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For syria is set for january 27th. Its not clear if they or the opposition will attend. Conditions have been dropped that Bashar Alassad step down as a condition for the talks. Afghan hamid karzai will not sign a security pact about the u. S. Until new conditions are met. U. S. Officials said without agreement all american troops may be withdrawn by next year. Those are the headlines. Get the latest on aljazeera. Com. America tonight is up next. Left with more questions than answers. Also tonight, shes the teen queen of the ring. The 85pound boxer who is knocking down stereotypes. And getting fresh fruits and vegetables to People Living in a food desert, a green machine, a healthy twist on fast foods. We stripped it down. Primed it and painted it. Its not like any other bus youve ever seen. Good evening, thanks for being with us. Im joie chen. Shy of one year since that horrible day in new town connecticut when 20 first graders and the educators who cared for them were slaughtered in their classroom now hundreds of interviews, thousands of investigative pages and evidence in hasnt, the investigative report on the shooting at sandy hook has been released. It concludes the shooter was a deeply disturbed young man who acted alone but it suggests that it is not a report that will bring closure to chose who lost so much on that day. What we now know does not answer the single most important question. Why . Why did he do it . What was the motive . What did 21yearold adam lanza kill his mother in her bed, drive to her school and launch his rampage . There were disturbing details of the report. An isolated young man who covered his bedroom windows with black trash bags and communicated with his mother only by email. The video games that he left behind, School Shooting ; left for dead ; doom. A check from his mother to purchase a pistol. He kept articles detailing the killing of children. A soft portrait of a gun pointed at his head. A video snippet of children bees shot. Perhaps most tellingly the report concludes that he had been obsessed of mass killing since the columbine School Shootings in 1999. This report should have been released weeks, months ago. Reporter this report was expected to be released in june, and much of the information had been leaked to the media already, frustrating the community. We had the drip by drip revelations and premature disclosures which add to the pain of the families. Now there should be some closu closure. Now there are thousands of pages in this report, but some of these organizations still are seeking to have released. But an element of the investigation we often see accessed in the news media, the 911 calls from that day are not being released. That is in accordance with connecticut law. Joining us to follow up on the report is monty frank. His daughter attended the sandy elementary school. Thank you for joining us. You have been so involved. We use the closure but im not sure that would fully represent the emotions. I dont if there is a way to bring closure. Does this report end this chapter and allow families to go forward . Well, i hope it does. You know, my fear is that well continue to have this dribble of information that comes out. Every time another report comes out or Additional Information gets leaked, it only serves to tear open the wounds and hinder the healing process. I would be concerned about that, and i understand there are some efforts in the Journalism Community to try to release the rest of the information in the interest of public attention to be brought to everything that happened. Do you see that as being an effective tool . Is that something that the general public really should know . The full scope of the investigation . I dont think so. You know, there needs to be a balance between First Amendment rights, peopl peoples curiositd the rights of the community. You know, is it really all that important that the details of what occurred at this school come out . When its only going to serve to again hinder the healing process of the town. Cause people in the town to have to block out media. Today we had media trucks and helicopters hovering in town. That only serves as a reminder of what occurred back in december. You know, we have kids who every time this occurs we have to explain why theyre there, whats the latest, and it just continues the conversation that no community should really will have to have. Again, youre coming to the anniversary itself. We are, and the anniversary itself is going to be another event that again reopens the wounds. We have in town a tremendous first select man, and she has been meeting with community officials, and were engaged on this period where were asking people to honor new town, honor the victims by doing an act of kindness, doing Community Work and charity work in their own communities. We hope thats the message that comes out of new town. People can have dialogues of not what occurred in the school but how we can be nicer to each other, reach out to our neighbors, and perform acts of kindness. I know that your own organizations that been quite active to bring action to gun control issues. Does this in any way fuel that effort . Were not right now focused too much on the gun safety legislation. At this point in time with the anniversaries coming were coming to reset the dialogue. Well get back to that in january. Right now the new Town Foundation is focused on an effort that were having in washington on the 11th and 12th of december where we bring in victims of gun violence all over the country to perform Community Work, to do charity work in the schools, and to have a National Vigil at the National Cathedral on the 12th. Were bringing in families from all over the country to attend that vigil. So at some level if there was something that new town or sandy hook will be remembered for, it would be for something that furthers Community Action in a positive way . Thats right. We will not be defined by this tragedy. We refuse to let this tragedy define what were all about. Were trying to create a legacy where we begin the dialogue about changing the culture in this country so that hopefully tragedies dont occur like this again. M onte frank, thank you for being with us tonight. Thank you. After the break hear some mixed emotions. Iran strikes a deal but not everyone is buying it. And later on in our program soupedup and chalk full of healthy ingredients how the green machine is getting people back on their feet. Some people be sick all the time. We got to learn how to eat the right kind of food. Start with one issue education. Gun control. The gap between rich and poor. Job creation. Climate change. Tax policy. The economy. Iran. Healthcare. Ad guests on all sides of the debate. This is a right we should all have. Its just the way it is. Theres something seriously wrong. Theres been acrimony. The conservative ideal. Its an urgent need. And a host willing to ask the tough questions how do you explain it to yourself . And youll get. The inside story ray suarez hosts inside story weekdays at 5 eastern only on Al Jazeera America either irans deal is a positive or negative. The deal would limit Irans Nuclear program in exchange for easing of sanctions. Sheila mshell sheila macvicar. Reporter a heros return. To restore the economy ending isolation. This interim agreement will lead to the release of 8 billion of iranian assets making it easier to sell oil and buy embargoed materials like airplane parts. No wonder some iranians are pleased. I think everything is going to get better. Already on the street the value of our currency is up, and the price of gold is lower. Its obvious things are improving. Reporter in israel Prime Minister netanyahu was blunt. This agreement has made the world a much more dangerous place. Its a historic mistake. Reporter netanyahu wants to insure that iran will never have the capacity to produce a Nuclear Weapon. Israel argues that iran cannot be trusted and the deal gives too much away. We think its important to keep the pressure up. Not to ease pressure to get iranians through the heavy lifting, dismantle their centerfuges and uranium producing reactors. To stop producing or installing the centerfuges to carry out the enrichment. Iranians say its only to create yo nuclear power. You never know, if this will until another six months. Reporter in that six months they must reach a final comprehensive agreement with iran. If that effort failed all that was accomplished in the geneva talks expires. The comprehensive agreement which will require enormous steps in terms of transparency and accountability. Reporter john kerry insists the burden is on iran to prove its Nuclear Capacity is only for peaceful purposes. But American Allies saudi arabia agrees with the concerns. I just want to see this all the way through. Weve seen what is happening in north korea. They now have Nuclear Weapons, and i dont want to see that happening in iran. Reporter another place where we all may benefit if this deal works, the price of oil. Easing it could add 1 Million Barrels a day from irans presanctioned level. And the price of oil could go down as much as 19 . The reverse is true. If the deal falls apart, watch for volatility in the oil markets. Yes, thats something that were all looking at especially during this holiday week and everyone is looking at gas prices. We have senior fell low at Brookings Institute and author of a new book unthin unthinkable iran, the bam and u. S. Strategy. This is a good deal but its a small deal. There is no question this is going to lead iran farther away from a Nuclear Weapon at the end of the sixmonth period of the deal than it is right now. But that said its a sixmonth deal that does nothing but freeze iran from where it is. If we dont have a bigger comprehensive deal that puts an end to Irans Nuclear Weapons Program they will be able to very quickly restart and move back down that direction. Its not something that in the six months youre going to pull iran back from . Youll pull them back a little bit. There is an important provision in this deal which is that, you know, to have a Nuclear Weapon you need uranium enriched in 90 purity. Right now its 5 and 20 . The 20 is the big concern, and one of the provisions of this deal has iran taking all of that 20 and turning it into 5 . So that does mean that they will be farther away. The expert are arguing over how much . There are so many ways to skin the nuclear cat. It depends on the centerfuges and what typeish and these numbers get meaningless. The important thing is that the iranians are taking a important symbolic step that will lead them farther away than when we started. And were engaged. Absolutely. Thats the hope. Were in a process of engagement in this sixmonths period where well negotiate a final settlement to the problem, thats key. Prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu states this is a historic mistake. How much is due to his own domestic issues. I dont think we know in all that is being said by Prime Minister netanyahu. Some say hes just playing bad cop. He holds the hardest right line in the hope that that allows barack obama and john kerry to negotiate middle to our side than the iranian side. That said his language has been so harsh, and so many of the things he has been doing looks like its just meant to kill the deal that its not entirely clear if thats really what he he is up to. I think there are a lot of people afraid that hes really trying to kill this deal outright. That would be a historic mistake for israel as well as the United States. Can we talk more broadly within the region about the impact of the relationship like this, and what it means for you as policy elsewhere, and our relations with saudi arabia, syria, what other impact could there be here . Well, were going to have problems with saudi arabia and our other allies in the region. We need to remember for the saudis, the gulf arabs, the Sunni Arab States they see themselves as engaged in a regionwide war with iran at its proxies. And quite frankly theyre not interested in this deal. For them the iranian Nuclear Program is a problem. They do want to see that ended. But more than that they want to see the United States on their side helping them fight this war against iran. What theyre afraid of is if the u. S. Signs this deal with the iran were going to wash our hands of the middle east. Were going to walk away and not participate with them in this struggle against iran and some of them are afraid that well join the iranians. I think that is a wild misrepresentation of what is going on. I think its exceptionally unlikely that the u. S. Would apply with iran against our allies in the region. But i do think that it is a real concern. One thing that i am nervous about, will this make it possible for the Obama Administration which has not shown much interest in the middle east to simply say okay we got the nuclear deal with the iran. That issue is off the table. Now well pivot to asia and forget about the middle east. I think that would be an unfortunate outcome after this deal with iran. In terms of the iranian interest in syria, and how president obama drew a red line and then backed away from the red line. Syria will be disarmed of its chemical weapons. How reengaged iran plays out its other interests. Syria, and particularly hezbollah, another threat posed to israel and other Sunni Arab States . This is a very important issue. Again, it gets to the same set of issues, which is americas interests in the middle east are not going to end with an Iranian Nuclear deal even if we can get it. Weve got other interests in the region. Question of what happens with syria is very interesting. Its a hopeful one. If we can get the nuclear deal with iran this could be the start of a wider rapport with the iranians that could include a deal on syria that would end irans support of the assad regime. If that were to happen that would be positive. But there is another possibility out there. We dont know what it would take to sell this deal to tehran. It does seem like the ayatollah is behind the deal. But we dont know how much resistence there is from irans hard liners. What i worry about is the possibility that to sell the deal to the hard liners both rouhani and the Supreme Leader will say dont worry guys were just accepting the deal to get rid of the sanctions but you can go nuts everywhere else. Go crazy in syria, iraq, bahrain, that would be a terrible outcome. We appreciate your insights. The book unthinkable ,iran, the bomb and the u. S. Strategy. Coming up well look at resolv resolving food insecurity. One of the most unique city buses youll ever see. There are no passages instead rutabagas and all sorts of vegetables. Well show you how this bus is helping to solve aor community problem. Plus the wicket Winter Weather, and how this storm could blow away your thanksgiving plans. Every morning from 5 to 9am Al Jazeera America brings you more us and global news than any other American News channel. Find out what happened and what to expect. Start every morning, every day, 5am to 9 eastern with Al Jazeera America. And now a snapshot of stories making headlines on new york tonight. A new fbi report out. Hate crime rates slightly dropped last week. There were 5800 hate crimes i in 2012, and ode to thanksgiving. In San Francisco the president said he will cooperate with house republicans. He said hell carve the comprehensive bill with Border Security and pathway to citizenship into pieces. Expect a side of winter chill with your thanksgiving dinner. Flights are been canceled out of dallas, fort worth and other delays leading up to the holiday. The wicked weather moving east and all travelers are warned about more delays. This holiday storm has caused a dozen deaths and countless accidents on the road. But the worst is far from over. The massive winter storm is expected to hit 20 states by the time its over with. It began out west in california with heavy rain, powerful winds. By the time the storms slammed into the sierra nevadas, it brought five inches of snow. Moving east the system caused dangerous driving conditions in new mexico, texas and oklahoma. And to for more than 43 Million People expected to take the roads or skies for thanksgiving it is not a matter of if they arrive but when. It might take a while. Al jazeera meteorology Kevin Corriveau is tracking the storm. That is rough traveling. Meteorologist were calling it a winter storm. Its not winter yet. Here across texas and oklahoma they received 7 to 10 inches of snow. As a lot of people there know when it does snow they cant get it off the roads. The big problem theyre going to see is its going to melt during the daytime and then refreeze during the evening. A lot of that water will become slippery. Were looking at Winter Weather advisories here because were not done with the weather yet. It has pushed over to the east. The temperatures are coming down. As you can see right now were looking at freezing from lubbock and its cold up from the north. Major problem especially if youre on the highway. Were talking about the rain forecast for the coastal areas, but what about icing in other inland states in the days ahead . Meteorologist absolutely. It all depends on where its going to go. Were going to be watching a new air coming up from the gulf gulf of mexico. Anywhere west of the low pressure is going to be a combination of freezing rain, which is extremely dangerous here along the border area, and then snow across the northeast here it is going to be the rain still quite a problem with major airports new york, la yard i cant airport is going to be a mess, i know, washington, philly, and boston is going to be a problem. This storm will be moving more towards the east. So i guess were looking at all that potential for snow, where are holiday travelers having the biggest problems with snow . Meteorologist its really going to be the north. We think its going to be up here across northern new england. In these areas we dont have the biggest airports in the region. A lot of people travel the area and so the snow will be a big problem. Many are thinking virginia, pennsylvania, theyre thinking six to eight inches of snow and drifting as you said could make it more like a foot. So very dangerous on the highways. You have highway 93, 91, up state new york, pennsylvania, here on the interstate, major problems there. My goodness. Were going to keep a close an eye out, and we ask you , too, as well. 24 million americans live in socalled food deserts. Areas where access to healthy affordable food is difficult. In these communities meals often come from convenient stores, fastfood restaurants, diet related food problems are commonplace. Now the city of memphis has come up with an unique solution. Here is the latest in our series of what works. Betty is planning to cook a healthy dinner. So shes stocking up on staples that are hard to come by in her low income community. Ill do squash. I love squash. Betly lives in what is known as a food desert, and like many of her friends, betty doesnt drive. Now its easier for betty to get the food she likes. Thanks to this mobile marketplace called the green machine. Its a remodeled city bus selling fruits and vegetables as an affordable price. It rolls through memphis nearly every day. What did you get in the bag . I got some cabbage. Lets look at what is in here. We got good ol cabbage, open it pup. Up. This is my squash. A place known for its delicious barbecue but not so much for its nutrition. Many are obese and many suffer from diabetes. This is one the only stores in town to guy grocery. What kind of groceries are here. We dont have vegetables here. We have potato chips, drinks and cookies and candy and all that. As the head of her Neighborhood Association betty helped develop the idea of the green machine. She went door to door asking people what they needed most. People said regular access to fresh, healthy food. How available are vegetables. It was needed bad. We just hope and pray somebody will come in the neighborhood and open up a store. But a lot of people be sick all the time, and we got to learn how to eat the right kind of food. Reporter betty discussed her problem with ken reardon, the professor of city planning at the university in memphis. How big of a problem is food insecurity. Its invasive among poor and working class people. Reporter he tried to bring supermarkets back to the area. One of the representatives of the i dont National Chains said i would love to cap my career in a city that i love, but i couldnt bring this to my management team. They would laugh me out of the boardroom. Is that fair that they dont want to come there . Absolutely not. Its irrational. Theyre giving up a market share that they could be selling to. Reardon went back to the drawing board. There was eugene, a deacon at a local church known for its work with the poor. Champion i don champion said it was one of his parishioners who came up with the idea of the green machine. All they needed to do was come up with 150,000 and find a vehicle. They gave us a bus. We stripped it down, washed it, primed it and painted it. Its not like any other bus that youve ever seen. The first day that you launched this, what was the reaction . What was going through your brain . Just as excited as people who were getting on the bus. They were amazed that it had gone from just an old bus sitting idle to now a vibrant part of our community. Nearly 2,000 people boarded the bus during its first few weeks in service. The green machine starts the day at a produce warehouse on the outskirts of memphis. Its stocked with fruit, plums, grapes, watermelons. And lots ever greens. They always go fast. David carter is another person who made the green machine possible. His Family Business supplies the produce, marking it up only 1 per case. Being in the produce business all of our life we push healthy eating. We want to be part of making people change their diet thes. Carters family owns six Retail Stores in memphis, none of them in the inner city. He said the green machine solved the problem faced by Companies Like his. To sustain in a produceonly environment you got to have a lot of volume. A whole lot of volume because its one of the lowest marketed items in the grocery store. There would not be enough volume there to sustain a brick and mortar building. But the expenses, like the bus, the expenses arent nearly as they are in a building. Reporter were on our way to the next stop on the green machine route. By the end of the week this bus would have stopped at 18 different locations throughout memphis. Reporter it stops in all sorts of places including a complex for the disabled and a residence for the elderly. Thats where we found ruthy browsing for the best deal. What would you do if this place did not come to you . I would be sad because then i would have to wait for my daughter and she works cary wishes that it would stop closer to her house. She relies on family and friends to take her to the store. Most of the poor in her neighborhood do not have cars. Vegetarian bean, pork and piano. She stalks up on canned goods because they never knows when her next trip may be. When we met up with her, it had been a month since she made the trek. The green machine has been such a success there is a long list of communities that want it to come to them. Deacon champion can relate. He grew up eating all the wrong things. Right now im eating probably as healthy as i ever ha have iny life because every day i eat something fresh. For someone like deacon champion the green machine may not repair a lifetime of poor eating habits but for future generations it may have a big impact thanks to people like betty isom. I think one of the important things that is understanding the role of grandmothers and aunties in the africanamerican community, and the fact that if youre significant elder maternal figure in your family is cooking differently and offering Different Things t when go to her house that will stimulate the curiosity of children. The fried food is not good for you. The green machine is part of the communitys recipe for a healthy future. And there is also a nutritional component to the green machine. The goal is to teach the customers how to use the items that they buy in a healthy way. The bus offers free recipe cards and the nba Basketball Team will be offering Trading Cards on the bus with fitness tips from the players. Everyone is getting involved. Convince me. Does it really work . Do people come out to buy or is it a novelty. Its been going for a few months but they have repeat customers and theyve been able to sustain the bus for the next couple of years. Theyre talking about adding buses as well, as many as two other buses to accommodate the other communities. This is a fiveday aweek program. You need access to these fresh vegetables seven days a week. So kevin reardons plan is to set up a coop marketplace that is run by the community and owned by the community. He hopes that will sustain it since no one else is coming to the town. If there is demand, if people show there is interest in it why dont groceries come in, why arent they there . How is it that a whole community doesnt have access to fresh vegetables. Some of these grocery Grocery Stores are dominated by suburban management who may be nervous or dont know how to interpret entering a market like this. He talks about getting a commercial loan. Its difficult going into a community that appears to be on the economic decline or population declining to secure finances. And then he also talked about how regional chains have disappeared in exchange for bricks box stores. Having these Large Service areas. Despite the research he supplied he theyre not willing to make the commitment to these smaller things. So theyre doing it themselves to make it sustainable. Thanks so much for being here. This coming wednesday well have a very special edition of america tonight. Well take on hunger in america for families who dont have enough to eat and the amounts of food wasted every day. This wednesday on america tonight. Looking ahead on america tonight, former louisiana governor with a complicated league history. The first 15 grand juries he was still somewhat popular because he kept us entertained and the money flowed. The first eight years louisiana was rolling in dough and we were spending like drunken sailers. Prosecutors have a common philosophy, the bigger the game the better the prize. And for a long, long time i was the big prize in louisiana. America tonights special cours correspondent Soledad Obrien on tuesday on america tonight. After the break tonight, an 85pound mighty might who is breaking stereotypes one punch at a time. Indias queen of the ring is up next. The stream is uniquely interactive television. In fact, we depend on you, your ideas, your concerns. All these folks are making a whole lot of money. You are one of the voices of this show. I think youve offended everyone with that kathy. Hold on, theres some room to offend people, im here. We have a right to know whats in our food and monsanto do not have the right to hide it from us. So join the conversation and make it your own. Watch the stream. And join the conversation online ajamstream. Determining using some sort of subjective interpretation of their policy as to whether or not your particular report was actually abusive, because if it doesnt contain language that specifically threatens you directly or is targeted towards you specifically, they may not consider it abuse. They may consider it offensive. And in that case they just recommend that you block that person. I dont want to minimise this, because i mean, theres some really horrible things that are on line, and its not its not just twitter, what has happened through social media and the anonymity of the net is that you see websites, hatefilled websites targetting all sorts of groups, popping up. There has been a huge number of those that exist as well. [[voiceover]] no doubt about it, innovation changes our lives. Opening doors. Opening possibilities. Taking the impossible from lab. To life. On techknow, our scientists bring you a sneakpeak of the future, and take you behind the scenes at our evolving world. Techknow ideas, invention, life. 7 the biggest news story and most disturbing come out of intrathe brutal gang rape of a 23yearold student on a public bus in new delhi. That attack reinforced the narrative that indian women are powerless victims. But here is the story of a 85pound bundle of fury, a 15yearold girl living on the outskirts of calcutta who has big dreams of coming a World Champion boxer. We caught up with her as she prepares for a big match. Thats one powerful young woman. Im sure we will see her again. It is not perfect. Coming up here well have a photo essay entitled the black portland er, from behind the and now, a techknow minute. For a al for all of its progressive ideas portland portland, oregon, is one of the whitest cities in america. Taking a photographers journey here is al jazeeras tonya mosley. The 27yearold photographer is in Downtown Portland looking for something hard to find. Oh, here we go. Black faces. I was wondering if i could take your picture, if you might be interested, please. The memphis, tennessee, native had no idea when she moved here thee years ago that portland was ranked as the whitest major city in america. Only 6 are black. Recently she began capturing the images of those rare black faces as part of a photo essay she calls the black portlanders. What do you get out of this project . I think connection. Portland is white by design. It not only excluded blacks from moving here, but wrote the exclusion in its constitution. Before the civil war, oregonianers adopted three different times exclusion laws that made it illegal for a black person to come to oregon. Thei the laws were repealed, but the legacy lives on. You just dont have the cultural context that you might find in larger cities. There are few obvious signs of plaque culture in portland, even where blacks were forced to live in segregation, a policy known as red lining. Where have they gone . Many have gone to the suburbs replaced by white families looking for affordable housing. Blacks were refused loans to start businesses. Green believes there is fertile opportunity for blacks to not only live but thrive. Oh so while these black tourists from philadelphia were so shocked by so few black faces they made a game of it. If we see one, we say one. If we see three, we say four. Were adding on. I have six. Dave has three. Im at a measly one and a half, two. Were not doing too well. All said they would move here in a heartbeat, the neighborhoods, the art scene and opportunity. Thats what is seen in this photography collection, the small but present black population and culture in portland. Donna mosley reporting from portland. Thats it for us. If you want to comment on any stories you see here tonight log on to our website at www. Aljazeera. Com america tonight. And join our conversation on twitter or Facebook Page and well have more of america tonight tomorrow. This is al jazeera. From al jazeeras headquarters in doha i have the top stories from around the world. [chanting] thailand, antigovernment protesters threaten to stay on the streets until the Prime Minister steps down. Violence across bangladesh and rejected the january base and sabotaging rail ways and blocking roads. Stamping o

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