Transcripts For ALJAZ Romania People Power 20171228 : compar

Transcripts For ALJAZ Romania People Power 20171228

and they've been thinking about holding a victory party the in the cup we're told will grow via but they've been asked to do it because the final results will be released to moralise a provisional result of war again where house on a saleable lead over he's contend is the other the other candidate joseph walker the man who's been prez vice president in liberia for the past hold three years old way of course very hopeful with the youth of this country whom for up to six the parson of the fashion of this country they have been seen sold tribulation in some of the streets but nothing as much as what the supporters of george will have been planning it's as good as done that now where he's set to become the next president of liberia who will take over from ellen johnson sirleaf in mid january peace is the main thing liberians want right now and with the widespread support. among the solution of this country many people feel caught in the house what it takes to bring the country together in reconsideration and moving forward from a post conflict situation to the heart of development and prosperity. at least forty people have been killed in an attack in afghanistan's capital kabul a compound housing a cultural center and a news agency was targeted in a shared district in the west of the city interior ministry says attack a set off an explosion outside the center then stormed it and set off more explosives in the basement president ashraf ghani has ordered an investigation. children are increasingly being used both as targets and weapons of war according to a report by unicef it says the suffering of children in conflict zones has reached shocking levels with an increase in rape in slave meant and children being used as human shields. as an estimated one hundred thirty five children as suicide bombers in west africa in twenty seventeen alone the deputy executive director of unicef just in forsyth said the situation is getting worse this deliberately targeting of children to make them part of the call to brutalize army is a is a is a new development yes it's always happened in part but it seems to be growing and growing is normal now that you can target a hospital a group of doctors in syria told me recently when i was in new the turkey how the armed groups wouldn't even come near the hospital because the hospital was more all the target than the armed groups so hospitals and schools are being deliberately attacked children are being brutalized and if feels like all the rules in war as you say that used to at least protect civilians and children in particular in these terrible wars are all disappeared and feels like there are no rules to protect the most vulnerable children in these conflicts the u.n. says sixty eight yemeni civilians were killed in two separate as strikes by the saudi led coalition in just one day the first air raid on tuesday hit a crowded market on tires province killing fifty four civilians including eight children a second killed fourteen people from the same family in the province of her data the u.s. humanitarian coordinator in yemen accuses all sides in the war showing complete disregard for human life. and u.s. democratic politician doug jones has been officially declared the winner of a special senate election in alabama a judge rejected a last minute appeal by a republican candidate who's alleging voter fraud will have the backing of president donald trump but his campaign was dogged by sexual harassment allegations his defeat reduces the republican majority in the one hundred seat senate to just a single seat. well now coming up next people power looks at ways romanians are using media and technology to fight corruption i'll be back with more news after that in about twenty five minutes time so i'll see you then stay with us. i mean if you were. going to let me you know. one of the most corrupt country in the european union romanian society is engaged in an unprecedented fight against corruption. on the thirty first of january twenty seventh in the biggest protests since the fall of romanians communist dictatorship broke out in the streets of new protest. the newly sworn in government had secretly passed to be greek that's good granted some members immunity from prosecution on some corruption charges. hundreds of officials including businessmen mayors government ministers and members of parliament have been charged and convicted at the center of it all there's an independent judicial body the national anti-corruption directorate for d.n.a. in early twenty sixteen the d.n.a. prosecutor announced a sharp spike in corruption charges of course the mission is one that got the best on me and thought that she is a sure thing but the core of line evil and not she made. oh was that initial that got them they changed my words mean ish to shit parliament thought they could up one day on. sites but. not all. independent collectives like the funky citizens have also joined the fight against corruption they are adopting the quirky beat approach. to. the. thirty years of dictatorship have given rise to a healthy sense of humor in romania. in this spirit the two are focused on high level corruption has been created in bucharest. so. a lot of the. minister of agriculture in two thousand and seven sentenced to three years in prison for accepting. bribes in cash and sausages they live in. my. time. but. no. one thing i am. really forced with but i only. know it's tuesday me the. mayor of progressed from two thousand and eight to twenty fifteen charged with taking bribes. but in general of the public about the mother. and daughter but he. has been thought out. and agreed to mayor of bucharest sector three those fifty one million euros in back taxes. that is amazing to me. mayor of sector five from two thousand to twenty sixteen charged with taking ninety million euro bright. meat but sheesh. it's all describe the same for v six reality in romania gripes. the times are changing the local government schools police stations and hospitals have a long history of taking bribes in exchange for services. i. think. that's what this last little. i know of course what you aspire to shut down some of the what you look at my list of what. in romania corruption extends well beyond the envelopes that civil servants receive to supplement their incomes at the highest levels bribes are replaced by briefcases and the misuse of taxpayers' money becomes more creative and the leverage touch of a demo many artists and. she can what does the modern what have got us and complete us one t.t.n. kurdish forces. us open to party the living caught up in obvious. they exempt. but i got a long as article yesterday by the spokane. but top seen a bunch. of the parliament in my age just put on talk to me to our court about their preferred ensnarled. then they are forced quite the iso's lot with the enemy know their shit or when they're shipped off but if their position is that part of the their force we need to get out of this be fairly good thoughts be more what i said they speak out if i thought it was. in two thousand and two the national anti-corruption directorate or d n a was created as an independent judicial body to enact reforms required for romain years entry into the european union in a few short years the growing number of corruption revelations in romania have implicated politicians from every party. thousands of scandals and shameless dealings have been brought to light. the do. chief prosecutor is low with. her unrelenting determination has made her the central figure in the fight to eradicate corruption. telling me on off or start. they end up and. already got a level director not too long to finish the nip and then. there's no meanest walter mr porter's own premier mr harper there's no parliament arsala parliament around suppose a investing years or to purchase one will. tell you something what's of the ask mike what are don't on your photo here she got a credit for the morton church of far. not just a fourth almost all of them are. thought shall call or exist or generative with a lot of credit are sustained and dark and there are bottom line you don't need changed. to said the role of the good old shop the other. side of the. might up in a few floors up at the d.n.a. a special investigations team is helping to solve some of the d.n.a.'s biggest cases. and that's to me it's almost. like you. actually have this. here. in the future mark this freedom our. freedom our film i don't go by the. prosecutor told me that you and police investigator nicole asia their stripes in the fight against organized crime. both highly skilled investigators they've unearthed key evidence leading to the prosecution of romanian political elites. wife etc. there were intelligent we just shot we too far to go. over them. but what i wish to go to it. was an. infection a diversion if you scarred. me cut what you little commenter fights if you cut the. most read. dark and what live action they. put up with i she she had the right to tell him the very. question. up with the chamois. i haven't wolf human history in. or getting cheaper so. the issue demurely i walk around to look but question harsh but they step by step by me so full city. c.l.r. said elizabeth that's good that's really not just. the call it show of it looked at it that you're on that subject. because couldn't buy you a downside last stop the good old war party negotiators to sort of think you've almost all put that simple test of stuckey up all you like dr just a lot of fun and a. couplet it. was plucked use of that show you have already delayed without the other thought out there go up there was a bear market the progress of pen to paper. it out that divide sprouted one. or their corvette or their. something and i can type in the scheme of the post to him part and the person in the corner jane just small warm well. done across from another southern us i must know the mysterious be example to give a kind of it's new to different here. and you multi-boot. d v e r to remove the. united opposition noise in the pool nor can the fuck to. be in the party doing so would the party that had the power would see it. also on the wall as. my muse thought your version. she also flocka. as an independent journalist bugel has investigated corrupt officials and closely followed some of romania's most notorious corruption cases. which would be needed. to be done until. you pleaded with them you don't look at. anybody she thought was part of the ruling but you were paid in. going to be community because you know but if you want to see you simply got. to stop. your money. my good day to. be. always on. dumbly pull a scoop for a check of the old guard and president of the now defunct conservative party was convicted in twenty fourteen for buying property at sixty times less than its actual value. but the one thing the. money comment to. me but i. think. you know money. enough. with enough of stops. it was. almost. fault but my. chain changing then. the model. shift for me. as with other eastern bloc regimes the fall of the dictatorship provided an opportunity for party stalwarts to prosper. government funds were misappropriate. did and many from the old guard to fill their pockets the dictatorship had given way to new levels of corruption. but of all nazi on my thought that you had extended would probably at the top only class taught level science that on line. she. done for the mother in law. up archie thought that out test out only got a society and there's a that are partially at our class he makes you stand for them spawn other fuckin ways is that the winter politico dela when i type this exist acquired of what i thought was the simple technique of well just to take us out here couple of the lesser turns what is that look at us all scheme up the momentum cut out all money and to put. on your noddle bana then try that out or shut down to not abandon pinkel me so open a false one muscular supporter could have i see it on when you majlis untouchable investors on additional state issues. when you come up of a was appointed to minister of justice from two thousand and four to two thousand and seven with the support of the european commission she prepared the way for romain years anti corruption prosecutors many portland calendar that have to do it in short time i mean haven't they got a glancing and but two thousand and four so i have very few time to date. and that was important for me it was a support to me for me to change. into short years minister michael vs doggedness in the face of intense opposition allowed her to launch a process of judicial reform. then a relatively unknown entity that d.n.a. came to prominence as michael the push for its right to prosecute white collar crime. but d.n.a. is first cases went relatively unnoticed by the press. but i think if we wait for your daughter will have a lawyer. on one of the one main. she yes the up until about a new study out on when you get those in parliament that governmental pre-modern he stood out on many. fronts here at this question is that was he should. or even a prime minister indicted in two thousand and five i began as a descendant from the communist dictatorship have become one of the most powerful men in romania just because you did it is. charged with embezzling one and a half million euros for his electoral campaign and taking a six hundred thirty thousand year old right wing company telling the press about a woman who does that analysis and all of outside analysis sort of follow but she seemed almost her step doll. i think all normal. so to me when i last i recall norm. so explain the chair. when. it. just before i begin to. get it. just to talk to. you. this is a few years after these comments in twenty twelve the prime minister was sentenced to four years in prison for passive corruption and blackmail again the stuff his conviction that was a lightning bolt for society since then the corruption investigations have accelerated and the d.n.a. has achieved celebrity status in romania. it didn't take long for the media to catch on and to begin reporting on an unrelenting stream of revelations each day this is the scene outside the offices of the d.n.a. certain not to leave empty handed the media gathered to catch the drama in real time it's the most closely watched media event in the country. photographer is creating the unique series of documentary portraits that captured the expressions of in battle delete what about. the signature that i was looking for like. i'm. just making it up ok why don't i check check check you. know i don't know i'm. in april twenty sixth seen a journalist exposed to hicks a former scandal the case cause public outrage forcing the minister of health to resign i think you. see far more you know what kind of course that was out there to be what. different is. new to my mind. which is that. you put us. at the. show. what's more if we didn't the moment the recorders i was pretty sure that the rocket or its guns or the wind if. they were the right it was as if it was your you for life but then after that. if. she interrupted you i don't know what's up for the world but actually looking into this if you want to kind of get busy to become a monk and real quick so that i was you know used to deluded folk judge just probably not the gym is that it but i just want us to stop it just enough honestly if you want to injure yourself being in command of that but just that one doctor says the she needs the person the worst that could be you know what you begin to count. on. them i think this idea might not have been there without the part of. the larger bodies but because we don't we don't know if you imagine our coverage of my will they're going to be part of the logic of loss or a loss that is. going to. be. a little. shocking but then chanelle me to feel many chilled out the broken already most and to be it's all on the pro corey thing mr young. that's only to taught us that happened in the run up to kind of go on the ball. on credit and institutes emerge will be chief in chile brought the girl so it's also liz if she college in laurel will only three of those sorry for the important delicious as a change of guard started lot of those are all a little cheap thirst and on top of it will you go there are lunch aboard. on vapor important of in a lot. of this very. same or. similar thoughts on the pitot important than triple the best allowed years for fond . of him but he got his law to support and plant all their. might but they said. yes yes. it will be important and interesting that will be the. denial all j. just. a vast. she was acquitted out of the most of that. but. the. gist and. there were. many you only thought. it would seem to bore out door that you know chill my book got only it on when you of all those who got. my love for you. but not because of. the fact almost half hearted out tripped out. supporting friend sadly geology diminish your economy shares if you're wrong goes she transgress kalyani could i. have a son. my. view. is about that actually extend the moment then current into many more into. the moment that. when i. leave it on the prison doctor. you are one of the richest men in romania sentenced to two and a half years in prison for being a one million year old. released halfway through his sentence. and was cool vos out of miami she. was just a bit but that's all with him would be of any doubt there were all know just by in the me that this is the be done with all the stuff you know that morgan is up fishing on them at the moment they killed as well for. when the roads to get close their dictator the war drums struck an unlikely to be. solved for some competence music was the weapon of choice stronger than bullets with this documentary but this time on al-jazeera. in a world where journalism as an industry is changing we had fortunate to be able to continue to expand to continue to have that passenger drive and present the stories in a way that is important to worthless. everyone has a story worth hearing. and cover those that are often ignored we don't weigh our coverage towards one particular region or continent that's why i joined al-jazeera . in the wake of the race riots how much can someone take before they crack the fight for recognition is crucial we needed cooler heads to prevail brothers in its cause a lot of them were people things that were said in the early junk and the things it was about the community almost to be disrespected al-jazeera explores the history and struggles of the lebanese community in australia once upon a time in punchbowl at this time on al-jazeera. oh i maryam namazie in london hear the stories making headlines for a football superstar george weah has won liberia's presidential election with more than ninety eight percent of the vote counted the electoral commission says we again sixty one point five percent of the vote head of current vice president joseph with supporters celebrated as the news came through will succeed and johnson sirleaf when he becomes president next month it will be liberia's first democratic transfer of power in the seventy years i'm going to doe is in the capital monrovia . peace is the main thing libyans want right now with the widespread support. among the population of this country many people feel party house what it takes to bring the country together in reconsideration a movie forward from a post conflict situation to volatile development and prosperity at least forty people have been killed in an attack in afghanistan's capital kabul a compound housing a cultural center and a news agency was targeted in a shared district in the west of the city interior ministry says attackers set off an explosion outside the center then stormed it and set off more explosives in the basement i still has responsibility children are increasingly being used both as targets and weapons of war according to a report by unicef it says the suffering of children in conflict zones has reached shocking levels with an increase in rape in slave meant and children being used as human shields armed group boko haram used an estimated one hundred thirty five children as suicide bombers in west africa in twenty seventeen alone unicef says laws designed to protect children are being ignored. the u.n. says sixty eight yemeni civilians were killed in two separate air raids by the saudi led coalition in just one day the first as strike on tuesday hit a crowded market in thais province killing fifty four civilians including eight children the second killed fourteen people from the same family in the province of data a saudi like coalition has intensified its air campaign against two thousand positions in response to myside tanks one hundred nine civilians have now died in the past ten days according to the un humanitarian coordinator in yemen we turn now to people power but she looks at the ways in which romanians are using media and technology to combat corruption i'll be back with the news hour for you in twenty five minutes time joining in. since joining the european union and romania has been engaged in an unprecedented judicial overhaul special prosecutors have joined with journalists activists and romanians growing civil society to uncover and prosecute corruption at the highest levels. independent media groups like the rise project are playing an important role in exposing corrupt practices. rise is an information site that provides a platform for journalists activists and investigative hackers and. here activist journalists can sometimes uncover in a day what prosecutors would require years to obtain. is co-founder of the rise project. he's taken part in many international investigations and was a key player in helping analyze the panama papers leak. or tipping listing artists from actually investing i tell put it thirty oshima i think that's what i need to look i know when i go to tell us apart on this or think. of the money value. with them. wanting more. cheap. paint him off when i walk out of it he let us go but i'll go and sell it said. you know what i mean i think that it wasn't only have been. for months. so it. has been. budget us this bubble but isn't oh bugger that they were going to put up a lot in the lives of us when looking for the mighty this will combine the early start the noble soul of the thought that only that was for this was a day for months you know that would mean that us are going to go the route that has become bonnie good if i can fight a little money for that english. concord. before all the money for that technology forcing like us investing in. commodities at the . last. week i'm. in recent years romanian society has begun to feel the impact of a growing wave of corruption convictions. emboldened by judicial reform people are increasingly demanding that the law apply equally to all i think was the ongoing judicial battle has energized protesters in nov twenty fifteen tens of thousands flooded the streets of bucharest to protest the deadly fire at the collective nightclub despite unsafe conditions the club obtained its operating license in exchange for a bride. sixty four people mostly teenagers died in the blaze. protest persis prime minister viktor was forced to resign. mass protests are a growing trend in romania where forty years of state rule all but destroyed citizen action thirty years earlier and big gatherings in romania looked like this shows of mass solidarity orchestrated by the state called for justice gave way to resignation poverty and despair in recent years the pioneers of progressive change have claimed that their place in society. is a historian and specialist in communist crimes he's also a famous activist in bucharest fellow. difficulty if you have one moment here. we should ask you what we've got because. it's one of our petition you know what is he puts this is a call to get in there that are more than he says affordable. although there were no momentum will turn out just a crack so yeah it was one called comical offical vicious vicious school. human waste joke i'm sure the for the exam is a cool thing that it's not going with anything worse than the more than likely because what was given to the good must take one thing i say one hundred ten times that you speak to be down to talk about what you look at it but i mean you're not just off the wagon so locked up. as with spain's in the those or the ok by wall street movement in the us romania's protest movement is led by activists like me hyped all it takes is a few activists like him to ignite social action in darfur but while they look to stay. cool character a more gentle darker black on more of a problem a plot to get out of her she was just just then in prison such as might is go for the. extra muscle externals down dizziness she can deliver sources of. surprises. me to know yet not really that she was. going to get me in and i was ok. with. social activism on this level would have been unimaginable a few years ago. today targeted actions can take only a few hours to germinate and spread. across our choices have a whole string of sentiment like that and it's a story about a more money back into the earth's year but then what we did there was a daughter to pull me and also to shine on to the set almost so much the unit for students like that on our part it was meant to just hold the cards because she's an issue sure to show that the. it was. building the activist capacity of an entire generation is a bold project. the funky citizens aim to defy boundaries and to forge a path for civil society in romania. give this to the girls it's not meant to complete the cubs. and constitution then if you cheat and the thing to watch just get the most. part. in twenty twelve limit police to created the funky citizens to confront government corruption. she hired a hyperactive young graduates out of law political science and communications courses a correlation of creative activists the funky citizens are advocating for the growth of civil society in romania who want the simple fact that you know want to know the answer to that that you're going to want to me was a part of the indoor me to talk more. with to push off the topic this morning the day i wasn't born or you know to some block walk i think i might need to go. out of range. in the simplest legal that but this sounds an awful lot warmer in a week. when you off the. ngos and civil society activists have steadily been gaining momentum the funky citizens have been working in a vibrant offbeat style one of the of their name. on the citizens who is punishing them. and i'm sure that going to be important that up to the issue but i'm certainly going to show you that's all stop will be gone she funkier for last month at a fortune my surely my old film because. that is to awaken citizen awareness the funky citizens are addressing corruption with a sense of irony. is the creator of an unusual sight the bribe market which allows users to know the average bribe in a specific hospital town hall or police station exist them with the cold. she chip this site yes take. the course the chains it. because someone because. their. perspective of. what they get. meant they. were many features at the town and when. asked facet of each a lot of. the. many young graduates with specialized skills have chosen to work in these novels structures. here they can discuss the performance of the courts fact check political statements or analyze the latest reforms. by each. feeling part. of the example can. for us a few thought they were. not the solid day or yet are here. i but corruption lives on even when high and mid-level officials are jailed public service budgets are also first though for corruption to address this elenor also has a countrywide program to train advocates how to decipher public financing. i think i thought that was what it was. just my experience if what i could get a feel for was that. it was ok so that's just as cool but a part of the to support you to count second to spot one digit that's the call to my idea is the fucking store so i can. get it this summer he says we're not going to support the cut up time and most christendom of this past effort and much yeah we have much less in charitable donations the chief want to respond to be so i call that actually cut into the budget i said i was going to move to. this bites this flurry of activism the fight against corruption is far from won. the government does its pains to recover stolen funds. the accused to decry stalinist trials and anger against the judicial system has reached a boiling point. the political climate has become so tense that's the chief prosecutor broached the issue on primetime radio. the volatility known throughout the team to not included the loss of the now there's one of the got a knowledge of to this but arctic fox dark wood in fear god is the. ofi a cow disease the best one of the garden i'd legit at the dog to see if you thought that injun jim i did the. opposite of all mine also feed him a shot and then to go to cedar entering to need another ma activity denies that indoor meat raised british of it it's you know it's you know you're going to need one moment law possibility that they're pretty muddy don't i was the easy chair long and. yoda. but what are the limits of the rich and powerful when cornered by justice. politicians have been looking to pass laws that would diminish the d.n.a.'s powers . or we don't anybody did it but did. they deliberately i mean. there is religion or even three g. is there might be an election or d.v.d. village as in reading he said it was has been very big. problem and unsupported to all the audience just came by little dog on his auto someone if you took all that and celebrated so not so long and i mean it is a couple thoughts and i think this thing got a shuttle such a thought that you feel that sailed out journalists well for the first vision extend the important things to forty but those are better than intercourse and seem to question your thoughts on your part in triple law just before the court of fortune. on the thirty first of january twenty seventh teen romania's newly sworn in government issued a late night executive order that would pardon politicians of some corruption offenses. the media quickly informed to the public by midnight twenty five thousand protesters flooded the streets of the capital that number swelled to three hundred thousand in the next days with hundreds of thousands more gathered in cities across romania. the government was forced to rescind its decree a few days later. as a check to the powers of governance the funky citizens count on an important ally the european commission. on your behalf. the budget for the use of ground. zero for the usual case. since joining the e.u. romania has been closely monitored by the european commission twice a year the commission issues reports that. measure its progress in the fight against corruption. in all we know what in the supply. chain you looked a lot of. called on me because if you did and got annoyed me keeping them on it or use out of the law books that we are smith and all our lawnmower not what you could remove or not or what a poke at the problem and shot the new out they could just send. me she was broken free and guarded but. not all the knowledge of this point. of government trying to push the limits n.g.o.s and citizens mobilizing in the vigilant european commission this framework stands as the most efficient safeguard in attempts to weaken the fight against corruption. monitoring by the commission should end by twenty twenty but that's romania have been institutionalized and political maturity to progress on its own known to be such a touchy deal so scene i'm quoting here a foot artist mckinney's the call but other issue that he thought is it would. have been if you chaired the scene that i need to saga but it was just a shrug to be that she could read the. comic on his website on one of the but out of part there could at goshen i took that same haven't other folk with cheek that us not to sent them not just on quality let you know. it's early summer twenty sixteen and romania is about to elect new mayors. romanian seem happy about the push for transparency but will they vote for change. many hope the election will reveal the impact that prosecutors and civil society groups are having on the romanian public. is that the way you. should have done has created the safe book arrest union for the u s b. it's a campaign born of civil society founded on hope in the democratic rejuvenation of romania. for this former mathematician the fight against corruption is a clear path towards the renewal of romania's political class. you all know. what's out there quite law where the. few simply. use. the word those to. snap open up a bill. and use that. unequal should've done to present his party as the only recourse to a decadent political class a class that continues running candidates in battled by corruption scandals. on election day locked up has decided to follow a candidate he knows well one of the headliners of book arrests corruption to work . the mayor of bucharest sector five charged with taking a bribe of ninety million euros. apart and some with a little bit isn't good to put to them and so if you don't shut up when you put out this month they go yes i mean it's god's going to scope out the shock of us all that he made what he could have been yes i'll probably make that. but i'm going with the thought of having to go against what i've been now when i have to make a putting could see. that the for the market that. i think oh well but nobody's going to begin to. look look look look look look look. why. should i look on the. visible since that's not who we should think. what do you. think you might think you know. but really kind of. if you're going to be taken from this is nothing but a test of. time and i. think. people . don't want you to do that for too much of. you simply. because it is good. because you don't think. that this new. things i think might. really push the funky citizens have banded with other n.g.o.s to spots plus. able fraud they've set up a call center and sent observers to polling stations i don't you i wish they. would have said they are a good source now so i thought. of him but what i think of it the less frequently than before electoral fraud can be just as flagrant i think that's what. it. was though the good lord being able. to mobilise. their own potential should never rest of it should i be as much of the she did the six yet she wanted me out of the way our friends out so you think huckabee didn't get what the woman who got him what that little nasties discarded like wasting them by the number just. to. come off mass conventions here but i thought it was far to be no particular give us another one here to talk about why not just the six year got the men who voted in jersey mother how much i wonder how little i think. the day is coming to an end and me push out of dunns us meeting maids are awaiting the results. in a surprise done cus the party has won thirty percent of the vote. it is the first time that the new political party has done so well in local elections will take. the profit. off. but. do i think you know i. would think that it was. the funky citizens are taking stock of the day of mixed results even if mayor mike . photographed hasn't been reelected candidates with corruption cases have done well. was that was even. thought about it over the phone thing did you figure you. know. that. some alice's fare the candidate's judicial troubles haven't stopped many from voting for them the romanians have real acted nearly fifty mayors convicted of or charged with corruption in. wasilla mayor of cry over charged with taking a bribe and money laundering reelected with fifty eight percent of the votes. the court rejected the d.n.a. charges and then generally twenty seventeen. became minister of labor and social justice. judges could have. charged with taking a bribe reelected with fifty two percent of the vote. but the link mayor of miami charged with taking a bribe reelected with seventy percent of the vote while behind bars. as romania confronts the ghosts of its past but the sentence of a bygone era for clinging to money and power. in the legislative elections of late twenty sixteen the majority of seats went to the social democratic party vs the this by them earlier conviction of its president for electoral fraud. but people are beginning to support the new parties on the promise of change. following electoral success a few my. earlier than see us be party changed its name to save rome a new union for us are winning nine percent of seats in parliament. romania continues its push to become an example amongst its eastern european neighbors at least for now. is the country's transformation to democracy a revolution a long distance race a remade in which the baton is handed over to the next generation to teenagers born well after the fall of communism. the funky citizens are supporting the civic education of this youth platform. in romania today civil society engages all age groups but in a culture of corruption the country's greatest hope may well live with the cool me . off but influence. hello and welcome back now as we look at weather conditions across a straight yeah we're still a circulation associated with what was ex-tropical cyclone hilda now that's giving some heavy rain across this area still take a while for it to die all together perfectly dry hasa twenty four degrees warm in our springs you'll notice sydney looking quite warm thirty two degrees but we're going to see some rain developing here as we head on through into saturday some heavy showers are likely cooler conditions pushing in across melbourne and then as we head across into new zealand the weather conditions here are generally not looking too bad initially so in the north island seeing some dry find where those this area of low pressure pulls away the so far and to but as we head into saturday we will find a frontal system pushing some heavy rain across the western side of the south on in particular north on and find twenty four the high in auckland i do northeastern parts of asia and here we've still got some cold air in place in those cold as it has been under the sharia either so reasonable conditions tokyo dry highs of nine modern across the korean peninsula relatively speaking but a slight drop in temperatures expected to head on here of thirteen. unbelievable. between the criminal busts trading and stolen goods that have been taken by the place if anyone ever comes to ask that question then sort of throw their hands up in the air and say i don't know i was just nominee director we're doing a investigation into. ukraine could you say bribes you've been corrupt. corrupt i did just the presidency al-jazeera investigation the only go coming soon the head of the september twenty fourth national election survey showed a satisfied to the state of their economy this is easily the start news biggest tech success story the company was bought by microsoft in two thousand and eleven we bring you the stories that are shaping the economic world we live in counting the cost at this time on al-jazeera the nature news as it breaks the last time senegal qualified for the world cup in two thousand and fifteen years on it hopes to do even better in russia next year with detailed coverage tried to imagine it only seven years ago people were living right here. now that he has taken over their land from around the world donald trump is promising a major policy announcement on trade a potential challenge to khorat a missed opportunity rod. this is al-jazeera. i know i'm maryanne demasi this is the news hour live from london coming up celebrations in liberia as the former football superstar george waya winds choose days presidential run off.

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