Transcripts For ALJAZ People Power The Accordion Wars 2023

Transcripts For ALJAZ People Power The Accordion Wars 20230312

incredible. and the question is, how much longer can she go on for and what, what is the new target that she's going to be able to set? ah, without is are, these are our top stories. more than 1300 migrants have been rescued in the mediterranean. italian coast guard says they were crammed into 3 overcrowded bates and have been taken to shore. around 5000 people, reached eslie by boat since wednesday. thousands of people in the italian town of gutierrez protested against a new migration policy. the move adopt stiffer president prison sentences for human traffickers and news. a pleasure to stop people arriving in small boats. the policy was adopted by prime minister georgia maloney on thursday. half 1000000 people have turned out across israel to protest against the far right coalition. government plans to severely limit the power of the supreme court. these are the largest demonstrations since opposition to the bill began 10 weeks ago. critics say the move by prime minister benjamin netanyahu is undemocratic a controversial plan to increase the age of retirement in france to $64.00 is a step closer to becoming law or to being approved by the senate. bill would now be sent to a committee to work on a final draft. they've been weeks of protests against the changes present my new micron claims. his plan is essential for the countries financial health. and these 2 people have died in floods in california. evacuation efforts are underway in monterey county. after torrential rains caused a river in the area to burst its banks. thousands of people have been forced from their homes. the british broadcasting corporation, the b. b. c has apologized for cancelling several sports programs on saturday because of a boycott by presenters. i refuse to work because their colleague, gary lenika had been suspended for public remarks. but the u. k. governments asylum policy update. now, with all the headlines, i'll be back with another news update on al jazeera, after people empower. war to scarcity has become a major global issue. the demand is going right up and the supply is going straight down, turning an essential natural resource into a commodity traded for profit. just because it's life doesn't mean it cannot be priced. what about the guy that can afford it? i can tell me the water out there examines the social financial and environmental impact of water privatization loads of water on al jazeera. the rivalry between the followers of a unique musical tradition has few years. we can walk in the tiny african keaton of la soto financed by organized crime and gold salvage from the areas this used but still productive mines. the murderous fuse have now spilled over into neighboring south africa. we've been to investigate. ah it was after midnight when police say more than a dozen people were shot dead by god. men in the bar knew johanna kirk another day in south africa and another violent crime. yet even by the local standards, this was extreme with no apparent motive. heavily armed men opened fire on a group of young people enjoying a night out of the bar. what we know is that the assailants, they just entered into that space. well, people and drained and soap, and the shorter and only to them. then barely 2 weeks later, another brutal crime shocked the country again. what happened in coca store is just a shame of 8 women. the cost is true and music video with gang raped the alleged perpetrators. ac illegal miners. men whose cabbage a living. taking gold from johannesburg, abandoned mines. yeah. to support the victims of this crime. i bought what the current government and the team we have not taken these issues. 30 bizarrely. both these crimes a link to music specifically. and a celtic brand of accordion. music which originated the century ago in the rural villages of a tiny country entirely enclosed bytes, giant neighbor, south africa. it's called, far more hollow music as a generous pacific to possibly people can key. so my character is a sub african investigative journalist. it's borne from the music instrument calls hippo latasha, but with europeans coming to south africa in opening mining companies. they came with a accordion sen, constantino's as well. that attracted younger so to artists. and they started using bad as part of their music. for over a 100 years, young men from the su 2 and other african countries left their rural homes to labor . in johannesburg, deep and dangerous gold mines for music was borne from the mines in the mines occupied by mister truman. these young men came here seeking greener pastures. the 60 mines of the run are waiting for the half 1000000 pounds, with a gold blasted out of the reef every day, which produce nearly half the world's supply. gold made south africa rich and was one of the economic mainstays of partakes. but over the past 2 decades, scores of minds of closed off to becoming an economic. yet thousands of mine shots remain accessible and the new illegal gold rushes ensued to extract the lift of gold that remains within them. around the same time that south africa's gold industry was in decline. the far more music see them, the su 2 was on the rise. and the man on top was most suited to kayla 2016. basically one, i think a father african indigenous music award in the mid to thousands. that's when the violence started flaring up for which i can add together when that award. and he's, i was not appreciating it, and they started killing each other off to kill us faction to renee began feuding with its rivals. yaki the feud started in song, but often ended in bloodshed. this murderous rivalry soon spread to south africa and infected the legal mining industry. when a lot of mining company started moving out of south africa, a lot of them were left with our jobs. and a lot of them were from la to us in any event, but from music doesn't necessarily allow them to make ends meet. that doesn't give them a lot of money. so they still minus farmer gangs of since moved into some of south africa's largest organized crime groupings that explains videos like these, showing heavily on miners deep on the ground. dancing to music, played on an accordion. one of these farmer, musician miners one of these duma le quailey a a when i was when i'm on a navy who mom 5 truly just attended you and we just do me as a member of a farmer, gang called the followers of to kayla to kill a died in 2021, and men like duma have some step in to take his place. is it dangerous? a boy manager, did you tell me why i said, you know, i don't know what the underwriting tick, tock, videos like these show illegal miners, flaunting buckets of cash. they non locally used summer summers and they can make as much as 2 and a half $1000.00 a month back home unless they'd like to earn a quarter of that in a year. having mind the or high tumor explains what happens next, or i've got them on the ready has gone away, so i don't think we're going to move or is it more dragon or by a reluctantly, duma guides us to a secret location. relatedly mine gold is processed by hand. the processing is done. what's crewed? hand turn machines? cold pin duke has these pin. duke is the highly prized by both the legal miners and the police who confiscate them in order to disrupt the operations. but within minutes of our arrival, the men get upset at being fumed and for our own safety, we have to leave. the rudimentary nature of the sw illegal gold mining belies at scale. it's worth hundreds of millions of dollars a year as massive the game and cubans talking to members off. they run operations the spot 15 plus kilometers. so you can imagine how much gold at the kennel extracting from abandoned minds costs are $300000000.00 per year. that's how much it's worth. you know, that's how much the country loses in terms of production. but south africa's loss is the suitors game. most mine assumed at least some of the earnings back home. all no one love for you this. i wanna check on the line in the little bit. i will be one m is the media, florida. one of our models be for the whole to go on. i'll what i'm gonna do because it's sister and miss error. the suitors capitol a oh those are you lose it a little while do my worries about her? well being she worried about his safety. like how long i knew it. i need to give me a hand with thing. i had their it guy riding to yet it there all of the may no, by way the yeah had there fell renee at bell and i lou plan in noah 30. and i love of when the, with the moon last, okay. seeing mazda of, at lisa barrel, if you know, when i gotta pay, you know, who they allow annette to so many hours i gaining more. it out of that, it has had some great analogy there. i said in the morning that would work up on 10th. i believe they are both. i think is it a valid as a man or one a lie by gun move. i'd never move my never will i be tickets sang fears for a brother. safety a well founded in south africa, in fighting between farm affections, has escalated, recently. doom has fallen out with a man called sorrow. cello, who police say, is a key suspect in the switzer tavern massacre of july 2022. his nickname is latanya. in english, the madman. lydia deville, g, humans, the language glue less i you want to you more? why in it is, it was a debate. your main house was which was i guess me. well, i love, i love other ones. hon. overland. no, we do the i will out while one will you for him as i'm along with them to my believes he could be attacked at any time. had you. when i get argued, who eat live, wouldn't i do have a good tele whenever you see the lot. how another one my you blog. i fell. i had gotten into another good little bad. so i do as harvey gave you the j. jarmetta. but we haven't 7 salma. but so my lin, narrow and poorly watch hola to morrow and allow me by regular guild, fearful retrieval at home or from the regular regular one on or will you leave mother nitty. he also worries about retaliation against his family back unless you to morrow bow will r as the what what what, what will your another living by my lap is soon born get i regular will try griswold. what go at wiley by leo or not more hole in all the back i will outside a while when alice had to the little i will high near what huddle and all galaxy it is but one for do his concerns a well justified in the see to farmer linked violence left the country with the 6 highest murder rate in the world. last year, we traveled to hom, along were and abandoned village. there must attain the home of family music. we tracked down the village chief job, a quantity promot say he lives nearby. farm or texas, played this village for years. the worst one and 2018 with 15 people did. 4 of them children. do i know there are nearly, are marla pob or not? couple come on our wall. in this case, what started out as a family feud, been escalated dramatically when one family member got the family gangs involved. luckily they called the blanket people in a little sat at i come on the holy. a man alone linelle or sat a high bahama william. he edna, which means chemical i taylor mammal for me and really is ellen de niro leasing is normal. now our, our travels, come on that i reminded you, go to move there again or on the bottom. can you go, come on, are you here today? or you got a good t as in code or come on grading? who are 2 memo i would want to run about among not legal? was there it, it will. z mobile is a bar full year. i've resigned above ground. come all or how one of the more he turn our adam would prefer when our linda go or didn't wanna do it in b o. but chief shaquanna and his daughter in law now suffer from post traumatic stress. ah, oh, no worries. i wonder, i wonder more garner tamara tardy. we parked. were we program? are you the warner? yeah. go how loyal to me more? no, no, no, no. well i had said oh, go polena. oh no. so see from nfl a hook about a mirror image naming. can nickel horrible? am that right now? you like america? i know a thing. i can't get a minute about one where you think you last as her but to do hold. i guess i pill dinner, mom taken. what was there now? oh, civilians here can't expect much protection from the authorities in the nearby town of moffatt tang. an eloquent police force is struggling to deal with a spiraling violence. hello. we are dealing with this funny music in us. they used to kinda so we normally go to the athena just to check that out. some of our suspects are there or not? is a dangerous dinner. yeah. they even kill some more follow up lucy . but they only have a single 4 wheel drive to police. a vast mountainous region is only this vehicle behind me, only one but has some defects. so we had to use our own car to take the local police inspector out on patrol every week. so many killings toll free event or for med us, a weekly weekly. i'm not a politician and the police officer, but 2 of self situations which happen in our country. things are going down the tree inspector much safety traces. the worst of the farmer was to split to follow the death of musician mosquito to kayla in january 2021. so when this gangs groove jealousy erupted, everybody wanted to be a leader. feel the imaging so many image you like in mysterious mazda, which we normally use to probably talk about when we were still here. but no, kill it. it comes with 2 head to kill 2 heads for his just leg that back in south africa. police and security companies are struggling to contain the mini headed formal monster one man fighting a lonely war against the legal minors is marcelle young. curb of a unit manager for dowry security. his firm provide security to legal minds and the communities surrounding them because of we'd under who's going to do it. i mean, is a handful of steps. and we all know we do not have enough subs. members, as with most crime in south africa, saps will the south african police service are battling to keep legal mining under control. private security companies like myself, a hired to help stem the tide. why i got involved in this whole situation is a few months back. one of my friends got shot and killed by the by surgery for a few bucks in his fire on to day marcel and his team are trying to track down a legal miners and sees their weapons was all area is infested by citizens. must blendy the moment i see one of our patrol vehicles by take it upon themselves to start firing at us because they want our weapons working in formerly with the police marcellus team hunt for summer summers. fairly friendly. we got a we quoting, you know, their faking mother. i know i am one of the summers. i'm us with these little her bag of gold. the moment the saw, the vehicles he thought of running, he dropped everything and he ran this way. now there make more wrists, but the mission isn't over yet. there were, the problem is with his all the bundle, graf moses equipment that we find here gets taken, get loaded and it gets taken to steps 13 only eventually all that they can do to melted though, i mean to you that gets old an auction. so again, it's going to take that slug quickly. so that through the been lucas senior cover with a blessing and then who the son in the home, so we don't find it because that's the main thing. they need you to work the, the, the gold send. marcel set fire to the minus camp. the main thing is getting the tool that the they use, cuz that's going to set them back at least one month. i think today was a success success. on from outside we've got about 5 suspects. some of the other offices on the other side over whether was you were working with them under cuz they got more suspects. i thought we'd just busy loading a because in the to that that. gov gotcha. and now we waiting for the other offices to join us in we're going to move in again you know, the threat for the ones we chased the summer. busy was already back in, they were going to win this fight. you can arrest 14 out of those 40. you take down another 80 will come to take the place. also back in johannesburg, the police are still investigating the sweater to heaven shooting me. duma says it was las flung himself who ordered the massacre? yas, i'll call nea armani. gallano, but next all eyes i will no more shall issue. while northern woods among all dow aline castillo come one of us, we'd ruinolds noah. it would have been as an element of i want to have young m hulu or warner miller to you little community go february. the high desk told to him, he said, was due to an extreme act of carelessness. the gunman didn't know the exact identity of dumas. man, so they sprayed the whole tavern with bullets about a got holla, but while ha, ha, ha, ha to lena t. mila. so a lot of latino at we're at and i'll talk. but here is a little fail. now to mrs. decline, years coming for the witnesses to the shooting. he shows us photos of a bullet riddled cope's murder just days ago. niss it was own that ha more what i rolla by double by. you may now you alonzo. sienna, we're wanting to misses the funniest men entrapped him by posing his police. marilla was ha serrato, knowing how green one with her mother come along when i go. marcella turned pushed. he is in his room, lin, negligent in digging out the door and pushed his in foot was i was a moment to dara ballads. if i had one of our mighty view for school, a model that you got. i am christina. when what he didn't do, you grad, he, he was a warning to anyone, was knowledge of the massacre that includes duma himself, analog alongside. you see, i need an indian from either from them, said young aladdin nitty ivy that i will, i must have yeah. galena, i how know how to log on or when i get on your la me, gisela, man, i fella dead eggs. she nikki w. fleet and i, when i did the wrong one, with all these accusations being leveled against him, we contacted latania and asked him for an interview for his own safety. we've hidden the identity of our fixer urgent, but i brought him and promoted tomato by my room. roger bar plugins woke loads older group regarding an elder law. and i would have been with them one them all to little or got one of the people who bought bottle caller w w w resort. dot dot go smith. are louisa a true true reproof you on for a roof with himself off report. apart from his alleged involvement in the tavern killings in south africa, we also looked into, flung his reach back in la sue to just 3 weeks before the massacre. he was filmed, handing out cash at an all pursuit conference election rally at the time with suit his ruling party. the cause of their fights is popularity. but this involved with the needle minding. it became about turf wars, and now it went into politics as well because they understand they can understand in that because of the war this been happening because of the, the number of people that have been murdered. you need political protection during their release. 80 she would dish out money in hopes of countering and our votes so that some of these members can make it into parliament and become members of parliament in that sense. they basically immune from the law. you know, they basically insulator from prosecution. we put questions about links between farmer gangs and the a b c to it's party leader and cockle carby. he openly admitted that they exist but didn't see a problem with it. it's quite no matter that the, the practice with all the political parties are handing out money to potential versus come again, handing out money to potential voters, not to dean, shall hold us to our valley, support us if you get, if i give you blanket, if i give you a seat, it's a mighty none of the 4 is a practice in the suit. that is why i see independent electoral a commission wouldn't have been to make an issue of that causes though allister to practice with farmers ability to infiltrate lawsuit, politics seems to have no ceiling. in november 2021 copies predecessor, former prime minister thomas to bonnie was charged with murder. after obliged the hiring hickman to assassinate his estranged wife to bonnie has denied any involvement in the murder window. he is not the one who pulled the trigger, but he knew he played pack too fast to be tailored to those people who ultimately killed his wife. one of the suspects and that murder was the flanagan but in july 2022. the case was dismissed. when a key prosecution witness mysteriously disappeared in the endless lanyard didn't give us an interview, caused to his phone, went unanswered. in the suit, his october 2022 election. the abc last, at least in part because of its links to far more. but will a new government be able to put the look back on pandora's box a month after the election? yet another form of funeral is under way, shortly. but to learn about color that you did for me. every russia, babylon i am when and our nation it was while to get month room is a dallas atara, thomas, one of us anytime. hello, andrea are on the board. so i will, and i'm with you more fed and argued leverage really shown longer than i will. you will sheila? hi the now i got an die. you know, the ceo. oh, jesse revolt takes a road trip across space. spanish people love to tell you who they are and where they come from, and i am no exception. one woman's journey seeking her heritage and of covering new insights into christian spans of listen, i'm all region. it's a story that seems to have been fair brush from history. in search of my groups on al jazeera ah leo to sierra london broadcast and test to people in thoughtful conversation with no host and no limitation. if the lead as a person of color, it was the struggle. yeah, it would be much easier for me might feel that white people part to go into and sing a song writer, skin, carry other people, wait a minute, you get way down. you stop what you're doing and made one studio b unscripted on al jazeera, examining the impact of today's headlines. this was probably one of the deadliest disaster see that you're sort of setting the agenda for tomorrow's discussions. this is the one that's been hitting city sharing personal stories for a global audience. do you talk a little bit about what life is like for african lumina programs and open your eyes to an alternative view of the world today? on how to sierra ah hello, i'm laura kyle in doha. these the top stories on al jazeera, while them 1300 migrants and refugees have been rescued in the mediterranean sea, italian coast guards as they were crammed into 3 overcrowded boats and have been.

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Doha , Ad Daw Ah , Qatar , United States , United Kingdom , Texas , Florida , Cuba , South Africa , California , Johannesburg , Gauteng , Russia , Capitola , Israel , Italy , Sweden , Mediterranean Sea , Oceans General , Oceans , Dallas , Spain , France , Italian , America , Cubans , Spanish , South African , British , Lydia Deville , Warner Miller , Moffatt Tang , Mister Truman , Johanna Kirk , Laura Kyle , Benjamin Netanyahu , Lena T Mila ,

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Transcripts For ALJAZ People Power The Accordion Wars 20230312 :

Transcripts For ALJAZ People Power The Accordion Wars 20230312

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incredible. and the question is, how much longer can she go on for and what, what is the new target that she's going to be able to set? ah, without is are, these are our top stories. more than 1300 migrants have been rescued in the mediterranean. italian coast guard says they were crammed into 3 overcrowded bates and have been taken to shore. around 5000 people, reached eslie by boat since wednesday. thousands of people in the italian town of gutierrez protested against a new migration policy. the move adopt stiffer president prison sentences for human traffickers and news. a pleasure to stop people arriving in small boats. the policy was adopted by prime minister georgia maloney on thursday. half 1000000 people have turned out across israel to protest against the far right coalition. government plans to severely limit the power of the supreme court. these are the largest demonstrations since opposition to the bill began 10 weeks ago. critics say the move by prime minister benjamin netanyahu is undemocratic a controversial plan to increase the age of retirement in france to $64.00 is a step closer to becoming law or to being approved by the senate. bill would now be sent to a committee to work on a final draft. they've been weeks of protests against the changes present my new micron claims. his plan is essential for the countries financial health. and these 2 people have died in floods in california. evacuation efforts are underway in monterey county. after torrential rains caused a river in the area to burst its banks. thousands of people have been forced from their homes. the british broadcasting corporation, the b. b. c has apologized for cancelling several sports programs on saturday because of a boycott by presenters. i refuse to work because their colleague, gary lenika had been suspended for public remarks. but the u. k. governments asylum policy update. now, with all the headlines, i'll be back with another news update on al jazeera, after people empower. war to scarcity has become a major global issue. the demand is going right up and the supply is going straight down, turning an essential natural resource into a commodity traded for profit. just because it's life doesn't mean it cannot be priced. what about the guy that can afford it? i can tell me the water out there examines the social financial and environmental impact of water privatization loads of water on al jazeera. the rivalry between the followers of a unique musical tradition has few years. we can walk in the tiny african keaton of la soto financed by organized crime and gold salvage from the areas this used but still productive mines. the murderous fuse have now spilled over into neighboring south africa. we've been to investigate. ah it was after midnight when police say more than a dozen people were shot dead by god. men in the bar knew johanna kirk another day in south africa and another violent crime. yet even by the local standards, this was extreme with no apparent motive. heavily armed men opened fire on a group of young people enjoying a night out of the bar. what we know is that the assailants, they just entered into that space. well, people and drained and soap, and the shorter and only to them. then barely 2 weeks later, another brutal crime shocked the country again. what happened in coca store is just a shame of 8 women. the cost is true and music video with gang raped the alleged perpetrators. ac illegal miners. men whose cabbage a living. taking gold from johannesburg, abandoned mines. yeah. to support the victims of this crime. i bought what the current government and the team we have not taken these issues. 30 bizarrely. both these crimes a link to music specifically. and a celtic brand of accordion. music which originated the century ago in the rural villages of a tiny country entirely enclosed bytes, giant neighbor, south africa. it's called, far more hollow music as a generous pacific to possibly people can key. so my character is a sub african investigative journalist. it's borne from the music instrument calls hippo latasha, but with europeans coming to south africa in opening mining companies. they came with a accordion sen, constantino's as well. that attracted younger so to artists. and they started using bad as part of their music. for over a 100 years, young men from the su 2 and other african countries left their rural homes to labor . in johannesburg, deep and dangerous gold mines for music was borne from the mines in the mines occupied by mister truman. these young men came here seeking greener pastures. the 60 mines of the run are waiting for the half 1000000 pounds, with a gold blasted out of the reef every day, which produce nearly half the world's supply. gold made south africa rich and was one of the economic mainstays of partakes. but over the past 2 decades, scores of minds of closed off to becoming an economic. yet thousands of mine shots remain accessible and the new illegal gold rushes ensued to extract the lift of gold that remains within them. around the same time that south africa's gold industry was in decline. the far more music see them, the su 2 was on the rise. and the man on top was most suited to kayla 2016. basically one, i think a father african indigenous music award in the mid to thousands. that's when the violence started flaring up for which i can add together when that award. and he's, i was not appreciating it, and they started killing each other off to kill us faction to renee began feuding with its rivals. yaki the feud started in song, but often ended in bloodshed. this murderous rivalry soon spread to south africa and infected the legal mining industry. when a lot of mining company started moving out of south africa, a lot of them were left with our jobs. and a lot of them were from la to us in any event, but from music doesn't necessarily allow them to make ends meet. that doesn't give them a lot of money. so they still minus farmer gangs of since moved into some of south africa's largest organized crime groupings that explains videos like these, showing heavily on miners deep on the ground. dancing to music, played on an accordion. one of these farmer, musician miners one of these duma le quailey a a when i was when i'm on a navy who mom 5 truly just attended you and we just do me as a member of a farmer, gang called the followers of to kayla to kill a died in 2021, and men like duma have some step in to take his place. is it dangerous? a boy manager, did you tell me why i said, you know, i don't know what the underwriting tick, tock, videos like these show illegal miners, flaunting buckets of cash. they non locally used summer summers and they can make as much as 2 and a half $1000.00 a month back home unless they'd like to earn a quarter of that in a year. having mind the or high tumor explains what happens next, or i've got them on the ready has gone away, so i don't think we're going to move or is it more dragon or by a reluctantly, duma guides us to a secret location. relatedly mine gold is processed by hand. the processing is done. what's crewed? hand turn machines? cold pin duke has these pin. duke is the highly prized by both the legal miners and the police who confiscate them in order to disrupt the operations. but within minutes of our arrival, the men get upset at being fumed and for our own safety, we have to leave. the rudimentary nature of the sw illegal gold mining belies at scale. it's worth hundreds of millions of dollars a year as massive the game and cubans talking to members off. they run operations the spot 15 plus kilometers. so you can imagine how much gold at the kennel extracting from abandoned minds costs are $300000000.00 per year. that's how much it's worth. you know, that's how much the country loses in terms of production. but south africa's loss is the suitors game. most mine assumed at least some of the earnings back home. all no one love for you this. i wanna check on the line in the little bit. i will be one m is the media, florida. one of our models be for the whole to go on. i'll what i'm gonna do because it's sister and miss error. the suitors capitol a oh those are you lose it a little while do my worries about her? well being she worried about his safety. like how long i knew it. i need to give me a hand with thing. i had their it guy riding to yet it there all of the may no, by way the yeah had there fell renee at bell and i lou plan in noah 30. and i love of when the, with the moon last, okay. seeing mazda of, at lisa barrel, if you know, when i gotta pay, you know, who they allow annette to so many hours i gaining more. it out of that, it has had some great analogy there. i said in the morning that would work up on 10th. i believe they are both. i think is it a valid as a man or one a lie by gun move. i'd never move my never will i be tickets sang fears for a brother. safety a well founded in south africa, in fighting between farm affections, has escalated, recently. doom has fallen out with a man called sorrow. cello, who police say, is a key suspect in the switzer tavern massacre of july 2022. his nickname is latanya. in english, the madman. lydia deville, g, humans, the language glue less i you want to you more? why in it is, it was a debate. your main house was which was i guess me. well, i love, i love other ones. hon. overland. no, we do the i will out while one will you for him as i'm along with them to my believes he could be attacked at any time. had you. when i get argued, who eat live, wouldn't i do have a good tele whenever you see the lot. how another one my you blog. i fell. i had gotten into another good little bad. so i do as harvey gave you the j. jarmetta. but we haven't 7 salma. but so my lin, narrow and poorly watch hola to morrow and allow me by regular guild, fearful retrieval at home or from the regular regular one on or will you leave mother nitty. he also worries about retaliation against his family back unless you to morrow bow will r as the what what what, what will your another living by my lap is soon born get i regular will try griswold. what go at wiley by leo or not more hole in all the back i will outside a while when alice had to the little i will high near what huddle and all galaxy it is but one for do his concerns a well justified in the see to farmer linked violence left the country with the 6 highest murder rate in the world. last year, we traveled to hom, along were and abandoned village. there must attain the home of family music. we tracked down the village chief job, a quantity promot say he lives nearby. farm or texas, played this village for years. the worst one and 2018 with 15 people did. 4 of them children. do i know there are nearly, are marla pob or not? couple come on our wall. in this case, what started out as a family feud, been escalated dramatically when one family member got the family gangs involved. luckily they called the blanket people in a little sat at i come on the holy. a man alone linelle or sat a high bahama william. he edna, which means chemical i taylor mammal for me and really is ellen de niro leasing is normal. now our, our travels, come on that i reminded you, go to move there again or on the bottom. can you go, come on, are you here today? or you got a good t as in code or come on grading? who are 2 memo i would want to run about among not legal? was there it, it will. z mobile is a bar full year. i've resigned above ground. come all or how one of the more he turn our adam would prefer when our linda go or didn't wanna do it in b o. but chief shaquanna and his daughter in law now suffer from post traumatic stress. ah, oh, no worries. i wonder, i wonder more garner tamara tardy. we parked. were we program? are you the warner? yeah. go how loyal to me more? no, no, no, no. well i had said oh, go polena. oh no. so see from nfl a hook about a mirror image naming. can nickel horrible? am that right now? you like america? i know a thing. i can't get a minute about one where you think you last as her but to do hold. i guess i pill dinner, mom taken. what was there now? oh, civilians here can't expect much protection from the authorities in the nearby town of moffatt tang. an eloquent police force is struggling to deal with a spiraling violence. hello. we are dealing with this funny music in us. they used to kinda so we normally go to the athena just to check that out. some of our suspects are there or not? is a dangerous dinner. yeah. they even kill some more follow up lucy . but they only have a single 4 wheel drive to police. a vast mountainous region is only this vehicle behind me, only one but has some defects. so we had to use our own car to take the local police inspector out on patrol every week. so many killings toll free event or for med us, a weekly weekly. i'm not a politician and the police officer, but 2 of self situations which happen in our country. things are going down the tree inspector much safety traces. the worst of the farmer was to split to follow the death of musician mosquito to kayla in january 2021. so when this gangs groove jealousy erupted, everybody wanted to be a leader. feel the imaging so many image you like in mysterious mazda, which we normally use to probably talk about when we were still here. but no, kill it. it comes with 2 head to kill 2 heads for his just leg that back in south africa. police and security companies are struggling to contain the mini headed formal monster one man fighting a lonely war against the legal minors is marcelle young. curb of a unit manager for dowry security. his firm provide security to legal minds and the communities surrounding them because of we'd under who's going to do it. i mean, is a handful of steps. and we all know we do not have enough subs. members, as with most crime in south africa, saps will the south african police service are battling to keep legal mining under control. private security companies like myself, a hired to help stem the tide. why i got involved in this whole situation is a few months back. one of my friends got shot and killed by the by surgery for a few bucks in his fire on to day marcel and his team are trying to track down a legal miners and sees their weapons was all area is infested by citizens. must blendy the moment i see one of our patrol vehicles by take it upon themselves to start firing at us because they want our weapons working in formerly with the police marcellus team hunt for summer summers. fairly friendly. we got a we quoting, you know, their faking mother. i know i am one of the summers. i'm us with these little her bag of gold. the moment the saw, the vehicles he thought of running, he dropped everything and he ran this way. now there make more wrists, but the mission isn't over yet. there were, the problem is with his all the bundle, graf moses equipment that we find here gets taken, get loaded and it gets taken to steps 13 only eventually all that they can do to melted though, i mean to you that gets old an auction. so again, it's going to take that slug quickly. so that through the been lucas senior cover with a blessing and then who the son in the home, so we don't find it because that's the main thing. they need you to work the, the, the gold send. marcel set fire to the minus camp. the main thing is getting the tool that the they use, cuz that's going to set them back at least one month. i think today was a success success. on from outside we've got about 5 suspects. some of the other offices on the other side over whether was you were working with them under cuz they got more suspects. i thought we'd just busy loading a because in the to that that. gov gotcha. and now we waiting for the other offices to join us in we're going to move in again you know, the threat for the ones we chased the summer. busy was already back in, they were going to win this fight. you can arrest 14 out of those 40. you take down another 80 will come to take the place. also back in johannesburg, the police are still investigating the sweater to heaven shooting me. duma says it was las flung himself who ordered the massacre? yas, i'll call nea armani. gallano, but next all eyes i will no more shall issue. while northern woods among all dow aline castillo come one of us, we'd ruinolds noah. it would have been as an element of i want to have young m hulu or warner miller to you little community go february. the high desk told to him, he said, was due to an extreme act of carelessness. the gunman didn't know the exact identity of dumas. man, so they sprayed the whole tavern with bullets about a got holla, but while ha, ha, ha, ha to lena t. mila. so a lot of latino at we're at and i'll talk. but here is a little fail. now to mrs. decline, years coming for the witnesses to the shooting. he shows us photos of a bullet riddled cope's murder just days ago. niss it was own that ha more what i rolla by double by. you may now you alonzo. sienna, we're wanting to misses the funniest men entrapped him by posing his police. marilla was ha serrato, knowing how green one with her mother come along when i go. marcella turned pushed. he is in his room, lin, negligent in digging out the door and pushed his in foot was i was a moment to dara ballads. if i had one of our mighty view for school, a model that you got. i am christina. when what he didn't do, you grad, he, he was a warning to anyone, was knowledge of the massacre that includes duma himself, analog alongside. you see, i need an indian from either from them, said young aladdin nitty ivy that i will, i must have yeah. galena, i how know how to log on or when i get on your la me, gisela, man, i fella dead eggs. she nikki w. fleet and i, when i did the wrong one, with all these accusations being leveled against him, we contacted latania and asked him for an interview for his own safety. we've hidden the identity of our fixer urgent, but i brought him and promoted tomato by my room. roger bar plugins woke loads older group regarding an elder law. and i would have been with them one them all to little or got one of the people who bought bottle caller w w w resort. dot dot go smith. are louisa a true true reproof you on for a roof with himself off report. apart from his alleged involvement in the tavern killings in south africa, we also looked into, flung his reach back in la sue to just 3 weeks before the massacre. he was filmed, handing out cash at an all pursuit conference election rally at the time with suit his ruling party. the cause of their fights is popularity. but this involved with the needle minding. it became about turf wars, and now it went into politics as well because they understand they can understand in that because of the war this been happening because of the, the number of people that have been murdered. you need political protection during their release. 80 she would dish out money in hopes of countering and our votes so that some of these members can make it into parliament and become members of parliament in that sense. they basically immune from the law. you know, they basically insulator from prosecution. we put questions about links between farmer gangs and the a b c to it's party leader and cockle carby. he openly admitted that they exist but didn't see a problem with it. it's quite no matter that the, the practice with all the political parties are handing out money to potential versus come again, handing out money to potential voters, not to dean, shall hold us to our valley, support us if you get, if i give you blanket, if i give you a seat, it's a mighty none of the 4 is a practice in the suit. that is why i see independent electoral a commission wouldn't have been to make an issue of that causes though allister to practice with farmers ability to infiltrate lawsuit, politics seems to have no ceiling. in november 2021 copies predecessor, former prime minister thomas to bonnie was charged with murder. after obliged the hiring hickman to assassinate his estranged wife to bonnie has denied any involvement in the murder window. he is not the one who pulled the trigger, but he knew he played pack too fast to be tailored to those people who ultimately killed his wife. one of the suspects and that murder was the flanagan but in july 2022. the case was dismissed. when a key prosecution witness mysteriously disappeared in the endless lanyard didn't give us an interview, caused to his phone, went unanswered. in the suit, his october 2022 election. the abc last, at least in part because of its links to far more. but will a new government be able to put the look back on pandora's box a month after the election? yet another form of funeral is under way, shortly. but to learn about color that you did for me. every russia, babylon i am when and our nation it was while to get month room is a dallas atara, thomas, one of us anytime. hello, andrea are on the board. so i will, and i'm with you more fed and argued leverage really shown longer than i will. you will sheila? hi the now i got an die. you know, the ceo. oh, jesse revolt takes a road trip across space. spanish people love to tell you who they are and where they come from, and i am no exception. one woman's journey seeking her heritage and of covering new insights into christian spans of listen, i'm all region. it's a story that seems to have been fair brush from history. in search of my groups on al jazeera ah leo to sierra london broadcast and test to people in thoughtful conversation with no host and no limitation. if the lead as a person of color, it was the struggle. yeah, it would be much easier for me might feel that white people part to go into and sing a song writer, skin, carry other people, wait a minute, you get way down. you stop what you're doing and made one studio b unscripted on al jazeera, examining the impact of today's headlines. this was probably one of the deadliest disaster see that you're sort of setting the agenda for tomorrow's discussions. this is the one that's been hitting city sharing personal stories for a global audience. do you talk a little bit about what life is like for african lumina programs and open your eyes to an alternative view of the world today? on how to sierra ah hello, i'm laura kyle in doha. these the top stories on al jazeera, while them 1300 migrants and refugees have been rescued in the mediterranean sea, italian coast guards as they were crammed into 3 overcrowded boats and have been.

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