Transcripts For ALJAZ Saving Chinas Pandas 20171116 : compar

Transcripts For ALJAZ Saving Chinas Pandas 20171116

vaccines are being blocked from entering the country heads of three u.n. agencies have pleaded with the saudi led coalition to lift its blockade on the country on monday saudi arabia said it would reopen some yemeni ports and airports but the u.n. wants the blockade to be lifted completely as your top stories that set for myself in the team in london want to one east is next. we are living through a technological revolution but all the machines taking over a piece of machinery goes wrong is there a train of litigation to which with him bringing a legal system to bear oxford university professor of machine learning stephen roberts talks to wall jersey this time. they are the global face of wildlife conservation. and after decades of campaigning panda numbers are now slowly improving. but why there are some one like experts warning the species is under more direct than ever. i'm still on this edition of one of many east we are asking what's the future of china's panders. on any given morning here in southwest china you could. taking you live to the u.n. to the u.n. security council is voting on a proposal from russia on whether or not to extend and encourage into the use of chemical weapons in syria let's watch abstentions militia. the result of the voting is as follows four votes in favor seven votes against four abstentions. the drug solution has not been adopted into the negative vote of a permanent member of the sorry absolutely you're right. i apologise dr lucian's not be having failed to obtain the required number of both. the floor two doors members of the council who wish to make statements after the vote i need the floor to the representative of egypt. say the rays. going after them tommy got him out and or once again. i must express my deep regret to what has transpired in the council today and that it has transformed transformed from an organ to a maintain peace and security in the world and to media show i want to repeat that are voting today to abstain from voting on both draft resolutions came after strong efforts to. bring closure to the prospective and to renew the ban date and enhanced performance without compromising its independence. we have seen room for consensus and try to build on it. however this opportunity was not seized and the polarization continued until we reached the result today. i want to affirm once again that consensus is possible there is room for consensus if we have enough willpower. we are prepared to continue our efforts to preserve the mechanism and preserve its independence thank you mr president. i think the representing of egypt for the state and i get the floor to representative of ukraine. thank you mr president ukraine voted against the draft resolution initially proposed by that option for the nation for several reasons we view the document as a deliberate attempt to undermine the credibility and independence of both dream and or p c w fact finding mission. secondly as it appears from the text the goal of the draft is to create artificial and unwarranted obstacles for independent investigations moreover that damned to micro-manage dream and f.m. is nothing less than an evil disguise therefore to sabotage both the missions and mechanisms work and third it is also not war so that the document was not open for negotiations within the council speaks volumes about the willingness of its authors to actually reach an agreement on it and by the way. contrary to the to the draft proposed by the united states which was the real product of the real negotiations although we cannot support the scenario the sole aim of which is to protect at any price defer to traitors overthrow crimes in syria from accountability i think you. i think represent a view of state and now in the floor to the representative of japan. mr president japan did not support the draft resolution initially submitted by russian federation because we do not support a system of the past work of joint investigation make an ism. while we take note of russia's willingness to consider renewing the mandate of the gym and russia's wish to improve the work of the g m we believe the best way to keep the gym in operation was described in the draft resolution submitted by the united states which fails to get up to. there is no change in the fact that the council is ultimately responsible for ensuring accountability for the use of chemical weapons again i sincerely urge all members of this council not to abandon our efforts and to continue discussion in order to find the way to prevent the further use of chemical weapons and not to allow impunity thank you mr president and i think your present of japan for its statement i now give the floor to the representative of china. mr president. china strongly condemns t. its indians of using chemical weapons inside syria we support investigations into the incidents to bring to justice the perpetrators and those responsible for leashing the unleashing the attacks with chemical weapons we supported the o.p.c. w u n joint investigation mechanism in continuing its work. the draft resolution that the council voted on contains the proposed extension of jim's mandate by a year and domination of the chemical weapons attacks in syria demands for investigations and concerns over the use of chemical weapons by unknown weapons states one non-state actors in particular nuclear know rather. crude terrorist organizations and also on improving working methods and mandate and bolstering its. investigation and evidence collection has proposed. specific measures to urge to tune in to improve its work and to ensure the reliability and credibility of the conclusions of the investigation is china supports that vote in favor of the draft resolution we regret the fact that the draft resolution was not a doctor thank you mr president. i think china and now you the floor percentage of the russian federation will that it was because by us as it end. we are deeply disappointed by the fact that our initiative which was geared towards extending and qualitatively improving and fine tuning the work of the joint un o.p.c. the investigative mechanism to investigate two instances of chemical weapons use in syria that this failed to secure the requisite support and we expected that there would be various tricks used to attempt to to portray russia to pin on russia responsibility for the possible station of activity of the gym on top of work told her this same with the same and we immediately we were deliberately brought to exercising the veto when there was no need for the vote. it is possible the aim is once again to disparage our country as people thought and this this game surpassed the importance of safeguarding the mechanism and now we will hear numerous commons for the press from our colleagues at the table and they are already these comments have already been prepared and throughout the world that there will be an on leashing of false information about what transpired today at the security council and this customary everything that all blame will be placed on russia it appears to me that when i speak nobody is listening because everything that i said in my statement and read in my repeated statements my two statements especially was ignored we were accused of not taking part in consultations even though at the very least three times we met at the expert level with our united states colleagues from the very outset and we said that we would not allow this resolution to pass and that's true because that resolution that was proposed by the united states this this entrenches the fundamental errors that were purged betrayed by the gym but you continue with your initiative we we are being accused of playing a game here we don't think we are playing a game here we think that others are playing games with us. and we're being told that. we will come as a result of the work of the gym when. in chemical weapons attacks terrorists are accused and at the same time we are accused of of covering up for the syrian government that is untrue we protest against the blatant lack of professionalism of that body and most likely that is deliberate for example take the seventh report of the gym when. as an argument as to why i saw the use mustard gas you know the whole show the argument put forward is that this is only because i still was seen doing this and the other group of that was opposing that it was not seemed to and i do you view this as a professional means of investigation this is laughable read of what we are certain that people will know that that wise people will get to the bottom of this russia as a conscientious participant in the coming weapons convention in recent years did a great deal of work in the context of chemical demilitarization of assyria and into this included the extension of support for the gym and all of this time we urgently and persistently sought to boost the effectiveness of its a work and for and without receiving understanding from our western partners to day it became absolutely clear we we need a robust professional mechanism that will help to prevent the proliferation of the threat of chemical terrorism in the region. and you. need a puppet like structure to manipulate public opinion which on the basis of false information will you will time after time accuse the syrian government of violating international norms those who voted against the draft resolution presented by russia and china will bear the full brunt of responsibility for the situation of operations of the jim thank you. mr president. and you were listening to the ambassador of the russian ambassador to the u.n. . pretty emphatic pretty defensive in his position and that the draft resolution from his country is as it pertains to investigating chemical weapons in syria the draft resolution from the from russia was rejected the draft resolution that the u.s. put forward earlier actually was approved but russia has the authority to veto that and that's what's happened so let's bring in our diplomatic editor james space has been watching all these developments at the u.n. so james competing draft resolutions a lot of harsh words back and forth what or how do we get to this point. well certainly we have a day of high drama at the united nations but i think it's extremely serious because what it means is that we have two different resolutions which would have continued the work of the joint investigation mechanism that's the body that's trying to find out who is carrying out weapons attacks chemical weapons attacks in syria it's a body that russia and its resident resolution certainly thinks is not doing a particularly good job and wants to see its work revised and some its conclusions already remember it's already found it says four times that the syrian government has used chemical weapons it wants some of those conclusions reexamined in fact you heard the russian ambassador ambassador burns here just a moment ago said the the joint investigation is in had a blatant lack of professionalism well what this now means the fact that neither of these resolutions has passed is that this body this vital body looking into the use of chemical weapons will now with or and die there's another body called a fact finding mission which was set up before the joint investigation mechanism that will continue its work but that is crucially different in that it cannot apportion blame it can't say which side used the chemical weapons so in terms of accountability the fact that this joint investigative mechanism is going to end in just a few hours as a result of the failure to agree to this i think makes it a pretty sad day for syria a bad day for efforts to fight weapons of mass destruction and a day on which the u.n. security council i think has done its own standing considerable damage and you said . the general here we keep hearing them bastards is the term it is that you write investigative mechanism that you're talking about and there are also been accusations that that russia perhaps didn't exhibit good faith. and in negotiating this draft resolution to for even bringing them to the table these are the accusations from the u.s. and other countries that russia wasn't wouldn't even be involved in talks and we heard the ambassador there from russia say that's not true what which which is correct. well there certainly were some meetings that took place about this issue but what it seems is the russians came out with their resolution the u.s. came up with their resolution and certainly what we're hearing from the u.s. and some of its allies is the russians turned up to pick holes in the u.s. as draft resolution and a bastard and he haley said they actually had made lots of changes because of the russian suggestions and when the russians produced their own resolution their own version they didn't invite anyone else in to look at it and didn't listen to their possible changes she in an impassioned speech just a few moments ago about fifteen minutes ago said she thought it was very bad the way that the russians have handled it she said the u.s. will not be disrespected so very strong words from the u.s. ambassador to the united nations and then again increasing the division and tension around the security council table which obviously plays in not just to syria but to other other files the council has to deal with and of course beyond chemical weapons remember it's a pretty crucial time on syria for the council and for the united nations with the next round of syria peace talks expected to start on the twenty eighth of this month in geneva. james we're going to the russian ambassador as if speaking again we're going to go ahead and listen does it need to protect russia's protection but it needs support because. i think it's absolutely justified that there were allegations by the distinguished representative of the us against their their representative us believe that their accusations of non-transparency in a process which we saw take place today the process for adoption of this resolution and for that we saw this in a far less a transparent way than was demonstrated by our negotiations partners thank you. saying the representative of the russian for the nation for the statement. there are no more names inscribed on diesel speakers at the meeting is adjourned. right james and at that moment the russian ambassador was talking about what you were just addressing before the transparency or lack of transparency in the negotiations that went on behind the scenes before these for our friends aleutians ribbon presented but let's get back to some of the tough language that was coming from u.s. ambassador to the u.n. nikki haley as she left the door open for some other potential response from the u.s. . yes in terms of response outside the u.n. security council and outside the u.n. itself because she has again mentioned what happened back in april when president trump ordered air attacks on on syria and on syrian government airfield and she said that attack in april is something that the u.s. would consider again she put the syrian government and the assad regime on notice that the u.s. was prepared to act in that way again so again saying that if the u.n. security council can't achieve this through diplomatic and legal means because the u.n. security council that you just watched and the very deadlocked u.n. security council is under international law the final court of peace and security if it can't deal with these things then the u.s. is prepared to unilaterally take action military action so a very strong warning there from the u.s. ambassador to join this meeting so that james if there were a clear cut way for military intervention from the u.s. to have made a difference or had effect in this situation what it not have been down quite some time ago. well yes the u.s. is certainly. trying to very carefully under the obama administration it didn't take that sort of action there's been one strike of that sort under the trumpet ministration one of the reasons for it is the us said it was working very closely with the russians on this if you go back all the way back to the one nine hundred ninety s. the organization to stop the use of chemical weapons the o.p.c. w in the treaty that created that was done by us russian negotiation and then when it was decided that chemical weapons had been used in syria it was the u.s. and russia that did the deal for the chemical weapons the assad regime was thought to have their stocks to be removed from syria then again when there were allegations that chemical weapons were still being used it was the u.s. and russia did the negotiations creating this jim this joint investigative mechanism that's now been in place for a couple of years the one that the russians even though they were involved in those negotiations and they were the one of the two key nations in creating it has said in the last few minutes has a blatant lack of professionalism a very serious criticism by the russian ambassador of this body that is a joint body of the united nations and the o.p.c. w the international body the deals with chemical weapons that's not based here in new york but is based in the dutch capital the hague so james the way that all of this is played out today be obvious. that the animosity is too strong of a war between russia and the countries that have voted against them what kind of tell know how to set the table going forward for any type of the talks that are that are set up for any type of. political transition anything in syria this is where things stand on the most basic things about accountability for for chemical weapons use. for the use of these most hideous weapons that many in the world have been opposing their use since they were first used in the first world war yes it's a very big question remember that russia now has used its veto in the security council four times in connection with chemical weapons in syria and i think the u.s. and others would claim that's a protection of the assad regime this is actually what we've seen in the last few hours the tenth veto on the whole syria file that has been used by russia i think you're right to use the word animosity because it does exists there and i think we've seen it go beyond syria some of the divisions on syria have infected other discussions remember there's also been divisions in recent years on the issue of ukraine when that's come to the security council table and why i would say that ambassador hayley looked angry and she looked angry at what had happened today particularly the way they've used some of the procedure because in the early part of this meeting there was a debate over which of these rival resolutions should be put to the vote first and they actually had a procedural vote on it the council decided to vote which one should we vote on first and russia last that vote and it was decided that the russian president resolution should go first and then the u.s. voted on second at which point the russians withdrew their resolution and then later in the meeting the russians got their allies the bolivians to reintroduce the resolutions of the russians got what they wanted in the first place which was their resolution to be voted on second and the holy said that really was very bad faith by the russians and the bolivians she said they've been playing tricks and games and subverting the rules of the u.n. security council so james is is this this avenue or this particular avenue kray entail chemical weapons use in syria as it pertains to the u.n. is is it get dark that guy cannot come up again is that right or is there any other avenue. well it could it could put it could potentially come up again if someone reintroduced it but i think for now it's standard and i think it's damaging to the whole efforts to fight weapons of mass destruction once you nipple way of this global system on fighting proliferation then you get problems other other nations take their chances ok james we're going to take a quick break here and pick up the discussion of this on the other side of the break the vote in the u.n. security council basically to further investigate chemical weapons use in syria more to come on the other side of the right. head of the september twenty fourth national election survey showed job as a satisfied with the state of their economy this is easily a study his biggest tech success story the company was bought by microsoft in two thousand and eleven we bring you the stories that are shaping the economic world we live in counting the cost at this time on al-jazeera. al-jazeera where ever you are. short films of hope. and inspiration. a series of short stories that highlight the human triumph against the odds. al-jazeera selects at this time. witnessing documentaries that open your eyes at this time on 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