Forest fire ouour outfour out l suffer from poverty. The wa Wharton School of busines have found that 1500 suburban suburbanites are living in poverty al already. Their shipyard closed and the towns main source of income disappeared. 5is15 percent of chesters residents are unemployed. With a ship building industry long gone, chester has not had a super m supermarket until the last one closed. Fair and square opened two months ago. The babies need this and the elderly need it. Half of chesters rest residents dont have access to a car. A trip for groceries used to involve taking a couple of buses. There was no where in chester where you could get a head of lettuce. Its a new model to deal with urban areas. I dont have any real estate costs. I dont have a rent or mortgage payment to make. That helps me keep the costs low. 60 of the shop pers receive food stamps. They also receive a 7 credit every time they make payment. The store also provides access to social services. We are negotiating for prenait yalpreflitprenatalscreening an. The goal was to provide easy access to food for a community that are in need. The shoppers tell me they feel safe shopping here. Lisa hem helps her god daughtero take care of her three children. The most important of you all its safe. Chesters crime rate is three times higher than the National Average am th and the schools rs the worst in the state. They hope that this may be the first part of chesters renewal. A community of this size of 30,000 people without a supermarket says something about the decay of the community. Converserconversely the arrival tells you us more about the community. More for lets bring in dean baker and Curtis Skinner and he is the directo director of the c security program. We saw the American Dream seems to be cut off from a major segment of the population. Its not the inner city poverty we are used to seeing but we are seeing it outside of the major urban areas and suburbs. Chester , pennsylvania i went to school near there. And its an area that has long been victimized. The ongoing store of the economic downturn. We are far from being recoughed from it. W recovered from it. The economy is better at the trough in 2009 and 2010. We have populations that have been hard hit for loc long peris of time but that has been impacted by the economic downturn whichs don which doesny sign of going away if any time soon. If you luke a look at the numbee are at the same playing we were in the recession in the 90s and the 80s. Its considerably worse. When we look at Child Poverty. The Child Poverty rates are high. Thethe Child Poverty rate was dn to 16 in 2000. Its a historically high rate. Its the same for people and we are at 15 rate. That was the high rate that got there in the early 90s and 80s too. Exactly. In the early 90s there was fairly high poverty rates and then in the late 90s poverty rates fell. Dean its a growing suburban issue. You think of poverty you think of inner city poverty. Currently there are more People Living in the suburbs in poverty than in the inner cities. This is it a flipside of gender i genterfication. You have upper middle class moving back to the cities and revitalizing the areas and expensive restaurants and places are becoming upscale. What they have done is pushed the populations that used to live there. The inner ring suburbs that used to be occupied by middle class families a lot of note those hae been taken over by those that dont have work. And part of the story those that used to be middle income in the suburbs have lost their job. And they are living floor near the poverty line. The numbers are a astonishing hw often every american some point in another will end up being near the poverty line. Four out of five will need welfare or unemployment. The numbers are really shocking as to how many of us are going to need assistance at some point in our lives. Yes its compelling data. You see how mainstream poverty is in this country come faired to our average standard of living. People cycle in and out. If you luke at th look at the poverty cells. And you have People Living in prolonged poverty. And families living in extheme poverty are apt to experience these prolonged period of poverty. It speaks to the importance 69 f the safety net. The percen percentage of poverts something for of a marginal population is not a true story. From a racial stand point twothirds of people in poverty are white. You can say a higher percentage of African Americans or his pan hispanics are in poverty. But the bulk of the people in poverty are white. The percentage of people that are hardcore portfoli poverty t of the people are i in and out f poverty and that is what you would want to see from the safety net programs. That people have a troubled fell anfell spell and they lose a job or family break up. And you have a safety net that supports them through that time and they barack o back on theird working again. I would like to see more generous programs but for the most part the people in poverty are not hardcore poverty. Thats not a hard track. It can be changed. People are not in poverty all 6 their lives. Curtis what about the fact are we not spending our money properly when it comes to the safety programs . When you look at what is happening in europe the average rate of poverty in europe is half of what it is in the United States w. We are spending enormous amounts of money or the entitlement programs for the last decade. If you look at the spending percentages not a lot of money is being spent on safety net programs. If you exclude Social Security and medicare. In terms of speeding for sped spending for children i there and a decline n fed spendin spendfederal spendit years. Only 10 of federal spending goes to children. And some of these discorrection discretion discretion airdiscretion discretionarysafety net program. And if you make a real cost benefit analysis as to what medicade coul contributes. I would really like to see that kind of an accounting i expect that the medicade saves us a lot of money. How important is it this every changing face of america how are the dollars spent and to be able to move forward and impact the problem. There are two side to this. One is the before tax side. What can we do to get people into decent paying jocks. That is why the poverty rate is rising. People in washington are reluck tareluctant to take the steps to to spend money to do it. People are scared of the budge deficits and that is the reality. The other part are the programs and the food stamp programs. And women and infant and my nutrition program. And trey sheep ver i very cheap. I would have to do the calculation that its one tenth of the been people are reluck tent reluctantand know how much is ge i focus on the former and what we can do on the before tax income and we could do a lot more on the other side the tracks petransfer programs tens of million of people are affected by this. Its a topic that needs to be focused on. I appreciate you taking the time to join us and talk to us about more us and global news than any other American News channel. Find out what happened and what to expect. Start every morning, every day, 5am to 9 eastern with al jazeera america. Imprisonment in a brutal prison colony pla may have research resurfaced. After months in a prison she has said. Im joined by nadias husband. Petro. I know its been a rough few days for you. There is a report that nadia has reappeared and is in a penal heard. We have the same information that she has is in one of the penal colonies. And this is why we are here to basically make the search for her and discover if she is in the quite quite quite vicinity. And thre she has been in complee isolation. We consider that as punishment. Both inside russia domestically and internationally. She has been missing for several weeks as you said while she was in transit from this camp to sigsiberia. Did you have any idea where she was durin during that time. Our source and informal leaks from the system and from the fellow prisoners told us she went through several cities and over a distance of up to 5000 kilometres to get to siberia. And given the fact she has only four months to serve we consider this long transfer to be part of a punishment process that has been chosen b for her by russias government to she that people that raise problems or russias system and social problem will not have their way taken easily. She got in trouble because she was protesting against russia president vladimir pew continue. Putt putin. Antnshe alleged a whole number f terrible things how inmate are treated in that camp. Well are made to sew for 16 to 17 hours a day and no more than four hours of sleep. They get one day off every six weeks. They would face frequent loss of bathroom and privileges and they would eat poor quality food and they would suffer beatings from fellow prisoners sand they could be pu punished for speaking out. When i read this list its like going back to the russian go goolags. It does take its legacy back from the goo lag days and its the political system of the country has changed. The prison system in various regions did not have a chance to change as much as it was supposed to, to basically lift iitself up to basic human right standards. This is what we faced when nadia wrote this. Verypowerful letter when youe are talking about extreme conditions in those prisons. That is far beyond what anybody would think would be going on in russia. Was she threatened in the ma camp. Gentlemeyes she was threatene camp and the problems come out of the threats and this is the main difficulty that she las mass has faced during her time. She has to consider her legal fights. And go via the pro test of the prison officals attacking her and other things. We have heard of the terrible conditions at the old soviet prisons. How worried are you about what her situation is going to be especially in the dead of the russian winter as its coming now. And given the conditions at the other prison. If it was bad there how bad is it going to be there. This is going through the transfer process that nadia had to go through over the last month. This has to be judged serc sepay from what has happened the last month. And we would pay a lot of attention to the new prison and study them and it will be a huge scandal if the conditions in the siberia camp will be as bad as what she and other pric prisoned to face. The world is certainly watching. When it was the last time you had contact with her. The last contact was one and a half months ago. She was seen on october 31 and we basically had no contact. We have a question for you from social media. Since ide thated i e nadias protest have you received any threats on in your live. Life. I have not had any threats against me. The har authorities are square scared to put psychological attention they prefer to used verse tactic s use pr perverse tactics. Given the kind of pressure that has existed there is all kinds of protest in russia against what president putin has done tothat yeah. To nadia. And why is there no movement and to have her released and her band member and colleague released in. Russia has several political cases going on at the same time that are all of them are quite prominent and raise a lot of questions and a lot of International Attention including the bein activists. But at the same time these things do not change. President putin feels he has to resist pressure from the west and continue the pol poll policies. This is it another problem we have to face here. Peter i know nadia is supposed to be Research Released in march. How is your little daughter doing. Doing . In the end given what has happened was this all worth it . Shshe misses her a lot. And there are cases where she has been sending prison escape plans to nadia in prison. She is five years old and she has drawn so realistic and so natural that prison censorship service has banned them because a child pictures are okay but images that are disclosed to prison escape plans are not acceptable even though they come from a small child. This is it the level that she cares about her mother. Was it all worth it. It has to do with what he feels has to be done. And the government makes us pay a ster seven price. Certain price. We do what we think must be done to change this country and then the government pays its price. We wish you and your daughter the best and that nadia is okay and she is out soon and keep us when you think of an alcoholic you are likely to think of a man. That may be changing. Do women have a drinking problem. The number of women that were admitted to the emergency room went up. And the number of women arrested for drunk driving have risen. 10 of hard drinking women are 45 to 64. So what is cause causing the bit of drinking between the women. The new book and the five Time National magazine award winner. And thank you ver for being with us. A fascinating bo book. You do not fit the profile of what people think of an alcoholic. You were a magazine writer and a professor at mcgill. As you researched this back did you see other people like you. Im sadly the poster girl for the female alcoholic. Professional high bottom and high functioning and well educated and not like my mother who mixed valium and alcohol during the day and the gender gap is closing around the developed world. Why . Three reasons i think. A lot of self ne med canadianing medicating of depression and anxiety. Its the modern womens steroid allowing her to juggle the world. And heavy marketing. The Alcohol Companies have pitched heavily at women. Its away for them to catch up with 3w450er. Beer. And young women drink vodka and tequila. Do you agree with what see is saying and what you see in your practition anpractice and teach. Teaching. Two decade ago it was three times more alcoholism with men than women and the gap is it changing. And even now we see different patterns of alcohol and binge drinking and we see more in women than in men. I think its a multifactor ial, there are social changes, cultural change among women. Women are more on the work portion. Theportionforce. And they are in a more powerful position. And a lot to be considered and i agree with am ann with what she said. Men will typically go to a bar an drink with their friend. Women tend to eas ayes isolate. And they drink at whom. To get rid of negative feelings opposed to a man who might drink to feel better. Im not saying that men dont do that. Childhood sexual abuse is a big driver of people get eg gettingo alcohol problems. Typically women drink alone. The National Institute of health say women who drink are more likely to develop liver infloridinflammation and they ar susceptible to Heart Disease and women have a chanc higher chancf getting Breast Cancer. And that number jumps with each additional drink and that is just the start of the health problems. There are different reasonses for that. The women for fis physiological reasons the alcohol is dispursed by water and women have less wars water in their bodies pound for pound. And ther there are some studiest suggest that the enzyme that breaks down the alcohol in your body is less the concentration is less in women. So women get mye higher blood alcohol level than men. And there is it definitely these alarming results. Its not just Breast Cancer its cool lo colo rectal cancer and cardiovascular disease and that lead to a whole host of things like strokes and things like that. To go back to anns comment why men drink to a pattern. Men driving for undiagnosed anxietynd depression. Anxiety a and depression. And women have a high likelihood to be more depressed than men. Aside from the physical problems that the doctor point the out there are also all sorts of issues for women real dangerrers. We just did a town hall about the Sexual Assault epidemic on campuses. Undeand round found out that the overwhelming majority of women had been drinking. It spans a whole gambit of life. He would know that alcohol is the number one date rape drug. Women in treatment will say i was raped when i was drunk and and so it doesnt count. But i will tell them yes it counts. What responsibility does have ththeentertainment industry havn this. We have sex in the city and the fourth hour of the today show they are drinking wine. Carrie bradshaw had a drink in her hand. And we saw a film like brides bridesmaids and if john belleabellwill you she was alivd throw up. And i drink because i cap. We are not the same. We make ourselves veryville any aniekerville veryvulnerable. If we go back to the generation of our mothers. At one point it was believed that 2 20 of american women wee taking valium. Why the shift to alcohol . The cultural shift . The women stayed at home and its cool to be outside and mingle. And the alcohol industry has a lot to do. You mentioned alco pops that were mar deathe marketed to wom. One lobbyist in washington per ever two members of congress for the alcohol industry . Yes you get an an expert at john hohopkins and he shakes his head and says this cant be turned around. Why the alcohol business is involved in social media to such a degree they are flying under the radar in terms of marketing to young people on facebook and and youtube. And they seek out that alcohol brand and then its communicating with them like a person or a friend. How you ar are you doing witr addiction. Im humbled and appreciative that i have been five years sober. That is great to hear. The book is drink the intimate toronto mayor rob ford has embarrassed himself and his city with wild words and wilder actes by taking Illegal Drugs. Ford mixed apology and defines as he stood for four hours before Toronto City Council for a public flogging. Have you purchased Illegal Drugs in the past two years. Yes, i have. He stood in my way an blocked my path in a threatening way and in a way that i have never experienced with my time on this council. You are too much, buddy. I would ask that he apologize. His brother fe defended him. A yes yes or no, have you sd marijuana. Mayoit was the first meeting ofe city council since mayor ford admitted to smoking crack cocaine. This is a video of him in a drunk en rage. Most Toronto City Council members want mayor ford to take a leave of absence but they have no power to make him do so unless he is convicted of a