Transcripts For ALJAZ Talk To Al Jazeera Ioannis Kasoulides

Transcripts For ALJAZ Talk To Al Jazeera Ioannis Kasoulides 20221112

joanna raska al jazeera doha ah. all right, just a picture of the headlines here on the al jazeera us president joe biden as arrived in cambodia for the us. young summit biden will meet with southeast asian leaders. they'll discuss the violence and me and my russian aggression in ukraine and chinese military activities. and disputed waters. ukraine is celebrating one of his most significant victories since russia's invasion in february, ukrainian forces of entered the southern city of her song, o residence, welcome, the soldiers and the ukrainian flag has been raised on public monuments. that's after russian forces retreated in what seen as one of its biggest setbacks of the war for mom at vase in moscow, he says, russian officials are down playing the withdrawal. the last minister of defense confirmed that the last russian soldier left the city of have sun by 5 a. m. friday morning, after a night of heavy bombardment by russian artillery and other defences against ukrainian positions in an attempt to prevent them from getting closer or disrupting that withdrawal. and later in that they thought me self defense gave some more details, saying that 30000 russian soldiers left the city of traps on the brit scaping m. 23 rebels in the democratic republic of congo. say they have been sexually assaulted and tortured the congolese army has been striking rebels held territory near the border with rwanda. m. 23 has denied allegations of human rights abuses, saying the claims are designed to discredit the race for the u. s. congress continues after tuesday's midterm elections. the republicans and democrats both have 49 seats in the senate. with 2 still up for grabs. the democrats are trailing in the house of representatives with 201 seats. republicans have 211 that 7 short of a majority for you as president donald trump is suing the house committee, investigating the january 2021 attack on the u. s. capital from received a subpoena requiring him to testify his lawsuit notes that former presidents had provided testimony in the past. but it also states no president or former president has ever been compelled to do so. more than 300 towns in columbia or on flood alert . following heavy rains, the country is experiencing its heaviest rain season in 4 decades. those are the headlines. the news continues here now to 0 after talk to our to 0 station. thanks so much bye. for now. as the world faces an overwhelming storm of double challenges, indonesia said to host the most difficult g 20 summit. since inception, with the worn ukraine soaring inflation, food crisis, and energy instability will dial up prevail of a rivalry, and hope to bring solutions to global issues. the g 20 summit on al jazeera with i'm andrew simmons and nicholas here. cyprus, as long had an important geopolitical position in the mediterranean. but the islanders being provided along ethnic lines for decades. where now in the republic of cyprus recognized by the international community, a member of the european union since 2004, and governed by greek cypriots for the law, the board of the island is recognized by took here and controlled by self declared norman cypress. the island has been in a g, a political power struggle for most of the past 48 years. the un established a buffer zone. it's peacekeeping forces patrol, a demilitarized area known as the green line. but nearly 6 decades later, how's the un failed? does the island need further assistance from the international community and how are other regional conflicts like the russian invasion of ukraine impacting cypress, the minister of foreign affairs of the republic of cyprus, yanis, castle leaders, talks to al jazeera, foreign minister of republic of cyprus, uranus, castle leaders, thanks for talking to al jazeera. thank you for having now. let's start at home, the united nations protection force here in cyprus. you're not happy with them. you've made a lot of criticism. so you said in the media intense anees, the way it was described, about how this force was handling its whole mandate in this country. what's, what's wrong? well, it's not exactly this our position festival. i must say that we are very happy with the presence of the united nations peacekeeping force can cypress, the very you food, useful in escalating minor incident, d escalating my know, you sit on fear in there, which may escalate and we don't know which dimensions of the recent attitude coincides with the hardening of the positions on of, on the northern part of cyprus. and the unfit is giving of the impression that they are giving in to very hard demands tar detriment. what's an example of that? they have recently given authorization to begin works within the buffer zone, right below the venetian was of the old town and it was easier for preparing for food feed for training by in a turkey cypriots football team. we are not against these, but what we are against is the details about whether it should be fenced, whether it should not be transparent. because we know that in the case of any event, turkish tank. so we'll be in a position to arrive to the center when he was here in a couple of minutes. this, we have to be vigilant. we've been with the peace keeping force for a whole day, and they're pretty vigilant. and they're, they are really important force to actually keep the sides apart in a crisis. furthermore, it doesn't help that your forces on talking to the northern cyprus, of forces at all. there's no communication, the u. l. i have only to do, i'm sorry. there has been a proposal by the un of it. ready direct dialogue between our forces and therefore we have said yes, but the turkish, the turkish forces from turkey. they say they should not speak to the commander of the turkish forces from turkey, but to the turkish cypriot commander. you understand that this semantic is very important. boggled we, i have just propose something else to end. this impasse, i have said they nominate, do, and senior officer, whomever they want. we nominate a senior officer, whomever we want, and they become a focus, a focus point between them. and this has not advanced. i don't know, gives our view as an idea of, of the sort of intricacy of the situation. and of course, the separates the talking cypriots north have also got in touch with the un in new york and demanding a, a bigger say in how things are organized. particularly with the, the permission, for example, every 6 months for the u. n. to actually deploy, if they demand a sofa agreement that iraq organized state only has the right to do so far, agreement is made between recognize states and the un this we cannot and never will accept. but i don't think that the un intends to give them is so far, agreement depends on what they are going to count of propos. well, the doctor cypriots are on record saying they'll reserve their rights on what they do. if they are turned down, what do you say to them? well, let them take the responsibility above this. when they will come and say they don't accept the presence of an phillip in cyprus, which has to operate from both sites. and this is a matter for the security council to be seized. let's move on a bit. but look, look back again. we're in the 21st century. it's 5 years since anything possible in terms of developments and peace has been on the table when we go back to july. one night after midnight when everyone was thinking a deal was going to be done. and we saw that the un secretary general attorney guitar rash come out with the ashen face, tired out real frustration or anger that the deal wasn't done. was that down to you as a government? so was i very frustrated and very disappointed. we have at that time came so close, so close to reach a settlement and a thing in the end of the meeting did not the reserve to postpone it. sina did. what did there was the needed? if, if the schedule of the effect that the general was not permitting it to be re invited in a couple of weeks and continue from where we were left. but let me tell you that after this, the turkish position changed 180 degrees. they have seized to seek a settle, been based on united nations resolutions, and they have put a pretty condition for us to accept separate salenti in equal international status before they seat on the table. we're moving on here that we're moving on, but the at that time there was a deal on the table. was there not? and yes, younger women paused, not really prepared to go through it. they had to learn to use the for well, this, this sir, this left of your based, based on, based on diplomatic views on, on the way on the way that went was he kept his site, the ready to accept. it's m a legacy. oh jesus. negotiations, is it not? i mean you as a foreign minister looking back on it, that, that was the, not an opportunity to make a groundbreaking with his grade. don't put the truth. and the spin ingle was also out of jointed battling again in a song that needs to 5 last should have followed short in the immediate her interval after the talk, the stalks, it will have uter deserts, i am sure. do you think you can get talking again soon? if this precondition which is totally unacceptable is removed, we can of course, but there are talks about talks all over the world that you know to, to get to a point where there's piece. surely you could talk, they've got preconditions, you've got precondition no, don't count, talk about. ready additions, sorry, but until the condition of course we can talk about talks, we have been asking from the u. n. to name an employee of the secretary general. we started disputing whether it would be a special envoy. you're especially present at the if we said or k, let's con human envoy and finish with this a t t and tut details, but they don't accept they don't accept the 2nd that a general decided to send one of the members of his immediate hierarchy of the un, to do this, we are waiting for the everything. well, let's move into some more positive, positive territory now, but still related to peace and that is business and, and the, the whole issue of exclusive economic zones. um, natural gas, or where are we now with things you gotta an agreement with, with israel and egypt as well. and so what, what are you, what are you doing right now? are you finding it smooth going? well, where there have have been new discoveries in the exclusive economic zone of cyprus in day it is in the hands of the international companies. in this case, any the italian company in total, they have plants. they have plans to collect all the amounts are to be discovered sulkily. and by the form of l. n. g. the send the day that to the egyptian magazine vacation power stations, or, or non f as c l n g in seattle and send it to europe to the 1st available power station for we got the vacation, which is most probably greece. so i, we are hopeful that the, in the mid term of that if to save a couple of years because a europe urgently needs natural gas that will be able to supply and contribute. and do you think then that's the issue. moving on from here or of the eastern eiji and see where you have an issue with, with grave greece and turkey. i think you mentioned recently that you're really concerned about the rhetoric over all the maritime borders there. we don't have an issue with greece. no, of course not, but the, but i wouldn't say you had, but you're concerned about the escalation of this potential at home. yes, of course. and you can, you have lucky end. it happ it will it. ready it may happen to cyprus in all probability, but there we hope that the international community who is watching this, the united states award several statements in europe and union with several statements. we leave this to the rhetoric and try to bring tension down between turkey police and ourselves. it is a factor, is it not that you've got elections early next week, next year in turkey and greece. we've got your own elections here in february. yeah. does that just raise the whole temperature for all of these, with this, you know, always elections? it happens, or it may happen. so we shall have to be careful. yes, let's this also look at the issue of, of lebanon. this is an extraordinary development, lebanon, and israel coming to an agreement. i mean, that is, would it be unsinkable few years back? is there a chance to think that this issue of energy and of, of, of making money doing business and also having an effect on the ukraine crisis because of the power problem with right across europe. do you feel positive about this, or are you worried about disputes? because the be a could be normally fergie and could be all sorts of problems with in terms of ra, our priorities in the, in the right or sequence. that's the world. an extremely helpful development. the agreement between israel and lebanon. secondly, because, you know, our exclusive gonna make zone is adjacent to this. secondly, the fact that tall, o partis, like lebanon, and the is, and israel, who officially are in a state of war, in who do not recognize each other. they have managed through the mediation of the united states and, and i congratulate the united states for this year. they have reached an agreement . this is a very good example for ourselves. and turkey. turkey so far has refused that we do a similar kind of negotiation and arrangement in eliminating out of exclusive our respective, exclusively going on the zone with the justification that they don't recognize us. but here is an example where this can be done without a solution of the political problems so that they can recognize. so we have offered talks, any of these stocks fail? let's go to the hague and we prepare to accept the arbitration of the hague. let me put the next priority, the next priority of the needs of our european partners or natural gas in this has to come before other considerations and these supplies, what i'm saying most to turkey and to our sense. and that when would you, can you put a date on as if everything was to remarkably work? could you put a date on went in different as it gets. you mean for the not sure i got the extra relation of actually stop. well, i don't know, but the couple of years it will, i'm not very specialist on these, but i feel that it's going to be a medium term solution, not a short term. and i realize that europe needs badly from next for the next winter. when next, when can we cannot accommodate? but i hope for the when winter after next we may be able to, well, the desperate need for energy in europe links us to the next question i've gotten that is ukraine. and what i'm cypress is a very small place, but it's, it's doing a lot, i mean, you used to be incredibly friendly with russia physically on business. now it's quite the reverse. so what sort of action have you taken? i want to make clear, we are very sensitive to the issues of territorial integrity of suffering t in vale ability of borders. and of course, from now to non annexation of parts of the country to another. therefore, we had to join our partners in the european union in our response to the russian invasion into ukraine. we did it, we want to be acknowledged and we are as a credible and. ready predictable partner to the european union. we took part on the. ready united was decisions regarding the functions and we are implementing the functions diligently. you realize, as you have said in your question, that we had to come a long distance to reach this goal are much longer than any other of the partners who are ready. didn't have the links we had with us. this demonstrates the dimension of our shift but it has had consequences. ready already and though probably be more for russia and your taking offense. i mean go to the visas of being canceled to tourists and you've seen also already russia intent on possibly taking other action and you're also stopping, i think fueling of brushing ships. yes. as well. did it unilaterally? not in the context of the functions. what can you imagine it was if somebody offer services to the navy of the country, packed it to the water like we are reading in a bidding. yeah, so we did this, this open the road for the, for the lifting of the american embargo towards us because we, we completed fully the terms. the one was this, and the other was the fight, the effective fight against money laundering, where we also get them out good results with the cheaper pill politics of it. got interesting because there's a shift, isn't that? i mean, you go the, you know, and i really didn't get into this issue. the united states is lifted its arms embargo in the fiscal year of 2023. you're also, i understand you have a, an agreement to, for russian made military german 3 been let that, well, it's isn't, there was some, is there something going on there with russian that the only thing that that exists was our effort to improve the capacity of the national guard to defend cyprus. and because of the existing situation with russia in that a lot of the number of our weapons are lacking maintenance or lacking air. maintenance may need to be operational. and this we shall have to remedy. but, but we have agreement with, with us to actually get russian met russian military vehicles and other equipment into rain in return for us equipment to replace. that's the report. is that a is? that's a myth. it didn't match it. well, they were, we were funded yet to go, but then they didn't want to. this didn't carry on further. so you can exploit and i repeat, we don't intend to send wear pants to ukraine because we need them here insipid. but we need to get 8 in the remedy to the issue of not having the possibility of maintenance for these with what sort of weapons you're going to get then from the us. is it no, no defense it no defense. if not, we embargoes not the embargo has been lifted yet, sort of where the tree hardware you're looking for these questions. i can say it's the ministry of defense who is dealing with this. i don't know what they're going to do, but they are going now they have the american markets, as well as other markets, like france, like israel to concede. the turkish is saying that this could be an escalation of the could be an arms race within cyprus because of this that it's a very bad move and it's very alarming at very so frayed with shame on them. it concrete so big important. they say we are a big regional power and for a few weapons that we buy i think they're looking for an excuse to bring on the the allegiance. religion says that cyprus have, i mean, if it was 10 years ago, would you ever seen a position whereby as well, was a trading partner effectively that russia was no longer an ally, a such that the u. s. would be much more influential on affairs. it's all changed, hasn't it? yes. are you looking for new friends still did he, did we acquire new friends next to the previous month? how are things going with as well? very well, very well indeed. but just looking at the situation with israel and lebanon, having a deal on trade, i mean it, it is utterly extraordinary. does not, not make you think, come about the start of our interview about how you can resolve a conflict that goes back so many decades through so many generations. all problems do good solutions and now worse will get as well. our site remains faithful to the re unification of our country, the lebanese and israel is, will never had this agreement without the involvement of the united states. we need some help from the international community. then in particular, from countries that can work with turkey because they have other areas where they're, they need to work. so give us your insight then on the geo politics of this, are you saying that when you say you need more help you mean or diplomatic help you need diplomatic? fed them judgement. european union should be doing more. there is room for more and in what you mean by that, when you say, i mean more in terms of diplomacy or in terms of active on the ground pushing of the actors and when that's the plumber. you are a very experienced diplomat. ok, so please put on the table. what the solution through your eyes are it is. so i say in terms of a settlement in cyprus, i think that they can imagine a solution that it would be a win win situation for all stakeholders. means they took community, this is a part of that grease and i think that there is a good a possibility, but at least provide that, that there is political will for minister of the republic of cyprus, you on his castle. it is. thank you for talking to out of there. thank you very much. thank you. this program contacted the government of the self declared republic of northern cyprus in an attempt to bring our audience, the voice of turkish cypriots. our interview request was declined, but our invitation to talk to al jazeera remains ah, the climate has changed every year for millions of years, decades of talk, but little action is all about distract, create confusion to crate, smoke and mirrors the shocking truth about how the climate debate has been systematically supported. the oral industry was a made bank roller or opposition to clock back the campaign against the climate. do you think that's a bad thing? more to to a did was fusion? absolutely. on all disease. we town the untold story a we speak when others done. ah, we cover all sides no matter where it takes us. i believe we have fan, sir. yeah, i am power in pasha. we tell your stories. we are your voice, your news, your net to hack out here. there's a story being spot fantasy whipping soldiers. the notion that we can offset all the carbon we generate those carbon offsetting actually work. what is being done isn't worth sitting in the profit is net 0, just the couch, raise. net 0 missions and that's there, right? you know, climate child poly re examines the myths and illusions in the struggle against flood that break down all hailed the planet episode. won on al jazeera ah, allow government knowledge is iraq where ever you are no.

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New York , United States , Moscow , Moskva , Russia , Doha , Ad Daw Ah , Qatar , Lebanon , Congo , Rwanda , Indonesia , Northern Cyprus , Cyprus General , Cyprus , Ukraine , Germany , Iraq , Egypt , Israel , Cambodia , Italy , France , Turkey , Greece , Italian , Cypriot , Ukrainian , Turkish , German , Lebanese , Russian , Cypriots , American , Egyptian , Andrew Simmons , Joanna Raska Al Jazeera , Ina Petro ,

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Transcripts For ALJAZ Talk To Al Jazeera Ioannis Kasoulides 20221112 :

Transcripts For ALJAZ Talk To Al Jazeera Ioannis Kasoulides 20221112

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joanna raska al jazeera doha ah. all right, just a picture of the headlines here on the al jazeera us president joe biden as arrived in cambodia for the us. young summit biden will meet with southeast asian leaders. they'll discuss the violence and me and my russian aggression in ukraine and chinese military activities. and disputed waters. ukraine is celebrating one of his most significant victories since russia's invasion in february, ukrainian forces of entered the southern city of her song, o residence, welcome, the soldiers and the ukrainian flag has been raised on public monuments. that's after russian forces retreated in what seen as one of its biggest setbacks of the war for mom at vase in moscow, he says, russian officials are down playing the withdrawal. the last minister of defense confirmed that the last russian soldier left the city of have sun by 5 a. m. friday morning, after a night of heavy bombardment by russian artillery and other defences against ukrainian positions in an attempt to prevent them from getting closer or disrupting that withdrawal. and later in that they thought me self defense gave some more details, saying that 30000 russian soldiers left the city of traps on the brit scaping m. 23 rebels in the democratic republic of congo. say they have been sexually assaulted and tortured the congolese army has been striking rebels held territory near the border with rwanda. m. 23 has denied allegations of human rights abuses, saying the claims are designed to discredit the race for the u. s. congress continues after tuesday's midterm elections. the republicans and democrats both have 49 seats in the senate. with 2 still up for grabs. the democrats are trailing in the house of representatives with 201 seats. republicans have 211 that 7 short of a majority for you as president donald trump is suing the house committee, investigating the january 2021 attack on the u. s. capital from received a subpoena requiring him to testify his lawsuit notes that former presidents had provided testimony in the past. but it also states no president or former president has ever been compelled to do so. more than 300 towns in columbia or on flood alert . following heavy rains, the country is experiencing its heaviest rain season in 4 decades. those are the headlines. the news continues here now to 0 after talk to our to 0 station. thanks so much bye. for now. as the world faces an overwhelming storm of double challenges, indonesia said to host the most difficult g 20 summit. since inception, with the worn ukraine soaring inflation, food crisis, and energy instability will dial up prevail of a rivalry, and hope to bring solutions to global issues. the g 20 summit on al jazeera with i'm andrew simmons and nicholas here. cyprus, as long had an important geopolitical position in the mediterranean. but the islanders being provided along ethnic lines for decades. where now in the republic of cyprus recognized by the international community, a member of the european union since 2004, and governed by greek cypriots for the law, the board of the island is recognized by took here and controlled by self declared norman cypress. the island has been in a g, a political power struggle for most of the past 48 years. the un established a buffer zone. it's peacekeeping forces patrol, a demilitarized area known as the green line. but nearly 6 decades later, how's the un failed? does the island need further assistance from the international community and how are other regional conflicts like the russian invasion of ukraine impacting cypress, the minister of foreign affairs of the republic of cyprus, yanis, castle leaders, talks to al jazeera, foreign minister of republic of cyprus, uranus, castle leaders, thanks for talking to al jazeera. thank you for having now. let's start at home, the united nations protection force here in cyprus. you're not happy with them. you've made a lot of criticism. so you said in the media intense anees, the way it was described, about how this force was handling its whole mandate in this country. what's, what's wrong? well, it's not exactly this our position festival. i must say that we are very happy with the presence of the united nations peacekeeping force can cypress, the very you food, useful in escalating minor incident, d escalating my know, you sit on fear in there, which may escalate and we don't know which dimensions of the recent attitude coincides with the hardening of the positions on of, on the northern part of cyprus. and the unfit is giving of the impression that they are giving in to very hard demands tar detriment. what's an example of that? they have recently given authorization to begin works within the buffer zone, right below the venetian was of the old town and it was easier for preparing for food feed for training by in a turkey cypriots football team. we are not against these, but what we are against is the details about whether it should be fenced, whether it should not be transparent. because we know that in the case of any event, turkish tank. so we'll be in a position to arrive to the center when he was here in a couple of minutes. this, we have to be vigilant. we've been with the peace keeping force for a whole day, and they're pretty vigilant. and they're, they are really important force to actually keep the sides apart in a crisis. furthermore, it doesn't help that your forces on talking to the northern cyprus, of forces at all. there's no communication, the u. l. i have only to do, i'm sorry. there has been a proposal by the un of it. ready direct dialogue between our forces and therefore we have said yes, but the turkish, the turkish forces from turkey. they say they should not speak to the commander of the turkish forces from turkey, but to the turkish cypriot commander. you understand that this semantic is very important. boggled we, i have just propose something else to end. this impasse, i have said they nominate, do, and senior officer, whomever they want. we nominate a senior officer, whomever we want, and they become a focus, a focus point between them. and this has not advanced. i don't know, gives our view as an idea of, of the sort of intricacy of the situation. and of course, the separates the talking cypriots north have also got in touch with the un in new york and demanding a, a bigger say in how things are organized. particularly with the, the permission, for example, every 6 months for the u. n. to actually deploy, if they demand a sofa agreement that iraq organized state only has the right to do so far, agreement is made between recognize states and the un this we cannot and never will accept. but i don't think that the un intends to give them is so far, agreement depends on what they are going to count of propos. well, the doctor cypriots are on record saying they'll reserve their rights on what they do. if they are turned down, what do you say to them? well, let them take the responsibility above this. when they will come and say they don't accept the presence of an phillip in cyprus, which has to operate from both sites. and this is a matter for the security council to be seized. let's move on a bit. but look, look back again. we're in the 21st century. it's 5 years since anything possible in terms of developments and peace has been on the table when we go back to july. one night after midnight when everyone was thinking a deal was going to be done. and we saw that the un secretary general attorney guitar rash come out with the ashen face, tired out real frustration or anger that the deal wasn't done. was that down to you as a government? so was i very frustrated and very disappointed. we have at that time came so close, so close to reach a settlement and a thing in the end of the meeting did not the reserve to postpone it. sina did. what did there was the needed? if, if the schedule of the effect that the general was not permitting it to be re invited in a couple of weeks and continue from where we were left. but let me tell you that after this, the turkish position changed 180 degrees. they have seized to seek a settle, been based on united nations resolutions, and they have put a pretty condition for us to accept separate salenti in equal international status before they seat on the table. we're moving on here that we're moving on, but the at that time there was a deal on the table. was there not? and yes, younger women paused, not really prepared to go through it. they had to learn to use the for well, this, this sir, this left of your based, based on, based on diplomatic views on, on the way on the way that went was he kept his site, the ready to accept. it's m a legacy. oh jesus. negotiations, is it not? i mean you as a foreign minister looking back on it, that, that was the, not an opportunity to make a groundbreaking with his grade. don't put the truth. and the spin ingle was also out of jointed battling again in a song that needs to 5 last should have followed short in the immediate her interval after the talk, the stalks, it will have uter deserts, i am sure. do you think you can get talking again soon? if this precondition which is totally unacceptable is removed, we can of course, but there are talks about talks all over the world that you know to, to get to a point where there's piece. surely you could talk, they've got preconditions, you've got precondition no, don't count, talk about. ready additions, sorry, but until the condition of course we can talk about talks, we have been asking from the u. n. to name an employee of the secretary general. we started disputing whether it would be a special envoy. you're especially present at the if we said or k, let's con human envoy and finish with this a t t and tut details, but they don't accept they don't accept the 2nd that a general decided to send one of the members of his immediate hierarchy of the un, to do this, we are waiting for the everything. well, let's move into some more positive, positive territory now, but still related to peace and that is business and, and the, the whole issue of exclusive economic zones. um, natural gas, or where are we now with things you gotta an agreement with, with israel and egypt as well. and so what, what are you, what are you doing right now? are you finding it smooth going? well, where there have have been new discoveries in the exclusive economic zone of cyprus in day it is in the hands of the international companies. in this case, any the italian company in total, they have plants. they have plans to collect all the amounts are to be discovered sulkily. and by the form of l. n. g. the send the day that to the egyptian magazine vacation power stations, or, or non f as c l n g in seattle and send it to europe to the 1st available power station for we got the vacation, which is most probably greece. so i, we are hopeful that the, in the mid term of that if to save a couple of years because a europe urgently needs natural gas that will be able to supply and contribute. and do you think then that's the issue. moving on from here or of the eastern eiji and see where you have an issue with, with grave greece and turkey. i think you mentioned recently that you're really concerned about the rhetoric over all the maritime borders there. we don't have an issue with greece. no, of course not, but the, but i wouldn't say you had, but you're concerned about the escalation of this potential at home. yes, of course. and you can, you have lucky end. it happ it will it. ready it may happen to cyprus in all probability, but there we hope that the international community who is watching this, the united states award several statements in europe and union with several statements. we leave this to the rhetoric and try to bring tension down between turkey police and ourselves. it is a factor, is it not that you've got elections early next week, next year in turkey and greece. we've got your own elections here in february. yeah. does that just raise the whole temperature for all of these, with this, you know, always elections? it happens, or it may happen. so we shall have to be careful. yes, let's this also look at the issue of, of lebanon. this is an extraordinary development, lebanon, and israel coming to an agreement. i mean, that is, would it be unsinkable few years back? is there a chance to think that this issue of energy and of, of, of making money doing business and also having an effect on the ukraine crisis because of the power problem with right across europe. do you feel positive about this, or are you worried about disputes? because the be a could be normally fergie and could be all sorts of problems with in terms of ra, our priorities in the, in the right or sequence. that's the world. an extremely helpful development. the agreement between israel and lebanon. secondly, because, you know, our exclusive gonna make zone is adjacent to this. secondly, the fact that tall, o partis, like lebanon, and the is, and israel, who officially are in a state of war, in who do not recognize each other. they have managed through the mediation of the united states and, and i congratulate the united states for this year. they have reached an agreement . this is a very good example for ourselves. and turkey. turkey so far has refused that we do a similar kind of negotiation and arrangement in eliminating out of exclusive our respective, exclusively going on the zone with the justification that they don't recognize us. but here is an example where this can be done without a solution of the political problems so that they can recognize. so we have offered talks, any of these stocks fail? let's go to the hague and we prepare to accept the arbitration of the hague. let me put the next priority, the next priority of the needs of our european partners or natural gas in this has to come before other considerations and these supplies, what i'm saying most to turkey and to our sense. and that when would you, can you put a date on as if everything was to remarkably work? could you put a date on went in different as it gets. you mean for the not sure i got the extra relation of actually stop. well, i don't know, but the couple of years it will, i'm not very specialist on these, but i feel that it's going to be a medium term solution, not a short term. and i realize that europe needs badly from next for the next winter. when next, when can we cannot accommodate? but i hope for the when winter after next we may be able to, well, the desperate need for energy in europe links us to the next question i've gotten that is ukraine. and what i'm cypress is a very small place, but it's, it's doing a lot, i mean, you used to be incredibly friendly with russia physically on business. now it's quite the reverse. so what sort of action have you taken? i want to make clear, we are very sensitive to the issues of territorial integrity of suffering t in vale ability of borders. and of course, from now to non annexation of parts of the country to another. therefore, we had to join our partners in the european union in our response to the russian invasion into ukraine. we did it, we want to be acknowledged and we are as a credible and. ready predictable partner to the european union. we took part on the. ready united was decisions regarding the functions and we are implementing the functions diligently. you realize, as you have said in your question, that we had to come a long distance to reach this goal are much longer than any other of the partners who are ready. didn't have the links we had with us. this demonstrates the dimension of our shift but it has had consequences. ready already and though probably be more for russia and your taking offense. i mean go to the visas of being canceled to tourists and you've seen also already russia intent on possibly taking other action and you're also stopping, i think fueling of brushing ships. yes. as well. did it unilaterally? not in the context of the functions. what can you imagine it was if somebody offer services to the navy of the country, packed it to the water like we are reading in a bidding. yeah, so we did this, this open the road for the, for the lifting of the american embargo towards us because we, we completed fully the terms. the one was this, and the other was the fight, the effective fight against money laundering, where we also get them out good results with the cheaper pill politics of it. got interesting because there's a shift, isn't that? i mean, you go the, you know, and i really didn't get into this issue. the united states is lifted its arms embargo in the fiscal year of 2023. you're also, i understand you have a, an agreement to, for russian made military german 3 been let that, well, it's isn't, there was some, is there something going on there with russian that the only thing that that exists was our effort to improve the capacity of the national guard to defend cyprus. and because of the existing situation with russia in that a lot of the number of our weapons are lacking maintenance or lacking air. maintenance may need to be operational. and this we shall have to remedy. but, but we have agreement with, with us to actually get russian met russian military vehicles and other equipment into rain in return for us equipment to replace. that's the report. is that a is? that's a myth. it didn't match it. well, they were, we were funded yet to go, but then they didn't want to. this didn't carry on further. so you can exploit and i repeat, we don't intend to send wear pants to ukraine because we need them here insipid. but we need to get 8 in the remedy to the issue of not having the possibility of maintenance for these with what sort of weapons you're going to get then from the us. is it no, no defense it no defense. if not, we embargoes not the embargo has been lifted yet, sort of where the tree hardware you're looking for these questions. i can say it's the ministry of defense who is dealing with this. i don't know what they're going to do, but they are going now they have the american markets, as well as other markets, like france, like israel to concede. the turkish is saying that this could be an escalation of the could be an arms race within cyprus because of this that it's a very bad move and it's very alarming at very so frayed with shame on them. it concrete so big important. they say we are a big regional power and for a few weapons that we buy i think they're looking for an excuse to bring on the the allegiance. religion says that cyprus have, i mean, if it was 10 years ago, would you ever seen a position whereby as well, was a trading partner effectively that russia was no longer an ally, a such that the u. s. would be much more influential on affairs. it's all changed, hasn't it? yes. are you looking for new friends still did he, did we acquire new friends next to the previous month? how are things going with as well? very well, very well indeed. but just looking at the situation with israel and lebanon, having a deal on trade, i mean it, it is utterly extraordinary. does not, not make you think, come about the start of our interview about how you can resolve a conflict that goes back so many decades through so many generations. all problems do good solutions and now worse will get as well. our site remains faithful to the re unification of our country, the lebanese and israel is, will never had this agreement without the involvement of the united states. we need some help from the international community. then in particular, from countries that can work with turkey because they have other areas where they're, they need to work. so give us your insight then on the geo politics of this, are you saying that when you say you need more help you mean or diplomatic help you need diplomatic? fed them judgement. european union should be doing more. there is room for more and in what you mean by that, when you say, i mean more in terms of diplomacy or in terms of active on the ground pushing of the actors and when that's the plumber. you are a very experienced diplomat. ok, so please put on the table. what the solution through your eyes are it is. so i say in terms of a settlement in cyprus, i think that they can imagine a solution that it would be a win win situation for all stakeholders. means they took community, this is a part of that grease and i think that there is a good a possibility, but at least provide that, that there is political will for minister of the republic of cyprus, you on his castle. it is. thank you for talking to out of there. thank you very much. thank you. this program contacted the government of the self declared republic of northern cyprus in an attempt to bring our audience, the voice of turkish cypriots. our interview request was declined, but our invitation to talk to al jazeera remains ah, the climate has changed every year for millions of years, decades of talk, but little action is all about distract, create confusion to crate, smoke and mirrors the shocking truth about how the climate debate has been systematically supported. the oral industry was a made bank roller or opposition to clock back the campaign against the climate. do you think that's a bad thing? more to to a did was fusion? absolutely. on all disease. we town the untold story a we speak when others done. ah, we cover all sides no matter where it takes us. i believe we have fan, sir. yeah, i am power in pasha. we tell your stories. we are your voice, your news, your net to hack out here. there's a story being spot fantasy whipping soldiers. the notion that we can offset all the carbon we generate those carbon offsetting actually work. what is being done isn't worth sitting in the profit is net 0, just the couch, raise. net 0 missions and that's there, right? you know, climate child poly re examines the myths and illusions in the struggle against flood that break down all hailed the planet episode. won on al jazeera ah, allow government knowledge is iraq where ever you are no.

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