Transcripts For ALJAZAM Listening Post 20150927 : comparemel

Transcripts For ALJAZAM Listening Post 20150927

among the stories, syria - television soldiers on. >> egypt - abdul fatah al-sisi intervenes finally in the case of the al jazeera 3. and the kremlin backed news channel in trouble with british broadcasting regulators once again. into and playing the trump card the media binges on the dodge axed britain have a new leather of the opposition, and the news media don't know what to make of him. when jeremy corbyn threw his hat into the wring, outlets wrote him off as a french candidate of the left, out of touch with the political main streams. he then won on the first ballot. in the u.s. another ballot dismissed by the media. bernie sanders continues to draw huge crowds on the rally, while news outlets are transfixed. the aforementioned trent involves countries like greece and spain where plenty in common in that they burst on to the screen. this is a story about disruptive politics, journalism and who is out of touch. our starting point is london. it's the fourth estate that has the look of the fifth column. >> germany kochy. >> one cannot blament the british news media for failing to see this coming, because no one did. seven jeremy corbyn, the leftist, slightly rum mr ed candidate in a party that was slick did not expect to become leader of the opposition. >> i think the media were extremely pleased to have this extraordinary archaic figure as the new leader. it's god for trade. -- good for trade. >> are jeremy corbyn has a massive mandate but is in a weak position geographically, he is now surrounded by a parliamentary labor party, most of whom are despondent that he is surrounded by a bunch of journalists, and who will hold him to the same standards as other senior politicians. he didn't seem to have a strategy at call. he was a slightly cantankerous elderly gent that didn't feel obliged to talk to the press. i think corbin's success comes about because of his relationship with the media. i think people that support jeremy corbyn, very distrusting of the media. the fact that he didn't try to placate the media. it built up report. >> why would i sing the national anthem. the problem is that no matter what we have, the media are not going to go lightly on him. jeremy corbyn, as far as they are concerned may as well have come from neptune. when they happy insults on him. >> british news consumers are left to wonder how much of the story, and the way he's been discovered so far comes down to a lack of conventional media polish in a country that produced sound byte machines like david cameron and tony blair. how much is ideology, 40% of the market is controlled by rupert murdoch's news corporation. 70% of newspapers sold are considered right wing and the influence goes beyond the news stands. >> there's a lot of young people saying the news media is obsessed with reporting in an old way, very male, confrontationalist. jeremy corbyn does not want to do business that way. >> he's disarming in the way in which he responds to questions he's not accepted. >> will you do it. that is what is involved. >> thank you. i think that we as journalists need to accept that some of the things that we assumed are the rules. game do not apply in the same way to jeremy corbyn. some of the issues about polish, sound bite preparedness, if you like, need to be thrown out. >> would you commit to doing it now? >> can we think about that, thank you. >> we saw this with the observer and the guardian, they are ideological hall monitors. the guy is to say what is acceptable. to a lesser extent, sanders came along. they kind of say you have to go this far left. but not beyond that. >> general assembly corbin is an old style. a lot of the news agenda is set by what is in the paper. a lot of titles by rupert merd okay, they have an agenda which is antiunion, in the end people buy the papers, and the growed cast media pick up on them, and the story circulates. >> it's part of a left wing mind-set which holds that the only reason vast swathes of the british and american populations don't elect people like bernie sanders and jeremy core anyone is because they are brainwashed by people like rupert murdoch, and the only - it was a less bias media, they'd flock to the socialist banner in droves. it's nonsense. >> bernie sanders, the vermont centaur trying to win the democratic -- senator trike to win the nomination has a hill to climb. his speeches are laden with socialist policies designed to bridge the gap between rich and poor in america. >> make is clear to the billionaire class, they cannot have it all. at the outset. despite attracting crowds of up to 20,000. sanders could not attract a proportionate amount of news coverage. >> every time i'm at a banders rally i hear from voters saying why aren't you giving him more attention. >> he's not just up against hillary clinton, he's competing for military attention against a donald trump campaign, and sanders complains of the media's attention to conflicts as opposed to policy. >> and a median that has your questions and make conflicts between the candidates. >> bernie sanders is in a slightly different position in the spectacle. bernie sanders is very good at playing the media. he doesn't hesitate to go on television. >> we get the message across. what's more. whereabouts jeremy corbyn is social. >> it is true that the media ignored him. >> two things occurred he drew crowds. you saw about six weeks ago he had no choice. so i thing at some point they couldn't ignore them. >> bernie sanders and jeremy corbyn have much in commnt. both are old school socialists. policies reflected through the lenses of the neo-liberal approach. accustomed and addicted to a theatrical brand of 308 ticks, that both made to this far, it is surprising. they have issues with the coverage we are getting. the media are funnelled through a strict neo-liberal way of viewing the world. this is a somewhat difficult thing to do. you see a similar thing, where he was treated as a novelty act. that changed when they were going up in the goals. the more he becomes a threat. the more you see what is happening. that will happen to sanders if the poll numbers rise. >> techknow - where technology meets humanity. other media stories on the radar, it's the end of a chapter, buts not the end of a story, al jazeera journalists mohamed fadel fahmy and mohammed badr have been released by egyptian authorities, after an odile lasting two years. journalists were pardoned by abdul fatah al-sisi, along with 100 other egyptians. mohamed fadel fahmy and mohammed badr were arrested in december, along with peter greste, on charges including aiding the muslim brotherhood, which egypt calls a terrorist organization. the three spent 400 days in prison. and were freed temporarily. peter greste was deported back to native australia before a retrial last month saw mohamed fadel fahmy and mohammed badr sentenced to three years in gaol. al jazeera welcomed the pardon, as did peter greste, who learnt of the news on the set of a game show in sydney. peter greste is not on the pardon list, and metres are the names of 6 other al jazeera employees, 18 other egyptian prisoners are in custody including: it comes on the eve of the president's departure, and may be part of a charm offensive. abdul fatah al-sisi is to speak at the general assembly. the news for secular bloggers is not getting better. a hit list has been published. targetting not only those writing in the country, but those outside of it. a group has been linked to the murders of four conservative bloggers. they are calling to strip the writers of citizenship. the list includes nine writers based in the u.k. one responded this way. our weapon is the pick. britain's tv regulator ruled that the kremlin backed group was accused of fabricating a story. on a programme "truth seeker", they reported that the bbc used actors. >> this is the total fabrication from... >> rt went on to say the bbc was pushing the case for military intervention this syria. the bbc took the complaint to off-cox. ofcom agreed and additionally cited an episode of the truth seeker series. in which they were accused the ukranian government of genocide. they had little or no counter balance. it ordered rt to apologise for the transgression, in which of channel must admit a breach in impartiality. >> the series, "truth seeker", was dropped in 2014 in latin america they are akin to what america calls soap operas, but they go to air in trial time and deal with themes. the turkish version of the genre watches. >> in arab countries they call programs assist al mala it. only egypt rivalled syria in the numbers of shows produced. wars hit the syrian television industry hard. actors and directors fled, decamping for lebanon, egypt and the gulf states. >> now on what syrian television looks like today and what it produces under circumstances. it's a tv solution playing out around the world. in arabic - they have two series vying for attention. both were adaptations of the hollywood mafia field. >> a copyright version of the food was produced by a tv company, part of the broadcaster in 2012. the cabinet tar has an office, conducting most of the work outside the country. >> it actually focuses on very specific moment, which is 2005, when newly forms initiated by bashar al-assad. linked to a creation. they benefit from private investors, banking and even for reforms. leading to a creation against home, and the people raised in march 2011. >> the home minister - the only drama that has impacts has a drama respecting it. to the extent that the identity of the company and people tell the story. we have plenty of stories to tale. in a media landscape dominated by syrian outlets, tv drama has been able to get at sensitive issues. topics that the country shy away from. production in the first two years of the war, recently picked up again. in 2013. productions played a series, or burst into waste, looking at how the government and the syrian people dealt with the tensions of the war. the programme was aired by tv stations in government controlled areas. another series - the sweetness of the sole, written by a syrian outside of the country, tells the story of a lebanese journalist kidnapped by rebels. it was not broadcast in the country. syrian drama in general has always been more political than other countries, we are seeing this kind of pushing of boundaries where forces are seen as as bad as the anti-regime. we are seeing a script now, friction, on a show, which is basically showing that there is a kind of parity between the violence between the regime forces and rebels. again, this is a thing you wouldn't have seen in years past, where it was government propaganda, where the government side is the clean, and the good and bad guys are on the other side. >> many asked why is that in such progress, such a syria, and is it possible to deal with the issue. and the attacks interpreted these as what we call arabic countries. basically you can deal with whatever issue we like, even the other ones. this is to give citizens a break. it's not just a war that is dealt with. a company called golden line made a series on syria society. the 2014 series was filmed in damascus. >> the quality of shows produced is just as good as before the war. people who work in the industry got over the idea of conflict. and realise that life goes on. instead of focussing on the conflict. our, the reality of the war - this person was beaten by police for participating in a demonstration. another of the country's best known tv personalities came out in support of the protesters, and said his family home was raided by the secret service. cinemas left the country, one of more than 15 others that fled and took key skills and talent out across the region. >> we are having coe production. syrian directors and abbing force work with the gulf country, there's a new collaborative environment. particularly the syrian industry, where the conflict forced people to partner up with countries they may not have worked with before. it's having interesting results. >> with regards to these companies, no one is settling gown in one place. trubz companies are not fixed and could end up in egypt. the why the is nod to make a local production, it's an attempt to circulate the matter. >> it's a big industry that needs funding. tv shows are shown on channels, there are restrictions from what can be shog. >> obviously the gulf countries have a stakes in the conflict. they want to get through a message. it's not the total freedom. >> and for some of these that want a shot. the place to be paradoxically is syria. >> the aleppo based film-maker produced 3-star revolution. >> a show that mocks all parties involved in the fighting. many are producing tv drama in places such as aleppo in an independent way. a huge satire this year with this interior, huge satire of every single party involved in this conflict. like they poke fun. meanwhile they focus on the syrian free army. it's like a civil society saying hey, guys to the power. that's the fighting guide. we don't agree with any. and we want to make sure the civil society is alive and producing tv drama under such darkness. >> every saturday night. >> i lived that character. >> g back to where we started. the u.s. media have been bingeing on donald trump. the billionaire sound byte machine is all over the men airwaves and he's showing well in the polls. trump is a polarizing figure. even his hair is a polarizing figure. he's one of 15 republicans in the race to the white house, there's no journalistic just everything for the amount of attention to the american news media are giving the donald. pulitzer prize-winning cartoonist gives us a take on an animation called your trump tonight. see you next time here at "the listening post". . >> across the meted already and europe, refugees flee war, chaos and poverty, power polling indicates na nine out of the 10 refugees heard of donald trump. >> and with wild fires ravaging the west. - did he say that. >> hillary clinton says sorry, and questions about her email server dogs her campaign. >> does trump have a dog? we'll find out. >> first, a surge in the poll. the middle class is waking up to the fact that billionaires have taken over the democracy. >> one question. >> have you met donald trump, because we have. >> and that's your world tonight. get high. >> i have prostituted. >> for drugs? >> for drugs, yeah. >> we're dealing with the worst drug epidemic in united states' history. >> she said "dad, please don't leave me here". i said "honey, i don't have any choice". i'm ali velshi "on target", stopping the revolving door of low level criminals that spin in and out of america's prisons. a programme let's cops send nonviolent drug addicts to social programs instead of gaol. advocates say it's working. i take to a detective who says not locking up criminals is a big mistake. >> criminologists have a fancy word for the problem of lawmakers that are arrested, released arrested again. it's recidivism. thing of a revolving door where re o

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