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Children working in dangerous and deadly conditions in coal mines a half a world away. Welcome to alJazeera America. Im stephanie sy. Today begins the second full woke of the Government Shutdown and just 10 days until the dead ceiling deadline when the Government Faces the possibility of not being able to pay its bills for the first time ever. Congress is returning to work today to try to resolve the crisis, but Republican Leaders wont pass a budget unless president obama is willing to negotiate. Erika ferrari has more. Time is running out. October 17, the United States will reach its Borrowing Limit and for the first time, the nation will default. As the Government Shutdown enters day seven and with no compromise in sight, House Speaker john boehner is demanding any plan include spendings cuts and changes to the Affordable Health care act, also known as obamacare. Theres no way were going to pass, the votes are not in the house to pass a clean debt limit. The president is not negotiating. In no circumstances are you passing a clean debt bill. We are not going down that path. Washington is playing with fire. The Washington People have been fighting their way out of the worse Economic Situation since the great depression. They dont need congress to bring the country down. It has the potential to be catastrophic, saying credit markets could freeze, the value of the dollar plummet, the u. S. Interest rates skyrocket and reverberate around the world. Senator ted cruz seen as the driving force is urging republicans in the house to use the approaching debt limit as a bargaining chip. The debt ceiling has been among the best loving that congress has to rain in the executive. President obama is confident america will avoid going over the edge and says only one thing is keeping the government from reopening for business. There are enough votes in the house of representatives to make sure that the government reopens today. The only thing thats preventing that from happening is Speaker Boehner calling the vote. Today is the first day back at work in a week for up to 350,000 furloughed Defense Department employees. The pentagons ordering them in, saying the u. S. Military cant function without them. Saturday, the house voted in favor of back pay for all furloughed federal workers, which theyll get once the shutdown ends. Erika, thank you. For more, were joined by libby casey on capitol hill. Great to see you, good morning. House Speaker John Boehner sunday said that there are not enough votes in the house to pass a clean spending bill, even if he was to take it to the floor, the exact opposite of what president obama said last week. Has there been any reaction from the white house . Well, the white house has reacted stephanie, with disbelief and not only telling reporters they dont buy it, also taking their message to social media, tweeting about it, jay carney tweeting about it yesterday. They say Speaker Boehner should let this clean spending bill go fort. The question is are there the votes and is there any way that Speaker Boehner can do it that wouldnt be politically toxic for him. We heard a shift in message over the weekend. Speaker boehner is not just talking about the federal Health Care Law, he also talks about the debt ceiling and say that needs to be tied to spend in cuts, so a little bit of a pivot here. Some have said this is republicans flailing around for some way to gain ground and find some concession they can get from the democratics, but this is significant, because there is some potential opening there to talk about budget cuts, not just the Health Care Law. Some are saying mr. Boehner needs to save face, but republicans are still on a full court press to get concessions out of Senate Departments on obamacare. Are there signs that democrats are going to break and negotiate . Absolutely not. Were seeing that on a number of fronts, from the senate democratics, also from president obama. Theres no incentive to right now. The Health Care Law is implemented, gag forward. This would be an unprecedented roll back of a law put in place. Dont watch for that to happen. The question is can they look at another way to compromise. Really right now, what incentives do the democrats have to negotiate. The president has said repeatedly that this is not like theyre getting a big favor or win to get federal workers back and working and get the government up and founded and get the debt limitation situation dealt with. They said we are just trying to get basic function with that right now, the democrats have to get something in return. Theres no incentive to meet the republicans anywhere close to halfway. The republicans have been talking about the debt ceiling now and using that as leverage to get concessions on spending issues. If the country ends up defaulting, could republicans, all this openness about these political tactics come back to bite them . It really depends on how tuned in americans are to this debate. Were watching the polls, because thats an indication of who the public will essentially blame and really is holding responsible, and why president obama is for the most high profile toll addition in the country, the departments have a tactic of trying to introduce more and more americans to john boehner and get that name out there and use that name as the blame person. Senator ted cruz has taken a strident position on the Health Care Law and fight overall. Democrats hope the American Public will be pointing the finger at republicans. The opportunities talk shows said its just not worth even getting that close and to that point, because theres so much more in play than really meets the eye. Were talking about the markets, were talking about the countries fiscal stability and Credit Rating and could affect global markets. Pushing it to the brink of mere politics would really be a big political playoff and not one anyone on the republican side of the aisle to see. Thank you, libby. There is outrage in libya after u. S. Special forces captured a top alqaeda leader living there. Abu anas al liby was captured. We have more. 224 civilians were killed and 5,000 injured in the august 19, 1998 attacks against the u. S. Embassies in kenya and tanzania. Saturday in a surprisingly bloodless street raid. American co man dose ended their 15 year manhunt for al liby. His wife spoke with aljazeera following the raid. After dawn brace, there were cars outside. Masked men were in the car. They were obviously libyan. There was at least 10 of them all armed with silent weapons. They told him to get in the car, closed the door and drove off. The 49yearold was on the f. B. I. s most wanted list with a 5 million bounty on his head. We hope this makes clear that the United States of america will never stop in its effort to hold those accountable who conducting acts of terror and those in alqaeda and other terrorist organizations literally can run, but they cant hide. Al liby was believed to be a computer specialist within alqaeda. After graduating from tripoli university, he headed to sudan before heading before to have britain where he was arrested by Scotland Yard after the bombings, but was released and fled the country back to libya. The Libyan Government and libbys relatives are calling the raid a kidnap i going. This is a work of piracy from foreign troops on foreign land to kidnap my brother. My brother should have been tried here in libya, like any libyan. My mother is not objecting to be tried, but he should be tried in libya, in front of a libyan court. Al libys whereabouts are now unknown, but its expected that one of the alqaeda master minds behind the Embassy Bombings may peer in a new york courtroom less than a half mile from the world trade center. Aljazeera. The New York Times reports that al liby is currently being interrogated on a u. S. Navy ship in the mediterranean. U. S. Forces carried out an operation in somalia. Favor seals tried to capture the leader of al shabab, unsuccessfully. The raid happened just south of the capitol, mogadishu. Witnesses say a military helicopter dropped the seals close to a house belonging to an al shabab commander. They engaged in a fierce gun battle but did in the capture the target. It was carried out by seal group six, the same that captured osama bin laden. The only solution, the best solution is to support Somali Government so we can take care of our internal security, we can fight al shabab. Residents say al shabab reacted swiftly to the u. S. Raid, conducting door to door searches looking for evidence of a spy helping foreign powers launch the attack. Two of the six suspected can he beian mall attackers were caught on tape weeks before the siege took place. Two men are sing searched by security guards outside a bank in nairobi. They with drew 4,000 to buy a car. The attack was likely being planned for weeks. Egypt has seen whiff its bloodiest days since the army seized power. Street violence stretched late into sunday night, the worst in cairo where supporters of Mohamed Morsi marched on Tahrir Square. They were repelled with tear gas and live ammunition. The country usually comes together on the day, the 40t 40th affairs of egypts war with israel. Thousands of people filled the square. Egypts top military commander said the army will do anything to protect its people. Do you think someone can break the relationship between us and the egyptian people . Dont you know that you are the light of our eyes . This is the truth. We dont forget. We learned in the army never to forget, and we will never forget you standing with us and before anyone hurts you, we will die first and ensure you are never hurt. But supporters of morsi say egypts military leader is leading a brutal crackdown in the name of an illegitimate government. We have to get this killer. The streets are full of people to get this killer and we will do our best. We are all the muslim people, all egyptian citizen people, we are all one human, ok . Tensions high there. For an eyewitness account, we are joined on the phone by a photo journalist that provides pictures for some of the biggest news outlets in the world. Thank you for joining us this morning. You were in the streets yesterday, ive seen your photographs. You were in the middle of the clashes. Describe what you saw. Yesterday was another day of chaos on it is streets of cairo, more polarized every day. I had joined one of the marches, which left the district in cairo, and it had been a weekly, sometimes daily march, following the same route, but yesterday, going to Tahrir Square to mark this very, very special day in egyptian modern history. Supporters of Mohamed Morsi were about 30,000 to 40,000 in the march and largely not entirely peaceful. There were lots of women and kids. It took us around a couple of hours. I was there shooting and taking photos of the protests, but once they approached Tahrir Square, the police and army had cordoned the area around 300 meters away from the square, which was filled with supporters and anti brotherhood. Once the march approached, they were instantly attacks with tear gas and rubber bullets and later during the day, i saw injuries and shot in the head and chest and things got really, really violent. Yeah, weve seen your pictures, and were seeing them now on our screens, incredibly bloody pictures. Who was provoking the violence from what you could tell, the protestors or police . As far as i could tell yesterday and i was at the very front of the march, which was approaching Tahrir Square i hadnt seen any provocation on the protestors side. It was almost instantaneous, the protestors approach, the police cordon, they instantly, the police instantly fired tear gas, and then after that, you know, protestors started building the very primary barricades and lighting tires with fire and using malto have cocktails and all the very primary sort of, you know, trying to hit back. The violence got worse on the police side and they were joined by residents, sometimes theyre called thugs. They were armed and they joined the police, as well as the military, who started chasing these pedestrians, and you know, the casualties started rising during the day. As far as provocation and what i saw, it was really onesided, and that was on the brotherhood side. We are expecting protests later this week. Such important work youre doing to bear witness to these clashes, thank you for joining us from cairo. A typhoon hit southeast china, killing two. 3 Million People have been affected by the typhoon, which struck overnight with 93 miles an hour winds and up to 10 inches of rain. Residents were forced to evacuate. Its the 23rd typhoon to hit china this year. What can the region expect for the next day or two . We have a look at the forecast. Good morning. Good morning, stephanie. Thank you very much. Now the storm has pushed onshore and we do expect it to continue oh to dissipate. It will continue to make its way further to the north and west and bring heavy rainfall. Now, on the east coast of the United States, were also expecting quite a bit of rain. Tropical storm karen was downgraded from a Tropical Storm to depression over the weekend. Right now, we have a cold front pushing its way into the east coast. As a result, wee expect to see Tropical Storm karen, the remnants at least, the moisture to push into the southeast and bring heavy rainfall. We had heavy rainfall through the course of the weekend. Snow was brought to the hills of south dakota and heavy rain to louisville. Take a look here. Streets were flooded and this car pushed off the roadway. As we continue to push into the northeast, the rain makes its way from western pennsylvania into the great lakes, central pennsylvania and east coast approximate rain is going to be heavy. Be careful traveling especially along the new york freeway and across portions of ohio. We are going to have to worry about damaging winds with this testimony. Theres a slight risk for a few isolated tornadoes through the upper portions in the northeast, especially new england. Take a a look in d. C. Yesterday, temperatures were around 90, today with the rain and cloud cover, were only going to reach 76. Its cloudy and gets cooler throughout the rest of the week. Stephanie, back to you. The madoff scandal is far from over, the new trial getting underway nearly five years after the 18 billion ponzi scheme fell apart. The Washington Redskins are facing new pressure to change their name because it offend some native americans. The powerful person stepping up to say it should be history, that name. It looks like marcus may be up to a rough start this monday morning. Why wall street is nervous. Millions who need assistance now. We appreciate you spending time with us tonight. Up next is the golden age of hollywood going golden but elsewhere. Why l. A. s mayor has declared a state of emergency for the Entertainment Industry there. Next. As nfl team openers gather in washington, d. C. , they are urged to change the name of the legendary franchise that makes its home there. They want the Washington Redskins to change their name. They will hold a change the mascot campaign, an idea that president obama supports. Ive got to say if i were the owner of the team, and i knew that there was a name of my team, even if it had a storied history that was offending a sizeable group of people, id think about changing it. The Washington Redskins are responding to the president s comments with poll numbers. A 2004 survey claims to nine out of 10 native americans are not bothered by the name Washington Redskins and a recent poll found eight of 10 americans dont think the redskins should thank their name. A group of Bernie Madoffs employees are going on trial. Among those facing prosecution, his accountant. He received a 2. 7 million bonus for allegedly cooking the books. Also on trial, a former Operations Director and several programmers. Its time to look at Business News now. Wall street is having the monday morning blues. We have that. The monday morning blues. I have those sometimes. So do i, stephanie. After shrugs off the shutdown, wall street is worried more about the economy. The dow stands at 15,000, 72. The s p, the nasdaq all look like they may give up fridays gains. European markets down across the board. Tokes nikkei is off by a half a percent. Housing is crucial to the u. S. Economy. Analysts fear washingtons dysfunction could reverse the fragile recovery especially if washington doesnt raise the debt limit. We would be in unchartered territory. One possibility would be that Interest Rates would shoot up because Foreign Investors would put my risk on bonds and Mortgage Rates would shoot up and that would kill the housing market. Mortgage rates have declined since the Federal Reserve decided to maintain its bond buying program, but stay tuned. Moodys c. O. Is singing a different song, saying he does not believe the u. S. Government will default on its loans, even if the debt ceiling is not raised. Elsewhere, civilian workers for the Defense Department are breathing a sigh of relief this morning. Defense secretary chuck hagel is ordering most of its furloughed employees back to work, putting hundreds of thousands of workers back on the job next week. Civilians are exempt from the Government Shutdown if they are contributing to military morale or readiness. No such luck for the workers at lockheed martin, still furloughing up to 3,000 if that is today. Japan airlines is buying the first ever jets from airbus in a deal worth 10 million, buying 31 a350 planes, its a major defeat for bowing, which was their supplier for decades. Bowing hoped to make a splash with its new dream liner jets, but they were grounded for four months earlier this year after their batteries overheated. Japan airlines said its decision was not related to that problem. A risk of a government default has investors shaking, but what about the average americans, how are we reacting . Not too well. A new analysis of u. S. , china, before his still, the u. K. Show people are holding back. In the last five years since the recovery has started, the mutual funds tracker show investors in the top 10 economies have withdrawn more than 2 trillion from funds. This happened in 2011, too, during that debt ceiling debate. It was 12 years ago today that the war in afghanistan started. Well look at how drastically the every day lives of the people there have changed over that time and the threats they continue to face. New charges are filed in the road rage incident. Why the nypd may now be investigating some of their own. Well take you inside coal mines where children as young as seven work every day in dangerous and deadly conditions. First there were five, now there are just three undefeated teams left in the nfl. Well take a look at who remains on the perfect path, later in sports. Together unexpected voices closest to the story, invite hardhitting debate and desenting views and always explore issues relevant to you. [[voiceover]] theres more to america. More stories. More voices. More points of view. From our headquarters in new york. [[voiceover]] now theres a news channel with more of what americans want to know. Im ali velshi, and this is real money. This is america tonight. Our news coverage, reporting, and documentaries explore, inspire, and reveal more of americas stories. Im here to investigate genetically modified salmon. Welcome back. Im stephanie sy and these are our top stairs at this hour. House Speaker John Boehner taking a hard line on the Government Shutdown and Borrowing Limit, saying the house will not vote without concessions from president obama on spending and obamacare. Most of the government remains closed down, but the pentagon ordered employees to return to work today. U. S. Special forces captured one of the f. B. I. s most wanted in a raid over the weekend in libya, grabbing an alqaeda operative wanted for the bombing of two u. S. Embassies in africa. The u. S. Said they alerted libya before the raid. Libya says that is not true. Supporters of ousted president Mohamed Morsi had violent clashes in cairo. Joining us now to discuss the latest violence in egypt is mr. Christopher swift, professor of National Security studies at georgetown university. Professor, good morning to you. Thanks for being with us. I want to first ask you about the timing of the most recent violence on a National Holiday that as i understand it usually celebrate the military, why these deadly clashes . Well, there are two reasons. The first is that the military regime, the supreme command of the allied armed forces was using the holiday as they have in the past to sort of consolidate their particular vision of egypt and its future where the Muslim Brotherhood was seeing events as an opportunity to highlight abuses theyve experienced from that military regime in the space of the past several months. You can see how these two different groups have two different narratives about the state. A lot of nations, you know, this one included, have deep political divisions, and yet egyptians divisions keep ending in these violent crackdowns. What needs to happen for the sides to come together off the streets of cairo . There are two big issues here. If you look at the Egyptian Military and the Muslim Brotherhood, theyve been running the same playbook in their conflict since the 1950s. This isnt a recent phenomenon, not even a generation phenomenon. Its been going on for three generations now. This dysfunctional way of negotiating isnt getting them anywhere. If both sides look to the bigger issue, the legitimate aspirations of the egyptian people, the place to start reform, the place where they can seek reconciliation is around two issues, the commits economic reform and the second being the rule of law. We have a tendency to rush to new elections every time theres a change in Political Leadership or theres political unrest and really people need the security to understand that their disputes are going to be heard and their property is going to be protected in a neutral and fair way. Thats not something thats happening in egypt now and part of the reason both sides are so concerned about the other side being in power. Rule of law, there are dozens of muslim brother hood members that have been imprisoned. Can there be a transition to democracy object with stable government without the Muslim Brotherhood being part of it . They have won elections since the revolt. Right, and thats one of the difficulties here is that both sides, both the Muslim Brotherhood and skaf have subverted the law to bolster their own political com bigs. There needs to be some sort of conciliation and Institution Building such that the other side have confidence in the institutions and not necessarily confidence in the supremacy of their own particular position on a particular day. Its something not easily done. In the case of egypt, its going to require sort of a third force, the reorganization of some of the other Political Parties and other political movements in egypt that also had a role in the revolution and that also have a voice on behalf of egypts people. Lets hope for that for egypt. Chris discover swift, professor, thank you for joining us. Secretary of state john kerry assured word leaders in bali the u. S. Would remain committed to the region. He claimed the shutdown back home is a moment in politics. We have more. As the summit began here, owl focus was on the fact that president obama was not here. That slid over toe news that came out, a sideline meeting between secretary of state john kerry and his counterpart, and they had news. They were both happy with the progress of the destruction of chemical weapons in syria. Kerry went on to say that he actually had the most productive meeting with his counter parts when it came to dealing with syria. That was a bit of news. I spoke with one former diplomat. He said the fact that president obama is not here sends a very bad message to partners in the region. Another issue brought up in the john kerry speech later that would have been delivered by president obama was the t. P. P. , the transpacific partnership, a huge trading agreement that the United States wants to push through by the end of the year, a lot of analysts saying thats going to be difficult because of the lost time at this meeting because president barack obama was not here. Were hearing from russia, china, but what will be folkd on tomorrow is how things will be moved forward, despite the fact that approximate president barack obama is not here and also some of these sideline meetings with the development from syria. Thank you. Russian president putin says ends why obama was a noshow and he would have done the same. It was 12 years ago today the u. S. Military action began in afghanistan and since those days, there have been significant changes across the country scarred by decades of war and suffering under the taliban. Jennifer glass reports from the western city of hurat. He says the cookie business wasnt good under the taliban. He remembers the day the war started and he hoped for change. We didnt have any facilities. Then there were no roads, there were no security and no buildings under construction, no businesses, no industry. Compared with then, its 100 better. He now ships cookies all over the country, something he couldnt dream of 12 years ago. Then the streets were pleased by taliban vice and virtue squads. Now theyre filled with shoppers and businesses. Its clear that he is flourishing. The businesses here wonder how long it can last. 12 years after the United States came to afghanistan, their biggest concern isnt freedom. Its security. The new prosperity has brought crime against the wealthy in the form of kidnapping. The taliban is not a major threat in the city and women are not only out on the streets, but in school. That wasnt the case 12 years ago. English teacher spent most of her High School Years studying in secret. I remember the time of the taliban, and we were either at home, we did nothing. This student was about six years old when she had a runin with the tag ban. She went to the local shop for candy. The taliban objected. They are having their gun to say me, saying what are you doing here . You are a girl, what are you doing here . Go home. Under the taliban, virtually no girls went to school. There are about 4. 3 million enrolled today, 41 of the student population. More than 5. 5 million afghan refugees have come home. Though its mainly peaceful near the western border with iran, theyre still fighting across the country, most off in in the east and south. Afghan forces are in charge of security and take the brunt of casualties. Americas longest war has put power back in the hands of the Afghan People and isnt over yet. Jennifer glass, alJazeera America, afghanistan. Four soldiers, reportedly americans were killed in southern afghanistan over the weekend. While much of the federal government in washington is closed down, the Supreme Court is opening its chambers, marking the start of a new term. Topping a list of cases is the challenge to the cap on personal contributions to political campaigns over a two year election cycle. Cases could impact abortion laws, separation of church and state, affirmative action and separation of powers. A third motorcyclist faces charges in the assault of a man pulled out of his s. U. V. And attacked by bikers in new york. Prosecutors say reginald chance is seen on video using his helmet to break the driver side window. The incident is becoming a growing scandal for the nypd. Two Police Officers were taking part in the bike run and did nothing to stop the attack. Frightening moments during the final lap of the grand prix of houston. Three time indy 500 champion Dario Franchitti broke two vertebra and broke his ankle. He suffered a concussion in sundays crash. 13 fans and a race official were also injured by flying debris. Eight people are dead, 75 others injured after a monster truck plowed through the crowd in an air show in mexico in chihuahua. Amateur video shows the truck losing control and heading into the audience. The tires are five feet high. At least two children are among the dead. A Government Official said the driver who is under arrest may have been drinking before the accident. People in brazil are trying to shine a light on a darker side of the Olympic Games which will be held in Rio De Janeiro in 2016. Protestors are fighting forced evictions across the country, saying slums are torn down to make way for new stadiums for the games. Hundreds of families have been displaced. Public leaders hail the project for modernizing the country. The olympic flame arrived in moscow on sunday on its way to next years winter games in sochi, russia. Not everyone was celebrating. Aljazeera has more on the protests and fears threatening to dampen the Olympic Games. A president ial party in red square ahead of an epic journey, the olympic flame reached the capitol four months before the winter games begin in sochi on the black sea. Torch bearers will be taking the flame on a 65,000kilometer journey across russia. From the top of europes highest mountain to the bottom of the lake, even due to make a brief trip to the International Space station. Earlier as the flame arrived by plane from greece, the russian government stressed it was ready to host the games amounted said the population was fully behind the event. The very process preparing for the Olympic Games has unified all of the citizens of russia, given an powerful impulse for the transportation of various aspects of their lives. Activists in europe and elsewhere have been pushing for a boycott over russias new law banning socalled gay propaganda. Thats at sochi plan to register a protest. Security is a major concern. Sochi lice just 400 kilometers from check knee i cant. Earlier this year, leader of russias muslim separatist rebels urged supporters to disrepublicans the games. They claim responsibility for the 2000 tin suicide bombings on moscows metro, killing 40 people. For now, many ordinary russians are looking forward to seeing the flame pass through their towns and to hosting one of the worlds big have sporting events. Time now for sports and John Henry Smith is here. I know it was a busy day in the nfl, based on the time my husband spent on the couch yesterday. Like thats different than any other sunday at your house. For the rest of us blood american males, too. The 49ers won 11 on their road to the superbowl. Coming into this season, it wasnt a stretch to think their meeting sunday night could be a superbowl preview. This looked like a review why fans are calling for matt schaubs head in hawn. He threw interception, returned 18 yards for the score. He has now thrown a pick six in four straight games. First quarter, punched it in, the 49ers take a lead into half time. They didnt need a big day from collin kaepernick. He completed only six passes. This went for 64 yards and a touchdown. 34 owe three was the final. The game of the day featured Peyton Manning trying to keep his broncos undefeated in dallas. He served up his usual dose of awesomeness. His was not the best pass performance in this game. Tony romo out manning manning, throwing for a cowboys record 506 yards to go to five t. D. Passes, but after all those yards and touchdown, all anyones going to remember is that he made another killer late game mistake with the game tied at 48. He threw the definition of an ill advised pass, leading to the gamewinning field goal being kicked at time expired. Its the fourth highest scoring game in nfl history. The broncos along with the chiefs managed to move to 50 as did the saints in the n. F. C. Could the seahawks and patriots follow suit . The 31 indianapolis colts, andrew luck and company down 120 early, luck aired it out for the the guy his College Teammates called t. Y. Goodbye. Sprints for the 73yard touchdown. They would claw their way to a 2 point lead, but the seahawks answer. The greater catch, 28yard score, seahawks back on top. Luck and company not done. 33428. In cincinnati, the bengals trying to play spoiler to the perfect patriots. A. J. Green for the 20yard completion. Deep in pats territory later on that fourth and goal, jarvis green ellis pounds his way into the ends zone. With the pats trial 136, bengals and rains coming down. Down to his last chance to get back in it, the interception to jones, cincinnati wins 136 to hand the patriots their first loss of the season. To baseball, dodgers g. M. Isnt afraid to make a trade or two. A damager deal brought Carl Crawford from the red sox. Dodgers trailing 21 in the second, he launched high and deep and out of there, threerun homer put the dodgers up 42. Ramirez went 34, including this shot to the wall in the fourth. Its off the wall and bouncing around, allowing crawford to come around and score. An r. B. I. Triple. By the time uribe hit a tworun home run, the dodgers had scored 10 runs and that was pretty much that. Dodgers go all upside the braves head, collecting a 136 win. I dont think the hits make any difference its what we talk about first question i guess get a win, so theres no moral victories, you dont get to add total points together or anything like that. Its one win. Its over at this point. We get a chance to close the door tomorrow. Hanley, ive been talking about him all year long, how good he is. Im glad, again, when we were going down the stretch and he was wanting to play some of those games and we were trying to hold him off, i kept telling him, i want the whole world to see you, how good you are, and thats been i want him to show everybody how good he is, so its been good so far. Thats your look at morning sports. Kentucky residents have begun to return home after severe flooding over the weekend forced them to flee. Des had to be rescued from floodwaters in louisville and jefferson county. A storm dumped six inches of rain in louisville. More than 80 people were pulled from flooded homes and cars and more rain is in the forecast this week. Firefighters are working to contain a wildfire that has consumed four area acres at Camp Pendleton in san diego. It broke out among hot, dry conditions fueled by the santa ana winds. Residents have been evacuated, along with patients from the Naval Hospital on the base. We are keeping on eye on the weather. What is going on in the southwest with those wildfires . Yesterday, it was 92 degrees in the southwest in los angeles, as a matter of fact. Today, luckily we have onshore flow. The winds are really going to change direction. Take a look at the map here behind me. You can see it very well. Most of the winds right now were coming in from out of the east. With this area of low pressure pushing into the pacific northwest, its going to bring the jetstream in and cool it down. Yesterday, 92, today, theyre going to be in the 80s, High Pressure is in control. Here going to continue to see plenty of sunshine, low humidity still, but the heat is going to subside. A lot of red flag warnings in effect have dropped. Today well reach a high of 83. By wednesday, well get much needed rain. Elsewhere in the country, we are tracking a cold front, very potent cold front. Earlier on, we told you Tropical Storm karen was going to have an impact, luckily, because this brought in strong winds out of the west, that really did inhibit the development. It is a remnant low, but is going to increase the chance for more heavy rain across portions of the north and southeast. Across the Central Plains, here we have High Pressure building. Its going to be a cooler, more comfortable day. We had heavy rainfall throughout the week and across portions of the Mississippi Valley and across portion of louisville, heavy rain certainly did cause flash flooding on the roadways. That is what we are looking at with this car that was swept off the road. Its going to be a wet 48 hours across portions of the northeast, the heaviest rain across the great lakes. If youre traveling on eyety in new york, use caution. From albany into raleigh, north carolina, we have the chance to see damaging winds, hail and the chance for a few rice lated tornadoes that will cool down in our nations capitol today. Inside the dangers of the mines. A special report on children forced to face life threatens situations every day. A young boy takes a trip by himself to vegas. How he got on a plane unnoticed without a ticket. Thats all i have an real money. Victoria azarenko in the dangerous and suffocating coal mines in india, children work in places some describe as a living hell. They are a vital part of the workforce, the more than 1,000 coal quarries in the area, working in spaces that are too small for adults. We take a closer look in this aljazeera special report. Descending into the depths of tanker. This 17yearold starts another day to crawl into this mine to dig for coal. Just a few minutes in, he realizes theres something wrong, a heavy rock has collapsed on another miner, crushing his legs. The workers manage to free him, but he is clearly shaken. Every time i go to work, i think the roof is collapsing on top of me. Sometimes i have to work alone, so thats when im really scared. I just feel like getting out of there. He has been working in the coal pits since he was 15. Local activists believe around 70,000 children work in these socalled rat holes, because adults are usually too big. The conditions in these mines are absolutely horrific. Im standing on a temporary wooden platform and theres a drop of about 40 feet beneath me. Around me are camps and this is what the children crawl into to mine for coal. They literally have to go on their stomachs to fit into these holes. Accidents are not uncommon here and when they occur, the workers are sometimes buried alive. The miners have no Safety Equipment or training and live in equal lower next to the coal pits. The State Government has been lobbied to rescue them, but nothing has been done, because most of Illegal Migrants from nepal and bangladesh. Children have been dying and the dead bodies not taken back, because its not possible. Theres no way they can do it and they are not being reported, because this is actually illegal migration. Despite earning millions of dollars, land owners use manual methods to dig for coal. She is trying to get them to use modern machines so children would no longer be needed. They have denied the use of child labor. Under the limestone, there is no child labor at all. You can quote me in any international news, i dont mind for that. What that coal mines. Coal mine we are not concerned, because we are dealing only in limestone. He knows the children work in these mines, because hes one of them. His goal is to earn enough money to someday leave. Tomorrow well focus on nigeria. That country banned child labor 10 years ago, but activists say there are 15 million children working illegally in the country. Check on our extended coverage on line at aljazeera. Com. A childs mischief raised serious concerns over airport security. A 9yearold boy was able to sneak on to a Delta Airlines fault at minneapolis st. Paul airport, the flight was bound for las vegas. The child got past security, gate agents and the flight crew without a boarding pass, the crew became suspicious who called police and picked up the boy after the flight landed. Both delta and the t. S. A. Are investigating. Two american scientists have received the nobel prize in medicine. American vacate roth man and Randy Schekman won the award. It was unveiled in sweden. Today marks 100 years since henry ford in vented the moving assembly line. Back in 1913, the first mod tell t. Cars were rolled out, allowing ford to double worker play while cutting the price of his cars in half. It helped put the world on wheels and forever changed the manufacturing business. Aljazeera continues, del walters is back to you in two and a half minutes. Have a great morning. House Speaker John Boehner drawing a line in the sand, warning the nation is heading for its first ever debt default unless president obama starts negotiating with the republicans. Clashes in egypt between Army Security forces and supporters of ousted president Mohamed Morsi leaving dozens there dead. Why that violence could escalate further this week. U. S. Special forces grabbing a suspected terrorist in tripoli. He was on the f. B. I. s most wanted list for the Embassy Bombings in kenya. Why the libyan are calling for him to be returned. Buying a home for a dollar . How a once prominent u. S. City is using that plan to help the blight that led to its demise. Good morning. Welcome to alJazeera America. Im del walters. Today begins the second full week of the Government Shutdown and now just 10 days until the debt ceiling deadline when the Government Faces the possibility of not being able to pay its bills for the first time ever. Congress is getting back to work today, trying to resolve the crisis, but Republican Leaders now say that they wont pass a budget unless president obama is willing to negotiate. We have more. Time is running out. October 17, the United States will reach its Borrowing Limit and the for the first time the nation will default. Entering day seven and with no compromise in sight, House Speaker john boehner is demanding any agreement choose changes to the health care act. Theres no way we are going to pass when the votes are not in the house to pass a clean debt limit. The president is risking default by not having a conversation with us. Under no circumstances will you pass a clean debt bill . We are not going down that path. The American People have been fighting their way out of the worst recession since the great depression, the economy coming back. They dont need politics in washington to bring the economy down. The Treasury Department warns a default would be unprecedented and has the potential to be catastrophic, saying credit markets could freeze, the value of the dollar plummet, the u. S. Interest rates skyrocket. Senator ted cruz seen as the driving force behind the Government Shutdown is urging republicans in the house to use the approaching debt limit as a bargaining chip. The debt ceiling historically has been among the best leverage that congress has to reign in the executives. President obama is confident america will avoid going over the edge and says only one thing is keeping the government from reopening for business. There are enough votes in the house of representatives to make sure that the government reopens today, the only thing thats preventing that from happening is Speaker Boehner calling the vote. There is one bright spot in the political stalemate. Today is the first day back to work for up to 350,000 furloughed Defense Department employees. The pentagons ordering them in, saying the u. S. Military cant function without them. Also saturday, the house voted in favor of back pay for all furloughed federal workers, which theyll get once the standoff ends, so well stay tuned. For more, were joined by aljazeeras libby casey in washington, d. C. Libby, House Speaker john boehner saying on sunday there just arent enough votes in the house to pass that clean spending bill that the white house wants, but that is the exact opposite of what the president is saying, so whos right and whos wrong . The White House Team is saying that is just not true. They believe the votes are there and theyre taking to social media. Were seeing tweets saying prove it. Its not going to happen unless Speaker Boehner allows it. He controls what happens here in the house of representatives, and i did would be politically toxic to allow this vote to go forward. If it does pass, it would be a blow to both the Republican Leadership as well as to the republican efforts thus far, essentially calling a big bluff, and really reduce their power as they go into this next fight over the debt ceiling, so dont look for that to happen anytime soon. Democrats in the house really believe they have enough votes with the number of republicans, trying to push for professionally motion to say get the vote to the floor anyway, but thats not going to happen either, because republicans wont sign on to a plan. We are going to see republicans pushing back more and more against Speaker Boehner. Those who are moderate, have been around longer, with the Business Community back home saying this cannot go on. Right now, it is business as usual, monday morning at the capitol, nothing has changed. The American Public is getting angry. I was stuck in an airport because there werent enough custom agents on hand, given a few days off because of the furlough. The key word is concession. Are you sensing any signs that democrats are going to negotiate . You bring up a really important point. Speaker boehner yesterday talked about not just the federal Health Care Law, he was talking about trying to get some budget cuts, so he was saying well be willing to talk about raising the debt ceiling if we get some cuts in spending. Its changing the debate. Its like republicans have a dart board and are throwing darts at it in terms of what their argument is going to be. Now they say thats the fiscal issues. The Tea Party Members are still pushing for the Health Care Law. The white house said that is a no go. Where is the white house going to get some ground here . The white house says look, we already lost some we we greed to the sequester, mandatory cuts, youve already gotten wins, republicans, we are not going to negotiate with you this time. Libby, thank you very much. Also joining us now to discuss just how the Government Shutdown and that debt ceiling debate is going to unfold is jennifer streaks, a financial analyst and author. She also is in washington, d. C. This morning. Based on what you are seeing, does it now look as if the government is going to default an its debt . I think were going to get dangerously close, and that still will cause financial shock waves throughout the economy. I heard the president used those toxic words senior citizens. If the debt ceiling is not raise, congress will face the choice of paying the seen years, who vote in mass when their Social Security checks dont come or paying their foreign obligations. What happens, which debt comes first if congress has to make that choice no. Well, the u. S. Is obligated, on the hook for all of it. There will be a delay in Social Security checks. You will see seen years en masse that will be a problem. What happens if the United States does default . It causes shock waves across the spire financial system. When youre talking about not paying your Social Security bills, not making the bond payments, those coupon payments that are due, the u. S. Economy is looked at by the entire world and our debt, the Interest Rates, how we pay or debt is looked at by everyone and used as a benchmark for all kind of other payments due. This is not a bad thing, its not a good thing to have the Government Shutdown right now and leading into the debt ceiling fight, its awful, but its just used as a bargaining chip and the world is looking at us. Treasury secretary jack lew using the situation saying we could plunge into a deeper recession. He is correct. The economy is soft right now and the job market is still bleak and we still have a large segment of the population that is unemployed, if not long term unemployed. We cant take a hit lining right now. What do you say to people, the members of the public that say that down there in washington where you are, congress, the white house, all of them just dont get it. Do they . I dont think their understanding how main street is affected buy this, by the individuals who have to make mortgage payments, car payments every day. Individuals are trying to get loans and mortgages for their homes. It is affecting the little guy more so far than the players in washington, d. C. Jennifer, thank you very much. We turn now to egypt. It has seen one of is bloodiest days since the army seized power. The street violence stretched late into sunday night. The worst was in cairo, where supporters of ousted president Mohamed Morsi marched on Tahrir Square. Security forces fought back with tear gas and live ammo. This violence comes on a day that usually brings the country together, the 40th anniversary of egypts war with israel. Thousands filled the square to celebrate as their fellow egyptians were dying on the street. The army said it will do everything it can to protect its people. Do you think that someone can break the relationship between us and the egyptian people . Dont you know that you are the light of our eyes . This is the truth. We dont forget. We learned in the army never to target and we will never forget you standing with us, and before anyone hurts you, we will die first, and ensure you are never hurt. But supporter was morsi say egypts military leader is leading a brutal crackdown in the name of an illegitimate government. This killer, the streets are full of people which struggle against this killer and we will do. We are all the muslim people, all egyptians, citizen people, we are all as one human against the force. We go to our aljazeera correspondent, we are not naming him for security reasons. After a day that represented what was supposed to be National Unity ends in violence, is there a sense now that egypt is more fractured than ever . I think clearly for the world to see with the pictures from yesterday, is a big demonstration inside Tahrir Square, the iconic square where the revolution started with the celebration of the war in 1973, and then two kilometers away, these really violent demonstrations going on with the Security Forces firing tear gas with live ammunition being used and over 50 people killed, just how fractured this country still is. Its clear to point out there are a huge number of people in this country who dont know who to support. They dont agree with how Mohamed Morsi conducted the presidency when he was in power, didnt agree to the coup or when hundreds of people were killed in a sit down. These are the people against the military backed government trying to get on the streets, trying to get them to say we dont believe in whats going on at the moment in the government, and we really dont agree with the kind of violence used to try and silence the opposition. We are hearing reports that anti coo miami upon stations set to begin again on tuesday. Is there a sense that the military is going to allow these protests to take place . As we saw, as long as a big march doesnt push into the center of cairo, the anticoup ali answer has the Security Forces saying if you try to push if you are, we will stop you and that is likely when we will see more confrontations. The images would seem to indicate a country growing out of control. Is that true or are we looking at a snapshot of a much larger picture . Its very easy to think the whole of cairo is on fire especially when you see these pictures, but if you step away, you see traffic flowing freely, shops still open. You see people going about their business. The fight is for the heart and soul of whats happening within the power base of this country, but egypt is trying to keep going, trying to keep moving, and especially the Tourism Industry that dropped by 80 since the middle of august. They are desperate to try to get people back here on holiday. As always, our correspondents in cairo are not named for security reasons. A top alqaeda leader was captured in libya outside his home in tripoli. He has been on the f. B. I. s most wanted list for over a decade. It is believed that he planned the bombing in against the u. S. Embassies. American commandos ended their 15 year manhunt. His wife spoke with aljazeera following the raid. After dawn prayers, there were cars outside. One was adjusting his mask. From their features, they were obviously libyan, 10 of them all armed with silent weapons. They told him to get in the car, and drove off. He was on the f. B. I. s most wanted list with a 5 million bounty on his head. We hope that this makes clear that the United States of america will never stop in its effort to hold those accountable who conduct acts of terror and those members of alqaeda and other terrorist organizations literally can run, but they cant hide. Al liby was believed to be a computer specialist within alqaeda. After graduating from tripoli university, he spent time in sudan before heading to britain where he was arrested by Scotland Yard a year after the bombings, but released because of lack of evidence and fled to libya. The Libyan Government and al lies relatives are calling the raid a kidnapping. This is a work of piracy from foreign troops on libyan land to kidnap my brother. They were supposed to present legal documents to the Libyan Government and my brother tried in libya, no problem, mikely libyan. My mother is not objecting to be tried, but he should be tried in libya. His whereabouts are now unknown. It is suspected that bust master minds behind the Embassy Bombings may soon appear in a new york courtroom less than a half mile from the world trade center. As for his whereabouts, the New York Times is now reporting that al liby is being interrogated on sum navy ship in the mediterranean. U. S. Navy seals went after an alqaeda linked group in somalia, al shabab. It happened south of the capitol of mogadishu. A military helicopter dropped off the soldiers close to a house. They didnt capture the tarts. The raid was carried out by members of seal team six, the same unit that killed osama bin laden. This is a wake up call for international community, and the only solution, best solution is to support Somali Government so we can take care of internal security, fight al shabab. Residents say al shabab reacted swiftly to that raid, militants conducting door to door searches, looking for evidence of a spy they say that helped the foreign powers launch that attack. A typhoon hit southeast china, killing two. The typhoon struck overnight with winds up to 93 miles an hour and 10 inches of rain. Residents were forced to evacuate. This is the 23rd typhoon to hit china this year. Some areas of seen up to eightinches of rain stemming from the typhoon. That storm when it hit the eastern coast of china would have been the equivalent of a category one hurricane. We did see winds greater than 125 miles an hour. The area of low pressure south of shanghai continued to spin opinion it doesnt have the fuel of the ocean any longer, so it will continue to bring heavy rain across portions of the mountains. Back on the home front, we did end up lucky this weekend after Tropical Storm karen was downgraded into a depression. Take a look at the map behind me. We have High Pressure building across portions of the Central Plains and a cold front on the move getting ready to push the east coast. The remnants are karen are going to be absorbed by this code front. Its going to enhance the shower activity across portions of the east coast. The heaviest of the rain is across florida and georgia. Thats going to be the trend here today. Were looking to see more heavy rainfall across portions of the carolinas and into the nations capitol. It was 93 yesterday in washington, d. C. Because of the rain with are were only going to climb to a high of 76 today. Grab the umbrella. Youll need it on the east coast. Use precaution if youre traveling, especially in philadelphia, new york city and also again in our nations capitol. What a difference a day makes. Still ahead, secretary of state john kerry playing defense over the Government Shutdown. Well tell you what hes telling his fellow World Leaders at an economic summit in asia. A deadly bombing attack at a school in iraq, adding to the deadliest wave of violence in that country in five years. The bowing 787 hasnt been a deem for the company. The latest setback. On inside story, we bring together unexpected voices closest to the story, invite hardhitting debate and desenting views and always explore issues relevant to you. On august 20th, filling in for president obama, secretary of state john kerry assuring an economic meeting of World Leaders in bali the u. S. Will remain committed to that region. He added the shutdown back home is a moment in politics. Aljazeera is in bali with more. They control more than half of the worlds g. D. F. And have become the engines of growth within our world economy, but many Asian Pacific nations are going through tough times, economies suffering. Despite these setbacks, japans Prime Minister reassures other asia pacific leaders that his government will continue to push for economic growth. Japan hopes to help ingraining a prosperous economy, sketching across the asia pacific region. We want the region to be free and based on the rule of law. While leaders are meant to talk about liberalizing economy and opening up markets, many think about their own economies first. It is important that leaders Show Confidence at this summit. This is the region that has the centrality to insure we continue and and you say stain our growth not only for this region, but to insure that we would see the Global Economic recovery as a result, because it if we cannot do that, if we dont deliver that, it will be very difficult to see where else you would have the engine of growth for global recovery. Since its summation 24 years ago, they have tried to promote economic integration. China has the second largest economy in the asia pacific after the u. S. Has regained a more prominent roam as a leader no the region, but the spotlight was on president putin monday, who celebrated his birth day at the summit. Despite the words of hope and partnership, the region is going through difficult times. While asia pacific economies are trying to strengthen each other here, many worry that some will hit the brakes and resort to more careful measures instead. Russian president putin said he understands why president obama was a noshow, saying done exactly the same thing. We turn to business now, stock futures down, over worries about the stalemate in washington. We have more. Its big blow to bowing, Japan Airlines is buying its first ever jets from airbus in a deal worth almost 10 billion, its a major defeat for bowing, which was j. A. L. s suppliers for decades. Bowing hoped to make a splash with its dream liner jets, but they were grounded for four months earlier this year after their batteries overheated. Japan airlines said its decision was unrelated to that problem. Meanwhile, defense secretary chuck headache he will is ordering most furloughed civilian employees back to work. The order will put hundreds of thousands of workers back on the job. Civilians are exempt if they are tributing to military morale or readiness. No such luck for lockheed martin, furloughing up to 3,000 employees today. After initially struggling, wall street is going more worried about the impact on the economy. Futures sharply lower, indicating a negative start to the trading day. Analysts fear if the budget battle goes beyond two weeks, is that could be disastrous for the economy especially on the jobs front. Were not getting much of a pick up demand from other sectors, not from government, exports, not from consumer spending. Its got to come from housing. If we dont see a pick up in housing, we could see high rates of unemployment for another three, four years. Moodys c. E. O. Is trying to be optimistic, telling cnbc he does not believe the u. S. Government will default on its loans even if the debt ceiling is not raised. The average price for a gallon of gasoline keeps falling, it dropped 14 cents in the last two weeks. The survey shows the average price of average unleaded is just over 3. 38 per gallon. Finally some good news on the gas front. How are treasuries duke this morning. They can be divided into long term and short term. Ten years the short term, 30 years the long term. Short term bonds are taking a hit, prices declining,cedes going up, where investors are demanding more reward for the risk taken on. Watch out for your mortgage then. Absolutely. Two Young Children are dead and divorce have pulled 83 bodies off of the coast of the waters from italy, bringing the toll to at least 194. Officials say 150 others are still missing and feared dead after the 65foot vessel took on water and caught fire on thursday. Those passengers were migrants fleeing from northern africa. A suicide bomb attack at an Elementary School in Northern Iraq killed 14 children there and their principal. The attack is the latest targeting shia muslims. 33 people were killed in these attacks across iraq sunday, no group claiming responsibility. Two Young Children are among the dead after a bus went off a remote mountain in southern peru, plunging ainto a ravine. 19 were killed, 18 injured in the crash. It happened early sunday morning in a Farming Community southeast of lima. These accidents are common enperu. More than 5,000 people have been killed in bush crashes there since 2008. Crews are working still to dismantle syrias chemical weapon stockpiles. Still ahead, the significant challenges they fails to try to complete a difficult and deadly task. Rebuilding the School System in afghanistan, trying to teach more than a deck indicated after the u. S. Began its efforts fighting the taliban, teaching them to read, write and reason. Whats in a name . A lot to one of the worlds oldest nfl franchises. What president obama has to say about the growing pressure for the Washington Redskins to change their name. Clinching a playoff spot in major league baseball, later in sports. What happens when social media uncovers unheard, fascinating news stories . They share it on the stream. Social media isnt an afterthought. It drives discussion across america. Al Jazeera America social media community, on tv and online. This is your outlet for those conversations. Post, upload, and interact. Every night, share undiscovered stories. [[voiceover]] from lucrative defense contracts to behindthescene lobbyists. Did egyptians ever think that aid would actually be cut . Never. [[voiceover]] fault lines explores the enduring relationship between the american and the egyptian militaries. I dont think we will suffer now. We already have airplanes, tanks. They havent changed the nature of what they provide us. Why would we want to change what we provide them . Welcome back. These are the stories we are following for you. House Speaker John Boehner taking a hard line on the Government Shutdown and nations Borrowing Limit saying the house will not vote on either with or without concessions with president obama. He said with concessions from president obama on spending care, most of the government remains closed, though. The pentagon ordered 350,000 workers to return to work today, a silver lining. U. S. Special forces capturing one of the f. B. I. s most wanted in a raid over the weekend in libya, grabbing al liby, a member of alqaeda wanted for the 1998 bombing of two u. S. Embassies in kenya, africa. The u. S. Says they alerted libya before the raid, but the libbens say that is not true. Clashes between supporters of Mohamed Morsi and the army left more dead over the weekend, taking place on the anniversary of egypts war of israel when many were on the streets celebrating. It is the second day of chemical weapons inspection in syria. The u. N. Experts on the ground continue to assess and dismantle the stockpiles there. The team says the occurian government is being cooperative in the effort. Secretary of state john kerry offering his own words of support for the mission. He says the United States is very pleased with the progress and thanked president assad for complying. In a wide ranging interview with the german magazine published today, the syrian president denied using chemical weapons on its own people saying we did not use chemical weapons. This is a misstatement. So is the picture you paint of me as a man who kills his own people. The destruction of those chemical weapons is all part of that plan put forth by the u. N. Security council. Joining us now to talk more about what is being done in syria is the approximate president of pal shares fund that is a Global Security foundation and is in washington, d. C. This morning. Yesterday, secretary of state john kerry giving the assad regime credit for compliance with the chemical weapons deal. Can Bashar Al Assad be toughed . Trust is not a word i would use, but so far is complying with the agreement. The agreement was hammered out in record time in a few days. It required assad to declare his arsenal and start turning that over, putting it under International Control preventing him from using it and eliminating those weapons. The inspectors have been in syria only five days and already are dismantling equipment, preventing him from making new chemical weapons and starting to destroy weapons themselves. This is going much better than almost anyone thought possible. Walk us through this. You were in washington when they had those five envelopes with an traffic and it cost 333 million for the taxpayers to fumigate three buildings. Walk us through the process of rendering them inactive. In the case of assads arsenal, we know he has about a thousand tons of these agents. The u. S. And russian intelligence basically agree with the declaration that assad has now prevented. 300 tons isthmus started gas. Thats an old blistering agent. You can put that you aside for now. Much i have precursor chemicals, the components, but not the nerve gas themselves. These are hazardous, but not deadly. Iso probele is and ingredient, rubbing alcohol. So far, were dismantling the weapons that are easy to destroy. All of this from a man who said he did not have chemical weapons, so what are the chances that assad is going to give up all of his stockpile . Well, i think you can expect assad to try to cheat, head back some. We know Muammar Gaddafi did. You expect assad to hold something back, but these will be of marge National Military ability and the price of the use would be substantial. The u. N. Has punished assad for using chemical weapons and now ho ha to give up the chemical weapons. Its almost incop seeable that he would use under these circumstances the chemical weapons. You have gotten rid of one of the last chemical arsenals in the world and served a powerful message to others that if he cooperate, your regime can survive, but your weapons have to go. Im sure iran is looking. You heard that interview with Bashar Al Assad saying that he didnt do it. Are the rebels capable of using these chemical weapons . If you can get your hands on some of these chemical weapons, particularly the mustard gas, yes, you could use it, but what the u. N. Inspectors found was a widespread use of quite sophisticated weapons, special kinds of rockets and artillery shells that only assad is known to have. They were fired from areas under assads control, so although the u. N. Inspectors werent charged with affixing blame for who did the attack, all the evidence points strongly to assad. Is it possible there is some rebel use . Yes, but so far, its not significant. Thank you for being with us this morning. When afghan president ha hamd karzai came to power, he said he would rebuild schools. Girls can now learn to read, write and reason. 41 of the children in school are girls. This girl hopes to go to know university. If you want to make your country better one have to go to university. Girls make up half of society. Under the taliban, that half of society was hidden away and denied an education. For six years, the gates of this school were closed to girls. The second they heard it was opening, they came back in big numbers, even though there werent enough classrooms for all of them. Painted flowers on the wall chart the schools progress from no graduates 12 years ago to more than 200 this year. Not all schools are as successful. They dont have any facilities. They dont have any building and security is the Biggest Challenges in a country this size. The United Nations says only about half of all schools in afghanistan have buildings and fewer than a third of teachers have official qualifications. Still, this teacher who fought during the time of the taliban said things are better now, saying three quarters of his students left because of too much emphasis on religion. Now he says the curriculum is the best its ever been. There is still more to be done. The school doesnt have the money to put grass on its Playing Field witness, you students are clearly happy to be here. About 20 candidates want karzais old job as president , including his brother. While most of the United States government is closed down, the Supreme Court today marks the start of a new term. Topping the list of cases is a challenge to the mitt can go contributions to campaigns over a two year election cycle. Cases could impact abortion laws, separation of church and state, fixative action and separation of powers. A plan to demolish sandy who can Elementary School, the town will accept more than 49 million from the state for the project. The existing building was the scene of that mass shooting last december in which 20 children and six Staff Members were killed. It has been closed since the attack. Since then, surviving students have been attending school in a nearby down. More rain in the forecast for an already rainsoaked kentucky, after dozens of people had to be rescued there over the weekend because of flooding. The storm dumped six inches of rain on sunday in louisville. Rescuers pulled more than 80 people from homes and cars. The front bringing the wet weather is expected to clear out later today. A heads up for those of you who look up wards and watch the stars, a spectacular meteor shower is going to be sweeping the skies later tonight. The best time for this one is in the evening, the meet years are made up of tiny bits of dust and ice debris from a comet that circles the sun. Watch it if you can. Unfortunately, some storms are going to keep you from seeing it. Good morning. Im telling you, usually you can watch this meteor shower in the evening, but given the fact that theres going to be dense, thick cloud cover, folks on the east coast are going to have difficulty. This is usually what it looks like on a clear night when you have a moor shower. This is beautiful, you can see the High Pressure is in control, just a few clouds in the skies, but really a beautiful show in northeast. Were not going to have that given the fact that we have our latest frontal boundary on the move, bringing lane to western pennsylvania to the virginias and carolinas. This front what the potential to bring damaging winds and even the chance for a few isolated tornadoes. That threat exists from albany down into raleigh, north carolina. The remnants of Tropical Storm karen are going to be absorbed by this front. Thats the reason were going to have heavier rainfall across florida into georgia. In atlanta, theyll see a few showers and thundershowers through the course of the day, the heaviest along the coastline in the southeast. Take a look. That rains going to push into our nations capitol. Yesterday, temperatures were at 90 degrees. For today, mostly cloudy, overcast skies and because of the cloud cover and rain, i want you to be careful along i75 and carry a jacket, because its going to feel cooler than yesterday. In the northeast, the heaviest of the rain will be cross portion of pennsylvania, back into ohio and along the new york freeway. Use precaution. Damages winds going to be a problem, especially across new england. We could see winds gusting up to 60 miles an hour. Thats the reason the National Weather service has i should damaging winds and concerns for that damaging wind warnings, that is. Across the west, very different story, offshore flow through the week and of course southern california. Then were going to be dealing with plenty of cloud cover across portions of northwest and southwest. Its going to get cooler, so the fire threat is diminishing across the southwest. Del, back to you. Shof the nations top sports youth organizations teaming up to improve the way younger athletes are treated for concussions. A coalition will work with doctors to help establish best treatment for these injuries. The list of participates Group Includes pop warner football, u. S. Hockey, youth soccer, the American College of sports medicine. John henry smith is here with sports and a very, very busy sunday in the nfl. Absolutely. Lets get right to it. In 2012, the Houston Texans won 12 games while theyre 49er counter parts won 11 on the road to the superbowl. Coming in, it wasnt to stretch to think their meeting could be a superbowl preview. This game looked like a review of why fans calling for matt schaubs head in houston. An interception, promptly returned 18 yards for the score. Halfback has thrown a pick six in four straight games. The 49ers would take a 210 lead into half time. They didnt need a big day from cop lynn kaepernick. He only needed six passes. The 49ers roll over the texans 343. The game of the day featured Peyton Manning trying to keep his broncos undefeated. He served up his usual dose of awesomeness. Tony romo threw for a cowboys record. After all those yards and touchdowns, all anyones going to remember is that he made a late game mistake. He threw an ill advised pass that was picked off, leading minutes later to the gamewinning kick. It was the fourth highest scoring game in history. The bengals try to play spoiler to the perfect patriots. A 20yard completion on third down. Later on fourth and goal, pounding his way into the end zone, bengals on top. With the pats trailing 136, bengals and the rains are coming down. Tom brady was down to his last chance get back in pit that cincinnati wins 166, hand in the patriots their first loss of the season. To baseball, dodgers g. M. Not afraid to make a trade or two. The fruits of his labor were on display. You may remember the dodger deal that brought crawford from the red sox. He came up with men on the corners as dodgers trail 21 in the second, lofts one high to put the dodgers up 42. Ramirez went 34, including this shot to the wall in the fourth. Its off the wall, bouncing around, allowing crawford to come around and score. Ramirez gets an r. B. I. Trim. By the time juan uribe hit a tworun home run in the fourth, the dodgers had scored 10 runs and that was pretty much that. Dodger all upside the braves head winning 136. To golf, glass half full. Tiger woods has 14 major titles. Its been five years since he won one, but theres one place where the worlds number one ranked golfer always seems to close the deal, ohio, the site of the 2014 president s cup, 2013 president s cup, that is. Tiger found himself infamy territory and in position to deliver the winning point. Finding the green, just needed to get it close and he delivered. Tiger put it up to mark the Third Straight time woods clench road for the american team. Heres tiger on the president s cup victory. I was in a similar position as freddy, wheres our Fourth Corner going to come from. I was at a point where i wasnt feeling my best coming down the stretch, and had a one up lead. I was just trying to hang on to that. The problem was i knew i wasnt feeling good, if i happened to mess up 18, we had to go down, we had to continue playing, until its been decided, so i really didnt want to play anymore. Thats your look at morning sports. Now to my favorite redskins fan. Take it away. And my least unfavorite line change. You heard me. Well talk about it later. Yeah, please. Youll pay me my bet, right . Nfl team owners are gathering in washington, d. C. Today, the hot topic, the name of the Washington Redskins. Members of the Indian Nation say the name is offensive. When the team gathers, they will hold a change the mascot campaign. Its an idea that seems to have the backing of the white house. Ive got to say if i were the owner of the team, and i knew that there was a name of my team, even if it had a storied history that was offending a sizeable group of people, id think about changing it. The Washington Redskins are fighting back. They have poll numbers they say. The team points to a 2004 survey that claims that nine in 10 native americans arent bothered by the name washington red skips. Eight in 10 americans dont think the redskins should change their name. Three Prison Guards face charges after allegations they forced prisoners to fight for food. Buying a house for the price of a cup of joe. The hard to believe offer that one u. S. City is making to wouldbe homeowners. Millions who need assistance now. We appreciate you spending time with us tonight. Up next is the golden age of hollywood going golden but elsewhere. Why l. A. s mayor has declared a state of emergency for the Entertainment Industry there. Next. A pennsylvania prison put three guards on unpaid leave after uncovering allegations of inmate abuse. The officers are accused of offering food in exchange for inmates to take physical abuse for fight one another. The men will be suspended for at least three months. All three guards deny the allegations. Two american scientists received one of the worlds most prestigious ors, the nobel prize in medicine. They also won the nobel prize for their groundbreaking work on cells. The trio all work at u. S. Universities, that was unveiled in sweden. 40 years ago, the city of gary, indiana went into an economic freefall after u. S. Steel pulled out. The city now desperate for survival is offering to sell homes for less than the cavity of a fast food cheeseburger. Its an offer some wouldbe homeowners find hard to refers, a house for the price of a cup of coffee. When the Dollar House Program became available, that was a great opportunity. Thats right, gary, indiana is offering a home for a dollar. To apply, you need an income of 35,000 a year, the money to fitch it up to local building standards within six months and the patience to live in it for five years. Its the latest effort to cope with an unwanted down they of abandoned homes. Bankruptcy detroit is tearing them down, but thats expensive, about 10,000 each. Gary doesnt have it. In gary, blight is everywhere, next to city hall and at the old post office, now an urban arbor. This church was built in 1925, abandoned 50 years later and since then, its been allowed to fall apart. Now the city cant even afford to tear it down. Inside, nature is slowly reclaiming the structure with vines and nesting birds. Gary, gary, indiana when jobs at the u. S. Steel plant declined, the population halved, leaving 10,000 abandoned houses, one in three here. The gary believes in a museum serving garys son, michael jack san and an airport can help. We not only add value and dollars to the city, but we always values to the adjacent homeowners, and that has a rippling effect. The mayor should know. She bought this house in the 1980s when gary first tried selling homes for a dollar. Shes bringing the buck a home deal back. I would rather take a a color home that may need 10,000 to 15,000 investment, no mortgage, all im paying is my taxes and utilities and then in five years, i have the deed to the house, american dream. But its like scooping the sands of garys lakeshore with a spoon. The city hopes to sell 50 a year. 10,000 are abandoned, making that a 200 year project. Aljazeera, gary, indiana. That program was announced in june and quickly drew interest for more than 400 potential buyers. That will do it for this edition of aljazeera news. More headlines in just two and a half minutes. We will see you then. [[voiceover]] theres more to america. More stories. More voices. More points of view. From our headquarters in new york. [[voiceover]] now theres a news channel with more of what americans want to know. Im ali velshi, and this is real money. This is america tonight. Our news coverage, reporting, and documentaries explore, inspire, and reveal more of americas stories. Im here to investigate genetically modified salmon. [ music ] [ music ] welcome to the news hour live in doha. Our top stories. Egypt Security Forces come under attack in multiple locations on the sinai, suez canal and cairo itself. The u. S. Secretary of state praises the Syrian Government on its plan to destroy chemical weapons. And leaders of a

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