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Killed the daughter of a pro clam kremlin commentator. Moscow says a ukrainian woman had been patting the attack since july, and that she escaped to estonia after the blast. Ukraine has denied involvement. Russia media have linked to the woman to the as of battalion, but they have denied involvement. Young smiles with no, i dont know her personally, this woman. Secondly, the documents they showed dont belong to a person serving in the as well. Battalion. This is obvious because of the uniform shes wearing and her military id. This woman does not serve in the us of battalion. Meanwhile, in keys or sorties of band Independence Day events this week, reson voted me zalinski has warned rush. I could launch a toxin the lead up to the celebrations wednesday, moxie 31st anniversary of ukraines independence from soviet rule. In other news, kenyas, veteran opposition leader, violet. O. Dingo has petition the Supreme Court to challenge the results of this months president ial election. Malcolm web reports from nairobi, the line of a dinner and is supposed to win kenyas to pin code just before the deadline for challenging the election results. Submitted dozens of book to the documents as evidence. Long with a petition. It asks the court to nullify the election outcome on several grounds. They are forgery over election documents. There was the interference with the integrity of the technology that was used in the elections. There was also folks you cation of results, which uploaded into the networks that operated by their little commission can invaded an election 2 weeks ago. Right . Everything has run for president 4 times before meeting the opposition. This time he had the backing of the historical rival, outgoing president. Who can yeah, less than the left. What main opponent, Deputy President william retail last week, the electric commission declared in the winner with just over 50 percent of the vote. The guy that supported believe it, many of them believe rick down the electron victory before he challenged the results of the last 3 elections and hold the author right. Right. By the electron ago, when i ordered that time, he boycotted the ribbon saying the Electrical Commission failed to fix the problems. This time he said he has the evidence, the truth, criminality in the electoral process. The corruption tells prepared to compromise electro systems, bribe electro officials, medicine q to systems look other we order it will kill in order to find their way to power. Royalist petition is one of several submitted to the Court Respondents including the Electoral Commission and william root. So have 4 days to submit their responses, the court as 2 weeks to complete his hearing and give a verdict. It could up hold the electron results, or order a recount of votes, or a re run of the polls. Malcolm web al jazeera Nairobi Kenya former us present, donald trump is moving to temporarily block an f b. I investigation his lawyers. Her asks, are federal court to hold the examination of document cease from his florida home . Iran says the u. S. Is delaying talk. Same that reviving the nuclear deal. European countries have been leading indirect talks between iran and washington to reinstate the agreement. Rochester, as in argentina, have held a mark funeral for the countrys minimum wage as the country grapples with intense inflation. Holbert has carried a faint fake coffin to the Labour Ministry in buenos aires. Argentina inflation rate is among the highest worldwide. Those are the headlines on al jazeera. The use continues after witness. Ah ah ah ah ah, ah visa noise in a high. Ready ready ready ready missouri, he don, i mean like oh did the sam avager the se, chatham, how does one ah ah. Ready ready ready again. Ready are they. Ready ready ready said i could get rid of a of clad one of 0 and they might have to go on is the hard the, to the sort of the maybe if you said i think you get on like 10 channels. Well uh, this will be him leg news. Oh oh oh, decided he shall i am good financially for their lad. Messiah 5 is at the sad. Ill sit her mother snow and i will. Ill new router who are sold with either any sad method i would rather about on monday, monday, my hymns, right. I need i need to leave money with his on your thank you a oh oh oh oh oh oh, you knew you . Were there any money . I whoa, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha ha. Ha ha. Oh man. Who redone rima dan, how you feel about by even now the way that you had, you know, had yeah, the la ellwood. Good ye. Have dora a lead donna. Now the one you yeah, no problem have what they nightenback done. My not what did not in oakia alamitos, mama. I knew what i got. Understood. What is it . How much mm. Ah ha ha ha. Was knock off on that. The bike is mona. Hi jim. Ah, there hasnt been the phone ive got on and ill go on, well, well rosa. Does human good full rosenberg and have got around in 2 gerbergs europe. Can you dish the dish of good in taiwan piece book it dean. Ah, i oh, oh, good. A rough go goes on a, a, a, a, [000 00 00;00] a, a, a, a, a, a im here. Have you been here . Before . I have to thought i have in my room from the boulder lang. I had to go to my boss with lou. Mm hm. Ah, mm. Oh oh oh, most a my a was a, a, a my kid in my book was cosmetic a for his own. Okay. Now a term with hours a day, a they now by john now familiar with the much in that i am now is that a mother here for a might shut up my not there. What about what have not got a picture with every not ah, the mud. But i didnt think you would have done that if you read that he went up nice. King. Anyway. Mitchie isnt uh its not good. No more. Why dont you my god is a god. What do i know . It . Let him listen. Ive got no letter written. There was out on what it is. I dont know why. I have a good a duma meg. Yeah. But i didnt quite have enough pay. Oh yeah, no money. No, no, no no, tina, how about what i wanna know the name of your funds . You dont have any fund humana . No. Out of you. When do you find you maci to know about it . I know who to now didnt have. Id probably come from him and nick. Oh lumina. Come for maybe a little. Great look. Good. I like that. I lose. I snuggled my my daughter one can hey, i love, i love you. I love how you wanna go. With it with with all knob its oh yeah, i got a saddle Chatham Honda c y iowa a we a. Ready with. Ready a, a a a lot was we were in month if you do not through a with 1st thing was the med as r o d w, and it might even go out for business now, but when we, once had them is the so body will chose. We know how hard we will use. Could our cheer now go a do use the terms. How much challenge you didnt even know i did that it wont do. Im done with them, dyer a good the as a new me what you watch them, miss mitchell, and i was a buffet stuff, a love to off a let me double something. Got a ban was a by our mom on with a lot. Ringback a. Ready ready the nurse, they never leave them credit. What a minute, where when id never let one of winner to 91 a come on a month with wow a lot going on with me. Oh, when i was like well with a tier thank you. Now do sub renee this correctly so give amongst the mary beth beth been here before we head out further. So server for behaviors. You amanda bailey. Stoker k been an oh, he has been a new service. Oh well that he long. Oh so that was so i said the city localize him to sit and we need to know now it out of it. I have your ha to lot of dollars. You know, the stuff like this before rick. The sofa gillex the husky. Oh no. Ha. It. Are you doing that . No, no, no, no, no, no, no, not the my oh, okay, good. Mm connie, hey, nakeema its been at the 12 focus, but mich manada, i mean, ah ah ah ah ah, oops. Ah, timo. Do i lose . Wow. Hey man, youve a pen, chicken. Oh, it muck setting the note that you could you ah. Ready oh, sure, yes. It was kind of been a been a month to win me friday. The ticket that you could give me the welcome is coming to come in just 3 months. As the main event gets closer, we get every step of the way. Hello, im janet ezra with updates from teams and fans across the glove. Seems can expect some strong support here in capsule with a spotlight. No one you can france claim back to back up victory or will put your golds christiano. Rinaldo finally get his hands on the trophy to well comp countdown on al serra. What happens in new york has implications all around the world. Its the home of the united nations. Its a center of international finance, international culture. To make these stories resonate requires talking to everyday people to normal to fall, not just power brokers, and thats where al jazeera is different. The mayor of the city. And i was that he was doing the way with the curfew that was supposed to get everybody off. Its International Perspective with the human touch zooming way in, and then pulling back out again. The impression of an ethnic minority and man, mom goes back many days. The intention was to make sure that ru hinders, were no longer entitled to either basic gripes or citizenship right. Al jazeera explores the history and motives behind the systematic persecution of their a hinge a and me and law. Exiled on out to sarah lou. Hello again. Im fully batty both the headlines on al jazeera, russia has blamed Ukrainian Secret Services for the suspected com bombing that killed the daughter of a pro kremlin commentator. Moscow says, are ukranian woman had been planning the attack since july, and that she escaped to estonia after the blast . Ukraine has denied involvement. Meanwhile, in keep the authorities of bond independent day events this week president lensky has warned, russia could launch attacks in the lead up to the celebrations wednesday, march 31st anniversary of ukraines independence from soviet rule canyon president ial candidate railroad din guys. Challenging the results of this months election at the Supreme Court. The former Prime Minister was narrowly beaten by william roto. He says the results are fraught. The president ial election results, emerald luxury resumed both contractions, drug getting the forces for democracy and a good governor, a goof, the grub from propose that was so determined that they would stop at nothing to take control of the government of this country. For me, you, as for us, donald trump is moving to temporarily block an f b i investigation. His lawyers have asked our federal court to hold the examination of documents cease from his 4 to home until a neutral official can oversee their review. Stalks on wall street fell sharpie on monday, amid worries about inflation and broader recovery in the u. S. C. S, and p 500 index was down more than 2 percent by the end of trading. Heavy rains of left parts of the u. S. City of dallas under water, several people had to be rescued from their vehicles and hundreds of flights have been cancelled this month is the 2nd wet his on wreckage for the area. Iran says the u. S. Is delaying talk. Same that reviving the nuclear deal. European countries have been leading in direct negotiations between tehran in washington to try to reinstate the agreement. And a federal prosecutor in argentina has requested a 12 Year Prison Sentence or vice president. Christina kitchener. She is on trial on corruption charges relating to public works during her term as president between 272015. Her supporters say the charges are politically motivated, its coming up next amount. Is there a witness . Hello a with a boy with the shes done in a package for daisy stricken for there is chicken and hutcher. I really love for sugar guy when he grew him to media and lunch break or oh, life a month. Its a new chicken. Im one im on isnt so do ticker. It might not be she said you were to commit to long this civic. Oh, just thinking of ocean when it was super good. What do you wish wiki or do chicken if ostrich pudding . And ella pudding . Yak quite a chicken. And r duty taken to a 2nd visit cross she goes to elizabeth luminous syllables. In ya mer good all for. Oh dora daycare has not yet. Yeah. Now i am the yeah. Get oh oh oh, because at the new much go back and let me know wanting me to run a drive by me. I can kinda newer nina than on a we mean paid them and i am up in the cloud. We will get other look at it from the radio but let the get the gotcha. Yeah, a. C wow i in law now with a. Ringback a, a a a, a woman is not an issue on with the guy that was a ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha q. And that is a lot easier because she would want to do that and not would do it. So you would want, i would want it vision. Graham with help is gonna be a good one. But i think, i think youd have more one if i do plan or does this will resume what isnt it that you guys not even that that you got . It was a child in about half of it. Oh, i live and now i had to go with that and we tell her would be awesome. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Sure. Have baggage. Ah yeah. The same in the new york. Oh oh. Oh oh oh yeah. No, i told you that the best solution in a little sha hotel. Why . Oh ha ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. Ready . A my go k there. Pot and i was out of all but its allergies travel kids. Large one is out or is funded any louder years we must have challenge hours. Um no sir. Yeah. Say mama, this is sadler than i understand. You know, i sound good on this on the thought that the sticky bizarre to be a 4 lives audit on jeremy. Im a buster or this about him where my son. I see that youre on the huh. I like his learning and english lamazzo via my telephone is my that is am i if you only have it on my serving, did you say your high on nothing said that i didnt ye . Yes he honey moon. Ah. Oh, in a with with i ah, [000 00 00;00] a with i was a bit i mean the song and now the way that it sanity on it run, you know, you low with what should really that know or to louis with adding one nation many channels by then while i have enough, i even can miss odon lee de la jolla in consider a thing that this is vanessa with tim. Gimme a call soon. Ah ah like ah ah ah ah i a i here. Oh, i had the you know, when you with when can oh, ive him as a tunnel cover gra burnett. Good. Whenever douglas again. Ringback nash rose this there on your board. A boat gunner please. Will you delay quick to covenant i there really as i can go. Can you can charge yes. Yes. Yes. Lehman. Yes, jimmy. Oh oh no. Ah, a friend young the head on emotion. Ready ready ready ready ready ready ready ready ready ready ready ah ah come on in a a i ah my me a. Busy a with me i know i, i mean my back i, i want i dont need that in here. I didnt want to. Dorothy tara t shirt. Her her teeth. Oh there they are not. Now they, me a blue with every month you have someone from home that will say, oh please. I need money for a jason. With the economy and pre full and children spread around the world. How does a family survive in modern zimbabwe . Has to pull about 4 people know or is every spice affinity sang money home . I just feel like im stretching myself. Quickness transactions on al jazeera. Ah and ah, ah, ah, lets go with your weather, sorry for the america. Thank you for joining in beginning at the bottom end of south america. Right now. Those temperatures have come up in a saucy onto 29 degrees, but weve got some storms bubbling up there. So paula, youre temperatures now closer to where they should be for this year. Top and south america looks like this. Our usual problem spot, then its way. Le, diana, certain on and french, guyana, and next stop the caribbean. Brain is picking out the cross, some of the islands here that includes for his spaniel le, bye god, take you to the us right now. And texas. Just west of dallas, flash flood warnings here. Just to rental rein. Copious amounts of rain dumped on this area. Its now moving further toward the south, around houston, louisiana, mississippi. Anywhere in this area could see about 200. 00 millimeters of rain. Thats 3. 00 to 4. 00 times what youd expect to pick up in a month. Bit of a breather for the monsoon down portion of that it. So that allows the temperature in vegas to get up to 40 degrees and off to the east coast. We go, theres been outbreaks of thunder downpours. It continues to be an unsettled weather pattern here. And in the west temperatures have also fallen across alberta where this calgary just a high of 19 degrees. But suns out in seattle, we get your pencil then for 26 on tuesday. Ah. The architect is like god was you creating, shunning a career and Building Full glory. Yes, mean laurie shifts her attention to the dissolves, the stricken regions of pakistan, building upon traditional techniques and arming people with the knowledge needed to sustain their societies. Rebel architecture, a traditional future. On our desi, 5 years ago me and mas armed forces commenced a scorched Earth Campaign against the ro hinge minority, leaving a trail of death and destruction, hundreds of thousands were forced into exile in neighboring bangladesh. In a special report, we look at the plight of the rocking gun today on out to 0. Ah 2. Ready

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