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Enough. Turkey is keeping an eye on intervene. A third stop has been added. He made remarks critical of u. S. Allies in the middle east. A week, the first patient in diagnosed. Nurses say they have no idea what to do if someone with ebola department. Jointly won the 2014 nobel prize in physics. They invented blue l. E. D. S. The fascinating book called qur all the truth is out. The week politics went tabloid. I think we marked a turning point. Boundaries rewritten. We begin with i. S. I. L. Terrorists, close to take the city of kobani, while turkeys army watches from across the border. Turkey may be prepared to let i. S. I. L. Prevail, despite promises to intervene. I. S. I. L. Were hit outside kobani, and kurdish fighters in kobani resisted assaults. The forces are believed to control parts of kobani, and are pressing on with the attack. Speaking to kurdish refugees, the conflict with i. S. I. L. Could not be resolved with air strikes, and kobani was about to fall. Kurds across turkey protested against the failure to come to the rescue. Nine protesters were killed, and curfews are in course in some kurdish areas. Protesters forced their way into the european building. And the Dutch Parliament in the hague, demanding that someone step in and help the kurds in the army. The u. N. Special envoy agreed that it was time for the International Community to act. We regret deeply if i. S. I. S. Is able to take over a city that defended itself with courage, but is close to not being able to do so. We need to act now. For more im joined from the New York Times newsroom, a member of the board, a former correspondent. Good to have you with us. Lets talk about president Recep Tayyip Erdogan, and what he has been saying. He told a crowd of kurdish refugees that kobani was about to fall, air power couldnt save it and turkey wanted three things from the west, a no fly zone, a secure zone parallel to that, and the training of moderate syrian rebels. You have to wonder at this point, are kobani, and the lives of syrian kurds who are left there, and there are not many. Have they become bargaining chips in a negs between turkey states . I think at this point both the United States and turkey feel strongly that they would want to find any means available to repel the i. S. I. S. Vans on the town. The reason is this is from turkeys standpoint this is a territorial integrity question, and would bring the war to their doorstep, something they want to avoid. It is forcing a complicated debate. Its bringing it out into the open between two allies, that on many things agree on syrian policy, but some friends have different views. Turkey would like to see the u. S. Campaign take on broader scope and see the goal of seeing president Bashar Alassad out of power. The u. S. Is being circumspect. Their approaches is to keep this limited for the time being, simply to role back i. S. I. S. s advances in iraq and in syria. You do have to wonder about recep Tayyip Erdogans motivations, saying that they would not allow kobani to fall. We have hundreds of deaths, 80,000 refugees, stories of people up against a border fence with turkey, because this is on the doorstep. They are there with their livestock, because they cant take them into turkey, and they dont want to lose their livelihood. The turks are not allowing fighters that want to cross i. S. I. L. To go across the boarder. We have talked about the turkish tanks that are sitting on the border watching as i. S. I. L. Fighters intensify their assault on kobani, you have to ask the question, whose side is turkmenistan on. This is a complicated issue for turkey. Anything to do with kurds, arming kurds is combustible for turkey, and the politicians have to be careful on how to proceed on that. Its not surprising. You are right. This is a huge humanitarian crisis that is looming. You have on the one hand a prospect of a Turkish Ground invasion if the fighting spills over into their territory, deliberately or by accident. That seems like a likely possibility at this point. And you have the u. S. Campaign taking on a far broader approach. This has become an active combat zone. This is no longer a series of clshtly planned strikes based on intelligence. This is a response for battlefield dine amition. I want to talk about that in a second. Lets talk about the kurd and the turks and what this means for Recep Tayyip Erdogan and the government. There are millions of kurds in turkey. Theres a strong separatist movement there. That question do they prefer capitol hill, and, you know, or kurds . I cant imagine that they would. At this point, you know, there doesnt seem to be a coherent policy that is being put forward. Theres going to be great reluctance in seeing the rise of kurdish militias in the area, because of the longterm implications. On the other hand i dont think anyone wants a blood bath. Lets talk about the u. S. And what its doing, and the criticism that the u. S. Deserves. It seems some of the bombing was effective against i. S. I. L. And kobani. You here reports of the using apaches, couldnt we, if we wanted to, obliterate the yul offensive if we had so desired i. S. I. L. Offensive if we had so desired. The Apache Helicopter strikes were different of the they were positioned near the area struck. So from a logistical standpoint you are dealing with apples and oranges. Its unclear the assets we have close to the syrian fight, and unclear what people on the ground could help guide the strikes. The use of apaches can be effective if you have spotters on the ground telling you what you want to hit, how to hit them and when to hit them. In iraq we have a Security Force with which we partner closely. They are not perfect, but are a ground force that can guide us. In syria you have none of that. I dont think its reasonably to assume the same tactics and assets can be brought to bear. We are dealing with different circumstances. Even they we have incirlik and the turks, and they agreed to allow us to use the base, something they said we couldnt do. So cant we deploy the kind of assets necessary to, without going on the ground, get rid of i. S. I. L. Near kobani, because it was open ground. Presumably you could do that. It doesnt happen overnight. It would have to come about as a result of policy that is ongoing. A lot of this is unfolding more quickly than the policies are designed i think theres a sense that some may be shooting from the hip, because ept on the ground are events on the ground are unfolding so quickly, violently and unpredictably. In the meantime i. S. I. L. Is gaining ground, something a lot of people didnt expect once the u. S. And the west set up the coalition. Thanks. Thank you. Turning to a stunning amount of criticism directed at the president from his former aids and friends. As he promotes a new book, the c. I. A. Director and defence secretary said u. S. President obama dammed credibility by drawing a red line against syrias use of chemical weapons and then doing nothing about it. Air strikes have done little to stop the terrorists and pennetta didnt gra. The president didnt come to a decision as to whether or not it should happen. There were decisions never confronted that i think in many ways contributed to the problems we are facing today. While pennetta had kind words to the former man in chief, hes not alone to former members critiquing their boss. Bob gates and Hillary Clinton wrote negatively about the Foreign Policy. Theres growing criticisms even when the president tried to academy. Im not on the ballot. Make no mistake, the policies are on the ballot. Every one. The attempt to help democrats fell flat with one of the president s closest former advisors. It was a mistake. For more im joined by Bill Schneider from washington tonne d. C. , from the think tank third way, and a professor at George Mason University and an al jazeera contributor, and in new york is michael shure, al jazeeras correspondent. Good to have you on the show and in person. Bill, with friends and former employees like these, who needs republicans. That is true, and the republicans are taking advantage of this. The president made a mistake saying his policies would be on the ballot. Republicans immediately cast the election as a National Referendum on president obama. Democrats are trying to distance themselves saying he has nothing to do with this, you are voting for me, louisiana, north carolina. Republicans are running adds saying this is a National Vote and its about obama. David axel rod i dont think hes ever uttered a negative word about president obama. When it go to axelrod calling the president out on the talk shows, you have to wonder . Hes calling him out on political intuition, not the substance. Theres a little sympathy that some have for the president. Jobs numbers are better, the economy is better, why cant i talk about it. Its not smart in an election, because people on the democratic side want to distance themselves from the president. Let them decide where to engage. There are a lot of smart guys at the white house. Why not talk this out. The president can speak off the cuff, as he did earlier, he uttered none line and he inserted aka obama care. He reowned it, making other democrats shiver. The smart men and women at the white house dont always have control over what the president says, hes a frustrated guys, because he cant trumpet his successor. Back to panetta, a harsh thing that he seems to have said was a simple statement where he said the president has lost his way. You would think if panetta had advice like this, he could give it to him privately. Theres not a lot of personal loyalty, and that is cop specific use. President obama is not a people person. Bill clinton was a people person. President obama is not like that. Hes cerebral, a thinker, an intellectual. One thing asked is who is the trusted aid that he turns to for advice. Who does he talk to about private matters, or to give him advise on personal levels. Cabinet. Yes, and michael and i talked about this last week. Where do you stand on whether it is appropriate. This is something that Vice President joe biden brought up. Saying its not appropriate to criticize a sitting president. Where do you stand on that. Should they speak out or should they have waited. They should have waited. You dont talk about a sitting president when theres an election coming up and democrats are worried. It hands the Republican Party ammunition, remember back in to. Trust me, ill old enough. Join what you guys are talking about. Republicans ran ads with the opponents morphing into president bill clinton, because he was very unpopular and controversial. The only thing keeping republicans running morphing ads is that could be considered racism the showing the opponents morphing into president obama. They probably will not do that, but are doing everything they can. Bills point is that its happening, if you go back to bob gates in a Midterm Election year. Not just arch election year, but all of this is going on with i. S. I. S. , syria, you are monkeying with a little bit of Foreign Policy, when you are standing on the sidelines saying how you thought it would be done, and the president , how he is conducting it. I think its happening now. This is the time when you get the most attention, if you Say Something controversial, the media is not paying attention. Talking about attention, some things are getting attention, Vice President joe bidens comment about our allies, and he apologised to a bunch offal lies, tuesday to the saudis, he said a number of things at harvard last week. When a student asked about americas human rights policy, and how we deal with them what does he say. Its a little like saying we should have never cooperated with stalin to defeat the nazis. We knew stalin was a no good sobs, but theres a thing called selfinterest. You and i were around, i dont know about michael, when he was chairman of the Foreign Relations committee in the senate. He was on the ticket to bring Foreign Policy credentials to the obamabiden ticket. What is he thinking. Joe biden is a peoples person, popular, ingratiating. He has a base of support. The Vice President came, every Vice President is a figure of fun. Remember dan quail. Vice president s have the problem. In this case biden is taking risks. He could become a goof ball to Many Americans. The problem is what my mother. Shes 102, would say whats on his lung is on his tongue. He cant sensor himself. That is a problem. Any chance he did this on purpose. Many said not necessarily this comment that a lot of what he said was true. Is there a chance he was actually doing this on purpose . Nobody is better at being joe biden than being joe biden. I dont think he does it on purpose. This is a genuine article. When he makes mistakes, me makes mistakes. With part of what hes asking, its true. A lot it based in truth. You do get in trouble sometimes. We are a month away, it will be an interesting few weeks. Good to have you guys with us. Now for more stories around the world. We begin in london where british antiterrorism Police Arrested four many suspected of plotting attacks in the u. K. The four men, aged 20 and 21 were british residents and are still being questioned in central london. Reports are that one of them has direct ties to i. S. I. L. This is the second highprofile arrest of terrorism suspects since the u. K. s threat level was raised to severe in august. The government estimates that 500 british citizens may have gone to fight for i. S. I. L. Meanwhile state side the fbi is asking for the publics help in identifying an englishspeaking man who appeared in a video last month. If you have any information, go to the website on the bottom of the screen. Next to yemen, where there are forwards of violence, 2. 5 weeks after a u. N. Sponsored ceasefire. It called for the naming of a new prime minister. On tuesday the president attempted to name his former chief of staff to the position. The rebels, angrily rejected the appointment accusing the u. S. Embassy of too much involvement in the decision. It could bring a return to brutal fighting claiming the lives of more than 200 people, when the rebels broke through a barricade, taking control of the capital. The fighting forced the u. S. To reduce personnel in yemen. We end in stockholm sweden, where the nobel prize went to three bright scientists. Isamu akasaki, hiroshi amano, and Shuji Nakamura split the prize for developing the blue l. E. D. Lights we see on the tvs and smartphones. Red and green l. E. D. S were developed in the 1960, it took 20 years for the blue light to be develop. They combine to create white light similar to the sun at a more efficient rate, 20 times more than traditional light sources. This is allowing l. E. D. Lights to be used to illuminate poor airs. Theyll split the 1. 1 million prize. Thats some of what is happening around the world. Coming up ebola outrage. Eight out of 10 registered nurses in the u. S. Says hops have not given them policy guidance. Should we trust c. D. C. Officials when they say they know how to manage the problem. And a shocking first hand act of a drug leak and terrorist. A d. E. A. Agent that went under cover for nearly three decades joins us. And harmeli aregawi is tracking the top stories on the web. What is trending. So many stories about bad cops is making the news. One that is making its way around social media is an occupying cop, giving a struggling mother what she needed the most. More on that coming up. Health officials in madrid are monitoring three more potential cases of ebola, after the diagnosis of the first person to have contracted the disease outside of africa, and are monitoring 22 people who had contact with the engineerss assistant. She had contact twice and was wearing protective clothing. It angered nurses in spain saying protocols in europe are insufficient to protect them. Some American Nurses say they are not ready to treat ebola patients and protect themselves. The head of the c. D. C. Said procedures are being put in place to make sure american personal now how to react much. Its normal to be scared. For the Health Care Workers who are caring, we want them to be scared and want them to have a elapse. We want them to channel that fear into being incredibly control. For more, we joined from minneapolis, by the copresident of the nurses united, the Largest Union of registered nurses in the United States. Good of you to join us. We have spoken on the show about a polling of nurses and the numbers show that 85 say the hospital has not provided proper training or communicated a policy on ebola. A lot of answers came after the news of the patient in dallas, and there has been no improvement in hospitals. Thats correct from what you have said. We have started interviewing people right away when we found out about the patients in africa. With ebola. Its nothing new for us. I said from the getgo, h1n1 that we doubt the readiness of our hospitals to be prepared. Now. We keep hearing Officials Say robust is the word. Its a word used to describe the health system. A third of the nurses say that the hospitals have unsufficient eye protection and impermeable downs and 40 say hospitals have no plans to fully equip it. Are we dropping the ball. I believe we are. We believe that it comes from the status of this supposed Health Care System that we have in the country. Its fragmented, theres private, for profit, not for profit. Theres not a standardized Health Care System where you can get information and disseminate it from above so everywhere is way. How concerned are you about what happened in madrid, in the context of the fact that the nurse felt sick, wanted to be tested. It remind me of what happened when Thomas Eric Duncan was not admitted the first time he went to hospital. I think that situation can happen anywhere, and that is one of the reasons that our flowerses are trumpeting this is the time to be prepared, not to panic, but be prepared, and we know as nurses that there is no real system in place to do that. You mentioned personal protective equipment. She said she was wearing it. Was she . Was it the proper equipment. With the system we have in this country you have hospitals left to their own devices to decide what is and isnt proper, and nurses asking whats the plan . , and you are told to go to a website. Laypeople can go to the internet and going google. We need to know we have enough Health Care Workers to take care of the patients. Everyone understands whether the linens are to be incinerated, taken away or sterilised. It requires extensive training with all Health Care Workers patients. Thats something you hear from nurse, that the policy at the hospitals have been to tell them to google or go to the c. B. C. Website and seat what the policies are. Either that or on their own intrahospital internet. Thats not interactive. When nurses are trained, and any Health Care Worker is trained, you need to ask questions and have someone respond to you. Its like a class. We need to hear the same questions in the same room, and hear the same answers. So what is your reaction to tom freedom of the c. D. C. We played a sound byte of his, saying that a healthy sense of fear is okay, if Health Workers channel it into meticulousness. There is a healthy fear. I understand the sentiment. We are already having a reasoned awareness and that is why we started the questionnaire with our nurses. We know that we should be wary of new diseases that we are not used to every day. We know we need the answers i spoke of. Another example is we need a certain number of nurses to carry out the work. I could have a patient assign. Of four patient, if two or three are isolation, theres gearing up, gearing down, putting it on, taking it off. That takes time. You have to have a reasoned assignment to know i have enough time to be careful. Thats the other part of this. A nurse nose what he, she, should do. If you dont have the time to do it, people take short cuts, and that may be where some of the mistakes happen. Important points. Jean ross, copresident of National Nurses united. Thank you for your efforts and tonight. Thank you. Moving to the global war on drugs and its connection to the global war on terror. A book is looking at how drug money is funding terrorist organization, including i. S. I. L. Our next guest went under cover, serving the d. E. A. And is author of the dark art, my under cover life in global narco terrorism. Seeing what you have done over the 30 years, i have a wonder about your sanity. You were in some of the most dangerous situations you could possibly be in in infiltrating the drug cartels, and the crime Groups Associated with terrorism organizations, and you found organizations from al qaeda, hezbollah, hamas and down the line are all getting money funding the operations to some extent through drug travelling. Thats correct. There are others who learned that there was a pipeline of money to be extorted. And can be taking rudimentary services. There are guarantees by other terrorist groups than those we face today. Its not necessarily the terror groups, but they then extort farmers growing it or get money from the other criminals involved in the drug trade. They often hire peasants, farmers once the drug is harvested. Sending in the experts to sympathise the drug. Morphine based. They are synthetic drugs, such as methamphetamine. I. S. I. L. Is mostly in that business, the business of meth amfete means. They are dab limbing in it. And ecstasy, you say they are a diversified criminal organization. They had intelligent unusuals. Look, if they hit one, meaning enemies, us and the rest of the world, and lose an element. It will damage the flow. The only difference between the individuals in that reason, iraq, turkey. Syria, in this massive fight for land and power, and those in africa, they use machetes, and i. S. I. S. Use ak47s. Why . Money. Its all about money. You mentioned b. And then theres the issue of narco terrorism. We talk about afghanistan, you spent a lot of time in afghanistan. You were the d. E. A. For a while. Yes. 15 of the countrys g. D. P. Comes from opium growth and the heroin industry. If you have the money, what can you do. The company is a financial basket case. If you took that away, who nose what would happen. The rest of the g d. C. Is steeped in donor dollars, a lot is leaving. They feel once the u. S. And International Security lease, the taliban and much of the pakistan will storm kabul. So legitimate money is fleeing through capital flight and the more. You mentioned north korea, and how they have methamphetamine industry. They are in the business and already there are other narco countries out there making money off of all this. This is a problem around the world. The mexican drug cartels in particular you say are a threat to national security. Absolutely. As of now, the federation which comprises the seven cartels possess more soldiers than the number of soldiers in the mexican army. They are better trained and armed, and more inspired. Literally. They could be completely just gr powerful. A lot of people run scared. Across the border. Because they are violently. Its an issue on many different levels. I want to go back to islamic extremists profiting off the the drugs. You dealt with a lot of guys. Up close and personal. Very closely with war lords, drug lords, all sorts of people. The religion islam condemns the use of drugs. Is there ever any thought gip to hey, we are trying to finance the holy war by doing something unholy, in any definition. I learnt about that intimately. Theres an element of the koran that allows for a fatwa. Thats when the supreme mullah can decree an edict allowing for a violation of the koran if it is to advance the cause that would great by benefit islam, in this case worldwide islam. Mullah youlla stated that opium could be openly sold. Before, mere possession of a small quantity merited death. Its good to have you here, im glad you are here, you certainly risking your life to fight the war on drugs. The book is the dark art and is available where books are sold. Time to see what is trending on the web with harmeli aregawi. A Michigan Police officer is hailed a hero for turning a traffic stop into an act of the kindness. He responded to a call about child in the back of the car without a booster. He met 25yearold alexis, riding in the passenger seat with a 5yearold daughter in the back. She admitted she was wrong and explained that she recently fell upon hard times. Alexiss car was repossessed inside. We are living pay check to pay check, hand to mouth, money. Instead of giving her a ticket he told her to meet him at the local walmart, and he bought the struggling mother a 50 car seat with his own money. I was almost at a loss for words. He didnt have to do that. A ticket didnt solve the situation, what solved it was a child being in a booster seat. It was the easiest 50 i spent. The officer doesnt expect anything in return, but that she pay the good deed forward. She says she will when she can afford it. A great thing for him to do. The scandal obsession, in the way the media covers politics, a book looks at how things have changed. And surprising things that may make you eat more. Later how far is too far when it comes to winning in pro sport. It was a question political reporters of past generations would never have asks the a politician, and had a role in changing american politics in the way that it covers politics, for good. The year is 1987, a frontrunner. It was gary hart. A miami investigation raised the spectre of scandal about womanizing the the media frenzy culminate in a new hamp smir in where a reporter asked have you ever committed adultery . , for more on it rides of fall and the destruction that is prevalent, im joined by a National Political columnist for yahoo new, former correspondent for New York Times magazine and author of all the truth is out the week politics went tabloid. Good to have you with us. President s private lives were private to a degree that seems astonishing. From fdr and j. F. K. s mistress , and l. B. J. Asked not to talk about women brought to the hotel rooms. The gary hart matter was the final nail in the coffin. Yes, if not the final nail, the first breath of a new era in politics and political reporting, thank you for having me on, i am thrilled to be here. You mentioned a bunch of president s. Personal moral and behaviour didnt figure. You have a meant where you flash forward, and you have gary with the Hillary Clinton of his day. The presumed nominee running ahead of democrats and other Vice President s. He is literally pinned against a brick wall in an oilstained alley. Four reporters surround him, hurling questions at him do you who is the woman in your house . Did you have sex with that woman . Can you be a moral leader . , culminating in a News Conference where hes asked an astonishing question. In the ground, the alley, the politics shifted. They got to the alley after a picture with gary hart with dona rice on his lap on a boat. They didnt. They didnt. Thats, again, so much of what we remember is wrong. Almost everything we remember. The picture didnt service until weeks after he was out of the campaign, it wasnt taken on a boat, but a dock. The picture this nothing to do with it. Its amazing. After reading what i read about the book and looking at portions of your book, my memory is focussed on the way i looked at it back then. You describe happened as a confluence. On one side it was a journalistic side. We go back to watergate and the fame and success that brought bob woodward and bernstein achieved, their success in bringing down a politician is something that became the holy grail for a journalists career. Theres a couple of things. Water gate makes heroes. They have a whole generation of journalists. The highest cooling is to expose a scandal. At the same time we are making hero, its an embarrassing episode, deeply embarrassing for the press corp in america. How did they let the guy who turned out to be unstable, paranoid, dishonest in a way we dont think of them in the 19 70s, how did we let the guy become president , after wed known him for decades. They have to do soulsearching. Maybe we werent looking at the right things, maybe character matters more than we thought. At that moment, you see the shifting of the political directive. Pushed towards a mindset of we know you are lying about something. Youre a hypocrite. Our job is to hypocri hypocrisy. Exposing a toxic atmosphere. And we confuse real scandal for irrelevant scandal. We lose context, doesnt mean every scandal doesnt matter, a lot do. I argue john edwards scandal. It was about personal behaviour. Bill chointans scandal bill clintons scandal may not have been impeachment, but it was relative. Bob kennedy said we are not the worst things we have done in our lives. Theres a tendency to think that we are. What we have done is reduce you to your worst moment in a way we would not want someone to defeat us. It reduces and denies readers and viewers the context that they might otherwise want. And raises the question of what does this mean for the people running for office. Im among those that thing you have to be a bit nuts to subject yourself to that scrutiny. It raises questions from people who may run despite the fact they may be securityinized in that way. Absolutely. We cant quantity, theres no way of knowing how many have been driven out of politics that having it to contribute, how many will never enter politics because the process is unendurable and invasive and not worth the trouble to anyone that doesnt grave that power, in a manical way or doesnt want to lie about their activities, or the numbers that get in, sail though the process, dont know about policy or governments and dont have ideas, but because no one talks to the media, they can get buy since theres no focus on ideas and agendas. When gary hart got out of the race in 1987, he had a speech from his staff and tore it up. He gave an angry speech saying mark my words, our politics will be reduced to a game with hunted and hunters. He said i tremble that we may get the leaders we deserve itself, it was mocked. The feeling is that he should have been contrite. 27 years later, i dont think too Many Americans would laugh at the idea that we could get the leaders we are deserve. The question is how important is, you know, what you have done in your personal life, how does that translate to your public life. I know we have moral leaders that are terrible leaders and probably the worse. The book brings up interesting questions that are worth looking at. I wish we had more time. We could talk about it for half an hour. The book is called all the truth is out. Thank you for being with us. I appreciate it. N. B. A. Owners are collecting drug samples from players, it has nothing to do with drug testing. We look at the huge issues that this is raising. First, the study showing the todays data dive goes out to eat. Three in five americans say they eat more than they should. Now we hear the people we are eating with could be a part of the problem. Connell University Researchers found people are more likely to eat poorly if they are near someone that is overweight. The studys authors attended a smag ety and beautifula launch. And had an actress with a suit 50 pounds heavier, and sent her back without it. Researchers compared how much the students consumed, finding theyate 30 more pasta and salad when at the actress was at the buffet in a fat suit. Eating with someone weighing more than we do, allows them to eat more than if we are with someone that is thinner. Then theres the what the hell effect. Researchers found when dieters slipped up. They often think they may as well eat more. They have blown their diet. Convenience plays a role in what they eat. We found people ate less. Putting the top at six feet away. Cutting the calories. The atmosphere of the places we eat want to make a difference. A Study Reports noisy, timulating restaurant makes people eat more quickly and consume calories. People take longer over their food, and eat less in a more relaxed environment. Coming up, why are n. B. A. Just how far should a sports team go to win games, some n. B. A. Teams have begun to monitor biometrics during personal time, using blood tests to keep track of their physical condition, raising all sorts of questions about privacy. The league agreed to a massive tv deal, more than 2. 5 billion a year, three times what the League Currently brings in now in network tv revenue. Joining us here in new york is dave zirrens sportsered for for sports magazine, host of the edge radio and an al jazeera contributor. Good to have you in town. Not one for understatement, you are calling the n. B. A. Teams vampires. Couldnt it be a good thing to check on Players Health and improve the performance. Its a great thing for management. Will it be a slippery slope. The thing that is disturbing is that right now in the collective dark anning agreement, theres nothing about blood testing, you are not allowed to test players blood, or illegal drugs. That is not in the cba. Theres no evidence that the teams are applying a certain pressure on players to give blood samples, not for ped, but biometric testing to see what they eat, when they eat, how much they sleep. The question is not just about privacy, but who has the power over the results of the blood samples, and would they be used in an unethical way and do we trust the openers to go the right thing. What is going on, in the world of professional sports, how is this happening without discussion and agreement . There was a big expose about the testing in the magazine. When they were approached for comment, they were like this is the first we heard about it, part of what they were talking about had to do with the uni union. They selected a person, the most powerful woman in port, michelle roberts. They are behind in knowing what players rights are. This is not just blood, but about biometric testing. Some have bracelets. And how much they are sleeping. They can determine if someone drank chom. Alcohol. They are getting a tremendous amount of information. You wonder who thought of it, someone that read a lot of george orwell, whether future dystopia is here. You have players suffering from insomnia, thinking hey, this head me to work out. The question is will some players say comments like that, because they dont want to look like the turd in the punchbowl. They wont say theyll be against that. I dont know a lot of places that will do a million. The issue is these are cultural platforms. If you normalize it, who is to say it wont happens next with the auto worker and others. You say if they find things the teams dont like, they take them out of players. Thats why you have some players that say they retire because he felt like being in the n. B. A. In the 21st century meant an end to privacy. Health issues could cost 1015 games a season. If you are a player and want your team to win and make money, you may say hey, if this will help me, and figure out what you do better, why not. You have to accept that management has your best there is at heart as an individual, and your interests and the teams are one and the same. Youd think they could figure out a way to negotiate this so theres protection for the players. Lets move on to something the players will be interested in, a tv deal. It changes the fortune of the n. B. A. , not that i had sympathy for the owners. Despite the fact some said they had been losing money, the reality is these guys are rich and the teams will get richer. Right. A 24 billion a year deal, triple the previous deal, more than the National Football leagues deal. Theres a lot of reasons. In this day and age of d. V. R. S and live streaming, live sports is the holy grail of madison avenue and advertisers. With all the n. F. L. s trouble that you and i have discussed, we are positioned to make inroads as not the until one sport but a competitor. I see this issue and the biometric issue as cojoined. Theres a breed of n. B. A. Owners that brought in and see it as being an incredible future. Guaranteed for years to come. And players are like extensions of equipment. You want it to work. Equipment, come on. We are not looking at that. We dont want this piece of equipment. Just because its 6 foot eight doesnt mean its not treated this way. It will be interesting to see what the association is. Its a brave new world. Good to see you, thanks. Thats all for now, coming up wednesday, whether you like it or not, drones are here to stay. Now theres a virtual kneeled rush for gold rush for people trying to get a piece of action. And automobiles, people that drive with each other and in automated cars. You can sweet me. Because you have to make imagine that ive just come from theyre exhausted, theyve seen a lot of blood, theyre panicked because theyre so the thing to consider here is to get that first person announcer this is al jazeera. Good to have you along for the al jazeera news hour. Im david foster with a look at some of what we have coming up in the next 60 minutes. Trying to get isil fighters to retreat, the fiercest air attract offensive yet on the border town of kobani. The kenyan president appears at the International Criminal court to face charges

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