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Rather than offering them a place in heaven. Monica, you not give all jazeera, we addition nero. Ah, this is al jazeera, these, your top stories, russian control regions are easton and southern ukraine have announced they will hold referendums on joining russia. This week. He was calling to leave a sham. Comes his caves, counter offensive gains, ground against russian forces. Listen when a shallow from the very beginning of the special military operation. And before it we been saying that the peoples of the respective territories should decide their own fate. The whole Current Situation confirmed that they want to be master of their own fate. Meanwhile, western leaders of the Un General Assembly new york have reacted angrily to russias planned referendums in ukraine. Japanese chance olive shoals said moscow has imperial ambitions rule. We all know what is absolute room, but these are kata repeat. The International Order does not happen by itself. If we do nothing, then this charter is but a piece of paper. This charter called in all of us to uphold its purposes and principles. And we must not stand idly by when a Major Nuclear power armed to the teeth, a Founding Member of the United Nations and a permanent member of the un security council, no less seeks to shift borders through the use of violence. There is no justification whatsoever for russias war of occupation against ukraine. An independent forensic investigation is found that the killing of serina block lay by his ready soldiers in may was deliberate. Its ruled out the possibility that sharon was killed in crossfire between Israeli Forces and palestinian gunman and janine and the occupied west bank. Louis acting for sharons family have filed a complaint at the International Criminal court in the hague. They want the court to investigate a killing hurricane fionas continuing to gain strength and threaten lives. As it ripped through the caribbean. Residents have been ordered to take shelter in the text and kcal solids. Hurricane left a trail of destruction across the caribbean. Okay, that is the headlines coming up next. The stream talk to al jazeera. We ask, so the rebound you speak off is clearly coming at a high cost for airlines and the industry. Whats going wrong . We listen, you were part of the, im struggling in the 19 seventys if you have any regrets. You know, we meet with global news makers. Im talk about the story stuck matters on al jazeera with a welcome to the story mom, josh rushing, billing in today for family. Okay. Could the death of Queen Elizabeth the 2nd be the beginning of the end for the british monarchy. While the institution remains popular in the country, more britons are thinking about what the monarchy and a ceremonial head of state, actually named for the u. K. Here, take a listen to this protest her outside the British Parliament and london. Principal heard of her and she power i think is absolutely of orange in 2020 to pam is going you cant have any philosophical moral justification. One family having political power like that just by that that thats the fundamental issue. If this and building, then theres no point having them. If they happen is the power, then they shouldnt be that fee con, kind of having both ways. Im. They get paid enormous amounts of money, millions and millions and millions because hundreds and hundreds of millions of pounds from different to from the royal family. And i just dont see why the people in this country should pay for that. All right, so thats one persons opinion. But whats yours, share your questions, your comments about the monarchy right here in the you tube chat and be a part of the show with me. The me. Alright, here with us to talk about the future of the monarchy in london is philip blonde, a political philosopher and director of the think tank rest public. And then also with it is shola mosse shoak, balmy moo. Shes an activist and author of this is why i resist and paul pounds and a lawyer and activists based in london. Welcome all, philip, lets begin with you. Its 2022. Why do we need a monarchy . Well i think the evidence is very strong, bona key secure was to vote chrissy. It prevents the slide to extreme, isnt the economist democracy in dex has a majority of of countries in its top index over the last 3040 years have been come. Cities still monarchies, republics. More unstable, more and dangerous compact the republic of syria with jordan. Compare the republic of algeria with the kingdom of morocco and all of the criticism of monarchy, all factually incorrect. In the sense that all the Academic Research shows that the countries at the moment key tends to be more democratic. More we got to read less printer extremism, higher degrees of social capital, and social trust. And essentially police out the, the extreme is in the side and help prospect consensus because they create a national po. Okay. What type of politics . Again, holding back to me. Marcella johnson. I listed to year they go, sorry. Are you living in an alternate universe . It would world a well, my little girl, i walled is the monarchy on the 80, the that the simple or tool to secure democracy or prevent extremism. You and i live in the United Kingdom, far and extremism is thriving in this country. In fact, the money is very unfairly innocent to remedy take up a 2nd. I actually listened to what you were saying or good, much longer that i could have even stomach, so maybe just listen, you might actually learn. So they write the monarchy symbolizes the entrenched inequalities in this country. Well, class privilege to waste. So much more a and let me just point to what the protest to said earlier. If the only symbolic, what is the point of them. But we not, theyre not just symbolic. They actually have power. The monarch had political power as a political head of state. Any they play diplomatic wall, they use their power to be able to secure our exemptions for themselves, like the money like Queen Elizabeth dead in, in securing exemptions from raised the screen as she laws, sex Discrimination Laws and so many other things. So what you say makes no sense whatsoever. The monarchy is so far above the very people that they are meant to serve. There is not transparency. There is no accountability when it comes to the monarchy. That is, that is the very opposite of what democracy is about to i dont, i do not understand what the heck youre talking about. Hey, let me bring in someone from our community here. Name is beth, and say ye choose a welsh act of us and she wants to talk about not with the monetary represents, but maybe what it doesnt represent no realty. In terms of off the british monarchy stands. So i think we should say, well, what doesnt it stand for . And it doesnt stand for quality, it didnt, doesnt stand as a finesse. And it certainly doesnt represent a democracy that i wont. I dont think that anybody should be born to privilege to rule over us. At the end of the day, we are the subjects of the royal family and thats not a symbol of equality. And, and for the future of way is i think, well, thats up for discussion, isnt it . Do we wanted to have an oil family do we want to see them on a key rule over us or in the future . A paul want to bring up a tweet. You recently share a photo of you holding a sign that says not my king. I know you just heard beth and say what the monica does not stand for what your take on that well, i really held that sign up because there was signs that the police were cracking down on people Free Expression and protest. I want to challenge that, and actually i really fundamentally believe that the beautiful and complex where of freedom and rights and Civil Liberties that we build software to centuries. Is she as precious, if not more than the money needs to be retained. You have to critique the monarchy, the more than you think its worth going back to the miles that the monarchy is not just about the quality that represents. It also holds up and all the other forms of inequality we have enough society. So for instance, the fact that we still have hereditary is in our legislative voting purely because we still have one of the most unequal forms of Land Ownership in the world. And most of these people can only access 8 percent of our lab. And the shift 511 old lady gets in the incomplete luxury and other old ladies, stall them 3 death in their home. To me you just get the wrong basis and self employed who we want to be as a country. Yeah, i totally agree with that. Statement because i mean, look at the look at the ridiculousness of the situation were in right now. The United Kingdom is in one of the worst cost of living crisis. Weve seen a recent history. Okay. There are people literally cannot eat or he, i, yet, this country is going to have to spend millions to buried. The queen who is worth our personal work is about 500000000. 00 as i understand it. And the worth of the royal family is, well, its in the billions is well over 20000000000. Now, why are people, what are people us that people having to pay when her own estate can pay for a funeral . We, they found, you know, even if we had to be fraction of it, that maybe might make sense because it is sticks, you know, but for us to put the entire bill went well, we talked about exorbitant energy that prices would. Inflation went up last month about 12. 4 percent. It is ridiculous. Hey, i want to bring in some voices from or you to my Community Fill up and then ill let you respond. Ok. But a lot of them are saying similar things to watch shows youre saying. So this is showing here are were shawnee is saying as someone living in the u. K, all they do is feed our taxpayers. Money was people are starving and dying. Homeless kimberly they receive welfare, someone else says, so what the king charles, Queen Elizabeth in the future. King william due for the country that they deserve dep position. That person was about moonlight philip wants to take shot at those. Yeah, no, this is, this is an incredibly unreflective and unsophisticated series of hysterical remarks. If youre worried about in the quality states the united states, isnt it . Its a republic and it has the highest levels of in quality in the developed. Well, if you want to look at a comparison, look at the monarchical pay across the border in canada. But historical can all make indices out for you to confront. Only a quarter of the world states ammonia cheese, yet they compromise. They constitute the majority of countries and democracy, in fact, an accountability in fact, and well being faxes, and in, in the most galler tyron index, the number one country in the world that meets those criteria no way which is but so if you want to be patient on course, thats my question, actually you need about correlation. Causation is, what is the actual causation here . Whats your argument for how they actually make it more gala tarion . Pick it because a moment does is a bone, it has to create consensus, said if you look at the great killing of badges and world history, the always where mo, not mana key passes into a Republic Bank of russia. Think of why, why ma, germany getting a thing called the bolsheviks compared to the saw this all was passed by the bolshevik . Well, mass think you called the right above and moment to your so many of our largest eyes in mass. What mono know, they have to be doing the idea ology. All we have from the other presented is, is very little known, real ideological, that follow, reflected all how the reality out, which is mona t support it quote, you need a how, how is this . How does the consolation have refund . Yeah. Elizabeth raise. How do you set the concentration captains, the argument the way, the way you just this just just as you would say that every american is responsible. But from i would say that every historical vega is responsible for well, if youre concerned, but clearly not even the way you see to engender the the ending of slavery. For instance, the victoria. So oh are let me just see im wondering how much it philip. It seems like youre looking to the past, and i wonder how much of this is a generation, a generational thing. I want to show my computer here for just a 2nd. We have a poll from you god, that show support for the monarchy is much higher for people who are older and much less for people who are younger. And i wonder if people who are older might be looking to the past, and people who are younger are looking at their futures and wondering what role the monarchy has in it. So to say 30 years ago, what happens is people get moment to get older and wiser and say, oh, very crazy in australia. And right. So what is the world is pulling apart because extreme cost has been ideology. If i say lisa, i need to see or failing and or on the bring her back to stream it because there is no big or a consent form a common o back in a row that bonus could fall a mono. No listen for america unknown political. So i dont know you are contradicting. You said yes. In fact the entire and already knows. You cant say that he is simply symbolic and then claim that what they do is to create consensus that i have this an opening it and you know what . I took the time to listen to your doctor. You will listen to me and let me play an example whatsoever of supporting equality. It has not done that bytes actions. It doesnt represent that in fact, it had to represent equality that would be and some likely rapid quote for you. Also i would represent exam with you might and im, somethings gonna a examples to the examples given earlier. When we talked about the mac went to the mammal was given as an example. You then said, well, holly star go figure, can not be blip. Dont get it, make up your mind. People, you know, every, i started to pretty say all drama. He is so and that they can be looked at as a symbol of greatness. And they are equally responsible when the atrocities are committed in their name. You can will choose, i want this. Ringback is an example, as long as it is, somebody had to come back on the train to specifically mentioned the ending of the slave trader in somebodys tribe. That is completely historically illiterate. George williams lightly. He was on the it was what william the 4th when he was the duke clark. So one of our previous kings was one of the main opponents of the abolition to slave trade in the house of lords in the south long sized traits. Oh hes, hes actually busy leg. I went to the bets or hundreds of thousands of people, his late j because he opposed it. Was the state doing it . He personally, i did and he was on the front one, the whole american quick hold on it. Was me a positive . Hey guys, i want to bring in our Online Community here and we have some comments and oh gosh, i lost it now. Where is it . It says this, isnt it, disingenuous, this is, but what i want to do is i want to talk about the car, the empire in the colonies, and i want to hear from someone out in the colonies. And so i want to bring in byron sila boy, who is an indigenous activist from canada. Lets hear is one of you. He sent us a comment for this Indigenous Peoples here in canada. I have a long and complicated history with the monarch. But to me, what they mean is, you know, the ongoing genocide and colonialism that thats still happening here in canada. So there are relevancy issues, especially here in 2022 is antiquated and they need to examine what their role was in corners. Them. They needed apologize to of, to Indigenous Peoples all around the world for what they, theyve done in the name of their crown. Ok, so can, is a common well for talking about former colonies. Heres a Youtube Comment of prom luca cola. I am a serial leonean, which is a former british colony. I think the monarchy should be abolished with all this wealth shared among the nations. They colonized as reparation. Someone wants to talk about reparations. Its about to talk about it. Well, just absolute. Yeah. Go for a weapon. It. Reparations is justice. Its one of the things that the monarchy has failed to do. The Queen Elizabeth, 2nd in her 70 years, fail to confront the colonial path and the post colonization period in which the playbook of the British Empire continued to be executed all under the guise of modernization and commonwealth. But we all know that has nothing come on about the wealth of the commonwealth. So yeah, i do agree directly to upgrade you just, it is absolutely required. Record nation cannot happen without the apology, and that has to be a states apology. And i think that will it go ahead to state that is what the monarchy should be doing. And it should be leading on that. People have to understand that the monarchy doesnt just, this is not just about the past. Its about the present. What the mother he has done, its a conduit to symbolize systemic racism an anti blackness. So when we talk about robbery jones, when we talk about reconciliation, when we talk about apology and how this still impacts a live experiences of black and ethnic minorities today, this goes back to the monarchy. And it also requires that the monarchy does the need for which is for them to step up to the plate, take responsibility, apologize, actual report to judge justice and to lead or reconciliation. We have a bit of sound from a Maria Hernandez and jamaica. Im going to play and then im gonna, im going to pose a question for you paul. I think hes a little bit too old for the book a profession, but who am i to judge . I have no say in this matter. What i do like about charles is that he has always been an environmental listen, im an environmental and i know he always push for the environment. So i want to shift the conversation more forward and talk a little bit about king charles and what we could or should see from him. She mentioned that she thinks hes an environmentalist and shed like to see him be more active on that. Could or should he be more active in the politics of the nation . Paul . Well, i mean, i think i think the argument from criminal cases that he called because the molecule supposed to be a non physical interfering institution. And so even though he might personally believe in Pro Environmental policies that isnt going to have a wider if its an applicant, i think its really important to maybe to try and create some Common Ground between some of the voices that and put for the policy vision i do think there is a thing that the monarchy blocked him more in depth about actually truly what makes this country great. What makes these lands great . And what we want to celebrate as a country, because we put so much store on this runs and ready to families. We actually think about things that i think more important. Over the last couple weeks, ive actually realized that although im not a motor case, i do love the land. I love these lands intensely. I love the rivers, i love tree. I love the people i share this island with. And i do think that we actually, by putting these people in the past, we dont actually protect things. I think the far more important, like how to even and also to celebrate what it actually in britain doesnt amazing things. Not because they were bones around in person because they give them their life and their so and their intelligence to, to helping others to furthering humanity. And to making this country great. And i would much rather celebrate those people. Its in random, hereditary, came the seventys from a prince. The family is younger than oak street that ive taken care of and the guidance is significant. The younger things you treat that live on the exist long as i do, you know, who are we can do better. We can be better. But actually changes at the monarchy just goes away. How would the nation i any different . I think that you will, you will see a society that will become more american in the majority of that. Hi there. I dabbled for civil war and how to play. And once again, can i dont wait while youre thinking more american and preserved observance is the most british thing ive ever heard. Anyone say . Exactly. I mean, like youve, youve created an editorial. So the company is important. You have better account. Im the better account is that is that the evidence is clear, but constitutional monex protect democracy by fostering consensus. Were in the mid to the democratic recession, democracy of falling into our talk. Chris sees, im part of that is we have a when a take, so partisan politics. Well no cool traits given and when one side, when they essentially annihilate or raise the other side, bonus prevent not moment thought vehicles, but peace and on the span of day. And if you create a republic, you do what republic to which he think 8 in the end, in math healing, which is what i was bigger. And not just a british model, not as well. What i want to bring in this will be the last things we hear from are you to body and say, you know, come to, you show up. Okay. So this is from wonder in my id a. The real deal amana russian and caitlin oshea. One says, in the modern world, markham is irrelevant to society, monarchies are like demi gods, not answerable to the court of law. They dont pay taxes. The real deal says they should start by selling that 1000000000. 00 crown, and returning to proceed to africa and india. Anom says the brits looted all the resources are great at india and to buy this in many parts just for their interest. True. Caitlin oshea says it wasnt just anti blackness. It was anti anyone not british. The same beyond the pell was coined against the irish who werent acquiescing to british rule jolla. Okay. First. Oh, phillip, it seems to me youre suffering from selective amnesia. There is no way on earth that monarch in any way programming or was it that you refer to it as, you know, countries descending into some kind of extra a right. And i listen to what you are saying. Im telling you absolutely. Well, all them, one of the key does the only thing that a monarchy is good at. I mean, the british monarchy is to survive. So it is irrespective of whatever political why, why do we have a magical need comes to the model . The rate happened out with hold on hold, but the reality totally min and only Democratic League with conservative, whether its a label or liberal, double go. Whether it is the money to will always sit at the top. They do nothing to really change the process. I want to sit at the top. All they care about is theyre so bible that the only thing theyre good at. And when did they found a power them out there must. It could not make power. That is all theyve been doing a wanting. They need a little note on the with a clean, totally gone and on. Yeah, no, were going to hand the stream today, philip, i want to thank you philip and paul and solo for being with us. Whether you like it or not, the monarchy will continue and well be watching the continue here from our desert english. Thank you for joining us today on the stream. Well see you next time. Ah, there was a time when the aka bank over the floods were enough to sustain life in the northern calahan desert all year round. But thats changing least one or 3 men in different parts of the alcove and go down as they faced drought wild animals and manmade threat in their constant fight for survival risk in it. All. Botswana on al jazeera, the latest news, as it breaks, weve been speaking to the families and theres about 5000 People Living in this block of government class who have been displaced from their homes by the flood. They come from all over same province with detailed coverage. Elder zeros legal teeth plans to submit a case with the International Criminal court at the hey, from around the world is that there is here in this country, a culture of fear when it comes to sleep. Young begins generally corruption in the year 127118. The young italian merchant set out on an extraordinary journey. Having travelled the furthest reaches of the mongol empire, marco polo world view was radically altered. Beijing, the city established by cooper car is still to day join a strong meeting on now and china is again a superpower. We reflect on how the relationship between east and west has changed marco polo on al jazeera. Ah, we tell the untold story with we speak when others done. Ah, we cover all sides no matter where it takes us. I believe we have finished, sir. Yeah, i am power and pasha. We tell your stories, we are your voice, your news, your net al jazeera. Ah moscow back separatists in east and ukraine told to have a rough hold referendums on their regents joining russia, cave and western

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