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A Community Outraged and divided by race. Did the strong arm Police Response make things worse . Our reporters covering the story. Dont resist, ill bust your ass. Under attack and is there any hope for healing . A night of special coverage, flash point ferguson, the way forward. All right, welcome everyone to Al Jazeera America and our special coverage tonight. Im joined by my colleague joie chen and joie, an eventful night in ferguson, missouri. I dont want to are concern our viewers. This is the area which has been a staging ground for Law Enforcement and right now its also a staging ground for any emergency vehicles given weather situation that weve been seeing here. A very stormy night here in ferguson, missouri and the north county area outside of st. Louis. Demonstrators have been out anyway but there has been a lot of concern about what is going to happen, it might all be dampened by whats happening with the weather. Absolutely. Over the course of the next two hours there are a number of things we will discuss with you and bring to you. Including whats being proposed now, the socalled Michael Brown law and that is a law thats being proposed that would require Police Officers to actually wear cameras and that would be highly controversial as you can imagine but there are several in this community that are pushing for that. As jo joie was mentioning, how e community has responded to the events in the last 11 days and what this night portends and the potential for this night. It is a busy two hours and happy to bring it to you. Over the course of the last 11 days how a Little Community outside st. Louis sunl suddenlym flash point ferguson. It all began on august 9th when Michael Brown, an unarmed black teenager was shot six times by a Police Officer. Body left on the street for hours. Fed up a community reacted. Dozens of demonstrators arrested and journalists covering the unrest threatened. The Missouri National guard sent in to help. Wednesday attorney general eric holder arrived as the federal investigation into browns death gets started. A st. Louis grand jury hears evidence as to whether the Police Officer should be charged and ferguson struggles for a way forward. We here are looking at Al Jazeera America at the flash point ferguson and the way forward. It certainly is being affected by the weather of this hour and how its claingd, demonstrators, out on the discreet tonight is al jazeera correspond robert ray, standing very close to the area where Michael Brown was killed and close to the center of demonstrators over the last 11 nights, robert. Reporter joie, indeed, just two blocks away is where Michael Brown was shot and killed, 11 days ago. And protesters are making their way up and down the street but the rain and thunderstorms clearly affecting this demonstration. There was a less amount than an hour ago but weve seen an arrest down the street, a scuffle with protesters, nothing out of the ordinary we can tell you over the course of the last few nights. Police are staging, they are ready just in case things do occur here. Its a fluid situation as they make their way down the street. They should be here in just a couple of minutes. So tony, were watching this. Okay, robert ray for us on west florison avenue. I want to get to my colleague in new york David Schuster. And david certainly the highlight of this day and the event that many were pointing to was the arrival of the attorney general of the United States eric holder into this community. He arrived here and had a number of meetings. Maybe you can recap his day in ferguson. Clear images involving the federal government. The Obama Administration sent attorney general eric holder to fergz to soothe the community and to remind everybody the federal governmental is involved. And to underscore this holder arrived in the largest u. S. Government aircraft available to a cabinet secretary. He then went to a high school to say change is coming. And then went to a restaurant to address ron johnson. Holder pushed back at any notion that this was all for show. I need to be here. You know . I was a little disturbed to see certain things, people questioned why i was here and my answer to that would be, why would i be anyplace other than right here and right now to talk to the people in this area who are diseshin deserving of our a. We want to help, we want to listen to hear about the issues that you all are dealing with, are there ways in which we can help. Some of the demonstrators today urged a st. Louis county prosecutor to help them, Robert Mccullough by listening to their demands of criminal charges. In the midst of holders visit mccullough began presenting evidence to the grand jury. Whether officer Darren Wilson should face a criminal indictment. The prosecutor is very experienced, Robert Mccullough, been doing it for 24 years, a career prosecutor, very, very experienced. In the eyes of Many Community members hes also very controversial given his ties tot st. Louis county Police Department. But mccullough has refused to sustain side. He is leading this himself. Another source of disagreement in a community marked by lingering tension is regardless of the federal and local healing efforts that were undertaken today. Tony back to you in ferguson. All right, David Schuster in new york city. David appreciate it thank you very much. Robert harvard junior, former exros curiosityprosecutor, an an man arrives here in ferguson, at this flash point, flash point ferguson, his presence here what it says and how it changes the dynamics of the investigation at the moment and moving forward. Tony, despite whatting holder says, you never see the attorney general of the United States appear in these types of situations. If the state officials had been able to step up and quell the problems with the community if they had been able to reach out, likely you would not have seen eric holder here. But his appearance is necessary because they have not been able to deal with the facts on the ground. Hes there to assure and thats important for administration as well. It also ask a big extra set of eyes, right . On the local, the county investigation, as well. And in terms of sharing information, will there be informationsharing . We know that fbi agents are on the ground. We know that there are there is staff here from the Justice Department conducting interviews. Will there be a sharing of information fro the Justice Department, investigators from the fbi, investigators with the county investigators and the county Prosecutors Office . You certainly would hope so. I have to tell you in dealing with state and federal agencies sometimes people like to carve out their own turf and dont work very well together. Holder is going to make people be on their toes. I strongly suggest because he is there, whoever is operating on the state level, state police state prosecutors are going ohave to up their game because they know the federal government is looking. Lets say this the federal government has the ability to file and bring their own charges so the state does not want to look like the weak sister here. Thats right. Im curious, do you think theres a chance here that the feds will actually take over this investigation . I dont know what that means. I dont know if theres a mechanism that would allow that to happen. But is there a chance that Something Like that could happen . I dont believe that they would supersede this investigation, in other words, take it over themselves. But they will do their own investigation. Because the fact of the matter is, if they are going to bring federal charges, those federal charges are different in many ways than the state charges. They will have to prove different elements. But the federal investigators have to step up because the community has indicated a lack of trust in the state officials and in order for the federal government not to fall into that same trap they have to show themselves worthy of the role of premier investigators in this case. Robert, another thought here, imive wondering given the fact we know the history, the lack of indictments, prosecutions and protections of Police Involved shootings what, do you anticipate here . Is there a chance we might see an indictment in the case based on theres a lot to be learned about this investigation, theres a lot to be learned about the evidence, but the history and the track record in these kinds of cases suggest that there wont even be an indictment. You bring up the good point. The fact of the matter is, the thaing people dont like to talk about and particularly prosecutors there is a symbiotic relationship, close relationship between Prosecutors Offices and Police Departments. They rely upon each other. They hone these relationships over years and years. What youre asking the prosecutors to do is look at their own and pass judgment. A prosecutor can indict a ham sandwich. Anything he or she wants to. Conversely he can fail to diet if he wants to. To indict if he wants to. Steering, the grand jury gets idea of what this prosecutor would like for them odo, they see the prosecutor as an authority figure. Robert, great to talk to you. Robert carver, junior, noted defense attorney and former prosecutor. Thank you for your time. I want to remind you of the hashtag we got it, dearericholder. We want you to express your thoughts. If you have a question for the attorney general of the United States, direct your words to the hashtag. If youve got thoughts about whats been transpiring over the last 11, 12 days, if you have questions specifically to the attorney general, direct it to that hashtag, dear eric holder. The attorney general will be with us later on in the show, and randall pinkston, back to you. Thanks, tony. This is an opportunity for people to express their opinions in another matter of the Michael Brown case. Citizens have been urging prosecutors to is sign a petition on a white house website. This video shows the scene of the shooting after Michael Brown was killed by a ferguson Police Officer. The question is, what happened before . Theres no video or audio of that. So some americans want washington to change the rules. One proposal posted on the white house petition website calls for a mike brown law. It would require all state county and local police to wear a camera to ensure all police are following procedure and to deter misconduct. In the weeks its been post ed more than 100,000 people have signed it, video would have helped set the record have a straight in browns case. Instead we have a situation of he said he said, and the Police Officer nissing he did flog wrong, and the Community Feeling an unarmed youth circulate not have bee shoule been shot by police. One of the measures in new york city, pointed to its success on the west coast. A city in california experienced an 88 drop in Police Complaints one year after body cameras were instituted. But the cameras have not worked so well in albuquerque, new mexico. In ferguson, the police chief said hes received grants to buy some dash and body cameras but not enough to install them. A former sheriff told adges it l jazeera, its something they should consider. Some supportsers of the mike brown law say it could improve trust in police and the citizenry they certain. If we give them cameras rather than military equipment. Because over 100,000 signed the petition, the administration will respond but no indication whether this petition will become a legislative proposal, joie. You know we are out here at the command center for the events happening still at flash point ferkz right through the heart of a Commercial Area in ferguson, missouri where youve seen over the last 11 days as protesters have come out and met and clashed frequently with Law Enforcement. But theres more is to the story, beginning decades ago and in a neighboring community. A native who brought us into the heart of ferguson is really whats behind the death and the anger arising out of the death of mike brown. This is basically what its been every night is, when i. T. Gets dark the Police Become more aggressive and the police been out here longer and theyre a little more aggressive, too. We found on west florison, in the heart of what was a nonviolent demonstration. A night that saw more dancing and chants. Signs of protest. But a sense that ferguson, and all of this area known as north county, might be ready to turn a corner and look forward. Still, it doesnt take much to trigger anxiety. Its intimidating to the people when you got helicopters flying over the sky, you got Police Officers hundreds of them, you got whole mall parking lot full of Police Officers. This is basically an occupation. Umar lee understands this community, north county is his home. Hes a native and observer a columnist a cab driver and a man who believes this week of clashes and anger hasnt changed the relationship law floarmt has with the people. You know the heavy hamed Police Tactics handed Police Tactics have made things worse. Theyre adding fuel to the fire. A fire sparked umar lee tells me decades ago. This part of st. Louis county outside the city of st. Louis was also home to missouris first all black city, kinlock, settled before the turn of the last century. And it remained truly separated from ferguson and the rest of north county, with barricades on the streets, until nearly 1970. Development around the International Airport gradually forced residents out. And today, much of kinlock is literally barren. A waste land. A dumping ground. All but abandoned. And the community that was here now shoved into neighboring ferguson and other towns in north county. In 1980 only 14 of ferguson was African American. It raismed a majority remained a majority White Community until the 1990s. In 2010 the black population had reached 63 . Made up of families like Michael Browns and those of the young people who have taken the streets here night after night. Those are the streets that umar lee drove us through telling me theres a direct link between what happened to north doesnt and the life and north county and the life and death of Michael Brown. You have a lot of displaced youth, either they came from cin kinlock or their families came from kinlock, transient moving from one apartment complex to another. The place where Michael Brown was killed is a major recipient of where kinlock residents. Michael brown had a future. He had a future but you had to put it into the cultural context that mike might have had a future but a lot of these youth you see in the streets dont have a future. They dont he feel connected to society or anything else. They dont feel they have anything to live for. They dont feel they have anything to lose. Against all of that, a Police Department that remains nearly alt white in ferguson, increasingly equipped with military gear. Umar says its enough to ignite the powder keg. Antiied vehicles, tanks, aircraft, guys dressing like villains from batman. It was so absurd why people dress like theyre ready to go fight taliban. I mean it was just a bizarre situation. It doesnt mesh with reality. Like i had never seen that stuff in the hands of Law Enforcement. I mean, i realize it existed but ive never seen it that, that that was a tool for policing a subursuburban community. There are signs the message has not been received down to the patrol level. As we sought to photograph a welcome sign on one of kinlocks abandoned streets, far from the demonstrators. Dont do it, ill bust your ass. Ill confiscate the film for evidence. Im asking to you leave. Thats it. This, umar lee tells us, remaining the way the people expect to be treated by the police, harassed, even when doing nothing illegal, even as any encounter is likely to end as it did for Michael Brown, badly. Its not just mike brown. Its life, times of bad dealings with the police. Its seeing your family dealt with by the police in that manner. Its so many things. And its not just mike brown. One young mans death but a lot of old hurts being exposed in that. Being exposed at this hour are the weather conditions here in the part just the north suburbs of st. Louis. This community known as we said as north county. And it is seeing quite a light show as you see right now, in this area. We also saw some very heavy weather, heavy rains that have moved through that area. That the might in fact have impact on the protesters who are gathered on west florison even at this hour, given the weather condition but the weather is certainly helping Law Enforcement control this situation as we see here. Were going to take a brai in our special coverage but when we return, well be looking at what if community is doing to help its own right now. Now. When you run a business, you cant settle for slow. Thats why i always choose the fastest intern. The fastest printer. The fastest lunch. Turkey club. The fastest pencil sharpener. The fastest elevator. The fastest speed dial. The Fastest Office plant. So why wouldnt i choose the fastest wifi . I would. 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There are demonstrators, maybe the numbers are a bit reduce id because of the weather system moving through area right now. You can see the Police Presence as well. As we move from those pictures im going to take you to new york city right now happening right now in the east village in new york city is this demonstration, this protest happening right now in supports of Michael Brown. The young black man unarmed who was killed here in ferguson, missouri on august the 9th. That is whats happening right now in the east village of new york city. I want to take you now as we keep moving to oakland, california a flash point for several of these confrontations in the past, right . There was a demonstration going on right now in oakland, california, the numbers are not quite as big, the crowd not quite as vociferous. But its the principle that counts here obviously for the people taking part and the aerials of that view in oakland, california in support of Michael Brown here in ferguson. Flash point ferguson. I want to introduce our next guest. Brittany patenet, executive director of teach here in ferguson. Great to see you. Great did to see you. The schools are closed right now and many of the districts in this area schools were supposed to open last thursday. The indication now is that school will open for many of these students here on monday. So classes are out. Students are looking for something to do. How is that impacting whats going on in this community and whats been the response so far . Because i know parents are involved, teaching for america is involved to try to give these students a little learning back. Thanks for having me. The real truth of the matter, the children are suffering the most, theres a Community Response you call this an occupation, why are you using this language . I grew up in this community. I live about ten minutes from where Michael Brown was shot and ive never seen our streets look like this. Maybe its Strong Language but most certainly they are here. Its important to remember people want to be able to walk in their neighborhood freely. When we think about those children who want to walk in the Community Free reply children are the top of that list. Theyve seen the most tell us about this. Carrie pace, said if school is going to be out tuesday through friday the least i can do is provide some learning and activities for students who want to come. She got about a dozen students together at the ferguson public library. There were about a dozen students on tuesday and today, there were 110 students, parents and teachers and Community Came together to provide instruction. Ferguson is hosting necessary crisis training for the next few days. Let us be your backup so for the next two days well be hosting teach for ferguson. Britt fullybrittany, crisis , talk to us about what you are seeing. There was a conversation you had with a young student. Whats been the impact so far that youve been able to sort of register through your work of whats happening here on young people . I mean the experience is really traumatic, right, when we talk about the epidemic of police brutality, when we talk about whats been happening on ferguson streets, thats a traumatic experience for too child, a lot of noise, lot of different experience that you cant totally calculate or compute. I was talking to an eightyearold, eightyearolds are my heart. I asked him what he knew about the case and he told me. I asked him what do you think when you see a Police Officer . He said, run. So what that teaches me what that tells me is our young people are internalizing very dangerous messages. I heard from another of my teenagers, a sixyearold was crying uncontrollably. When they asked him why, he said, they are killing young people like me. They are wondering, why they are not valuing them like they are others . Why arent we valuing their lives . Children are having a difficult time understanding that. We need to build a Community Around our children so they feel affirmed by their colleg clergye educators and their community. Brittany, that was so well said. Executive director of teach for america here in st. Louis. The questions those young people are asking, sentiments being expressed right now not only in ferguson but across the country, weve got a couple of live shots we want to show people as we go to break here. East village in new york city, pretty vocal demonstration. Im going opause for just a second so you can hear the chants going on in the east village of new york city. So you can imagine, you can imagine this is a protest that is encompassing a couple of things. The death of eric garner on stat staten island, a couple of weeks ago, the result of what appears to be a choke hold, you can imagine the frustration and age are over that set of circumstances, needing into this this, and august 9th, the shooting death of Michael Brown. Fueling the demonstration in new york city. I want to show you whats going on in oakland, california, my understanding it was quiet a few moments ago but now its starting to pick up mowmentd and intensity. We understand that hundreds have gathered in oakland, we are going to continue to follow developments on west florison avenue. This is flash poi point ferguso, this is Al Jazeera America. Violence grips an american suburb. A community in crisis. A deep racial divide. A wall of silence in missouri. Still, so many unanswered questions. Why did a Police Officer kill an unarmed black teenager . Is a militarized police force heightening the tension . Attacking freedom of the press. Dont resist ill bust your ass. How can the community heal, a night of special coverage, flashpoint ferguson, the way forward. All right, so welcome back everyone to our special coverage. Were calling it flashpoint ferguson. Tony harris with my colleague, joie chen, joie, great to be with you. Youre looking at pictures from west florison avenue. Demonstrators are walking past, its been mostly a quiet evening so far, perhaps the weather has played a part in that but so far, so good. Yes. What the police have evolved with great word, evolved. Ds a strategy, what theyve done moving the positions, for example a couple of nights ago they started with the demonstrators, were allowed to march but they had to keep moving. Cant gather. Cant gather. That was going obring down the clamp down as well, that has evolved. Certainly what weve seen over the last couple of nights is they moved the bulk of the media, to another location. Were probably a quarter mile as the crow flies. You goat west florison and further from the demonstrators, this has been the focal point of all the activity. Absolutely. I want to, when we keep an eye from our position, west florison, we want to show you a picture of organizers, were capturing those now, we first want to take you to the east village of new york. Again i want to pause for just a second and let you hear some of the chanting that is going on from this demonstration, this protest in support of mike brown and his family here in ferguson so lets give it just a listen here. Beings no cop zone no cop zone they know about us they know about us. It cant be any more clear, the sign says it we stand with ferguson, missouri, a demonstration that has sprung up in the east village of new york city. And a demonstration in oakland, california, in the San Francisco bay area, a smallish group that i believe is starting to grow. We have an aerial view now that youre seeing of the drairt demonstrators who are gathering, a growing number there, im imagining as the evening wears out there, the numbers may go on there. It is early part of the evening. This is just across the bridge in the San Francisco area. But you know whats interesting about this is it points to the coast to coast nature of interest in this. We are standing about the heart of the country along the Mississippi River in st. Louis. This is not the only situation where there has been question about Law Enforcement, the use of force and individuals who have been in difficult situations with Law Enforcement as a result. One of the correspondents we have following up on this situation in ferguson, missouri is correspondent robert ray who is down now on west florison avenue where robert the protesters are out, even though the lie lightning has been gathering, the demonstrators are still out still devoted to the cause. Reporter they are still out joie. About 100 by my count that continue to go up and down the street here just two blocks away from where Michael Brown was shot. I also want to requirement you that last night after midnight this was the particular intersection where some tempers flared, some protesters came up exactly where im at and some police decided that they wanted to pull their shotguns out and tell people to disperse. We saw video earlier, one of the officers has been removed, one said im going to kill you with an ex me tifs i expletive. Its calm right now, we have very rainy and are cloudy out there, this is moment to moment and thats the fact here on the street, joie. Robert ray for al jazeera down on west florison avenue right in the heart of the Business District of ferguson, missouri, the Commercial Area where weve seen so many protests taken in the last few days. The center has been busy, they had put up decontamination units, on the possibility there would be contaminants put on officers during the protests, they are trying to hope against hope that no further clashes occur. This is a community where we have seen over our days of coverage here in the ferkz area that has been ferguson area that has been conflicted and brought forward a lot of energy and interest of political process in the future of north county. Joining us from new york is correspondent paul beban who is looking into the political process and the role people of color are playing in this. The community with the new majority and where the old guard is still running the show. After more than a week of confrontations between mostly black protesters and a mostly white police force firing tear gas rup rubber bullets and driving armored vehicles, tuesdays remarks by mayor James Knowles said ment. There is not a racial divide in ferguson. Based on arrest statistics, he may be right but that looks nothing like its people. The town is twothirds African American but the mayor the school board and most of the Police Officers are white. Ferguson used to be 75 white just 20 years ago. But now because of the sweeping demographic changes its almost 70 black in just 20 years but theres been an institutional lack to really represent the new diversity of the town. So the city changed but its power structure stayed the same. How did that happen . The ballot box tells the story dmg black and white are turnout in elections was roughly equal. But in the fall election only 6 of blacks who actually were available to vote didnt. Urban policy professor and former state senator jeff smith explains why. The black population is much younger than white population. People who are 18 to about 30 dont vote at very high rates. Conversely, the other, timing of elections is important. Municipal elections in st. Louis county typically take place in the spring. Of course, the president ial election which takes place in the fall is when people of lower socioeconomic status are much more likely to turn out. Reporter at a weekend memorial l service, the reverend al sharpton said. Facing tomorrow. Another problem is this institutional lag can be very durable. When people see their leaders dont look like them it makes them less likely to vote because the system ask rigged against them. How to break that cycle, getting those unrepresented groups to the ballot box, that is the question. Tony. So key so important so necessary, all right paul beban this new york. I want to play a little bit of san interview we conducted earlier, why his name is darnell hunt and he has been taking a good look as this situation over the last days in ferguson. I is the him what about the events in ferguson, what do those issues have to do . Heres what he has to do. It tells us that notes of Postracial America is a myth. We have a lot of things odo, unfortunately those who believe we have gotten beyond race, we have turned back in many ways, weve weakened the Voting Rights act, unfortunately we have created situations where people feel disaffected, disenfranchised and politically weakened. Beneath the trigger of the tragic death of Michael Brown that is the situation. Im being pleased to recognize, elon, this week in blackness, thats compelling and also social activist and 4th founder tara connolly. Elon, how have you been looking at the course of events over if la 12 years and some of the thoughts you have again sharing and thoughts others have shared with you. Im looking at this as a tragedy and a horror, children are being dehumanized, this is Something Like i cant imagine this happening in the have 2014. Are being guns pulled on them, and just to terrorize them never thought this would be beings it is,. Ferguson out here. This is your community. No, i actually traveled down here because people actually requested that we come down because a lot of the Media Attention to this was completely and utterly false. Who vied you down here. People through social media, would we come down here to actually tell the story and we have and weve actually been pinned doubt with tear gassing the area, as media goes around saying and following the presser that captain ron johnson doing, saying it is only riders, in fact that same time, people are being caught by tear gas that is throarn at them. What is the social media response that youve witnessed . I have to share the sentiment where elon. Im not there but the stories im hearing through social media, it is tragic. And i will say that social media is playing a role in helping us define this moment. I think were going to look back 100 years from now and were going to be able to look at these independent media outlets. Were going to be able to look at social media, the conversations were having in these space and were going to be able to see who we are at this moment and right now its tragic and traumatic and painful but there is hope because young people are using these forms of media in different and redefining ways. For instance the young man who was throwing the tear gas back at Law Enforcement who is wearing the american flag, that image has gone around are social media so many times. I will say this, it is redefining youth citizenship and it is also redefining what we as a country understand as heroism. Interesting. Im going to come back to you on some of these notes in a moment. Elon i can feel palpably your frustration at this monetize. Whatever window of opportunity is open now and move forward a more positive, more inclusive agenda in ferguson and perhaps take the message across the country . Quite honestly, it has to come in another part of the current. The fact is they are going around actively are terrorizing carrying guns. Thats why people know the story because otherwise mainstream yeefd was saying, because of people telling stories from the ground and be able to spread these stories out, because otherwise these people would still be here under tyranny and not even know about it. What do you feel is being beg misrepresented or underwritten . It is not the main part of the story. That shouldnt be the part, we have people literally you cant ignore the had a portion of the story . Come on. You dont understand when you cant walk into your own community and you cant feel comfortable if people paid for you to protected you, people are being traumatized totally have thawn now. Foogz of tear gas all fogs of tear gas, there is no problem, this is how you solve it. Elon, dont move a muscle. I tell you, what are your thoughts, im asking essentially whats the opportunity right now in this moment to transformer the conversation, something sadly lacking here in the United States and other parts as well. One of the things we need to remember is this story started whether a cop showed and unarmed young black teenager in the street, right . Thats where the story is, thats where we pick it up again and going back to social media and the way it talks back to the narratives that are being framed in various mass media spaces, thattings doesnt edoesnt mean, if we start to think of it as a framework there are certain media that are looking at the story from a certain perspective. I do see whats happening via youtube or twitter or vine, a reframing of the situation as well. Tara connolly, the founder of media make change. And he lon wa elon do you feel r moment to express yourself. No, its not my moment, it should be a moment of america that maybe black lives matter. We appreciate it. Indeed. Well come back to our coverage, flashpoint ferguson. This is Al Jazeera America. Welcome back to ferguson, missouri, flashpoint ferguson. My colleague joie chen. Great to you with you joie. Folks watching from not only ferguson but a couple of selected places across the country. When you see these pictures they are emotional, but protests you see, brings out a lot of emotion, age are still nonfinals football. These are reflections across the country, east coast, now we go out to oakland, california, where theres a smaller group, its have earlier in the day than it is here. Is its relationship with the community is echoed across the country in different kinds of communities large and small, seeing some of the same paige pain and concerns that have come from ferguson. And many of the people demonstrating on west florison avenue would probably be heartened to know that what is going on here is reverberating around the country. You would have to know that they would be aware of the potential impact of whats happened here in ferguson and the master planning and the are demonstrating there, that the potential was always there that their message would be picked up, as you mentioned in the east village and oakland at well, tonight on west are florison avenue, it has been the epicenter of activity. Its been a calm marsh this evening. We believe the weather has played a role. Who knows . The focus last been be on the president s voitiopresident s vy general eric holder who came, and also speaking with the family of Michael Brown. And we also want to understand what our viewers are thinking about. We encourage our viewers to contact us on twitter at the hash at that time dear mr. Attorney general, what is important learning out of that . As we go to another break, a picture of what we have, here in ferguson. Saturday on tech know. I cannot imagine being trapped in ruble like this. A miraculous new invention. 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