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Is i mean, everyone will be with people to experience the middle east experience. We are like the middle east stadium reflecting the nomadic culture of the region you need pay them well. Was like no other to me and then it supporting projects around the world. Its an air conditioning thing, which is part of the stadium is a conditioning technology. This is only sales stadium, the venue that will help well find all the work up a ready all the way. Ah hello, im and the richardson welcome to our special coverage of the opening day of the cattle 2022 world cup. After 12 years, the white, very nearly over, with just 3 hours to go now until the hosts kick off against ecuador. Here to build up the game and makes sense that all our panel of experts should con makisha castillo and one a rango will be with you right through the game and bring you the best of the action. As soon as it finishes weve got it all covered with our team of reports is all over kat talk from the stadium to the official fee for fans own and several cultural sites where funds have been gathering throughout the day. Im going to get you off guard at our special cornish well cut studio, although has waterfront will be catching up with thousands of funds that have made their way down here. And i far as small, its not just here in katara will be live around the globe as the biggest event in sport finally get find your way. Im to see a newman in guayaquil ecuador, as thousands of fans prepared to watch their team in the opening match of the world cup. I said that im doing rosario, didnt dina lie, you know, matthews, hometown, where a nation is expecting their hero to deliver a 1st world cup since 1986. Im monica, youre not given Rio De Janeiro, brazil. Its 20 years since the world cup. Most successful nation lifted the trophy. Im nicholas hawk, in bumble in southern synagogue, the African Champions or having to deal with the major blow of losing their star player, thought your money you are very welcome to i world cup like no other over the last decade cats or has been transformed into a country ready to host footballs. Biggest events. Weve got 3 experts to talk us through it or lets start with you or she you hit the welcome draw on your, on the ship. A lot has changed here even since then. Yeah, absolutely. This still is a whole new vibe around the toner man, but also the country and then dough high, you know, someone, you know, some people you talk to a say now finally, the moment that weve been waiting for for the last 12 years is now here. And you see the excitement, you know, and it doesnt matter if youre from a country that is participating in the woke up. Its just, you know, very exciting. I was a young man when this bit was one, feels like a one car garner. Whats your 1st visit . Its, its a cat. So what have you made so far of, of the atmosphere around this, the city in this country . Well, i got here before these 2 ladies did. And when i arrived on thursday x on friday, excuse me, id sometimes the jet lag, so dont know what day it is. But you started, you start your 1st. You said, well, you see that everythings decory, everything set up, but worst was everyone mom little bit later on that day you start to see the fans come out, the families really going and enjoy whats, whats being established or as far as the, the plans for this preparation, so overall ive seen a great deal of environment. Ive seen a great deal of, of passion. And of course, the hospital has been shown by everyone that lives here that there has been quite spectacular of jimmy just got over to his sir, from spain, a real rapid gear shift for both the fans. And the players whove been in europe is, is everybody in europe ready for this . Well cut to even realize is actually happening at this time of year. Yeah, i mean, and so, of course, its an exceptional war card. Never happened in the middle of the season. So i think a lot of people are still dealing with that, that emotions and was the same for even for myself. I lived here a decade ago, and im just still dealing with the feelings of being back here and half that exciting feeling that something very special is about to happen. I just been here for a few hours, but i can fill that there. That feeling plenty more for me through her for the next few hours for the next 29. 00 days. This country will be footballs. Global focal points. Cats are waiting game has lasted more than a decade. The middle easts, 1st world cup. Now less than 3 hours away poorest ripples. Ah, never before has a world cup host nation had to wait so long for its tournament to begin. The 12 year build up is almost over for cats are. Its one that hasnt always been easy. On the eve of kick off the head of World Football, went on the attack against criticism, a fee for and the host country you go and defended their record of making progress on issues such as human rights. Dont criticize cut. I dont criticize the players, dont criticize anyone. Criticize fees are criticized me if you want because im responsible for everything. But let the people enjoy this woke up in fancy. Now try to re direct attention on to the reason the world cup has come to the middle east is not to, i dont know just playing against each other is to football teams playing against each other to bowl its football. If we dont have at least football to bring us together, if we listen to you all who are criticizing or just want to divide, which wall are we going to . You want another wall . Water. Okay, go ahead. Without me. We fold me atonement that began in order quite in 1930 is once again breaking new ground. Ah, the 1st for the arab world, the 1st time so many friends will be in one place. And a 1st for cattle at National Team. When cats are one, the bid to host this tournament, the team was ranked outside the worlds top 100. Neither number 50 under the asian champions, and to give them extra hope or extra pressure. No house nation has ever lost its opening match at a well cup. Not opener is against ecuador at al mate stadium on sunday. Yeah, but im sure that from the age 30 gone the other. Its a very important day for us. A historic moment, not a moment of happiness for the players and staff. Its an extraordinary day. Go like no other. The only going liberty, the winner to organize. The 222. 00 fi far vault cup is cut. Ha. Having won the vote to host this. Welcome back. In 2010 cats are stepped into the sporting spotlight like never before. 7 of the 8 stadiums have sprung up in a decade. Theyve been a focal point for the safety of Migrant Workers. Thief as president hopes theyll also be emblematic of some of footballs greatest moments. Now its the worlds best players who are ready to take center stage as the biggest sporting event in the middle east. History. Finally begins. Paul reese out his era though our was cross live not to pull races at sir. The owl bait stating where the Opening Ceremony and 1st match of this world cup is taking place. Pull a 1st welcome match for the whole nation coming up. How the plays failing about this great step into the unknown way. I sunday it is a huge step into the unknown that 1st ever well, how much cats are becoming the 90th at team to pay out a woke up. I was feeling sanchez, that coach said yes, they know its going to be very difficult if theyre going to avoid the fight of south africa in 2010 and be a house that doesnt make it past the group stages of a woke up, but theyre ready to try and grasp that moment of destiny, but lets not forget as well. Cats are, are also a bit of an unknown for all the other teams and indeed friends around the world. One of the criticisms that certainly been unfair about this woke up is that kathy doesnt have a football history. I was talking to a counselor he found at just earlier and he said, okay, were not a huge football country like brazil, like maybe england. But we have a football culture, we have a football history. They reached the final of what is now the fif under 20 woke up in 1981. They beat brazil in the quarter finals. There in australia. B, england in the semifinals only wants to west germany. And the final they went too far away from making the fever, woke up at talia 1990 am. But its been, its been a real journey for vivian i since weve been in cats, are you and i, on the, you know, we covered the 2009 gulf, kept together in oman, and kept all really words a great tape since they warned the hosting of the woke up the right time to woke up in 2010. Theyve really, theyve really made the grades, you know, the aspire academy has been feeding not team where the excellent young talent that has gone on when the 2019 asian cup they all the asian champions now. Number 50 in the world. Only a few ranking point separating them from ecuador, as they step into this moment of history. There, thanks for your a month with you in our amount in 2000. And i was one of my tre highlights definitely. Well, in the past when tests are played equitable, whats happened . If these 2 things met before . Well, its not the biggest rivalry book, but they do have a history play 3 count, 1111, they throw one capital one. The last contest for 3 here and here in katha in 2018. You know, this is a different level by ecuador. Do you have more experience with the highest level playing well comfortable reached the last 16 in 2006. So while they are evenly balanced results wise, its going to be a tough match for counselors thats got a class for race at al bait stadium, plenty more from pull throughout the night. Thank you for now pool. Lets go over to us. Youve seen cats play quite a lot. What can we expect from them on this . This opening matching woke up the sort of scale of game theyve never played in before. Absolutely. This will be their biggest game in history. Forget about it being a woke up game. Theyre playing at home in front of their fans whove been waiting for this moment forever. Im just going to remember the game they played against algeria in the fee for arab camp. You remember when the were go down and then they had to fight back and equalize and then, you know, just continue to get that feeling of playing under pressure in front of thousands of funds. And i think that theyre ready to go. Theyve really put in a lot of work 6 months, you know, with the league of here and traveling and making sure they, you know, replicate what it could look like on the Opening Night. I think it could be historic for them, and hopefully they can win game. And one to set a quick mention of ecuador, they said already said to spell the posse tonight you think . Yeah. Oh yeah, theyre absolutely. Writers begin coming in. You see a team that is in amongst the 2 youngest sides in this woke up at the average ages 25. 6 years old compared to 29. If you look at our work at our, than able to offer, but also its the growth that theyve had over the past year and a half under gustavo flatow, a coach that really no one was, was, was hi. I know nobody was really reading him at the National Team level, had just recently been sacked over at boca, and then takes over. You start hearing a lot of ecuador saying, you know what, i dont know the seems going to make is going to get to the world come over 90 percent of the population was eng at an in a pull that they did in a national newspaper. He takes over, he brings in some of those players that were very successful in the under 20 world cup in 2019. He starts sprinkling in summer veteran leadership and its job pretty well. So were gonna start looking at some of these players and you could have a breakout star invoice, this guy salesman, from brighton. Im looking for an see where to come join might seem it livable to have that. How thats going to happen in the next few weeks or months, maybe a lot going on all over the city. Not far away from my studio. Here is the doe ha waterfront known as the cornish. Its been turned into a pedestrian. Only fans own for the finals far is smiled down there for as far as he got with you at the moment. Im very excited to introduce you to li derek and re she who are all the way from saskatoon, canada array and are joining us live right now. And now lee, you are a fan leader. I just want you to tell me what that is or 1st of all, i am absolutely ecstatic, but canada is that our 1st world cup and 36 years. But as a fan leader, i will, i have a responsibility to the fans, back in canada to educate them on guitar, to educate them on buying tickets and source accommodation. So i kind of acted as a liaison for the last 13 months between tar and canada. And ensuring that our canadian found the best experience possible coming over to this beautiful country, that beautiful city have you been here before . But i know derek and reese, this is your 1st time in cats are and derrick. Im gonna start with you. What have been your 1st impressions . Ah, the old world needs me to new world. Standing in the duke, i had the opportunity. Go to the duke and then look across at the modern downtown with skyscrapers the that just are amazing the architecture. So that really bought me and the, and the hospitality and kindness that i experienced from the airport here. Nothing but 1st class. And i felt right. And now she, i know this is your 1st role, but it is your 1st time in the middle east. Why does your 1st impression what effects that was just, you know, i really didnt know what to expect and you hear all sorts of things i think having here what got me right away your leaving winter in canada and you saw the beautiful climate, but it was how vibrant and colorful everything is. I was kind of blown away by whether its the art or just the beautiful scenery around us. So vibrant and colorful and the people have been so welcoming and kind of very clean and its, its been really positive 1st impression. Now i find it very interesting. When i was growing up, i never, anybody, you know, anybody that was so passionate about football soccer as a 3 of you. Now do you think thats, thats changing. So lets start with you. Be back in cabot. Ive been a fan for 27 years of us National Team following them traveling with the g, trying to trying to get to every game as possible. And i felt by myself, for a lot of those years. In the last 18 months since canada started getting results started winning, i feel like we have gain so much more support. And weve got so many new cabin soccer fans and the ones that were soccer fans before are now coming back to the canadian team. So i feel like really, really creating a family here of support that i feel when i travel to other countries. Im not because counted a co host c o in 2026. So how is it important . How important is it that canada, you know, fairly well here . The ratio ill ask you about. I think that this is a huge opportunity for 10 other national states. We qualified number one in our group, which is amazing. The last time canada was in the world cup. I was 4 years old. This is the 1st time as a fan, its been a world cup that i get to put on my own countries jersey. And so i think young people seeing that and seeing canada play proper football at the world stage and going against science like belgium and croatia and competing at that level. Young kids are going to see that. I think at the moment they didnt soccer here. The way weve qualified, i hope that we put a brilliant performance on the pitch and knowing that we host, i think youre just going to see soccer explode in canada and ways that it never has before. Yet well have that. You open there, champagne. I guess, i guess belgium its going to be tough. Derrick, how do you think theyre going to do . Well, i think john herdman has prepared them brilliantly, is master. Hes a mentor and i think mentally its the toughest theyre going to be. So i think theyre going, i think theyre going to play for a really strong draw, but theyre not going to be satisfied with the draw. Theyre playing to win. So i think theyre going to give them a really tough match. Its going to be difficult, but im confident in the coaching and the brotherhood that they formed. Yeah, and john herdman has had a very interesting career because he coached the when his team knows was successful with the womens team lead. Do you think a canada can get out of the group stages . The short answer is i do that opening 25 minutes against belgiums. Going to be really intense and its going to set the tone for the tournament. If we score an early goal, look out for this team. Weve got a real Team Chemistry and weve got a leader and john herdman, weve got a player in Alfonso Davies thats going to give roberta martinez, coach of belgium, a lot to think about. Yeah, Alfonso Davies is one to watch because he is the captain of the team as me. Now, i know you guys have to go because youve got tickets to the opening game so i wont keep you here, but i want you to leave us with that. Canadian check, all right boys take it away. Oh, can i get it up . Oh, who i can. 0000000. 6 0, okay, thank you so much. Okay, back to you, andy. Thank you so much for plenty. Well, from florida will cut studio throughout the throughout the night. Now, bite stadium can hold up to 60000 supporters, but where will the funds you dont have tickets to watch the game. B, pete estimates is one of the many fam parks that are up and running around the country. Pizza was sort of funds down there. We got mainly local funds or more and more International Funds coming into the system with very little a oh, i thought youd be here a few hours already. These people who arrived were among with so basin is local with. Thank you so much. Pretty thought. Well, as we know, this is a unique woke up in many ways in russia. 4 years ago is one of the most spread out settlements in woke up history. By contrast, cats all 2022 will follow as the most compact 8 stadiums are hosting the matches the fewest number of venue since argentina in 1978, my colleague geminus josh, will take us through them. Oh, in terms of geographical size, cattle is the smallest nation to host footballs a biggest tournaments. 70 kilometers the longest distance between any of the stadiums. Starting in the south avenue is close to the city of our macro. The 1st of the brand new venues completed for the wont come with. Its just 15 minutes down the road to out the memo, which is near to catalyst to International Airports and the Large Industrial area ah, located in dough house port stadium, 974 is the world cups of 1st ever temporary venue. And its right on the water front at ras. Abby abuse ah, 15 kilometers west were out there. We developed a cali for International Stadium which 1st opened in 1976 and hosted the 2006 asian games. Ah, a short journey across and ran is the Education City stadium in the heart of catch us and center of learning and have 9 university. Ah, a 10 minute drive on the highway takes you to the banality stadium, the venue from the coast, with a capacity of 40000 ah, just to the north of doha is the venue for the world comp final. The city was built for the tournament and a time, the biggest stadium with 80030 kilometers uppercase in the city of our cool night. The 60000 seat stadium. It tasted 50 for our cup, june 7 years of construction. Many, 10000000000. 00 spent 7, a brand new stadium facing stage for the biggest book will show on the planet. Okay, i think we can go to some live pictures now with capital stain bus. I think that might be accurate or same bus behind them heading up to the help. 8 stadium is one of the few stadiums. Theres not actually on the metro system in this country. Its about a 30 to 40 minute drive away from the center of town. That cattle team has never been in the sporting spot like this before. That 1st ever will cut much coming up now in just 2 or 3 hours time. The moving 1000000 funds are expected to arrive in cattle the next few days of the solomons sar higher ex has been meeting some of them at how much International Airports. I mean, it was real low flight. It took around lets say more than 24 hours already because we had to make a lot of layovers for it says my brother. Busy cable away from mac, well or to mother, and then we had to travel to bodies. Then we have our flight and we just landed. And you just landed with traditional ecuador in must. Does that right . Yeah. These are the show me like typical people for my country, so weird, but hes happy to be here representing 17000000 people of my country on. But if you see my older war, we went together to rescue 2014. I was also in day and they will come on their 20 in poland, 2019 and we are so happy to be here. So we decided to sing a song already because from our country we look, we are hard. Okay, well lets hear it again. Oh god, oh yeah. Oh yeah. Oh oh. Oh, barry hall and i have florida, but well try jennifer. So you get a sense of theres been a little bit of reticence in europe about this will come taking place in capital. You get a sense of whether or not many, for example, spanish friends are going to, going to make the trip over here to being put off by that the stories about the whole nation. Do you think . Probably spanish, not as many as we can see with other nations even though its an easy trip. It just direct flights from barcelona, missouri 67 hours. So its kind of easy or done or russia. But yeah, its been a little bit of controversy and yeah, thats not that much feeling i think from europe, england is that the country that i probably bought more more tickets, but im sure its going to be really follow the world cup even in the back in spain will be excitement and then the big team, a growing team this weekend if they go well for sure, they will try to, to, to come. I know some of them, not everyone was able to to book accommodation and some of them will be saying in dubai, in flying for the day. And so yeah, a d m, its what we were talking for maybe to will come different because its in the middle of the season and not a lot of people were planning like when you thing in summer. But im sure the next time and it will grow over the next hours, and why no doubt the south american fans will find a way of getting you whats, whats your sense of how well supported argentina and brazil will be for example. Well, if we see in the video that the ecuadorian friends are what they look to do and what theyve been willing to do in order to get here, same thing has happened with, with origin driving someone. So when yeah, what about and who go to arrive just a couple of days ago to be able to replace . Did you come in as replacements . I think of Something Like 50 or a 100 argentine fans went to the airport to welcome them. So that shows you how much support theyre getting brazil the same thing. Those are 2 amongst to the countries. Think of the top 10 as far as ticket sales. So they were able to come here. They were been who since they with mexico. And of course, youre going to get a lot of representation from the United States, whether its the west means National Team or the other countries that are of course, many live in the United States supporting them. I think we talked about this during, during the wilco drawer, mean for a lot of african teams. Im thinking the north african same 2nd a its almost gonna filica home will come for them, isnt it, isnt it. If you go around to her, you meet so many tunisians, moroccans who actually leave here, and ive been here for about 10 years. But also just generally you have associations of funds. In senegal, theres 2 of them that ive actually been sponsored by the senate go and Football Federation and you know, the organize themselves. They have these painting things going going. But also cameroon has a quite a number that are coming. And i also know that theres random funds that are going to fly and as a whole, direct flight on run dare to do her so, and they dont need visas to come here. So its going to be quite interesting to see funds of countries that are participating, but also those that are outside of those 5 countries. Like, you know, well, unlike the cost in the masks a little earlier on, many across supporters havent been able to make the long trips the middle east. But that doesnt mean their excitement is any less back home or latin america, at least in human reports. Ah, in why akil ecuador is largest city, theres a frenzy to obtain the National Teams jersey before they sell out. All right, well there are several for not every ecuadorian is a fanatic about football. Robbery of this woman confesses, shes buying a small one for her dog. Ha. Football fever has taken over la oklahoma, cause were going to win by one mill. But 12 year old jeremy disagrees. Yeah, youre good. Okay. And let them know. I think that in the 1st half will tie, but in the 2nd half well whim to nil. Thanks to cancel a platter. Hes referring to ecuadorian football. Idle gonzalo bladder, who like almost the entire team, grew up in poverty. Gallagher, im going from 22 year old platter nowadays for spains rail via the lead, and has bought his family, this new house where he keeps many of his trophies, the one. When entire where blacks whites mulattoes from the mountains to the coast. We will become like one like brothers leather, back in his old neighbourhood. They havent forgotten him. Madeline is shows us a photo of platter with her grandson and says hes an inspiration for other boys, so they dont turn to drugs and crime. 2 weeks ago, the government declared a state of emergency and a curfew here in gaiety and to other provinces because of uncontrollable gang violence. Because of security concerns, local officials have had to cancel a huge fan fest that they plan to host all the same ecuador and all over guayaquil are preparing for the big day. Even the gangs have called for an unofficial truce to allow people to think of nothing else but the game. A true ecuador has never come close to winning a world cup. But people young and old, tell us that this time, theyre sure their team will take them further than ever before. Were at war to see a newman al jazeera. Why akil has plenty going on across sir catherine, by one of this world collect surprise at bo halls sick. Wacky alexey teller, sir, exactly where you are in the city and whats happening. Oh, well, the atmosphere really has been building here at 2 oclock. If all throughout the afternoon. Weve seen plenty of fans from catheter and from ecuador. Lots of glad to of chance ahead of that. All important opening match in the coming hours. But we really have seen supporters from so many of the teams that rainy and flags with same unity in fans with their drums, with same mix. It can some guerreros brazilian shirts. They were all over the world coming down here to the so to take in the sights and sounds from our ha. Now where i am is right at the end of one of the main walking straight to be hit for the down that way you head right into the center of the market, but it wasnt always an agent tourism how black it is now about a 100 years ago this was actually all about trading the name, so black, if it means the standing market. And if you were here about a 100 years ago, you would have been seeing beta when no meds selling their animals or they will. Its still really important for shopping as well. If you went ahead into some of the labyrinth of alleys to my name, do you be able to buy spices or will local handicrafts also even Home Hardware right now though its all about the fan, so it coming down to celebrate the Party Atmosphere at the so but for our International Visitors who dont know the city, were about a 35 minute walk from the coordinator studio and joe and fara. And if you were to walk from there to here, it pass my pace here in the fans on you would, will along the coordination, which is that water front promenade along the city ends up here in the so, and i really have to say what you guys were all hitting down here because it smells amazing. It sounds amazing. Will get some spices from the corals. This while im a cooking behind by and just near by. There are some delicious looking pancakes, so not only is it a Party Atmosphere, but it really is a celebration for all the senses. Thank you. Lexie we getting through to live it. Oh, good. When i push almost be trying you order. I was just a hint for Anyone Around if you could bring us some trade anyway, because over again is in loose sale. I wish didnt even exist when this bit was wont back in 2010. Its where the work of fun will take place. And about 4 weeks tom victoria, tell us i whats going on where you but its getting busy down here. Weve got the music full of the official anthem for the world cup blasting out. Weve got people walking on to the canopy. Oh, flags of all the nations that are taking part in the. 1 cop and 1500000 visitors coming from 32 Different Countries. Oh no, coming from near and far really. Im joined now by 2 of them, one from australia and omar san festival. What made you come all the way to cutoff from melbourne to the well college spirit, another world. Pomp of been fortunate enough to go to germany and south africa and no maturity arise to summary out to experienced a roll top in the middle lace. Then i want to bring my son as well. Yes and base where he is opportunity come and experience time in the world. Come there in a tough grade. How do you rate your chance is frustrating slim, but theres always a chance. Are we reply at best . We, we might get, i have a lot given our we did in our rights in, sorry, no 6 in germany, and hopefully we do the same gym to summer. Im sorry. Good luck. Im all here. Are you supporting while supporting my home country 1st inside the u. S and of course i have a soft spot for ronaldo. His last world cup i just so p graphs, victory cement himself as the goat. So as somebody who lives in cattle, how important is it to you that this is the 1st world cup in the middle east wall . About time like the worlds game. Its been to africa. Its been to europe. Its been to south america. Its only about timed out, we and number please get a chance to actually enjoy the world on the i walk, im the world. Im watched the world cup here now home, so im really excited. Im sure its going to be a wonderful, wonderful month ahead. So yeah, all right gentlemen, thanks very much for joining us. So this is one that will get busier and busier as the night goes on. They are expecting thousands of people to come down here later on once the match has vanished corrugated before hes down at sir least say what it was always an ambitious goal. Cattle is, as we mentioned, a few times set to make history is the 1st middle east country to host the tournaments or so said i looks at the challenges. Cattle has faced since winning that bid back in 2010 due to a defining moment that started a 12 year journey is cut. Ah peter, winning the right to horse to wont come. The company has since undertaken one of the most Ambitious Construction of force in world history, building 8 stadiums equipped with Sophisticated Technology and dozens of other edmonds supporting facilities. Multi lean roads now crossed the capital baja, and it is connected by a high tech metro system with driverless trains. Infrastructure as a load cutter to jump at light speed, completing change as infrastructure changes that would take other countries. Decades upon decades, we see metro stations. We see massive mortar ways we see more modern as well as medical infrastructure facilities that we can use as residents of this country beyond the tournament. But to it all, cut off face challenges in june 2017. For out of countries impose an air land and sea blockade on the counseling that was lifted in 2021. When the pandemic broke out but before with 19 stalling supplies of labor and materials, cut our face more pressure to reach its 2022 deadline. It also introduce label reforms and should and all employees receive a minimum wage. And its the craft is sponsorship, system known as go further to hello mingled workers to change jobs without needing their employee years. Consent says winning the rights to host the world cop cut that has shawl keys is major though a lot more projects for the tournament. And also taken this opportunity to turn its capital doha into world wide cultural, social, and educational hub, reflect in heritage and life of the region Education City. Now host 8 Prestigious International universities and new museums and libraries preserve the history of the country and the region with experts comprising more than 2 tours of its population cut that has created many green spaces and social and entertain facilities. A bigger strategy in terms of, you know, modernizing the country, developing its infrastructure capabilities and even just kind of putting it on the map so to speak, in terms of it being not just obviously a hub of, of natural resources. You know, as a, as a one of the biggest gas exporters in the world. But thinking about it also in terms of a cultural hub with the construction of its schools and museums and you know, Film Institute in aust, kinds of other array of, of cultural institutions cutter sees the world cup is not the end of the journey on that is cut them National Vision 20. 00 to 30. 00. It came to sustain is transformation starting with the fina World Championships for aquatics in asia as premier soccer tournament the asian copy next year, kristen said that al jazeera door, now a runs game against the usa on the 29th of november, has a little political subtext shall we say protests across iran, an ongoing diplomatic tensions between the 2 nations, means the game will have the worlds attention as Natasha Butler reports is not the 1st time. The nations have met and a world cup. I am a book of precious photos and memories. Iranian born lily, much at jack, remembers the 1998 world cup game in france between iran and the usa as if it were yesterday. Yeah, here is me. My mom and the friends and iranian friend in leon is just after damage. So we were very happy with our shirts coming freshly from your on you also do these friend armored for sale. He was also in the stadium today. Hes a wine cellar in the city of leal where the match took place, present worth it quickly, auto. I was so happy to be able to say that we are iranian playing. The americans offered people hope for these 2 countries that were tearing each other apart. Costello, missouri, the fee for jordan saw iran in the usa, pitted together, was clearly welcomed by some friends. But he caused a diplomatic headache for organisers. Itd be nearly 2 decades since he ran his revolution. Ousted the u. S. Back shaw and relations between t. Ron and washington were hostile. Both teams were under pressure and in the spotlights we have security, 94. 00, we have security right now. We have friday focus for the game and nothing else. Iran Supreme Leader forbade the iranian team to walk up to the americans to shake hands before the game. So a compromise was found, the iranians gave flowers and the 2 sides posed for a photo. During the game, there was a protest not against the us bought against irans government, but it didnt disrupt the match which ended in a thick tree for iran. T ron erupted in celebrations, wont be matches, are played here these days, but it was in the stadium in 1998 that iran b u. S. Say to one in one of the most politically charged games in world history. City. It was crazy, amazing, super the game changed, the image of iran and iranian girl. Oh, where the painting of her iranian flag on her cheek a. She was kissing her and the re can support it. You know, and i mean, it was really, really fun. Iran and usa meet once again in the casa world cup, political tensions remain high between the 2 countries, anti wrong current down of Anti Government protests means that a modern lily, se, theyll watch the game, but with mixed feelings, more than 20 years after experiencing the excitement of iran 1st ever will come when Natasha Butler, al jazeera leo. And just to let you know on the bottom rights of your screen. Now you can see the ecuador same bus heading up to the al bait stadium, which is 40 kilometers outside of a center of the capitol, capital dough hall that weve taken on the hosts cats or of course in the opening game of this world cup pretty shortly. Now, while there is a Global Political picture for a runs match with the u. S, theres also a specific one in iraq, only hash and takes us to bank that were another kind of confrontation between the 2 powers thats been unfolding for the past 20 years. Who and the rockies so forth and the world cup match between the u. S. And iran . Theres no single answer to that question, but theres no doubt the country is involved in a game of geopolitical football. Iraq has been a field of competition between the 2 countries. For decades, that competition as often being that the one. The animosity began with Islamic Revolution in 1979, although the 2 sites eventually found the common enemy said on the same. But when the long find miracles toppled in 2003, that exchange after different lapse of saddam, there was some in direct corporation i think between your own and the u. S. F. Or anyone iraq floor new constitution for new political system. While your im back minute and no sweat back to you as an iraq while pushing form of the political allies to take he positions in the iraqi government. This allowed iran to secure a leverage that it never thought all unix alongside the rules were different with the rise of i. So with the 2 sides finding a common enemy. Once again that im already model for like the tensions remained, there was still the common interest in getting rid of isis after all, wasnt till 2019 that isis was finally defeated. Ah, but there were also tensions between the u. S. In iran, over developments in syria that played out in terms of iraq as well. The iran euclidian signed in 2015. So thinks quite down what not for long. It was it time for americans to understand that these type po, uranium support. Ready for iraq, for Security Disability as you would, it would be really useful. I was shocked when the u. S. As this in a, to the stop general person for the money that international, that was an unexpected scenario, or the crisis of thought to be under control seems stop exit to the nuclear here in 2018. It absolutely caused a big downturn in u. S. And iranian relations, particularly in iraq, iraq husband arena, where iran and the u. S. Have played out the rivalry. What many here just one, iraq to be able to play. Its again the m as here back that i mean, a sure mean . Faith would love everyone just to focus on football, but i think plays these days do seems want to talk about a shoes and beyond the football page on like, well, football is a reflection of our society. Him always been one the too much, but these really seem line. I remember more than dickon to go. The future president at the time said black visited palestine, israel and jordan, trying to see how football can play a huge role in trying to bring these countries together. But sometimes the history, the culture of places is deep, very deep. And the players can really do much about it, but generally i think that they can speak about the politics, but it has to be seen like you want to, we were watching yesterday the, the equity press conference. And the coach actually stepped in the news. It sounds, it is a bit unfair picked on Young Players to be expected to have a view on everything thats going on beyond the game. You know, when youre asking a 2021 year old about what they think about certain issues. Ringback sometimes are not prepared for it sometimes or may not even be aware of the situation or theyre not. They might not be as informed as they should be. And it puts them in a situation where they either end up being well educated or in understand how to handle it. Or they end up being of a walking sound by where they end up becoming that that, that lightning rod, if you will, for some people to go and criticize them. So it starts to an extent, i think it was what good will start will follow did that being said, we also talked about the fact that athletes these days or more where they would look him, use their platforms to become a bit more vocal about these issues. And general, quite doing loosening. Have a Spanish Church hes. Hes found a new way of communicating. Yeah. With the fans. Was that all about you saying . Yeah. And the tool and were very surprised in the survey. No one was expecting lose and or given came a streamer because it has been quite an anti media anti social media person. But i think he is sick. He says mark m coach and he knows i think it has a 2 ways or 3. Maybe if one his, a little bit criticized in the spanish can be surprised outside there. But. B his great the controversial characters. So once a direct message to the fans as 2nd, he wants all the pressure on him. He wants to leave his players alone. Now they asking players politics as well and is like, they dont have to answer that. They want to focus in football. So lets put all pressure on me asking me whatever and funds are asking there. And theres a 3rd part is the reason that he get is a super active birdson. He runs marathons. He does a lot of things. And i think he needs to spend that energy in something, so he doesnt over prepared the games. He needs a, he wont be doing this before a game is after, but didnt between. He needs to have his mind distracted because sometimes coach is still that this one of the other. Sometimes he over things games and he makes mistakes. So think listen to it has been quite smarter than they say that to that and who are enjoying its from. But its, its easy for us is, and hes bringing that bring in the stories to is it nebraska any questions being and say they play on monday and theyve acknowledged the work done by Migrant Workers for this world cup English Football Association is pushed for counsel at 2022 to leave a positive legacy for those who helped make this torment possible. Johnny has raska has been at the squads, Training Camp putting down their drills for drills. These are some of the men who have helped build the stadiums for the cattle world cup, and now theyre getting to eat some of the stars. He will shine in them about king in albert, the stadium. Im a electrical technician only sold no 3 on huffy. Elsie know about syria and i like big National Petition under maintenance. So shell favorite hire home as a moan. Yeah. Had it not been for the beautiful game. These 2 groups of men with their different languages and backgrounds would probably never have met. But football has brought together, which is south of castles, capital, doha, in a city called our white cra. This is where england were based themselves through this world cup, and its also a place where many Migrant Workers live. Now this is one of several Community Engagement workshops taking place. And england have chosen to support this particular community. Englands f a has been vocal on the subject of work, his rights, they and others like the netherlands and australia, have called for compensation for workers who have died. Been injured or faced unpaid wages while building stadiums now the venues. They also want a permanent Migrant Workers center and only with politicians and women. We never will be politicians in terms of how we look at things. Well, i think in terms of what the squad dont over the last few years, im how most of help you plug in that comes with the territory of what the boys of dawn. What i will say is that were here to do as much as we can. We can do everything. But what we can do is to is try and help people as much as we can. Tournament organizes stress improvements have been made in the Living Conditions of hundreds of thousands of Migrant Workers. A minimum wage has been established and the so called co follow system, which meant work has had to get approval from their employers to switch jobs or leave. The country has been abolished the International Labor organization in castle greece, but also says more efforts needed so that all workers can benefit. It was deep dive to fully implement these changes and challenges do remain. These include dealing with retaliation against workers who wish to change jobs. More also need to be done to reduce reach payment violations and in short, timely access to justice. Domestic workers must also benefit fully from the labor reforms. This includes respect for working times and the right to at least one day off per week. These workers have built the stadiums in which the english team can pursue its world cup dreams. And as a final, thank you. The england players give them tickets to see their hard work become reality. John, i guess Raska Al Jazeera and what cra, lets go back to our world cup studio on the doha waterfront where joe is now joe, youve got some more fans with you. I believe. Thats right, andy. Yes, you join us for a great di clash. Well, i kinda hope that it wont be a clash, but weve got christopher here. Hes a fan of denmark, sammy and muhammad their fans of to nicea i christopher. Yeah, this your 1st time in kat are in the middle east 1st impressions. And what do you think . I think it looks very great. I think we see all the good things. We see all the money which have been spent on this tournament. And was she there the sunny side right now and hopefully will stay this way, but we will see how it comes to next month. We will see and also sammy, you know, this is such a historic day. The 1st opening day of this 1st world cup in the middle east. Tell us from a arab friend football fan perspective, what that means to you. Weve been dreaming about this since the 2010. When it was, it was announced, we were, we were dreaming of being here in other we were afraid that tunisia might not qualify. So till the last moment. But for, for our people, its a, its so great to her, to have the world cook in another country. And for the teaching fans, ive been to the world cup in russia. And we always felt that we were outnumbered by other funds. So that theres a sense of being home. So its a great, great feeling to be in other for the welcome. I get a sense because i have spoken to people who have lived here and they say the same thing that it feels like its the 1st time that its an accessible well come from the middle east mohammed. You are a student here in cats. Are you seen so many changes over the last 2 years that youve been here tell us about some of the changes and how it is to see this all come together now . Versus 3 years ive been here. Ive seen so many changes, changes, especially in the this towers and all the of the buildings here gutter. A says is the 1st time i was there, i was impressed to see all the fur technology and everything here. And now its all changed and it became so on the for here and to live here especially lets get down to the football. Because as i mentioned earlier, youre both in group d and actually denmark plates in india in the. 6 first group game, how do you see that going . I think it was for, for, yeah, danish victory. Clear danish victory with that. Very confident fanny. You would probably argue against that. Well we, we know that theyre, theyre confident, and they are the underdogs of the, of the group and maybe of the, well, everybody is saying to me, i will be just a 3 and now, but this is, i think this is our time. Were with our team has experience. Most of the players were, were there in 2018 in russia. We hope to surprise the danes on the 1st game. And we, we count on the funds. We hope to have a stadium sparked with canadian fund. I think since weve arrived a week ago, its search needs and signs have been very loud and it will only get louder. So were counting on the fans. And we hope that this is our, our real curb, and well be able to beat them and surprise the danes and surprise the world. Yeah, well i think thats going to be a great atmosphere. And of course were going to see christine eric, send back for denmark as well, on the world stage for the 1st time since sam, since the euro is where he had his cardiac arrest. But that is all we got time for here on the corny ship for now and its back to andy in the studio. Thank you so much joe. We can take off our 1st danish fun in of i can hats always relief. So to get get over that landmark m. Ill base stadium. Of course, well have a 60000. 00 fans there for the opening game tonight, but plenty of fans watching the game around catera the found festivals pizza stem it. Is it, sir . One of them just give us an idea as to how its filling up down there. Pizza. Hi andy. I remember that you asked me a little bit earlier in the hour about fans arriving here and the various nationalities. Well, i could tell you at the top of the hour, the gates opened, people started coming in, ive seen argentina shirts, brazil, ive seen the netherlands. Ive seen denmark a england. Its obviously carter lots and lots of cuts, shirts. And speaking of carter, i brought with me a young man named germany from bella. Ruth, and he is been living here in this country for 22 years, jim and good to talk to you. So what is, what is your opinion on the atmosphere . So for here, everythings amazing. You can see amazing people think atmosphere, amazing stadiums got that would play an amazing game and well all of us will have an amazing time. Now listen, when german speaks about everybody, you can see here, weve got fans as well. From iran, we got palestine represented as well. So let me ask you your prediction for tonight for the big kickoff cutter versus ecuador, a 0 cut on or at 20. There you go, thats the prediction. Andy, 202 cats or i think the, the hosts will tie that quickly from you guys in terms of this opening games. And i could all do not score a lot of goals, do like one what will happen as of late if you look back at the last 6 matches, theyve only scored once and it was so, but now you flip the script a bit, you start looking that theyve had 6 consecutive clean sheets, so which ones going to give . Thats a big question. General. Well, i mean, the whole nation playing in the opening games so much pressure isnt. Its a lot of pressure for a team like katara that their preparation. Its been the longest ever before the world cup, so its a lot of pressure. But its a young generation will prepare with a great coach and like fedex or something just so i think they can do good to show that until with one new because weather is really, really strong in the blind and they have been prepared so well for the piece opening game because they know that lot of counselors are in those 3 points just before a coming here they play to to asia teams. So the ravia and japan to be ready for this game because photo was well aware of that. This will this high tools through probably with the netherlands, but its the local and paul really said that its, theres a tradition that the host nation always when. So lets go with that. Think him right. You send that in. Our host nation is at last the opening match. So lets from a sort of cast off perspective. Im sure were hoping that that carries on. I mean, oh shoot. I mean, youve seen how this team is able to deal with the pressure of playing in a, in a, in a nation, in a sort of an in front of a home fans. Briefly. What do you sort of expectations on how to perform . What i think when you look at, you know, just the players and all the preparations that theyve made that drive to the stadium is something that is motivation. I think for the team im looking at all the fans were willing. Busy to shirts, you know, the guitar shots and entering the stadium and getting that whole feel like our generation is the one that is playing to woke up. I think thats enough for them to get that when so to one from we are just over a couple of hours. Why now from the 1st much of the cats all 2022 world cup and events that people have been waiting 12 years for the 1st night shouldnt. And 1st time they woke up has come to the middle east the 1st time. So many fans of all went together. A new series followed footballs from 6 countries, hoping to make it to cut out 2022. My dinning was to be a basketball player in the world. Now at each year, the next episode made 3 world come hopefuls from iraq by sacrifice, a lot of seeing a lot of days before my family. I would do that to play with the world cup dream. Iran on al jazeera, a commitment to continuously conserve its wonder is vital providing Breakthrough Solutions to Renewable Energy for an environmentally responsible future with transformation and collaboration. Indonesia urges and leave the world in moving forward as was recovery together, recover stronger. Britains beloved curry houses are in crisis to india. Don is shut down every week. Use a breakfast, financial fraud, and the pad in 101 east investigate on al jazeera ah, opened in time for the world cup. This new part of ham and International Airport has been designed to offer often tired and stressed out passengers a different travel experience. Surrounding the Tropical Garden of 65 new shops and restaurants and passages capacity has increased by nearly 50 percent. This bill of dough hot water front will be given a new role by replacing the power with this temporary gallery, gives a peek into the design of the new museum in the brand new city. A blue sail cutter is National Libraries hoping for more visitors during the world cup when they come here realize how we came up with united. There are more than a 1000000 books here during the final therapy. Special events related to the world cup. The world cap is about more than sports. Its reflecting and transforming the culture of an entire country. Lou with with welcome back to our world cup studio, the Opening Ceremony that starts in just a half an hours time. Now, i think, followed by the 1st march of the 2020, to finalize cattle versus ecuador. Well check in with our guests in a couple of minutes. Black cross 1st to cuts off our bait stadium, the focal point for World Football. Right now its where ill report korea is standing by. Just give us an idea as to your sense of how this cattle team is feeling going into this opening gang well, on day, as you said, its just half an hour or so before the Opening Ceremony and weve got fans filing into, ill bite stadium much like any other football much really puts the bang difference this time is that we have cat to re fans. Going to watch cats are in it. Well. Cup game, a big unknown for the players as you say. But feeling sanchez, the coach yesterday said. Busy or i, i know they have a big task on their hands, but theyre ready to try and grasp this moment of destiny if they can. It will be the biggest match of that sporting careers, but certainly cut off how the big moments on the football page before that they can take inspiration from 1981. The fee for what is now under 20. 00 well cup cats are amazingly got to the final events, holeman beat, brazil in the quarter finals, england and the semi finals only last to west germany. They went too far away from reaching the italia. 1990 woke up and i think what was a real catalyst for them bidding for this. Busy woke up was the hosting of the asian games in 2006, and the team won that final. Having said, thoughts, i think in the past 12 years, and since counts are one the right to host the woke up. Weve seen a real boost to this team, you know, back then it still was a fairly average team in the region outside the top wells, top 100 than now in the worlds top 50. Its going to be a big task from, with, get through these groups, but they have the, the passion of hosting a woke up for the 1st time driving them on whats thank you pull for now. Now the biggest names will football here, obviously, but some are in better shape than others. Jenna, lets start with you on this one train. Benjamin said, ive been ruled out for france. Yeah. In itself. How much of a of this for me is that for france, cool. If he did win the world cup without him deny 4 years ago. Yeah, actually they want to work up with number 9 all the way to, to, to, to be then even shot on target one. So its not that they need to number 9 because it was a great addition. Say its a huge setback for him for convince him i was waiting for lunch, but he hasnt been concert about him since the beginning of the season. He missed song games was rather madrid than when she was on the field. He was not that a 100 percent. So hes coming back to me right now with big and for him in psychological lead will be something really strong for france. I dont think its a huge setback for them because probably only what it is would be the substitute. She has that special connection with him, but i think its for the fun to serve. Disappointing because been so i was expecting so much. Shes the winner of the database has never happened in the last year said the winner of this important price. One means that the work up, so its a shame. But im going to say it front. Its. B its unlucky, i think that is a kind of course with the defending champions. Weve seen basically the spain with germany now with the front who will say what was in the page, but yet security said back for us though, for support. Yeah. And honey is not the only big injury for france. Susie, theyve got some of the problems as well as my personal campaign bay christopher and cool. Cool. You start looking in the middle . No, not going to county. You mean it, its the list goes on and on, and it ends up being one of those things were france, despite all that still is one of the deepest teams in this turn, right . Because you have a 20 that comes in, you end up seeing coming also is trying to step in and come through. But it also puts the focus the spotlight Funding Center one player given. Yeah. And she had, he think the funny champions are going to go in this welcome. Its going be very tough for them. But thats actually the whole point getting into the woke up where no one expects them to do so much. Because if you look at the last defending champions, going into a new cap, theyve not done well, theyve been struggling there. But just generally speaking, i think the did, the sharps knows that this is a do a die for him. If he doesnt do well in this woke up, then hes gone and perhaps then you have you done coming in. But i think just generally speaking, to play as a focused, they want to make a point and at least get to the quarter front of anything can happen from their phone. Were going to talk now about a play might have heard of. All the most Famous Players are here in capsule right now, and there is a play by the name of little messy who is on his way for, for roger siena. Ill send it around. Patsy is, is in elgin, santa for his, her alessandro, give us an idea as to the sense of expectation that and whether or not people think that he can deliver, that 1st will cut fraud and senior since 1986. Well yeah, the expectation is could not be higher. We are here in the ro side. Patio luna massey is home town and obviously everybody here in his home that ran across the country or hoping that he will be able to bring the trophy back through our gym tina after 36 years the last time that i just won the world cup with back in 1986 with diego matter. I dont know the other night now gone. And leonel massey, the biggest star, this country has produced since the matter is now 35 years old. So most people here thinks that this will be his last chance to do so, and everybody here believes that he deserves the opportunity to and this is extraordinary carrier with a world cup. When i met him self has been cautious about their pos to be that the dont saying that obviously winning a world cup is extremely difficult. Even if the feeling is that this is possibly one of the most united and best teams that jen tina has had in many years. Not only because it has great players, great figures like messy or could be my the for example. But the fact that this is a team that is composed by Young Players and veterans that have been. B really able to produce a great chemistry that brought them to winning. They cop mattie cap last year. And that was the 1st time that messy was able to win an International Draft trophy with the National Teams. Something that has eluded him throughout its carry career. And he, i know jim thing as i have suffered much since the great shame to have not been able to do so. So the expectations could not be higher. In the last couple of days, weve been talking through a number of friends and relatives. And one of is a coach when he played here, where we are at the new words, old boy, the youth side of the newest old boy where he played for 6 years before moving to barcelona, where he became the supersize idea today was showing you how you came up with the slogan from another galaxy and from this neighbourhood to celebrate his childhood friend, unit messy. Guess even when that im a big on layer, when we were kids with leo, this was a garbage done, but in time weve restored it. And now we have 32 mural celebration him what it sounds ok. And then they grew up together. Here in la heather, a working class neighborhood every saturday. Diego says it was safe for back then. In the last decade, violence of skyrocketed due to a drug war. But to re still come here to take pictures and listen to the stories of the young 1 may see, playing on the neighborhood streets. Come all come on nino, he still carries the child inside of the humbleness is still the same and childhood in education the 1st to find youve ever and we were naughty, unhappy around here and ill get there. Monica messes out of this world. Talent was apparent, even when he was the smallest kid in his classroom. Over the years, he made a range of donations to his elementary school. It said that the name was his and his teacher proudly shows the picture of his 5th grade class at the leo without feeling very good elderly mom and he would anxiously wait for recess to play with his friends. Everybody wanted to play on his side because he was so good and was always difficult to bring him back to class. I remember teacher telling him there was only one mater dona doesnt unaware of who she had in her class at the gate. And his story keeps providing inspiration to new generations. Messy played for 6 years here for the youth side of new worlds. Old boys went off rosario ste, 2 main clubs, scoring hundreds of goals before becoming a superstar at barcelona. His then coach still gets emotional, remembering him now an hour. Now i told him nothing got up to this day. I keep seeing small things he keeps pulling out from this magic baggage of knowledge. I hold somewhere. Its a gift from god to feel football. Players have achieved as much as mercy has since leaving lubbock either 13 yet a world cup when as always eluded him, putting him under extreme pressure to do so. Took them allow me, my lucille, good humoured boom. We all share the same wish and it goes beyond argentinians. There are many, many people around the world that want leo to be the champion. He deserves in some, at 35. This could be messy. His last chance of winning the world cup for his hometown indian tire country. It would be the icing on the cake of his other worldly career. The majority of people here truly believe that messy himself through when discovered that only the National Team just because of how much she represents you know, different kinds of years from other gen senior, super size. Busy humble, this is relationship that he still has with this home town, his childhood friends, the fact that hes always been extremely attached to his job in jersey and havent been able to win much with it so far. So theres obviously huge expectation i just, you know, will face saudi arabia and his 1st match on tuesday. Its a clear favor of its group that they will face against how we are able mexico and then a poland. However, people here we were talking to people who said that they are worried the of the fact that he had a tendency problem just a couple of weeks ago and that he had to train alone on saturday, came out, he didnt touch the ball train, but he didnt train together with the rest of the team. So some people here are worried that of what that means. Alexander ram patsy in leno, masseys homes, ham. Thank you for now, alessandra, im quite, lets start with you. Is it finally going to happen for massey in argentina . You think look, its easier said than done. I mean, if there walk up words not only competitive from, from, from the most historic to you. But its also one where theres a team as one in 3 away from, from seeing their entire perspective change drastically in, nor their Team Perspective would change more by with one player missing than argentina missing. Messy. So its very difficult to say, but the euphoria i would think more than the expectations at certain point, especially in argentina, is very present everything from regular fans to even sometimes commercials making coincidences of the last time. Argentine are one this and this happened the last time argentine a one. This was occurring and of course theyre also happy because of canada because thats im the one well counter was in the work up. So you start to see ago is it is, is left and right. But again, going going with all that the you for years there. And sometimes they do a carried away. But the marshal team so far as done a good job of being able to handle that expectation. In general, she watched him for, for years playing at a barcelona. Does he seem slightly more relaxed in the argentina shirts in this stage of his career . Do you think so . Definitely yes im. Im glad to see that pictures there in argentina because said the nation might have forget now, but they have been very unfair with messy when he was winning everything with barcelona. They were criticizing him for not feeling the t shirt for not singing the anthem. For anything like this is not our to player. He never played in argentina. Now the twist is really radical and i am happy with that. And as far messy. Yeah, he feels more comfortable because eventually he was able to win a title that comp america and yet he has grown air. He knows how to deal with a pressure, and weve seen that him being a 100 percent leaving that young team there in the locker room. The foreign america, he feels comfortable with that. And for the last few months hes at mine was only a handler for sending katara. And he was, you remember, he was linked with barcelona. He might go to the u. S. When you asked someone in his serve surrounding they will said forget about that. Hes not thinking anything else, but the world cup and might be this one. I mean its a woke up, its 7 games. Anything can happen. But if it were made it had to happen. It would be here till 8. And he says fully as shes been really good this year as well, compared to lassies, no she what, what are your thoughts and argentina the seem to be pretty much every ones favorite to when it would you agree with that . Well, i think its been a minute, says half American Team, one to woke up and the writing looks like its on the wall now. And you know, for a team from south america, especially brazil and argentina and why not in mrs. You know, probably last woke up for him to win it and finally get out of that shadow of mar dawn. Brazil are wanting my hoping to upset marcys ambitions, our correspondence, her monarchy anarchy of his in Rio De Janeiro for monica house, brazil, feeling about winning. This will title again after its 20 year weight. Will brazilians are very confident. Ah, they say that a big scene are the newspapers which put their team in as well as france as among the strongest. Ah, the world cup feeling has just started recently. Were standing right now in Rio De Janeiro in a street that has a very are fun tradition which is for every world cup, the paint history and we have ours. This is a whole community that is getting together now to cheer for brazil. Ah, there are some girls that are doing our kangaroo ger, our candle charm for there are doing exercises with the brazilian flag. The brazilian flag colors were not being used until recently because there was an election here in brazil that was very polarized and present valuable sonata. He adopted the colors of the flag, would show the green and yellow. So people were afraid of going out in the streets wearing a t shirt because they thought that would be, would be thinking that they were doing politics or that there were cheering for one candidate or another. So now that the elections are rover, are people are wearing the shirts, and theyre here, theyre going to on this street, specially theyre going to watch the game. Now what they say is that they dont know very well, the players that will be there. The most known player, of course, is name mad, but there are, theres a whole totally new generation that started its career. A broad bud name out of course is, is a very well known figure and with hometown, recently football, coach bet she teaches the game like a dance, a combination of hip twisty need, lifting, and shingo or brazilian swing me. Add to that a touch of deception, and youre ready to steal the ball from your opponent. Ha. Easier said than done. But young the mad followed the rules of his 1st instructor to the t. A Digital College name or was very smart as school and on the field. Well, hes a great imitator. Go pick the best church from the greatest players and make them his own was if well a bathroom boy newly seltzer by t. You 1st spotted the mar when the future start was 5 years old. Former Football Player name our senior, had taken his son to watch him play musical him out of the bunker. I saw this child climb up and down the stands with an unusual agility. He had quick reflectors, body control, and the makings of a star son. I asked he need his parents and started training him in indoor football and until he was old enough to move on. But she will help me mar, joined the you have leaks of the santos team. Santos is one of brazils biggest teams with a glorious past. It has been the breeding ground of many stars, notably bella. And it was here that name maud made his professional debut at 17 and where he reached International Fame while playing for santos. Mar, averaged a gold every other match and helped the club when the prestigious li, but at the thought is the teams 1st. Since the sixtys, during pay less time from there, he went on to play for barcelona until 2017. When he signed a record breaking, 260000000 dollar transfer deal with by he subject man. Most brazilians consider name are a native from santos, the largest port in latin america. But he was born into a simple and humble family. We were the city of merchandise cruces, winter didnt for one to much, much to land, but he will. He asked me how i recall helping deliver naima when 400 babies are born in this hospital every month. I remember because his father played for the local team at the time and was well known and multi off the field. Hes had his fair share of bad press, a tax evasion scandal and a rape accusation, which courts dismissed after considering name are a victim of an intended scam. At the time, brazilian president abel. So madison stood by the player with, i believe name all is allison. There also now in return the mar, endorsed bull scenarios field bid for a 2nd turn in an extremely divisive election in october, prompting criticisms from brazilian fans who supported his adversary, president elect using now she lula. Thus silva god, i said no more, said what he thought. Instead of sitting on the fence at the fence is for cowards. While the brazilian squatters in could tar aiming for an unprecedented 6 world cup title. Back in santos. Bet she is preparing a new generation of ne mars. Yes, so well, as you can see now people are united again because of far football awe. Brazils 1st game will be on thursday with serbia. So are. But people still are, are just getting into the mood now. Theyre going to finish painting this street ah, in the next few days to have it ready for brazils dubuque. Thank you so much, monica. And anybody got hungary boots it . I love her. Ive been here. 20 years ago now, but it was the last time the worker was in asia that brazil want to shoot. One of the prospects is on the look outside of origin. Seen a possibly one of the favorites to win it. I mean you dont have you know, ronaldo and d new and that capital side, but this, this is a team that is very young and very aggressive. I would like to say, and they can feel that they have a chance to win the woke up, and i think that you know, name and also knows that perhaps this is also his last woke up. And youd want to do eating an era that has messy and rinaldo so that he can say, you know, i have one of you guys. I think that could be motivation for him. But also just generally looking at the quality that they have in the team. Its a team that you know, is going to go all the way in in this to them and i think that can make it to the finer and anything can happen there. Yeah. Just give is a bit of in science about its attain this much more than just name or isnt that is some of the plays youre absolutely right. Its so much that youre so deep up top in, in the attack with, with, with the plethora players. You have better for amino was seen as expandable much to your i mean, its getting a break. It was, it was, i mean its still controversial. Coveted butterball. So, flamingo ends up being set aside over his team a better way to sensational not just briefly later, but also its time legally. But the voters, which flamingo and of winning was an integral part of that. He might end up being the south american player the year, talking about federal. So you look at everything as far as brazil is concerned, they have all the pieces, sometimes 2 and 3 deep in many positions. Even in go keep you start seeing, you know, well ed or sinner allison in some cases. You know, its very hard to take hours on that starting goalkeeper spot. They have every single possible player they could find. They have cousin meet or they have, you know, for edgy whos, whos also integral in the mid field. So you look at every single position and add naymark to it. You see a formidable side in gym or a lot of these playing in spain. He says being some of the key players for priscilla. This woke up, of course, and the mother has to be the, the leader of the, of this team piece by piece. I think its the, the most quality and quantity in the school in the school cup. But then you have to put all that together and, but its has so many pieces to her. She has the experience and i think he will try that in the mar shines in the team, but then she has really been issues they have been they have grow so much in the last year and a house. And so yeah, its one of the main candidates, but of course you never know whose name are sometimes in these key games. You never know, even the kids physically to always going to be. But for me its one of the absolute main county thats general. Well, lets head back down for world cup studio on the dough hall. Water front, i think far as for now. Yes, thank you, andy. Now there is obviously a lot of planning and that goes into hosting a mega event, like the world cup, and to talk it through how katara has gone about it is what is hockey now . Hes an assistant professor in Sports Management at katara university. Thank you. So much for joining us. Just tell us how big is this moment for katara hosting . Well, well, cut. Well 1st, thank you for having me today. Its an incredible moment for guitar, gotta prove to itself to its residence, to the whole word. Its a realty to host the word god and to deliver it successfully today. Its an amazing moment. Oh yeah, it hasnt always been smeared with for cats are in the build up to this event. Theres been a lot of challenges in your opinion has, hadnt been successful in overcoming these challenges. Well, i believe every challenge is an opportunity and katara was able to use all the challenges as an opportunity katara through investing and infrastructure was able to host Many International sports event. 2 102015 had boulder championship 2019. That ethics were championship, and lately, as if you for our up god, where its important to mention that within the fire god, we had the coven. 19 pandemic, katara and Decision Makers were able to deliver a important and interesting event are focusing on the safety of fans and they years and deliver and get successfully some of the other challenges because i know were talking earlier about, you know, the planning of the infrastructure through what was, how did they, how did they fix that sort of situation . So i believe that they had a, a very strategical plan that, that was implemented like step by step, and each bland, whenever they were able to reach a specific object of they were testing. It is exactly a, for example, after they reached building called stadiums. They tested that by the ada her out up where they were able to see all the challenges, even the small challenges to prepare for todays event. And what about legacy . What is the world cat weight . Well, it Lasting Legacy b a for this country. Interesting question. I to day and few hours gutter was able to achieve many pillars within its 23rd division from their 1st structure to the Economic Growth and tourism. To show the hospitality of the region to improve the image of the region to show its ability to share this success with very jan, its important to highlight as well about the investment in the future. And when we talk about investing of the future, its investing in the new generation. Katara statement was clear that they want to invest in the future generation and to create a future leaders, future Decision Makers that they can improve and implement new strategies that it can develop the society. And this is what scholars been doing. I mean, it has changed a lot in the last year of year, you know, youre actually in the last 4 to 5 years. Do you think cats are, will continue to prosper even after the while . Pat, i believe that is in your ear a starting and that he, gen and cut her as the main player. And this, and this is this, and this is her, especially by investing in sports. Got that has proved and showed that it has elevate the region as all, not only got that and this is very important for the whole region. Definitely there was talk the vesting a sports audio. Yes. Hi. Thank you so much for your time. Thank you for having our 8. Thats it for me for now. Back to you, andy, bringing stuff. Thank you so much for it. Well, as we been saying, cats are 2022 could be the last chance for some of the legends of the game to win the biggest trophy of all. Another one of those is Christiane Ronaldo times have been tough for the portuguese ford at manchester. United we were going to have a package not gonna do that. So lets have a quick chat about sir christiane ranaldo, and he has had a pretty interesting build up to this tournaments on that interview. He did on the eve of, of coming over here to cas, arent jam it. Does that sort of thing effects . Whats happening in a and a national level, you think it has to affect him for sure, because he explained there what he has been dealing for the last few months and of course he needs to affect, i dont think probably being much more confirmed with the National Team the question is, hes the big scott tire of portugal he has been, but he is not up his best in the field. So the question is, if adam and the son does that, all, what he has achieved is partly thanks to christiana randall, is it can take the right decision, for example, if you think because of the game at the moment of the game to take a look, he will be brave, you know, of all he was will have the alternative to, to, to take the decision. Thats for me, the big question mark. So running to stand on. I know hes a great player, hes a competitive animal. Im sure he wouldnt be great in the world cup, but shes not 20 anymore so so and the thing is that hes so much of a record breaker that he wants to play in play and maybe just not the best thing for fortune. Lets take a quick look at where his story began. Pool race has been to his home. Ireland of madeira remains all the way for me. Christiana, rinaldo is a hero. I believe more in my dream because hes also from madeira christiano. Rinaldo is passed and his footballing legacy come together on these pitches. Rinaldo played her as a boy 30 years ago. Not many players make it off. The small islands become big stars. But rinaldo has shown that its possible thing on thing and combo was newton. If i continued to train, i think i will be able to be like christiano even though thats difficult. But i actually want to be better than him, as he says, you always have to believe that youre the best coach Picardo Santos played in the same team as ronaldo here. It under ina mccullough 3rd and in game is over. Go at that time. No one believe ronald was a kid that would win 5 ball on door like at every one knew he was different. You would do think no other kid would do to the door, but no one would say you would be the best player in the world. Mason against vehicles that him no. Silverman ronaldo grew up a short distance away in the hills above. My dear is capital fun, shall its one of the poorest areas on the island. But his talent has brought him riches. None here can dream of and an almost unrivalled trophy cabinet. Christiano. Rinaldo lived in this neighbourhood till he was 12 playing football on this street since leaving here. Hes one pretty much every title at club level and the European Championship with portugal. The only thing missing is the world cup. At age 37, this could be his last chance. For the 1st time, rinaldo club, courier. His faltered at manchester. United. Perhaps adding extra drive to rinaldo mission, with portugal and cut off his godfather for now. So sir, has seen how rinaldo has pushed himself to succeed ever since he was a boy of of altering. Oh, there, prefect, jackie, a cbl fall. He would never, never miss a training session. He always puts so much effort in he wants to be some one in football from a very young age and thats why he became what he is. If portugal come when the world cup, it will be the greatest joy. Its not just rinaldo going for the world cup. Its the whole team, but i think he would be extremely sad, frustrated and disappointed. If the team doesnt get that far. The c r 7 museum infant child may yet get the chance to add a world cup victory exhibition. But whatever happens in cut, our rinaldo is already a colossus here on his home island and across the football world. Paul reese out his era from charl madera, whiny sir, somebody who loves a big stage of receive an elder. How do you see him being used in his tournaments . A good question because as jim was saying, how is he going to be used . Is it going to be used until way . Is he not effectively in . Hes going to get the hook and hes going to replace or is he gonna be coming off the bench . I dont think that he can go 90 minutes. Now can he go 30 . Can he go 40 . Can he go 60 probably, and he can be effective, add it up. That can be the big question. How are they going to implement him . And is he willing to be implemented at manner . And i think much like messy the National Team for, for chris on our all the is a bit of a even is a bit of an oasis for him to be able to get away from all those pressures. And i, and i think that hes willing to be a little bit more flexible when it comes to her in a she either the interview just had of this tornet saying he felt betrayed by manchester, united. And its a very difficult point of his career, isnt it . Hes been so dominance and this, this idea, hes now gonna elegantly sort of going to decline is not very happy with it. Easy. Do you think he has it within him now its, its a push that seemed to the sort of thing that achieved the euros in 2016. I think this is the perfect opportunity for him to literally go out there and say, im going to do this for the National Team, but also for me because its very clear now that its the end of the road for him and mine just a night. And especially that he did the interviews with the national fan. If you know what that means in terms of the rivalry you know seriously. But just generally going back to portugal, i think that this is the perfect platform for him to say im going to switch everything. I have break a leg and make sure i can take portugal as far as i can into woke up. And its just right there for him to do whether his team meds can do this for him. Just like a gen, tina or players are doing it for messy. Thats a whole different conversation. But i think the will, the reports weve received, you know, from the portuguese side Bruner Fernandez forget about the video ad that we, so all over social media making it look like they had a rift. There it looks like and i was just a small moment, but they want him to the police, his voice, her peers, morgan described as a national firm. As you may have seen, it is rather windy heron kat saw as the country counts down to that world cup kickoff or whether presents her car leg as more well, it certainly feeling very blustery here on dough has cornish you can see behind me the trees and the flags blowing in the wind. Im trying to keep my pony tail in check and not thanks with shamal wind. Now cut us meteorology, department did put a warning out ahead of this. That is a northerly wind that blows down the gulf, kicking up a lot of dust and creating hazy sunshine. Now it is set to ease as the opening match kicks off, it will pick up again. However, on monday, before dying down. Now the good news is, is that much amount also dropped down temperatures. On saturday we thought the temperature in dough han nestling in the early thirtys. Will it deep down . It is going to die down even further by the time we get to wednesday on tuesday, we may see the arrival of some wet weather, particularly up into the north. Thanks to a convergence, its going to bring some showers. Im the possibility of a thunder eat down pool or 2. Thats unlikely to reach doha by wednesday. Certainly clear skies expected. Its going to be very pleasant and warm, and thats going to last through the foreseeable future. Now poland hopes of progressing from a dream say allow you to rest on the shoulders once again of rub 11 dorski. Now one of the worlds best football is he had plenty of sporting options as a youngster. Born in warsaw, poland, starter. I had left a big impression on those. He grew up with harry faucet found out. 6 0, wherever he goes, robert leonard, dusky celebrated is one of the most clinical go school rules of the last 20 years. This year he fulfilled a childhood dream of to any one of spains premier clubs. So i think for barcelona, after 12 years dominating germanys top league, his likeness dominates his old school just outside warsaw. It was here that his sporting gifts 1st shone through something remembered fondly by his former p. E teacher. Had it done in alex from atlantic out. He came to me for volleyball training. I used to train him in athletics to and i think the fact that he was practicing this and basketball and handle all the disciplines we run here at made it easier for him to succeed if theres an extra twinkle of pride in mrs. Lemond oscars eyes. Its understandable, robert is her son. The nissan of ethan. He was an amazing athlete because he competed with athletes. People marveled said, maybe he should go into athletics. And he said, no maam, dad, i love the ball. Its a love thats been repaid many times. Over this month, levin dusky was awarded the golden boot as last seasons top score in europe. Robert lemon. Dusky is more than a hometown hero. He is poland. Number one sporting star. The question now at 34 is whether he can help his side through to the knockout stages of the world cup for the 1st time in his lifetime. That certainly the hope at his teenage club, delta, warsaw, and football fans across the country. The Club President is sure of one thing. If he gets the chance, he wont miss it down to where we are going for video zones. I did not like when he was here. I knew he was going to get as far as he got up and check it out with a we all knew he would play at a high level. Not above all. He is. I dont wanted to some bad. An excellent 2 is less up. He is a killer and from the goal, if aside from leading his own team and cutter, hell carry message of support for neighboring ukraine in the colors of his captains arm band. An extra dimension to what is likely to be his last world cup that it says when he other having welcome. I think there are still many years of play ahead of him and i say hope there are no injuries or the fact that he had i had no external situations that bring his career to an end sooner not there is a to him about. We cant control everything, so for now, lets enjoy it. Delta also as young would be levin da skis are preparing to do just that. If you match when it goes from the most famous former player would certainly help. Very faucet al jazeera also. I mean, gena, some people wondered how we do away from by me, nick is quite an impactable salon house. And what have you might have in sofa . Yeah, i mean can either be one game sure that it was dry. Oh neil drawing the opening game of florida. Well, 24 hours before he doesnt he didnt even know if he was able to play because when i called on the call, its just one game. Then it was like he played that forever and bought some unless a team under construction with a lot of Young Players. And hes already leaving the players, hes giving advice. So the Young Players pay that all the time. And hes already have the facial connection. Hes, hes an animal there in, in the final 3rd. He has so many quality there and shes very excited about the world cup. She has never score to know workup and he really wants to, to do that. You know, i, i hosted that event with a golden show and he has to, well, interesting in a role and she hasnt scoring a woke up. He explained to me that his super excited about these and hitting that is going to be very well as well for his team for wash loaner because the Young Players playing here will grow a lot and for himself as well, wants to something important for his country. You know, one, if this was an area where we didnt have rinaldo in massey, i think the best could have a much higher profile with him. In least one is and need more. Many other learn dusky at the top of the list and it says, i mean, we just said you have to pay that. Hes and you have the gabbys, you have those types of players in the midfield. Thing isnt pulling, dont have that. And he has to drop back and you have to take himself out of positions where he usually as a barcelona or even when he was a bar munich. And he was very benefit benefited out in poland. He has to play a completely different game. Thats what really effect them in terms of scoring i should we, 4 years ago we had for european teams in the semi finals. I mean, overall in 2022 d c. Not changing d. C team from outside of europe. Challenging or you see europe in dominance continuing this time. I think that south america will have a huge se in the semifinals this time ron again going back to june, tina and brazil. But i remember looking at the woke up drew, you know, as it happened was sitting right here and thinking, oh crow, where she was actually, you know, they went that for in russia just 4 years ago. But i think that, you know, maybe your spain could do well. France will struggle to get to the semifinals, i think. And, but yeah, it will be a balance between europe and, and south america. I dont see the african teams going all the way to the semifinals. Its going to be very difficult for them. And also for as are especially, you know, south korea, things that type their thank you for now. The Opening Ceremony just about getting on the way here in katzoff thousands of fans gathering in Public Places all over the country. John, again, raska. Is that all world cup studio on the hall waterfront . John . Yes, andy, im down here at the waterfront and its getting quite busy. The lights have come on, were going specs and fireworks later found to show as well. And ive met alysia and spanish fans and also kevin with his son phoenix over there, who as you can see in england fun. Lets start with your list. Its your 1st time in kat. Oh, whats your impression that because its very different from what you expected. Why we our 1st impression hearing that is betty be putting with either will cap because hes our 4th will cap and the ease. Very beautiful. The people is very happy and i think is betty b for in the end. Pres young for us, is very comfortable. Yeah, and, and, and you are both influences, you have a large social media following and you were telling me earlier that youre almost trying to change peoples perception because of what you know is being shown in europe about the world cup. What is your feeling of being here in cats are now how, how is it different from what you expected . The people here is very hospitality. It is okay for, for a for me is surprised because all the people i say hello, come with me. It with me, come on world with me. You are. My guest is incredible. In europe you never know maybe that people are hello love. No more come home. It is very, very nice. Oh, so bit us for my expect, but the better than my expect that is better than your expect. Exactly, exactly, that, kevin, youve been here only a few months. Youre a teacher in cats and youve come, i think at the best possible time. But is football going to come home . Definitely is coming home for christmas. Jo conway. Right kinda phoenix. What do you think . Are you supporting for a well cut when ohio, you know what, im not sure that they qualified this time around. Maybe again, in 4 years time at least. Yeah. I want to ask you when you compare it to the world cups that youve been to the for one of the things that we were talking about. A earlier was the that everyone is in one place and youve met so many different fans here. Thats one of the advantages, right. And then youre, youre not traveling so many distance so much distance like you were in russia. Yes, that dependency is that the suns. Because this has been because here, these are all together that these fans believe on team or their team is nice, but the irosia or even brazil saturday was that we will always go and spend every day with one plane to go thinking check. Ill check in the hotels and video expensive and hearing that that is it. Yeah. And then spain have got a really difficult group because youve got germany. Yeah. And costa rica with one of those teams. Do you think is gonna cost you the most problems and which one do you say, i mean, lets face it, you know, probably coming out of the group but which, which of the team do you think might cause a surprise . A spring house. I said, you know, i think it was him bigger is a nice mr. I dont know mr. English. It on the players has her so the she go to sleep, the board of and patients, patients, patients. But i think that germany is a nice, a people in my them, but costa rica to buy. And i dont know that then you, if you will use this pain with a liz, emily k is the, is the i the young people, young people and these is typically the court out. Yeah, hes old to get that old to let it in for on and ah, so hind and so what are your hopes then for spain, for this well cup you think theyll get to the fine old you think they can, wendy . Yes, yes, yes. Yeah, i think hes my id is plus he was a dinner or a spain. Oh yes, were happy to him to time for me. The 1st my 5 or 8, the spain after is empty now and after he is anglin or amusing. Right. And okay, is everything really quickly englands for the woke up tight so you think yeah. This you, i think we have a good chance. Yeah. Yeah. Theres a lot of good teams, outlet, electricity is going to be a great tournament and you know, no matter what happens, well, enjoy it. Great. All right, well, thank you guys, and we will hand you back now to andy. Thank you so much. Joe woke up celebrations also underway in Southern India while the country didnt qualify. Thousands of people, how cats are from that country, prepare for the tournaments and one village has transformed its skyline to demonstrate its enthusiasm. Have him its how has this report for us . Fifo fever has kicked off under watchful eyes, larger than life they loom over this river. The debate is on who is the greatest of them all. Argentina fans with the 1st to immortalize the i de leon, l massey. Name our fans when bigger only to be outdone by ronaldo who stands at 15 meters allow doors for boys are in our g. So it is help you find fight something challenges like this happening here and in the world cupboard. So we have fine park here. And it will be ready, very nice to and well go from here in the fun part. Care last year in Southern India is all set for the world cup. Fans have just the streets in their favorite flags. Billboards are celebrating the biggest stars. Many local tournaments are underway across the state. Why cricket is the most popular sport in the country, the beautiful game dominates this region. This woke up is extra special people from carola, i, one of the largest suits of people in cato. So even though in the eyes and playing, they feel like the woodcock is close to home. Fee for has recognized care law special connection with the hosts minature house or a popular artifact in the middle east. A 1000 of these have been shipped to copper, where they are part of the tournaments officially, merchandise dont do 6, wasnt 26 of us worked on these issues of women. Did the reporting be worked on these day and night of them for 2 months . We only focus on making these 1000 kilograms. I think the State Government is organizing its own competition. Its asking enthusiast disco. A 1000000 goals before the opening match . Official say its not only about football. We are collecting this message or for an b alpha drug. I to discuss been in connection with the saw that the people, especially students will ah, get into it to know their law more about this well problems. So that is why we are collecting these football and im deep m o direct campaign together. Some fans would be traveling to though hard to watch the matches. Even those who dont follow the sports, said they are thrilled and proud of all the attention their state is getting. Part of nu, metal al jazeera gordy, gord, Southern India. Now in russia invaded ukraine in february, the lives of millions of people were turned upside down. Despite that a National Side only just missed out on qualification for this world cup. As roy challenge reports from up in just outside cave, for many young people, football is still a welcome distraction. When Russian Troops closed in on the key of suburb of ear pin in february, searcy and arena left their apartments and fled. It was april before russia abandoned its push on cave, and the family ventured home again. Gomez and above all, separate them with mr. Gleaton when we return, so we found a burnout kitchen and a shall department. Here are the remains of a cottage there went through 2 balls, but fortunately did not catch fire or in warner with the can at the place, his uninhabitable. But others had it worse as a door had the door. Yep. J. As in the, just before air pin was liberated, one of the neighbors was killed and we werent allowed to bury him immediately. His body lay next to the other, captured people for several days. And it was 3 days later before he was buried in the yard. Rebuilding has begun, but help him still bears deep scars at a mortar damage. Sports club saggy is back to his job. Teaching kids football edition, assailable that machine he tells me these boys have been through hell like him. Many lost their homes and fled but through the trauma and the turmoil, football was a constant. My mother called us one hello for more screens them in, in the loop. Wherever they are, the boys look for bullies get their relief in a way to distract himself. Sure. Foot boys, their favorite thing in life. You can destroy homes and stadiums. Conversely, you cannot destroy their love for football and theyre going to become Football Players. All parents watch from the sidelines, the war goes on, but this is a semblance of normality. At least one of the eloquent to learn the children wanted to return home, meet the coach in their relatives as soon as possible. I think football is amazing. Children need as much joy, fun and time with their friends as possible. And of course, like millions, if not billions of people around the world, their rise are on the world cup in qatar. Let me, unfortunately, the National Team hasnt qualified for cat are 2022. So therell be no ukraine playing there in blue and yellow, but football is still helping bring this traumatized and water country back together. And the kids know who theyre supporting ingle and my favorite kim is a new spain my favorite deem in lang. My favorite countries, portugal rory gallons, how da 0 . Yep. Him, ukraine. Well, this tournament is starting at the, our bait stadium, but the woke up final will be played at least sale stadium on the 18th of december. It has the biggest capacity of the new venues that have been built for this tournament. For a small has been for a look around. Its been described as a jewel and cut charts. World have brown. This is leigh sales stadium, the venue that will house the World Cup Final the largest b 8 world cut down use the stadium can house up to 80000 spam. The amount is still used in the construction of the stadium pro, built for i full towers. Its designed to replicate one of the regions, traditional handcrafted bull stadiums architect told me he hopes the venue shape will create an immersive experience for both players and fact that youre planning on watching the world cup from home. One thing that you wont see is a nearly 150 kilometers of cable. That will be nearly hidden under the pitch. Mm. Mm. Welcome to the v i p lounge. But on much day youll only be able to get in here with an invite. This is one of the areas that plan to be transformed into a Community Hab featuring Affordable Housing shops, restaurants, even medical clinics, after the world cup in this is where the world cup winning coaching players will come after the final. Its the post match, press conference room. Now this is the biggest one ive ever seen. It can hold around 300. 00 journalists depending on how the match went to. It will be your happy place, or one youll want to get out of as soon as possible. A ah, the Opening Ceremony underway at our bait stadium, the middle easts, 1st world cup sorts of underway now or she what do you think . What does the world think really about sir football coming in the middle east . The 1st time the thing . Well, the woke up has been to africa before has been of course, to europe and south america and azure, and now for it to come to the middle east. Now you have a feeling that, yes, it is indeed the world cap, because if youre representing an entire world with all the continents said, talking about how its a global game and how its a unifying factor, then its the absolute perfect stage to see katara hosting that work for me, its historic and really speaking from an african point of view, i feel that, you know, africans excited about this woke up and just to see what can, you know, guitar offer to the rest of the world. And so far so, so good. And what was that was the perspective thing from the american having a world cup at this time of year. Well, not so much. Well, the time of year, if you look at it from that, its been not so much the, the timing of it all. Its kind of the, the drastic change that a lot of those leagues had to over or do it pretty much argentinas been over for over a month. Brazil basically ended a couple of days before the primarily so it ends up being were, were, theres a lot of calendar switching that occur. That being said, i, i piggyback on what she said in terms of what this could offer, what this could be as far as a change of pace, a different way of looking at football and a different way which they live at in this region. And just very quickly this, this sudden hum brake on the european lea Health People taken started spain. We know its for some seasons i go so i think we were all prepared for that. Okay, we will come back, said, said jam it said to talk about the or whats happening in spain, barry say, im the Opening Ceremony. Well in the way and interlacing of guitar in global footballing culture, part with us in a few minutes. Ah, passionate about their sport and determined to succeed against the arts you are fighting, keep on training despite obstacles. Alger say were world tells the inspiring story of a group of somali women in pursuit of their dream, of playing football for that country. Despite its culture and traditions happen, we are in the Somali Society and its difficult for people to accept somali footballs. Golden girls on al jazeera ah ah, indonesia, your investment destination, the worlds 10 largest economy, is busy transforming, ready to beat your business, partner with a robust talent pool, politically and economically stable and strong policies. Being the power house, indonesia is confirmed by the g. 20 presidency, bringing opportunities for you invest indonesia, now motivated, active, and more politically engaged than ever before. Demanding change on their intent. Welcome to generation change. A global theory. The attempt to understand, im telling you i gave them, i believe you around. Well we look at presentation of People Like Us in politics and government, and higher aspects of society. Generation change coming seen on al jazeera, on counting the cost of the exemplar has collapsed. Um, whats next for the trip to currency industry . Why are Tech Companies lay off thousands of employees the winner to organize the to 20 do feedback . Vote talk is i mean everyone will be with like people to experience the middle experience. We are with fighting and reflecting the nomadic culture of the region, your new stadium pro comp, like no other help to, its going to be me. And since then it supporting projects around the world. Its an air conditioning vent, which is part of the stadiums. Air conditioning technology, this is only sales stadium, the venue that will help them well, fine to work up public. I dont think i already on the way with only take in 12 years, but when our an hour away from the middle easts 1st world kept kicking off, lets cross to our bait stadium. The Opening Ceremony is underway at the mom. Its all report. So pull race is that for us post been a long wait for cats . Are one of the fans how to say down there today. Whats the atmosphere feeling like well, its been a real pumping atmosphere leading into this last march of cats out 2022. Its obviously pretty empty behind me at the moment. Thats because funds were asked to be in that states for the Opening Ceremony. I believe a member feeds yes. The korean super group on stage at the moment. Weve had Morgan Friedman talking about units a and weve had to showcase of a culture and history. And within the next hour, were going to get a showcase of katherine football as they kick off that 1st ever world cup match against ecuador. Now thank whats all can really said upon as they go into the unknown here really is the confidence that they will take from being asian champions at the moment. And as we saw in the asian cup in 2019, and even at the, the arrow cup last year, cats are really playing with, with something behind them. Theyve been a very Exciting Team in the last few years, playing with passion, power, haste, chapman. All appease. Really on the scoring scoring a lot of goals. Alamo as ali, that striker scoring, i think 9 goals from 10 shots on target to the 2019 asian cup. So it might be whether they can harness that drive the hosting, the world cup as given them, leading up to this and really take the match to ecuador, or whether this occasion or becomes a bit too much for them. Thank you so much full am i spring jenna, back in many of the European Countries of hads 6 days to prepare. If it is woke up cats are had 6 months in a Training Camp together. And how do you feel about that sort of preparation will like maybe give them a bit of an edge that sir might surprise a few of the teams it difficult to say. And because say some, although or times of the has to happen. For example, when brazil hosted the woodcock, they didnt have to to play for qualifiers. So they didnt face complicated tombs in south america like going to the volley via george and tina to, to, to lead to this difficult games. And it was ok for a while in the walk up. But then when the competitive games came, they were ready and maybe the, the coach didnt have the enough perspective to pick the team. So for cut out into the front, its a team under construction and son just had all the time to prepare it and hes been here for a long time. So he knows these Young Players to well. So its not that no one is expecting to win the world cup, but at least to, to perform well. They shouldnt be doing that. But of course the psychologically part can be important. Its a huge pressure on, on a young team. So they said before the school cup, expect amazing anything can happen. Ive seen such an im predictable, world cup and for guitar as well, and kept her as, as part of this bill and supplied in tournaments in the americas. What have you made of them when they, when they come over to your part of the world . Well, there are, those are before and after the, before you go and see what was occurring in the, in the asian carpenter shabby. Having katara all go all the way the final, what guitar and what about your friend . What about it . Austria center for. She ends up being right. Those a lot of uncertainty, a lot of unknowns and guitars are going to cope america. They end up having a very good end up leaving a very good impression in goal cough. They also end up leaving a very good impression. The only thing that was being questioned at that moment was their fitness, as far as how can they finish matches because there were some that times they were ended up being gassed. So that was the big question mark. Now i, thats gonna be the theme as well. They havent had a lot of competitive matches since theyve, theyve gone on break and, and have been able to close in ranks and prepare these past 6 months. Thats gonna be a big question mark, in my opinion. Thank you for an outline while the main fe for fan park is where a lot of people will be watching at this opening game in the middle of our pete estimates. Our correspondence is therefore, as he sat, tell us how people are failing about this opening game. Good evening, andy. Well, i tell you what a few hours ago there was hardly anybody hear the gates open. People started trickling in and they started flooding in. And now theyve all gathered behind me over there, where the big screen is. Thats where they watching the opening to me. I wouldnt try to estimate how many people are here, but i can tell you that they are a lot of people here. And the excitement is palpable, i would say. And i think that they just cant wait for the sir opening. Thats the kickoff pizza. I mean, if youve lived and worked hair in a castle for a long time, now what . Its been such a long wait, how do you think this cats are team are going to go in this in this opening match . Yeah, and i was actually listening to what one was having to say about the merge just before you came to me and funny enough, ive had the privilege to watch the National Team play live a couple of times as well over the years. Not only at the stadiums but also on Television Like in the case of the north american gold cup. Ah, youre not there up there, a good side, you know, you cant win your continental title if youre not a good side. So i think a lot of people globally, i might not really low, much about them, but i think that they might pull up a few surprises here and they, and lets be honest, i given the occasion its rightful and upset sir victory for the home side isnt it, we shall soon see. Peter. Thank you for now. Will some fans have been here before in this country, but for some its their 1st trip to the region. So hell malik was on the streets of though ha, a little earlier on to catch some of the excitements ahead of kickoff. Ah, the world cup is finally here and were ready to have a good time. Oh, i get a 30 to come on usa, lets go with the 1st time i come to attend such a big event and i think it is very well organized and im happy to be here. Pretty awesome. Cant wait. First time over in the, in the region i mature is going to be all the party crowd of the airport. So to see what the whole point has to offer. Yeah. And they took me for structural. So its been very organized. Everything is work. They arriving at the airport with super easy. Its beautiful. A lot of when its, if everything is coming together for me to work with me here in time, will cut that hasnt happened. And i would like time company, were really brilliant. I have not been here before, and im so impressed with the culture and all the people gathering from all over there where im the special plays were cited. Im very, very excited. I just cannot wait. I mean, im just dying to see any game any, any match. I dont, i dont care what team we play to more when i just want to see it. I want to join were going month to football, coming up and got on. Were ready for it, right . Yeah. Ready. All right, ready for, for well, were ready to make love the memory here. I thought that 2022 yellow lets go. C c i god, now ecuador, on a full south American Teams at this tournament, alongside brazil, argentine and youre going ecuador, will be playing in the opening, much unveil being welcomed with some fireworks. The alpine spite in the Opening Ceremony heading to its final few minutes. Now its been on for about half an hour now. That was going to be clearing away all the people from the center of the pitch and getting ready for that opening games to take place. All latin america at it, certainly say, and human is in ecuador for as least here. Give us an idea as to how funds failing about taking part in this wilcox. They missed out of the, in russia 2018. Yeah, they are absolutely going wild here in ecuador, im and why is that is what is the largest city the most popular city in the country, which unfortunately is under a state of emergency because of uncontrollable drug violence and gang violence. Yeah, so youre seeing like Little Pockets of people here because the state organized fast was cancelled because of that state of emergency. But still people are gathering here outside of a football stadium. Very excited about the prospect of winning this opening match to the fact that we know that never any history has been in the 1st magic last, but theyre hoping that this is going to be the big exception. I mean, ive had people, a young men, this mission, the boys writing to their parents. And if we win, this is a good buy because ill probably have a heart attack theyre talking about like really they do have all their money on their front door in the youngest teen lane in the world. And they have at least 3 or 4 players that are really, really making way in the football world at the moment. Thats mainly in european funds. But you can see a throughout the whole day now that we me yes, me time. Yes. A on like many other south american neighbors. Ive never even come close, but they really believe at least right now that, that this well cup will be the exception. Lisa, you travel all through your consonants. Its been 20 years since the south American Team won the world cup. Whats the generally about the, the need for south america to win this well cut regardless of which country it is. A. Well, very obviously not everyone in latin america wants a latin american, particularly a south american club. Lets not forget, the costa rica Central American is also in cobb. And they also have a chance, you know, like between argentina, brazil, most people seem to believe that its going to go to one of those 2. So if it turns out that ecuador doesnt make a final what a semi finals theyre going to decide, then whether to go with brazil or with argentina intervention, no one of those 2 will be in the final. And in fact, maybe even play off against each other. In the final, which would be an extraordinary feed because they arent, there was the biggest rivals in the football world. Ive seen it anywhere, argentina and brazil playing on the line, but im getting ahead of myself. But certainly theres never been here for logging. America. Human is predict technology and say in a brazil, fine or you heard it. Were going to go slightly near its a home. Now were going to go down to the the c front here in time hallway. Joe, im far all waiting for us. Yes, joe and i are joining my to a very excited mexican fans, michelangelo, and ang. How thank you so much for joining us angle. I want to start with you 1st because your 1st time in the middle east, your 1st world cub bought so far. Correct. Beautiful. Country everybodys been nice, great place for world cup. You know, its spectacular with all the buildings and everything. Thats great. So far so good. Now my class with several other walcott just this one compared to the other role caps youve been to you. This is very special. Things would share it with my son in the country. Theyve been us. Its been incredible. I didnt expect to find this. I know we were going to buy something, but this is rising, they do good. Now theyre acting crazy amount of max and fast here and how passionate are mexicans about their football . Oh, its about as passionate about as far everythings football, mexico. Ever since youre from a little kid. Up until about my dads age and everything, you know. Get a chance. Its great for them. I want to ask you because the 1st game is mexico parlance. My team, how do you . Yeah, i kept that one quiet. How do you guys think youll do against pilot . Its gotta be a tough player. Weve got a great response as well. But i think well take it one. 0 okay. Its like you talk michelangelo. I get what youre really looking for to is the one again. I just seen it right. You want to boil the party . Well, i have to i know its the hardest game, the whole firm and, but i think we can at least pick up a single point from dana. Ok. Its all i ask, i asked for it 3 points, but if this the old game, ill be completely hot. But well try and give you one point for the poland game. Sorry. Yeah. Ok guys. Now we couldnt book a mariachi bad, but you promise them entertainment that they get a mexican can she get the ball my mom back she my mom, but i dont know. You know i oh, i mean baja. Oh oh oh oh okay. Murray, but all right, thats all the entertainment for now. We have it back to you. Andy in the studio. Are singing here. I can assure you i woke up so of them all in the veneer as players and managers retire from international duty. Castle 2022 will be the end of the road from on, famous around the world as an iconic voice, and footballs. Greatest festival. Good rooms are good with more than the number you know, it seems have been that youre john or one the level and all got out a lot. Ah. When i was young with a hold of me, i get to where, well, i got i got the rock and roll you on a beetle running on doors green. I mean, i thought, you know, hes a but im not a problem with what you read in my team on my phone and i leave it. Okay. Got it learning what you call that are going, but i am going to be here. What are going, i mean, my going, i mean, most gave me a and these numbers have been by js. And then they give me a temporary up, then dont just all, yeah. Not a regular size. Im a, im not a great. What about, you know, what movie, what isnt a, go for them, but i gotta pull it up on the, on a regular reaching out on those could shuttle yes. Live with us and also to make it a g. Its also needles. And a lot of thought about orders and what i would like to read it or get away with boards all who mom, mom, a late studies. So those are metals when we go to reset it, just let me when i let you know what im a vanessa recesses, ah, my lawyer, those ones wouldnt rob ones are as long as its enjoyment rolls regularly, youre normally were not about honors. Let us again, all bangle bill. This is, theres other ah and when you that she works with so only what 60 given i there is to sort of how famous he is and what a, what an influence hes been on other committee and that not only, not only from a commentator standpoint, hes on voiceover for movies or when it comes to doubling movies in spanish. Just a sensational character barrow him who has just one at one of the true personalities of the game. And not only i would greatly, as for it as a commentator, hes an even greater human being. I know it sounds kind of tried at times to say, but you actually do that. See that he comes up and in any event he didnt know who i was and he says, hey, how are you . Youre not oh or, you know, it was at work gravelly voice that he had just a tremendous person. But even a greater human being in, you know, hes had a sensational career and its, its a perfect way to send off a, a legend of football commenter. Its high piazza kit tournament. So its a common sites on account on clock is tracked the days, minutes and hours to kick off. Theres only one colon remaining now less than an hour to go until the middle easts. First world cup is underway, hosts cats are about to play, ecuador, Samantha Johnson has more on what she needs to know about the tournament to come. If they, one of the people weld cup cats are 2022 and it can possible to overstate the little towards the 1st game, its a game deemed so important to the host to be for the opening date of the entire tournament was shifted to make way for it, but thats not all there is to the 1st match between and hi im Samantha Johnson. This is welcome one. 0 one. The. It hasnt always been the case that the host nation gets to open the competition. Its sort of been a recent tradition, but until august it wasnt even on the schedule. Then the tournaments which were supposed to start on november the 21st was brought forward by a day. And then the king is that throughout the qualifying period and beyond chile for to, to stop ecuador playing. I mean, at all, it all centers around base man by when the ecuador claim him, as one of their own chile insists he was born in columbia. Questions, how he got his passports with their appeal to be forgotten. Where anyway, have to order that ecuador decided not to take his fear to that. Of course, being born in another country from the castle is using is widely praised by academy to find nurture and educate youngsters not just from cas off, but across the wider region. It is quite literally revolutionized geek squad. Watch out for a credit be for board in the tar capital. Doha. He was key in winning the asian cup in 2019. And almo is ali originally from saddam, but raised through aspire after moving to cattle at the childs. Hes the master of the hall. He is a kick in the asian cup. Final is often mentioned that he could tell he plays off from the client setup. Theyve grown up together on the field and have the school desk. So expect a tightening team. Of course, this is catalyst wildcard. The barely in the international top. 50. What ecuador on run to much higher. This might be, therefore wells cup. They might even have more experience. But cattle are playing at home if theyre well, and thats collateral. Ah, well, lets go down to the dough. Jose francois hale malik is standing by for a sale. Whats the mood like where you are . Well, andrew icon. Yes. So clearly its very, very noisy over there. You might not be able to make out. But can you believe it . Weve waited over a decade for this competition. Im at mia park, which is the location just along the cornish here and there. And there is an absolute sea of people behind me, people from all over the community here in katara. Weve got a huge ex pat communities, not so many fans here that have come from abroad. Its really the local fancier. Weve got, you know, indian fans here we go, arab fans from across the region here with our local to up filipinos. Everyone is here. The character is flowing and its just the real best steve ambiance over here. Everyones excited for the kick off of the work up as you are, as everyone in the studio is, its on this coming. The party is about to get started. I like you when you called andre meets mikes be concentrates as ive and so im being told off. Thank you sir hale as have been discussing. Theres been criticism that cats are doesnt have a football culture. Son who moosh met a prominent kits are a comedian. He says thats not true. My names hammond m. Molly, im a comedian, producer entrepreneur, and i write stuff and then i tell stories and hopefully people can find them. Kind of lamb, maddie. Good morning. Good morning. So 1st of all, why did you bring us to this place . Im because it, since it was so gorgeous, i love to watch as a destination for anyone whos visiting above. And its the oldest market and pop up and the name comes from. So ga, ga, from in standing markets and thats exactly how trade used to happen. And this shop here is one of the oldest coffee shops and to walk. And football fans come here a lot had to weigh a comedian. Thats very unusual on like how, how, i dont know, how do people respond to that . How did your parents respond to this when you 1st, or they still dont know, like its a, its a best kept secret. Thanks for telling them. No, it, they, they dont get it. You know, my, when i come from an academic family, my dad, the reason we traveled so i grew up, i was born here and grew up in american ireland. And so it was very, very irish. And then i moved here and it was like i had 2 people didnt understand what i was saying. So went from get a bad out over there with her here. Can you pass this all please . I would like some of the things you can say things i want to keep talking to you and as much as i love this place to want to go see, some of the papers have been gone quickly. Lets go off to you madam. What a gentleman was my mamma, raise me good. Right. So well just have a little walk around to blog of a. Ah, we hear now that do you need to get anything from you . What do you usually get from the so glad that im waiting for a genie . And usually i need to man all the time. Never word. Be a billionaire. Wheres i thought you are a bit unfortunately . No. I only have one rolls royce, not 7. Such a hard life. No lamp. Lets get your book order. So this is why i come to walk up. So all the smell you stuff like poor n, like incense and all that. Yeah. And then i get textiles. But what i love about it is you get to see all of these colors that come from, you know, everywhere. So Walking Around the soup is always like an explosion of color. Ah, passing by. What is this that this is the, this is our Great Health Care is about that even falcons have their own hospital. And its a fact in bulk and hospital, the only emergency law hes got an appointment. Hes an outpatient. Ah, let go. A ah a there hasnt been a world cup in the place. The size of a city. You know, you can get from the north northern most stadium a whole and bait to know for to a genuine know color in like 45 with one of my favorite kind of just as a i r p s. Yeah, it is 974. And i said for thats built for purpose and the new will be gone. He built the state of shipping containers that i just think thats fast. I mean, the main one is at least in, i believe. And i think the best way to have a full on fun experience and mix with everyone is that public transport, metro. Yeah. And if take the metro and the buses, thats the best way to get you a no, ive got for you and you tell me what they mean. And so a lot show a lot has multiple meanings. And it all depends on how you saved. In shot, i mean, yeah, god willing god wills it. So it shall be in charlotte in charlotte. Like how often shall i mean, is it 5050 chance that is not getting that hes not in july in july if it like if its if it has an ear before it, which means yes. Like yes. In shaw law, that means like, like were about to in shellman, you know, like, its never going to happen and it wouldnt take violence to it. And then its like in charlotte like youre hopeful, like like you said a lunch. I like that. Where like, it did actually mean what it means in charlotte, and then other words, you can teach our audience on for the fans who come in here. Ha ha. Is like, hello, hello. Yeah, hello, hello. Hello, thats like cut bodies. Hello. Hello. I thought hes not, but hes when you hear it just means hello. Hello means welcome. Okay. Yeah, means lets go ahead and yeah, ya means lets go ahead or go me online is like, right, lets go right now. Mm. Okay. How do you, how would you pronounce . Like i said, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, even an artist. Theres 2 ways. Theres a pop up on is the classic arabic, not one. Not up up. Im big. Oh boy, joe, we actually oh yeah. I cant ha, what was the funniest pronunciation you are . Equate are. No, you do. I swear to god quaid, our american cut. It cutting all your filters at her going over to get her so more what it all with the stadium is a new system. What would you say to people cuz the size of the thing is not willing to its not ready to host a big event like the welcome growing up. We played football barefoot and like that was what we did is kids football is the most watch sport participate in sports in the country. So i dont blame people for saying whatever theyre saying because they dont know. You know, its our responsibility is id like to showcase our culture to bring people in and thats exactly what were doing. And were doing it for the whole arab world. Its not just for a couple of the host country. Yes. Companies are a minority and cover 140160 different nationalities living here. They all call this place home. Yes. So can we go to the bait stadium . Were going to, ill bait stadium where its all going to start. Yeah. Because the to cut that was going to be ecuador. Yeah. Other stereotypes. I dont know that we all have camels. I have never owned a camel. Ive eaten a few, but ive never on the camel, nor have i ever raised the camel. How does it make you feel as a country and moment when the moment of pride finally gets here . I dont think any other country has been exposed to the things that but that has been exposed to in the media and its fine. Were doing it anyway. Its happening to people will come to have a great experience and its been a lot of those nation, but theres so many different cultures here that are part of the a my favorite say, i think people will be in all of this bill with clear. Yes. Yes, yes. So this is it. With that i change your mind becoming my favorite now. I know much. Thank you. I al bates is that was day time. This is night time in the opening, much of the will cut will be kicking off in about 25 minutes time our castle vs ecuador. Now, on the eve of this wilcox, we have the president s of faith for the games governing body gave a pretty extraordinary speech to the last. It was worn out before anybody got a question in jemma, the worlds meteor and beyond was watching it. What, what did you make of it . I mean, the subject seem to be that he thought capital and his organization with that face some unfair criticism. Yeah. And because thats, thats the feeling thats what the media finds. A lot of personalities, especially in europe, have been saying, and i guess 35 people in the middle east might be quite to find that. I can understand that because and in a lot of European Countries that there is a big double laura. Because for example, in spain, a lot of people criticize that, but we play the super copying ravia all will off american spar say what would have to say about what the u. S. Has done in turn nationally in, in the world. So i think it was a i dont know if its necessary, but it was a refreshing the speech about guys be careful or at some point being racist with your comments. Have you thought about that . And i think it brings to a lot of reflection and, and to look at our self to, to repeat that all people from the us or the western cultures. And if we go back to the very start of the wilco plan, i mean the, the football and politics dont mix is, has never been the case or do you think capital or is being targeted unfairly . What have you made of the build up in the americas as have been the same sort of level of criticism that weve seen from europe perhaps . Well, its 2 different things, because if you look at whats going on in canada, in the United States. Yeah, its always front and center when you talk about the world cup. But again, whats, whats been said, politics and all, do they mix politics and sports for that matter. I mean, every time, if you wanna go into a more us centric type of bomb perspective when players and the n b a, le bron, james and, and, and carry irving or in all these other players that are sorry to have a political and social stanza. Whats the quote, whats the lack of the backlash in south america . Maybe not so much in terms of south america. Maybe you start see, yeah, they know that some of the criticisms and maybe theyre kind of saying, well, lets worry war about the football because thats to them more important. What is argentina agreeable to play . Wells, brazilian re able to play while youre away, et cetera. I think the focus is elsewhere in south American Perspectives in north america and would be more the political and i should go as you think it was much sympathy fer fit in francine or yesterday he came across as quite frustrated and quite angry when he, when he was talk, yes, there, reaction from must of africa is that town . African salt lake. Ok now youre speaking the choice. Because if you say that katara is not following human rights and saying all of these things, what about where you come from . What about, you know, the influence, for example, that if we talk about the United States has in the mid list, you know, and also just generally speaking about the history of africa and colonization. You cannot begin to talk about human rights when people are dying, trained to cross, you know, the mentoring him see, to go in to and europe and theyre being stopped. You know, even though theyre, you know, suffering from the influence that these countries have it on the african continent. So i think that some people in africa have had, you know, this sympathy to say, now youre talking now youre talking to and you know, the core of what weve been trying to reflect all these years. So i think that he came out right on that front or speaking that are for the rest of the world or europe has to look inside before you can criticize guitar or know whats happening. And in fontana wants us to focus on football. So who will win the world cup . On december, the 18th al jazeera is here are some of the worlds leading sports personalities. But their predictions the dream final for me, france versus gonna its going to be at 245. 00. So one it would be probably brazil, my prediction to win the world cup is brazil. Im going to go for the tail end for leonor. Messy to emulate. Might want us performance in 1986. My pay for the way it got to be in. I think we do when the well off and he says and now so john may be sharing 14, you say in the world cut my food, the world up is messy and i really hope when the world got us and his last words and i want argentine my but addiction, when the look up will be proven, i will be reading for brazil for the world. My position has got to win the worst, i think, will obviously pump for this years world cup. And its our, here is my prediction. Going to be shocking. Usa baby usa all the way. Lets go be staying with a prediction theme. It wouldnt be the world cup, of course, without a psychic animal. And of course, in cats are, has to be a focus head of the opening game. This might attach the flags of ecuador and capsule to drones, along with some pigeon mates. Yes, pigeon meets a suite in the dale. A nail, the focus was let loose it was equitable one on this occasion. Tasty page meets that well find out what happens for rio and getting one which is kicking off very soon. Cuts haven correspondence standing behind cats are ahead of the kickoff. The opening game, all safer, well kept cattle. 2022 pull race is an album, stadium paint system. Its at the main fans on the left. So bronze, its steve keefe and victoria gates. And gay is in lou sale near the stadium where the final will take place. Lets cross 1st to catherine al. Bite stadium, the focal point, the will, will right now, our reports to pull race. A standing by for is again, poll gives a quick cut up some as to how you think cattle are going to go in this opening gang. What on if its too late for me to give my prediction for the winners of the wilco, im going to say the netherlands on behalf of my light grandmother who are in this group as well with, with cancer as faculty are well, how many minutes away from that 1st ever world cup match. So cool to run our or so you wonder what is going through the minds of those of those players as they prepare to take on ecuador, this will be the Biggest Movement of that sporting lives. Cato. How big sporting moments before, of course, they reached the final of the 1981 favor on the 20, well kept beats in brazil and england on the way to that final. They very nearly got to talia 1990. That full safer woke up. And of course that the asian champions winning not. Busy tournament in 2019, they had some history with ecuador as well. The teams played each other 3 times and both of 11. 00 of those drawn drawn. The 3rd one and cuts are one the last game between the 2 them in twice 2018 for 3. Not to put any more pressure on the lots. Im sure theyre not watching this live, but no house country has ever lost the opening much of the woke up before cuts off. Well be desperate to keep my record going when they take the sales. I guess that if Felix Sanchez is streaming out english into the dressing room, he just put a lot more pressure on to than pull, but less high. Thats not the case thats going to pay to stem its. He said the main fe for fun festival. What most people backing down now here most people expect thing is going to win this opening game. Peter yandy. I think if you look at the local population, its obviously hate to be a 100 percent in favor of gotta look at things like the fee for rankings and football history and that sort of thing. Then, you know, you might be looking in the direction of the ecuadorian, but i think paul risa put oh, quite right there. When he pointed out that no host nation has ever lost the opening game. It tractor really, really in 2006 with that started because before that the defending champions used to open the tournament. But then in o 6 with germany, it switch to the host nation beginning proceedings. And since then, its been a 100 percent record for the home team, except in 2010 south africa could only draw against mexico. So i suppose as long as i lose them cutter on the good side. But, you know, speaking of prediction, some such things, ill go with a home team when i think that the occasion calls for it. Thank you so much. Peyton, victoria gay to be is in lou sale that is the city that will host the World Cup Final. Victoria tulsa, whats going on where you well, its pretty busy down here now. Weve got the sales behind that weve got the best for an area id. Say, ill probably sell in sales stadium. I work with nancy fan here from here. Ive got okay, i need this. Well, hey, where have you come from and who you guys see . Actually i was born in mexico city, but im coming from houston, texas, and the United States for the long journey. How long does it take you to get here . I think it was about 15 hours. 15 hours to welcome back. What are your impressions of doha so far . Oh, its been amazing. People here so welcoming everything. The Infrastructure Services everything is has been for this person. Yeah. I need to see what youve lived in. Cats are for 5 years. Do you supporting as a boat in spain and how many tickets would you go . Are you watching all the games or the game . I hold on to the fine. And so as somebody whos lifting cats, what do you think it means to people here to have the world talk for the 1st time in the middle east and country . I think its very important for them because they want to show that they want to tell the world how animated the amazing country they are. And they want, they want to show that people who they really are because i think people dont really know them much. Was the city changed into 5 years to build up the wall . Yeah, there were lots of data, interest of those roads. Everything is the same. Boulevard is new, they, they, stadium time, you know, there are some you, there were lots and lots of changes. All right, well, good luck on your team. And so this is going to be a focal point for the world. Theyre expecting thousands of people down here later on when the match finishes. Thank you so much for total, ecuador, of course, hoping to spoil this policy for the house nation. Lucio newman is in ecuador for us. How are the funds failing that lucy . All ready to, to cause and upset on this Opening Night during the middle in a victory. Thats what theyre telling us about yesterday they thought it would be one nail in favor of ecuador them to nail. Now theyre up to 3 nail abby. They are very, very all a largest and most popular city and all of ecuador. Its also under a state of emergency because im uncontrollable, bang violence. But even the guys with i let everybody get enjoy the game thats for to start in just a few minutes. Now, people are very, very optimistic also because they have a young team. Theyve done a lot better than any other team that ecuador has had before. I remember it was never a final in the world a time that they will. And its a multi ethnic poetry. And i was in yesterday to the brother of one of the big dogs on the team goes, im a black guy and he said that what was on the special is that it brings blacks and whites together. People from the mountain that was from all walks of life doesnt matter whether theyre retail or at least on this day. And on days like this, when ecuador is to you, challenge when they can do the rest of the world. They are, all one people will not know what were seeing here. This is an impromptu band thats been sent out because the government was unable to cancel the official one that had been set up due to the state of emergency and the current. But this would be hosted by a local beer company outside of law football stadium and its filling up one that people will be. Watching intensely here, and if there is a goal, i cannot imagine that the noise a plenty of noise. I already thank you so much. Lisa, plenty going on across cats, are as well. Of course, alexia bryan, is it all suit keep no place to go shopping or to get some favorite of people got on the football as well tonight . Absolutely, the football is really the center of the focus. Yeah, its been such a wonderful atmosphere this afternoon and evening as the same fans from all over the world. Come down here, supporting their teams. Earlier on we did see fans supporting catherine ecuador headed off to go and watch that all important opening match. But we have seen some movie and rousing football anthem from quiet joy about the injuries that are plaguing the french team. Of course theyre in the same group group day that the soon as the incense saying that they hope that it will help them advance through the tournaments those injuries. Weve also seen some brazilian flags. Weve seen a rainy and flags, the same mexican sombreros. Lots of people singing and dancing down here, and its really cool is wealthy, the fans from all the Different Countries getting together and having a chat and learning about where theyre all from now. So walkie follows International View is ill let you know where it is. So were about half an hour well, well so from the cornish studio where joe and are standing by if they were to walk here, they would bypass the past pizza, famous in the fan festival along the waterfront promenade from an out here to walk. And i am at the end of one of the main walking straight further down there. You would hate into the center of the market. Now, if you were to be yes about a 100 years ago, it would look incredibly different, not a tourist. How then back then it was more about trade because to walk, if you may have heard actually and found his face, thats what i mean standing market and thats where people would come that stand here that sell day with that. Be better when nomad selling animals and actually if you hit in to the leverage of alleys now and the so that was rebuilt actually on in about 20042006. You can actually find spices. You can find perfumes, you can find lots of football merchandise at the moment. You can find home hard with out here though it is all about the football. And as you said about the food as well, im actually just eyeing up a pancake that is being a little bit further down. I think that will be my next neck. Getting even hungry down here. Now. Thank you. Thank you, now for, for now, alexia. Lets go to the dog hall. Coney. So how malick is standing by for sale was the mood like cat. Im with the fans. Are you up with . Well, andrew, i was that the fine fest lost the official fees upon fast food had maloof. Huh. Well cup legends and there was an absolute rule cuz that must be a day in anticipation for the will come to pick up. These fonts here are looking to give them the run for their money is a bit quiet. Now, anticipation of the building up as we get closer to the kick off earlier this see of people just thousands of people. Passionate football fans from all over the cutoff. Every corner, every corner of katara is main. The ex pat fancier, where the indian arab fines maria from the region filipinos a big mixture. Theyre going to make a lot of noise during this much, and its an absolutely buzzing atmosphere thats going to be expected to do flags waving before it was noisy. It was crazy and wants kick off start on the big screen next to me its going to get pretty wild. Thank you. Ill just for less than 10 minutes to go now until keiko fall. Not too far away from where the hell is all is all world cup studio also on the waterfront, were jonah and far are standing by for us. Well, andy is getting a busy down here, but me. We managed to find 2 brazilian fans, but just arrived here today, lincoln and yanna and lincoln, let me just start with you because you just arrived here today. What are your 1st impressions 1st time in the middle east . What do you think . Well, actually beyond expense expectation really positive people really friend lifting seems really organized. So yeah. Very positive. Yeah. What about you town and what do you think arrived today . And i think that the place is so beautiful. The people are so kind and im like is so much now. Brazil hosted the 2014 world cup. How does that compare it to you . Thank. Well, in terms of atmosphere, it seems really like people are super happy and friendly. Yeah. Like a difference. Also, just in terms of the distance in brazil is a super big country. So had to travel a lot to attempt to match and he is a smaller so is easier to, to, to move around. Now brazil seems to be one of the, the favorite. Possibly the favorite for people here. Does that make you nervous . Like is it, do you feel like its kind of thinking you guys, are you, you feeling pretty confident going into the road or say nervous, but of course you get the or this picked a shot from people. You know, were going to be so were not building dogs and what was that you can get a window. What can a you have brazil has serbia, switzerland, and cameron in the group. You told me you are going to the group game, which game is the one that you are looking forward to that i wanna know what the deal again, camera and i, im so excited and i think thats gonna fast and were going to be the same. Ok, city on a think brazil is going to go through. I think most people agree that brazil is coming out of the group. But lincoln out of that group whos going to join brazil in the last 60 switzerland camry. I do believe that would be interesting. Okay, there you go. Ok. Lincoln, indiana, thank you so much for joining us. Have a great night. All right, back to you. Thank you so much for a well, the game is now just 2 or 3 minutes away from kicking off. I mean, a shift for a generation of capital players. Theyve known this, theyve been coming now for 12 years. And this group of players, it has a lot of them have known each other throughout their time at the as far academy hearing cut for my sale. Unreal that finally walking out on to a pitch though with a rather large welcome trophy in the middle of it. Well, ill tell you what does this thing i do as a journalist . I always love to look inside the eyes of players when theyre getting onto the page or onto a basketball court, just to see how it means to them and what exactly you know, theyre going to get from that moment for those. And its very plain, its a moment that theyre trying to take in that you know, theyll never forget. And they know its just a one of just like, you dont have a 2nd just to make a 1st impression. And so this is the moment and theyve been together and that brother who i think is going to play a key role, you know, as they try to fight for each other tonight against equity. And were just in terms of Capital Prospects at this world cup and trying to get out of this group. This is a really important game. It looks potentially the most winnable game in the group for them. In theory, it is. And if they end up in proper footing, then Everything Else can can fall into place saying a, okay, what can get a point here . Its more manageable if youre going to that 2nd match with 3 points. And as we count down towards the world cup, kicking off in the middle east for the 1st time, jemma, i mean you personally as, as a journalist, what does the world cut means to you and is it for the place still the pinnacle of her career, she thinks you appear at this tournament . Yes, it is. Say for me and for any professional related to it, for the holidays, please dont change it. Be every 4 years because this makes it the special. And yeah, i mean, its a, its, they always playing club said this is a nation. Do something different. Its only 7 games if you made it to the, to the final is so its, you have to do it. Well, there is a lot of a lack there. The more to depend on the injuries on that. So much of that thing. So yet, so special in this 1st war cup in the army. The list is so special. Its something different. It brings cultures together early. It says its something we havent experienced really because it also being at the middle of the season. Yeah. It would appear, leaks are very disappointed with that. But for the football font is amazing because this players are at their best because its not the end of the season. They are tired, they this, this is going to be an exceptional walk up and in the football level in the pitch. I think its gonna be great. Just looking out our cattle team that serve in waiting for this much for so long. The middle east, 1st world cup, is about to begin castles, 1st at a world cup game is about to kick off ah, from take off until the final with will bring you extensive coverage out the world. Action for all of the games. The joy and the experts and match analysis from our studios, info and excitement from around the city and across the globe. Join us for catherine. 20. 22 on out there. Ah. With every footstep moving in the sink with the world to bring Health Equity for all to be together again with the ones far apart with transformation and collaboration. Indonesia urges and leads to the world in moving forward. As one Children Together recover stronger with a diverse range of stories from across the gland. From the perspective of i met with germany on al jazeera lou with with a okay, this says al jazeera, you watching a special coverage of the world cup 12 years after winning the rights to host footballs biggest tournaments. The fee for world cup cat thought 2022 finally kicked off host katara playing ecuador in the Tournament Opener at our bait stadium, were joined by our panel of global experts. Is she going to geisha jama, solaire and juan around go jermel. Lets start with you. In terms of setting the tone for the tournaments, how important is this opening game and for the hosting particular bearing in mind, theyve never had any tournament experience. Sort of welcome theyre gonna wanna make a good start on. Yes, of course im in this said never happen. At the host nation wouldve played their 1st official, a wall come game. So much pressure for this Young Players for this team under construction. They have been preparing so much. And they have also that the game that they probably need to get the 3 point if, if they want to progress add to the knockout, stay just and be know the whole war is, is watching the half of the world when we were watching at some point this sir woke up air and its such an amazing time. Its every 4 years. If for the players, for the fans, for us, the journalists covering a woke up the said dream come true. So yeah, im sure its gonna be a great gold cup, and we will see about this game because were talking about 2 very defensive that were, were, that, that the, the strong point of this to teams is the defensive line. And maybe a little lack of creativity in the final 3rd, but im sure its gonna be a lot of enjoyment in this game. When would you think of going to be some of the big themes of this world cup . So many people focused on this being the final will cover some implies lean or messy name. Are potentially christiane or rinaldo. But do you think theres, theres the possibilities there always is thats Young Players will burst on to this well captain and grab everyones attention. And yes, i think it biggest, not only that, its going to be the deferred in the supporting roles that are being soon by various individuals and certain teams. Who are those, those support players that the are the go, the balls the cousin metos, those types of players . Are they the ones that step up that really make that star player look good or look better than they them than they were actually playing . Thats going to be something very interesting to look at an issue we refer not talk too much about the state of the African Champions, senegal, receiver main play sadie, oman, a who has had so much attention in the bill of this world. Copies talked about it. So much and is now out through injury. What sort of a setback is that for senegal, who want to see a, are in the same group as a cat and ecuador . Its a huge loss because this is a player who is extremely, you replaceable. Its sad, your money, hes the countries, you know, highest goal score of all the time. We 34 goes the next in line has 10 goals. And you just, you know, know that even him as his character, the character that he brings into the, to run the lions and the relationship that he has with and you see say the respect he has among his team mates and back home. And even here in door, you know, the mural with the center go player is sad, your money even though hes injured and not here. Thats how much he means to to the team. But im just looking at the team set up right now. I think that couple of players have to step up. Of course the captain can do cali, belly, hes not had such a great time at chelsea. So for in the premier league, the season. Edward mandy, same at some point keppel was playing in gold for chelsea, but i think the 2 of them know that this is it. Now the, theres no more hiding behind the shadows of sadie money. They must step up and they must make the senegalese and african friends very proud. Just everyone watching at home in the young right of your screen, youll see fans in ecuador fans in cats are in the top right depending on how much they start jumping around. You might get a, an indication as to whos just scored a goal, gemma, in terms of her. Im just going to pull for a 2nd. Hey, weve got the 1st gold of the castle. 2022 world cup. I think it was scored by and a valencia over to now and a big mistake by the good, by the categories and defense. The goalkeeper comes off is line not able to get the ball and enter valencia, finding the ball in front of the star. I didnt one because if they were feeling some pressure now they have the novel of me. Theyd say it too early in the game and now its a, its a key moments to a phallic sanction. Still to people. There are called down and its a mistake. I mean, thinks that when, in football and yeah, and we spoke before about how strong ecuador defenses its going to be difficult for cats to get back into this game. Ready and i mean, you have to go back to walk of qualifiers, andy to see the last time it was, it was for the run to play it again. Its not saying that theyre poured offensively. Its just that offensively, they were struggling a great deal after work a qualifying after they qualify for the world cup. And now youre starting to see exactly when theyre in for one. They can do it the type of players of the concrete opportunity. Well, one, the thing about the work is that when youre given a gift, you literally take it to hands and then you move forward and would have done just that. And thats a perfect that they could never ask for better stat. And im a really nice ball on top of it to, to boot. I think back to castle winning the, the asian company, 29 saying why they did it in the united arab emirates. This is a tame with, with a good degree of character. There isnt factor via or check on that goal, so maybe well just stand by for a 2nd and see if the goal is allowed Felix Sanchez. The are the cats are coach looking a bit nervous . Just tell us a little bit about Felix Sanchez. He was a parcel owner, wasnt he were yeah, he started out in the academy there. What sort of principles of philosophy will he believe brought from barcelona to cancel his lamar s. So the academy of shalana. So is so when was this barcelona, the dna . And so, so his, his learned that, that way of playing that playing with a ball being offensive, having that idea of course, then you need to adjust to the players that there you have. But hes been here a long time and hes been exporting that. Lemme see a way of understanding football in aspire. We are just her hearing that i think Felix Sanchez will be quite happy the moment because via your has stepped up and the goal has been disallowed. From a gawky brow on the goal keeper. And it is still neil neil its only taken as 10 minutes, but i think its time for a 1st chat about via ah you know what to see that other music keep quiet. Here we are. I mean, the giving its been a, a positive for the game. Were going to get even more via your, our, this will cut the semi automated off site for that. If its secure. I think it will actually be a sure thing. I mean samuels most offside will actually be a good thing when it, because it will allow fans to at least, hopefully celebrate to go without it being disallowed. Im saying that as this just to go be disallowed, at least for all sides, it should be better at this. Well, of course, you know, theres a lot at stake at a woke up, especially this woke up and its not just about the money to about a lot of things you know, around the game of football. But also with the times, you know, now if you dont have go Line Technology and via are in 2022 its just not right. So for me, i think this is absolutely great that you know mormons like this you know happen because if i go back to 2010, every african will tell you if there was via are in that game between your grand ganna, we would be having a different conversation about an african team making it to the semi finals. So this is perfect. Its absolutely a welcome initiative. Lets just go down to repeat estimate is that the main fee for found festival, for the fans already going through bit of a rollercoaster. Down there. Pizza. What is it being like a roller coaster. Indeed, andy, as you were talking in the studio about that goal, the been was not a goal. I was actually watching on the big screen. I went in a valencia put the bolt in the back of it. And it was, i wouldnt say it was like, you could hear a pin drop that might be a bit dramatic, but they sent me was a mooted reaction to that. Go going. And as you can imagine here at the fan, 1st of all, most of the fans are supporting the home team. I was preparing something that i was going to be talking to you about in the lines of a could all leading one know, but as it turns out, we still have parity and both nation are still very much alive and well in the opening game. Always have it a drama in the opening much of a world cup. Thank you for now. Pizza. Well that defining images of world cups. Ruffin captured by photographers sent by newspapers, websites, and agencies. The biggest archive of those photos in the world is held by getty images in london, and is how he force it found out those pictures are still to this day, powerfully evocative a were here in counting town and east london, mid the Industrial Estates and the Storage Centers the heart of it all is the getty images archive and way here to meet its boss, matthew batson, who happens to be a football fan, and were on the hunt for some world cup. Treasure. Matthew nice to meet you for you too, maam. So this is the largest commercial archive in the world. 80000000 bits of gloss, item, plastic, otherwise known as we get him in his archive. Wow. And lets see what we can find in terms of the very 1st of what this is woke up really woke up for he says, he says, he says, nearer, i will be in here somewhere. Some of this is a bit grainy because oversee this was from newspaper the time people werent really sending photographers from europe. I mean, thats a great show. It really is a start. The final is that they are fernandez, projects and picturesque are on the celebration their victory. So it cant be an archive in england without talking about 966. 00. It solely burned into our memories. Thats the iconic show, a composition which is actually perfect and allow for nearby. So you know, with our teeth in the light on his face, in the car pin shop. Aside from the action on the pitch, there is some pretty standard images around the whole event, right . Sure, i love is pele training in the rain. That is fantastic. So only for the rest of the squad. So im not doing that. This is so pretty. But the young fan just really after and also grow. Yeah, and its quite says, you know, as we know, probably was into court early on, so didnt the impact of people so than sofi autograph book. Absolutely. And you wonder who that, that go, whether he still got that will grow the found some others here. Im in straight away, the eyes drawn to something that the referee didnt see on the day. Some of the commentators didnt see on the day, but its pretty clearly in that picture. Its such an icon, a picture merit on his hand of god. It just shows you know, capturing the decisive moment and just clicking that shot the, just that the right fine. One of my key memories from childhood is this one from 1990. Again, like marathon, i apologize, opinion, but a genius of a Football Player and you really always held this honestly. Hed got a yellow caught it real enough from the final, you know, whether england were going to get to the final its not to come upstairs because optimize, you know, and everything goes digital. So this is where we need to be to, to check out all the, the more recent low cost, probably thinking of it in to down, you know, this amazing football. Yeah. Having this moment to have math. And again, it is that decisive moment. You know, just having the presence of mind because obviously lots of other stuff going on at the time and be very easy to, you know, be focusing on whatever. And then suddenly its all know that somebody else is going to say, i think weve got to have eyes in the bachelor had sometimes. And in terms of the historical nature of the defeat by germany, brazil in 2014. And they were going to a 71. 00 humiliating defeat in their own stadium. You could say youd need a montage of those 7 goals to tell that story. But one shot tells that story is always the iconic chart from each well cup. And you can argue what that is may be from, from the last low cop, maybe pull pokers shot piece will pick. You know, theyre not just a competition, but i think everything about that is almost as i said, pop can, youre going to pick. Can you look up the set up because its no again, thats because the personal side with it, that decisive moment. Now some great moments from previous world cups there, the current world cup is just on the way already. Some, a bit of controversy in the 1st game with her ecuador scoring the gulping rolled out, sir, after via intervene. I mean, incense of big memories from the well cup for you jemma. What were which will capture you look back to or which moment dear, remember, unfortunately, i dont remember my 2 arent the spanish err woke up 82. I do had the. A the mask and the little arlington landscape. Thats nothing for the related. So it has to we that the hand of gods lamina, lydias melanie, the 6 that, that big champ, probably, i didnt watch it at that time by dates or meet them more, stay war wild known for the edge from any walk up. Oh, wow. So i think we are seeing there that said it was definitely for offside before it might have been a fowl on the cattle goalkeeper that resulted in the opening goal of this world cup being disallowed. It was for offside and we saw the showing you samuel to might sit upside animation coming up. So no, no arguments. It was off side. The final, the what . I mean, the video, they were one. What about for you . What sir, whats, whats you associate with the welcome when you, when you think back 3, o 3 kareem too. Obviously that the hand of god necessarily. But if you include her after that, the greatest goal in walk up history. I mean, i remember seeing it as you know, as, as a 9 year old and seeing it only go that was dizzy. Her married on august 1st through the entire english, the france that you made that look pretty easy. Maybe maybe i should try to do that someday, which and then seeing, of course, with columbia, seen bearing congo against ho germany and then seeing the hamis rodriguez gall against against your why that of course to this day is still something very, very present. Were do be number one, will be murders. Got the 2nd gorgon . Seeing sure. What about you . What about yourself . So as you can imagine, im going to fail the question because i have 3 examples and the, let me be sorry for you. Dumber robinson patsy. The diving header. Yeah, thats a very iconic image from the 2010 woke up and you know, for the netherlands, then im just going to go all the way to 994 a. She d, a kidney of nigeria against bulgaria. He literally scored the goal and then held the net. And that image, especially for an idea and is very powerful, and then my absolute best. Roger miller, 9090 dancing in the corner flag after starting. His 1st woke up go against columbia. Thats very powerful. Anna summarizing and roger miller almost didnt get picked that welcome. Exactly. Because maybe he was too old. Interesting that hes 70 this year. Let sir, lets just talk through whats happening at the opening game at the moment. It looks as though were going to have a penalty for, for ecuador fowl by the catalog goalkeeper. So well keep her eyes keep her eyes on nice fans in ecuador, who are bouncing with excitement. They already thought they scored one goal. It got ruled out via the semi automated upside decisions said it was a said it was ruled out and valencia stepping up to take this penalty. One of ecuador was most experienced players. Oh, lets see where the fans think of that. Ah school that goal will not be ruled out and valencia has given equity. The lead against the hostess castle in the opening match of the world can just focus or any valencia been part of the same for so long now very important to their chances of being a very important part of this team. Going back to 2014 is background. Of course, in the features that was being done on, on the Ecuadorian Team comes from a very similar background, or in a more fishing area, he ends up being a milk boy that ends up making his dreams come true unto gwyn everton. It doesnt work out as well for him, so he ends up going to mexico at degrees, ends up having a successful runner. And, of course, you see what he is, what he means to ecuador in ecuadorian football over the past couple years. And hes been one of the scoring thousands forum during walk of qualifying she was arriving to this world cup in good shape after struggling a little bit. His beginning of the season in turkey was it was good in the final 1st. So probably this is helping him in this tournament in this game. Ok, thank you for now guys, countering fans. They getting ready for the 8th world cut. Many wont make it to catch up, but theyll be doing their best to be seen. And heard nicholas hack reports for me on day on how some cameron supporters are hoping to stand out from the crowd. After 30 african cup of nations and 8 world cups. And gondo picket is heading to cutter ha. But not before putting on the teams. Colors. Prince deck are with his masterful stroke, is here to help. I repent. My provision happen, houses are 10 people. When i was a prince, i more it will take a couple of hours and a few leaders of paid to transform 61 year old picket into an indomitable lion. Each. Lin and each color has a meaning less jambert, prep hold. Legs are the weapons to fight, to obtain the belly is the hearts of the nation. And this the head is how we going to beat the tames how were going to scare them and give them trouble. Trouble guy, i thought in preparation to cutter camerons National Team or playing it friendly match against jamaica players. Even referees are warming up to the reggae songs of bob marley. Fans enter the stand. It feels like a carnival, some dressed up to bless their tea before their departure. Others excited for the event they wore like lions . Ah, it is a display that catches onlookers even the medias attention. After all. Cutter 2022 is also their world cup nessie, because so much of football is less about whats happening on the page. But whats happening off the page . Its an opportunity for fans to be creative and celebrate their team. Most camerons wont make it to the golf country. Those that are like body painter and gondo picket, have celebrity status. They are as famous as the Football Players on the pitch. Inspiring legions of fans to put the paint on for the team. And for the occasion. Nicholas hawk al jazeera yo one day camera. Rude. Now. Yeah. Many sculptor and artist, yet group have shown has been inspired by the 1st world cup in the middle east through his work he hopes to participate in an exhibition in castle with her mother hand alpha, not the skinny. Yeah, bob sam, have shant mcclellan. Ha, ha, ha. What medina . Dream unreconciled across the island for now you can to sorta among, from on a on the left and i got a letter. Him or youre the america move to learn of california. Im to look up them in a nursery more work there that many finley men are awesome. But brahman as a judge or some bad ones, a t a and one and may then have elijah and nat geo was a long dealer more little java. Alison at the ski, lola and the little dog has in morrow, damn shackle, or am i on . Im a funny, it still have a little boy will asthmatic with you now on out of ear. She wm. Any, and it looks human more of lam alpha near the little less of you. And lemme as a harsh, smart fellow because now you have been haggard garcia adam had been an american fan, rama grover lew, the nature of women. Ah, when the age of me or was the had been and hadnt over adam bad than medicine . Ah. And had been with Sherwin Williams williams live in omar . No, and out of its detailed amen, shaw, landman. My uncle and how, ah, other than care is waka official will come songs often get forgotten at the end of the tournament for one kid. Sorry, thing is hoping that her performance will open the doors for more young girls in the region to become musical artists. John again, raska went to me oh. 6 if you dont know this song yet, by the end of the world cup, the living rent free in your head. Ah, my a high up Better Together was the 1st track to be released for cattle 2022. I got to meet one of the stars of the song catch re singer. I shall so thrilled to be speaking to you. Were all singing in the office higher, higher, higher for what does higher, higher actually mean . So the meaning in arabic, me is like, lets go it kind of, its kind of calling people to get up and, ah, celebrate, enjoy. So thats like the general meaning of the word pe. And when i 1st became aware of you, you were posting videos of your singing on instagram, to blue. How did you go from posting your videos on instagram to then suddenly singing the well cut song . I think it has a lot to do with peoples reaction to my music. My singing. Ah, for me i was just doing it for fun. I never like, never thought that i would be here just because im posting things on instagram. Lou. I think it was very rare to see like a category, a woman singing ah online. Ah. I remember you walking out onto the stage in april at the fee for draw, singing your song higher, higher. It seemed like such a groundbreaking moment because like you mentioned earlier, we havent seen singers looking like you on such global stage. Tell me about that. There was another life changing experience for me. I just really focus on myself, focus on whatever mission i have to fulfill that moment, and i dont think i just dont think i just feel and thats how i like go through it. And then when im done that, when i look back at the videos and im just like what, what did i did . Did i really do that . Did i just do that . You know, thats when it hits me that like such as real moments such a big achievement the when youre sending on state and you see, do you feel that you are singing for your country and 4 country women . Definitely. I definitely feel like i have a mission and its not an easy one. Although im getting a lot of support, much more than i ever thought i was going to get but its still emission. Im still doing something thats different. Im still opening a new door, but just being that initiator for other women, it makes it worth it. Im happy to be that person for other women. Im happy. When i get videos from little girls, see my song. You know, they just gives me goosebumps. It makes me very happy because i feel like growing up, i needed that and im happy to be that for someone else get help and celebrate is the message of higher higher. But the impact of performance on the song will last long past the final of this to me, the joint venture of out 0, taurus studios in the castle, 2023. Well, cup has kicked off, ecuador, leading one, no against the host, said albert stadium and valencia with the goal, ecuador becoming his countrys record goal scorer as well cups hes, i think the, remember the 2nd 14 that played in 2014 my writing up. And that bit of experience coming to the full in that in the opening moments of this game. What you might, what weve seen so far from from l by capital, look a little bit nervous on line. Yes, they absolutely look novice and jim talked about depression that theyve had all this while. But now after that 1st attempt and then its an offside goal and then conceding a penalty there an absolute shambles. They couldnt wait for that break to come as early as now, but i think they need to snap up out of it. And hopefully the coach can let them know that look relax. Its just one goal. Thats if they go into the halftime break, just 10 down, and then they can come back in the 2nd half and, you know, build that temple at least even get a point from the game on what have you made as of ecuador. So for a pretty, pretty dreamy staff for their master, struggling sir to school goals and build up to this tournament. Story are struggling score goals, but right now theyre not struggling to create opportunities, which is something thats even more key. I mean, we can talk about the goal there was disallow been told by the family, but theres been already 2 other situations where ecuador comedy courses scoring. And as, as which was saying, if you know guitar and able to settle down and the allow that as much time and space on the ball that i could were having, it could be a very long evening for the hose. General, what have you made of for what weve seen. So farming for this generation of cats or players this, this, this knights been a Long Time Coming in perhaps the occasion. So for a little bit too much for 12 years knowing that this will be happening, of course, by then maybe the know where they will be playing it here. But its been 8 months to prepare for this game that tele, long time. Never a National Team had that much time to prepare for world cup and tournament. A huge pressure. Young team and probably yeah, of course they were to champions in the last there asia championship, but thats a long time ago. So broadly, they are suffering from that and they didnt have the great doing. Begin in that, this allowed goal in their 2nd mean, and its putting more pressure. And i nice here lot of the fan, defensive mistakes a when taking they are taking the wrong decisions. And i think its that is a lot of psychologically the colors. So i think phallic sanchez needs to ask them for a cold head to try to make that the good choice things a little bit quiet. Some in cats are at the moment, but i guess its not going to be quite in ecuador, they one of the 4 south American Teams at this tournament alongside brazil, origin, seen and uruguay. Our latin america added salisia newman is there for us. I imagine the fans are pretty happy at the moment. We say, oh, i boeing while directing, came screaming. Yes, we can. Yes, we can, that has become open now and were going for the 2nd. And the 3rd, this is what we hear a lower novato right now theyre watching with there. What made it bread for that next hopeful goal that makes you feel that they are going to get. Ringback people are saying that the diary team is under more pressure than the edwin orient team. And that, thats actually an advantage more hedwood or they can, i can concentrate more on their game and less on their nerves. And so at least that needs to be the case. It would always have been dominating them all, but not every time theres anything else to close on the door and hide people to jump up and down. Right, or grade reply. Its really right. Its a outside ha, what whole stadium right now that the official celebrations were canceled because the state of emergency, were in white, a uncontrollable gang violence. But this isnt not a visual, improvident celebration. There are a couple of more all around the city. Certainly will use a lot of people who enjoy this game and hopefully many, many more. Busy that im wondering, are hoping and praying ring them closer and closer to the final game, the same in ecuador forest. Thank you so much for now. I could also leading in the opening game of this world cup one nail against the hosts cat saw. Now this will be a tournament of many firsts, including the appointment of female referees, 3 women will play a part in the rolling outs of what could be gained changing technology poorest. Hows this report for us . A referees whistle. It will be the 1st sound on the pitch when cal 2022 kicks off and launch officials or training hall to be ready. There are also proponents make history as women take charge of mens well couple matches for the 1st time. So lima lucan, sango of rwanda is one of 3 female referees. A 3 more women are among the assistance. We are really proud to please these momentum likings. Okay, that, that be part of the what gut indian women seem to get a van bronesi there havent challenges along the way, but i could say the same for, for men and women here. Maybe the challenges have been different. But everybody that you see her has worked very hard. The referees dont just have to be fit that we making split 2nd decisions and need to make the right coal. What does something that hasnt always been humanly possible . Decisions by much officials, otwell cups can be as crucial to the outcome of games as plays scoring or stopping goals. The referees and kathy will have more help from technology than ever before. Semi automated off Site Technology will make its will kept debut at cattle 2022. It uses the whole chi system thats already a fixture in tennis and cricket and avoids long whites for video reviews that depend on whether an attack has like, is a few millimeters further forward than a defenders. We will have 12 tracking cameras. I am off all guys set up in every single area and they are that they then Work Together with the chip in the ball, which is analyzing the exact k m on the ball for every single kick went to try to match the congress, you know, are detecting the player movements once she huge benefits of the development of the system was, was hi wet, a decision can be made, not only hike but, but it is making all side decisions much more accurately. Technology will play a big part that this will cup, but its main role will be to make sure that football take center stage. And not the referees poll rece out is era go off. Now you may have noticed some action in the, the fan parks during that report, particularly in ecuador, gem of what was already caught. A tough task for cats. All has just got a lot more complicated. Its now too new to equitable. Yeah, the mountain to climb it in higher and there valencia, he scored twice or 3 times one is allowed and, and kissing an amazing job. We were saying that there he was enjoying probably the best beginning of the season. I good the chance to, to cover a couple of friendly, much as before, the world cup of it while i was there. And its, its, its achieving that they dont played together many of them because most of them play in germany. If someone doesnt england, spain, it, and for them, i mean, this is a National Theme that suffered a lot with a bite on custody, a situation. And. And a few months ago they had to, to suffer the 3 lead off. Its whats gonna happen with the appealing of fi chiller. And this brought the team a lot together because they suffered, allowed to have a lot of criticism from the media. And this say, i think it built a lot of a Team Situation and they are also like most of south american nations, very proud of themselves. And they enjoy so much when they go back to the National Teams. Theyre one of the plane in called england, germany, or whatever they are playing in in europe. And i know they were very nervous about this game because the, probably the 2 to be in the next stage depends on this point. And probably starting with that even growth is allowed to goal offended, valencia helped a lot to, to playing because every contra attack of whether its that complicate the tense for them. And one, just tell us about the, the could all coach because hes is not somebody with a huge reputation before taking on this job was a no, well, he was, hes very well revered in argentina is our cars looking to get back, but i a coats it took a team like arsenault, which is a, a more smaller Neighborhood Club in argentina to win the cope us with the make on which is the equivalent of the rope league. Back in 2012. And im going to book up back in 2018. Takes boca to a league title, but at that point with book i and their aspirations, it was more than just delete titles is looking to win a globally without his and at that year they also get eliminated by river plate. Will it will beat them in the final year before that in madrid. So he comes in as coach of ecuador, very little knowledge about him in ecuador, he comes in and all of a sudden he takes over a team that was in shambles. And. Busy for the work up in 2018, he takes him put them in 3rd place was of course the players that you see on the pick today. And part of the reason why theyre so successful has been his galvanizing personality, but also a very, very paternal attitude is taken over many of these players, which they basically run through walls for now. And this should have been of such a lot of focus on catherine this last 12 years. I really stepped out into the sporting spotlight when they won this, this building. One of the, the accusations was that, you know, the country didnt have a sporting culture of football in culture. I mean, this team has developed so much in those intervening years theyll be desperate to try and stage some sort of come back in this game online. Yeah, absolutely, i mean you wouldnt compare it with their country like brazil where they will tell you when he was growing up, he was watching rinaldo and when d new money was and had youth. And then i book, i used to watch some of you dont have that for katara, but they have an opportunity to, you know, write their own story. And thats what theyll be thinking while they walked into the dressing room at the half time break. Because they, they still have something to get from this game. I mean, its a game of football. You still have a lot that can happen, but also talk to kenny and the coach has to look at their positioning on defense. They literally look lost and the lack confidence right now looking at them, but they have a look that they can play for in the 2nd half. Thank you for now guys are full of course is a universal language outside of the stadiums, bowl. And a few friends enough to play a match. Nick clark is an more in beaver, in weston madagascar, with some of these football enthusiasts. Ah, wherever you are in the world, even the most remote part is not a glasgow. Football is a game that the kids just love to play. They dont have a proper bull that was made up of tied up plastic bags. They dont know who little messy is. They dont know who now there is. They dont even know theres a well come home, but they just love it. Well, i mean if you play football clever tuesday, rather than of them, i really love football on the go keep and i have to jump on the poll. Unfortunately, madagascar didnt make it through to the World Cup Finals for the spirit of the game is well and truly alive. She does man, ive ever lived long or blind and partially sighted fans will get to enjoy a new service at this world cup live specialized commentary in the arabic language will be available for the 1st time at these finals. As i found out i despite being born blind, a chrome, he has loved football all his life. The audio descriptive comment tree. Hes listening to ensures he can enjoy the game day. Like any of the fan. Whoa. Go through anything, especially trained commentators were at this events in cats, are the benefits of blind and visually impaired supporters or the descriptive commentaries is totally different from that. The mainstream commentary that we listen to on televisions are registrations when it aims at describing action. Like how players are reacting and how things are shooting up with their teams and how the bowls warping. They are like following the ball all time. Theyre describing every single action as if they are looking as their game. They are our eyes a lot of the time. Thats where lump hallway in the build up to this world cup catalyst has been kelly for university organized Training Programs for would be commentators volunteers with the chance to play a key role at the finals and very challenging for people with disability to go from their home to their seat, its a lot of challenges for them. And when they are in their seat, you know for sure that these people are obsessed with football. The the love the game. So i promised myself that im going to be delivering the best descriptive commentary for them. Life is giving me the opportunity to to share what i feel inside my heart thought vis game through my voice, and explain and build a maximum for somebody will share this feeling accessible via an app on your phone. This type of commentary has become increasingly common in europe, but arabic hadnt been heard a major tournament and celestial arab cup. Audio descriptive commentary made it well. W in south africa in 2010, but this is the 1st time it will be available at the finals. In the arabic language, the specialized commentary we offer in arabic and english at every game. During this world, when we speak of clutter was the top we all speak of legacy was this tournament will leave to the region. And i hope that the audio descriptive home through will be a part of this legacy. Its about making football in the middle east, a more inclusive experience. Just one long term target of this world cup. Well, lets come and take what ive been busy over the last few minutes. Commentating manian action near the castle goal in the opening game of this world carpet is to nail to ecuador, just coming up for half time. Now pool in a tent in the tune is in desert. Nadine de no. Maria has undertaken unusual roots becoming manager of a league on the club in england. Bertha now been today the 47 year old is the only african manager working in professional english football. Ah, we know maria maria davis booted the maria with what use i sent to england. Much easier to call me when i came to england in 1995. I am the only african mostly caught up for Police Manager currently is bullied to see the fusing flag with birth of funds that be home and way again. I was born to reach out, grew up in tunisia, a city in la garza, in a drop between an waste and the mountain. Thats where i grew up house house. I was born. We live in probably a few tents there we live in and there and one of 2 houses that i talked to low before he started 1978. We have tv. Were just on the radio. I think the 1st on all was the clip of national tv was 1981. We all got the internet by the radio. Listen to the comments of the world, go to nazi 78. 00, where you see the only african team qualify for the time is only one team qualified and that team is fired. Not just me, a whole generation and sees that are the table test with vocal and thats what we think of it on were going through a transition now as a nation, since revolution 2010 only thing is United Nation is it is for point and commission, people are obsessed with football. Woke up in like a thought is not a country Muslim Country would have a lot. Unity follows there is no that bother is because you got our anyway to music people. So i think the support would be outstanding for, for, for too much of what i would say now to the current teens feeling good work because we got to go with ourselves for different conferences. First and foremost, im not, im not sure we have that mindset that mentality in the muslim world. The out of woods specially goes to the big games or the bath plans to defend the throttle attack. We have nothing to do is to to present the pressure to deliver the style because a vessel all money and they are in position now where they need to go out. The 2nd round for 1st time is 6 attempts. If that makes sense. No, just that i think we win a gave for a long time as well. I think we want to games in world history, so its definitely something is not good. You know, i would like to think that we go into the my game to win. It seems, australia we got the biggest tradition, we know the spectral search terms of football off with fans, game war play, big part in terms of where we are to to go. The 2nd round, ive said that ive always believed that julia france would be griver. There we got a big, huge commute in france. We are a french colony since 1956, or were still dominate by the french. And i think when you play against frances unity plays and the twins in public, they response really well to play and just wanted. And i would not be spots for going with front, not at all. Every manager in the world, one a commercial english need. Thusly to lead was chop as she primarily its you know, we have spanish managers, we have to make sure we have x dot primary plays manage at this level and a lot. So its difficult to manage to get a job in the school to as a manager because english is alma football. But i knew the how to excel. Obviously ill be busy working, you go, im gonna make sure that i tell trading times for the times when, who is it like to make sure im watching it. Id love to get that to watch that live, but im not position of got a job in my hand right now trying to get results. Hed like to, to bill you for the future with his little clothes. But well be all watching with excitement was couple 5040 cats are 2022 is underway. The 1st world cup match played in the middle east, is coming up to half time. And his ecuador, 2 cats, her nail for now, and all the attention moments on the al bait stadium where that match is taking place for. Lets take around stadium 9 at 7 fall. Thats going to play a big role in this tournament with our correspondent, son hamish, you stadium pro, your car like no other. This is stadium 97 for a history of world wide trade and the ferry. The maintenance stoughton material . Is it most the think the 974 shipping containers . My 7th ball is also the International Dining code. A containers indicate what they are for. For example, we have the new one to grab a snack time. And we look for the down. We have the yellow 4 bathrooms and the black ones are the truth. And if you ever need medical assistance, we have the green container and the silver ones right here via the room. And thats my kind 7 games are being held here and if the players get nervous before taking the field is all with the venue will be completely dismantled off of this form. And everything that you see around here will be with the front side, will be built into an area that people can live and work here, while stadium 97 for physical present temporary. It will leave a long lock. Ah, right now, the action taking place at the al bait stadium where the house cats are taking on ecuador in the opening match of this world kept coming up to a half ton, not going to well for the hosts. It is to nil to ecuador, i show any signs that sir cats are coming back into this game for fat nan, better. Thats what the codes has to try and figure out at half time and try to make sure that he gets some sense. I would say in to his squad to say, look, you have only one chance, you know, here at the work that if you can get something out of the opening game, unless get a dro or from this game and see how to and play the other again, because when you talk about the netherlands and senate guy is gonna be even a bigger fight, a much bigger challenge because does the teams are well established . They played together for a very long time, their physical, more physical than ecuador. I would say one, what have you made of of what youve seen so far, sickly since the, the 2 goals, any sign of that, the men, the momentum of the game is changing. I mean, its a little bit further away from guitar. Got those goals, but you do see in ecuador so that this point is more regulating. Its kind of, you know, there, they werent gonna continue. The frenetic places that from a priest for 90 minutes. So, you know, theyre holding moving the ball around, try to be as patient as possible. You havent seen much from color in terms of recovery in terms of being able to create maybe a couple of crosses here in their deep balls that have been basically impossible. Possibly a darker jenna m. What is Felix Sanchez sir . What are some of the key messages hes going to be trying, sir, to get over to his players . If they can get a half time or tunnel down . Well, i think psychologically him, its still work a lot on that to put some hopes up for his players. Because its, its gonna be a tough ha, house time for him, for the players and all that pressure than they had. They had so many days to thing about this game in it didnt start that they were expecting. So a lot of psychology and at least i think they need to try to score a goal. Busy that should be there, the main goal right now. And then well see what are the score a goal they are getting there a little bit closer. Its so that is because it was already is at some point letting them play a little bit more, but call heads the what you have been prepared to though, and try to score a goal. And one, what is that . What are the broader sort of firm tactics in, in this world cup, what is the team need in order to be successful . We were so currently in a strong defense, a sort of a reliable core of players and maps making sort of good in game decisions or by the coach is what, what the teams need to be successful. Cuz with the greatest of respect, probably, catherine ecuador gonna, im gonna lift this will cut another one of the title when its going to have that other teams that is gonna sound when you, you knew you knew dakota can organize quickly, or we have to keep in mind that most of these National Teams are, is a good, ours is, is the exception. Weve had 6 months. Big house about 60, some, 7 acres have 5 and coaches. National team coaches have to be very aware of how they organize things. They have to be very aware of how to be able to put the pieces in the proper, the proper position. Al moiz ali had a chance to maybe get a go. But for catholic just before half time, he couldnt quite pull it off. It is to know at half time to ecuador equitable one of the seems from south america to make a big impact at these font. Lets go to, lets say, a newman who so therefore, is how the Friends Family way must be incredibly happy. Right now, a imagine, i mean, remember that it has meant to be honest, the kind of beyond our dog, and its matt, according to the window when people have been telling us that not only grab one or to when theyve been my one male, dont know. Now that way i can very, very much, but theyve been waiting for hours together here. Its very noisy, but people have been crying and jumping and hugging each other, reminding you of that i was making the investment for a while ago. Reminder reason why ecuador and sydney, the people here of the city of why were so crazy about of all is in gather a from the mountains with when going to a really, really hard in a pregnancy. But right now they are in that, in the waiting more than theyre going to have time. Thank you so much for now. The same and therefore is in ecuador might be a little bit quieter. Well, reports of pizza stem. Its, is it the main fif, found festival in cat . So pizza out. What are people making of the game so far . I and he yeah, i mean look when that go went in the 1st one that was disallowed or, you know, there was a little bit of a mooted response here and i was, it was just a lot. And then there was a loud cheer when that decision was made. And then a little bit soon after that sir, in a valencia made up for that this allowed go with these penalty. And it was one know and the but i was subdued atmosphere at the fan park at the fan festival here at alberta. Parking with me to talk a little bit about that. Ive got to argent time. Fans, gonzalo, not gonzalo. He quite in. But i know he tells me some of the or i, there we go and we got under it with us as well. But im going to start with you. Im hope you enjoyed the atmosphere here at the fan festival so far. No, we are very happy to stay here with. Ready very nice liaison. We are very, very happy. We are of yesterdays, always our 1st day here. Very good, very warm. Welcome to both of you under his or what have you thought about the match so far . Its good. Good. Very good. Ha ha. And im interested to know from an argentine perspective, do you support ecuador as a fellow south American Team, or do you not really want . Yes, yes, its all america is all bro, there a school our own others so. So very important. Now argentina, you always one of the contest go cur containers for the world cup can argentina when it in 2022 . Yes, it is our dream away with the magic hour window copies there were the best there in the other. We have all right, console and under. Thank you very much and here let me hand it back to you in the studio. Thank you so much pizza. Well, argentina are being predicted to win the world cup. Very quickly, jama. Couldnt go much worse for kat, but hopefully some nerves have gone now and they can perform better in 2nd home. Yeah, i think they and the philosophy now it should be lets right to start again. This never to happen this 1st or how a lot of her nerves i thing in the bag blind in the goalkeeper. And just, lets try to the what the, what you have been proving in the asia cup in the golden cup in the corp america because they did perform well. Theyre a, probably the waiting for this tournament has been too long. And this was the, apparently, the easier game of, of this woke up so they need to just forget what happened. I think the try to again, that the nerves out and to play what would they know . Thank you so much for now. Jemma. Were, were seeing pictures of some are pretty new sit funds watching action of the elevate stadium. Prior to this world health i had played 3 matches of the albright stadium and one all 3. They had into the 2nd off with a mountain to climb that sooner down in the opening, much of this world cup the 1st in the middle east, but see how they do in a few minutes thought ah, anticipation is rising. I saw with cattle anyways. Hello. That is a Welcome Change on the cards, the china as we start in east asia and walk them wet weather moving in across more sensual areas where we have seen drought. Thats going to push its way towards the east coast, knocking the temperature down in shanghai. By the time we get to choose day remains largely dry up in the north, beijing things and poor air quality though down in the south. However, thats where we found the wet weather edging into hong kong, a little bit dryer for ty, once and showers here and there was either wet weather as well push across the Korean Peninsula and into japan. Its while the cloudy, however, in tokyo, the temperature 19 degrees on choose day, now was moved to south east asia. The flood threat remains of vietnam. Thats as heavy rain continues to pile in to the very north. You can follow those reins back to the philippines. We have got some fun advisories out here and eastern areas of indonesia, continuing to see the roles of rain move in. That was a move to south asia, very dry up in the very north bone dry and settled here. The weather, weather, cursing that southeastern corner of india camel now do as well as under pradesh. Seeing that move in much wire for bangladesh on pakistan, new delhi, seeing the temperature sit slightly below the average with lots of hazy sunshine to with sponsored by catch all day waiting for a, a, a ah ah, this is altus here. Youre watching all special world cup coverage. 12 years after winning the rights to host footballs. Biggest events, the fee will cup quite cut. So 2020 take. Finally underweighed the house. So training equitable to nail at half time in the tournaments open at our bait stadium. Lets see if we can go now to hail mallet, crease at a very noisy found, poke in our hall. So can you harris, and what are people making of the events or fall on andrew can use in and out to big as we have so many people. Yeah. Now let me tell you when those go, when in ecuador, you know, you are being an englishman. Know a thing to about disappointment. Im departments. Yes. I went a bit dump everyones heights again. Now. You guys already or believe . Yeah. Good. Wow. A way you know what you can tell where you can tell. Yeah, andrew, theres a lot of support broke out there. Now you have to remember its not just the country people. This is a very multi ethnic country of people from pox, john egypt. Jordan, india, a new port. Okay. I got a new as you can see, they bought into carouse, woke up dream bed dreaming. They believe in the mind, even that much, they believe theyre gonna do you guys want to wait a 2nd . I think that was a hail. Finishing off no house nation ramirez and i lost the opening game for world cup. So spill. The possibilities of cats are turning this one around ecuador, very happy at the moment soon a lot. Lets go back to lucy newman news with some fans. For lisa, i can imagine the atmosphere before the match was quite excitable. It must be unbelievable. Now it is right now, its extremely hot out here, but bad has a not job made any difference at all. During the break up, your people are a boy off to get something to drink, but they say there is no way to turn this game around. In fact, they said they always knew that ecuador was, was winning and are so right now they are going to just wait for what they hope will be a 5 now. Now theyre getting very, very ambitious. When people are jumping up and down children, old people, young people wearing the jersey have their favorite players. You know, ecuador is, i think ive said before, has been considered the underdog in this match. But they really had hoped that they could prove the world and dependence wrong. And so father doing a very, very good job of that. So when to expect them to get to saving their energy now for more screaming, more jumping, more crying and more brain in the 2nd half of the game. They say a thank you for that sir. Valencia fans hoping for. So he valencia fans and a valencia fans and ecuador fans, hoping for more of the same in the 2nd or 3rd, the main fan park in tar pete estimates is standing by for is, are people optimistic of a comeback . Well in the when youre to nail down at half time, what else do you have but optimism and hope i was just thinking about it. There is a history in football of teams coming back for famous victories in terms of international football. As recently as the 2009 confederations cup, i was just thinking of that brazil were playing against the United States of america. The usa were to now they had an off time, and the brazilians came back to wind 32. So maybe that might be where a cutter can take some hope from. Thank you for now, peter. Let sir, lets have a chat with the guys in the student. Lets start with a, shes such a, a big build up to this, this world cup as, as weve mentioned, for cattle to come back from this position. What do they need to do in the 2nd half . What do they need to improve . Well, for that, they dont need to concede another goal. And so that means their defense has to do a lot better in terms of communicating. Just talk amongst each other. It looks like theres a disconnect between the goalkeeper and his defense, but also they need leadership. They need dare, the captain and you know, other l, the players in the team to sort of say guys lets, lets do this one more time. Lets restart like one was saying before the break and, but also just generally i feel like they need to do a lot more better in now, staying with the board. They need to string some 10 percent or something, you know, just to get pressure because when they have, you know, 3 passes, then they lose the ball and then they have to go and defend and you know, acronyms putting a lot more pressure on them. So they need to do much better in the 2nd half in terms of retaining the ball, get some confidence builder, play and have some shots on target. And, and one is it is a difficult balancing act for a host nation. Isnt it this so much pressure on them . Im thinking about suits of brazil and what happened to them and in 2014 its. Its not easy. Is it being a house nation . I was, i was, i was actually covering brazil during that world cup and, and, you know, you, youd hear headlines, you know, lose philip escalade. Hes using it is messaging his psychologist, the Team Psychologist on whatsapp to try and get solutions to tactical answers. I mean, i mean, things of that nature, maybe you dont have that type of pressure from media, incorrect r u b, and obviously that, that, thats an extra pressure that doesnt have to be. But the internal pressure that you have visualize in the game and also things dont go your way in a couple of minutes. It and things start going right with what are you going to do . We havent seen it and she said something very important in for in or for them to turn, play your game. Their game is playing the ball around, moving it around a very lemme see a type of influence that theyve had. Not sending balls deep to try and send one player to go chase it down. Thats not their style of play. And jim host nation pressure in russia actually over chief, perhaps in 2018. So hang on, one or 2 ways, call it, but its important to get the crowd back on side in the 2nd house. Yeah, sure. And im sure it will be they will have the, the crowd is supporting them. I think we have seen it just now they are about to to start the 2nd house and the body language of the play or so i thought its, its ok the go keeper, who has a mean enjoying maybe the best thought about who she was probably hoping shes got like either body language, i think thats important and i think they need the thing that the last few minutes of the 1st house, they need quite ok. They had the better chance ali was unmarked with a score the goal and to neil 21 will be much different than a truly like a whist on now. So lets see they of course i need to to focus try to control more of the game because i was on the control of the game, 90 percent of the 1st health and of course mark it. Well, im sure hes enjoying such hes just in good shape, a quote on its actually a very physical team, and they are enjoying a good momentum of physicality. So they need to, to try to, to play the role as the ball as to what was mentioned in trying to impose themselves by controlling w. Thank you so much for now. Jemma is the place just re emerging from the tunnel for the 2nd half of the album, stating the opening match of cattle. 2022 with ecuador leading the host cattle to know. Now we know this is a, a unique world cup for so many reasons. In russia, 4 years ago, it was one of them. I spread out tournaments in history. By contrast capital 2022 will be the most compact 8 stadiums. A hosting matches the fewest number of venue since argentina, back in 1978. My colleague, gemini, sh, takes us through in terms of geographical size, cattle is the smallest nation to host footballs. A biggest tournaments 70 kilometers the longest distance between any of the stadium ah. Darting in the south, al, janine is close to the city of the 1st of the brand new venue completed for the world. Come, ah, its just 15 minutes down the road to mamma, which is near to talk to international apples and the Large Industrial area ah, located in doha port. Stadium 974 is the world cups of 1st ever temporary venue and its right on the waterfront. At rest of the i 15 kilometers west, where at the, redeveloped kelly for International Stadium, which bus opened in 1976 and posted the 2006 asian game. Ah, short journey across and around is the education 50 stadium. Its at the heart of cat house center of learning and have 9 university. Ah, a 10 minute drive on the highway takes you to the banality, stadium. Its the venue from the coast, with a capacity of 40000. 00 ah, just to the north of doha is the venue for the world comp final. The city was built for the tournament and a time, the biggest stadium with 80030 kilometers uppercase in the city of our cool life. The 60000. 00 pizza stadium that are in 7 years as construction, nearly 10000000000. 00 spent 7, a brand new stadium facing stage for the biggest book will show on the planets. Now an aeroplane featuring images of argentinian football, stall, diego, my rodonna has landed in cattle. Its part of the many tributes being paid to the man who led argentina. So that 1986 well cut. When we met sa, maximally on our bun yesco, who painted the mural on that plane. Is this story . No matter. Oh yeah. Yeah. No. It can be no claim like me that. Oh, and you have to call out of the night because i can and i know nathan would i need to drop it off right now. Yeah. Okay. Been day independent this. Im a good idea up in bo, if you go is it one out of it . I mean, did they, if and that it is that failed to be done so, but i like you had to call guy and and it might be a lock. When was the data issue that i fit, i will get it back to you if, when they caught in the flu shot and in their potterpin my popularity in the future and build up in a new air. So got it. People in the, in the new i dont know you could. Ok, so i live in dina. They said that i know came if he gave me your quote out here, why dont the employee, im into some of them. But on the when you, if im, if i die it okay. If i have enough, when i go by loud, pull up in the attic promo area. You good. Okay. Now out i exactly would i missed the eat though. I loud and dina, ive been sound okay. Well no, i not do anything going. Oh yeah, im going to get back with you. Oh you said, yeah. Well if youve been w b i. E. No, but i dont know being with i dont know if with been there would i think ive had to take it on the dial it with you and yeah, put in so dont leave it with a. Busy busy you center my, daniel, will douglas have been there . You go and get up in thought, be void so you all got it and the mentor within that and then for the, you know, you know, seem to them and then, well, i need to but i feel a mock in the in does its avian and are you there in a similar, i mean i was jacqueline this incident in without but gay. Destiny men thought for more lewis, a new one, the old bit, but it says view man. So i within the budget and i remember, you know, doesnt it . Well, the middle easts 1st world cup is underway. In kat saw it is to to nail to ecuador in the 2nd half of the opening game, the host nation in need of a come back. You can see pictures there of a fan park near the album stadium where the match is taking place, the funds, theyre mainly construction workers whove been involved in so many of the well cut projects that have made this tournament possible at its peak. During the construction of our bait, so there around 10000. 00 workers on that project. Without them this tournaments simply would not have happened around 200000000000. 00 spent on new infrastructure in cat. So weve got new metros, new roads, new airports, and of course, a 8 world cup stadiums. And there you can see many of the workers who made it all possible. Theyre watching the opening match of this world cup. It is ecuador, 2 cats, or nail. And guys who just watch singer a report there with the focus very much on diego. Marathon of this sir. The 1st world cup. Since his death, the assure me what sort of fur an influence and an impact did he have on well football and on, on the world cup itself. I mean, if she to her about her, the woke up and you look for names that you can put alongside the welcome mar, donna has to be number one, lake, his that image. When you think about him, you dont think about Club Football or of course with all due respect to not only fans and but he is that can of face then you know, you relate to when you talk about the work that hand of good the image very iconic, and absolutely incredible, but also you know, what he represented back at the time when he won the woke up with their agent in. If anyone thinks its very easy to do that, they should ask, messy when i was i was reading a piece about sort of dominant air is in football and its the started with uruguay in the thirtys in italy going to preserve and the netherlands. And then it just gets to marianna, i mean he himself was such an influence on World Football and all on that Argentina Team that won in 86. 00 in that even the argentina said in 86. 00, the Argentina Team in 90. They end up getting to a final, you see images of his ankle and, and a lot of it, there was an interview the other day with his former personal trainer for an understanding. And he said in that walk up in 1009 the, i dont know how he managed to play. I it, is that even worse as i dont even know how many stand up . Because an ankle was in that hes the, hes basically said he was in no condition a play that walk up and he still didnt, hes dog helped argentina go to a final jemma. I was at a game in russia in 2018 when i watch insane or on the brink possibly of going out of the in the group stages are playing nigeria desperately need. Its when and even though messy, schooled and origin see, you know, warm the game seems to be all about marathoner and him watching the game and being so animated where he was watching it. Im trying to phrase this, this, this question sort of politely, if you like, but since marathon as death is not in some way allowed, messy to relax a little bit and emerge from, from, from merit on a shadow. Yeah, he always leonel me as he lives in that shallow. Not because he wanted but these the what the country, what are 10 to 9 decided and, and always comparing missy model are not always its sure that they are like in some matters in talent. They both are talent, 100 percent talent, there but they are very different personalities. Say what i dont know. Felt comfortable being the center of the, of the, all the spotlights, missy, not maybe lately because she was into a follow team button, but not before he, he didnt want to be a hero, a popular, he just happened it. So yeah, i think its just take out some pressure on, on leonel messy. And as for, for my dont us or show us a come mentioning it. Hes in the most a pony, probably wont cups. If footage we can remember. But russia that the footage with so i dont know that it maybe was not the best thing. So at some point its kind of really a for, for argentina, not having to have all the attention on one of the 9 and comparing all the time with that glorious yourself sergeant, you know, yes, thank you jim. A reminder of whats happening at this world cup, wherein the 2nd half of the match between the host capital and ecuador, the opening much of this will cover the still to new to ecuador. Now all eyes on capture as the nation host. So for the 1st whoo, up in the region, many across the world tuned and thats whats the open gang, of course in gaza. Could sorry organization to set up a fans o r for palestinians. You know, ill say it ripples. I hear the big day i join him in and begun with. Deborah asked the opening tournament, not between a door. I see a lot like the way my bees next. Then way down to the boys tonight, helen would i know if you dont look up or it was our dream to be in contact to attend to world cup as others. But the israel blockade, the israel injustice into gaza strip of the Power Outages and the difficulty of reaching their forces us to come here to watch the matches. I knew i love, of course, a support guitar with my heart and soul. I would love to travel and attend to welcome. But my financial situation does not allow that. I have gathered here tonight to watch the game able to travel to proctor with fiction on movement. And the diary planning, waiting with the majority of johnson. Now Education City stadium is another of the world cut venues thats been built for this welcome john. Again, raska has been for look around. This is Education City stadium. Its pretty easy to plan to get paid from central dining hall because only about 10 oclock way by bus or metro with going to be hunting 8 games throughout this tournament. Now with the name suggests, it is located between Many International and local university and School Campuses and big of a halt of such an area with so many top brains from the hour. Well, youd expect it to be copying it. It certainly looks that way. 40000 feet, the stadium zone, the nicknamed diamond in the desert because its shape. But this substance behind the spot, ah, organize the site. This is one of the most sustainable stadiums. Well, sport around 28 percent of it is made from recycled materials. And youll notice the pitch is blurred. Ground its done on purpose so that the rock and the soil surrounding it prevent the stadium from getting to cost less. Heat Means Less Energy needed to cool this huge space down. Ah, this is one of 3 stadiums to have a sensory room the provides a quiet space for funds who might otherwise find a noisy and busy stadium. A challenging environment. Ah, once the world cup is over, this whole top tier will be dismantled. Incent overseas, develop football either that reducing the capacity of the stadium to 20000. 00 seat. Ah oh. And this is how the other half will enjoy this world cup. As you can see, were in the v i p area, very comfortable seats, food and drink on half out of you, not into football. There was also books on the art of falconry need to be able to read. Now off to this well cut finishes places like this, the i p area might be turned into classrooms for the future generations to be still able to spend. Ah, a lot of pet talk to take place. He will be ahead of the quarter, final walk from the changing room through this tunnel will come to represent the end of one of these teams journey at this welcome. Now some big themes of missed out song cats. All 202214 champions, italy among those staying at home, but in a country where many live and breathe football, they will be watching the tournament close. Oh a yeah. On july she been fee say jani. So a little mine own deal, but she will kind of shadowed a bit of progress shown it. It made wish to sheila tv, the one of us, your new equipment, we provide you with the jordan. Jo, what i wonder, what throw on your so to guide me through a company . Thought, i god, sure though, the order you go to the believe a bang, look we through the yaki meeting, much in a little more made up that mean or could. I mean, when you believe it said on cra loaded the lead by level in the country like a symphony must one afford a lot worse. Had you in trouble and im going to shoot me, dont about you. And again, thats a joke, and im more of this back of those. Oh yeah. I love that felicia, that you know mom and just suddenly showing your feel w called a lie to you. Id go to meet it on auto could follow him, but at shadow, she says you in jordan, oh my god, he sure enough i dont off with us. I dont other meds that god truly gail. Nobody they get also lost. His son came yolanda meal for their law and going on. Shell be with jean luc posturing. I d d gosh, ive got a quote of course on the special ed bit of a she saw no piece year of it. So in a cobra way shes been out of my teen or a little bit she had on my god. Yeah, a lot of squatted. I did quality. I dont think its on a p for c. C, a level of your squad that i can kind of annoying kids on these id fees you before they decided yet there are probably a squad without any of the rent and how about sure, sure. And im already to really that youngsters. Yeah. Well, if you, other with on this from umbrella 77. 00, emma with human jani, my godaddy brody, i want to ask what divide it seems like youre watching out there a special coverage of the opening match of the castle, 2022 world coverage. The 2nd half now the opening game between i could go and cancel the whole nation to nail down. Now he said sucka things, cattle looking very good ahead of their opening game against a could all were looking good and he should know more than half the theme. Give him the inside scoop when they go to his barber shop. Ah, im for some supper. Something is yes, a bla, mom. Shes a health lady, so i grew up in her shop. You know, so for me it was easy to be. I was a born like house tie little, oh barbara. Last year. Not upkept. You need the division to be inside the hypothetical Football Players focused on National Team thing is im a fan of teams they made for me that reputation. Its kind of, its come from people. So we will stop recording the office in fargo. So its on the line with when i watch the game, i always looked up ahead. The counselors, i want potentially has a name on the final when a cat and the National National Football Players, especially the National Teams. Ive been proud of myself because i worked so hard to get to this level. This is a call it the wall of faith, for example, some because im not getting hagi play me together here in my shop getting packing with captain National Team media player. And i think as well, i do manage time for most of the players because im national and team and you know, most of them by out of my friend i do something funny along with the familiar, you know and, and then people like like messing with 12 in goodman, and when they announce that that house, the work of 2022, i was helping one his head and he was excited to think i was going to want to the board got together. Not whatever water comes together. I will watch him play. Think about national, did this kid go was and he is in this is crazy. The on to the next floor cost is what up are up with country. Its make you feel proud. Even me. I live here in carpart when you see how cut out dipping, get ready for the work of welcome everyone to come to look at her. If something do you feel like you proud of this country and you felt like out of country gonna hospital walker. All the player to lose and i finally got on National Team can tell you how to handle the course in the work of 12 years in the may king. We are now 3 quarters of the way through the opening match of this 2022 world cup ecuador leading the hostess cat. So to nail a share, any signs that the game could be changing. Its all not really. I dont feel like cotter came back from that break with a lot of confidence. I feel like now theyre getting to the point in the game where theyre saying, you know, its a gun case. I dont see that fighting spirit in them right now, and its not that its about pressure, but perhaps its still not played at that stage before. You know, theyve never been tested at this level and you have to cut them some slack at some point. And this ecuador team are one, i mean they didnt make it to the last world cup. There was a lot of changes amongst the Coaching Staff sort of over the last few years and but perhaps unexpected that a they qualified and qualified quite easily and, and looked really good in his, i forget yet. Oh, a one name that is mo, weve forgotten no dement. And in this discussion is hor, her silica he happened to be a, in the interim coach. And he was also the under 20 coat. So he developed a lot of these players help in the development of a lot of these players. The younger players, how they were able to get to that 2019 semi final of the under 20 world cup. And he had a lot to do with, with the construction of this team. I thought, of course, comes in and offers that. And as you mentioned that there were a lot of issues in the f a. There were a lot of administrative problems, especially after not qualifying for the workup, but a new administration comes in, jordy, quite becomes the coach of ecuador, he only last 7 months. And forget, he didnt coach match, she had to practice and a part, okay, fine. In a week we can have a laugh about it now, but he had to also deal with a pandemic. And to a certain extent, he should have done a little bit more when he came to organizing team, which he didnt and general sense of the preparation that all the themes of had mean ecuador come into this tournament and come in a day early because they were planning for, for the, the, the welcome to start on the 21st. And so thats a few weeks ago. Its incredibly difficult, isnt it for the teams to have got themselves organized. Theres no chance friendly matches to reorganize. And for all the world cup teams, this is a unique experience, isnt having to get much ready in less than a week for most of them. Yes, and thats why the last friendly matches were with asian teams because they really knew that if they had a chance in the to work up was in this game, getting these 3 points. And thats what they focused in as they had 6 days to prepare with the professor. Ill follow it, but its as i was mentioning, its a young team. Only 3 players of this squad were in russia, but its a very physical team playing in the best licks in the world independently in germany, in spain. Belinda, in trying to keep up shifting really well. So its like, its a very tight group. They, its a group of friends now that the controller with light on to you put them all together and they enjoy so much when they go to the concentration of the friendly games. And they are proving that. Its like maybe its not a fee for ranking. National team, very heights, but they manage to, to kick chilly, colonia pay 2 out of the commercial qualifier. So they are here for something and they are approving it. Now. Gemma, thank you for now. Ecuador, leading to nearly this opening match of the woke up against capital around 1520 minutes ago. And so full time now weve got some di is one of the key people at this world. Cup the referee from santa go is among those that will take charge of games and hes as excited as the players to be in cath. Oh my god, no, i mean it does not cynical if you find the phenomenon with you to get this off. If im going up a little bit, so it will probably talk to someone up with him via darcy. Done it a 2nd to stick with. Dont look at the next one. Want to look at it. It was he said, just use to put with more say, let me thought it said it was a finance like one more thing degree is that a doesnt put him into a hotel and up to like a 1003 by dont it was really not living with him not to prefer the like with that is just to cut those up. Is it it is you are taking a look at the one in the the come up with it was, it was, it was a while ago more than me through. I will say about 2 to one. Yeah. Okay them. But i think im up. I mean if you thats perfectly im gonna go ahead and print another document. So when elijah wont play my problem for me a little less. Im kind my late that he sees him up last summer. It helped me find it. Look like with raj and other business, a someone got a supportive this is all i was just it was is all it. Is this them without ending with other good. Let me did, i forgot to put my mother law through with it for me. I said, well give it a promo code to grip the what it, what it was at the milton unit of this is up to let them know. Nobody can argue, well, ive also provide a clue what, what i wanted not to thought. All the ones is now gone. I will take on uruguayan their final great guy not seen grape h. The ghanaians lost a controversial course, a final between the 2 teams in 2010. And as im address reports, is it a fate . Some are still very upset of hats. Oh, nothing unites games like football. And when the National Team plays nearly everything comes to a standstill, if its a, when the country interrupts in celebration. But when they lose controversially, like the 2010 woke up, quote, final match against uruguay. The grudge stays summerland come, who represented gunner into wild cups plate in that much. He says, when your guys louis suarez deliberately use his hand to prevent a gun ago, there was anger and disbelieve. Everybody want to beat him to be a. Because you know, this is something that we plan for. It will be in training for so long. And when you talk about what cub, what cubbies about 4 years, 4 years, so youre going day. You never know may be enough for yes, you cannot go. But he says, sportsmanship was what held them back. 12 years after we swore assistant famous humboldt denied ghana the when i in the quarter finals. Many gunners are still bitter about their loss. They see this years tournament as a chance to get even the cold for revenge is loud, but sports commentators are urgent caution. Sometimes i say to my friends, unit 7 or 8 came through in the work up asthma, and thats for me should be the target not to say that i want to go to the quarter finals or semi finals, but to say that im going to win all my matches and that you see me through to that particular stage gunner, are grouped with your guy in gutter and taurus who was responsible for gunners last that day in 2010 is also said to play for the country. We did, Reese Al Jazeera across i mean, we were talking about so the camera on his hand of god. Earlier on louis flores is humble, almost as famous, really in some ways are sharing what are your memories of about 2010 . Well, company, its still, its still cut, steve doesnt they didnt africa. If you had set light footage over africa in 2010, you could hear a pin drop across the entire continent. No one will ever forget that moment. And i remember 8 years after that incident, some more gen traveling to get any with gonna was gonna play rwanda. And, you know, everyone was asking him like really what happened, how could you, you know, missed a penalty. But of course, its something really that he has to deal with. You know that he will never forget that moment. Its perhaps maybe the biggest regret of his life. But just talking about ghana and you are glad theres a strong rivalry there to a point that every african found right now is saying, god, now you have one job at the woke up. You can lose all your games, whatever, but just beat your grass. We need that prevents, so is this going to be really interesting, but technically speaking, i think going to should not focus on you. They need to just go and do what they need to do to get out of the group stages and perhaps make it to the knockout stage of the tunnel. And one is the final game in that group. So hopefully there is something still running on it. And louis flores is still playing for euro glazing and what sort of uruguay seem that we go to this . Well, captain will sort of states is louis flores. And at the moment, wow, youre getting a loose, not only a loose letters, but also in any sort of any. And also the within who are pretty much in the toilet the respective careers up. But thats not there right now, using a, youre aware this pretty much passing the torch to for the global, the, in my opinion, by one of the 5 best players in the world right now. You start looking at ga, that us go that one of the best players and south american football or diggle, but that where you see a midfield that is absolutely just star studded right now. The defense is starting to get a little more consolidated runner, al, who looking as one of the defenders of the future and your wife. Now in gore, keep that barons are being questionable. But then up top you of course ago that your cobra found a bit. Darwin nunez, also starting to show his form it over at liverpool so, so i mean, its not an easy, its not an easy team to be able to beat and in some, maybe even start looking at them as, as a potential quarter finals, even a semi finals depending on how the brackets play out. And jenna, lets, lets just remind everyone, louis flores doing this humble in the, in the final minute or 2 of that caught a final against garner, which denied the 1st african seemed going into a world cup. Semi final, youll see spent a lot of time around louis suarez are reporting on barcelona. I mean was it was, its something that he talks about a lot was its something that he was in any way. Sorry about saw a what, how did he sort of reflect on that woke up or hawaiians are very competitive, tiny, tiny need shown 3 millions and they are always there competing. There they are a world champions. Its quite remarkable that so you can do anything to, to, to try to be there. And that is her way and sphere philosophy and, and i think those 2 areas, they get that really deep insights. Him, no, its not something here. He talked a lot and you could ask about that and he would say that you do whatever to, to winner or world cup game or its not like what happened in brazil. He of course, he didnt wanna talk about that there. Coline incident. I was in that game in natal that the day and kiss something that he completely wants to forget, but he will do anything to it to when i woke up game. And i think all of the way and players will do. Thank you for now. Jenna. Lets show you around our g news stadium, one of the other venues. Its been built for these final sir. Geminus has been for look around there. This is the albany stadium. Its the further south, if the 8 venues for catalogue 2022. Lets go and take a look around with this unique venue was designed by world renowned british iraq. He architect the how did he 70 died in 2016 a 3 years before its completion. Its been modeled on cas hosted traditional dow boats with the rather futuristic looking room inspired by the sails on those vessel stadium is located in the coast or 50 of our white cra, an area with a rich history fishing apologizing. And that inspiration is a clear to see everywhere you look in the stadium here in the image. For example, we have pictures on the move here and this feature right in front of me made fishing, that with heavy coastal vision is evident everywhere in the stadium. If you look up that the beams holding up the re for mates like the timber used in the hull of dow, both this is the 1st stadium to be built from scratch for the wild cup and holds 40000 spectators. The seats are made locally using recycled plastic and off the tournaments. The top tier is going to be removed and the seats donated its a sporting projects around the world. Reducing the capacity to 20000. The blue and white seats look like waves in keeping with the maritime, at theme, and also rather conveniently, the colors of tommy cloth side, our black cra. He will use this as their home ground after the torment. This is the warm up area and as you can see, plenty of room, its a decent keeper, and this is the dugouts where the managers will be shouting their instructions to the players on the pitch, which took 9 hours and 15 minutes delay, which at the time was a well reco 6 great games are being played here. And one last thing, matt and once its time for kick off, this is the walk. The players will take to get to the pitch and extra of nerve and excitement as they go in such a place in history with now theres been criticism. The cattle doesnt have a football culture. Snohomish might say prominence could sorry, comedian, who says of simply not true. My names hammond m. Molly, im a comedian, producer entrepreneur, and i write stuff and then i tell stories and hopefully people can find the im not a good morning. Good morning. So 1st of all, why did you bring us to this place . Im because its in so was so gorgeous. I love to watch as a destination for anyone whos visiting a book and its the oldest market and pop up and the name comes from. So gloria from in standing markets and thats exactly how trade this to happen. And this shop here is one of the oldest coffee shops in to walgreens. And football fans come here a lot had to weigh a comedian. Thats very unusual on like how, how, i dont know, how do people respond to that . How did your parents respond to this when you 1st or they still dont know like its a, its a best kept secret. Thanks for telling them. No. It, they dont get it, you know, i come from an academic family, my dad, the reason we traveled. So i brought, i was born here, grew up in american ireland. So it was very, very irish. And then i moved here and it was like i had 2 people that understand what i was saying. So when im from gets a bad out over there with her here. Can you pass this all please . I would like some of the things you can say things i want to keep talking to you and as much as i love this place to want to go see some of the. Yeah, i think your 1st been gone quickly. Lets go off to you madam. What a gentleman with my mamma raised me. Good. Right. So well just have a little walk around to walk with. Ah, we hear now that do you need to get anything from you . What do you usually get from the so glad that im waiting for a genie . And usually i need to man all the time. Never word. Be a billionaire. Wheres i thought you are a bit unfortunately . No. I only have one rosalie. Not 7. Such a hard life. No lamp. Lets get your book order. So this is why i come to walk up all the smell. You stuff like poor, any like incense and all that. Yeah, and then i get textiles. But what i love about it is you get to see all of these colors that come from, you know, everywhere. So Walking Around the soup is always like an explosion of color. Ah, passing by. What is that . This is think this is a great help terrorism about that. Even falcons have their own hospital and its a fact. Ive been involved in hospital emergency. Now hes got an appointment, hes an outpatient. Ah, let go. A ah ah there hasnt been a world called in a place the size of a city. You know, you can get from the north northern most stadium a whole and bait to know for to a general vanilla in like 45 with one of my favorite kind of just as a i r p s. Yeah, it is 974. And i said before, but thats built for purpose and then it will be gone. He built the stating that im shipping containers, that i just think thats fast. A lot of the main one is at least in i believe that i think the best way to have a full on fun experience and mix with everyone is that public transport, metro and if take the metro and the buses, thats the best way to get you to a no, ive got for you and you tell me what they mean. And so a lot and show a lot has multiple meanings. And it all depends on how you say it. And charlotte means yeah, god willing. If god wills it, so it shall be in charlotte and charlotte like hollows and shell. Let me that 5050 chance that hes not getting that hes not angela in july. If its like, if, if its, if it has an ear before it, which means yes. Like yes, in charlotte, that means like like were about to in shellman in, you know, like its never going to happen and it wouldnt take violence to it. Then its like in charla, like youre hopeful, like like you said it now in a line shuttle where like, it did actually mean what it means in charlotte. And um, other words, you can teach our audience offer on for the fans who come in here. Hello hannah is like hello, hello. Yeah, hello, hello, hello, thats like companies. Hello. Hello. I thought hes longer, but hes when you hear it, just news. Hello. Hello means welcome. Okay. Yeah, that means lets go ahead and yeah, yeah, le let, lets go or go me. I la as like, maria, lets go right now. Mm. Okay. How do, how would you like that . I set that up up up, up. Even an artist. Theres 2 ways to help them about the classic arabic. I thought when i looked up up up, im big. Oh boy, joe, we, i told you buddy. Yeah, i cant tell what was the funniest pronunciation in quatre . No, you do. I swear to god quaid our american cutter cutter a notice at her going over to get her. Oh boy, fill it out with this recessed agent. What would you say to people who could decide the thing is not willing hunting and its not ready to post week events like the welcome growing up. We played football barefoot and like that was what we did is kids football is the most watched sport participate in sports in the country. So i dont blame people for saying whatever theyre saying because they dont know. You know, its our ability is nobodys to showcase our culture to bring people in. And thats exactly what were doing and were doing it for the whole arab world. Its not just for a couple of hours. The host country, yes. Companies are a minority and cover 140160 different nationalities living here. They all call this place home. Yes. So can we go to the bait stadium . Were going to, ill bait stadium where its all going to start. Yeah. Because the cut that was going to be ecuador. Yeah. Other stereotypes. I dont know that we all have cameras. I have never owned a camera. Ive eaten a few, but ive never on the camel, nor have i ever raised the camel. How does it make you feel as a country and moment when the moment of pride finally gets here . I dont think any other country has been exposed to the things that has been exposed to the media and its fine. Were doing it anyway. Its happening to people will come to have a great experience and its been terrible about of the nation. But theres so many different cultures here that are part of the fabric of our identity with tend to in the middle of nowhere. Where you get to watch my favorite stadium. I think people will be in all of this building. Is this art . Its not just a clear yes. Yes. Yes. So this is it a bit stadium that i change your mind becoming my favorite now and how much . Thank you, im well, cats, all sir, football, culture own shirts. The whole world right now. The National Team in action against ecuador, in the 1st march of this world cup, never before as a house station lost the opening latch of a well cup. Right now, ecuador parts, who know up 2 goals from and valencia. The difference in this game so far, full time is approaching will be back in a few minutes. The same reaction ah, generation football meets premier League Legend Vincent Company to discuss the importance of leadership and representation. And most of it starts in a pyramid representation is rides, there for rush will follow and travel to algeria to discover how flu school played a key role in shaping the country from its struggle for liberation to the 2019 protest. The political reform generation football episode on al jazeera ah ah every footstep moving in sync with the world to bring Health Equity for all to be together again with the ones far apart with transformation and collaboration, indonesia urges lead to the world in moving forward as one bridge over to get recover stronger. Ah, indonesia, your investment destination, the worlds 10th largest economy, is busy transforming, ready to beat your business. Partner with a robust talent pool, politically and economically stable and strong policies. Being the power house, indonesia is confirmed by the g. 20 presidency. Bringing opportunities for you in vest indonesia now. Ah ah. Welcome back. Youre watching out. Is there a special coverage of the opening day of the cat or 20 . 22. 00 will cover host nation in action against ecuador, full time is approaching at our bait stadium. It is ecuador, 2 cats are nil. At the moments a shift from what youve seen of the game so far. It doesnt look as though casso are gonna stage some remarkable comeback. Does it what . What have you made of this . This opening match of this woke up, its very disappointing for the katara fans, but also just generally for the mid lists because this has been a Long Time Coming, you know, 12 years preparing for this off the field and then on the field as well. And then, you know, just ending in 20 and los refer, unless some miracle happens, perhaps, like what we, so weve mentioned in added and by an adverb as a whole, different story. Yeah, but im disappointing, really, for the fans. You can see the image is coming in from the stadium. The fans, you know, im sure the dreamt about this moment and thought that you know, the team can go out and fight. But the knobs, you know, the lack of experience for the katara players dont just have to, you know, put their heads down tonight, but tomorrow they must wake up. Itll be a new day for them and install elements crunching. So important. Now theres very little time for Felix Sanchez to turn this around. Isnt that what sort of things is he got to say to his players ahead of the 2nd game one . I think what we were saying, what i was saying and half time, and i wish was, and i have time to play your game, know be who you are renting your identity. And we saw a lot of that not come to fruition because it was desperation that sit in no longer was it nerves. It was a desperation of the situation that led them to do things that are within their character in terms of how they play in terms of how they defend in terms of how the attack and that really did them in july, im thinking about one spine, one the world cup, what happened in the 1st much of that tournament. They had a hard time and you know how big the criticism their voc in spain, it always been all this so criticism in spain and they have some kind of spanish in spain. They said they had some kind of ging, Something Like that because they are always out of final. So in told africa they had terrible start and then they managed to, to go through. Its not, i dont think its the case here because we are talking about to Team Building still with a lot of pressure on the shoulders who have seen and better minutes in the, in the 2nd house they had the chance and i think more or less the chances in both sides has been more or less the same. But of course, there werent a lot of nerves and bud decisions on the for helping the defensive life. And so the quest too much for guitar. The match is just finished at our base stadium. Its finished the ecuador, so cuts all mil. Lets have a quick look now at the action from this much a great moment. Of course, for the players from both sides. And of course, the whole nation categories i took to the field, ecuador had already had an end of valencia go ruled out by the video assisted referee. When the strike was brought down by katha goalkeeper saddle, she penalty given and scored by valencia greek older for religion to become a ghost. But even better to valencia and ecuador. Shortly afterwards, hes had a doubling the lead. The 33 year old is the oldest scale score in a world cup, opening going, breaking all sorts of records. That is f 2 nills ecuador in the opening game a lot now for the whole nation to do, they got games coming up again, cynical and the netherlands, the top 2 from each group of 4 go through to the last 60 sale molecules, standing by frizz out the whole coronation, so how one of the funds made of opening to faithful cat so well on the my they have to remind me that people screaming out of this area law of disappointment, law, sadness, that katara didnt get the job done today. By the same time, on my being charged for the guitar players that their friends here, which are largely residents, are not necessarily open talerie funds or residents to come to an ex pat indians. Husband. Hes filipinos, people from africa, people from all over the world. We call this home that when many people left, there was a sizable number still gripped onto the screen until the last moment the tree behind me, if you can make it out on the camera, just a little bit behind me. People are climbing up from that to just a glimpse because there were so many people they wanted to get a glimpse of the action basically. But right now, as you can hear is going to be louder. Even though i. 1 first much, the bad thing is my 1st a hail we have really lost in, but hes been sort of consumed by a large number of fans. But i think its interesting that you can see a lot of support from bangladesh and india. Huge support from the south American Teams amongst south asian supports is here in castle. Lets go over to the main fee for pizza stem. It is their pizza. What of people made of thought opening defeat for cattle . Yeah, i me, i think its disappointment. All round. Really, im, you know, there was a lot of excitement before kickoff or people were hoping and cheering on for the home side. As you know, this country is made up of a, of an, of an exceptionally High Percentage of somewhere around 90 percent, even though of, of experts. And they were all getting behind the country. They were here in may colors. People were sporting large, anton, and brazilian, etc. Colors too, but they were all supporting cutter. And you know, when those 2 goals waynes in, you could just feel the atmosphere go down. And honestly, the 2nd half just felt like it was a case of going through the motions. And the moment that final whistle blew up, people were just getting up and making. They were not all of them to the exits. Are they off other Entertainment Options and activities taking place here through the might. But i think a large portion of people who are hoping for a big party on our probably just on the way back home and just give us an idea for how how could a nights been at the, the faith found festival. Do you think its going to become a real focal point for supposed to sharing this tournaments . Oh, i yes. So any my point of reference would be the fan parks, the in south africa in 2010. And i was actually telling my colleagues that are here with me at the fan festival that its basically the same thing. You know, its that is a lot of entertainment. Theres music busy, people in colorful clothing cheering on a teams. And theres lots of them. And yet the similarities are striking to be quite honest, and i think a fer tonight is anything to go by then that should be the case. Fantastic stuff, pizza. Lets take a look now werent say what happened just before the game. Spectacular Opening Ceremony which kicked off this world cup. Lets take a look at some of the pictures now. The theme of the Opening Ceremony a gathering for all mankind bridging differences through humanity, respect an inclusion. Sort of a mixture of control or tradition with references to worldwide culture as well. Morgan freeman playing a role in the Opening Ceremony. And im also informed by some of these funny cool members of my panel in the studio here that that is job coach. The btn is not an infliction. And i only know in the sun, its a south korean pop band. Is that correct . Im plenty of fireworks they will. Of course the lots more fireworks throughout this world cup. And hopefully kathy will be able to come back from that opening defense against equity and keep the house nation funds after the tone progressive. Now shake to mean been hammered. Al phony, the mayor of castle, welcome the world at the end of a spectacular ceremony that so some are nuts people of all origin, nationalities, religions, and beliefs will meet tearing guitar and on tv screens around the world on all the continent to participate in these incredible moments, its a beautiful thing for people to put their differences aside to celebrate diversity. And what unites us at the same time. Ok, guys. The 1st going finish, 3 phase down. I know its been a long night therapy getting finishing, finishing to new. Feel the things in that group pushes cynical in the netherlands. Who do we see going through from that group now . And from what youve seen of ecuador, they look like theyre in good shape perhaps to get through the knockout rounds. Now, absolutely. When you start the world cab and you, when youre opening game, you have literally one foot into the round of 16 as per could do right now. But also in terms of, you know, the game, it could have control this game. Absolutely. And now they can really go and sleep and say, would believe we can actually go to the run of 16. Whether were the anger steaming the tournament or not. This is something that is very possible. So those stepping to the next game, you know, with not pressure at all, because when you lose your opening game and then you are about to lose your 2nd game, then you have a lot of pressure. But i think that, you know, synagogue netherlands have watched this game very carefully, and now they know theyre going into a do a die like they have to change every game as a final, even though that sounds very cliche. But i think going forward, ecuador, a strong candidate to come out of the group. And then yes, we shall see. So we so see, yeah, journalists soccer of the game coming out. Some are a single versus the netherlands, the netherlands. We think of their influence on, on World Football over the years, but amazingly, theyve never won a world cup. Or what do you make of this current team and what sort of impacts you think theyll have on this tournaments . It, well, it is of course its on a team that they like to control the, the ball to, to have her that say, well, friedman of the boy louis vanguard has continued, did sir netherlands, say, tradition, but are also giving you another and more of them to kind of football so they are such and i think an effective a squad for me its there with denmark. Could be one of the. 6 surprises of this. It woke up, but of course its only 3 games in their group stage and you have to start really strong. And well see whats happened with this. And ill always a dangerous said team, but without their saddle money that can be difficult for them to face the netherlands. And when louis van haul in charge of the netherlands, hes been a huge figure in in World Football. No, for so long, perhaps answering that sort of final stages of, of his, his career as a coach, or would you make of, of the sort of approach the netherlands will have her in this tournament . Its one that you see a squad that comes in saying we ran much to lou. We dont have much to really worry about because the pressures not honest anymore. Obviously a lot of the talk is argentina, brazil, france, et cetera, et cetera. Very little. Do you hear about netherlands and in what they can do despite having a very formidable side . So for them 8, where if were able to get to quarter finals, anything can happen and most parcel with the on the facing argentine of all the cars on a plane. Right . So a reminder of whats happened on this Opening Night ecuador with beating cats or suit . No, that means ecuador, its hot of drew pe, the top 2 from each group, or 4 go through to the the 16. Lets go over to l. Baker stadium. Some fam, starting to, to leave that stadium now, perhaps many of them a little bit disappointed with the results after ecuador to know when pull race is there for us. What was it like inside the stadium pool tonight . Ah, well, and the funds actually started leaving a very long time ago. You know, its been quite flaps inside the stadium at, to be perfectly honest with you. Thank you. My say to the start of the game, the atmosphere was fantastic. The stadium looked incredible. It became clear pretty early on that county, were going to have a difficult night. It looked like that had a night mazda as early as the 3rd minute before and events. His goal was ruled out at 50 a off, but he was the unlucky 13 for cancer. Its going from the penalty spot and then scoring again, kata had a couple of chances. I should have sco just before half time, but really they, they looked like a tape without horrible feeling that you, they couldnt play that game. I would just kind of have to try and stick it out for 90 minutes. You know, to nil isnt a terrible result. But its more the performance on culture. Of course, i have become the 1st that house nation to lose that opening much of a woke up. Were going to brigand angelica here, who is in ecuador fun. Yes. On the who is lifting cattle for 8 years. Yes. Lifting, so how do you feel about the results . Because its not saying it research, im excited. Its exciting game a even though you know, and we are like a later this stadium. But it was such a, our song so far away and the here cheering for the team for let that he. And how much hope does this give you of ecuador, i going through the last 16 to the 2nd time one game at the time. I think were gonna go pretty good is gonna be surprising of falling. And yes, i will the best of luck to my country. I really wish that it makes the most out of experience. Now youve lived here quite a long time that the little bits of you once kept out today, well ana, and how do you think they formed . You know what they say there is no place like home. So that is no place like home. There is absolutely nothing that we say latin america cannot get us with bye. Ask about that and get some holidays off here where you come from. You dont have your mother. Oh yeah. There was serious baby. Yeah. Okay. Thank you very much for santa whether to lean. Yeah, i wanna say one thing. I love you about the dog brace, yasamin you that the amazon dollar . No, yes, the de la got the bought a sofa carrier. Okay. Down down. I think that was a personal message for tito. I was no huh. It looks like we have a couple of cats off funds as well. Hello sir. How are you . Good, fine. Thank you. And the yo, yo yo from outside is what i supposed to cover. And your so, so from asia from hotel, i leave you more modern the school. Yeah. And then movies. And what did you think of the game today . Has gotten charla zenick as much result in shallow Willie Williams and so much we hopes of it for a cut off demon sharla. Do you think the place where maybe a bit intimidated by the occasion . Why do you think it didnt go well, because some of us much in order to come in to cut. I thought of leonor, look up before the 1st time. I think this is a more tension of all just so much. Is yall on next much . Well, when sharla, so when i was doing my husband and son was a play of huff summons to this was, is that its the much in order to book an opening for or to look up. And then charla, we hope nicholas to lunch. Nick us to much. I will be without an sharla and today we own all im supplement. Thank you so much. Oh wow. I agree with my wow. Yes. Thank you so much. Lets hope it goes a bit better. I think we have seen in the past that this team can perform at a higher level, especially becoming asian champions, may be the woke up was, is making the realize they need to make another step up and level at when they faced senegal. Next. Thank you for yet so or need to resurrect the spirits of 29, saying pretty quickly. Theyve got games against senate in the netherlands. Come up to get the Welcome Campaign back on track. So fairly roll the difference over in ecuador, where latin america at lucy newman is for as a how happy the funds all the tonight, a way to over they are most of the people. Im now north stadium on their, on their way to the 19th. And you know where theyre about to continue to celebrate as late as they possibly can. Yeah, we have one of the players with celebrate a goal. Theyre going to show us a Drug Trafficking and my criminal gangs, a celebration for troy all over the country. There are millions and millions of ecuador and right now that are celebrating and hoping that they can go beyond just as an opening match, which really nobody believed they would be able to win. Because there was that old sort of saying that its always a that way, but they said that theyve been, theyve my weight, my maybe one nail to nail. They almost made it good brain. So they are again happy, and then they even had brain. They would be and now theyre saying hello, this is what people are telling me. Watch out a the last 16 in 2006 to look like getting even more exciting than they say it. Just give us an idea what it would mean to bring the well cut back to south america. Be for ecuador, be it for brazil, for argentina. Its been 20 years and for consonant light, south america, they need the world cut back in. Absolutely very feeling that been, well, ive been away from my mom and south america. Latin america for that matter is that remember that we have my face like a im american, are also meeting bud. 100 of them that seem to have the biggest again, with our hard hand tina brazil. A widely near mine. Brown, with the Maryland Team that will bring that to this region, and i did not get a minute. They were they were ready making wrote one of the other 1000 American Teams is the one that makes it modifying the same. And thank you so much for some very happy fans in ecuador, while a lot of talk about who will and wont win. This woke up obviously in the bill. It does feel as though the momentum at the moment is with the south american seems. Did you feel its going that way . It surely does. Based on the moment that many of the europeans either are facing in terms of injuries, in terms of fatigue, compared to south American Teams, that, that for the most part, maybe save in the last couple of days when argentina had a few players that have come out also brazil and argentina seemed to be the deepest sides alongside france. So, so yeah, a lot of those aspects are very important. But lets also keep in mind that this type of tournament, this type of format, you are also aware that one little slip of one little error that you commit can be the difference between you winning or not being able to get the final. So should you say it being a little messy woke up . How do you see it going for the south american seems i think there couldnt be a clear statement then. Equity winning the 1st game to literally said south america going and you know, that momentum in a very small way really, but also looking at, you know, what he said after winning the cope america and saying, you know, my heart is at peace like i am at peace right now, after winning the cope america, it can only be onwards and upwards from therefore messy and know. So theres not so much pressure, like jim said the a team at p s g than he had at bertha loaner. So going into this woke up, everyone knows that, lets fight for him. There was a video of him, you know, in the dressing room just before the final against brazilian cooper, america. And when you see the way the players say, doing this, going fight for him. Thats more like it, yes you want. I didnt, you know, to when the 1st woke up since 1986, but less winning for messy. And that seems like the writing on the wall. General. What about yourself . Everyones talking about this being arch insane, or brazils world cup. Is that how you see it as well . I think its a very exciting worker because its extremely unpredictable. In the last world cups, i think the 1st time with so from the russia we had the feeling. Okay. We have just seen the the time didnt i dont know if this is going to happen here in this war cup. I have mixed feelings. I would like to know because the, the perfect and a fairy tale and for him if its an extraordinary player, i see brazil as well. Very, very strong. But i will out front or another surprise repeating him might be said might be dead more monday than the netherlands. But have the feeling that this p and donation that last of this last 20 years. It, we might, might be turning point because of the injury that the, some of the repeal nations are suffering. So i think its, its going to be very exciting will come because anything can happen. The aging champions will still be hoping that i can turn this will come around in the next 2 games. Sorry. Hire it is its katara beach in thought hall where a lot of funds have been watching back game. Sorry. Whats been happening down that tonight and how fans fading about that opening game me. Well, you wouldnt think that can last this game because i tell you what we have. This is a for right, that usually happens during the national day where you get to cause driving up and down. Lots of sep and then you may be paying, they carry that flight. Im in the parade where they just keep going up and down. And the reason why people are so celebrating is even though capital loss is not, its not the fund or is the 1st time rather than be in the walcott but quite a big deal. Now, the other thing is countries are in the minority in the country, and most of the People Living here are also from the rest of the, our walls. So those of come the cuts off and not just categories you have you have the americans egyptian, but it just left behind me. This is a time where we can get your kids can get a chance to talk to them the 1st 70. And then youll see some of them waving the outside of the house and also be a lot of reading of them. Im sorry that theyre all celebrating. We have plenty of people to bike, the kind of thing they do have to celebrate. When things are happening in the country, whether its national day or whether its the world cup. One of the things ive been told several times by People Living here is that i felt that way. 2 shop very well, an outlet, so the are the nice from the middle east from the region. Rarely pre booked for bigger but have the one they can showcase that culture, that tradition. But they can also show that the wall cup could also have a different suspect that weve seen a lot of families. Its very Family Friendly environment and i think castle has been ready. Size is way for the alcohol is being in the stadium. But you saw me guess fence here of that family. The kid people enjoy being grandparents the things to some people. Theyre not even interested in football, but they just wanted to come to be part of the action. Prominent is going to get busy throughout the night. So well be coming back, see, live lisa, and see whats happening. Thank you sir. A huge amount of pride in this country, despite that results in the middle easts. First world cup gets underway, the main fee for the found festival paid system. It says that. 5 hes been with a lot of funds throughout the day. How are they feeling now that the the game is over and perhaps the opening much hasnt gone quite as the whole nation would have liked me . As you say, it hasnt gone the way they would have, like, i apologize for having my end of my year, but 3 entities, youre competing with 70, they feel like, you know, needs to cover band andy. The fact of the matter is that obviously the categories being for when the opening game of the fees will not to be winning to know. And i think that the reality is that a lot of the people who came here to the visible, i dont better off that i even though they may not actually be category. They were cheering on the home team and hoping for a great thoughts of the 2 of them at a dream result. But in the end, it just wasnt to be. And he said theres been a lot of talk about the movement of fans around and the city with all these fans being in one place at the same time. I was sort of her a feeling. Was it down at the found festival and was it pretty well run on this Opening Nights . Yeah, to be perfectly honest with you. I didnt know theres any particular difficulties. Um, you know, the gates opened at 4 oclock, you know, us media guys. We were able to get in here just a little bit before that, but i didnt notice anything or that it is particularly concerning. Theres plenty of restaurants and food options, food stores, that sort of thing. Entertainment options are people. Ive been to be very honest with you, i dont see long choose either, but then also it is worth pointing out the bad. So i wouldnt say that the space was chock a block full. They were a lot of people here. James of 1000 sir, but it wasnt for that. Nobody could move around. So maybe the real stress theres will be when the place is actually back to the rafters. But again, because they are other options. What we saw, we thought it was, oh, we got the call, nisha, et cetera. It may actually be that there is sufficient space so that there is never actually that problem with birth, space, and capacity. Thank you so much. Better leave it to the 7 seas. 1819. 00 north cover band. They have a great night, peter biggest names and well, football, obviously here in cats or lets have a look at some of the big stars with being expectations on their shoulders in the hopes of a nation following their every move and the person im talking about of course lino messy, hoping to deliver a 1st world cup title for argentina. Since 1986, lets go to alessandra ramp. Yeti, who is in the hometown of lena massey. What are the expectations there . Alessandra that her argentina can bring that trophy back for the 1st time since 1986. Well, and the people here are very excited that they can weigh floridas world cup to start for them. You know, well, well 1st game is on is on tuesday and saying tomorrow, i think we will really where we will see people getting very excited that here in the city and across the country. And if you talk to people here, theyll tell you that they are obviously hoping that their National Team will be able to bring the trophy back home. But they want to messy in particular to when to when its because they think that this will be his last chance. They believe he will say its extraordinary pallet deserves too and is carrier with a world cup of which is something that has eluded him so far and he is otherwise extraordinary carrier at barcelona. And after, at the sun german and there is little doubt of just how much pride there is in the people of santiago with the fact that messy was born here. That he spent the 1st 30 years of life in this city. That the streets and the streets a working class neighborhood, the very humble, im the place of help the home and nurture his family. And then everybody here feels that he hasnt changed much that he is still the same kid. The love to play on the streets of is a neighborhood. We were able here to see some quite extraordinary footage when he was a kids. And just the way he moved the how he dribble this. The adversary is when he was just 6 or 7 years old. The shows that he had this balance inside of him, and many of those moves are very similar to the ones the then perfect the, the later in life when he became a superstar. So no doubt that theres a lot of expectation miss. He has a presence in the city of the towering mural. Like the one that you see behind me, we were able to speak with some of the childhood friends sheet. Former teachers form or coaches. Everybody here is expecting him to leave once again at the national National Team and theres the feeling here that the team that last year, one of the cop medica has a good chance to do very well in this world cup. Thank you so much. Our phones around pnc, they are in the late almost, shes home town, theyre back in origin, siena. But she didnt get songs. What weve taken for granted that we were watching football and, and working in football at a time of rinaldo and massey, has it some can, this is actually going to be the last world cup. Do you think its a good question because ive been trying to avoid the thought that this is probably, you know, the last woke up until the picture, you know, be the new is the tone when they look like theyre playing chess. And also that, you know, a big image that we have to remember there are the 2 of them together. You have all these funds, were always arguing on social media and saying, im t messy. Im team ronaldo. But seeing them coming together, you know, i had of a woke up like this is just also assigned to show that were very lucky, were very lucky to watch them. And just to be here in qatar and at the woke up and i think that were going to have a good show for people are not really sure about what run out there has to offer. You know, weve political, but for me, everyone is, i mean, theres a feeling you can go all the way to the final point. I mean, obviously got to finally in 2014. But i think im writing saying that messy himself is never schooled in the knocker rounds of, of a world come, hell desperately want to leave a lasting impression on this ornament, id say, or the last and impression he would be able to make as if he wins it, i dont think he cares about scoring quarter finals or finals if he ends up lifting the trivia the other day. We dont remember that. I mean, we dont remember that murdered in score in the final against against germany in, in 1986. But still he was the man of the turn him, he was the image he, hes the face of that 1986 woke up. So more than been it being about him, he wants it to be about being able to win and, and finally, not being the next married, unable being the 1st message. Generally with just mentioning their maranzano, i mean, the personality difference between mass him, arizona seems huge. Listener in yeah, yeah, and a lot of time working with lena massey was sort of a, a characterise. Well, he has evolved a lot but, or ive been working with the next to him or since he was a kid almost. I remember his 1st ears in barcelona, such as shy guy very talented, but humble, shy, and not wanting to be in the spotlight. He learned how to be comfortable there and to lead their team. The let my last interview with leonel miss. He was just before russia was a long interview for where he was with the goat, that the iconic picture with the gold 4 paper magazine. I cannot explain why, but i had the feeling that even himself was not believing that much in the chances of argentine that the gold cup that tim was not it would be well built in our fed that some polio project where they ended up with, with that try 3 nil against croatia, but things have changed a lot. He has a little less pressure. He b as do he, he didnt have a good year last year. I was there a lot of times i been covering the bsu games in the Champions League. Ive seen a different leonel mercy his comfortable with them up here being the main player. He has this more em assistant role. He feels comfortable there and i would say add the physicality of lanelle messes that difficult. His favorite goes in barson, who was amazing, but its a, maybe he stop. So i wouldnt rule out messy for the next woke up, maybe not as a min leather like a main player that thats kept and that he will play the men games. But i would say maybe one more time or more lap around the blog. Faleen or marcia will come. Lets go back to her. So albert stadium were pull, reese has been reporting for as all night pull. Youve got some friends down there with you. Ah, yes. And they oversee a bit of a disappointing her account. Awesome. Im here with asha and rashids to, to cut off funds and rush sheets. You want to talk a bit about the match and, and how it felt is there an outright stadium . It was an amazing match. We were so excited to watch the 1st cup for the 1st time in katara was that much there was really nice and really good and contented in play the best game today, but im sure they would play bit on better against and i got on netherlands. And we hope that you get them in some matches underscore more goals than today. And basha as as categories. How did it feel to have woke up tickets to see your national tea in kata in a woke up . You know, this is a 1st time in that, and there we feel like was to fight. Its important thing. When we see this much very strong, this is the 1st time you know to death, a credit, and then him to lie. Its nice and watch. Im the witty enjoy about this and i, we, weve got reports is around cats out today and people are still celebrating, despite this result, and not just, not just cut to these people from across them, at least across the our world. How important is it to have at this tournament head for the arab world . Its really nice. We are enjoying every single 2nd of it and were going to still enjoys also more and more. And there is 1028 days for the final and we hope doesnt like cut out is gonna win some matches i think we lost pull that, but i think we got the sentiments still a real feeling of pride that weve seen the middle easts 1st world cup getting underway here in cattle. Electro. Brian, is it though haws suit wacky alexi. What of people might have thought opening matched to nights . Well i have to say its been a really, really atmosphere of a whole evening and the disappointment results, but really hasnt dampened the movie. You know, i know how to the, i think theyve been the loudest. Theyre on the other side of where the minute wave and legs bang and drunk. Earlier i came down behind me, had a big her right. I will, they will flag the child. We heard a rousing rendition early on in football and joy about the injuries, and the french football can buy out both, and the fans, hoping those french injury might help them on there if its too advanced through the tournament. But really weve had the same from all over the world. Weve seen radiant resilience, mexicans and railroads. Its so nice to see people stopping having a chat, i think a selfie talking about, you know, when theyre playing with there really has been an amazing and i think it said you well on the night. This place here is actually a bit of a tourist hot spot in town. Im standing at the end of one of the main walking the same, the box down there behind me. Now, if we wait here a 100 years ago, the video camera would have been a very different thing. It would have been better when selling animals and well. Now that is a bit of a shopping cart, you can buy boxes and pack in out tonight probably for the next month. Its all going to be about the fans. Its going to be about football. And generally having the lexia brian, its joe su 4 k. Thank you so much. Alexi victoria gates and b is in lou sale that is the city that will host the World Cup Final. One of people may have experienced history for night thing. The 1st ever middle east and woke up kickoff, what one of the funds might have it down there. Where you all victoria well, this place comes alive at night. Its really starting to fill out now. So youre seeing people flood into this area. Were in new cells. Boulevard is one of the key areas where people will come and hang out during the world cup and it all gets actually beautiful. So at the very end, youll see the full new cell towers. They are designed by the renown british architect, little poster, and at the other end, as you say, is the World Cup Final stadium, lew sales stadium, also designed by him. And in the middle youve got this amazing boulevard, which is now starting to fill up. People have been walking on to the canopy of flags along the. 8 boulevard of the 32 nations involved in this will come from one of the most popular things weve seen this evening is this on installation. Weve literally seen thousands of people in front of eve. That means the most, the greatest player on the pitch, if you like, its the official mascot of the castle. 2022 will come and people have been taking these all evening in front of this. We havent seen that many categories here. All fans from ecuador, i guess theyve been watching the matches that starting to, to come in now i can see them. But we have met fans from australia, brazil, and theyve, theyve come to the middle east for the 1st time. A lot of them, its that 1st world cup, what links them all together is their excitement for the matches that are coming up in the next few days when they get to see that teams play in qatar to re gay somebody, its a resale city. There for us, thank you so much. Well, brazil or another team hoping to lift this world cup or a correspondent. So monica anarchy of his therefore was in Rio De Janeiro. I guess a lot of people watching that opening game but more generally how a brazil feeling about winning a 1st will title in 2 decades. Oh yes. Well theres a great expectation that they will win. The unprecedented fixed world cup title or the last time that was there 20 in 20 years ago. And we were just speaking to a waitress from this bar who remembers are watching that are day that brazil one the 5th, a world cup title. And she says, now shes hoping now you wont see many people wearing the brazilian t shirt right now, which is yellow and green. The colors of the brazilian flag is brazil just came out of an election, a very polarized election, where our president able sonata was running for a 2nd term. And his colors were on yellow and green. So people were associating the colors of the flag to politics. Now he lost the election. The country is still very divided, but theyre now starting to get into the mood of the world cup. Brazils team was the last one to reach, could tar, ah, but to name are the superstar of the team said, well, we may be the last to arrive, but we will be the 1st to get there. So hes very confident that brazil will be able to get this title again. One again, i care. Thank you so much, monica the in red, asian air. Lets take a look at the action from the opening much of this world cup. Huge wine with the plays of both sides taking part in this game. Taking to the field in the middle east 1st, well come, ecuador had already had an invalid see go ruled out by v a off when the same play was brought down by catholic. She penalty given to school got even better for valencia and ecuador before time. Hes had a doubling. Believe the 33 year old is the oldest gold school in a world cup, opening game. Sure. I mean, the disappointment to catch all that big picture, the world cup is here in the middle east for the 1st time. So much criticism control the seeing the build up, but broadly speaking, is it right that the world copies here . Yeah, absolutely. When you talk about it being a world cap, it has to be able to go around the world and have different continents and different cultures hosting this incredible gentleman, which is actually the biggest show piece in sports across the world. But also its representative of bringing people together. You know, you find, you know, incredible people just meeting on the sheets and saying hello to each other, even if they dont speak the same language just for video. Moral can fans who were downtown and they met this one senegalese fun. And they literally lifted the map you know, unsafe. How do we wish you, you know, great recovery is this is this to incredible. You know, to see how powerful, you know, football isnt really the welcome 1. 1 of the, one of the unique things about this will cup is its compact nature. How will, however, sir, help the players g thing without the sort of needs to be traveling large distances between games, helpful. The recovery marine, the, the, the, the focus for the players is to recover its not, or if i am going to recover, but then tomorrow were gonna have to move from one and like in brazil for example, was a great we were talking about that of camera a little while ago, the traveling that matter, the players at even press that even fans had to do. You have a match, import the legally, and then youd have to play one else. Not only was it extreme in terms of whether because one half a year wondering or had summer, but it was also 5 and a half hour flight within the same country so far. Here you have maybe an hour tops going from one venue to the other. So you can stay in one place, you can sleep in the same bed, you can recover better, which is something thats going to be very crucial. The team that recovers the best. Well probably end up having more success and not have to worry about transporting them. Logistics in a general idea of having one seen base for fans, journalists and the players. Crucially, im the players you spoken to at a busy me pretty happy with that is quite quite a unique experience for them. At a big tournament. Yes, sir. Sure. Im in for them either. Its an exceptional or walk up for everything because its in the middle of the season. And because its gonna be much easier in terms of her logistic, they dont have to stress on and getting there and maybe change the bad tens. Everything and yeah, yeah, and i think its going to be a much more peaceful walk up in terms of far and maybe not that much in a rush about in, in brazil that defines, i mean, football a at someone get, get some violence and ends of a players from that to where not thing this in here in katara its more like a party or a good feeling and a Party Atmosphere, a happy atmosphere. And im sure the players can, can feel that theyre not say one was mentioning and just for the lamps are for the fans. And the spanish funds had to go with their far away. They explain it. Its the 1st thing we want to be able to go to all the games and maybe it was very difficult on the other to walk up. And for journalists, i can tell you how i suffer covering the war copy millersville, with flames canceled head driving, crazy hours. Also with a lot of traffic act, it accident, it was say, a difficult, very difficult walk up that the plan. Its gonna be much more easy, comfortable and, and i think happy here in katara. Yeah, i think this huge sense of determination from the people of cats or after i think theyve, theyve sort of heard about their culture over the last 12 years to put on a really fantastic show over the next or 4 weeks. I think the other thing were, im almost forgetting at times as well as that some of the great players are going to see for the last time this is going to be the last time we have a 32 team. Oh yeah, world come, isnt it . As well, i mean something we should enjoy isnt it because its, it feels like a manageable tournaments at 32 and in 2026. Its going to become this massive behemoth of an events is and is giving a complete opposite. Now were talk about the most expensive tournament. Well thats going to be the most expensive turn it now, because not only you have matches implicitly a spore salvage guadalajara, you have to go all way up to canada toronto to be able to also play. So i mean, not necessarily a t one team or per se, but its can be so expensive. Youre literally going have teams that will be crossing one part of the United States to the other. And thats basically a 6 hour flattering of itself. Ok lets, lets stay in the house and now sar jairus is it, its horror peach in the hall. So for how things down there at the moment i was just saying on the other considering casala still very i said, i mean driving in cats are, are really feel like someone from the past. I dont know if it was going to be roughly about like one for when i had my face from now mom he lives and he said hes very excited about the walls. Coffee things has been organized really. While he says that hes been able to move around quite easily and hes enjoying whats going on here. It comes with the car, especially the catcher, is me tough and a lot of people from the reason this tends to be a central point. Its john in ones the on just on your iris. And im like, if you say on my how might as many people from the region. He says hes been living here for 15 years and hes a call just to make sense. Ill be supporting us all when i asked him, what seems to be supporting throughout the world. We have to have a look around say, i want you to come and see. This is something that happened in the country every year on national day when you get a car driving by you flag, its a. 7 time when the family to get together and sits in the car. Children, kids tend to be signing out on the, on the route. Because when they do a lesson decorating of the call, hey, you have one here that has the flag on the side. Now i say its a tradition, its a mother in tradition at the moment that we do every year. Now, cats are high fun through a lot of changes throughout the years. Some of these changes have been part of the world. People have been extremely excited while the way treat freshly to the world and they wont forget the strong theyre going to be given the show was i thought to use your vent. So said suggestion, call welsh, huge and all me together charge. This is definitely a place you want to. Tar cultural religious, last of events take place in the last few days. And shelby hardy said several countries are having to pay music. People from oman is going to be a festival, which is the traditional will use in cas during the time when they should last the whole diving. And that was the main income for the countries way before they even got the gas oil. Weve also seen and ecuador in san pe. I think all that good oriend fans have been in the stadium. So maybe well catch up with those later. Take her lunch just above me here. This is a tradition in car. They have been doing every single year where they run the john, which is the whole new found, the must have a just and now the see with a copy of this thing. Lots of flags from Different Countries. So what they have to offer for the world cup. Sorry. Hi, ritz reporting for is a huge determination for this country to put on a great show for the middle east 1st world cup. I think we can go back to albany stating why that opening match took place and pull race is that for is now. Yes, and they, well, they action certainly was outright stadium. But it sounds like the action is back in the hall with saw at the moment. You know what we got a bait earlier. It was an amazing atmosphere too, as well. Lots of countries arriving other people from across the middle east and the market market have lots of ecuador funds as well. And the seen inside out a stadium really was or inspiring as well. Come, kicked off a very flop, pretty quickly. It became obvious early on that council were going to have a very difficult job on that hand. Look like they come behind in the 30 minutes until that goal was rolled out for offside. And then of course, and went to that unlucky 13 scoring from the penalty spot scoring again with i had kept missing a golden chance through the end of the 1st half really they would just never really in the game, but she is not a dreadful result for them, i will of course, be very difficult for them now get to get past senegal, the netherlands, they might have to face up joining south africa is the only country not to get through a group stage of a well. But i think, as weve been saying from our coverage, the rest of the night, this is not just all about football. Thank you for elevate stadium where the opening much of the welcome to place ecuador beating the whole nation. To know the 3 much is coming up on day 2, journalists, were going to 1st look at group b, england versus iran, usa versus wales. How do you see that group are shaping up as an englishman im, im obviously very pessimistic in cedar english and forth. So where do we go after that . Ah, yeah, i understand you are every see me think you have, im in that grade lately, but i thing insult ged testing has improved a little bit since that her my time in there. An in the euros and now yeah they, they have struggle in their defensive line berta. And well say, i mean, i think they will, through england. I have a lot of expectation about the United States. A team that, that i have the feeling at some point. They will start exploding because every time they have more players, it brought learning having a different experience. So for me, my miller to candidates thought to go through. And when we, we started today with it with the news, the cream benz am i will be missing a for francis. A lot of a lot of big players are missing out on this. This will company, its another of the sort of unique facts has come against this tournament, that there is no Recovery Time. If you pick up a knocking your final game, a field club thats pretty much it, isnt it . No, in that, thats really the dumb. But it is part of this tournament. You see that amused a few years back. Colonels blood with the former argentina coach said, well, if you get injured a month before the world cup, youre going to be ok. Now it ends up being more valid than before it and again, the Recovery Time it ends in not only the Recovery Time the demands that are placed on bodies. Now, compared to when that statement was back in the, in the early ninetys, it ends up being something that, not only is it affecting and knocking the team, but its also affecting their morale. Because in and francis case youre, youre missing arguably one of your. But if not, your best player, one of the split the world. And actually weve, we have mentioned that we should perhaps, sir, refresh everyones memories, that unfortunately our seats, im african player of the saudi. Oman, a is here. And there was so much expectation around this, this central team coming into this tournament is African Champions. I mean, do they still have a realistic chance of going deep into the tournament . Its very sad because for the 2nd consecutive world kept africa doesnt have its biggest star at the world, kept playing at their highest level. And i see that because most hello went into the 2018 edition in russia injured after the Champions League game. You know, we very good and now said youre, my name is completely out. And like i said before, hes the countrys top goals score. We 34 goals and hes also an icon, his leader. Hes that kind of play you need in the dressing room. I remember the cup of nations in february of this year, who does make sure hes the last player to come out of the dressing room, talk to every journalist who has 1000 questions to ask him. But, and that would take one hour. So just speaks to his character how much he wants to do for the country. If you go to the car across the entire center, good news, the country you see mirrors, graffiti for your money. Everyone wants to be like he be a basketball player, a wrestling wrestler or judo, whatever game they play, hes that kind of character and theyre going to Mission Media at the welcome. But also it could actually be motivation for synagogue going into the woke up that, you know, lets fight for him. Lets just do this one thing for him this year. Because like he said in february, this winning the after a couple of nations was his greatest achievement. But perhaps of course, playing at his 2nd woke up would have been another big fit for him. But i think that if my son has a lot of work to do upfront, he is now going to be the face of the team in terms of attacking options. But also going to get, comes in with a lot of experience, obviously from p s. U, but now in the previous week as well. And were mindy kind of to quickly, bailey and the rest of the other french players have to step up. This is their moment to show what they can do, lucy se the coaches, the former captain, is played at the wild cat. Incredible experience that he brings in tony silver in charge of the go keeping department. And theres also a good spirit around the team. Theres some senegalese fans that are going to be at the stadium and that sort of, you know, brings a good vibe around the team in general, is watching the pictures there of, of the fireworks. So in cats are m, okay. The host nation of lost the opening match, but it is still an historic moment for football. And i mean it probably even 20 years ago. Its perhaps unthinkable that the, the well cut would have come to the middle east in it. So its a sign really, isnt it, that the game is now truly global . No, is a sign that the game is truly global. And that mean, in this case, youre talking about it being global from an organizational standpoint. And seeing country is now beginning to commit, not only to the logistics, but also to the product on the pitch as we see what guitar the past years and inspire academy, the aspire academy bidding, one of the major examples of that of what theyre trying to do not just for this tournament, which it is very important. Lets not getting us like anything views, but looking for the long were looking at, its something to be long lasting and sustainable as well. Jemma have the players and the coaches sort of accepted the timing of this world. Theyve had 7 uses for decision was made to have it in november and it still seems to of course some people by surprise. No, i think they had the had a lot of time years seasons to prepare for that. Its true that the in europe it was tough to start the season and playing every week, every with the Champions League the league tournament. But they were well prepared. They all neil, of course, theyre the ones that the grad enjoying a momentum. They say, oh no, no, i have to walk to walk up. But the other ones are, theyre probably not at their best. They have time to think and maybe have players recovered employers that will come with more experience in the can can help each other the 2nd half of the season. Its a different thing and i think its, its a global sport. Now football, its a global phenomenon. And its fair that its played in iraq, and i mean, its not an english game anymore. Im sorry that its not the european. Its from everywhere in the world english going for a long time journalist. So lets, lets quickly go across the panel here. Were sitting here on day one of the tournaments. One word who was going to win the world cup washer. One word. Well can be 2 words with south korea own quickly. I didnt tina kwan argentina, argentina. Ok, a me to argentina. Theres a lot of pressure. I didnt think there was pressure on my seat. There is now. Now my thank sir. So i guess for the last 6 i was 6 hours washer one and gemma. The world cup is up and running. Weve got 20 days or to come before we know who will be the winners of 2022 will have ball reaction here on out there. Of course. Our next world cup special. Is it . 08. 30 gmc, with coverage continuing throughout the day with kicked off, not the store. The house cats are wanted in there. Debbie tournament delights instead of ecuador from all of his on the fame. Goodbye pinup with from kick off until the final whistle will bring you extensive coverage through out the world come action from all of the games. 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