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Developments on the Syrian Crisis tonight, including new security concerns and protestless at the u. S. Embassy in lebanon. Staff members are ordered to leave. Inside syria rebels get ready to move on assad forces if and when the strike comes. And president obama prepares to speak to the American People next week while he votes waits for the big vote in congress. We begin with the latest security warning, state department has ordered nonsecurity personnel and their families to leave the security bases in beirut. Al jazeera rosalyn jordan reports from washington. The travel warnings were made milk in the early hours of friday, when consulates in the middle east are closed. Now some americans are packing their bags on their bosses orders. In the embassy in beirut all nonessential snels and theyre families have been ordered to leave the country. Meantime, all staff at the embassy in baghdad have to clear their movements with diplomat it security. There are no threats to these facilities and even after februarys attack on the u. S. Embassy in ankara, all three are open for business. That is still not the case in damascus where the u. S. Embassy has been closed for 18 months because of security concerns. But the prospect of a u. S. Military strike on syria looming the message from washington is that it is simply taking precautions. I would caution you from inferring. What im going to say is im not going to comment on this alleged piece of intelligence and we will make decisions on our post on a daytoday basis. A need for military action in syria, the secretary of state published this editorial on friday. In kosovo, without a single american casualty, the world is a better place because we did. It was the right thing to do then and it is right thing to do now. The draw down of certain personnel doesnt mean an attack on syria is imnentd or likely. What it means is the risk of attack on american interests has gone up as the u. S. Tries to figure out whether it will attack are yrs pf. New fro tests outside the heavily fortified embassy. Here in beirut in front of one of the entrances to the u. S. Embassy you can see here a lebanese soldier creating a barricade so people cannot get up there to the u. S. Embassy which is a mile up a windy road. The state department earlier today said that all nonemergency foibles need to exit the country of lebanon. The tourist should not come in. Today there was a protest, theyre actually cleaning it up and the protest was done by pro assad members here. They needed to bring 200 young folks out and tell america they did not want a strike on syria. Cant believe how you talk about freedom and you support this in syria. These kids two years ago, chur church. Red paint on cardboard, many of the protesters put that on their hands saying the u. S. Would have blood on their hands if they did strike syria. The message was do not do it, keep it regional. Most of the people here said they wanted the u. S. To talk with russia, to talk with the u. N. And some of them even said sit down with bashar assad and figure it out. From the gates of the u. S. Embassy here as the soldiers continue to pick up after the protest, is no one wants to see a strike. That is robert ray reporting. A step forward, senators will take up that resolution when they return to work on monday. The house expected to do the same thing but its still unclear if there are enough votes to approve that resolution. Randall pinkston joins us life from washington, d. C. Good evening randall. Good evening, john. President obama is back on his way back from the g20 summit. The administration insisting that notwithstanding public protest and a lot of reticence from lawmakers that in the end the president will get the support he needs. I now ask unanimous consent that a letter of notification relating to section 2, be printed in the record. Senate majority leader harry reed took another step to have Congress Take another step in syria, putting it on the calendar. The resolution could be up for a vote in the senate as early as next week but the outcome is uncertain. Even president obama admits it will be a hard sell but before leaving the g20 summit in russia he pressed his case again. Failing orespond to this breach of International Norm would send a signal to rogue nations, authoritarian regimes and terrorist organizations that they dont have to pay a consequence. Many are telling their lawmakers to stay out of syria or if there is a strike to make sure that American Forces dont go in. Senator john mccain a long time advocate of the use of force, made a me to his constituent in prescott, arizona. I promise you if we put an american boot on the ground i will do whatever i can to stop it including lying down on pennsylvania avenue. I mean that. While the senate moves close to a vote the House Foreign Affairs committee has not yet approved a resolution, a week that began by bipartisan support, is ending with opposition among the rank and file sometimes with political overtones. The president has painted himself in a corner, his credibility is at stake. I dont want to make a decision on the basis of the president s credibility but on the basis of whats right for this country and that has to be debated. Republican congressman michael grim said, my initial reaction was to stand by the commander in chief. Unfortunately the moment to show our strength has passed. At a president has weakened our position as a leader and deteriorated our credibility ton world stage. Meanwhile Administration Officials continue continue to insist that a majority of of the house and senate will support the president s decision to take action against syria. Vice President Biden held more meetings and phone calls are continuing from vice President Biden as well as seacts john kerry who is on the road in europe calling senators and members of the house of representatives to enlist their support in a possible strike against syria. John. I imagine in washington a lot of people counting votes in both the senate and the house. Not only counting votes but keeping their fingers crossed as well. Majority leader nancy pelosi in the house of representatives said she wouldnt be doing any whipping, any twisting of arms but behind the scenes there is quite a bit of maybe gentle nudging going on. We know the president is going ospeak next week to the American People on tuesday. What else is going on over the weekend . Well, in addition to those phone calls that are probably taking place right now by top Administration Officials, vice President Biden is running what you might call a sort of a charm offensive. Last night he met with democrats at the white house. In the situation room. Today, there were more briefings for republicans and democrats. On sunday, biden is having an informal session with republicans, whom he has invited to his residence for dinner. There will also be Administration Officials appearing on sunday talk shows. Including a chief of staff dennis mcdunnough. Susan rice will have a major speech and tuesday night president obama is scheduled to address the nation. There is a report that came out last night that suggested the president had widened the plan for a possible attack and quoted unnamed military sources. He was asked about that today at his press conference. He said that report was inaccurate but were also hearing tonight there are real concerns in the white house about leaks out of the white pe. What do you think about it . This is a perpetual problem isnt it . When the administration wants to shall we say divulge certain information, not other information, some of which may or may not be classified, if it goes beyond what the people want to be discussed theres a problem. Clearly the administration is trying to build the case not only publicly but behind the scenes for why the nation, why the u. S. Needs to strike syria mill tailor and some of that information may have mill militarily and why that goes beyond what they want to be revealed. For sure they dont want unnamed military leaders raising the question about the wisdom of the strike. We have been hearing all along about unforseen consequences. Of course whenever theres a military strike theres always something unforseen. Randall pinkston, thanks very much. After two days at the g20 summit in russia, president obama and president putin didnt find any common ground. Failing would send a signal to rogue nations, authoritarian regimes and terrorist forces, that they can use weapons of mass destruction and not pay any consequence. Let me remind you, possible only if done in self defense and as we all know syria is not attacking the United States. Members of the g20 in st. Petersburg were split on the question of u. S. Intervention in. Mike viqueira has that report. Certainly mixed results. He came here seeking support for his plan in syria. The group split about 5050. Now comes the more important count and that is for congress. The president announced that he was going to be addressing the nation from the white house on tuesday night, this in the face of very strong opposition. He laid out his points, we will hear many of the same points on tuesday night. International norms have been violated, long standing treaties against the use of chemical weapons, the United Nations security council, while he would prefer to work through that body, it has been paicialsed. He paralyzed. He recounted the ghastly details of the attack, 1400 gassed including more than 400 children. He was asked essentially what happens if this military strike goes forward and Bashar Alassad doubles down and launches another attack then what . The president says that is highly unlikely and he says if thats the case if he were to do that before an attack i should say then it would make his case easier, make it easier for him to make his case to both congress and the American People. He was asked about a specific report today, the white house very sensitive about any allegations of missioncreep, that the president had ordered an expanded list of targets within syria including the use of bombers. The administration has been talking about the use of cruise missiles to carry out this prospective attack in syria. The president says that report is completely inaccurate. So a great deal of sensitivity there. The president sums it up im not itching it for military action but he portrayed himself as having very little choice, if these International Norms are to be upheld if iran or syria are to learn a lesson from this, they are going to be taking their case to congress and the American People as soon as the president gets home this weekend. Back to you. Mike viqueira, traveling with the president tonight. The debate ask getting a lot of time and attention at the United Nations and al jazeeras james bays at the u. N. To make it clear on the subject of possible action in syria the u. S. Now believes the u. N. Is irrelevant. Not only that but the diplomatic track is closed. Samantha power said to try odissuade assad from using chemical weapons. We have engaged the syrians directly. But when executive director exed not small scale multiple times, as the United States concluded in june. Very different views of course coming from senior u. N. Officials, the u. N. And arab league envoyed on syria. Lobby World Leaders to distress that his view is that the only solution is a political solution, he was asked about the International Legality of u. S. Military action. I think the secretary general or myself would not express personal opinion. We say what International Law says. And International Law says that no country is allowed to take the law into their hands. They have to go through the security council. Here at the u. N. Nearly everyone you speak to is talking about syria but no formal meetings have been scheduled. Everyone is looking towards washington and waiting. Well, thats james bays reporting. And here to talk about president obamas challenges Going Forward al jazeeras contributor michael sure. Glad to have you. Pleasure to be with you. How difficult a decision it is, talk about the the pressure thats weighing on him internationally and domestically. Lets start domestically because as Randall Pinkston said, as Mike Viqueira said thats where the pressure is, the pressure on the president about the decision has already been lifted. Hes made the decision, hes come to the people and the congress and said this is what i want to do. Now the pressure becomes, im going to congress im doing the right thing i think im going to get the congress to back me i think im getting the people to back me. Thats not happening. Thats the pressure that hits on the president now. He has to find a way to spin this, if it doesnt go the way he wants it, to say this is how a democracy works. This is the fruits of your arab spring. Were not going to go into syria. I went to my congress and they said no were not going to do it. Thats the problem at home. It rests in getting these congressmen and representatives and senators to say listen, we need to do this. We need to do this as america. We need to do this from a moral standpoint and thats really tough for the president right now. Michael the question i heard him not answer today a couple of times was, what if you dont win in congress will you go ahead with the attack, he simply wouldnt answer. The question really is wouldnt that if he answers that, really, arent there some congressmen and senators who would vote no just to in spite . Yeah, theres always that. And i think this congress is unusual. I dont think historically you will have as many who will go up against a president in spite. But you see there was a Deputy National security advisory who said the president would absolutely not go in, the president said it not in those uncertain words it sounded that way if in fact congress doesnt give him approval. He will be boxed in in such a way that we cant believe imaginable if he doesnt get this vote and still wants to go to syria. It would be impossible in popular opinion and congressional approval. What is he going osay to the American People on tuesday night . First of all by tuesday well have a better idea of where it rests. Were going to have a better idea of whos going to be voting in what way. I think people over the weekend will be back in their districts, members of congress and senators in their states are going to get a feel whats happening. Today joe manchin teamed with senator high dizzy highcamp, to give a 45 day agreement not to use chemical weapons. Of course syria has had that opportunity before and havent abided by it. Michael let me interrupt you. I dont see a lot changing between now and then. Maybe you know something i dont. Well, all i know is that from the congressmen ive spoken to anecdotally who have said their constituents are against this. Yes what i do think is that youre going to have some of them come out after a weekend in their district and say i just cant do this. It could be worse for the president on tuesday. What he could do is plead to the American People. He could share and this is something you and i dont know now. He could share some of the now classified information about what happened in syria in these Chemical Attacks that we dont know that may put a taste in peoples mouths that they dont like. You know that would really be a surprise because hes been through this the last several weeks and we havent heard that. No, we havent heard that because i think he had a confidence which you and i and so many dont see in the president anymore. I think when he came out and said im going to go to congress and do this with the Authority Congress grants me, i think he had a confidence or swagger that he lost from that flight from america to sweden and from there to russia that you dont see anymore. The president has to do something that a defeated man weve seen over the past few days in europe. Thank you for joining us, from l. A. , tonight. Inside syria thousands of families have been forces from hair home land. Hear from those who have decided to stay behind. Increasing security aleppo, a city considered to be a top Security Risk in syria. Even though president obama is waiting for congress to authorize an attack on syria rebel fighters in the syrian city of aleppo are prepared to take advantage of any u. S. Action. Mohamed val reports. People in aleppo are bracing for possible u. S. Air strikes. Many of the syrian installations like these airports are likely targets. The rebels are already drawing up plans just in case. Were ready for any strikes on the military airport. We normally dont wish to see foreign power raiding our airports but the regime has forced this on us. Members of aleppos revolutionary forces say under control. We have raised our level of readiness particularly around key military barracks and bases with special focus on the likely aftermath of strikes such as possible chaos and deterioration of security. That chaos worries civilians in aleppo who seem to be quited on support of any american attack. Many are worried about the loss of more property and more lives. If they are coming to attack in order to help us overthrow the president then we support them. Both if they are coming for another objective we will oppose them. We are not hoping for our country to be attacked. All that we wish for is that bashar steps down and leaves us alone. People seem to be more supportive of a u. S. Led attack. This banner says u. S. Law makers vote for strikes in hopes that you hold the real ethics of humanity. In the town of sakba west of damascus. Isnt killing our children only with chemical weapons. For them the need to punish the syrian president is long overdue. In the Southern City of dura, he has been speaking to people there about possibility u. S. Intervention. The majority of them want this action when it startles and they suffer a lot, for that they lose a lot, they lose their i mean their parents, some of them, they lose their soul and they said, we need to stop this regime and since two years and half we are suffering, they suppose the International Law, they suppose on international countries, the west is supposed to staff alassad regime and this is majority. Some of them are like hesitate to talk frankly, sometimes, especially in front of the camera, because they think that it is their countrys and they dont want the international especially in arab world to take syrians like they want to the western country to interfere in their problem or their crisis. But the majority, they are with this action against the alassad regime. Now, more arrests following another friday of protest in egypt. Supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood take to the streets again in protest of the interim government. The august jobs report in this country is out and in it some discouraging news for the nations unemployed. c] welcome back to al jazeera im john siegenthaler. Here are the top stories at this our. The state department has ordered u. S. Diplomats to leave over possible u. S. Action if syria. U. S. Citizens were also instructed to leave the capital of beirut. President obama is returning to the United States tonight after making a global case for support at the g20 summit at st. Petersburg russia. He says the world cannot stand idly by. The senate is expected to take up the issue for debate next week when members return to the capitol. President obama will address the nation on tuesday. The syria question overshadowed st. Petersburg as the World Leaders came together for g20 summit. No clear answer. Barnaby phillips reports. They always managed to smile for the family photo, there was even a wave. But the summit of low expectations. At least as far as syria is concerned. And so it turned out with russia and the United States possibly further apart when it all ended, than theyd been when it began. The russian president that mostly this year were opposed to action against syria without the backing of the u. N. Security council. Although he seems to have less support for his insistence that the Syrian Government did not use chemical weapons on august 21st. The caught use of chemical weapons a provocation on the part of the rebels, countries supporting them from the beginning. I want to remind you the use of force against the sovereign state is only done for self defense. It is an illegal act. President obama spoke soon afterwards. He looked tired but his words were passionate. Over four 1400 people were gassed. Over 400 of them were children. This is not something weve fabricated. This is not something that we are looking, are using an excuse for military action. As i said last night. I was elected to end wars. Not start them. After st. Petersburg, president obama will carry on trying to Win International support for the idea of an attack on syria. He now knows how difficult that will be and increasingly, he appears distracted by the domestic challenge of winning that crucial vote in congress that could go a long way towards defining his presidency. The american leader did have friends here. Although even the french president , who supports military action against syria, seems in no rush. France should not accept that this chemical massacre should remain unpunished. Therefore we will now await the congress the u. S. Senate the house of representatives and the reports from the u. N. Inspectors and taking these into consideration i will then once again have to make decisions. Intens discussion he late into the night. Furious lobbying. There was lots of this at the g20 and there were many agreements on many pressing economic matters, but syria hung over everything and the abiding memory will be about how leaders failed to Reach Agreement on perhaps the most pressing issue of our time. Barnaby phillips, al jazeera st. Petersburg. Well, violence returned to the streets of alexander, egypt today, they true stones at each other. It happened after the supporters of the brotherhood tried to march down the highway, about a dozen of the group were arrested. Voters in colorado go to the polls next week. Under fire for voting for tough gun control laws. The races have drawn political fire power from all over the country. Its a 2 Million Campaign that includes 350,000 from new yorks progun control mayor Michael Bloomberg and the election can cost colorado taxpayers 500,000. Al jazeera tamera banks reports. Its 10 00 a. M. And john morris is going door to door. Im state senator john morse. Morse is fighting for his job in an unprecedented election. Whatever hoops they make you jump through. It was the first time in history that an elected legislator is being recalled. Morse is in the cross hairs of guns Rights Groups for passing tough laws, among them universal background check and limits on the size of magazine clips. We have citizens throwing temper tantrums. He led lawmakers in taking a tough position on gun laws. After the aurora movie shooting and the seand look massacre. In the victims in my district and across colorado and across the country, those people pay a prays all day every day. Urts well after noon and morse hasnt stopped for lunch. Hes pounding a district in a the pavement in a district thats most often red. They have been trying to run me out on a rail ever since. Voters are so angry, ready to kick him out of office, even though hes term limited and cant run again until 2014. I think we should have a say whether he continues to work on not. There are not that many votes that a legislator takes that can be careerender. He says recall may be a strategy for some guns rights supporters. If you are considering to vote for gun control you could be attacked for it. You have to be careful. Im john morse, the one theyre recalling. I have been an nra member since i was about 15. We love our guns and we love our rights. Morse says he refuses to be bullied by special interests. During my entire career, ive worried about being a good leader and not focused at all on being a good politician. That will get you into a recall and im okay with that. He believes beating the streets until tuesdays election, al jazeera, colorado springs, colorado. The Labor Department says employers added 169,000 jobs in august. The Unemployment Rate fell to a five year low of 7. 3 . The drop came as a percentage of people looking for work went down fell to its lowest point since 1978. That means more people have given up trying to find a job. And compared to the rest of the country seattle is doing much better. The jobless rate there has fallen to 4. 8 . The city is adding 80 more jobs than two years ago. Here is al jazeeras tanya moseley. Whitepages. Com, employees can pour their own beer have unlimited vacations. The perks are the newest example of how some companies are wooing talent. It is the quality of the benefits themselves instead of having a typical cafeteria, its the higherend cafeteria. Jo of washington workforce says employees especially younger ones are drawn to companies that allow them to balance work and life. This free weekly yoga class at this startup julep the yoga is definitely a perk. Its nice to get a workout in during the way. One great person can make a tremendous impact on a company of our size. This year, as weve grown so rapidly, ive wanted to be grateful and show appreciation to the employees who are here and also, to be able to do more as were able to do more. Julep also offers organic enacts from amazon. A smart investment, happy worker can be up to 90 more productive and the cost of replacing the highly skilled employees is steep. Its typically 150 to 200 of salary to replace somebody thats in a professional occupation. Most of the Companies Offering these perks are in health care or Technology Like here at whitepages. Com. A good Computer Programmer for instance cos could have up to a dozen jobs to choose from. Ecommerce and mobile commerce haps to be a couple of others. In Technology Heavy seattle the job be rate has gone down, at julep they are battling to find new hires. One of the male ceos i was talking to said it was like hand to hand combat and she would have to go to their homes and play video games. She hopes to get Better Benefits before the year is out. Coming up on this program were going to be talking about the cheating scandal thats rocking the boat at americas cup. And joie chen will take a look at that matter as well. Hi john. It is the supreme sailing competition. It takes manpower, money momentum to navigate it all but despite the competition americas cup is racked with controversy. They cant afford to play and the cheating accusations have already impaired the champion, oracle u. S. A. The team says it will press on this weekend, well get all the details coming up on that. Well meet the sailers on team oracle as they prepare to face their competition, on america tonight, john. Well see you then, thanks joie. In sports, hes compared to ray lewis, ros Ross Shimabukukus more. More and Ross Shimabuku is here with sports. Ser Serena Williams teams up with her sister venus. If anybody can do it its serena, at 31 years young shes playing the best tennis of her career. Serena dominated the opening set winning 60, pouring it on in the second, going on to win in straight sets to advance to the finals where she will meet the number 2 seed, victoria azarenko. Serena will be looking for pay back. It was getting nervous but was able to close it out. We always have great matches. Its great to get to another final. Shes a great player and she lifts her game when it really counts. So that makes a difference. To hear constantly go serena, go serena, its really a pleasure. [cheering and applause] no, i really mean it. I hear young voices and older voices, it makes me feel special thank you very much. Four time champion looking for number 5. Cincinnati bee bengals, they have a young cub in vontes burfeck who has trmed himself to a rising star. Last season vontes burfeck was the leading tackle wracking up 127 and guess this, he wasnt even a starter until week 3. Making the feat even more impressive it marked the best season ever by a rookie free agent in bengals history. Expectations are high this seasonal. We are in our division we have browns,ing ravens, theyre nothing easy. For us it is doing the Little Things right. What a difference a year makes. Burfeck, being had a less than stellar junior season at Arizona State and an equally unimpressive nfl combine. It painted a picture of a player who lost focus, was slow and troubled and every nfl team passed him up. When ways at home, i knew im better than that guy, i know im better than that guy so i just think its a lesson learned. Why did the bengals take a chance on you do you think . I dont know, i dont know. Question is i dont know why the other teams didnt take a chance on me. I think martin lewis saw some special in the film. He always tries to compare me to ray, the greatest linebacker, i think thats why hes so hard on me wants me to be better than him. And the gamble played positive both debangles and burfeck. I felt like he was my father, i never had a father in my life, always had my mother. I come in and tell him good morning. He isnt the same kid that came into training camp, mentally or physically, the guy who was dubbed out of shape at the combine, only took ten days off since the off season and he wants to make good to his mother. I wouldnt say we were poor, but i just had my mother. She worked three jobs a day. I told her, if i make it to the nfl i dont want you to work. I have two younger sisters. There is a lot of food on my plate. At one point did you sit back and recognize what you had just accomplished . I was watching, i actually broke down and crying, i came in and started and led the team in tackles and stuff like that. Its motivation for me, every morning i wake up and its something i work hard for and never thought i would be in nfl but here i am today. Former patriot Aaron Hernandez back in court for his arraignment, he spoke to the judge for the very first time, he said not guilty for six times, for his six charges, including first degree murder. His next Court Hearing will be held on october 6th. Hernandez is also connected to a 2012 double homicide case. The big story Serena Williams won her semi final match, unfortunately shes struggling with her sister venus. The americas cup the most advanced sail boats ever built will do battle in San Francisco this weekend, competing for the biggest prize the americas cup. Before it even get started crew members have been thrown out for cheating. Roxanna berry reports. The heaviest penalty in the 162year history of the americas cup. Not too wise about it. This hasnt been the ideal preparation of whats been trpge transpiring but were here to race. The jury said certain oracle team members added illegal weights to their 45 foot yachts. Some yachters believe strategically placed weights can make the yachts faster. The jury expelled three team members and punished the team as a whole. We got a fantastic time you know. I think its harsh to judge the team on action he of a few individuals. Oracle will now have to win 11 races but the challer em rates onlemirates 9 only has to. The cost of the large ac 72 boats required for the finals have scared off potential participants. Roxanna berry. Al jazeera. Hi bob. Hi there. How does this five pounds really make that much difference . Its not the fact that its five pounds. Its the fact it was there at all. It wasnt in the rules of the ac 45 class which all of the competitors had to sail, in the preregat a regattas in san frano they had to have those boats and this was an alteration outside of the rules. That i can only describe it is cheating. Did ellison really know . I had no idea what Larry Ellison knew or didnt know or who did. But the people were guilty of knowingly altering those boats, some of them have been punished with quite serious bannings from the regatta. One crew member has got a four race ban. Others have been sent home and not allowed to work on the boats, the shore crew. So they obviously did manipulate that boat in a manner that it shouldnt have been. So bob how much does a tworace penalty hurt them . Oh, very much. Its the case of if the first one to win 9 races was going to be the way that this was going to be decided, but now, if oracle want to retain the cup theyve got to win 11 races. In the same time Team New Zealand last got to win 9. Thats a heavy penalty, two touchdowns way when you start a game of football. So give us an idea of how rare this is or how often it happens, cheating in the americas cup . Youve got aton of money in these remarkable boats and the teams traveling around the world. How serious is this cheating scandal . Well, its serious because it is cheating. This is a selfpolicing sport. And youve got to get to grips with it. Youve got to have the same kit as the next one if youre racing in a onedesign class where all the boats are exactly the same and they were up to a point. But the ones that the oracle team had, had been modified slightly but however slightly it was outside the class rules. So they thought it was an advantage in it or somebody thought there was an advantage in doing it so they did it but they kept quiet about it but they were found out and im glad they were found out because this sort of thing at the highest level brings out the worst in them obviously but it also shows a big example to young sailors everywhere that you dont do that sort of thing. So does it mean that the americas cup is going to get tougher and look a little closer now . Well, it could i dont know whether its going olook any closer but my prediction of he who wins the first race is going to be the americas cup. Theres little passing if any, first run first mark is pretty well going olead throughout the race. Well you know, its going to be difficult to get there so well see. A lot will depend on what goes on at the start. And youve got hand it to Jimmy Spithill hes a master of the free start and ive seen him in action many a time and ive admired what hes done but hes lost his wingtrimmer who really was a crucial plan in the bout in that free style. So were going ohave to see if the young man whos taken over is good enough to be up to the standard that the one who was sacked for cheating was, before. Bob fisher, we appreciate you sharing your expertise with us tonight, this beautiful night in San Francisco. Thanks very much. Well, nasa is counting down to tonights launch of a robot spacecraft destined for the moon. The spacecraft called ladee is set to launch at 11 59 from the eastern shore. The 280 Million Mission will study the moons thin atmosphere. Joie chen is coming up at the top of the hour with america tonight. But first your weekend Weather Forecast with rebecca stevens. c] if you watched the Football Game in denver last night, you were put off by the fact that it was delayed by a half hour. Delayed by lightning strikes. We have a photo to show you. Thunderstorms came rumbling out of the mountains. Folks in denver are used to this when it gets hot. Tied the record of 97, 97 again, breaking a record of 95. The heat contributed to all those thunderstorms developing in the mountains and rolling down. I know when youre flying, its always good to plan your flight in the morning going into denver. Those storms will cause a lot of turbulence. Satellite weather combined. When we talk about the storms that came through denver there was a moisture feed for those storms that came up from the southwest. Right where were starting to watch for another tropical depression developing number 8 right now, crossing across mexico but that moisture is coming up from the south, moving into the southwest and it also spun some moisture into the storm that brought record rainfall to seattle yesterday, record rain also for pasco and now its moving in causing severe thunderstorms into western montana. This storm is going to pack a punch through tomorrow as well. Its going to not move very quickly to the east keeping the showers going. Looking at our satellite picture what i want to show you is called the intertropical convergence zone. From the west to the east, im going to take you to the water vapor slight, it will show you in green where all the moisture is, looking at the feed of moisture coming from the south to the southwest to the area of low pressure that tracked into the past northwest yesterday. Over an inch of rain is what fell in seattle and we also had quite a bit of rain come down today, another inch and a half added into wesh, parts of southwest washington had eight inches of rainfall. This is the moisture were tracking coming out of the pacific, some of it is coming out of typhoons. Lets move on to where we expect the rain to be in the nest next 12 hours. Montana, and where the thunderstorms are tracking cooler temperatures, coming up. Welcome to al jazeera im jeght. John siegenthaler. Here are top stories. President obama continues to press for action against syria at the g20 summit. He said the world cannot stand idly by. Hes expected to make his case on an address to the nation tuesday night. Hes expected to return to the white house later on this evening. Security concerns over the pending military concern in syria, nonessential staffers and military citizens were asked to leave the capital of beirut. The august j

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