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Ah, you are watching the news our live from headquarters in del hein, daddy and abigail coming up in the next 60 minutes. You as President Joe Biden says its unlikely russia fired the missile, but landed in poland, killing 2 people. War so says there is no concrete evidence of who fired that massage. Donald trump announces another president ial run, but face is a divided Republican Party and a potential rival in florida. Governor Rhonda Santas. Hundreds of people are fleeing in the eastern democratic republic of congo, fearing and advanced by m. 23 fighters now says new lunar rocket blast saw bringing the us closer to returning astronauts to the moon. 50 years after the Apollo Missions. Im Joanna Roscoe with sports the injuries and piling up the defending champion. Frances, i lose, and now the player with the well come. Now, just full days away, ecuador, ive been the tournament against host keta, and the team given a welcome that they arrived in that hotel into a ah, welcome to the news hour. We begin with breaking news from the gulf of mine liberian flags oil tanker. Pacific circus has been struck by an exploding drone off the coast of all mine. The vessel is operated by singapore based eastern Pacific Shipping company is owned by is really billionaire ident offer. The Company Reported only minor damage to the vessels hole and says there was no spillage or of cargo or injuries among the crew. Lets speak to Timothy Hawkins is a commander and spokesman for the us naval fleet is joining us from a my now my thats in a bad a in welcome to al jazeera. Can you tell us what youre hearing about this incident . And if indeed it is confirmed, were very much aware of an incident as having taken place last night in the gulf of home on a very concerning. We will look to put out a statement as soon as we can. But we have seen historically attacks against merchant shipping. In fact, around 2019, we saw increased threats to freedom navigation for merchant mariners transiting in International Waters in the middle east. And we responded by establishing a Multinational Maritime partnership to, to reassure and deter these type of events. Right . And when you say you are concerned, what is your biggest concern right now . Well, our biggest concern is any d stabilizing maritime activity that takes place in the surrounding waters because they are vital to global trade. It is why we maintain an international presence, especially here the strait of her move and the bab alman deb. It is also why we have strength and expanded our multinational partnerships, one in which being the International Maritime security construct, which was formed in response to increase threats to freedom of navigation in 2019. And we added 2 nations this year alone to that, to that partnership. Right. So the u. S. 5th fleet, i know you said that you were going to be putting out a statement soon, but what will your next steps be and do you think that this has the potential to escalate . Well our next steps is to continue doing what weve been doing and that is to maintain a persistent presence that is to work with our regional partners in our international partners. And in patrolling the nearby waters in and also working with commercial shipping to ensure that they have the information they need to continue transiting these critical waterways safely. All right, well leave it there. Thank you so much for speaking to us from mama button. Now the u. S, a nato say theyre investigating a missile attack, an eastern poland, which ukraine is blaming on russia. So moscow denies it was behind a strike that kill 2 people in a polish border town. The polish government says it cannot confirm who was behind it, while the Associated Press news agency is citing us officials saying initial investigations suggest that was fired by ukraine to intercept an incoming Russian Missile. Really, to say whether this missile was fired from russia years. Pulmonary information the contest. I dont want to say that till we completely investigated my i found my claim in the mines in which he was fired from russia, but well, well see. While the polish Prime Minister matter use more of rescue says the government is still investigating the blast. Trust remodel. Yes, that us not was stolen. Em were working to establish the causes of what happened and everything that took place during the incident with International Experts who we have invited us to our group of experts who been working on the scene for several hours. We asked for the support of allies with whom we are in constant contact. The we have rob mcbride is at the g. 20 summit for us in bali. Mohammed val is in moscow, but 1st ill bring and jonah hall, whos standing by for us in keith. So jonah, as were saying not yet known, who fired the missile, just bring us up to speed with whats being said on the ground where you are in the latest on the investigation. Well, lets go back in time to tuesday evening, last night in the hours that followed those explosions on polish territory. Apparently, missiles, possibly fired by russia. It caused a wave of very palpable concern among nato allies, particularly those on the eastern flank closest to the borders of ukraine and russia. The likes of latvia pointing without citing singular evidence at russia, the criminal regime of russia they said, for firing missiles at the territory of a nato country and the government here in ukraine, president lensky, similarly strident language saying, you know this proves what ive been warning about for months now, the danger of this war over spilling from ukrainian territory into european territory and bringing in nato members directly. He said this was why they had called for greater defense is great threat defenses. This was an attack, he said, on natos collective security and his minister of foreign affairs, dmitri could labor going further demanding a meeting of nato, including ukraine to decide on next steps. And specifically asking for more defense equipment, including f 15 and f. 16 jets well, in the lights of day on wednesday, those high notes of crisis are being decisively dialed back. It now appears that both russia and the United States have independently reached a pretty similar conclusion. That this was not a huge Russian Missile that this was in fact ukrainian arguments defense missiles, s 300 missiles. Some of suggested that are in fact russian made, but that ukraine possesses in its ed defense that was shot up to try and intercept Russian Missiles that had been filed as part of an enormous wave of attacks across this country on tuesday. And instead of hitting those missiles, went across the border and landed in that polish field, killing 2 people. And so now you have nato member, often to remember sounding sounding decisively, much more cautious notes, the likes of turkey that says he believes russias denials frankly and says, and the results of an investigation must be awaited and looked at very closely. Germany and france saying similar things from saying its all very well to identify the make of a missile, but that doesnt determine its origin. One country that isnt rubbing back on its comments, perhaps, unsurprisingly, is ukraine. Theyre not saying anything. In point of fact, at this moment, why will because quite simply for keep every opportunity to signal the ongoing danger of this war to its allies in the west is an opportunity they will take. This is a country that suffered an enormous wave of the tax on tuesday 12 cities hit 7000000. 00 people without power now ahead of the winter. This is a concerted effort by russia to inflict appalling conditions on the population of this country as winter approaches. Frankly, it is simply not in ukraines interests to concede that the crisis is in any way diminished. Ok, thank you so much. Dont a whole reporting from keith. Lets bring him home as well. Hes joining us from moscow. So denial from russia. Thats it indeed fired michelle that land it and pull it moment about 5 hours of the morning nations. Ive been denying this ad saying that, you know, they didnt even decide they didnt mean and they, they, they could be taught mistake because they didnt want to strike at poland. So the un mission dawson representative of the un mission set dot, but also said that this is a plot by ukraine, designed to draw nato countries into the conflict directly. Also a state duma member, he said, but i mean, this is certainly a joint plot between ukraine and western intelligence agencies to create a scenario well by nato, can find excuses to us and armies directly into your k and russia. Has always been accusing western countries. The collective west, west of the call it here of supporting ukraine not only by weapons but also by mess entities paid in from the west. We have also met yet as the deputy chairman of the National Security council. He is saying that this is, this is a lot to not only to directly get nato into the war, but also to lead to a world war 3 in ukraine. So the actions are, who are being very clear about it. But also we have this statement by the minister of defense quoted by tass, lose agencies. And it is interesting indeed saying that on the 15th of november, that is yesterday choose the russia didnt hit one single target in key in the capsule, ukraine. And we know that from civilian neighborhoods have been hit yesterday. So they are implying here, but not only those 2 missiles where a filing by ukrainians into poland, but also you claim has been targeted its own civilian population, whether on purpose or, or by error. All right, thank you so much. Mohammed val reporting for us from moscow. Lets hampering and rob mcbride. Hes joining us from barley, which has been hosting the g 20 summit. So a rob, to what extent has they the firing of dismissal overshadowed to the last day at the summit . This g 20 has been gradually wrapping up here. Weve had the closing ceremony. Weve been watching the live feed of convoys of vehicles taking World Leaders off to the airport to take their planes are heading in all Different Directions as this g 20 wraps up. But yes, once again, i do. Its been overshadowed by the ukraine war and specifically about the firing and of this sir, miss south with continuing confusion up just about the, the source of it. But continuing, did doubts from early wednesday that it had come from russia. Even so richie soon act you case Prime Minister who has given his and to Summit Press Conference and still being very noncommittal saying look, lets wait until the investigation is over. Lets get to the bottom of this. There are International Investigators on the scene. Once they have determined what this is, then we can determine what we will do about it. So its still not committing to saying either way where they believe it is come from. But increasingly, these reports do seem to point towards this being an anti aircraft or anti missile missile fired from inside ukraine. But i think the point that the u. S. In its allies would make here is that even if this is a, a missile fired by ukraine, it is a directly linked to russians invasion of ukraine and russias liquid firing of a flurries of miss outlook, ukrainian at targets. There has been warnings for months now as this war has escalated of that, the fighting, the conflict spilling over into neighboring countries. And that seems to have been what has happened here at with fatal consequences and roger very briefly, the final communicate has been released. What was the take away message . Thats right, this was a communicate that with that base. Always very important for g, tracy to end with a communicate the problem is getting kinda thing, but mentions a ukraine that people can put their names to, particularly russia. So we do have a full the words, its a bit convoluted. I will read though, one line to you. They have had to put in some very qualified statements such as a most members, i. E, e, e, not russia, probably not. China, or, and others strongly condemned. The wall that they said was causing immense human suffering. Its a communique, a criticized by the russians. So i love the Russian Foreign minister leaving here, leaving her early, accusing the west of politicizing, the communicate to take a swipe at russia. Thank you so much. From mcbride reporting from bali on timor had on the al jazeera news hour, including were about an hour from the glistening skyscrapers of di habit. The view here couldnt be any more different areas. The ripened gulf behind me kilometers of june. Come on a separate drive. Ah, but 1st the former u. S. President donald trump has announced that he will run again for president in 2024. So hes launched his campaign at his estate in florida a week after midterm elections. And with republicans hopes for a so called red wave were dashed together, we will be taken on the most corrupt forces and entrenched interests imaginable. Our country is in a horrible state, were engraved trouble. This is not a task for a politician or a conventional candidate is a task for a great movement. That bodies, the courage, confidence, and the spirit of the american people. This is a movement, this is not for any one individual will trumps announcement comes after the Republican Party is disappointing show in the midterm elections. The candidates he backed in swing states, most of whom denied the 2020 Election Results lost, and a widely predicted red wave ahead of the mid terms did not come to be trumped potential. 2024 rival Rhonda Santas as resulting victory has sent his popularity soaring among republicans. The Florida Governor has given Party Supporters another chance for leadership and desantis is also said to have the backing of media tyquan. Rupert murdoch, who previously supported from a speak to leslie vent, marie, who is the director of the u. S. In Americas Program in chatham. How shes joining us from london. Welcome to al jazeera. So how much influence do you think the former President Donald Trump has on the Republican Party today . Well, hes clearly losing a lot of his influence. And i think in many ways his decision to go. Busy ahead and announce that he would put his name in the after that candidacy is an attempt to preempt that to really change the direction of travel at a time when the Republican Party has multiple leadership challenges going on in every single level. A party thats really in disarray after a very bad defeat under Donald Trumps leadership, of course. And so i think hes, you know, hes really looking to hold on to that part of the base, you know, which the popular base that really still does support him. And i think, you know, the, the intention must be that by putting himself out there, he will intimidate or change the direction of travel so that people come under his wing. But right now, the prospect certainly doesnt look good in the longer term for the nomination. Its a long ways offering a year out from the primaries, but he is going to face challengers. And as you just said, Rupert Murdoch has pulled his support away. So the wall street journal, the New York Post fox news, really important outlets for this former president who rode his wave to presidency and, and endured his presidency on the back of a tremendous amount of free Media Coverage. Hes going to have very negative breast and a lot less of it or a. So if it was a ticket between wrong de santis and trump, i mean, is a likely to say who the republicans will back at this point . Well, you know, we are a long time out a week is a long time in politics and a very big past 9 or 10 days in the us. So i would hate to guess. I think there will be more candidates who put their name in on the hopper for that post. If de santis declares, i imagine others will as well as one possibility is that they divide the vote and trumps boil supporter. Stay with the money you had. He gets the chemistry that it might be, will be very, very bad for the Republican Party because this is a candidate, donald trump, who is got almost no chance of winning a general election in the United States. So the republicans would like to win. I, donald trump, has demonstrated that he is not a winner. And but the question is whether they can get through a very difficult primary system that gives a lot of a bias towards him. In this case, how divided would you say the Republican Party is at this point . Very divided when they if multiple interviews, i think that what weve seen in the right, in the aftermath of the news that the election deniers that trumpet backed at last that they didnt get the senate. Weve seen a number of individuals asking the former president quietly are coming on record demonstrating that they really dont want. They didnt want this announcement prior to that run off thats taking place in georgia on december 6, out of a fear that it will also negatively impact herschel walker, the republican candidates race and not election. Based on, you know, Rupert Murdochs, pulling the media away based on the fact that there are a number of candidates willing to, you know, clearly signal that they intend to play some sort of leadership role in the party most, most especially around the scientists. Right . So you know, when donald trump had hold on the party, none of that was happening right. People were afraid of him and laying very low. Theyre not lang low anymore. All right, well leave it there. Thank you so much for speaking to us from london. Thank you. Will sundays bombing and stumble is being seen by some as a set back for the government of cheer, which has repeatedly said it has won the war against what it calls terrorism. Its not only facing what could be a new security challenge, but there may also be political ramifications, as they know who reports from a stumble. It shattered the piece and threatened years of stability. Sundays bombing on is to close street in the center of a sample brought back memory of a turbulent pat. There is defined, crowd have returned. The authorities in turkey are blaming their long time enemy the outlaws, british group, the p k. K, which has denied any role, but some believe there was a political message. Didnt miss smith this can negatively affect the upcoming elections. Terrorism will cause tension on the election process and focus on the se will be intimidated. The democratic process will be taken hostage to the south east turkeys kurdish heartland where the state is fighting a years long conflict with the p k. K. Its also where the majority of the kurdish population lives. Their vote will be important if not decisive in the president ial and parliamentary elections next june. Thats why the largest pro kurdish political party, the h d p, is being ported. Not just by the opposition. In a major break from the past, the governing act Party Members of the countries 3rd largest party. For a long time now, our party and partner in the alliance, they may be having now thing any contact made with h t p because of their ties with the terry organization p. K. And they were criticizing the opposition about having implicit dialogue with this part. Sundays attack may make it harder to continue that dial as part of an election strategy. The m h p is calling for the closure of h d p, describing its members a separatist terrorist. The bombing has created a new political atmosphere months ahead of an election, many se could be president or the toughest battle he has lost some support. The economy is in trouble. And while the government has been proud of its campaign to eliminate what it considers the p k case Security Threat at home and then neighboring iraq and syria, further attacks like sundays could undermine up. Or the guns critics see an opportunity for the governing party to rally nationalist supports ahead of the vote. But for now, security is what is on the minds of many here. Then there also data is tumble. Nasa has successfully launched its giant rocket powering the artemus one mission to the moon. The and crude mission is the 1st part of a program which will eventually send people back to the moon. The u. S. Space agency. How to delay the take off twice because of technical issues. So december 972. 00 was the last time humans landed on the moon under the apollo program. Lets see how this latest mission compares. So take a look at the giant rocket powering nostrils are to miss mission. Name be space launch system or s l s. It will generate 15 percent more thrust than saturn 5, which power b Apollo Missions. B s a last will carry the orient capsule into space. And its designed to travel further and longer than the apollo lunar lander in time. Not as hoping to make history with the 1st woman an ethnic minority on the moon. But this mission has only maniquan on board and for the moon landing before astronauts. Thats one more than the Apollo Missions that ended 50 years ago. I speak to chris malone, whos bee n b c news correspondent. Hes joining us live from cape canaveral. So, chris, it seems that the 3rd time really is a charm. Tell us about the significance of this mission and why its so important. Yeah, very good morning to you from Kennedy Space center here in florida. It really was a spectacular launch in nasa administrator say that it was absolutely worth the weight delayed a few months, not only because of technical issues, but to hurricanes that we had blow through the area. The last coming just last thursday. So its, its been a long wait, but the launch was absolutely flawless this morning. Happening a little more than 3 and a half hours ago here off of floridas space coast. At this hour, the orion crew capsule at the top of that rocket is on about a 5 or 6 day mission to the moon when it finally gets into the moons orbit. At one point it will be about 482000 kilometers away from earth. That will be the fer, this a human spacecraft has ever been from the earth in history. The significance of the mission is clear. American American Space program wants to go to the moon, explore the moon further, and then use it as a base to explore deeper space. Go into places like mars or exploring asteroids down into the future. This is just the 1st launch. As you mentioned, its uncrated. Nobody on board, but some mannequins to test the effects of the space flight on people. But in a couple of years now. So hopes to put astronauts on board that will orbit the moon and then a year or 2 after that actually send astronauts to the moon to start exploring. So it is really a new era of Space Exploration underway. Started all this morning here in florida. Yeah. And chris, just give us a sense of what it was like to be there and what the mood was like that that rock had successfully launched into it absolutely was remarkable from my point of view. Its one of the most incredible things ive ever witnessed. Live the atmosphere all afternoon and evening was one of optimism and excitement. There was a palpable feeling because the Weather Forecast was so good and the, the fueling, the tanking of the rocket proceeded relatively smoothly compared. The other 2 launch attempts were cancelled relatively early. And as this rocket got fueled up, it really seemed like there was a significant chance that it was going to launch tonight. When he took off into the sky, when it blasted off, it lit up everything for miles around the space coast. And then about 10 seconds after i got off the ground, just this incredible rumble, started shaking your body and the ground around you. It was like the most intense fireworks display ive ever been a part of. You just kept feeling it rattling your body for about the 1st 4 or 5 minutes until it really got up into outer space. So lots of cheers and applause in claps from the spectators gathered here as well as all the people who worked on this mission. Theyre very, very excited about this finally getting off the ground and crisp alone. Thank you so much. Chris and n b. C. News correspondent, thank ah time for the world cup news for joe and a lot of teams have now touched on and i havent think thats right during and its not just nasa reaching for the cells for days to go now. And the excitement is really starting to build up around town. Oh, that was the ecuador team arriving at the hotel on tuesday evening. They will kick off the home tournament in the opening game on sunday, against the host nation. Cats are across town at aspire park fans have been gathering to take pictures of the woke up trophy, usually kept at fif is headquarters in switzerland, but has just completed a 51 stop global tool going into this tournaments. Sony 8 countries have a one, a well cup. While there will be several places for fans to gather during the tournament, including the main fif of fan park in doha, victoria k to be is there for us in victoria . Been taking a look around this morning. What have you found . Well, joe, in a few days time, 40000. 00 fans a day are going to be packed into this area. This is the fif of fans festival. Its in the heart of doha, in a bit of pockets 8500000 meta area. Its very, very easy to get to, you know, were in the lives zone at the moment. They split all designs into 3. So this is the lives and this is the big screen that will be showing for matches the day. 64 matches in total live over the tournament. You can just be in the background, the west space skyline. When theyre all matches being played, there will be a lot of entertainment going on. Give you an idea of the type of International Acts that they booked. Shell pull at the things. All right, so the grammy award win has been booked for the night before the default. Well, cut final now as well as this live area. Well people will be able to sit down and watch the games. Theres also a food and beverage area that you can just see behind me what people will be able to buy alcoholic drinks and beyond that, there is the place a now thats got lots of interactive and immersive game. And its also got a fif, a museum, that were going to see later. So ill let you know what thats like. Now. There was a test event here tonight for fans. So people can come here. They can watch a d, j, a Michael Jackson tribute show. And that will stop from 5 oclock till 10. All right, victoria, lots of good things to look forward to that. Thank you. Well, with the well cut, fast approaching fans are beginning to arrive in cats are head of the tournaments. Theyll be staying in all sorts of accommodation from hotels, to cruise ships, and fun villages, alexia bryan has been checking out some of the options in the desert with were about an hour from the glistening skyscrapers of dough habit. The view here couldnt be any more different over there it is, the ripened gulf behind me kilometers of june. Swamp dartford drive with his day that is hugely important. Not only the visitors, but also those of us who live here because you can go june bashing. You can go style gazing, you can pick a june, pick a trail and just see where you end up. One of the best things though is camping and sound like the 1200000 visitors who are hitting its a cutter for the world cup are actually going to stay at a dis, a camp. So were going to go and check one of them out. We have 96. 00 them, 16 clusters for the inventory is distributed between the locked and a standard with the locks or more with the services of a room. They will be having the breakfast buffet, they will be having wholesale barbican, i happening with. Now if you do end up coming and staying at a camp like this, can learn a bit about comes to re culture. And when youre not at the gapes, youve got the rest of the day that to explore. Well, still plenty of welcome news on the way later this hour, including another injury for the defending champion and good news to south korea, a training fracturing hes ah well, it looks like suddenly winter has broken through through most of europe. It looks like the same set up the atlantic still driving the weather, but the winds changed. And its just feeding cold in the huge matter. Play that which means that far more rain or in some cases snow. So the picture went to the fairly wet and windy one, particularly for france and southern part of the u. K. Ahead is that thats the older band thats brought lower temperatures to germany and to austria, were down to single figures here and the rain is rather more prominent now in italy, back to north africa. And increasingly in portugal, weve even seen some snow starts develop because of whats coming down in the far east of europe, single, single figure data to it, vilnius that in kiva by 6, i think thatll probably drop a little if snow starts develop in seriousness from Baltic States thats too much of eastern europe, so the picture looks like it should do after this time year. No, its been a long time coming. Similar story in west africa. The rains are going south with the sun. Theyre still around on the coast, the coast of our re coast garner or nigeria, but theyre almost irrelevant. The heavier stuff is where it should be. Our Congress Republic of congo, and all countries size rights. The tip of africa, ah ah, with indonesia, your investment destination, the worlds 10 largest economy is busy transforming, ready to beat your business. Partner with a robust talent pool, politically and economically stable and strong policies being the powerhouse indonesia is confirmed by the g 20 presidency. Bringing opportunities for you. Invest indonesia. No. Ah ah. Hello again. The top floor is on the al jazeera news hour. Us President Joe Biden says its unlikely miss all strike that kill 2 people in poland was fired from russia. Nato hold an emergency meeting. Ukraine blames russia, but moscow denies it was behind the attack. Liberian flags oil tanker. Pacific circuit has been struck by an exploding, drawn up the coast of oman. The vessel is operated by singapore based eastern Pacific Shipping. The Company Reported only minor damage to the vessels hole and no injuries among the crew. Nasa has successfully launched its giant rocket powering the artemus one mission to the moon. The on crude expedition is the 1st part of a program which will eventually send people back to the kanyes former president e, who are kenyatta, is urging warring sides in the democratic republic of congo. To start talking, he visited a camp of displaced people and north kiva were many flight for safety. After seeing soldiers retreating, the conflict between the congolese soldiers and m. 23 fighters has moved closer to goma. The congolese government has repeat, really accused or wanda, back in the rebels. An allegation it denies. Malcolm web reports off the days of heavy fighting, dozens of soldiers on motor bikes came rushing away from the front line to the eastern city of goma, in democratic republic of congo. Safe been battling fighters of n 23. 00, widely understood to be a proxy of neighboring rwanda. Well, they were one that denies it. That caused panic. Thousands of people for m. 23 had reached the edge of the city. Me a new stocky boom as i come from ca. Bomba. I ran away from the m 23 and go to can you regina camp on saturday . Then i had gunfire and people said m 23 has arrived yet. Thats why we decided to carry out belongings. And run away. We are asking for our soldiers to be helped with reinforcements because there are too few soldiers to defend the whole province. Congos army said a group of soldiers had panicked unnecessarily while others continued fighting people here. A scared of m. 23, the rebel. Good. So the city of governor in 2012 will say wave rwandan bucking the following. 3 that it was defeated by congos armed forces, it resumed its valley in a year ago. The people here ferrying the french fries vices might take the city of goma. Once again. Congress armies fighting m 23. 00 on 3 front, including with attack helicopters. He says and 23, how sophisticated weapons from rwanda last time congo eventually won the war with International Support. This time, the Government Relations with the un peacekeepers have deteriorated and it doesnt have much help thats uniquely false. And why our lease, i can assure you that our armed forces are doing well on the battlefield and are so far containing the enemy at the town of cuba and keep them in about 20 kilometers north of gamma. Some soldiers fled, others were sent forward. The people here already fled their homes and were encamped when the panic sat in complex involving were wondering. You can have been displacing people here for decades. Theres no sign theyll be left in peace anytime soon or malcolm love is joining us now. Live from a camp of displaced persons north of goma. So malcolm, tell us what youve been seeing at the displace camp on what people have been telling you. Oh, im going to step aside. We can have a look around. You can see the, the shelf is that people run from yesterday they removed the plastic sheets and their possessions ran into town. Some of them of now started coming back, following the panic that was caused by the Community Soldiers rushing through here all night to bikes. And firing in the air and 23 on right next to this campus. They thought they were at the time, not why having spent the night elsewhere, a lot of them and now coming back trying to rebuild their shelters. Delaware, they slept last night with certainly conditions here were good in the 1st place, the unsanitary, theres a shortage of food and water. The Un Childrens Fund built some trains over there and another organization has put a lot of device of water when it wouldnt stand just at the top of the slope dab, but not see any visible. Humanitarian responds so far in this camp. So on tuesday, the former president of kenya who can also arrived and go, ma, what impacted his visit, have well, the timing of it was exactly at the moment that that panic was going on. Which is that some people to, to accuse a orchestrated panic of trying to, to show chaos, to, to kenyatta this moment he was planning to visit displace people further up here. He wasnt able to reach the meeting, but anybody did get out the car and greet the few people before going back into town and giving a press conference, which she said that the humanitarian situation was catastrophic. That it could lead to many unnecessary death. And he was saying he was calling for talks and negotiations and saying that negotiations couldnt happen in the context of these kinds of things going on. Is part of was meant to be an East African Community effort to bring a resolution to this conflict. But its complex with rwanda accused in widely understood to be backing the n 23. Great. You got there was being accused of doing the same day. Both countries deny it. Meanwhile, brittany and soldiers already in the thing, congo to the south of via another East African Community member. And so theyre, all of these governments meant to come together next week who kenyata can use. Former president is the envoy representing kenya in this. But the been peace talks before regarding this conflict that have gone on for years and years. They havent brought conclusive piece deals as compared to the last iteration. In this conflict in 2012 and 13. This time is relative silence from the international community. The u. K. And fraud said, very little secretary of state onto the clinton said that he met with rwandas foreign minister and wanted to de escalate military activities here in congo. But in the past, strongly worded statements havent made any difference at all in 2013, it was with one does international backers, those that provide it military training and weapons . They had to turn off a, there was substantial International Support for the console is army. Took a coordinated International Effort to feed them 23. 00 and bring the conflict to a close. All right, thank you so much mark my reporting from go my thank you. A National Strike across several cities in iran has entered the 2nd day 3 people were reportedly killed in a capital chaperone. On tuesday, after march turn violence, the strike action marked the anniversary of the 29900. 00 protest against raising fuel prices in iran. But ended in a violent crackdown. Demonstrations also coincide with the continuing outcry about the death of 22 year old must many and for the custody. Dorothy jabbar is joining us from to her on. So how widespread are the protests on the strike store so well, there currently 2 narratives going on in this country. One is from the official state News Agencies affiliated with the establishment. And another is from various Human Rights Group and bloggers really that are working with the demonstrators at the official line, is that these demonstrations that have been ongoing and are being fueled by outside forces. Now, according to the officials from the police force in the country, there were 3 deaths of Security Forces across the country. And they were also reported the 3 deaths of protesters last night in curtis and province. This is, of course, as a result of those calls that came to commemorates the demonstrations that took place 3 years ago as a result of fuel hi summer. Announce overnight in 2019 that saw people pouring out onto the streets and Security Forces and responding to those demonstrations and the Human Rights Group saying over a 1000 people were killed in the span of a week. Which authorities never really verify or confirm what we have seen over the past 24 hours is certainly a number of demonstrations and post has taking place late in the evening. As well as various points in the capital that we have not seen demonstrations taking place. We saw demonstrators clashing with Security Forces in certain parts of north carolina, which was the 1st that weve seen over the past 2 months. And we also heard from the interior minister earlier this morning who said that 11 those, those people that have been arrested that are forcing various shops to keep their businesses closed. They have been found to have links with the French Intelligence Service as well as i. So we also heard from the 2 to sherry that a 2nd person who has been arrested of a part of over a 1000 that have been arrested across the country since the demonstrations began. The 2nd person has now been sentenced to yes, for their involvement in the ongoing unrest. We dont have any specifics in terms of a name or the age of that this for a 2nd person, but there is an appeal process that is expected to take place in terms of the protests and the strikes themselves. We are not able to independently verify the number of shops that are close in the city, but what we do know is that mainly that privately own businesses have chosen to shut down their businesses for the next 3 days. To commemorate those that have lost their lives, not only over the past 2 months, but those that have lost their lives in 2019 right. Thank you. Say that business as usual continues. Thank you so much talk to jabari reporting from to her on thank you. Source on the International Committee of the red cross as to trucks carrying medical supplies of a right. And if you p s t gray region, its the 1st your minus area and a delivery since a ceasefire agreement was signed between the government and rebels. Earlier this month, in his 1st comments and citrus Prime Minister, ill be off my promise to implement the deal, honestly, saying its necessary to ensure the sustainable peace, the truth aims to end 2 years of conflict that has devastated the region, killing thousands of people and displacing millions, cuz i got an idea of what we saw into great people want peace and look that they went water that they want electricity and food. We saw that they do not have any problem with that. What im hotter and my brothers in connecticut than if we can continue like this. I think it will be nicely. So let me on my part, i wont piece up and im happy that piece is coming up, but i want to do all i can to make sure that this piece remains intact from patrick to serve as the regional director for africa, the International Committee of the red cross, he says the medical supply delivery is a welcome 1st step. The dog, so need delivered 40 tons of medical items, emergency medicine, but also Surgical Equipment to help cover the immediate needs of thousands of people in the region. A very welcome 1st step towards the implementation of the deal, which, which is an important factor to bring more social Services Back to mckinley and the to region. It was quite mean very difficult to see the resumption of the cities that said the teams of the i c. And the camera across have been providing Emergency Assistance in the most effective areas of tea. Right. And a far mostly focusing on improving access to water and sanitation, but also on the medical side of things. So quite intense in this Service Opening would certainly be thought continue supporting more and more our field teams with much needed supply. Still ahead on the news hour, well continue our account down to the world cup with jo. 3 and thank you. Yes, after the break, well tell you about another injury for defending champions, france and we need to trail blazer in castle whos getting ready to give this thing. Fans a taste of the local culture. Ah. Every footstep moving in the sink with the world to bring Health Equity for all to be together again with the ones far apart with transformation and collaboration. Indonesia urges and lead to the world in moving forward as one french over together recover stronger. When clouds meet, Mountain West struggle gives birth to true passion where faith is more than just where humanity defies. Expectations with freedom is always worth fighting both and Untold Stories from across asia and the pacific. 101 east. On al jazeera. Oh, eye injuries are mounting out for defending champions. France, they will travel to castle without the top score and the german li, christopher conquer. The forward has been ruled out of the world cup of picking up an injury in frances final Training Session. Before departing for the tournament, the b like big player, collided with teammate at water, come of anger and strained his knee. Was another blow for france who have several big names already missing. One of those is poor papa who was influential in there when in russia 4 years ago. Did shant side will also be without chelsea midfielder in color county . Paris. Such a man defend press, no can been, but keep him bay and months. United center back rough overrun will travel with the team, but still recovering from a hamstring injury or france. Fire . Strayer, in the opening game of the tournament on tuesday, the fuckers wont be too, wont be too many people favorite going into that one. But all the food crate goodwin is backing his side to spring a surprise. We should go out there with, with no pressure because we are the, on the dog and, you know, i think we have that self belief and weve shown along the way to qualify for this woke up. Weve been written off on many occasions in games and weve been able to get here. So i think we go in with full confidence. We know itll, itll be a tough game while theres no reason why we cant shock the world. South korea, captain, son, whom men is the last member of his countries, woke up scott to arrive into the food wasted no time. And its straight back to training while recovering from a left eye. Socket. Fracture is no doubt, son is looking to lead his team in their 1st match against uruguay. On november, the 24th is unclear how much of a pilot study of money will play in the tournament. Cynical Football Federation confirmed best dog man who has a leg injury will miss at least their 1st 2 games. The team arrived in doha, on sunday, without money. Its been 64 years since wales last played at the well cup. Captain garrath, ill let them off the plane and he hopes he can guide them out of the group stage. Their 1st ma, shes against the u. S. I on monday. And i also have to get past england and iran. England will begin acclimatized to conditions in doha when they hold their 1st Training Session on wednesday. The squad hoping to go further at this tournament than they did in russia 4 years ago. On that occasion. They were beaten semi finalists. The 3 lions has been own or open the campaign against iran. On monday, laurens wilcock coach colored kiddos says his play as a free to show support for protest in their home country. The must do so within the rules of the tournament. The play is covered up the National Team budge during 2 games in september, which was seen as a sign of support. Iran has experience weeks of public protests following the death of a woman in police custody. They have the right to express themselves. You guys used to bend your knees in the game, some people agreed. Some people dont agree with that. And then this is after the se, but it is out of question to think that there is a national suffering any sort of issues like that. Iran face the usa on november, the 29 United States invited some Migrant Workers to joining with them at a Training Session in doha. The International Labor Organization Says reforms in that sitting capital have improved the lives of hundreds of thousands of work in the country. And that this well cup has helped to quicken the reforms. Process the us players were happy to meet those who helped to this well come together. Yeah. When i got the majority, i wanted to come and see you help build the thought, you know, but i woke up to see them and play with them. It was really special fouque walker, the Traditional Market in catholic kept, would go higher, the Perfect Place to funds to must themselves in local culture. Natasha going a went to get a taste of what they can expect to walk in is more than a century old. We are in the section of spices. This dried lemon when steeped in water mixed with hardy makes a very nice hot drink. Garlic lavender pomegranate, these peppers and a popular snack food in this part of the world, sunflower seeds. During the rise of the shopping mall, countries lost interest in the soup in 2003, a fire destroyed much of it. So in 2004, the government designed this new suit to preserve country tradition with a modern twist. During the world cup, this area will be bustling with activity. Traders here are counting on it. I have dish, savory, sweet, and bold. The smells, envelop you as you walk into the small kitchen of she shall moose. This country. Breakfast feast is served no matter the hour. It features a bedouin bread made of flour and water called rig gag, and flavorful stew called mar google sham soak isabellas restaurant in souk walk. If is also of landmark, she is the 1st woman to own an eatery in cutter and the 1st to open a business in the soup and dotted muddled up at a yeah, a model of hospitality and generosity are pillars of the country. Traditions, women play a role at home when we open our doors and welcome our neighbors and visitors with traditional food. Here i will be a chore representative of the country women. I was more than 20 years ago. Cassava began pickling lemons in her back yard, and selling them via a word of mouth. Then she opened a spy shop, and eventually this restaurant in 2014, along the way, her entrepreneurial ambitions clashed with their families. Ideas about a womans place. 05 gone on in the past. As a conservative society, it was difficult for women to socialize with men. I was the 1st to bend the rule with some objections from my family. How could a woman work among men . Cassidys customers include the country, ruling family, foodies and footballer, david beckham, her home style cooking in an arab coffee shop environment is a link to cutters roots. Oh, i have been now gonna, my main goal is to ensure that our cuisine lives on for future generation. Its spot to preserve renown cut assurance traditions. Not only for kathys, but for visitors to our country, especially since got that is hosting the worth copy. Last summer, kasai be launched, an online store. Now with these jars of spices and mixes, she can share a taste of cut are with the world. By hosting the 1st world cup in the middle east and a Muslim Country cut our is hoping to shatter stereotypes. Yet it has faced an onslaught of negative Media Coverage and criticism that ranges from the treatment of Migrant Workers in the countries record on human rights to a french cartoon depicting the cut, our Football Team as terrorists. The amir of katara has said, this is tantamount to an unprecedented Smear Campaign that borders on racist. The world cup has been touted as a way to bring countries together to remind people what unites us. Cuts are is hoping fans will come, experience their hospitality, get a glimpse into their culture and leave with a more broadened view that for you really delicious is maybe really hungry. That is always what for now back to during. Thank you so much, joe. And thanks for watching the news, our on al jazeera, we will take a very short break, and emily angry will be with you right after the break with all the days top stories, all the latest headlines that you need to know. Thanks for watching. My friend. Ah, ah ah ah ah ah room with unprompted and uninterrupted discussions from our london Broadcast Center on al jazeera, passionate about this sport and determined to succeed against the odds. You are fighting, keep on training despite obstacles. Algae, as they were well tells the inspiring story of a group of somali women in pursuit of their dream, of playing football for that country. Despite its culture and traditions. When we are in the Somali Society and its difficult for people to accept somali footballs, go on al jazeera ah,

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