In the credits that no animals in the credits that no animals were harmed in the making of were harmed in the making of this film worthless . This film worthless . Also Game Show Host and legend also Game Show Host and legend bob barker joins us with his bob barker joins us with his effort to save animals overseas. Effort to save animals overseas. Plus, in spite of all the plus, in spite of all the criticism, could john kerry criticism, could john kerry become one of the become one of the most important most important secretary of secretary of secretary of states in years . Secretary of states in years . Are many people getting are many people getting duped, well tell you the best duped, well tell you the best way to protection your way to protection your donations. Donations. Butterballs great slinking butterballs great slinking turkeys, how turkeys have never turkeys, how turkeys have never been bigger. Been bigger. This year movie goers and this year movie goers and animal lovers might want to pay animal lovers might want to pay more attention to the pledge more attention to the pledge that no animals were harmed that no animals were harmed during filming. During filming. A a stunning investigation into stunning investigation into how animals are treated, how animals are treated, injuries and even deaths, injuries and even deaths, including life of pi including life of pi and the and the hobbit, the man who broke the hobbit, the man who broke the story, no animals were harmed, story, no animals were harmed, gary good to see you thanks for gary good to see you thanks for doing this for us. Doing this for us. The American Humane Association the American Humane Association is the association that is is the association that is charged with monitoring tv and charged with monitoring tv and film to ensure that animals are film to ensure that animals are being treated properly. Being treated properly. Your investigation pretty much your investigation pretty much says theyre not doing their says theyre not doing their job. Job. Correct. Correct. We found the claims that theyre we found the claims that theyre making in public are different making in public are different that be the ones the that be the ones the information they have information they have internally. Internally. Some of the cases are pretty some of the cases are pretty extreme. Extreme. The hobbit, was something the the hobbit, was something the ama didnt investigate when 27 ama didnt investigate when 27 animals animals died from exhaustion and died from exhaustion and in many cases drowning . In many cases drowning . Yes, we found that a trainer yes, we found that a trainer that brought that information to that brought that information to them was rebuffed. Them was rebuffed. They were not in the aha was not they were not in the aha was not interested in finding out why interested in finding out why that offset Production Facility that offset Production Facility holing facility for those holing facility for those animals wasnt properly checked animals wasnt properly checked to make sure that it was to make sure that it was safe. Safe. And they did not want to discuss and they did not want to discuss those issues. Those issues. Not exactly what youd expect of not exactly what youd expect of a a selfprofessed robust animal selfprofessed robust Animal Welfare organization. Welfare organization. Isnt the whole system, to isnt the whole system, to put it in the simplest terms put it in the simplest terms silly . Silly . The reality is the aha almost the reality is the aha almost has an inherent conflict of has an inherent conflict of interest because the money that interest because the money that funds it comes from the funds it comes from the hollywood production companies. Hollywood production companies. Correct, thats true. Correct, thats true. Its always been a fundamental its always been a fundamental problem. Problem. The aha is funded by almost the aha is funded by almost entirely in its film and tv unit entirely in its film and tv unit operations which is the operations which is the operations that send out these operations that send out these onset monitors through grant onset monitors through grant funds bestowed on it by the sag funds bestowed on it by the sag afh afh rampleta workers union, rampleta workers union, which the industry studios which the industry Studios Network pay for these Services Network pay for these services and it is privatized operation and it is privatized operation and it seems not to be working. And it seems not to be working. Lets look at the examples, lets look at the examples, the bengal the bengal tiger nearly drown in tiger nearly drown in a water tank when he was snagged a water tank when he was snagged with a rope and dragged to the with a rope and dragged to the side of the tank. Side of the tank. In another example, a dog was in another example, a dog was punched by a trainer punched by a trainer on the site on the site of eight below, and four of eight below, and four horses horses died during died during hbos luck. Hbos luck. All these things were happening, all these things were happening, and you would think that they and you would think that they would be more careful. Would be more careful. Yes, these things continue to yes, these things continue to happen but what seems to have happen but what seems to have been taking place is we have a been taking place is we have a system where the aha feels that system where the aha feels that it is a collaborator that it is it is a collaborator that it is a partner with the industry and a partner with the industry and it isnt an independent force it isnt an independent force and that seems to be whats and that seems to be whats really needed is a truly really needed is a truly independent Monitoring Service independent Monitoring Service that can ensure safety first. That can ensure safety first. Right now, we have a situation right now, we have a situation where the where the aha seems to be aha seems to be bending over backwards for its bending over backwards for its industry patrons and the results industry patrons and the results are that animals arent are that animals arent always whats really going on always whats really going on with the animals isnt always with the animals isnt always the first thing that comes out, the first thing that comes out, and its not clear, and the and its not clear, and the whats most important is that whats most important is that the no animals were harmed the no animals were harmed credit which is a very broad credit which is a very broad statement. Statement. Theres not much room to wiggle theres not much room to wiggle there. There. Just doesnt hold just doesnt hold true. True. But what does it mean in the but what does it mean in the end . End . It just seems like it means it just seems like it means nothing. Nothing. Because you also write about the because you also write about the fact there are very few people fact there are very few people that go onto these sets for the that go onto these sets for the aha and they are there for very aha and they are there for very short periods of time. Short periods of time. Occasionally they are occasionally they are understaffed. Understaffed. For small periods. For small periods. It took it took me, an investigative me, an Investigative Reporter to find out what reporter to find out what happened, for them to finally happened, for them to finally admit in various cases that admit in various cases that there were these discrepancies there were these discrepancies and they bring up all sorts of and they bring up all sorts of quibbling details. Quibbling details. The fact is they dont have the fact is they dont have answers to these largers issues answers to these largers issues which is which is accountability and accountability and responsibility and oversight. Responsibility and oversight. They have the ability to they have the ability to investigate. Investigate. They have certified humane they have certified humane officers to issue citations, to officers to issue citations, to make arrest, to investigate. Make arrest, to investigate. Here in los angeles, the d. A. Here in los angeles, the d. A. Reliance on it to pursue animal reliance on it to pursue animal cruelty investigations, not the cruelty investigations, not the police. Police. They just dont do these things. They just dont do these things. So this public trust in various so this public trust in various manifestations have been manifestations have been enrusted to them and they arent enrusted to them and they arent making use of it. Making use of it. Hermella what is the viewer hermella what is the viewer question . Question . On twitter wants to know, on twitter wants to know, does each animal have its own does each animal have its own advocate on set and how are they advocate on set and how are they held held accountable . Accountable . Sag sag afhra productions because afhra productions because of this grant have these of this grant have these monitors on set i believe most monitors on set i believe most of the time although there are of the time although there are holes where sometimes there are holes where sometimes there are late notifications and distant late notifications and distant notifications where different notifications where Different Things come up where theyre not things come up where theyre not there. There. But basically what happens is but basically what happens is that the onset monitor oversees that the onset monitor oversees the action and writes up reports the action and writes up reports on a daily basis of what they on a daily basis of what they find and then send it into find and then send it into headquarters for review. Headquarters for review. The aha gary says in a the aha gary says in a lengthy statement they sent to lengthy statement they sent to us that your piece is a massive us that your piece is a massive overreaction and that the overreaction and that the article paints a picture that is article paints a picture that is completely unrecognizable to us completely unrecognizable to us or anyone who knows the american or anyone who knows the American Humane Associations work. Humane associations work. What do you say to that . What do you say to that . What else are they going to what else are they going to say . Say . That we got busted . That we got busted . Theres not much for them to theres not much for them to say. Say. They you know theres a they you know theres a mass its not a surprise that mass its not a surprise that they say that they dont they say that they dont recognize things because theyre recognize things because theyre not looking. Not looking. They like to turn a blind eye. They like to turn a blind eye. I spoke to many people inside i spoke to many people inside the organization, and they the organization, and they theres a massive issue with theres a massive issue with management not looking at whats management not looking at whats going on. Going on. And theres a discrepancies and theres a discrepancies between those on the ground and between those on the ground and those in the position of power. Those in the position of power. Theyre in damage control now. Theyre in damage control now. So what happens now . So what happens now . What will the a ha do, and will what will the a ha do, and will the u. S. Department of the u. S. Department of of of agriculture get involved . Agriculture get involved . Its to be determined. Its to be determined. A lot has to do with public a lot has to do with public sentiment. Sentiment. When these measures were put when these measures were put into place decades ago, public into place decades ago, public sentiment about animal use and sentiment about animal use and tv wasnt where it is now. Tv wasnt where it is now. Here in 2013 people care about here in 2013 people care about these things deeply and on a these things deeply and on a granular level. Granular level. It seems as though the it seems as though the aha aha hasnt kept up with times, hasnt kept up with times, theyre out of step. Theyre out of step. As far as the industry and the as far as the industry and the industrys political arm in the industrys political arm in the form of the mpaa will step in form of the mpaa will step in and do something, whether the and do something, whether the industry will take notice or industry will take notice or congress will take notice its congress will take notice its something well have to see. Something well have to see. Gary baum, interesting piece, gary baum, interesting piece, thank you for joining us to talk thank you for joining us to talk about it. About it. Thanks for having me. Thanks for having me. While films say no animals while films say no animals were harmed, one organization were harmed, one organization can say with pride animals were can say with pride animals were saved, the rescue saved, the rescue of 25 lions of 25 lions from a number from a number of traveling of traveling circuses in circuses in bolivia. Bolivia. Human beings being forced to human beings being forced to live in their bathrooms for the live in their bathrooms for the whole of their lives. Whole of their lives. No sensory no sensory experiences, giving experiences, giving them something to do, a bit of them something to do, a bit of fun, something to play with. Fun, something to play with. Joining me to talk about the joining me to talk about the film film are jan are jan creamer the creamer the executive executive producer of the Film Producer of the film and bob barker, the and bob barker, the legendary Legendary Television are television are producer and producer and philanthropy. Philanthropy. Your your organization has worked organization has worked to to get laws bassed get laws bassed banning banning comploitation of comploitation of animals. Animals. , exploitation of exploitation of animals. Animals. Lets look at you in action. Lets look at you in action. Scratching the scratching the tires. Tires. Stop that boy, stop that boy, stop that boy, stop that boy, get that boy. Get that boy. Stop stop it. It. Get that please. Get that please. Youre not letting them out. Youre not letting them out. I dont care. I dont care. Leave them where they are. Leave them where they are. No. No. No. No. No. No. Youre not touching them. Youre not touching them. This is not a committee. This is not a committee. So stop it so stop it its a pretty frightening its a pretty frightening moment jan. Moment jan. How were you able to pull it how were you able to pull it off, a whole number of circuses off, a whole number of circuses a couple of dozen lobby lions a couple of dozen lobby lions you saved. You saved. It was, it was 29 lions in it was, it was 29 lions in total in two rest accuse and the total in two rest accuse and the lion arc focuses on the rescue lion arc focuses on the rescue of the whole of the 25 from of the whole of the 25 from bolivia. Bolivia. As you say we worked under cover as you say we worked under cover for 25 years. For 25 years. We released the findings to the we released the findings to the public and to the bolivian public and to the Bolivian Congress and they decided that congress and they decided that they didnt want this going on they didnt want this going on in their country. In their country. They didnt want animals to they didnt want animals to suffer behind the scenes just suffer behind the scenes just for a few moments of for a few moments of entertainment. Entertainment. And they were determined to ban and they were determined to ban them and they stopped all them and they stopped all animals from traveling with animals from traveling with circuses, and it was a year circuses, and it was a year later that we wept back when later that we wept back when some of the circuses said they some of the circuses said they were going odefy law and they were going odefy law and they thought the to defy the law thought the to defy the law and working with the government and working with the government we were able to show them that we were able to show them that we were determined to enforce we were determined to enforce this law. This law. And bob you enforced the and bob you enforced the effort to get this lions out. Effort to get this lions out. You have been a you have been a standout standout activist for a long time. Activist for a long time. You refer to the circus as your you refer to the circus as your archenemy. Archenemy. I do. I do. Arent you impressed with the arent you impressed with the way jan handled that situation. Way jan handled that situation. For a petite very for a petite very ladylike lady, ladylike lady, she can really be pretty tough, she can really be pretty tough, cant she had . Cant she had . She can, she was there. She can, she was there. Why do you think the circus is why do you think the circus is the archenemy bob . The archenemy bob . I i believe theyre archenemy believe theyre archenemy because they abuse animals and because they abuse animals and not just lions and not just lions and tigers, but tigers, but elephants, chimps, they abuse elephants, chimps, they abuse the animals, in some cases they the animals, in some cases they kill the animals and they cause kill the animals and they cause the animals to have absolutely the animals to have absolutely miserable lives. Miserable lives. Ive said in speeches that ive ive said in speeches that ive made, ive said that an elephant made, ive said that an elephant in a circus, or a lion or a in a circus, or a lion or a tying ner a sir dtieser in a tying ner a sir dtieser in a circus, the best day of its life circus, the best day of its life it dies, because thats the only it dies, because thats the only time it gets any peace. Time it gets any peace. You are speaking about you are speaking about that, that, lets listen to that. Lets listen to that. How are they there trained, how are they there trained, they are they are beat with ax handles, beat with ax handles, golf clubs, they shock it with golf clubs, they shock it with all kinds of electric devices. All kinds of electric devices. They never know a day that is they never know a day that is really pleasurable. Really pleasurable. And finally after 20, 30, maybe and finally after 20, 30, maybe even 40 years, they even 40 years, they die. Die. And that day, that they die, is and that day, that they die, is probably the best day of their probably the best day of their lives. Lives. Isnt that a horrible thought . Isnt that a horrible thought . It is a horrible thought, it is a horrible thought, bob. Bob. How pervasive is the problem . How pervasive is the problem . Well, how many circuses are well, how many circuses are there in the world . There in the world . I dont suppose