As vectors sharpen their focus on the crew of malaysia air 370. What can investigators learn from the captains hifs and his hobbies and what are they looking for now . And, whos in charge here . As russia takes a firmer grip on crimea . They came and said its over he told me that putin has declared this russian territory and that we should go away. Our correspondent Jennifer Glasse is caught between the old guard and new. And good evening, thanks for joining us, im joie chen. Walk into a nursing home in florida and there is a chance that you may see some very young, vulnerable residents there. More than 100 medically fragile children live in Long Term Care facilities in florida, a situation that has prompted the u. S. Justice department to take the unusual step of suing the state, charging the kids civil rights are being violated. In an exclusive investigation, america tonights correspondent Sheila Macvicar takes us inside one of these Nursing Homes and one parents struggle to bring his child home. Reporter this hidden camera video from inside a florida nursing home. Children in wheelchairs parked in a hallway at a place called kids corner near fort lauderdale. More like a facility of storage, of storing kids. Marcello martinez knows something about kids corner. His son has lived there more than a year. Andrew martinez was an outgoing senior. His goal was to be a firefighter. Ten days after his 18th birthday he had a cardiac arrest and oxygen deprivation to his brain. Could you have him at home with you . Thats what i would love. Martinez was never told he could have inhome care for his son. Since he left the hospital, andrew has only lived in Nursing Homes. The state of florida has pushed parents like martinez to send their children to Nursing Homes like this one according to a u. S. Department of justice investigation. Old and young, geriatric and pediatric. This is the first of our trips inside with martinez. What do you think his day is like when you do not come to see him . What does he do . Not much of nothing. Because when i show up there, theres no interaction. With other people . Yes. Or with staff . With staff, theres nobody there to really care to him, theres no its more of a more of a system, okay, 12 00, need him, give him his meds, thats it. Donedeal. Reporter the deal on this day, kids in the hallway, some desperate for attention. None of the kids doing in. No activities, not even a toy in their hands. The calendar, kids corner calls it chillin. And is that the way those kids are treated . Yeah, yeah, on the average thats basically it. So its basically new. Finding my son stuck in between a door. How is that facility helping him, just stuck between a door, oh yeah. But thats the reality i have to deal with. Im sorry. Reporter other families told us they had seen the same thing. Children neglected for hours, parked in the hallway, ignored. The reality federal inspectors had found at kids corner, rusty kids, heavily soiled walls and counters, furniture in disrepair, loose handrails, dirty showers and possibly most alarming of all, only one registered nurse scheduled on the night shift to care for 59 medically fragile children. Federal standards call for at least two. 11yearold diante schuler is a quadriplegic after being struck by a car riding his bike. While he was there he endured bed sources and two broken legs. How was it there . Terrible. Why was it terrible . Nasty food. What . Somebody to see was rough. Rough in what way . When they change you, they turn you hard and everything. They werent very gentle with you . Yeah. Cnas are certified nurse assistants. Like marcello martins, they didnt think they could get home nursing from the state. We were told they would cut back on nursing care where we wouldnt get it full time. So that wasnt an option. Im about to party yeah its my deontes grandmother then tried to leave deonte out of kids corner. They didnt want to leave. That was part of their gravy train. The schulers finally found help. He would be the angel of mercy and get him out of there. The angel of mercy is now suing the state of florida to force the state to pay for inhome care. A lawsuit joined 50 department of justice civil rights division. Nursing homes are not an appropriate place for any child. Children should be with their family. The state has acknowledged it is 20 more expensive to have a child in a nursing home than it is to have a child in their own home. It ends up costing the state 250 to 300,000 a year. This sounds like ano brainer, why dont they do it . It is a financial incentive to have these people at the Nursing Homes. It is an annuity. The state pays the nursing home up to 550 per day for children, 20 more than full time nursing care at home. The federal lawsuit says the state has violated the civil rights of these children by unnecessarily segregating and isolating them in Nursing Homes, away from family and community. Marcello martinez wishes his son andrew wasnt so isolated. His son is more than an hour away and visiting is difficult. Im just like your average joe, i have my bills to pay, i have kids to raise, and i you know and you got andrew . Yes. After the break. America tonight Sheila Macvicar continues her exclusive investigation into the warehousing of floridas invisible children. My daughter was healthy when they took her away. Next day she was dead. The heartbreaking results of florida forcing children into places where they clearly dont belong. And later here, malaysia air 370, the fbi is now analyzing data from the captains flight sisimulator as the captain comes into closer focus. The ukraine crisis as tensions esalate russia for all inents and purposes showing no signs of backing down. Crimeas vote rejected by the west. Here in crimea, a lot of them say the west should just butt out. New santions looming mr. Ambassador will those sanctions work . Things could easily get out of control will crimea break away . Whats russias next move . And how will th u. S. Respond . Were making it clear that there are consequences for their actions. For continuing coverage stay with Al Jazeera America your global news leader. And now we continue america tonights exclusive investigation into the plight of floridas invisible children. Few parents are prepared to care alone for a child who has suffered a catastrophic illness. Is sometimes they need help around the clock. Parents of medically fragile children says the state has pushed them to send them to Nursing Homes. Sheila macvicars investigation of one childs tragic trip to a nursing home. They took her out of my arms and they kill her, is what they did. Reporter perhaps no story is more heartbreaking than marie frerys she suffered from water on the brain. But under her mothers care she was seizurefree from the time she was 14. All the love and care, i could give her. Herniated disks and carpal tunnel syndrome. The judge ordered additional hours of nursing so she was covered for all 24 hours. But the state ignored that court order. The state never even made the telephone call. To get marie the care she needs. Instead the state decide marie should be in a nursing home and took her by ambulance against the wishes of her mother and against a court order on a neither 300 mile trip to miami. This is the being pictures of marie the last day she was alive. She was belted in the ambulance without letting me go with her. Be without her issued medicines, without water. Marie was supposed to take her seizure medications three times a day. An investigation indicated she didnt receive these medications in the ambulance or in the nursing home. She wasnt given the medicines. She was rushed to a local hospital where she was pronounced dead 12 hours after she had arrived in miami. My daughter was healthy when they took her away. And next day she was dead. Is there any doubt in your mind that if marie had been able to come home to you as the judge had ordered that she would still be alive . She would not be dead. Overseeing medically fragile children, dudek declined to sit down with us. She insisted parents could decide whether their children could be cared for at home. It is the parent or guardian who authorizes the location of Service Delivery and our goal that children receive the medically required services they need in the most l appropriate setting. I should be allowed to have my child with me, its that simple. They have had to fight the state every step of the way to keep their children home. Mama is here. Sue roots daughter amy is quadriplegic and suffers from seizures, sometimes as many as 50 in a day. They require immediate medical attention. Amy also breathes through a tube in her throat an airway that needs to be monitored at all times because it can become clogged cutting off her supply of oxygen. She cant walk, she cant talk, she cant eat, she cant do anything for herself, yes, she needs 247 care. Talk to you about these pictures. That was the last School Picture before her accident. A little more than four years ago, amy an eightyearold third grader suffered massive head trauma after an accident. Sue root told her a pediatric nursing home was the best place for her daughter. But root wanted her daughter at home and florida agreed. Florida initially provided 24 hour nursing care for amy. I got a card in the mail saying the hours were reduced. Why were they being reduced . Amy hadnt gotten better. They said there was parental responsibility to care for your own child. Her hours were cut from 24 hours to 16 hours then to 12 hours. At one point the state proposed cutting amys home nursing down to six hours per day. That was the ultimate goal. The ultimate goal was for the parent to be responsible. According the paperwork sue root provided us, the Nonprofit Agency florida uses to administer these claims, Eq Health Solutions said nursing care was not allowed for convenience of the parent. Im sorry that the situation happened. Nobody is sorrier than we are and we live with it every day of our life. I shouldnt have to be begging for services or 80 or jumping th 50 million hoops to get these people to respond. Other places, other states are able to manage these situations so much better than florida. And im with, why cant florida get it together . Have you come to any conclusions about what the answer to that question is . Because they dont want to. Its not a priority. I think they would rather see my daughter die, and quit being a problem to them. Since amy joined the lawsuit, well, things have changed. As her medical paperwork may explain. Sue root once again has 24 hour nursing care for her daughter, which she believes happened only because of the suit. The only problem, state medicaid rates havent changed since 1997 and its hard to find nurses. Once deeonte got a lawyer, things changed for him also. He has moved to another facility. Deeonte now takes the bus to school every day. He takes part in activity. We are making a laiv lava la. If you had your wish about where you could live, where would you live . At home. With your mom and your grandparents . Uhhuh. Home is four hours away in orlando and visits are special occasions. Deeonte is the light of my life. Hes a beautiful soul. When i see him i go into joymode, thats how i feel. Andrew martinez future is not as clear. On this day, Marcello Martinez learned his child was receiving only two hours a month of speech therapy. She says to you, he doesnt follow our commands and we can only evaluate him on what we see. Can you tell me what you said to her . I said pulled down my camera phone and showed him. 123, there you go, push it up, push it up more, more, you got it. Hold onto it and push it. Push it up, there you go, there you go andrew kids corners owner declined to sit down with us. We received this statement from kids corner. Our dedicated staff has an exemplary record and we take our responsibilities to the children entrusted to our care very seriously. Marcello martins worries that his child answer care is being further diminished by lack of therapy, doesnt know whats going to hatch when he turns 21, when he cant even stay at kids corner. State of florida, you dont care. This is one father that could tell you that. Like i say, you dont care about my son or the rest of these kids. And i see it, live it every day. Joie, the state of florida has a billion dollar budget surplus. Getting these kids and their families the care they need at home would not be that expensive. And remember, even full time skilled care cost 20 less than leaving achild in a nursing home. That is almost impossible to comprehend. So it is not a state money issue. Its not a budget issue but there is a financial element to this. Yes, of course. The Nursing Home Industry in florida is very large, very wealthy and very politically connected. That may lead to decisions being made if you put a child at a nursing home at age of birth or age of eight, in all likelihood they will be there at age of 21. And each child in a nursing home is worth 200,000 to 300,000 to the facility. The irony, in your Previous Report on this, you were talking about the emphasis the state puts on reunifying these children, and now youre talking about separating families. Parents are told, in the case of deeonte schuler, you can send him to a facility or a another facility four hours down the road. They were not told they could get care at home. The state was telling them, there are cutbacks, there are cutbacks. In the case of andrew martinez, his dad wants him at home. Hes a single dad. Whether he could get the skilled help he needed to care for andrew, where he could actually get the therapy, his neurologists of say he has not yet plateaued and with a brain that is still active there could be improvement. We hope that there will be. America tonights Sheila Macvicar, thank you very much for both of those reports. Cowmg next. A tense coming up next. A tense standoff. We had to come in. Arseniy told us. About. Jennifer glasse reports. Now, a snapshot of stories making headlines on america tonight. The 1981 assassination attempt on pop john the xxiind. The state of texas will be able to continue its scheduled execution when the supply of death drugs run out at the end of the month. Corrections officials have obtained a new batch of drugs. Death drugs have been on short supply ever since european suppliers have stopped selling. Toyota agrees to a 12 billion settlement. Settlement after a four year justice investigation, the flaw was throirchg linked to at lease deaths. Passengers families on board the Malaysia Flight 370. Boiled over. As the investigation zeros in a closer examination of the pilots home made cockpit simulator, offered malaysian authorities help. Helping this might help them learn more about captain zaharie shah. These are part of a Youtube Video to the pilot. Known as uncle ari. They insist he couldnt have done anything malicious to the aircraft. If anything happened to the plane he would make sure everyone else welfare were taken care of. Thats captain zaharie that i l know. And shah was an experience pilot with more than 18,000 flight hours and even certified as a simulator. Shah proudly showed off the Flight Simulator he built at home. This video is to be used to optimize your compressor on his Youtube Channel he demonstrates credit, other passion, cooking. And passion for another interest, radiocontrolled aircraft. Social media hasnt revealed as much about his copilot, 27yearold fariq hamid. Engaged to be married. Hamids neighbor who wants to be known only as miss n, offered the only briefest detail. I didnt know much about this family. I can only say, i hope the news doesnt want to expose how bad the pilot was, because i dont think this is because of the pilot. Helping us to understand the impact that u. S. Investigators may be able to make on this case is former can fbi investigator chris fervoss. Help us to understand, we know the malasian authorities are seeking help from the fbi to try track back and understand whats in the computer that this pilot had. Right. What could they possibly find assuming theres no note that says heres with i plan to do . Well, first of all you cant actually rule that out. Because this overall has the appearances of something that was very elaborately planned. If something was elaborately planned it would not be unusual to find a letter explaining this. If it was a suicide, you would expect to see a suicide letter explaining the issues, when it was a suicide letter causing others to say, theyre going to have a lot oto say so their grievance can be aired or reason for doing it. There is indication from the malasian authorities that some files were deleted shortly before, within the month before this incident took place. Would the fbi really be able to help them track back and finder this information see whats on it . Its pretty easy to find on a computer, not terribly difficult. Computers to some degree are lazy which means when you delete a file the only thing the computer does is leave that section of the hard drive available to be rewritten. All the data remains. So if its just simply deleted, everything is still there until the computer goes back to rewrite it. And it rewrites in a sporadic fashion so it may not rewrite that whole section so there may be parts of it that are left there. It may be indications that somebody was trying to plan out a flight path or something of this nature . Youd look for awritten plan to start with. A written plan to start with. Then youd also look for practice on the route that the plane actually look. The first things you would look for is, are there any landing areas that are in the vircht of of vicinity of the route that the plane took or if you extended the known route of the plane or the anticipated route of the plane are there landing strips in that location, if it wasnt suicidal if they wanted to take plane and keep it for some reason. You begin to look for things that add up in that fashion. This is an experience that u. S. Investigators have had not in this particular case but in the past you have had cases where youre tracing back through peoples computer records trying to understand who they are . Right, exact lir. You are always exactly. You are looking for who they are, youre also looking for triggering events. At the surface, the pilot and the copilot look like upstanding individuals. They look like good solid people thats reported back from everybody that knows them. There are triggering theefnts es that