Transcripts For ALJAZAM America Tonight 20130830 : compareme

Transcripts For ALJAZAM America Tonight 20130830

have no doubt syria's government used chemical weapons against its own people. he also said the administration had intercepts of syrian communications proving the government used chemical weapons and staunch ally russia is sending two warship spues the eastern mediterranean. the move is to protect russian interests in ha area. that's the news at this hour, america tonight is next, and as always, you can find the latest on al wouldn't believe there is a farm inside of it. ♪ saudi arabia for that. ♪ they presented the president with an autographed jersey but should you be made aware if you are consuming them. that's next on "consider this." measles outbreak. that's the headlines "consider this" is up next on al jazeera. ♪ >> welcome to al jazeera, i'm stephanie sy. we're following multiple developments on syria at this hour. defense secretary chuck hagel just spoke to reporters about the possibility of a military strike against syria. speaking of the philippines the white house is still aiming to find an international coalition willing to work together on syria. >> the ayes to the right, 282, the nos to the level, 285. >> british parliament voted against the strike against syria. david

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United States , Saudi Arabia , Philippines , Syria , Russia , Jersey , United Kingdom , Syrian , Britain , Russian , America , British , Chuck Hagel ,

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