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Question. Ah, this is al jazeera, these are the top stories. Millions of students are returning to school in the philippines after one of the worlds longest covered loc times. Ive been studying at home for over 2 years. Not all schools will have face to face learning. Bonnet below has more from a school. In manila, some schools are doing hybrid learning, where some students are the face to face classes on sundays, and then others are still doing distance online learning. But the biggest concern, if the quality of learning that has really gone down during the pandemic in 2019, the estimated 30 percent, the Philippines School kids that have reached the age of 10 could not read simple text or understand a simple story. Now, during the Pandemic International eat agency say that number has gone down to less than 20 percent. Is that the Education Department is hoping that by resuming face to face classes, filipinos or kids could catch up with Global Learning standards. Pakistans, former primers, or even on cons, been charged under the countries Anti Terrorism act, is accused of attempting to intimidate the police in judiciary during a recent speech and official with his political part. He says hes yet to be arrested. The u. S. The u. K. France and germany are calling for an end to attacks close to ukraines is up patricia nuclear plant. The Officials Say shells exploded near the facility, sparking of fire and cutting part of 3000 people. Leaders also say the u. A Nuclear Watchdog should be allowed to inspect the site soon. A murder investigations been launched in moscow after a well known political commentator, darya trevino was killed in a suspected car bombing. She was the daughter of alexander doogan, a close ally of russian president vladimir putin. Emergency crews and iraq are searching for people trapped under the rubble of collapse trying. Im slight cause part of the shiny cabella to keep in on saturday. At least 4 people have died. Was the headlines. The news continues in our da 0 after the listening post. Good by we understand the differences and similarities of cultures across the world. Sentimental lucy out is laura, will bring you the news and Current Affairs that matter to you. How does era ah, hello, im Richard Ginsberg and youre watching a special edition of the listening post. This week were veering out of the mainstream and looking at journalism that broke the rules pushed boundaries and in some cases redefined them. Were going to explore the work and the legacies of 3 such innovators, tom wolf, hassan, kind of funny, and gabrielle garcia, marquez, an american, a palestinian, and a colombian, all of whom started out as journalists, but went on to straddle the worlds of media literature, politics and activism, their work spawned news genres of reporting, coining terms, such as new journalism, resistance, literature, magical realism. Thats one of the reasons that in their day the reviews werent all good. They still art largely because their journalism defied convention and categorization. But the years since have proven that they would inspire future generations to consider new ways of presenting new stories. We begin with a writer who saw in the world of fiction writing tools that journalists could use tom wolf. Ah ah ah ah, ah, i have no idea who coined the term, the new journalism, or even when it was coined at the time, the mid sixtys. When was where only that all of a sudden there was some sort of artistic excitement in journalism. And that was a new thing in itself. It actually started an esquire magazine, which was the leading mens magazine of the 50s. And they were declining and circulation because they were getting competition from playboy. And these other mens magazines. So they decided that they would have flashy riding. It was commercial and its initial establishment. It was to try to write about things differently than other people had written about them. But also to write about topics that people had not written about. The new journalism was a style of reported nonfiction. They focused on characterization, seen building narrative. And it was a journalism that aspired toward greater artistry than journalism had before. Thomas was working for the Herald Tribune and he had reported a story about custom made cars in california. And he ended up pitching the story instead to esquire magazine. Oh, i was sent up there to cover the hot rod and custom car show by the new york Herald Tribune. And i brought back exactly the kind of story the somnambulist ec, totem newspapers in america would have come up with. A total newspaper is the kind people dont really buy to read, but just to have physically because they know it supports their own outlook on life. The totem story usually makes what is known as gentle fun of this, which is a way of saying, oh, dont worry. These people are nothing. He couldnt write the piece. It was just a bunch of random paragraphs on the page. And that night he stayed up all night and wrote a letter to the editor explaining what he wanted the piece to say. He sent in the letter of the editor whose name was byron dove, all just chopped off the dear byron and published it as is thought, invoices are newspaper reporting. The voice of the reporter had to sound very authoritative. And here is especially bulletin from the associated with tom of some has called it the bbc voice or this kind of conformist, slightly snobbish in person surveying the world around him or her. And at this time, a lot of the barriers around authority were breaking down. People were questioning institutions, they were playing with new cultural ideas. And this stuffy tone was no longer appropriate. It took a subject that was very pop. That was not an elite subject. That maybe even was something that standard journalism would have made fun of. I would have looked down upon and said that it had a serious political and social meaning. The sounds so stupid and i mean, we all do this right. But at the time, nobody did it. It was something novelist. And that was the way the new journalism made journalism fresh again. One of those many times when journalism had be made itself and yet in the early 19 sixtys, a curious new notion, just hard enough to inflame the ego had begun to intrude into the tiny confines of the feature status fear. This discovery modest at 1st humble. In fact, differential you might say was that it just might be possible to write journalism that would read like a novel. The times were murkier, there is no longer faith in good and bad. For example, the vietnam war was happening. And officials were lying to reporters and we would accelerate our progress. There is no way to tell a story like that straight you had to your ground, your own doubts, and your own self consciousness. Your writer, like michael hair, who wrote a book about the vietnam war called the dispatcher, would go into the field and simply describe some of the scenes he was seeing. But also the confusion that was there. And that was new to not have to go and be like, this is where weve advanced on the front. This is the number of people that ive been use. Ah, old wine journalist never liked it. You know, it, it wasnt reliable. It was, it was getting above its place. Right . To do this. You were, thats what a novelist did. You know, youre a novelist, you know, suffering your garret starve and right. Your god damn novel but, you know, dont put it in the newspaper. I most good journalists who hope to get inside someone elses world and stay there a while. Come on very softly and do not bombard their subjects with questions. If a reporter stays with a person or group long enough, they, the reporter in the subject will develop a personal relationship of some sort. Even if it is hostility, more often it will be friendship of some sort. Hunter, s. Thompson spent a month with the hells angels writing about them, just living with them and writing about them and the kind of journalism that we have now thats a little bit more restricted by money, by the time, by the pay that which things are published on the internet doesnt necessarily lend itself to that kind of immersion. Ah, one of the reasons people believed in new journalism was convinced you that you were learning through these narrative techniques. Something inside other people that you were using, or writers sensitivity to understand what other people believed themselves to really understand people. You have to go out into the world. You have to go away from causing apology and centers into smaller communities, into rural communities. And people who may not be the same class or race or nationality as you and try to understand their motivations and their reality. Ah, saturation reporting as i think it can be. One of the most exhilarating trips as they say in the world. Often you feel as if youve put your whole Central Nervous system on red alert and turned it into a receiving set with your head panning the molten tablo like a radar dish. With you saying, come in world since you want, all of it in one can take a moment in time and its meaning voices of clarity. Sounds not easily define a, some kind of fanny, a writer, artist, journalist, playwrights and political was one of those people. Surely is the middle east. Turmoil keeps away. The video from 1970 and news report captures kind of funny in the city where he made his name was executive by right. A new business has developed revolution palestinian revolution. Hes interviewed by Richard Carlton for australias a, b. C. The byron leader of the popular front is guess hand kind of funny. He was born in palestine but fled in 1948. As he puts it from zine was tara, as the English Speaking spokesman of the popular front for the liberation of palestine, the p. F. O. P. Kind of fanny made good tv, but to his by no means an easy interview. It does seem that the law, the civil war has been quite frequent war. Its a people defending themselves against a fascist government. Its a moment of great confidence, of clarity, of vision of conviction. And the way of a son can a funny speaks and not clip shows all of this, this energy that was the hope of the palestinian revolution. Will a conflict of 50 conflict . Its liberation, movement fighting for justice . Well whatever might be best call, not whatever become a funny picks up on a very important word, which for me resonated the strongest. And this is the word whatever. This is exactly what the problem is. Thought. This is a people who is discriminated, is fighting for his rights. This is a story. And this is the narrative that palestinians, unfortunately have not been able to relate to the world. The policy narrative, as narrated by palestinians is not something that the world wants to hear. Why not just talk of to whom . Talk to these riley leaders. Thats kind of conversation between this hold and the next. You mean lehman of a thank you. I. Mr. Lou, that sense said that and simple and clear language. How are we supposed to have dialogue . How youre coming to slaughter me from another, put aside the sword so we can have a conversation the better that why than deadlock . Maybe to you, but to us, its not to us deliberate our country to have dignity to have respect to have out of me to human rights. Is something as essential as like i said, in the arab imagination, kind of funny is remembered for his storytelling which explored the palestine inexperience, state deafness, separation and exile in the west. He was the public face of the leftist p, f. L. P. Seen as one of the more radical, pasting in faction kind of funny was not involved in the arms wing of the p f lp, or in the planning of high profile airplane. Hijackings that the group became synonymous with. But he was an advocate of Armed Struggle and understood its media attic value. If its once quiet, he writes, no tv network would willingly give any palestinian a minutes of coverage to express themselves. Above older kind of funny was a journalist and accomplished one. A 2nd, a funny was multifaceted multi talented to human being. He was very significant in the kuwaiti and live in east best in their heyday. We dont about the 19 fifties and sixties ascent can, if any, was a central figure. I mean, he was associated with the founding of many magazines and newspapers throughout that egypt after the defeat of arab regimes, in war of 1967 and the disillusionment that came with it. Palestinians took matters into right. Hans, a National Struggle for liberation took form and for kind of funny, its months a shift in thinking to the revolutionary politics of the p. F lp. In 1969, he was made editor in chief of a head of the groups newly formed weekly magazine. And heather was revolutionary in spirits and substance. Its combined the p f l p s political messaging with analysis, humor, arts and calligraphy, and a chronicle of the Palestinian Resistance that linked it to anti colonial struggles in africa, asia, and latin america. He made left winged media accessible well beyond the narrow confines of the already converted. You went after arguments by fennel are jealous as much as he went after arguments by western jones. His article where an unusual combination of satire, sharp witticism, as well as a information that me, can you imagine soviet communist literature using humor and irony that by there was none of that. And at a communist where even more dower, more human, less than the soviet union. So you can imagine when the ascent can any comes with this new form of media. It was entirely novel and heather had an open door policy that made it a hub of cultural and artistic exchange. It was that that kind of funny and his associates produced some of the most iconic postings of the palestinian revolution. Its was a progressive magazine with an engaged, international readership, but its one of the official party organ. Somewhat said the mouthpiece of the p. F. O ping me killing with most be of help. I dont like the term mouthpiece. Its not true. Neither was it propaganda. We were not spreading propaganda, we were trying to get the truth to the people. That was the slogan of a head of dread. The truth is always revolutionary, which is what lenin wrote. These truths were, the refugee camps, or the truth of the palestinian situation. Alana was open to accept all kinds of new ideas. And for this reason, i think the importance of literature and journalism culture from that era is that it was the founding culture. Kind of fanny left, a distinctive imprint on the, our cultural and media space. There is his pioneering fictional writing and then there is this huge body of journalistic work. And when you look at the range of his outputs, you get the sense for hearts that he knew his time was limited. That he had a target on his back. Mm. Mm. 8th of july, 1972 kind of funny and if nice were killed in a car bomb outside his home, he was 30 it was among the 1st and a series of israeli, a fascinations targeting palestinian leaders and cultural and its a better way of kind of funny lebanons daily staff that he was a commander who never fly to go his weapon with a ballpoint pen. And his arena newspaper page of who is royal, decided to go after all facets of the Palestinian National movement. Whether they would, writers, journalists, combatants, they made no distinction, whatever they wanted to extinguish the flame of the policy National Movement in all its forms present can, fanny has gone through to life. There was the life of, he actually lived on this planet. And there was a 2nd life that he has been living after his death, especially in the last 20 years. His iconic image is almost everywhere. Theres so many Facebook Page is dedicated to instagram pages. Resistance for him was something that was not necessarily just an action. The heart of resistance could be in the written word and this voice of hope and aspiration and clarity and conviction. We dont have any more and thats why this resonates so strongly with us today. I lose. Ah ah let the camper and michael get upon it aloud, sir marcus plant, this will it is our pre medal in the fantasy and my stomach, you know the money so somebody way let me get me. I can buy him a the cake on the i got him out of physical social at the same place. Yeah, no, its good. And available guy, the boy learned that the meals here. Nothing been done. I follow is ok. Like 1000. 00. So puzzle me i dont want to be in our cave. I just dont enjoy florida cake. I went in for my fiance luck while i, you know, theres always the last guy just know i need to. When he said me, just full equivalent. This time for this year, you go to ega. I took all guess is i keep the d. S a know, sorry no you go. Ready because i was gallery, and i was lazy, gallo, mental and what is it . Keep pass on the middle of that is, could you enjoy protest knowing who noticed our death . Let us just hear some we can see you in doses gassy gower. As we like ranika a la monica was electronic. She put a little elaborate there. Staffing matter more side 3 to consume. Comp will not really my as through the squint remote on the actual quan after the 11th and i said, i know i did name, theyve been ays telephone as an all but his mind may he go on a lease, have a cup of tea ski iga americas cafe and was he was going but i mean this and now i in thomas high school, the there psyche or yes. Was that those key deals i am boisterous, was he thought he escalade me there in the south san a lovely f e felicity says good families and if, if they did reap, if that banana made me think i knew though, in the quote that i knew of a lot of people get the scandal also good. Is there any been battle causes, but i cant get through this stuff and i think, i mean, that goes in will be as in local when a c will not back on tele, made of that the in a couple new melody meet a mass whiskey, missouri and morals, i got li hope on the audio go meet. Oh it is. That course is done with you. Shakafur swanky was in your good or not like wonders the yes. What if one of the camp . Yeah. Yes. But if you and i think they might of no, no flag you more, your renewals are getting saudi oil and these areas are you or the dos, but what, okay, that one other thing, sorry, go rally daughter, our wake them up. And if we go to lee who 1st get your kid or i said or can legally good bit of death and for both the demo loda. Yeah. Little momentum down bus alco more mares with me, but i can escalate studio. They are no longer there was a for his, his in book, honest enough for them orders, yada, yada case you yoke when the jiggle or there is another similar is victor really like i dont im, ill monitor earlier. I mean, is i caught up at a like, you know, said insidious or not, or not, or not said yet. Those said yesterday said he has got as it is comalla, that is, the land is merely yet a cool account. They saw him not a book, it empty thought he knew that no beans, a mother in law copy. Do these things. No, for debbie is comalla now double m baron minty, who has chronicle produced against classically did audio video. It might not be my report. Battery rosie electronic pinnacle loaded peony v that year near minutia has they skidded soon is when i seen so soon, the keeping on somewhat fris good. One modern total of lucky nobody can also most common look, a horn is get the name was when i did finish unit we procedures look is going to mean is from a studio calling back on polo asked us, idc you go, let us have you on that thursday america really on and 3 go on that a good fit of me. So for me, this one. Yeah. What did you like for me in the group or a delivery we can put in a theory that this will probably middle financial and good. Amelia is simply completely decor, bit all about of the little her temper and here it than it may be appropriate entropy. Embargo are able to say, look, what people will pull up. Youll notice itll literally show you a walk in los and youll go into it this year. If bonus ever, whenever we eat that amino comparable, larry that come, you eat, greer left the shill. Itll got to see america. They say that it up live video league one day. Yeah, hopefully things have been the input. It will go to your might get good. No kidding, getting been thinner. He normally is. Mario martinez this unless you that is my daughter, the t link i followed i had assumed that they couldnt if the has it been that allowed officially it could be ok level. Does she all have the new local procedure that up that a suit. I look Community Legal every corner soon. Can you want to put, i know i get a more affordable a me look at my, me a legal it prints out. Youre going to see america seems to be done by. Yeah. Get the, you know, whos in the console, well focus on way better. They dont, well get to columbia, which im as guilty study out. Not up is out of their gay in his time. And then look on the michael a little i got going to sit at the eagle in magnolia clinic, the not in the ok in a sample. Gotten confused. They made alley incomplete, and atlanta. If any aiden elijah down with a with me, its not like they dont know, my name come will sco malaria, but as it include, these are confusing talks and making sense of it all might be asking a little much it does make you wonder though what Garcia Marquez kind of funny and wolf would have made of the fake news phenomenon to day. The blending of fact and fiction meant to confuse, rather than in, for youve been watching a special edition of our program on journalism from off the beaten track. Well see you next time. Here the listening post. The welcome is coming to catch up in just 3 months. As the main event gets closer, we hear every step of the way. Hello, im janet ezra with updates from teams and fans across the globe. I seems. Can expect some strong support here in kat with the spotlight. No one europe can france claim back to back world cup victories . The all wheel portugal christiano. Rinaldo finally get his hands on the trophy to well cant count on al jazeera. What we do is ill just theera is trying to balance this story and leave the people who allow us into their lives, dignity, and humanity. Ah, back to school for millions of children in the philippines after one of the worlds longest covert, 19 shut down

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