by all these outstanding volunteers is going to carry over in the meeting with the leadership this afternoon. They can solve this problem today. And it doesnt mean that the differences between democrats and republicans go away. Thats what elections are for. But between elections were supposed to be governing and were not supposed to be hurting the very people that sent us here, i hope that holds true during discussions today and over the next several days. Thank you very much. That is president Obama Meeting with the reporters at marthas table, that is a food pantry in the nations capitol. Keeping up the daily pressure on the republicans in the house and in the senate. He has gone to a Fast Food Restaurant that seems to be the ratest incannation. As we watch both washington and wall street you can see the moment the president started to speak with some degree of optimism the dow rose. It was in negative territory when the speech starts, it is up 20 points. The public is growing weary of this, 31 blaming the white house. We will continue our coverage of the debt crisis in washington and as we watch, wonder and wait as to when the government will reopen for business. Well be right back. On august 20th, welcome back. Im meteorologist dave warren. Rain in texas, over a short period of time over a foot in some areas. Causing a lot of problems in south texas. This is the radar moisture coming in from the gulf, tropical moisture from the pacific. Right here in south texas the area had a foot of rain, estimated by the radar, just south of san antonio, at the sensor, flash flooding occurring in south texas, the flood warnings still in effect and even a few warnings in central to west texas, an area that needs the drought . But a little too much rain causing flooding. A little more storm, south dakota, Winter Weather advisories and winter storm warnings that are in effect because were seeing a lot of rain plus snow right over where this storm is developing. Just now developing spinning here in nebraska, south dakota, a lot of the rain will begin to push to the east. There is Severe Weather potential in iowa, that rain by 6 00 is moving out of the dakotas. By tomorrow morning here is the rain just west of chicago. The snow is in south dakota. This is a large storm that will impact the area for at least the next 24 to 48 hours. Stormy weather tomorrow fur 67 and dropping are 58 but dry on wednesday. The heating continues in houston and memphis, eventually that will make its way to the northeast. The area of the typhoon, are continues the move and another storm will impact japan. Watching these two storms closely, not only vietnam but this will turn north northeast and bring a lot of rain to tokyo. Thats the latest del. Thank you. Where that is filled with strange creatures. Converging on the big apple this past week for the comic con, considered to be the second biggest festival in the United States, behind san diegos comic con. Thanks for watching al jazeera america. Im dill walters, techknow is next. Live long and prosper. Check us out, pr following comments from the white house. Undercover and now shes taking us to new york city where some of the toughest put it to the test. The engineer who designed the bionic eye. He takes us to colorado to meet the man who created the 3d bionic hand

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