Transcripts For ALJAZ War Hotels Belfast - Europa 20220723

Transcripts For ALJAZ War Hotels Belfast - Europa 20220723

and flights between michigan and the slaughter of be suspended. ah, this is al jazeera, these are the top stories, thailand's primers a player sonata, and 10 of his ministers are survived and no confidence vote. opposition parties claim the government has mismanaged the economy and say it's violated rules and ethics. tony chain has more from bangkok. i think the suggestion is now amongst the voting public or that they're really not very happy with the general private and his government at the they seen mismanagement of the cove with crisis. they feel we're also seeing in increasing the cost of living crisis, which is biting very hard here in thailand. and i think we, we've also seen sort of cracks emerging in the ruling coalition ahead of this vote of no confidence. not that they've actually come through because he won by a considerable margin of 50 votes, but i think the feeling is a lot of the smaller parties within the rolling coalition will be jockeying for power. so the challenge facing the tie, prime ministers now to try and get their coalition locked up tight and, and try and go to the people moscow and keep have signed a deal to allow the safe passage of grain from ukrainian ports on the black sea. the agreement was broken by turkey and the united nations is raised hopes of easing the global food crisis shall anchors. new president has been criticized for a violent cracked on an anti government protesters. security forces are accused of assaulting members of the public had been surrounding the presidential secretary at building. please say they had no alternative. steve bannon, a one time political advisor to former u. s. president donald trump has been found guilty of contempt of congress. it defied a subpoena by house committee investigating last year's wyatt some capitol hill erase is up to a year in jail and a $1000.00 fine for each of the 2 guilty convictions. that have been confrontations in tennessee as capital between police and protesters. opposed to next week's constitutional referendum. the proposed constitution was significantly enhanced the powers of president. hey, save your positions called on a boy called moneys vote saying it's a power. grab fire cruise in lebanon's capital or warning. the green silos damaged in the explosion at bay root port and 2020 might collapse rising temperatures and the fermentation of the grain sparks fired at the storage facilities last month. those are the headlines coming up next on al jazeera, it's war hotels good by a disciplinary court in poland. the accused judges who refused to tow the states line witness follows to courageous judges, spearheading the stand against reforms, crit exclaim. leave the highest guardians of the constitution. vulnerable to politically motivated sanctions, based on their rulings, judges under pressure on that just either ah, europe, a hotel i think is the most bogged hotel said a that i have a state in conflict said there is a bomb in the a rope, a hotel on would you believe a bomb went off? no, it's all you dope. always targeted by the i r a primarily because it was a symbol of progress. belfast i regard the rope and belfast as the greatest hotel in the world. we loved it when it was built and we loved it even when it was bombed. why would you apply to work in the most bombed building in europe. and the biggest fucks you have ever seen, which had as exploded would have actually taken out the hope to have ah ah, belfast, the capitol and largest city in northern ireland was torn up hard bicycle carrion conflict during the 19 seventy's eighty's and ninety's. between the protestant union as to majority wanted northern ireland to remain within the united kingdom. and the catholic republican minority was sold themselves of the oppressed by the protestant. more than 3500 people were killed and thousands injured. in this 3 decade long conflicts known as the trouble over 16000 bombs exploded across the northern ireland from both sides. and the violence spread to the irish capital dublin and the english capital london. but amid the violence, this building stood firmly in the center of belfast. ready witness some of the bloody as chapters of the conflict. it hosted more journalists than tourists survived. 33 bombings by the provisional irish republican army, the re and held the dubious honor of being europe's most bomb hotel. ah ah, in the mid 19 sixty's, despite the historical enmity, the relationship between the protestant unionist and the catholic nationalist communities was relatively stable. in belfast, growing economic confidence had led to a construction boom. and the decision was made to build a large new hotel on the sides of the great northern railway station in 1900. 60 thanks, john metropolitan hotels commissioned the building of the hotel. you'd opa here in the sensitive belfast? it was a time the relative economic prosperity of relative positivity. there was a time before the trouble was really emerged. however, in the summer of 1968, a new phase of sectarian violence broke out and delayed the building of the hotel. flashes broke out between nationalist catholics and loyalist protestant during civil rights demonstrations in the bug side area of the city of dairy. the fierce confrontations attracted wide media attention. b, b. c correspondent martin bell was one of the 1st to arrive in northern ireland. and one of the 1st guests to check into the europa hotel 2 years later, i remember coming to belfast in november 1968. there had been the famous civil rights march in dairy london dairy the months before we stayed at one of 2 really old fashioned hotels, right. in the center of the city. one was there all avenue. the other was the grand central, both of which later close to when the europa open. this is the whole road area of belfast at 7 o'clock this evening. the violence in northern ireland increased during 1969 and the u. k. government sent in the british army. amid the uncertainty, the construction of the 12 story euro per in belfast city center gradually emerged in 1970 the tallest building in the city at the time. another euro for regular was robin walsh. then a reporter for the belfast evening telegraph. he later became a b, b, c news editor, and ultimately the controller of bbc northern ireland. well, i think that the impression was very mixed, that there was a bit of what is a pleasure during here. but then there was an element of hope actually that such a hotel should be built sectarian killings, car bombs and violent paramilitary activity spread across northern ireland and built to a peak in 1971. the construction of the europa was nearly complete when the 1st bomb struck the hotel europe, or was bombed for the 1st time on the 3rd of july, 1971, actually a week or 2 weeks prior to the opening of the building. so even before the hotel europa was opened, doors to the public and belfast it already been a target for the provisional high oddish. nevertheless, 5 days after the 1st bomb, the europa held its ground had been designed to make a bold statement. periods, architecture, aesthetics, services, staff and management at the time, henry kelly with the young irish print journalist working in belfast for the dublin based irish time. the 1st time i went into the europe, obviously through the security then up in it. and the foyer was just one of the biggest and bits of hotels i had ever seen in my life. and i been a few places. obviously, whatever they had decided to, they were gonna say, we're here. gerald seymour was among the 1st journalists to report extensively on northern ireland while working for the british news organization i t m. first time i went to the rubber hotel, it was brand new and it had been opened a couple of weeks and that would have been in the early summer of 1971. and all hell i had broken loose in belfast at that time. no fast and bomb explosions. rock the city center in broad daylight. 2 months after it opened, on the 6th of september 1971, a 2nd bomb hit the europa. a car bomb exploded next to the hotel. seriously damaging the protestant unionist party headquarters. 40 people were injured and the europe, as windows completely chatted. the hotels 1st manager was harper brown, and he immediately or did the glass to be repaired and the guests had been evacuated to be re accommodated. most of them were journalists, harper broad. ah, interestingly a double m b. he was to be awarded a member of the british empire metal by the queen. a 2nd m b e was of course manager, belfast, your robot. and he was a seasoned hotelier with i think, harper brown was that red sort of character who actually enjoys emergencies and danger. he bustled around and he was a small, energetic man who ran everything to do with a hotel. and we were actually rather proud of him and funny. so the way he was rather proud of us under brown, the roper continued to convey a sense of business as usual. but despite his efforts, the europa was soon back in the firing line. in october, $971.00 to i r a man entered the hotel, held 8 people at gunpoint and placed a large white box at reception, which contained a huge bomb in the hotel would be vacuum aged vehicles were removed from the area. and the british army arrived including bomb disposal experts. major, george stone. i was never there. i got a bomb, went top, but i was there once in the lower park, when somebody came in, it said that there's a bomb. we've all got together x. yeah. yeah, yeah, okay. i looked across to the foyer and the biggest box you have ever seen. the size of a table was there. and that was the famous bomb. that was dismantled by george sty ups which had as exploded would have actually taken out. the hotel styles was prepared to go to enormous lengths to diffuse a ball. and on one occasion, he sent up to the ro victoria hospital for the most molten unsophisticated x ray equipment. and had it wrote down on the grown road and brought into the hotel. so he could better examine the ball and worked on it for hours. he came out and he said, got my boot on the beast, throat and crushed it. 1972 was all give me the worst in the 30 year history of the northern ireland violence it began with what's known as bloody sunday on the 30th of january. when british soldiers killed 13 people in dairy during demonstrations against the british policy of internment without trial 2 months later, a callback went off in the parking area behind the europa. the explosion triggered fires and caused massive damage to the nearby grand victoria railway station. shattering all the hotels windows and spreading panic among local residents. but no one was killed. more belfast bombings, followed on the europa, became an i'll re propaganda target. here you hodge. the words media in this hotel. the provisional i or race activities involved the bombing of commercial premises. they wanted to make northern ireland ungovernable, get the british arch, hit commercialism. and let's have a united ireland and they were during it by serious fires. and here they brought the news to the doorstep of the charges. and here you hodge. a party of people who a witnessed it. i'm be exported the message ah, the hotel became an ira target. first of all, cultures bright shiny new and inviting to be blown up. they didn't want their bombs to make an impact. so what better place to place them them day it than the hotel where the, where the press were. that's why they did it. though tell you rope always targeted by the array primarily because it represented if you like the investment into the sensitive belfast investment by the government of northern ireland into the center of the city. it was one thing for the journalists to be that reporting these attacks. but for the hotel stuff, the bombings kept them on high alert all the time. in april 1972, they noticed a suspicious truck parked on the street between the hotel and the opera house and raised the alarm. a british army bomb disposal unit arrived, and of course the cameras were there. a few minutes later, the bomb exploded. the blast was felt across the city, doing huge damage to the ground floor of the europa, shattering most of its windows, causing panic amongst the journalists. while there weren't too many visitors during the troubles to norma harland, other than the horde chauffeur, news people who came here and the place actually survived that because of it showed journalistic an involvement and the the hotel ah, really took that by the scruff of the neck admitted almost her a newsroom. oh damn. as soon as i remember was quite conspiratorial. because you didn't want of the journalist to hear your conversation. it was another age of journalism, in which you will remember not for your successes but feel defeats. so you did everything possible to keep up with the got it. oh, the sunday times journalists, chris ryder, described the hotel. you'd open the crossroads of intrigue and in a sense it was to the hotel. europa is actually a really important place to come to shade information to hear the gossip of journalists, perhaps to get your studio across to journalists. i dining room of an evening in the europa or to an amazing place. i learned was the journalist be, was there various contacts, mildly be from the security forces. spooks, paramilitaries politicians right across the board. and it was very interesting to observe the dining room of the tide because half the people were listening. i'm trying to eavesdrop on the next table because there were so many intriguing people . this was a hub of journalism. the aisle re often warned of impending attacks. so when a bomb was found in the lady's toilets, in june 1972 staff and journalists had an ally to evacuate. the hotel casualties were avoided, but the balm badly damaged the 1st floor. this was the 1st bomb to go off inside the hotel. i will remember being evacuated from the rubber hotel. all the alarm sounded and we were, we were ushered out. and this was one occasion when, when the bomb did blow up the killing climax, a day of violence including a bomb belfast luxury europa hotel. if you had been evacuated as a guest from the hotel on 17 occasions or more than 17 then oh, the hotel management presented you with a special tie. and i have a little certificate to say that i had been evacuated on the 17 times, plus on the 21st of july, 1972 was one of the most violent days of all it's known as bloody friday. the 26 i all re bombs, went off across bel, killing 11 people, and injuring more than 140. the euro per survived bloody friday, but not so very long. some 6 months later, the aisle re hit the hotel again with a series of bombings in 1973. in march, a british army bomb disposal unit detonated a coal both with a robotic all and in may and october of that year, 2 bombs exploded at the back of the hotel. the robin was remembered vividly. i did not have the misfortune of being evacuated. that is enough to say, i didn't have an experience of that because one afternoon, my wife was having afternoon tea in this hotel. there was a bomb alert. she armed her girlfriend or a score to algebra hotel, passed the ball, which was in the should cash at reception. unlike the good wife of a journalist, she went to a telephone kiosk crossed the road from the hotel and rang my direct number at work . to say there is a bomb in the a rope, a hotel, and i've just been evacuated on. would you believe the bomb went off and i heard at parting the phone and i remember screaming, are you all right? are you all right? i'm she was, she was not injured. ah, so a low, i wasn't affect it directly. i had a worse experience because it was my wife. in the 3 years since it had opened $25.00 bomb said so far exploded in and around the europa. but yet there was optimism for both the people of northern ireland and the europa when the aisle re announced to cease fire on the 22nd of december 1970 full. but it only lasted $25.00 days. in january 1975, the europa was hit again. a bomb alert cools to complete evacuation, but the bomb exploded and caused great structural damage, albeit without casualties. off a brown oversold a response. if i could, can anybody claim a far because i'd like to get little to with that was like 1st a 1975 is the can year here there were 2 large bomb attacks. second to which in december 1975, a car bomb exploded outside the hotel, destroyed almost all the windows in the hotel. and as a consequence of the damage encourage you to not, it's located there were tell, had to be closed for several months that after noon the hotel europa became colloquially known as the hardboard hotel because after explosions, it wouldn't be possible for the glazier to fit you windows immediately so wooden boards had to be erected. the bloss forced the europa to close for over a year when it reopened, it was fortress europa, surrounded by barricades to stop on identified callers. going near the entrance and the hotel cease to be, and i r a target in the late 19 seventy's, and most of the 80 it was sold in 1983, and the new owners rebranded it as the forum hotel. but the old name was restored 3 years later with another set of owners half a brown who'd run the hotel through its delicacy. days retired in 1985 and died at christmas 2 years later. but then the europa hit new problems. in 1991 its own as went bankrupt, throwing its future into doubt. not long after the io re resumed its focus on the hotel and sent a bomb threats on the 4th of december 1991 martin mulholland who'd worked his way up on the concierge. desk over 18 years to head it remembers that day. 91, the hotel was significantly tom was probably the worst damage to that point of any of the attacks when we got into the building. it was a mess. there were, i'm very few ceilings that were, were up there were no windows at all. there were gaping holes in the side of the hotel. it was, it was pretty significant damage. we spent 2 years actually renovating lucelle and and trying to get a to, to work and read just got to that stage. and then in 93, it was talked to you ah, in may 1993, a massive full 150 kilo paul rocked belfast. it was hidden in a lodge, laurie pot between the europa and the opera house. the damage was so severe. i was able to stand at my desk and before he looked through the restaurant wall, looked through the oprah hush wool and see the oprah hostage. such was the, the, the force of the blast. and we find a part of the engine block on the 12th floor river votel, the devastating bomb of may 1993 was the last of 30 attacks by the provisional i already on the hotel you'd. opa. thereafter, the hotel utopia was bought by the hastings hotel group and the hotel moved towards a more positive future. mm hm. the new owners completely refurbished the euro con. ready the face of politics and northern ireland was also changing peace talks ramped up in the mid 19 ninety's. and when u. s. president bill clinton and his wife hillary visited northern ireland in support of the peace process. they checked in to the europa for one night in 1995, the clinton suite is named in their own the formal end of hostilities was finally signed with the good friday agreement, on the 10th of april 1998. it was the end of decades of grim conflict at the end of an era for this extraordinary war hotel for the hundreds of journalists to cover northern islands darkest years. the all will always occupy a special place in their hearts and minds. oh, we loved it because of the security and com with old hell guy on around it that they europa invoked. i will never forget that had to i have enormous fondness for it. ah, i regard the roper in belfast as the greatest hotel in the world. we loved it when it was built and we loved it even when it was bombed and it was and remains as a special place in our house. this hotel is for ever in my mind because i see it so often spying in the middle of belfast beside my railway station . and i never fail to pass europa was arch seeing the images of the past. and of course, right in the middle of the trouble spots, as you look back, was this hotel, which is not a symbol of hope for the future. ah, was like a saint, which was a noun conscious monument to the sheer decency of the great city of bell fast. so as far as i'm concerned, you can call the rope what effort you like. but for me and for my generation of journalist is to just be the earl. ah, ah. new voices heating up the airway. lot of chinese listeners was kimberly here, but i really think in their own country shifting power of a case, the rise of citizen journalism has changed everything. how do happen? it happened on social media and the undeniable impact of the mainstream narrative. australians went to the pole with those images front of mine is a war that very much came forth out in the media as low as on the battlefield there . listening post. dissect the media on al jazeera. one day i might be covering politics or in the next i might be a rabbi prospect from serbia hungry to what's most important to me is talking to people understanding what they're going through so that i can convey the headlines in the most human way possible. here douglas 0 we believe every one.

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