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Says there is 0 doubt that it has the capacity and is ready for fans to experience katara style hospitality. Natasha name elder, 0 doha. Ah, dr. Creature, the headlines here on al jazeera, ukraines president is accused russia of committing hundreds of war crimes and killing civilians in a southern here some region thought of it will retaken by Ukrainian Forces last week after Russian Troops retreated. Sleeps loza. Investigators have already documented more than full 100 russian bull crimes and bodies of both civilians and military are being found in the her san branch in the russian army left the same savage right behind as in other regions of our country. Are it managed to invade . We will find and bring to justice every murderer without any down, but i suspect has been detained in istanbul law for an explosion that killed at least 6 people more than 80 were wounded. The turkish interior minister says the person arrested belongs to the kurdish separate his group, the p k. K. O. Lee upon the perpetrator of the one who placed the bomb has been arrested by our police force. Our findings show the p. K. K. Tara group was behind the attack. I repeat, we will avenge this attack, and hurt them more than they hurt us. Meanwhile, turkey as president rush of typo to one has just landed in barley for the g 20 summit. Hes joining leaders from the worlds biggest economies with the ukraine was set to be one of the issues dominating the agenda. Yes, President Joe Biden was among the 1st to land in indonesia for the summit is due to meet chinas leadership being on monday for their 1st face to face talks since biden entered the white house. East African Leaders of announced talks aimed at stopping the fighting in the eastern democratic republic of congo, a so called peace dialogue would be held in kenya. On november, the 21st announcement came as Congolese Forces battled the rebels for control of the town of cuba. And hundreds of thousands of people have rallied in spains capital madrid to call for Better Medical Services at call from end to what they say is the regional government, dismantling of the Public Health system in favor of private providers. So those are the headlines. News continues here on al jazeera, after the listing post statement than to watching bye for now. This story being spotted fantasy whipping, sold the notion that we can offset all the carbon we generate, does carbon offsetting actually work. What is being done isnt worth sitting in the problem is net 0, just the catch raise. Net 0 mission. Thats 0. Me, little climate poly re examines the myths and illusions in the struggle against climate breakdown. All hail the planet episode one on al jazeera babies scraps or signs of Real Progress journalists at cop 27. Try to tell one from the other. With his network of news outlets and mercenaries, putins chef wields influence in russia and beyond, plus, went to 180. 00 characters. Just dont cut the tweets that attempt to tell the story of the lawn mosques, twitter takeover. Hello, richard, just burton. Youre at the listening post where we provide explanatory journalism about journalism and the global news media with World Leaders gathered in egypt this week and next for the latest you on climate summit. The agenda could not be clearer. Experts say that the policies governments put in place at the last years conference in scotland will still leave large parts of our planet uninhabitable. The lack of progress has many questioning the comp process. Activists say it allows politicians and corporations to green wash their records. On the flip side, un negotiations and cop conferences are by default the best path forward to solve the existential challenge with Climate Change presents. And to draw attention from news outlets often distracted by other issues, such as the war and ukraine. At the heart of this year, summit cop 27 are questions of climate justice. Like providing climate finance to poor nations or critical news ankle that tends to get little attention in the western media. Our starting point this week is sherman shake, each me in opening the cop 27. 00 summit in egypt, the un secretary general was out to get the global media attention. So antonio good tesh stole a line from the world of pop culture to deliver a simple message about a complicated story. We are on the highway to climate tell, with our foot on the accelerator. Good tennis knows news is a competitive business, though, and Climate Change is baffling, against other stories for our attention, the cost of living across the pandemic. And the clear and present danger of the war in your stories that could and should be mentioned in the same direction as the change in climate. Climate change is a threat multiplier. When we talk about the war in ukraine, we need to talk about how people are being impacted by the Historical Energy choices that europe may, depending on russian, oil and gas. When we talk about the cost of living Climate Change is putting a giant price tags. On our food, on our resources, im Building Supplies on our insurance rates. When were talking about current, a virus, the air pollution from breathing fossil fuels and from wild fire smoke is making coded worse. How the media tells a story. How the media collects. People in that story is very important. This community is trying to come to terms with what happened and what it did in ukraine. It made people in europe connect with the people ukraine. There are no legitimate targets in this country. It nice to do the same in the climate story. Its a real shame. This is diverting attention from Climate Change as a war. And ukraine might be a disaster right now. But Climate Change will be a much greater disaster from much greater number of increase in the years to come. Ah, un negotiations on the climate issue are ongoing. Cop summit is, are just the most high profile aspect of them and they have credibility issues. 30 years in the process, the pledges and targets keep coming. But the only time emissions have actually gone down was during the worst days of the coven and government. One thing that has gone up, the number of fossil fuel lobbyists attending this pump by 25 percent, 636 of them are in charm l shaped. Then theres the issue of Corporate Green washing, which activists like bread, a tune, berg se turned some, its like this one into a scam. The Egyptian Governments choice of corporate sponsors includes one of the worlds top plastic polluters, coca cola and automobile manufacturer, general motors, the biggest blue deals of the planet are funding what is supposed to be a summit to protect the planet. Its almost like a tragic comedy. So the optics look good for the company, but they definitely dont look good for the un, which is holding the summit. Its not that you when itself, that is engaging in this corporate sponsorship exercises is very much something thats been taken on boards by the host government in this case, egypt cox over the years have expanded because civil society, because business groups all want to get involved egypt is a developing country which doesnt necessarily have the resources to accommodate all these extra stakeholders. We wont see that to make that voice had one also has to take into account the importance of engaging with industry. We really cannot solve Climate Change if we simply try and pretend that big business just isnt that. And thats not just simply about the Corporate Giants who sponsor the climate. Negotiate is people would be shult that many of the fossil fuel industries, that the ones who are responsible for causing this crisis of there. And not just loving in the shadows, but sitting and meeting with governments, given high priority access, help shape policies and text that have been negotiated and date proposals. Solutions. Many of them fell solutions for here are 2 terms. News consumers should familiarize themselves with climate finance and loss and damage. Both are high on the carpet. Gent, climate finance refers to the responsibility the rich countries have. Since theyve done most of the polluting to help developing countries with the cost of deep harmonizing their economies. And to prepare for and manage the impact of Climate Change. Loss and damage is a subcategory of climate finance designed to deal with the damage already done to countries like pakistan, one 3rd of which was underwater earlier this year. Its government needs economic help to deal with floods and other new environmental threats to which people for the last and the damage of the road. Such gatherings. Only climate finance has been disgusted previous cops. But this is the 1st time that loss and damage has been on the table. Some analysts call that a milestone, potentially for the developing world. The poor countries of the world are saying that they are not responsible for the historical emissions. So when we see that the rich countries need to be money to the developing, what is this going to be in terms of aid . Is it going to be in terms of known in the past, a pledge was made that 100000000 u. S. Dollars would be made available. How much will this has been made on that . Weve had at glasgow the countries admitting that la much money has been put on the table. And so the term that you might hear is climate finance, which is the idea of providing assistance to countries who need to adapt very quickly, who also need to continue to build their economies. But doing so what they requires energies, but allowing them to do so. And to develop in a safe way that is resilience the impacts of changing climate. They require investment and many would say myself included that its only fair that that investment come from. Those have caused the problem that is impacting them today. Ah, among the climate mega disasters of 2022 floods in china, australia, and nigeria, droughts affecting ethiopia, kenya, putting half the population of somalia at risk of fun, wind storms and heat waves in western europe and hurricane e, which tore through cuba before slamming into the southeastern u. S. To many climate driven disasters to list you, some of which never made it to your news feeds the way the ukraine and cost of living stories. Dick. Even less likely to attract news coverage. Some of the headway being made technologically. Its not all doom and gloom. We all seeing progress is now cheaper to instill soda wind in most parts of the world than it is to set up a new fossil fuel path station emissions in most of the rich weld already on a slow down with trend. And this is at least partly to do with that you at efforts. So certainly there hasnt been enough action, but we cannot just dismiss all these efforts the have taken place. It might be very messy, but it does move forwards. The media has a very critical real role to play, because if it doesnt explore, explain the Climate Crisis properly. The finance thats needed for developing countries to be able to grow cleanly than what rich happens. Rich countries say, we dont have a mandate from our citizens to do these things. And thats because their citizens havent been told the truth. A media hasnt told him the story hasnt put pressure on leaders in the wrong countries and say, why is it that climate final is talked about as if its a charity was in the actually our legal moral responsibility. We often think of Climate Change as a separate topic or separate bucket. And we only have so much space on our front page. We only have so much time or attention to put into each bucket. But i would argue that Climate Change take issues like the cost of living political instability, refugee crisis, even if shes like global pandemic, and exacerbate or Climate Change in everything issue. And i would love to the Climate Change mention in every topic that the media reports on because there is no aspect of our lives today that is not already being affected by staying with the top 27. Egypt in the case of activists are fatter, whose imprisonment has threatened to overshadow proceedings for the host country . Correct . Nothing. Has the details. Richard cocked 27. 00, offered the Egyptian Government an opportunity to polish its international reputation. But it clearly hadnt bargained for the sustained media interest in order for a writer, an activist to spend most of the last decade in jail up to for the sister. So not say has been caught 27 doing the kind of advocacy that is only possible in egypt when theyre the safe space managed by the us. Hes not in prison for the feasible force. They charge him. Hes in prison because hes someone who makes people believe the words can be a better. The egyptian authorities have been unable to stop Rights Groups and activists, calling out the country of human rights record, including the fact that tens of thousands of Political Prisoners are behind bars. But lead to moments like this were safe, was interrupted by an egyptian member of parliament against the saddler. Although aladdin every alamos guy in the hot about to have been, must gay, empty . Not toby, be off. What is the unseen guinea gave . Im good. Wish gave delegates a glimpse of the every day intimidation experienced by egyptians who was later escorted out by security of your capital. Maam, that if you bundle me. Oh, i love you. I didnt the gibson and dont touch me. After i allowed the father escalated his Hunger Strike refusing water last week, Rights Groups pushed World Leaders to press for his relief at court 27. Prior to the conference, dejection government released more than 750. 00 Political Prisoners. But according to honesty, international, over the same period, its arrested twice as many. Since president , c, c took power in 2013, the authorities have taken over most of egypt, print and broadcast media. Independent news outlets like my the must remain blocked, which explains why outside of the conference knew that the descent there is hard to find. Thanks tarik to moscow now, and he have guinea pro goshen the oligarch. They called putins chef. He got that title after wining and dining, the russian president , later winning big government, catering contracts for gulshan is best known as the man behind wagner. A private military company, notorious for doing the kremlin bidding overseas. He is also the creator of a Media Network which has produced propaganda and misinformation in russia and abroad. For years, pro ocean hid his links to wagner. He remained in the shadows of russian politics that changed with the invasion of ukraine. For golshani come out of the closet, he now boast about the role that his mercenaries are playing there. Much of what we know about him is down to the work of investigative journalists who promotion has pursued repeatedly in the courts for exposing his activities. We spoke with one of those journalists earlier that about off about the man he has reported on for many years. Now you have guinea promotion that you knew she call might start life. Not the fox days. She boys from willey and new gym and you can get out of the meetings, but im also with the premier Technology Level in the glove and then use the if i yes i see just on the phone with the by 9 you bill up and then that i see that almost a year and i see that the brain. Yeah. Can you cancel it . Leave again in the future. Pretty good. Oh yes, i hope in here, but on your junior government you will business. Each of us are going to put it on the phone with the 1000000 theyre going to be pretty good if one of the from birth and i be aggressive digital score by some of the news off by the get a feel like what of all so far their mission out, we have a problem, because if you dont use the form of music in which you could put a bullet, you take us with the mr. Mr. Payment, which is not pretty good. If you seem, lucian polyphony is not called, but almost agreement over the last. But i see some people want to give just to watch a monopoly he did full fledged to, ah, virginian. But hes actually not homeless. But his community and im glad you got unfortunately we you miss it for okay. Come on. One of the that with with the ship it on. Got to kind of like a normal pretty quickly start on the putting him out in the front seat, but she didnt have to stop my me and they did the was the middle of the nation. You will be listening period for the how i see there are not some rebel when you my bars with walker shows with that i will be there competing. But it was in which neither the muslim major ill have to them got the better weve better we felt okay. Was now to stop. I need to recover the me this jessica . Yes. When you say, wait, what account the public italy bought it for the key, kept it, use it for the way and to be in a bit of your mouth, bloodshed moving the pages on the car. While it said the group nation is up. Next me finance. Coming up solution and yet, but i hope you know that came up with them. You pretty good with the vehicle has been a huge n as a team. Shoot the core just of popish q, problem in a full middle. And for the moment of them, you know, proven that cause the with for you 15. Ah, i choose ah, ah, we shall try. It was the question. What do you see on the pillow . Come on, who is your normal for the cutting, put your estimate for moving and all of them. Cher prescott, is she just watching like a plan where the payment of some of the kids on the whole i guess fancy probably yet not on the ceiling over a week or the time slot, but who but im a companion but he was watching me me me me, me, me a boy jeremy, you put out situated. Suddenly, when you pull your with training out on the shirt, you get a get easier which fujis i saw them as they cannot seem to have the delicious boys are full of all that i see in a human if you bought it long. But i was with you to the point you dont even if it wasnt that it felt strip club on their own. So do you hear me up in finance or stone or do they just anybody in the company for uses . What need to me if me, if you will, when they put him on below, at the bottom of the unit, will you go . If you dont lose your doesnt really play, but he doesnt get it to do it. I see a with when you think that you remember that i said before, this kind of, i suppose this is a chiva. They woven all when you me a call with mutha navarro shim voice on the phone for the human own video to try to get up in the office looking for a human. Kim boy sean. Previously with the flu. If you look for google, as you put me me double call the office, does it come out in the state the mon, the cables forgive me and put it in for me is done and completed. But darlene and she didnt like. He just kept telling me, she just, you can you pick him up on some button . I couldnt think of a different. So that would be due to a new east group when it was a natural one got off by sea shift, or what i me who do what i see, you know, what you know more we need to look in the correctness of im of course, can you get, im kind of pretty go from italy, if enough, felicia on your, not your list a grown college of a canal of companies that are clearly different leader with pretty middle school. For example, the me in when you, when you minus so you pretty golf and bullets, you put in a should i j for lunch . Well it was good to get. Its got me that i bought only come on the show again, your element problem. Yet you just throw it blown it in a by for teachers to ship or give me you click on the playground the way but it because i want to show you a pretty cool solution moon. And finally twitter has now officially entered its 11 mosque era. 2 weeks and 44000000000. 00 later mosque is calling the shots. Often missing the mark. He laid off thousands of employees, many of whom he then had to hire back. Some of twitters biggest advertisers have already fled, taking their money with them mosque and his lax approach to content moderation, which he says is all about freedom of speech, has led to an increase in hate speech and unhinged tweets of all kinds. And for a guy who likes to joke around on twitter, presenting himself with some sort of edgy capitalist, ilan mosque has decreed that any account impersonating someone else that does not flag itself as a parity will be suspended. How was that funny . Weve put together a series of tweets that amount to some poor reviews for twitters new owner. Was the next time here at the listening post. Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah, ah, ah, ah, ah ah ah ah, from kick off until the final with what were you expensive coverage go out the world come action from all of the games. The joy and the hall side experts and match analysis from our studios, info and excitement from around the city and across the globe. Join us for cast us 2022 unknowns 0 there was a time to be direct there basically on the verge of legalizing racial, jerry battery to cut through the rhetoric. This isnt a universal death felony crisis. It seems to be one of particular populations to dismantle the sound bites. There are lots and lots of women who are widely agenda, a kind of anti feminist agenda and demand the truth. Those the size of fascism. We have to really recognize what were off of here. We are determining what is the future of democracy in this country. Join me markham on hill for up front on al jazeera. Jumping to the street when no topic is off the table. I dont think that anybody should be borne to privilege to do anything for us. At the end of the day. We are the subjects of the door and family to that one persons opinion. But whats yours . Amplify your voice. The judicial system in mexico is incredibly weak and it is not just corruption clear, a global audience becomes a global community. The scariest part of this moment in my country is this toys for a more weapons, the st. Oh, now g 0. Ah

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