> welcome to "inside story," i'm ray suarez. he says he's going to protect social security from cuts. he says planned parenthood actuall"> > welcome to "inside story," i'm ray suarez. he says he's going to protect social security from cuts. he says planned parenthood actuall" property="og:description"> > welcome to "inside story," i'm ray suarez. he says he's going to protect social security from cuts. he says planned parenthood actuall">

Transcripts For ALJAZAM Inside Story 20160310 : comparemela.

Transcripts For ALJAZAM Inside Story 20160310

story". >> welcome to "inside story," i'm ray suarez. he says he's going to protect social security from cuts. he says planned parenthood actually has performed vital services for women over the years. he says the iraq war was a mistake. badly fought, baddie ended. he questions whether john mccain is really a war hero. he belittles his opponents, and threatens to turn back 25 years of free trade orthodoxy. and he gets big crowds, garners free votes as people try to search for ways to derail him. the donald, last night's winners and losers at the polls. >> reporter: with the swaggering of a conquering hero, donald trump claimed the mississippi and michigan primaries by digits. >digits. i don't think that be i've ever had so many horrible things said about me in one week. $38 million in horrible lies, it shows you how brilliant the public s >> reporter: trump thanked his supporters who were not swayed by the all-out war against him, including mitt romney. >> every single person. we started out with 17 and went down to four. of the four, they're pretty much all gone. okay? pretty much. they didn't do so well tonight, folks. i'm not going to say that anybody didn't do so well. there's only one person that did well, donald trump. i'll tell you. >> no one had a worst night than marco rubio, the favorite canceled date of the republican establishment. rubio walked away empty-handed. finishing last in mississippi and michigan in the single romney. >> i'm calling on behalf of marco rubio. >> reporter: on the democratic side, a huge upset. hillary clinton saw her evaporate. bernie sanders took the state with just over 50% of the vote. >> what tonight means is that the bernie sanders campaign, the people's revolution, that we're talking about. the political revolution that we're talking about, is strong in every part of the country, and frankly, we believe that ourstrongest areas are yet to happen. >> clinton pulled off a decisive win in mississippi, with more than 80% of the vote there, and she still leads the overall delegate count by a wide margin. idaho voters turned in their votes for ted cruz. in the hawaii caucuses, voters favored donald trump,. >donald trump.>> okay, so trums head and he shoulders above a republican field still trying to present theories about how their losses and wins and his wins reality aren't. he's popular with a large fraction of republican voters, a larger fraction so far than anybody else who is running, but through it all, has he presented a cohesive view of what needs to be done now, an an ism. michael font la teaches at howard, bruce haynes, the foundern of purple strategies, and john hart, the editor-in-chief of opportunity lives. john, what explains donald trump for you? and this year. >> well, ray, i think that you can't explain without also explaining bernie sanders. and i think that the trump phenomenon and the sanders phenomenon are two sides of the same coin. we have an angry electorate who feels like washington has failed them. on one hand, you have bernie sanders at have catering socialism. and then donald trump, we don't know what he's advocating. but people are hurting because wages have been stagnant for almost 25 years, and the real income equality problem is not what the democrats transcribe as the gap between the rich and the poor, but it's the gap that people feel in their daily lives, between wage stagnation and be increasing costs of food, housing and all kinds of other expenses. >> so where they are. >> it's an economic frustration that's being channeled and aisle. >> let's leave bernie sanders until later in the program, bruce haynes, what explains his popularity? any group of people could have articulated that message, but they wouldn't have been that brash, as dismissive of party heroes, dismissive of the way that things are done in the republican party and still gotten those messages this justin bieber got across. >> everything that john says, i would agree with, and the key for trump, he's not of the tribe of those that have done this to these people. okay? this is a bipartisan problem. these trade policies, immigration policies, they have been republican policies, democratic policies, you know, nafta was a bipartisan issue and the impact that these have had on these families in he's regions. country where donald trump is doing so well, he's not a republican politician, a democrat politician, he's from outside of the system. and this is an issue of trust. we see that voters are having trouble trusting republican plingses. look at the registratio rejection of mitt romney, going into the states and having the reaction, and hillary clinton, someone from outside of the system, donald trump steps in, and speaks their language and talks tough, and he vindicates what they feel about what the economy has created in their lives. >> but wouldn't it have been harder, professor, and maybe that's the reason they're not doing it, to explain the more happened. a lot of the jobs that went to the other countries simply were not going to be saved in the united states. in a world where you can get people to do certain jobs for significantly less money, why was a job going to stay on the south side of chicago, or in cleveland's industrial valley, or in the central industrial belt of alabama? why? >> the reason why nobody is explaining that is civil because they know the truth. the truth is that the jobs are not going to stay. the textile mills in eastern north carolina couldn't be saved. and this has been going on for 35 organization years now. there used to be a time when politicians were saying things like affirmative action and forcing us to hire people taking your job. but in reality, we have a consequence of past policy decision, so what's driving a lot of this is the anger, but it's also ignorance. ignorance about how the policy process works, and ignorance of the consequences of past policy decision. so when somebody like donald trump, who is not from their tribe, and doesn't have the stank, if you will, from being a public official, stands up and says outlandish things and touches visceral beliefs that they have, it never occurs, donald, how long is it going to take to build that wall and how much is it going to cost? >> just about everybody in the room, when they're cheering, i bet 99% of them have a cellphone in their pocket. made in indonesia taiwan, china, and those cellphone jobs are not coming to tennessee. >> what you say, i think that trump may be bringing a new kind of stench into american politics. he doesn't have the stench of the old guard, but he'll come in and make promises to bring jobs back, and he can't undo, because we can't undo globalization. i was on the hill in the 90s, and our members worked for different at the time. and we oversold the impact of trade, saying that these jobs will lead to new jobs, they didn't materialize and we oversold it, and we're reaping the consequences of it. >> the roots of the donald. it's the "inside story". >> the republican party in recent decades, and we want to talk about why trump scares the gop in the way that he does. senior office holders and ill illumnears to stop the trumps. and when they rejected barry goldwater, specific appeals are being made to voters, ripe for picking. watch this excerpt of a tv spot in 1964 to encourage republicans to consider rejecting their party's nominee. >> i've always been a republican, my father was, his father was, the whole family is a republican family. i voted for dwight eisenhower, and i voted for nixon the last time. but when we come to senator goldwater, we're up against a very different kind of a man. this man scares me. >> the roots of the donald this time on the program. my guests are with me, and bruce, i think that the difference s. [ audio difficulties ] >> they just validate. and again, he is the guy who is not the one that i should be for, and the other thing that trump is doing that's really important, he's starting at what i would like to call political first base. one of the things that my party never does very well, we march out to the voters and say we have great policy prescriptions for you. we would like to give you a tax cut. and we don't start with the problem. and trump is holding up a mirror to the problem that we're describing, and saying that thing that you feel is real. and i get it. and i'll stand up for it, and i'll be strong about t the voters appreciate it. and there's a movement going on with the economic changes, and how people feel about them. and he has just stepped in to fill the void of leadership, but it was already happening. >> professor n. the 30 plus years that i've been interviewing people about presidential elections, they have always gushed about optimism. not only donald trump, but much of the republican field. steps up there and says everything is terrible. the country never wins, one of his frequent refrains, we never win anymore. and he runs down the state of america today and it works great so far. >> he has to do that, otherwise how can you make a plan that you can make america great again? if it's already doing well, how can he make it better? at the does what a national marketer does, things are bad over here, and he's going to make it worse than they really are. we aren't talking about unemployment is at 5%, and not long ago, it was at double digits, and all of other things happening in the economy. he's capitalizing on visceral anger, and that's in part because of a variety of things oversold through the years, and not withstanding that his own business acumen, which was just hit over the head by mitt romney, is legitimate to question, but people don't seem that. >> because he's push being the right buttons in their own guts. >> nothing works on this guy. i think what we're facing is a crisis of narrative. so the message being sold by both trump and sanders, there's a message on both sides that someone is conspiring to keep things down. corporations or republican establishment. but there has been a huge shift in the balance of power toward individuals, so trump's presence proves the absence of establishment just as sanders does on the left. so the good news, we have a mobilized electorate. this is not the year of the anti-establishment, it's the year of the empowered frustrated voter taking matters into their own hands. >> but if they're riding up and denying the nomination, that's a risky proposition. >> here's what's happening on the right. a few members, i worked for coburn for years, and he understood this anger and he said let's cut spending, let's get rid of earmarks and get rid of the corruption in washington. and what happened, you had the tea party split between the revolutionary caucus, [ audio difficulties ] what has happened, cruz has created this anti-establishment narrative, but he has lost control of t trump is the hero instead of cruz. >> has he thrown away the rule book on how to run a national campaign? if he has a political operation, it's hard to see, if he has a panel of advisers, they're hard to see. this is a campaign unlike anything that i've ever seen. >> i think that he has brought the best discipline of traditional brand marketing into presidential politics. you don't sell whisk, you sell ring around the collar. you don't sell the aspirin, you sell the headache. donald trump is selling the living heck out of the headache. he's holding up the mirror to the lost jobs in the country, the economic depression, and he's saying that i feel the pain of your headache, and i am going to have an aspirin for you, and that is i'm going to cut better deals than these guys cut. i can make america great again. he's a mile wide and an inch deep, no specifics, and it seems to be you enough. >> john has brought up bernie sanders, and we're not going to leave this stage without talking about the roots of the donald. stay with us. it's "inside >>it's crazy money that you can make here. it's a ticking time bomb. >>do you know what chemicals have been in that tank? >> my big brother didn't wake up the next day. al jazeera america's... >> today they will be arrested. >>they're firing canisters of gas at us. >> we have to get out of here. >> welcome back to "inside story," i'm ray suarez. the roots of the donald has been our focus on today's program. but i want to turn to bernie sanders, who shocked hillary clinton last night. obviously bernie sanders is a very different kind of public figure, a career politician with a long record on capitol hill. but similar to donald trump in rejecting democratic party orthodoxy and prospering. my guests are still with me. the two big party nominating processes, do they reflect each other like mirror images in that way, professor? >> yes, both parties have set up nominating processes that they hope will result in a candidate that they want. not necessarily one that the voters want. sometimes that's the same person, and sometimes it's not. and on the democratic side, you're seeing a candidate who i believe never thought that he would be in this position right now. but he wanted to raise the issues, and force secretary clinton to move closer to his direction, and he has done that more, and now all of a sudden, unlike the republican side, we have three people starting in the race, and there was never a large number of people out there running on the democratic side. and he's the last one there. he's where ted cruz hopes to be with regard to the republican side. and he's fascinating to watch, because he like trump is pushing certain but the ops, i can't tell you how many of my students just love bernie sanders and that's because he's speaking to the issues that they want to hear. affordability, school access, the system is rigged, all of those things pushing buttons for millennials all over the country. >> john hart, if we had this conversation a years ago, and i set get ready for a donald trump/bernie sanders film, you wouldn't have thought that i was a very smart guy. >> no, nobody expected this to happen. and i think that michael nailed that. millennials are looking for someone who will connect with them and both trump and sanders have touched on that emotion, and conservatives have done a very poor job of doing that over the years. >> if you're 25, and you're paying a school debt payment that's bigger than a car note, why would you think capitalism is all that at this point? yet. >> exactly, and a lot of millennials came of age in the economic crisis, in 2017 and 2018. and the numbers show that there's an equal affinity with capitalism and socialism. but when you change to the free enterprise system, the numbers go up. so that tells me that we have to do a much better job of telling the story of the free market. arthur brooks makes it, no other system has lifted more people out of poverty than the free enterprise system. but we want to start on second base secon, and we don't want to communicate to people's emotions on a gut level. that's what trump is doing well and sanders is doing well. >> is it close to over for this election? >> it's close to over for this election cycle. i do think that when the primaries are over, traditionally the campaigns will reset themselves, and they will look at we're in a general election environment and i'm not just playing to win my base and the primary. now i have to go out and talk to the 8% of swing voters that usually decide the election. what's going to be different this time, if it's trump and sanders, they're both going to have the disturbances in the force of their own party. not just trying to convince the vote enters the middle, but fighting rear guard actions of establishment in their own party. who fear what they would being and wanting to lead the country. so that would be an incredibly interesting dynamic. >> can you absorb bernie sanders' energy, or donald trump's energy, or is it just crypt ton out? >> i'm not sure, i don't know what the answer is to that. but throughout all of this, we have to consider what kind of congress a president trump or president sanders would have to deal with. so with all of the bomb blasts you see on both sides, the reality is that you may have to deal with a congress that's not as excited to deal with the things that donald trump is talking about. though he may maintain a republican majority, which could be a little shaky and the same with bern. however they act as president is going to be mod lated at some level. and we don't know that. >> . >> during his speech last night, a sort of product placement, come victory speech, come news conference, a weird hybrid thing, that was the first time that i ever heard him talk specifically about electing a republican congress. it's almost as if he realized last night, uh-oh, i may be the head of the ticket this time around. >> like bernie sanders, he's here, and he has to be able to think, wait a minute, if i get this nomination, what do i have to do to be president? to be more presidential, and talk about who might be republicans in the house and bringing people together. so he's working, and has to hustle quickly to be believable on that count. >> bruce is saying that it's almost too late for this psych and will do you still believe that. >> one thing that had trump said last night, even if it's him, he had nice things to say about paul ryan. and of any republican right now, communicating with people at a gut level and a policy level, it's paul ryan. he did a tour of civil society groups and he lost. and we turned it into a video at our site called come back, and they're conservative parables is what they are. >> it's called opportunity lives. i want to thank my guests, bruce haynes, founder of purple strategies, professor michael font la roy, and johner hart, editor-in-chief of opportunity lives. that's the "inside story". join us tomorrow for a look at britain's coming vote on whether to stay in the european union. should the americans worry about the prospect of a weaker eu? i'm ray suarez and thank you south korea says pyongyang's threatening to end economic cooperation in response to tougher sanctions. the world news from al jazeera. also ahead. >> for all of europe fall. what about america, canada, australia? hopes are dashed for thousands of syrian refugees as a popular migrant route to europe is shout down. myanmar's as the president candidate for the lower

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New York , United States , Pyongyang , P Yongyang Si , North Korea , Alabama , Australia , North Carolina , Bern , Switzerland , Syria , Michigan , Washington , District Of Columbia , Taiwan , Mississippi , United Kingdom , Iraq , Tennessee , Idaho , South Korea , Capitol Hill , Chicago , Illinois , Hawaii , Britain , Americans , Syrian , American , Bruce Haynes , Justin Bieber , Marco Rubio , Al Jazeera America , Bernie Sander , Dwight Eisenhower , Barry Goldwater , Ray Suarez , John Hart , Antonio Mora , Ted Cruz , Hillary Clinton , John Mccain , Paul Ryan , Bernie Sanders ,

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Transcripts For ALJAZAM Inside Story 20160310 : Comparemela.com

Transcripts For ALJAZAM Inside Story 20160310

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story". >> welcome to "inside story," i'm ray suarez. he says he's going to protect social security from cuts. he says planned parenthood actually has performed vital services for women over the years. he says the iraq war was a mistake. badly fought, baddie ended. he questions whether john mccain is really a war hero. he belittles his opponents, and threatens to turn back 25 years of free trade orthodoxy. and he gets big crowds, garners free votes as people try to search for ways to derail him. the donald, last night's winners and losers at the polls. >> reporter: with the swaggering of a conquering hero, donald trump claimed the mississippi and michigan primaries by digits. >digits. i don't think that be i've ever had so many horrible things said about me in one week. $38 million in horrible lies, it shows you how brilliant the public s >> reporter: trump thanked his supporters who were not swayed by the all-out war against him, including mitt romney. >> every single person. we started out with 17 and went down to four. of the four, they're pretty much all gone. okay? pretty much. they didn't do so well tonight, folks. i'm not going to say that anybody didn't do so well. there's only one person that did well, donald trump. i'll tell you. >> no one had a worst night than marco rubio, the favorite canceled date of the republican establishment. rubio walked away empty-handed. finishing last in mississippi and michigan in the single romney. >> i'm calling on behalf of marco rubio. >> reporter: on the democratic side, a huge upset. hillary clinton saw her evaporate. bernie sanders took the state with just over 50% of the vote. >> what tonight means is that the bernie sanders campaign, the people's revolution, that we're talking about. the political revolution that we're talking about, is strong in every part of the country, and frankly, we believe that ourstrongest areas are yet to happen. >> clinton pulled off a decisive win in mississippi, with more than 80% of the vote there, and she still leads the overall delegate count by a wide margin. idaho voters turned in their votes for ted cruz. in the hawaii caucuses, voters favored donald trump,. >donald trump.>> okay, so trums head and he shoulders above a republican field still trying to present theories about how their losses and wins and his wins reality aren't. he's popular with a large fraction of republican voters, a larger fraction so far than anybody else who is running, but through it all, has he presented a cohesive view of what needs to be done now, an an ism. michael font la teaches at howard, bruce haynes, the foundern of purple strategies, and john hart, the editor-in-chief of opportunity lives. john, what explains donald trump for you? and this year. >> well, ray, i think that you can't explain without also explaining bernie sanders. and i think that the trump phenomenon and the sanders phenomenon are two sides of the same coin. we have an angry electorate who feels like washington has failed them. on one hand, you have bernie sanders at have catering socialism. and then donald trump, we don't know what he's advocating. but people are hurting because wages have been stagnant for almost 25 years, and the real income equality problem is not what the democrats transcribe as the gap between the rich and the poor, but it's the gap that people feel in their daily lives, between wage stagnation and be increasing costs of food, housing and all kinds of other expenses. >> so where they are. >> it's an economic frustration that's being channeled and aisle. >> let's leave bernie sanders until later in the program, bruce haynes, what explains his popularity? any group of people could have articulated that message, but they wouldn't have been that brash, as dismissive of party heroes, dismissive of the way that things are done in the republican party and still gotten those messages this justin bieber got across. >> everything that john says, i would agree with, and the key for trump, he's not of the tribe of those that have done this to these people. okay? this is a bipartisan problem. these trade policies, immigration policies, they have been republican policies, democratic policies, you know, nafta was a bipartisan issue and the impact that these have had on these families in he's regions. country where donald trump is doing so well, he's not a republican politician, a democrat politician, he's from outside of the system. and this is an issue of trust. we see that voters are having trouble trusting republican plingses. look at the registratio rejection of mitt romney, going into the states and having the reaction, and hillary clinton, someone from outside of the system, donald trump steps in, and speaks their language and talks tough, and he vindicates what they feel about what the economy has created in their lives. >> but wouldn't it have been harder, professor, and maybe that's the reason they're not doing it, to explain the more happened. a lot of the jobs that went to the other countries simply were not going to be saved in the united states. in a world where you can get people to do certain jobs for significantly less money, why was a job going to stay on the south side of chicago, or in cleveland's industrial valley, or in the central industrial belt of alabama? why? >> the reason why nobody is explaining that is civil because they know the truth. the truth is that the jobs are not going to stay. the textile mills in eastern north carolina couldn't be saved. and this has been going on for 35 organization years now. there used to be a time when politicians were saying things like affirmative action and forcing us to hire people taking your job. but in reality, we have a consequence of past policy decision, so what's driving a lot of this is the anger, but it's also ignorance. ignorance about how the policy process works, and ignorance of the consequences of past policy decision. so when somebody like donald trump, who is not from their tribe, and doesn't have the stank, if you will, from being a public official, stands up and says outlandish things and touches visceral beliefs that they have, it never occurs, donald, how long is it going to take to build that wall and how much is it going to cost? >> just about everybody in the room, when they're cheering, i bet 99% of them have a cellphone in their pocket. made in indonesia taiwan, china, and those cellphone jobs are not coming to tennessee. >> what you say, i think that trump may be bringing a new kind of stench into american politics. he doesn't have the stench of the old guard, but he'll come in and make promises to bring jobs back, and he can't undo, because we can't undo globalization. i was on the hill in the 90s, and our members worked for different at the time. and we oversold the impact of trade, saying that these jobs will lead to new jobs, they didn't materialize and we oversold it, and we're reaping the consequences of it. >> the roots of the donald. it's the "inside story". >> the republican party in recent decades, and we want to talk about why trump scares the gop in the way that he does. senior office holders and ill illumnears to stop the trumps. and when they rejected barry goldwater, specific appeals are being made to voters, ripe for picking. watch this excerpt of a tv spot in 1964 to encourage republicans to consider rejecting their party's nominee. >> i've always been a republican, my father was, his father was, the whole family is a republican family. i voted for dwight eisenhower, and i voted for nixon the last time. but when we come to senator goldwater, we're up against a very different kind of a man. this man scares me. >> the roots of the donald this time on the program. my guests are with me, and bruce, i think that the difference s. [ audio difficulties ] >> they just validate. and again, he is the guy who is not the one that i should be for, and the other thing that trump is doing that's really important, he's starting at what i would like to call political first base. one of the things that my party never does very well, we march out to the voters and say we have great policy prescriptions for you. we would like to give you a tax cut. and we don't start with the problem. and trump is holding up a mirror to the problem that we're describing, and saying that thing that you feel is real. and i get it. and i'll stand up for it, and i'll be strong about t the voters appreciate it. and there's a movement going on with the economic changes, and how people feel about them. and he has just stepped in to fill the void of leadership, but it was already happening. >> professor n. the 30 plus years that i've been interviewing people about presidential elections, they have always gushed about optimism. not only donald trump, but much of the republican field. steps up there and says everything is terrible. the country never wins, one of his frequent refrains, we never win anymore. and he runs down the state of america today and it works great so far. >> he has to do that, otherwise how can you make a plan that you can make america great again? if it's already doing well, how can he make it better? at the does what a national marketer does, things are bad over here, and he's going to make it worse than they really are. we aren't talking about unemployment is at 5%, and not long ago, it was at double digits, and all of other things happening in the economy. he's capitalizing on visceral anger, and that's in part because of a variety of things oversold through the years, and not withstanding that his own business acumen, which was just hit over the head by mitt romney, is legitimate to question, but people don't seem that. >> because he's push being the right buttons in their own guts. >> nothing works on this guy. i think what we're facing is a crisis of narrative. so the message being sold by both trump and sanders, there's a message on both sides that someone is conspiring to keep things down. corporations or republican establishment. but there has been a huge shift in the balance of power toward individuals, so trump's presence proves the absence of establishment just as sanders does on the left. so the good news, we have a mobilized electorate. this is not the year of the anti-establishment, it's the year of the empowered frustrated voter taking matters into their own hands. >> but if they're riding up and denying the nomination, that's a risky proposition. >> here's what's happening on the right. a few members, i worked for coburn for years, and he understood this anger and he said let's cut spending, let's get rid of earmarks and get rid of the corruption in washington. and what happened, you had the tea party split between the revolutionary caucus, [ audio difficulties ] what has happened, cruz has created this anti-establishment narrative, but he has lost control of t trump is the hero instead of cruz. >> has he thrown away the rule book on how to run a national campaign? if he has a political operation, it's hard to see, if he has a panel of advisers, they're hard to see. this is a campaign unlike anything that i've ever seen. >> i think that he has brought the best discipline of traditional brand marketing into presidential politics. you don't sell whisk, you sell ring around the collar. you don't sell the aspirin, you sell the headache. donald trump is selling the living heck out of the headache. he's holding up the mirror to the lost jobs in the country, the economic depression, and he's saying that i feel the pain of your headache, and i am going to have an aspirin for you, and that is i'm going to cut better deals than these guys cut. i can make america great again. he's a mile wide and an inch deep, no specifics, and it seems to be you enough. >> john has brought up bernie sanders, and we're not going to leave this stage without talking about the roots of the donald. stay with us. it's "inside >>it's crazy money that you can make here. it's a ticking time bomb. >>do you know what chemicals have been in that tank? >> my big brother didn't wake up the next day. al jazeera america's... >> today they will be arrested. >>they're firing canisters of gas at us. >> we have to get out of here. >> welcome back to "inside story," i'm ray suarez. the roots of the donald has been our focus on today's program. but i want to turn to bernie sanders, who shocked hillary clinton last night. obviously bernie sanders is a very different kind of public figure, a career politician with a long record on capitol hill. but similar to donald trump in rejecting democratic party orthodoxy and prospering. my guests are still with me. the two big party nominating processes, do they reflect each other like mirror images in that way, professor? >> yes, both parties have set up nominating processes that they hope will result in a candidate that they want. not necessarily one that the voters want. sometimes that's the same person, and sometimes it's not. and on the democratic side, you're seeing a candidate who i believe never thought that he would be in this position right now. but he wanted to raise the issues, and force secretary clinton to move closer to his direction, and he has done that more, and now all of a sudden, unlike the republican side, we have three people starting in the race, and there was never a large number of people out there running on the democratic side. and he's the last one there. he's where ted cruz hopes to be with regard to the republican side. and he's fascinating to watch, because he like trump is pushing certain but the ops, i can't tell you how many of my students just love bernie sanders and that's because he's speaking to the issues that they want to hear. affordability, school access, the system is rigged, all of those things pushing buttons for millennials all over the country. >> john hart, if we had this conversation a years ago, and i set get ready for a donald trump/bernie sanders film, you wouldn't have thought that i was a very smart guy. >> no, nobody expected this to happen. and i think that michael nailed that. millennials are looking for someone who will connect with them and both trump and sanders have touched on that emotion, and conservatives have done a very poor job of doing that over the years. >> if you're 25, and you're paying a school debt payment that's bigger than a car note, why would you think capitalism is all that at this point? yet. >> exactly, and a lot of millennials came of age in the economic crisis, in 2017 and 2018. and the numbers show that there's an equal affinity with capitalism and socialism. but when you change to the free enterprise system, the numbers go up. so that tells me that we have to do a much better job of telling the story of the free market. arthur brooks makes it, no other system has lifted more people out of poverty than the free enterprise system. but we want to start on second base secon, and we don't want to communicate to people's emotions on a gut level. that's what trump is doing well and sanders is doing well. >> is it close to over for this election? >> it's close to over for this election cycle. i do think that when the primaries are over, traditionally the campaigns will reset themselves, and they will look at we're in a general election environment and i'm not just playing to win my base and the primary. now i have to go out and talk to the 8% of swing voters that usually decide the election. what's going to be different this time, if it's trump and sanders, they're both going to have the disturbances in the force of their own party. not just trying to convince the vote enters the middle, but fighting rear guard actions of establishment in their own party. who fear what they would being and wanting to lead the country. so that would be an incredibly interesting dynamic. >> can you absorb bernie sanders' energy, or donald trump's energy, or is it just crypt ton out? >> i'm not sure, i don't know what the answer is to that. but throughout all of this, we have to consider what kind of congress a president trump or president sanders would have to deal with. so with all of the bomb blasts you see on both sides, the reality is that you may have to deal with a congress that's not as excited to deal with the things that donald trump is talking about. though he may maintain a republican majority, which could be a little shaky and the same with bern. however they act as president is going to be mod lated at some level. and we don't know that. >> . >> during his speech last night, a sort of product placement, come victory speech, come news conference, a weird hybrid thing, that was the first time that i ever heard him talk specifically about electing a republican congress. it's almost as if he realized last night, uh-oh, i may be the head of the ticket this time around. >> like bernie sanders, he's here, and he has to be able to think, wait a minute, if i get this nomination, what do i have to do to be president? to be more presidential, and talk about who might be republicans in the house and bringing people together. so he's working, and has to hustle quickly to be believable on that count. >> bruce is saying that it's almost too late for this psych and will do you still believe that. >> one thing that had trump said last night, even if it's him, he had nice things to say about paul ryan. and of any republican right now, communicating with people at a gut level and a policy level, it's paul ryan. he did a tour of civil society groups and he lost. and we turned it into a video at our site called come back, and they're conservative parables is what they are. >> it's called opportunity lives. i want to thank my guests, bruce haynes, founder of purple strategies, professor michael font la roy, and johner hart, editor-in-chief of opportunity lives. that's the "inside story". join us tomorrow for a look at britain's coming vote on whether to stay in the european union. should the americans worry about the prospect of a weaker eu? i'm ray suarez and thank you south korea says pyongyang's threatening to end economic cooperation in response to tougher sanctions. the world news from al jazeera. also ahead. >> for all of europe fall. what about america, canada, australia? hopes are dashed for thousands of syrian refugees as a popular migrant route to europe is shout down. myanmar's as the president candidate for the lower

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