Transcripts For ALJAZ Romania People Power 20180103 : compar

Transcripts For ALJAZ Romania People Power 20180103

a media's deputy bureau chief and is currently working in tehran he says some media outlets are having problems trying to report on the protests. now it seems relatively calm but i have to say that it's very difficult for us to report from aaron i mean there are very tight restrictions on what the media can to iran we know there's a heavy police presence but around is actually not in the focus of much of the rest unlike the last major demonstrations in two thousand and nine it's mostly been out in the provinces we had only scattered protests the last few nights but it does you slightly come as far as we can talk now as much as people want to see this revolution returns and some of the slogan certainly have been revolutionary in terms of attacking the islamic rebels regime and. these have been driven by economic grievances bread and butter issues such as high unemployment soaring prices things that have been bubbling away in iranian society progress on time and people are simply fed up with a pattern they've tried reformists they've tried moderates they've tried hardliners and conservatives and none of them have been able to deliver on what really matters to people which is jobs and the future that your there is plans to withhold more than two hundred fifty million dollars of aid to pakistan the decision comes after president champ again accuse the country of being a safe haven for terrorists president jordan has more from washington d.c. . the u.s. president doll tromped used his first tweet of two thousand and eighteen to attack the pakistani government trying to accuse the pakistanis of not doing enough to crack down on groups such as the head khan the network or the talabani say that these groups are destabilizing not just pockets but also afghanistan to the west on tuesday the u.s. ambassador to the united nations nikki haley made it plain that the u.s. president simply wasn't tweeting her in her words nikki haley said there are real concerns with what is a lot of bodies dealing to fight but the u.s. calls terrorism pakistan had played a double game for years they work with us at times and they also harbor the terrorist attack our troops in afghanistan that game is not acceptable to this administration we expect far more cooperation from pakistan in the fight against terrorism in addition the state department spokesperson heather nauert told reporters on tuesday that pakistan knows what it needs to do in order to make the region safer and she said without going into too many details that it definitely means trying to crack down on these groups that are destabilizing the region and she said that is labatt's complaints simply aren't going anywhere south korea has accepted north korea is off of talks proposing the two sides meet next tuesday so said they would mainly focus on north korea's participation in the upcoming winter olympics washington meanwhile says it is skeptical of kim jong un's intentions saying may be trying to drive a wedge between the u.s. and south korea. the palestinian president's spokesman says a new israeli law which makes it hard to hand over parts of jerusalem is equivalent to a declaration of war israeli impedes pass the bill which means two thirds of the knesset must approve giving up territory at least thirty people have died in peru after the bus they were travelling in plunged eighteen meters off a cliff onto a rocky beach the bus was carrying fifty seven passengers to the capital lima when a collided with a truck along a narrow stretch of highway known as the devil's curve. and chair is military says more than seven hundred people held hostage by the armed group boko haram have managed to escape the. close to the north eastern border with chad those are the headlines up next it's from a near people in power. i mean if you were. going to let me you know. once the most corrupt country in the european union romanian society is engaged in an unprecedented fight against corruption. on the thirty first of january twenty seventh in the biggest protests since the fall of romanians communist dictatorship broke out in the streets of. the newly sworn in government had secretly passed to be greek that would grant its members immunity from prosecution on some corruption charges. hundreds of officials including businessmen mayors government ministers and members of parliament have been charged and convicted at the center of it all is an independent judicial body the national lead to corruption directorate for d.n.a. in early twenty sixteen the d.n.a. steve prosecutor announced a sharp spike in corruption charges for three missions for the carter based on me endorse their choosing but the core of your line evil or not she made your. oh horse to me sure sure they got them they changed my words mean each tissue parliament thought they could up one day on. be nice to. me mishti sites but. not all. independent collectives like the funky citizens have also joined the fight against corruption they are adopting the quirky beat approach. to. a lot of these i'm. going to go. along. thirty years of dictatorship has given rise to a healthy sense of humor in romania. in this spirit the two are focused on high level corruption has been created in bucharest. choose the. this. meat turned director. back eric a much shorter book so. i just. want to be. able to die young again which minister of agriculture in two thousand and seven sentenced to three years in prison for accepting bribes in cash and sausages bin laden and the but. in the time of the thing he fell back. on. no. one to know him. really force with. the cash. who was the. mayor of poorest from two thousand and eight to twenty fifteen charged with taking bribes . but in general of. the most. recent your first. book wasn't. go out of. the inside out. mayor of two crist sector three those fifty one million euros in back taxes. but it's amazing to me. mayor of the cruelest. sector five from two thousand to twenty sixteen charged with taking ninety million euro bright. meat but sheesh. it's all describe the same pervasive reality in romania ripes. the times are changing local government schools police stations and hospitals have a long history of taking bribes in exchange for service. i i i. wasn't there. i know it's what you aspire to who shall try going somewhere what do you look at my list of what are. in romania corruption extends well beyond the envelopes that civil servants receive to supplement their incomes at the highest levels bribes are replaced by briefcases and the misuse of taxpayers' money becomes more creative and the leverage touch of a demo money artist pull the dent. she can what does that. sound got us thinking because in kurdish follow says. they example. when i got a long as a minister by the. but. the parliament voted me my age despite a contacted me to ask what about their preference now and. then they are forced quite. to. with. that part of. him or what i said. in two thousand and two the national anti-corruption direct threat or d n a was created as an independent judicial body to enact reforms required for romania's entry into the european union in a few short years the growing number of corruption revelations in romania have implicated politicians from every party. thousands of scandals and shameless dealings have been brought to light. the d.n.a. is chief prosecutor it is lowered. her unrelenting determination has made her the central figure in the fight to eradicate corruption. off or start. up and then. there's no minister mr porter's own premier. and. also investing is just one of. only a photo here she got a credit for the morton church of. not just a fourth almost. daughter shall call all exist with a lot of. document i put it online you don't need change the gist of the. shop. a few floors up at the d.n.a. a special investigations team is helping to solve some of the d.n.a.'s biggest cases. and that's to me is almost. here. it was a few more dishing about you might feel lucky or not that i actually have but that. prosecutor. and police investigator nicole asia turned their stripes in the fight against organized crime both highly skilled investigators they've unearthed key evidence leading to the prosecution of romanian political elites. wife etc. there were intelligent we just shot we too far to the time of year or two of them. to go to it. was an. infection a diversion if you scarred. me cut what the little comment. was the most read. dark and what live action they. put up with i she she i thought to tell him the very. question harsh. up with the chamois. of a wolf human history. or getting cheaper so. the issue demurely of i walk around to look but question fresh but this divine binding so full sits the c.l.r. said elizabeth thus cannot realize the rest. of it sure of it looked at it that it almost such a. good in by you is down the side was lost but the good old war party leadership has to sort of think you've all made it all put that simple test of stuckey up all you like about which at least a lot bundy. couplet it. was plus the use of good so it has already delayed going up the other five out there go up the larger bear market the progress open to. get out that divide sprout up on. their corvette or their. something and it can be one opposed to him or bottoms of course i mean quite in jane just trust my own will be. done across and under some i must i must invest in your speaks up a good kind and it's new to different here. and you multi-boot are chilly you're going dva right to remove the. united the opposition noise in the bogs issue nor can the fuck to. be in the party doing so would be. had the poor would see. but also coined the word. by me start your. year she also flog. as an independent journalist autobytel has investigated corrupt officials and closely followed some of romania's most notorious corruption cases. that you would believe it. to be known until. you pleaded with them you don't look at. anybody she thought was part of the control room but you were paid a. little beat you to become good but if you don't want to say to me you simply got. to start. to get your money you know. my god they said to. me. i was on a lot of. the but you have. a for a cheek of the old guard and president of the now defunct conservative party was convicted in twenty fourteen for buying property at sixty times less than its actual value. but the one thing. in monaco meant to. me but i. think. you know money. at a nice. enough stops. at the state. of course. for. miles. chichi thing then. the model. shift for me. as with other eastern bloc regimes the fall of the dictatorship provided an opportunity for party stalwarts to prosper. government funds where mr propre. did and many from the old guard to fill their pockets the dictatorship had given way to new levels of corruption. but of all nazi or model that you had extended would probably get up only class taught level science that on line. she. done for the other new normals it up watch it at that out test out only got a society and there's a that are partially at our class the next the stand for them spawn or the fuckin way to start the winter politico dela when i type does exist acquired of what i thought was the simple technique i also stated that i said here couple below such as what is. locally the sole scheme of the momentum carried out on money and to put . on your noddle bana been tried out or shut down to know what a bene pinkel me so openoffice the muscular support i could have had d.t. and all money majlis untouchable investors an additional state issued the. money come up of a was appointed a minister of justice from two thousand and four to two thousand and seven with the support of the european commission she prepared the way for romanians anti-corruption prosecutors many portland calendar that have to do it in short time i mean haven't they got a closing and got two thousand and four so i have very few time to date. and you have and that was important for me it was a support to me for me to change. into short years minister michael vs doggedness in the face of intense opposition allowed her to launch a process of judicial reform. then a relatively unknown entity that d.n.a. came to prominence as michael v. pushed for its right to prosecute white collar crime. but d.n.a. is first cases went relatively unnoticed by the press. but i think if we wait for your daughter will have. their father on one of the one main. yes the up until about a new study out on when you get those in parliament that governmental pre-modern he stood out on when he is. being formed here at this be marred question is that was he should. or even a prime minister indicted in two thousand and five i began as a descendant from the communist dictatorship have become one of the most powerful men in romania just because you did it is. charged with embezzling one and a half million euros for his electoral campaign and taking the six hundred thirty thousand year old right wing company to look at us about a woman who has that analysis and all of us had and always have been. but she seems almost half step how. i think all normal. so to me when i last i recall norm. so. the chair is a focal point when. it. i used to get. sick of it. just to our facility it was because if you go back it is a few years after these comments in twenty twelve the prime minister was sentenced to four years in prison for passive corruption and blackmail again the stuff his conviction that was a lightning bolt for society since then the corruption investigations have accelerated and the d.n.a. has achieved celebrity status in romania. it didn't take long for the media to catch on and to begin reporting on an unrelenting stream of revelations each day this is the scene outside the offices of the d.n.a. certain not to leave empty handed the media gathered to catch the drama in real time it's the most closely watched media event in the country. russia. for now is creating the unique series of documentary portraits that captured the expressions of in battle delete what about. piece of footage that i. look like. i'm just making it up ok why don't i check check check you. know i don't know i'm. in april twenty sixth seen a journalist exposed to hicks a former scandal the case cause public outrage forcing the minister of health to resign. if you don't watch out quite a few seconds out of the water runs if you achieve different. memory of a thing. which is that. you press the case and i think about showing. votes more every day and the moment the recorder's i disagree with the rocket or its guns or the wind if you. stay on the right it was as if it was you you couldn't live but imagine. if. she interrupted you i don't know what's up for the world but actually looking into you said you're going to kind of get busy to become a monk and real quick so that i will show you the stipulated fact judge just spoke up an option is that the club as usual must suffer from it just enough honestly if you want to injure yourself being the one with it but just that one doctor says the she needs the present the worst that will be you know what you think you. want. in my life it isn't the more you know that the next but out the bottom in the larger box that is what we need to get on we don't know if you imagine our coupled with my will to get out of the part of the logic of loss or a loss that is. going to. be. a little. shocking but then tional me to feel many chilled out bill already most and to be it's all on the pro quo tory thing mr young. that's all it a thought is that happening to me wrong. could go on the therapist cybil. credit and nice to. ensure proper girl but it's also liz if she college in laurel will only include bob and three of those sorry for the important delicious as the change of guard started lot of those are all a little cheap thirst and on top of it will let you know there are lunch aboard who's just been over. on vapor important of in a lot. more. important than triple the best allowed years for fond. of him but i got his law to support and. yes yes. it will be important and interesting that will be the. denial all jay just. see this week at a lot of the times most of that. but. the. gist and. there were. many you only thought dippolito year would seem to border outdoor that you know chill my book got only a little money of all those lanes betrothal dippolito my love for you. but not because of. the fact almost half hearted out tripped out. supporting friends sadly geology diminished or economy shares if you know rome does she transgress kalyani could i already. have a son. my. view. is about that actually extend a moment then into many more into a. moment that. just. leave it on the visit to me. you are one of the richest men in romania sentenced to two and a half years in prison for being a one million year old released halfway through his sentence. system. and was cool vos out of my me she lost us a bit but that's all with him would be of any doubt graphic we were all knowing were moved out just by in the nick of this is thermal truly done with. the stuff you know that morgan is uppish in on the at the moment they killed as we grew up for. the same old scott years in palestine old so odds. architectures he's used by are stupid as the work of. reveals the role of toxic texture in his raid documentation everything in this plan the rama use a tactical tool with n.p.r. the picture of the preacher just need to know how to decode the architecture of fine it's part of the rebel dr series this time on. the nature news as it breaks the last time senegal qualified for the world cup was in two thousand to fifteen years on and hope to do even better in russia next year with detailed coverage try to imagine it only seven years ago people were living right here farming shlaim now deceased has taken over their land from around the world donald trump is promising a major policy announcement on trade a potential challenge to khorat a missed opportunity a braai. jeffery. raw cheese musical pioneer. uses to be silent in spite of the endless cycles of violence. through his school for young girls craft of music and the monks but emancipation. news is. a witness documentary this time on al-jazeera. i'm jane dutton and with a reminder of the top stories on al-jazeera the u.s. has called for an emergency session of the u.n. security council to discuss the antigovernment protests in iran the supreme leader of iran has blamed his country's enemies for six days of violence which is now claimed the lives of twenty one protesters and one policeman by police are out in force in several cities across the country u.s. president donald trump has warned north korea that he also has a nuclear button on his desk and that it is quote bigger and more powerful trumps treaty was in response to kim jong un's new address the north korean leader said he has a launch button on his desk for nuclear weapons capable of reaching all of the u.s. mainland. here's some bassa to the u.n. nikki haley says washington will withhold more than two hundred fifty million dollars of aid to pakistan the decision comes after president trump again accused the country of being a safe haven for terrorists pakistan had played i double game for years they work with us at times and they also harbor the terrorists that attack our troops in afghanistan that game is not acceptable to this administration we spec'd far more cooperation from pakistan in the fight against terrorism the us president has also threatened to cut aid to the palestinian authority claiming it is no longer willing to talk peace only the palestinian president's spokesman condemned a new israeli law making it harder to hand over parts of jerusalem israeli m.p.'s passed the bill which means two thirds of the knesset must now approve giving up territory. at least thirty people have died in peru after the bus they were traveling in plunged eighteen meters off a cliff onto a rocky beach the bus was carrying fifty seven passengers to the capital lima when it collided with a truck along a narrow stretch of highway known as the devil's curve risk you had to climb down to the beach and have been battling the tide to recover bodies jerry's military says more than seven hundred people held hostage by the group boko haram have managed to escape they were found close to the north eastern border with chad the army says many of the captors were farmers and fishermen who are being kept in forced labor camps those are the headlines and let's get you back to a mania people power. since joining the european union and romania has been engaged in an unprecedented judicial overhaul special prosecutors have joined with journalists activists and romanians growing civil society to uncover and prosecute corruption at the highest levels. independent media groups like the rise project are playing an important role in exposing corrupt practices. rise is an information site that provides a platform for journalists activists and investigative hackers and. here activist journalists can sometimes uncover in a day what prosecutors would require years to obtain. is co-founder of the rights project and. he's taken part in many international investigations and was a key player in helping analyze the panama papers leak. or tipping listing artists can actually invest in yourself but it thirty oshima i think that's what i need to look i know where to go to tell us apart on this or think. of the money value. for them. money more than. chip and pin him off for me when i walk out of it a little present i don't have a gun seller said. you know what i mean i think that it wasn't really getting. us open for much of us so it. is budget us this bubble but as in the old bugger that they were going to put up a lot of itself was when looking for marty this will combine the early start than i was alluding to that the lonely that was for this was that the four months you know today that is are i don't you call them that that is because bonnie if i can watch a little money thing what. concord. before all the money for that technology policy like us investing in. last. week i'm. in recent years romanian society has begun to feel the impact of a growing wave of corruption convictions. emboldened by judicial reform people are increasingly demanding that the law apply equally to all i was the ongoing judicial battle has energized protesters in nov twenty fifteen tens of thousands flooded the streets of bucharest to protest the deadly fire at the collective nightclub despite unsafe conditions the club obtained its operating license in exchange for a bride. sixty four people mostly teenagers died in the blaze. just persis prime minister victor was forced to resign. mass protests are a growing trend in romania where forty years of state rule all but destroyed a citizen action thirty years earlier and big gatherings in romania looked like this shows of mass solidarity orchestrated by the state called for justice gave way to resignation poverty and despair in recent years the pioneers of progressive change have claimed that their place in society. is a historian and specialist in communist crimes he's also a famous activist in bucharest fellow. difficulty if you have one million here. we should ask you what we could get because. it's one of our petition you know what is you but what's this article didn't get for that you know there are more these as affordable. although there were no moment in which an officer rex young was one called comical vicious for sure school. in a manner which jack i'm sure the for the exam is a cool thing that it's going to cynic and watch them here or the nuclear weapons capability but that mustn't take what they say one hundred ten times that you expect to be down to talk about what you look at it but i mean it might just almost like a soft job. as with spain's indignados or the will keep by wall street movement in the us romania's protest movement is led by activists like me hyped all it takes is a few activists like him to ignite social action in darfur but will they put the state. will conduct a more gentle darker black on more of a problem for the brotherhood she was just then in prison such as malice go for the . extra muscle externals down dizziness the condition of resources of. surprises. me to know yet not really that she was going to get me and i was ok and. social activism on this level would have been unimaginable a few years ago. today targeted actions can take only a few hours to germinate and spread. across our choices of a whole string of sentiment. the more money back into the majority of them what we did there was a daughter to pull me and also to sharon to the settlement so much cooler for students like that on our part it was very hard to just hold it because she's sure to show that the. that's. building the activist capacity of an entire generation is a bold project. the funky citizens aim to defy boundaries and to forge a path for civil society in romania. give this to the girls it's quite amazing to complete because they can these qualities for the job. cost of shipping if you cheat the system and it was just the most. to you that was the fact that. in twenty twelve limit police to created the funky citizens to confront government corruption she hired hyperactive young graduates out of law political science and communications courses a coalition of creative activists the funky citizens are advocating for the growth of civil society in romania who want those that were moved that you know how could it also add to that that you're going to want to me was a part of the indoor me days to draw from all that. for you to push off that popped up this morning the day i wasn't born or you know to some to block the ok i think i might need to get it out of range this is not in the simplest legal that this sounds an awful lot of water in a week it's a lot when he talks about you. n.g.o.s and civil society activists have steadily been gaining momentum the funky citizens have been working in a vibrant offbeat style one of the of their name. on this it isn't. important that up to the issue but i'm certain they become show that's all stop will be gone she funkier for last month at a fortune my surely my old film because. that is. to awaken citizen awareness the funky citizens are addressing corruption with a sense of irony. is the creator of an unusual sight the bribe market which allows users to know the average bribe in a specific hospital town hall or police station exists. she chip this site yesterday. of course the chines age because. their. perspective of. what they. meant they. were many future the town when. a lot of. many young graduates with specialized skills have chosen to work in these novel structures. here they can discuss the performance of the courts fact check political statements or analyze the latest reforms. for the surfing part. they exempt. photos of course i thought they were. solid day or yet are here on the institute's you probably go i but corruption lives on even when high and mid-level officials are jailed public service budgets are also first though grown for corruption to address this elenor also has a countrywide program to train advocates how to decipher public finances. i think i thought that was what it was. a job and they said they did it was just a few was that. it was ok so that's just as cool but the fact that just getting the support they count second is what you wanted your doctor to call morty out is the fucking force. and if this sucks he says we're not going to support the good doctor and then moscow for them and this past african march yeah we had much since he had to be done shooting the chief want to respond after we so i called that actually cut into the house for trash and was going to get. this by this flurry of activism the fight against corruption is far from one. the government is it pains to recover stolen funds. the accused to decry stalinist trials and anger against the judicial system has reached a boiling point. the political climate has become so tense that's the chief prosecutor broached the issue on primetime radio. of modernity known throughout the team to not included the last of the now there's one of the got a knowledge of this but i forgot darkly in fear god is the. the best one of the garden i legit at the dog. injun jim i did take out the opposite of all mine also and feed him a shot then to go to cedar bend twenty need another market if you don't see denies that indoor meat raised british of it it's you know it's you know you're going to have a moment la possibility that they're pretty muddy don't i was there or is each are long and. yoda. but what are the limits of the rich and powerful when cornered by justice. politicians have been looking to pass laws that would diminish the d.n.a.'s powers . or we don't anybody did it but the. religious group in three g. is there might be an action. just a really good sort it was has been very big. problem and it's funny all the audience just came by little dog on his auto someone if you took all that and celebrated to not so long and i mean there's a couple thoughts of adding this to gotta shuttle such i thought that you feel that saying your doubts are eligible for the first version next time the important chick or the bill are just things to forty but those are better than if they're cool don't seem to question your thoughts any part of the. lot just the thought of the cut of fortune. on the thirty first of january twenty seventh teen romania's newly sworn in government issued a late night executive order that would pardon politicians of some corruption offenses. the media quickly informed to the public by midnight twenty five thousand protesters flooded the streets of the capital that number swelled to three hundred thousand in the next days with hundreds of thousands more gathered in cities across romania. the government was forced to rescind its decree a few days later. as a check to the powers of governance the funky citizens count on an important ally the european commission. on your offer to meet them on the budget. for all the usual case. since joining the e.u. romania has been closely monitored by the european commission twice a year the commission issues reports that. measure its progress in the fight against corruption. no one knows what it. will be cheney who looked a lot. on the cheap if he did and when i make you pay them on it or use out of the law books that we are. all on our lawn mower not. talk at the bottle shop and you are just in one or more you me she was broken free and thought. a government trying to push the limits n.g.o.s and citizens mobilizing in the vigilant european commission this framework stands as the most efficient safeguard in attempts to weaken the fight against corruption. monitoring by the commission should end by twenty twenty but does romania have the institutional and political maturity to progress on its own. so seen on. foot artist michael is the goal but other issue that he thought it would. benefit you had this was he not on it but it was just a shrug she could read. and comment on his. but out of part there could have goshen i took that same haven't our difficulty crept into such as an artist on quality let you know. it's early summer twenty sixteen and romania is about to elect new mayors romanian seem happy about the push for transparency but will they vote for change. many hope the election will reveal the impact that prosecutors and civil society groups are having on the romanian public. an equal shot adama has created the save bucharest union or the u s b. it's a campaign born of. civil society founded on hope in the democratic rejuvenation of romania. for this former mathematician the fight against corruption is a clear path towards the renewal of romania's political class. you almost. always for. a. while move on so they are quite law where the. few. you said. there were. enough open up. years that you. should have done to present his party as the only recourse to a decadent political class a class that continues running candidates embattled by corruption scandals. on election day locked up has decided to follow a candidate he knows well one of the headliners of book arrests corruption to work . the mayor of bucharest sector five charged with taking a bribe of ninety million euros. apart and some with a little bit isn't going to put you at home and so if you don't shut up when you put this might they go yes i mean it's going to scope out the shop because. it will be made what is a kind of funny guys i'll have to make that. but i'm going with the voting to go against what i've been out with an awful cynical putting could see. that the for the model that. i think. of the five robots are going to begin to. look look look look look look look. can i look on the more. visible to the steps that you wish to see. what do you. think. but really kind of. if you're going to be if you can this is not a test for. the night. i think. people could be doing their own year to do that for too much of. what you seem to be. good. with was pretty good. because you we still think. that this you. think might work. for the funky citizens have banded with other n.g.o.s to spots plus. able fraud they've set up a call center and sent observers to polling stations i don't see how much. the mosque would have said they could store somehow so i thought. of him but when i think of it though less frequently than before electoral fraud can be just as flagrant i think that's what. it. was though the slow vehicle was. the only. really play over the whole tense issue no rest of it should i be asked much of the she did this six years she wanted me out of the way our friends that say you take one copy didn't get what the one you got what that little nasties discarded i was single but the number just. come off fast and that's a deal that i thought it was fun to be not going to give it to someone here to talk to one hundred of the six years i've been the man who fucked up in just a moment or two much of what i wanted out of it i think. the day is coming to an end and to me push out of dunns us meeting mates are awaiting the results. in a surprise done cus the party has won thirty percent of the vote. it is the first time that the new political party has done so well in local elections. so far to profit. off. but if you. do it here i. would think that it was. the funky citizens are taking stock of the day of mixed results even if mayor mike young van give you photographed earlier hasn't been reelected candidates with corruption cases have done well. was i was leaving. the. scene did you figure. it. out or not. i think that yes. yes. some ellis' is fair the candidates judicial troubles haven't stopped many from voting for them the romanians have real acted nearly fifty mayors convicted of or charged with corruption and. mayor of cry over charged with taking a bribe and money laundering reelected with fifty eight percent of the votes. the court rejected the d.n.a. charges and in general twenty seventeen. became minister of labor and social justice. judges get. charged with taking a bribe reelected with fifty two percent of the vote. but the link mayor of miami charged with taking a bribe reelected with seventy percent of the vote while behind bars. as romania confronts the ghosts of its past the descendants of a bygone era are clinging to money and power. in the legislative elections of late twenty sixteen the majority of seats went to the social democratic party who are fiercely despite them earlier conviction of its president for electoral fraud. but people are beginning to support the new parties on the promise of change. following electoral success a few my. earlier than see us changed its name to save. for us winning nine percent of seats in parliament. romania continues its push to become an example amongst its eastern european neighbors at least for now. is the country's transformation to democracy a revolution a long distance race a real age in which the baton is handed over to the next generation teenagers after the fall of communism. the citizens are supporting the civic education of this youth. in romania today civil society engages. in a culture of corruption the country's greatest hope may well. be cool. but influence. thanks. hello there we'll take a look at the weather across the americas it's all about the really cold air which is still there across much of north america extending all the way down into the south chooses meissen temperature for dallas atlanta only just above freezing you've got to get down into the floor a potential of four you see what you described as mild weather as we move on through into wednesday there's not a great deal of change for many of these eastern areas further south we're seeing the return a slightly less cold air but we've got this low pressure developing and this could really produce some very heavy snowfall on parts of the eastern seaboard had to enter into thursday and this could cause some serious travel disruptions so you need to keep updated on this if you're traveling to that part of the world otherwise those temperatures remain way way way below freezing for the most part we got some rain coming into parts of california says a lot of good news i suppose heading down into the caribbean we've got this area of cloud and rain across central parts of the caribbean extending across jamaica with some really heavy rain for panama not to well for sr over the following twenty four to forty eight hours so expect some flooding here once again northwestern to costa rica further out through the isthmus the weather conditions gerri aren't too bad into south america showers across the amazon basin further south looking dry and fine should be a nice day but he's there is in argentina highs thirty two. harley is a fourth part of their football fans who don't think about opening call early on that lead explaining when real madrid a club worth five hundred million euros or expresses a position on something or the world anti-doping agency has to take notice. al-jazeera continues its investigation into the widespread use of performance enhancing drugs in the final episode of sports doping the endless chase at this time. we understand the differences. and the similarities of cultures across the world so no matter how you take it al-jazeera will bring in the news and current events that matter to al-jazeera. al-jazeera explores prominent figures of the twentieth century and how why will receive influence the course of history beginning with the giants of the struggle for civil rights the mouth of a violent resistance to the evils over the work of failed to oppress people government looking can continue to make roles to be defense that what you mean by that about malcolm x. and martin luther king face to face at this time on al jazeera. this is al-jazeera. and i'm jane doc and this is a new life and coming up in the next sixty minutes last night the u.s. pushes for an emergency un meeting to discuss the.

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