Transcripts For ALJAZAM News 20130829 :

Transcripts For ALJAZAM News 20130829

our military, i had extensive discussion with our national security team. so let me talk about what's at stake here. we understand terrible things have been happening in syria for quite some time, that the assad regime there has been killing it's own people by the tens of thousands. there are sectarian arguments that have spilled over in bloodshed and escalated over the last couple of years. although what has happened there is tragic, and i have called for assad to leave and make sure that we've got a transitional government that could be inclusive in syria, what i've also concluded that direct military engagement involvement in the civil war in syria would not help the situation on the grouped. >> tonight the state department is criticizing what it calls russian intransenges in syria. our diplomatic editor is at the united nations in new york tonight. >> reporter: for two and a half years the u.n. security council has been divided on syria. now one more try by the british to get military reaction. but away from the chamber down the corridor the ambassadors of the five permanent members of the council, the u.s. u.k. france, china and russia. there has been no comment. the western allies may have no option but to go ahead with military strikes without u.n. authorization but the special representatives was clear when asked about the legality of that. >> i do know that president obama and the american administration are not known to be trigger happy. what they will decide, i don't know. but certainly international law is very clear that security council has to be brought in. >> reporter: he's not the only u.n. official potentially causing problems for western military planners. u.n. weapons inspectors continue their work taking evidence and samples of the site of the chemical attacks, and no less a figure than the u.n. secretary general ban ki-moon i pleading r them to complete their mission. >> the time needs time to do its job. here in the peace hear me say give peace a chance. >> reporter: it was echoed by the syrian ambassador at the united nations. it's worth ♪ing when the attack first took place its government said it was i will logical and fabricated >> we are sure of who did it, all we're asking for is to give time to the investigation team operating now in syria to conclude it's works to come up with the scientific report to be examined by the security council members. >> reporter: the comments coming from the u.n. from dr. brahami and his boss ban ki-moon. the vote in the house of commons, if passed, it means one of the u.s.' key allies won't be able to take part in any key action for some time. >> i'm joined now from washington by the former u.s. ambassador to n.a.t.o. welcome. >> thank you, good to be here. >> it appeared there was a move to slow down the united states today. was it successful? >> well, i'm not sure that the united states was in a hurry, so i'm not sure that it's a move to slow down the united states. there is obviously a lot of jockeying for position going on. i think there are several things worth clarifying. one of them is what the facts are. that we have a preponderance in belief that the syrian government was responsible for the attacks, the belief is in the u.k. and france. however, we don't have the support from the u.n. and everyone wants that to have a wider understanding of what happened. the second is the role of the united nations security council. everyone would like to have a security council resolution. the problem that we have is not that people are seeking to use force or that the u.n. security council is being asked, it's that russia in particular is standing in the way of any kind of objective analysis of what is happening. they're arming the syrian regime and defending the syrian regime. in the u.n. security council was unable to deal with its responsibilities the, what theno they do. we've seen instances in the clinton administration, the bush administration when the united states has fel decided to act without the security council. [ protesters ] >> reporter: the voices were clear. they didn't want the u.k. to get involved in any action on syria. and pressure t, too, from the opposition labour party. >> i think it ought to be difficult for any mp to support military action which is actually illegal. it is not clear that bombing syria would be legal under international law. >> reporter: hours later a change of plan from downing street, the u.k. government decided there would be two votes by m.p.s before any direct military action would be taken. the first would be on thursday night. the second only after u.n. inspectors make their report on allegations of a chemical attack on syria. with that taking at least four days it means any u.k. involvement woul would be delay. >> we are trying to take decisions on these matters in a way in which everybody's opinions are taken fully into account. >> meanwhile in paris french ministers also held an emergency meeting. they seem of one mind with their counterparts that the syrian regime did use chemical weapons and military action would be justifiable. >> we are going to carry on monitoring the situation closely hour by hour. there are lots of international consultations being made and they will make the necessary decisions when the time comes. >> reporter: the british, french, and men's still seem set on military action with very unpredictable consequences. but this late change might be seen as a set back to the approach of the apparent use of chemicals weapons. >> ambassador volker isn't part of the problem that the world and the people of the united states remember what happened with iraq when they went to the u.n. security council and there were all these questions about the evidence? >> right, i would describe that as an useful caution, which is to say the bush administration had it wrong. it believed that iraq was in possession of weapons of mass destruction at a time when that was not the case. so we interconveniented on a premise that turned out to be wrong. i think the obama administration, the cameron government, and france, also, they're eagle for make sure the information is correct. that it was, indeed, the syrian regime that used the chemical weapons against their own people. i think that's an useful caution. go ahead. >> i was going to say you talk about the u.n. inspectors and waiting for the u.n. inspectors to report. but we're told all we'll know is whether or not chemical weapons were used, not who used them. >> i think even that information is useful to ascertain independently. we all have seen the pictures on the internet. we've all seen accusations that it was the government. it was the opposition. but ther there, there was chemil weapons used. if you look at at preponderance of the evidence the fact that they were used and controlled by the opposition which was under attack by the government, all of this points to an usage by the government. you can't know 100% unless you actually know 100%. but you do need to be able to make reasonable judges along the way. >> so what are the possible consequences here? >> right, i think that's the key question that we're get to go. there are two reasons to use force in syria that one would consider at the moment. one is to send a signal of deterrence against the future use of chemical weapons by the assad regime or anybody else who would have access to these weapons. the second reason is to strategically alter the course of the conflict in syria. let's be clear, the obama administration, the british government and french government, they're all talking only about a deterrent of the use of chemical weapons. i think that's a shame. i think it's a lack of planning of what happens next, but it is a legitimate point to say the use of chemical weapons is illegal under international law, it's an abomination, and when used there out to be some response. when the u.n. security council refuses to step up to the plate, to respond to that situation, then there are other reasons under international law when one should consider that. >> as you know the neighbors of syria are concerned about what would happen if the u.s. attacked. neighboring israel has ordered a small scale order of groups and israeli citizens are now preparing as well. >> they're cueing for government supplied gas masks, demand has risen by 300% since last wednesday. the syrian capital of damascus is 400 kilometers from here, too close for comfort for israeliens. >> i hope that we never need to use it. >> assad's back is to the wall, and he may use it as a lack act of defiance. >> reporter: but the message were prime minister benjamin netanyahu, who met with his security cabinet for the third time in last few days said not to panic. military bases overlook the line of syriac and it's intelligence posts gather surveillance data. reports suggest they have provided the main proof that the assad military was behind the attack last week. one report the site o cite the i intercepted a report about the use of chemical weapons at the time of the attack. >> security analysts are talking down the importance of israel's military intelligence. government officials are playing down any threat of retaliation by the syrian regime. meanwhile demands of gas masks here have soared over the past week. many israelis are nervous about the coming days and weeks. al jazeera, al jazeer jerusalem. >> isn't it true that the obama administration really doesn't know what the reaction will be if there is an attack from syria, iran or other countries, and isn't that the risk? >> well of course it's a risk. but at the same time you have to assume there is going to be some kind of response. you don't just launch a military strike and assume nothing else happens after that. you have to assume there is a response, and be willing to bear those risks based on the importance that you attached to the military act to begin with. >> then aren't we brought into a conflict? >> well, not necessarily, but i would argue that the thing that needs to be attached to that line of think something a longer term strategy. what do we want to see happen in syria? and how do we want to start containing. >> the only actor getting support in syria is the regime itself with the support of iran, hezbollah, russia, and the opposition getting support from some of the asia countries. what icountries--of some of the arab countries. what is not getting support is the middle ground. >> i hate to bring this up, but it sure sounds a lot like what we heard about iraq. >> right, and. >> and it didn't work. >> let's take several phase ms. iraq. going to washing in iraq. that was based on mistaken intelligence, and it's highly debatable as to the basis of which the decision to go to war in walk was held. secondly, there was a misinformation of what was going on and we lost control of the situation on the ground in iraq. third there was a surge in iraq. it was stabilizing, there was an election, and the u.s. presence was key to the continuing stability. fourth, that u.s. presence was yanked out and the situation again has destabilized from there. in the case of syria i don't think you can draw every direct parallel there but you can make a couple. one of them is if you're going to involve yourself in syria you got to have a longer term strategy, not short-term. and secondly, it has top inclu includesive of all the communities so they have an opportunity to find of way of functioning together, so it's not just one dominating another. that's what happened when the u.s. got out of iraq, and one of the reasons why we see the difficulties among the shia, the sunni and the kurds today. >> if you would, please stay with us a little bit long. let's talk about if syria is attacked, how well might it be able to respond, and the country's air force is one of the most formable in the middle east, but will it strike back to the west through the forces of hezbollah? we take a look at that. >> reporter: it is still far from clear that an attack on syria, for using chemical weapons on its own people last week will come or not. but assuming one happens in the next couple of days how might the government of syrian president bashir al assad actually respond? the syrian air force could launch air raids on jordan or even some suggest israel itself. they might themselves up against the most formidable air force they've ever had to do battle with in the middle east. there is the second option. it's supporter iran unlikely to interconvenient directly not least of all fearing a retaliatory attack on its nuclear facilities but also given the soft approach towards the west of the newly installed president hassan rohani. but iran might mobilize it's other ally in the region, hezbollah. >> iran has limited impact to retaliate in a terror fashion. this is a natural response run prefers to use proxy groups in the form of terrorism, and an attack on israel is the likely expected reaction from the regime. >> reporter: the attacks could be launched on israel by hezbollah in the south of lebanon. it's known that they have rockets capable of hitting all the way here to tel aviv. that's a major israeli fear. a strike from america and its allies is on the cards. we just don't know when it might come. but as syria's ambassador to the u.n. said the country right now is in a state of war and preparing for the worse. >> that's john terrett reporting. bam as der. when you look at that bam and when you, might that be the reason why there has been hesitancy to get involved with syria. >> i don't think so at all. i think that if the united states wished to apply direct military force to take out the syrian air force, for example, it could do so. we face terrorist threats were hezbollah and iran already, and yes, it can get worse, but at the same time i think we're facing those things already. the issue for the. >> obama: administration ifor ff the conflict. >> can you talk about the question of why chemical weapons have become the red line? thousands of people were killed in syria by the government already, we didn't take action. >> right. >> suddenly because chemical weapons are used we're taking action. what sense does that make? >> yes, it's an interesting point of view. my point of view is really based on the general humanitarian loss of life that we've seen that tens and tens of thousands of people have been killed by their own government, and we have done nothing about it. but from a different point of view one could argue that is an internal strife within a country. but the use of chemical weapons crosses an international threshold where we've had conventions, negotiated and agreed with the international community against the use of weapons of mass destruction including chemical weapons for close to a hundred years. it's very dangerous not only for what it means in syria but what it means for the context of the world. at some point you have to draw a line, and it appears that the cameron government or obama administration wants to use that with what is going on. >> thank you for your insight. we appreciate it. >> my pleasure. thank you. >> i want to turn more to what the president has to say on a possible military strike in syria. >> obama: if in fact, we can take limited tailored approaches, not getting drawn in to a long conflict, not a repetition of iraq, which i know a lot of people are worried about, but if we are saying in a clear and decisive but very limited way we send a shot across the bow saying stop doing this, that could be have have positive impact in the long term, and a positive impact that chemical weapons are not used get on innocent civilians. >> we head out to washington where we're standing by live. patty, what about the consequences of military action? you've been taking a look at that as well. >> reporter: i have, john, the president is trying to send a message that anything he does is going to be quick, limited and effective. but there were a few questions not asked tonight that i think are worth pointing out. he said the goal of any u.s. intervention is to make sure that the control of chemical weapons does not erode. the question is does launching cruise missiles strikes make that more or less likely to happen? the other thing the administration clearly says their goal is not regime change, but what if it leads to that? what happens if assad falls? there are experts that say al-qaida-linked groups are poised to take control of the country. the other question that is important to ask, what do you do if you send this warning. don't use chemicals weapons again or else... what would happen next? that has not been discussed in all of washington, and none of those questions are being highlighted by the administration. >> we heard from speaker john boehner who asked questions and wants answers. there is a lot of talk about the leaguety olegality of a militar. >> reporter: first, does the president need do get approval, there are growing numbers of congress saying yes, he does but it has not reached critical mass yet. what speaker boehner is saying is you have to give us a fuel briefing. if the president were to ask for a vote, it's not clear that he would get it. ththe american public are againt military use. now the u.n. charter says the only reason a country can use force is basically for self defense or with the security council resolution. now the obama r even though just last week the president said he would need an u.n. mandate they won't need to go to the security council. they're painting this as self defense saying bases overseas could be impacted. >> do we know when they're going to release the evidence and how they're going to do it? >> reporter: we thought it was going to be two days ago, but the timeline has been thrown up in the air because of the moves by the u.k. and france. >> it's not clear that it needs congressional authorization. libya did not ask for congressional approval to launch airstrikes. during congress they said they didn't have to because the hostility did not call for it under law. they said they will consult with congress and brief congress but they do not think they need any congressional authorization. yes, without the u.n. without congress, it is possible that the president will launch some sort of strike. >> patty cohane who is scenarios the streewho is acrossthe stree, thank you very much. there's more to america, more stories, more voices, more points of view. now there's are news channel with more of what americans want to know. >> i'm ali velshi and this is "real money." this is "america tonight." sglovrjs our -- >> our news coverage reveal more of america's stories. what happens when social media uncovers unheard, fascinating news stories? it drives discussion across america. share your story on tv and online. >> welcome back to al jazeera. here is a look at the top stories. president obama said he has now concluded that the government of syria carried out chemical attacks against its own people. he was asked what his next step might be. >> obama: first of all i have not made a decision. if the syrian government used chemical weapons on its own people that would change some of our calculations. the reason has to do not only international norms but america's self interest. >> as the u.n. supreme court council considers the attack, the secretary general is asking for more time for the investigators and for dim plo ds diplomascy. >> a half century to the day that martin luther king delivered his i have a "dream" speech, mike viqueira was ther there{^l" ^}. >> bells range on the national mall and across the country to mark the moment. >> i have a dream. >> reporter: the time, a half century ago when when. >> the president stood at the spot where king spoke. >> how he gave a mighty voice to millions. how he offered at salvation path for a the oppressed and oppresss aa like. >> reporter: he drew a parallel for past and present. >> a chance for all americans to work hard and get ahead was too often framed as a mere desire for government support. >> reporter: former president jimmy carter and bill clinton said king's message still resonates. also family members who understood him as a man and a man who changed history. >> our dad challenged us. that's what he did, he challenged us to be a better nation for all god's children. >> reporter: america has come a long way, but still has a long way to go. mike viqueira, al jazeera, washington. >> earlier today i spoke to mary frances berry, the former chair of civil rights, i asked her about her thoughts on this anniversary of dr. king's speech. >> well, i thought it was amazing to see all those people out, to see the three presidents and all the other people who were there. i thought that the president's speech was vintage obama. he was great. and i enjoyed especially the litany about the history of the movement, and what all those people did when they made sacrifices and the change in this country. that part i thought was quite wonderful. >> was this an emotional day for you? >> yes, it was emotional in that sense because it is true that things have changed. but the main thing that happened to me today, i had ambivalence because i knew--corretta and i used to talk a lot about martin about what he thought, what he didn't think and what he would think, and i think one of the things he would thin find it que amazing to have obama as president, of course, and having all those presidents there. what would he think about having a black president, but the president didn't talk about leading the things that we need to change. he outlined the problems, but he did not say that he was going to lead in trying to do something about jobs and incarceration, and maybe now that he's president he could figure out a way to get around these polarized people in washington, but i also wondered how we're going to get some place to that 50 years from now there aren't people walking around listening to a president and saying some of these same problems exist. >> let me explore that a little bit. you're talking about the president of united states, an african-american who you're frustrated with. i take it based on some of the other civil rights leaders i've talked to lately, they're frustrated, too. >> he was right to emphasize the civil rights led to gains for other groups of people, latinos, disabled, women, so on. that's entirely true. but there is a danger that our problems as a mass of black people would be left behind. if you did something for jobs for the poor black communities you would be doing something about crime, education, and families. it all starts with the jobs and freedom put together. so i would like to see him put himself on the line more. >> to listen to john lewis speak today, it was a powerful speech, and he really did say, you know, look around, things have changed. but he also echoed some of the sentiment that you said here today as well. >> i know there has been some change, but the frustration is that that piece of the march we've got. that piece of the movement we have accomplished. but that other big piece that was talked about as long ago as when randolph was telling roosevelt to give jobs during world war ii, and roosevelt said, make me do it. it sounded like what president obama was saying, yes, i am your president. i am a black president, but you got to go out and make me do it. i guess maybe we do have to make him do it. >> thanks to mary francis berry. let's take a moment and remember some of the key events of that spring and summer 50 years ago. in april of 1963, administrate administrate jr. was arrested and imprisoned in birmingham, alabama, for protesting without a permit. then he wrote the famous letter from birmingham. >> it was much more important as time goes on than the actual event. i mean that here we had three sitting presidents, president carter, president clinton, and president obama. to recognize this event, which was very important. secondly, i think the movement got re-energized by having the event. i understand that a number of people could not get i in becaue security makes it harder than 1963. lastly, this is not a prescription as much as a guarantee i guess would be my terminology, but a blueprint on what we have to do over the next period of time, and i think that the day's event is going to have real political impact. it will finally get some people to think that they can do some things and get off their duff, get off their couch, and get involved politically. >> you may have heard mary francis talk about the preside president. were you frustrated with him today or not? >> no, i think this president obviously has an approach and he's concerned about his legacy. he's also concerned with how the african-american community sees him. i think he knows that some parts of the 63 march has been met. the political activism is something that is a bigger accomplishment. but when it comes to the economics, jobs, decent housing, andatio,and education, there ara lot of things lacking. i think this is key to the other two. >> it really was a magnificent day and a major day for the movement. it's interesting that you say that it may be more important today than it was 50 years ago. we will see. ernest green, thank you, we appreciate it. >> thank you. >> north carolina civil rights used the history to bring attention to the voter rights act al jazeera's jonathan martin joins us from charlotte, north carolina, where there is a law that would make changes civil rights leaders say would keep minorities from the poll, jonathan? >> reporter: that's right, john, they're concerned not only about minority voters but young voters and elderly voters as well. i think things have wrapped up tonight. this is one of 13 held in the state of south carolina in each of the congressional districts. the naacp and the aclu really rallying here. it's what they call moral monday protests. obviously today is not a monday, a wednesday, but they had a very big protest in remembrance, and they believe the voting rights here in north carolina is still at issue. there is a requirement now to have photo identif i.d. at the . and that's primarily what they're upset about. >> what are they doing? >> they have passed a series of laws. not only the photo i.d. requirement but requirement that shortens the length of early voting time and they've cut out same-day registration for voters. i should point out this is all new for north korea because they have the first republican governor that they've had in 20 years, and the republicans now control the legislature as well. all of these laws have been brought up in the past, but they have the clearance of the lawmakers and legislature. >> jonathan martin, thank you. it is the death sentence for the army major who went on a shooting rampage at fort hood, texas. >> that's the message that we heard over and over from these families. they want hassan to be forgotten. he'll soon be on his way to fort leavenworth, kansas. there he'll join death row where five other u.s. soldiers are waiting. i should also note, john, no u.s. soldier has been executed since 1961. >> that's heidi zhou castro reporting from texas. for nearly two weeks now fire crews have been working non-stop fighting the fire at the yosemite national park. in all there are 4,000 firefighters trying to get a handle on this stubborn fire. katherine, these firefighters sounds like they're completely exhausted. >> you know, they actually said, they said, you know, it's just another day at the office. this is what we do. we like what we do, and so they're in it to win it, and they really are holding up pretty well. that said there are tired folks at the end of the 15- to 18-hour day. there have been drones, it's an eye in the sky that can feed data both day and night, monitoring flareups, and also looking to see how fire lines are holding over this 280 square mile area. the use had to be approved by the secretary of defense, but ultimately this fire which one firefighter described as a five-headed monster is going to be contained by boots on the grounds. mostly hand crews like the ones we visited this afternoon, who are out there digging up molding dumps, cutting down trees, that's all the same as the behind the line work to the front line work. >> we're not out of any kind of danger, but some areas are essentially out of the danger that they were in. so we are doing our best to get ahead of it, an deal with it before it has its way with us. >> reporter: still a busy few days protecting yosemite national park from this fire. >> katherine, thank you. it has been a busy day in washington, d.c. that's where jo joie chen joinss with a preview of america tonight. >> reporter: evening, on mark america tonight we'll head to soutsouth dakota where they've lifted the ban on alcohol. prohibition or not, alcohol has it it's affect on this nation. >> they've had no respect for our loss. we're just money in their pockets. that is illegal. if i took a truck up to the line and started selling to everyone going across and going back, i'm sure nebraska would have something to say about that. >> reporter: we're going to meet some young people who have tried hard to make a change, and learn about alcoholism among the people. >> thank you very much. coming up in sports find out how a college football game in 1969 helped desegregate all facets in the south: >> michael eaves is back in sports. >> reporter: big news as it relates to the heisman trophy winner, the ncaa has greed to suspence johnny manzel for his role in an autograph sunday. he spent six hours answering questions from the ncaa. because he admitted to autographing a large number of football that ultimately ended up on ebay, manzell will have to miss the first half of the game as punishment, quote, student-athletes are often asked for autographs from fans, but unfortunately some individuals so motivated asking for the autograph is for resale. and there is a situation there is a strong likelihood that the autograph seeker plans to resell the item. >> well, when we think about the influence of sports on civil rights we also tend to think of the pioneers such as jesse owe owens, joe louis, jackie robinson. but below the mason dixon line it was a game that tipped to complete desegregation in the south. >> reporter: even after brown versus the education in 1954 and the civil rights act in 1964 several aspects of the south remained dividedded down racial lines, including football. >> football is like a religion, particularly in the south. college football teams that were segregated long after the universities themselves were forced to integrate, the ability of the black colleges to compel integration had a huge affect on society throughout the south. >> reporter: sam freedman, author of "breaking the line" examine the groundwork laidly eddie robinson and jake gaither which led to a game between an a blacblack college and tore colle in the south. what would happen if a black team beat a white team. >> how much was that game pivotal in that moment? >> that game plays a huge role in integration in a couple of ways. first of all, it demonstrates that black players were the equal and in some cases the better of top white players. >> eventually that integration led to the demise of great historically black football programs because the great players were going to the white school rather than the black schools. >> for robinson integration was a mixed blessing. certainly as proud dignified african-american men they wanted to see the legal structure of white supremacy ended 123 but despite the sacrifices on players and cove coaches, it's l felt today. >> when you look at a football team that emphasize a speed at every position, that was the jake gaither method. when you look at spreading the line out, that was an offense that he designed in 1958 and '59. >> now to golf, the best players in the world converged on new york for the fedex cup. now the fedex cup moves to boston for the deutsche bank championships. tiger sits on top, but he has been dealing with back issues for a better part of the week. he pulled out of a charity event to give himself as much rest as possiblegoer the deutsche bank this weekend. >> reporter: well back same spas are that thing that if you get the right treatment at the right time it can turn around quickly. the deutsche bank starts on friday and ends on monday instead of the thursday-sunday finish, so i think that extra day will do tiger woods a lot of good. as long as he's on site he's okay. the thing about backs, they can just as easy as they can heal they can go back the other way, if you will, just as easy. hopefully tiger woods is healthy again. >> and of course the winner of the fedex cup gets a $10 million. not bad. >> not bad at all. it's worth putting up with back pain. >> thank you, very much. weather is next with kevin, and i'll be back at the top of the hour with the headline. >> meteorologist: it is a very stormy night for people across west virginia. right now we're looking at thunderstorms making their way through. take a look at the wall here and look at the thunderstorms that are making their way across virginia, west virginia, and new jersey seeing rain as well. i think as we go through the rest of the even time frame most of the showers will edge think way out to the lappet. the cooler air, and some people are seeing that. new york city at 73 degrees. boston, 63 degrees, a big cooldown for you, and portland, maine, 65. now tomorrow temperatures will rebound so the morning lows will come back to 80 degrees. and cleveland is going to be seeing about 73 degrees there. through the rest of the week and through the weekend washington doesn't look too bad in terms of your labor day weekend except for monday. that is when we're going to see active weather. last people traveling back to their destinations. this is not just for washington but new york, boston. monday is not going to be a very good travel day at all. down towards the south we saw a lot of rain showers down here towards florida, miami, the keys. we have a little bit of disturbed weather. you can see the circulation right there. that is a tropical disturbance. we don't plan to see any development of that and just showers coming out of there. miami, 90 degrees across the board for the weekend. down towards the southwest we've seen rain in utah and now you're seeing a break in your weather. arizona is going to be seeing the most rain. phoenix, 95 degrees on friday. that's the lowest temperature because you're going to are you bound to 101 as we go towards saturday. your headlines are coming up right now. >> welcome to al jazeera. i'm john siegenthaler. here are tonight's top stories. president obama this evening has said he has concluded that the government in syria carried out chemical weapons attacks against its own people. a limited tailored military strike would send a shot across the bow of the assad regime. >> first of all, i got options from our military. had extensive discussions with the national security team. if the assad regime used chemical weapons on his own people that would change some of our calculations and the reason has to do with not only international norms but also

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