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Ready this is al jazeera ah hello, im emily anglin. This is the new sal alive from doha. Coming up in the next 60 minutes. Fighting between and con, glaze Government Troops and m. 23. 5 is most closer to the eastern city of gorman. Displacing thousands of people well laid, a czar and barley for the g 20 summit. The ukranian president is urging them to press russ for to sake pates. Crossing the 80000000000, mal worlds population hits a new milestone. And the family of al jazeera journal. I shall reign abu aclu says the u. S. Decision to investigate killing by Israeli Forces is an important step on far as small and the have all have all the latest world cab news as the head of world football, johnny infant tino called for a thief fire in crane the duration of the tournaments. Ah, welcome to the program, we stop this news, our a democratic republic of congo, where the military says in conflict with m. 23 fighters has moved closer to the eastern city of goma. The fighting has already displaced tens of thousands of people. Un troops had been patrolling the streets of karma. The m 23 fight as a why they understood to be backed by were wanda allegation. There were wondering government denies. Malcolm web joins us live from a key body village which is need government. Hello the malcolm. Whats the latest on the fighting, which is happening not far from where you are just a few kilometers to know where we are. The fighting is going on in the town. If kaboom burned in the net for the last couple of days, initially, the Congress Government forces repelled and attacked by m 23. 00, which is widely understood to be a proxy of rwanda. Connellys military sources say that fighting rwandan soldiers, some say that you got there is supporting them as well. They both countries deny it. So the fighting has been there and to the north of that, weve just had this morning that the fighting is in columbia town itself. Weve seen military vehicles pick ups and trucks carrying soldiers going to the front some others coming the other way as well, possibly being rotated out or maybe re directed to one of the other front. 3 front fighting in total, military thought is also on getting in the other one to the north of m. 23 territory near the border with uganda, another one to the west to the town of tang guy. But lets take a look around where we are now. This is a come for displaced people. Tens of thousands of people fled in the last couple of weeks, but their homes because of the fighting. Many people have a scared of m 23. And so theyve made rudimentary sheltered plastic sheet. Mosquito net branches of trees, its raining almost every day at the moment. Things have improved very slightly since we 1st came to this particular come a couple of days ago. Can see that the un, childrens funded votes and toilets and someones and build a wooden frame. And a plot of water drinking water, which of course there isnt enough clean water food shelters, not as well, and not heavy rain makes the conditions quite unsanitary. But whats striking is how he managed to respond to so much less visible that it was when we were here watching similar scenes on fall in 2008 and in 2012 as well. Certainly significant, and indeed malcolm. What else have you witnessed, and what are you hearing from Congress Military military sources of complain that theyre not getting enough supplies at the front food was munition. This is by the fact that corners government says its released a 100000000. 00 for funding this military operation. Since the beginning of october, congo has vos mineral wealth, the government does have substantial amounts of money that is criticized for widespread corruption and from money not being spent on the services where its needed. Soldiers, some soldiers, now we speak and complaining that theyre not nearly as ro, well, resource as the enemy, the fighting. Theyre saying the troops fighting being rotated in and out there being fed, that being voted in fighting an enemy with sophisticated weaponry one right . Said theyve spoken to civilians in the area with the fighting who had seen m 23 or possibly london soldiers flying drones. A military source also told us that theyre going to be been using drones, which being used to guide sophisticated, authentic. He said that they can direct shells and, and more to, to target quite to exactly this echoes what the u. N said earlier this year, when they said m. 23 was like a government army, had sophisticated weapon for like a conventional army of the un shore to saying which government was providing these weapons. But thats why he believes to be neighboring romando. Just a couple of kilometers over there. Everyone that denies it. All right, we appreciate you breaking down for us malcolm web live for us and me going my thank you. Ah, it is of the j. 20 nations have been discussing the global food in Energy Crisis and will hold several meetings away from the main summit. A draft statement has called for the extension of the great deal between ukraine and russia. The summit on me, indonesian island of bali is the 1st since russia invited ukraine back in february, which is here. Is it diplomatic editor james bass joins us live now from that summit in bali. James. Good to see you again. Festival lab rove. So gay lab road russians, foreign minister, has been speaking over the last hour or so. What has he said, whats been noteworthy from your perspective . Yeah, well a Russian Foreign minister who is representing, let me put in who is not come to this summit was giving a News Conference just the russian reporters. He only invited the Russian Media with that to our knowledge, to this News Conference which was held at his hotel. There are some significant things that he said in that News Conference, i think probably most significantly involves the black c grain initiative. Which as, as you know, was put into place in july to get the grain out of ukraine that have been trapped there to try and help the global food crisis. Also to get russian grain and fertilizer, back onto the global market. To that was the, the piece of this that was going to help russia. Well, hes been talking about that to the reporters. Mr. Barbara saying the u. N. Is now going to deal with removing barriers for russian grain and fertilizes. And he said, despite the restrictions, russia is exported. 10. 5000000 tons of grain. Now, those 2 comments to me, sounds somewhat positive that perhaps russia will agree in a few days time to keep the great deal going. I also sought comment on, on the comments from the live role from the United Nations, because just before he gave that News Conference, he had a meeting with the un secretary general, im told by the Spokes Person with the 2nd general that they had a lengthy meeting they went through all the aspects related to russian exports of food and fertilizer. It was a full and frank open discussion. Im told. Go back to mr. Lab off. The other point that i think was important in his News Conference was about the final declaration. The final communicate that will come out of this summit. They clearly are different disagreements on some of the language. He said, western colleagues had tried to politicize the declaration and condemn russia. Apparently theyll be reference to an exchange of views. But he said, the west, it added a phrase that many delegations had condemned russias russias aggression. And he doesnt like that. He says that negotiations on the declaration will continue in the coming hours. But he said the declaration is almost finalized. Its not clear whether mr. Lab will be around when it is finalized, because the word is that off. So that News Conference, hes going to be heading to the airport and will be the 1st of the leaders to be leaving the g 20, even though the summit technically goes on for another day. And all this happening, james, when a lot of the landscape ukraines president was invited as a gift to the summit, but he didnt attend in person as youve been reporting. He did, however, make a video address what was said to late is then well, this was during the, the session that was on the global food crisis in the global Energy Crisis. But clearly, much of that is, is about ukraine and a result of the war. In the ukraine, president zalinski when he addressed the g 20 leaders, mister lab off apparently were sitting in his seat listening to the ukrainian president as this video address i was made. He said that we cannot have p steels like the ones of the past where russia still keeps control of pulse of ukraine. He referred to the previous minutes accords. When he made this statement, alicia phenomena he apparently one cannot trusted russias words, and there will be no mans 3. Which russia would violate immediately after signing. If there are no concrete actions to restore peace, only it means that russia simply wants to deceive all of you. Again, deceive the world and freeze the war just when its defeats have become particularly notable. We will not allow russia to wait it out to build up its forces and then start a new series of terror and global destabilization. Feel a clear message from the ukranian president that hes not going to accept any sort of peace deal. That doesnt mean russia fully pulls out of ukraine, and certainly there have been some leaders behind the scenes have been floating. The idea a winter is coming and it will be time for 2 sides to sit down to negotiate. The ukrainian position is pretty clear. Well negotiate with the russians once theyve pulled all their forces out of ukraine. Ok, keep us updated as to how the day progresses. Al jazeera, diplomatic, get it to james base live for us in bali. Lets get some further analysis now with 2 non punk pseudo rack, who is a professor and director of the institute of security and International Studies that tell a long cone university. He joins us from bangkok, thailand to then on. Thanks so much for having for being here. On the program, theres certainly a myriad of high stakes issues facing the planet at the moment. Weve been hearing that ukraine and the war in ukraine is one of them without diplomatic get us james base. What do you see is the most important issue for g 20 late is that they need to address my thing is, you can see obviously the, the russian aggression against ukraine has been the top contention issue. I mean, the common had low hanging fruit, you know, we have the Renewable Energy climate change, post code recovery and all the issues of common interest. But i think the Sticking Point will be the war between russia and ukraine, russian aggressions. And what happens to the perch now that the president says landscape and laid out a term for some kind of a gentleman the deal in the war. But we have to hear also from the russian by. It was hopeful that mister rob ross appointment of russia remain and the people listen to the video from president lindsey, but i think that is the picking point. And then of course, the us, china, we have the violence which when the president isnt being and president joe biden, that was broken, grounded in a way because they havent met in person in person meeting for the 1st time in 3 years. Now. Its crucial, i think you can kind of gender and then theres energy, you know, the in place and the food on you know, i think inferior to the top, the top im be the russian question. Certainly a lengthy agenda. Lengthy list of things to do before we get to the she bought in sidelines meeting. I want to ask you a little bit more about ukraine war. And on the eve of this meeting, the ukranian president describe it as a g. 19 summit. None of the 20 is the crime war, the greatest threat to the summit but its also an opportunity for this damage to address this war president. So can we go, thanks a lot on the line by him for the president in president couldnt put in a lot of course and a message by video. But i think that theres some base can now to, to address and certainly the threats, but also an opportunity to, to broker some kind of a forward movement. I think now that the ukranian they have limited up ahead, the regains. And territory has pretty much spelled out what he wants to be. Lets see what the other side that but shes also at risk of being isolated if it doesnt respond. We something, Something Back to them. And just briefly, before we let you go, how much has the relationship between she and bought and actually been repaired since yesterday . Sideline chat. I think the, the repairs been pent up. I mean, theres a lot of the deal. I think cove it has not help and now that you know, input and judging can be the body language and the, the language to vocalize amount the way on both side at least with being some temperature being brought down a bit. You know, they really have to stay with a offensive efficient on taiwan, so on north korea and they, you know, trying to be and so on. But i think over all, at least theyre talking and i think this could only, you know, we can build on that they can build on it and that being in the asia, i think theres very welcome developments for the president biden. Indeed, we really appreciate your analysis as a way to the tongues that are at a professor and director of the institute of security and International Studies at long called university. Thank you. And finding more ahead on the news hour, including the president talks to indigenous my latest to resolve a land dispute out there. Again, exclusive access, the meeting atlanta messy joins that weve gone ahead of the world. Ah, moving on now. And our plan is population keeps growing. And just past the 8000000000 mark, it took less than 12 years to add the last bill in some of the Fastest Growing populations are in africa. With more people comes increased conflict and a fight for resources. India has been one of the largest dr. Is population growth it will soon overtake china is the most populated country for indian women. And now having 2 children on average, experts say thats true to better education and health care for women. But me middle explain from largest. Is it no, no misses, its good to get up and i do boss mccardie wouldnt need to judge young, good training teenagers to become more self aware. Shes using a game of cards to start discussions about choice and consent. The larger goal is to empower women golf game to go with the humans live with some girls verges, are less aware. So we encourage them to tell the parents that they want to study or start working before getting married. Everybody wants children, but they need to be independent before that. India home to 1400000000 people. This population is projected to soon become the worlds largest. Its expected to speak around 2060 and then start declining. Government data shows indian women are having fewer children. It correlates this with improvement in girls education, white Family Planning policies focus on breaking taboos around contraception and increasing awareness about maternal health. I understand that because a lot of Community Health workers are providing pre and post nika, care, shandrika, la advises, new moms on breastfeeding vaccinations and nutrition. Rural areas have strong patriarchal norms about marriage and child booked. She says families were earlier uncomfortable with their work. Id be by law an i man to give admin that there has been a major awakening in the village since we started working earlier. Mothers would have had a 2nd child, even when the 1st child was very young. All they would have become mothers at a very young age thats become less common. There are concerns about indias ability to create jobs and beat people. Some experts say a growing population could be an advantage if the government invest in creating jobs and improving health care. If you dont have all that, it leads to lake, you know, are diminishing returns in terms of the economy, but it lead door, socialist, strife and frustration. You cant, ive been unhappy lot, 300. 50000000 is i, your population boucher hopes her message will travel beyond this group and had more young girls become independent. Experts say this will help make Family Planning a matter of choice and not charms pop nathan al jazeera, gorgeous con western india. Lets bring in natalia can em, whos the executive director of the u. N. Population fund. She joins us from pattaya in at thailand. Natalia thanksgiving on the news hour is reaching 80000000000 people a milestone. We should be celebrating given the state of the world right now. Well, we absolutely have to celebrate because a 1000000000 implies longer live, it implies that left mom, theyre dying during childbirth, and the children are surviving. We also feel that at this point in time, the 8000000000 really potentially could represent a 1000000000 happy healthy individuals. If we look at inequality through a different one. So while we celebrate we. Busy also know their cause that theres cause for concern because of bad inequality. How is gender inequality a driving factor for areas which youre either overpopulated or as we heard him have me mytells report also under populated . Well, i think the lead up and looking at a situation of a rural woman, a woman in an Island Community was really great because it shows you that women are making decisions based on what works for them. And so there is no real ideal number for the population, world population, population of the country. What there is the challenge of making sure that we accommodate the population dynamic, for example, right now, there are countries with such a huge burgeoning of young people. This is the feature of the population of africa, for example, where the for portion of young people is really high. You want to make sure to invest in their education. You want to make sure that adolescent girl and boy are able to plan properly rather than accidentally become pregnant and not be ready to really families. Conversely, as youre probably aware, emily, there is another feature of a 1000000000, which is brand new historically weve never had a situation where some countries have falling fertility rate and where women are having fewer than 2 children, which you know, ideally as the replacement rate. And here again, we have to look at policies that privilege. What is it that the woman would like to do . And the example of a woman who has one child and would like to have to for example, if there is no childcare, if shes going to be penalized for Maternity Leave on her job. And if she doesnt have support of the partner the father, it makes a lot less ideal to think of a bigger family and italy, i just briefly before we let you go, looking ahead to our global population will continue to grow as weve been rating. And by 2050 countries in the sub Saharan Africa will contribute more than half of that increase. Why is that . And should we be consent . As you and have p a of the United Nation sexual and Reproductive Health agency, i can tell you very confidently that it is a problem of women not being able to access the contraception that theyve been asking for and expecting its a problem of resources. But its also a problem of priorities. So that the contraception mix is one of her choice or his choice because men can also participate with condoms or the fact to me. Its also a question of logistics and cove. It has not been helpful for Health Systems bringing contraception to the doorstep of the woman to view just interviewed in india. And moreover, its also a problem of political will. Women have asked to be prioritized for Reproductive Health services and rights. Very vociferous lee and a time to start listening to them. Well, we really appreciate your insight cent, natalia, kind of the executive director of you and population fund. Thank you. Thank you. The 8th time now for some will cut news with far and far the head of football is hoping the tournament can have a wider impact outside of just sport. What does he mean . Well, only as you know, were getting down to the wire just 5 days to go to the world cup for president is calling for a temporary cease fire in ukraine during the tournament. The for president johnny had been, tito gave a speech to the Global Leaders at g 20. He stressed that football is more than just the fort bun indication to bring people together in peace. Russia hosted the last look of its a 1018. 00 ukraine is bidding to host the work up in 2030 maybe maybe maybe that the current woke up starting in 5 days can really be thats positive trigger. So my plea, rule of you is to think on a temporary cease fight or one month for the duration of the world cup, or at least the implementation of. So my theory im calling those or anything that could lead to the resumption of dialogue as a 1st step to piece and as you can count on the support of tens of thousands of their fancy live. And cats are, ah, and they were out in force as a team boss, arrived at their hotel in the west bay area of the capital, doha hundreds of tenicia supporters welcoming the team for what will be their 6, the world cup they play their 1st match against denmark on choose day. Oh, a born in its hand in the tennessean deserts norden. D. Now maria has undertaken an unusual route to becoming manager of league one club. Burton albert. Yet today the 47 year old is the only african manager working in professional english football. Ah, do you know maria maria davis booted the maria with what she sucked into england. Much easier to called museum. I came to england in 1995. I am the only african muslim part of football. If manager currently is bullied to see the the tv you fly with birth of funds at the home where day i was born to his. I grew up in to visit a city in la garza in a drop between and waste and the mountain. Thats where i grew up house i was, i was born. Well even probably few tenths there. We live in and there, and one of 2 houses that i talked to low before. He starts 1978 when you have t v will just from the radio. I think the 1st on all was to promotional tv was 1981. We all gather in the room by the radio. Listen to the commentary of the world, go to 9078. Where to new to the old african team qualify for the time is only one team qualified. And that team is fired, not just me, a whole generation and says that id be able to test with vocal and us only thing of it on to were going through a transition as a nation. Since revolution 2010. Only thing is United Nation easy is for put under the commission. People are obsessed with football fan. Woke up in the cat that is not up country, Muslim Country will have a lot to do. It follows there is no doubt why there is because you got our elevator music people. So i think the supposed to be outstanding for, for, for, to national. But what i would say now to the current team is filling, go to the world. Got you got to go with the sales for different conferences, 1st and foremost. Im not, im not sure we have that mindset. That mentality in the muslim world are above, especially, even if we go to the big games or the best plan to defend or try to attack, we have nothing to do is to to present the pressure to deliver the style because they invest a lot of money and they are in position now where they need to go out the 2nd round for 1st time is 16 attempts that make sense . No, just i dont think we were a gay for a long time as well. I think we want to games in world history. So is definitely something is not good enough. I would like to think that we go into the my game to win it seems, australia we got the biggest tradition, we know district australia, terms of football. Hopefully, the advance game wont play big part in terms of where we are to to get a 2nd round. Ive you said that ive always believed that it is your fancy, big rivalry that weve got a Big Community community in france. We are a french colony since 1956. There were still domini, by the french. And i think when you play against frances unity plays and the twins in public, they responds really well to play against france team. And i would not be spots for going be friends, not at all. Every manager in the world want to come imagine english need. Thats me too big wad championship premier lee. Its you know, we have spanish managers. We have top managers who have ex top primary plays managed on this level and will be locked. So its difficult to manage to get a job in the school to as a manager because it leaves all the football. But i do the hot excel. Obviously ill be busy working here. Go um, im gonna make sure that i tell trading times for the time went to the play to make sure im watching it. Id love to get that to watch that live, but im not in a position. Ive got a job in my hand right now trying to get results. Wed like to to bill if you for the future for the super clothes. But well be all watching with excited to work couple 40 or the back with more world cap news later this hour, including a prediction from one of the biggest stars not to qualify. Ah hello match. If you will see a noticeable fall in temperatures as we go through the next couple of days, you could answer whether pushing in from the west or other more settle whether i, which was yeast. Here it is. Cool, but to last the dry and quite under the influence of high pressure. But the unsettled weather that will spill in from western parts will big brands of cloud and rain, intricate parts of west europe, heavy burst, afraid for time coming in across the i received filtering into wes scott loo. Wells sweeping across england through the remainder of tuesday, brought skies come backing behind for ireland at where to where the comes right the way down into good parts of france and into a spain and portugal when she, whether theyre into or russia minus one celsius for moscow. 7 celsius, therefore, keep hanging on to ram 13 for berlin, but look at these easterly winds. Theyre gonna continue filtering their way over the next couple of days. Wet weather moves further east germany turning increasingly unsettle, wet weather down towards the balkans and into cray. Temperatures will continue to tumble, so we go from 8, at this stage in berlin to around one degrees celsius by friday, with the possibility of some snow. And a bit of a cool down, grassy coming to northern parts of africa as well. Much of north africa is dry and fine with further showers for the west. Ah. Every footstep moving in the sink with the world to bring Health Equity for wrong to be together again with the ones far apart with transformation and collaboration. Indonesia urges lead to the world in moving forward. As one cover together recover stronger. Its every football is dream to play at the world cup. A new series follows players from 6 countries and meet some up and coming stars with hopes of making it to cut off 2020 to everyone doing so back ever since we were kids to where the national seem. Darcy, in the work up episode one looks at how the host nation is gearing up to compete at the highest level the world cup dream cattle on al jazeera. Oh the ah. Hello. Youre watching al jazeera, im emily anguish. Hes a reminder about top stories this hour. The Russian Foreign minister has accused ukraine of dragging out any possible resolution. Speaking of the g 20 summit in violet folly, theyre gay, leprosy alleged ukraine had put forward unrealistic conditions have earlier ukraines president told world ladies to press russia to end what he called aggressive war. Global population is now a civilian people and town think it took less than 12 years to as the last 1000000000 people are living longer and healthy lives adding to the overall number and the democratic republic of congo is millet. Traces of fighting with rebels has moved closer to the city of going hundreds of new recruits in the area has been sent for training to help. First Government Forces for more on this story. Lets bring in alex on gay who is the ceo of innovation . That task force, he joins us from the congolese capital kinshasa la, thanks so much for being on this news. Our 1st of all right, this old down for us. Whats the context of his volatility in the Eastern Region of the congo . Eastern region of the as been in the last 20 years. Ready been by you know, resolves and they to coming and serial will, coming from the 23. If the for one coming the simons trying to say its a tribal situation, which we think is not the reality economy shipping. So im going to nationals, l. This has come against the backdrop of learning humanitarian crisis. Whats happening to the people in these areas . Say it again, im sorry. To, to repeat the question. This has come against the backdrop of a looming humanitarian crisis. Whats happening to people in these areas . Unfortunate i think we have lost our guess there, al kidding. Guy who was a or is the ceo of innovation tussles were trying to cross back to him at some point a little later and said to the occupied west bank now weighs rarely forces say to settlers have been killed in an attack, a palestinian man accused of the attack has been shot. Did it happen merely illegal . Israeli settlements of r e l for more on this and bring in stephanie decker, whos in west jerusalem. Hello this steph. What more you hearing about this incident . Well we now understand that 3 israeli have been killed in that attack. And as you mentioned there also the palestine has been shot dead. It was a complex attack. It seems the policy and arrived in the Industrial Zone of the aerial settlement, where he holds a work permit to work. He stabbed a guard, we understand. He then went on to stab through to pull more people at a gas station, and then stole a car, drove against traffic, causing a Traffic Accident that killed another we understand then got out of the car, ran and got shot dead by the israeli army. And its coming at a time i have to say of when there are negotiations as to who were going to take senior candidate seats, including the minister of defense which deals with the occupied westbank. And weve already had reactions. Weve had reactions from the outgoing prime minister. Yep. Hed condemning it and also schooling the say a daily war. Youve had Benjamin Netanyahu react, but youve also had the to right wing and who will hold Senior Ministry post one of those vestal smart trends is the one that wants the Defense Ministry saying that the more needs to be done in the ideology. Just to bring this into context from those 2 men is to deport palestinian seen as hostile to israel annexing the west bank. Im so very right wing ideology, even many mainstream israelis have issues with. So the timing of this at a time when Benjamin Netanyahu is negotiating his cabinet and really trying from what we understand not to give the Defense Ministry to someone like motors because the americans are against that to. Ah, really, you know, something that is now causing them a lot of by giving them pressure, if you will, that more needs to be done. It is the deadliest year for palestinians in the west bank since 1996, a 130 palestinians killed in the west by thank by Israeli Forces. Been multiple raids throughout the year. But yes, certainly this is the 1st time in a while that we see such a complex attack carried out by one man. We understand hes from a village close to nablus in the occupied west bank, but again, yes, hes been shot dead. We understand theres a surge going on the radio saying they believe there was someone that drove him to the scene. But thats yet to be confirmed, right . We appreciate a update as always. Stephanie deca live in west jerusalem. Thank you. Is ralph says United States has decided to launch an investigation to the killing of al jazeera, generous reign of acclaim. Dream was shot dead by Israeli Forces on my 11 wall covering a ride on jeanine in the occupied west bank is roused. Military has since admitted that israeli gunfire may have killed her defense minister and against commented on twitter, sang the decision of the Us Department of justice to investigate the unfortunate death of sharina. Aqua is a grave mistake. The idea conducted an independent and professional investigation which was presented to the americans who shed the details. I made it clear to the american representatives that we stand behind the i d. F. Soldiers that we will not cooperate with any external investigation and we will not allow interference in israel internal affairs. Moving on now and shirleys president , Gabriel Burridge is proposing a plan to reach a definitive solution to a land conflict in the iraq han uranium. Al jazeera was given exclusive access to barge his meeting with indigenous mcgrew cheerleaders, and in santiago, our latin america, it is certainly say a newman sat down with the president a rare sight in the rest of at oconee, a region some 30 indigenous my put to leaders agreeing to meet the countries president abdel bondage to hear his proposals, solving the conflict in South Central chile, the region is under a state of emergency, but told by the army and militarized Police Attacks by armed my put groups escalate. As they call for the return of their ancestral lands, al jazeera was given exclusive access to the meeting, which at 1st was tense. I present embodied outline, to plan, to create a commission with the participation of Indigenous Leaders to determine how much land can be returned to the my purchase. And by what means money has got you representing that. But when to community maddie are all men are chicopee, had a counter proposal go there, its given the bible. Good. Its doug. You may not. The chilean states must recognize its crimes of genocide committed against them. Epoch, people in the context of the so called pacific cation of the arrow, kenya, other countries that live in peace with the Indigenous People of happy to recognize these crimes and compensate them in order to have peace, one or more. But theres another stumbling block to dialogue. The militarization of the region on the confidence in an extensive interview with president buddage, i asked about his change of heart on the issue that you had said during in your campaign that the 1st thing a, one of the 1st things you would do would be to lift the, the state of emergency, and it didnt work. It isnt beyond michelson. Ovalo dental. Yes, exactly. One of the things one has to be able to do when you face certain realities and you see that the things you would like aunt working is to change course yelling. We lifted the state of emergency and we were obliged to re establish it in may. You because the violence escalated substantially. You had once said that you thought it was necessary to sit down with members of these armed groups to have a dialogue with them. Do you still really lat door . Consider it. I believe its necessary to talk to all those who are willing to have dialogue. You cant say im going to talk about the conflict of but not talk with all the actors that are involved. That would be absurd if one of them, but those who are willing to talk on that would be part of the debate we propose so far the rebel group say theyre not interested. And those who are are making demand the president , but each will unlikely meet as long as the violence continues. To see a Newman Al Jazeera santiago and he can watch the rest of lucy in humans interview with president Gabriel Burridge. On talk to al jazeera on saturday, november 19th at 430 g m t t u s. Now, in the republican party, is on the cusp of taking control of the house of representatives. It secured 217. 00 sates and is now only one said away from flipping the chamber. The vote counting is still underway in some regions nearly a week after the midterm elections. Meanwhile, the democratic candidate for governor in arizona. Katy hobbs has defeated a Donald Trump Endorsed rival car re lake the course before race in the battleground state was one of the most significant in the mid term elections. The online retailer, amazon is planning to lay off around 10000. 00 employees. Thats according to us media reports, the cuts are said to be concentrated among the corporate workforce and the companys devices group. It follows a wave of job cuts across the Technology Sector in the us. And amazon may be cutting back, but its founded, jeff bezos has plenty of money to spam, and he now says hell give away most if hes 124000000000. 00 fortune to charity within his lifetime. But hes also made the pledge during and tv interview his previously been criticized for his investment in space. Travel still ahead on al jazeera. Fara has all our world cups for. Thats right. Latest news ahead of the tournament on the way well hear from wales captain gareth bell as his team prepared for their 1st world cup in 64 years. Ah ah ah ah ah ah. Were asking them to start with one of the boast, informed stars in world football, who wont be playing ad katara 2022 Earling Holland has had an incredible start to his primary li career with manchester city. He scored 18 goals and 13 games. But unfortunately for neutral fans is norway team did not qualify for the world cup. The 22 year old has been giving his predictions though. David sir, my seem to favorite should be receive large and enough. Hans in may be england. I. I cannot own sir. One, so because of so many good teams, i wish i play the world cup of course, but just really to know, i dont do, i will relax my body, my mind a lot to her and then i will train her what i will train on her. Nothing special. I think piers been going quite well or my 1st munson city, so i dont need to do so much. Sure things are so many changes to be honest. So yeah, its about a per, per preparing myself for, for the next half of the season. And then be ready when the next game kicks in. After the break, leno massey has joined out with the argentina squad ahead of his last world cub. Theyve been training and obadiah b. E 35 year old massey is aiming to win the world cup trophy for the 1st time. The closest he came was reaching the final in 2014 while they opened their tournament against saudi arabia next tuesday. Christiana rinaldo has been back in training with portugal after his controversial interview accusing Manchester United a betrayal that hes preparing to play in his 5th world cub portugal play a friendly against nigeria on thursday had of their opener against gonna writing champions. France have met up in paris ahead of their title defense, killing him, bob a as fits and ready, but paul paul by is a high profile absence due to injury. Theyre opening matches against australia next tuesday. Put an under your clinic in preparing to keep up that being the defending champions means that we have the team to beat and we could feel it in the last few years. And it was the case before because france is a great football nation. But since the title in russia, we feel that have opponents are even more motivated to face the world champions. And yes, as we mentioned france, they will open their title defense against australia. On november, the 22nd sock rues, are already and car, and held their 1st Training Session in the whole country. On monday, finish zia and denmark round to group the of the while she reports for woke up duty with 5 days to go until they turn them. It takes off, they arrive and cut her on wednesday wells play their 1st world cup match in 64 years against the usa on november 21st. The team hope it wont take as long to qualify for another cop for the kids now to be able to have whales, their country being able to watch them and have the actual kind of poster on the water mark at each game will be incredible. And i think youll definitely inspire another generation of kids to, to really love and get into football. And i think that will just benefit wales in the future. Both both mens and womens game and hopefully we can continue to be successful and, and build this game in this country to make as a stronger nation in the future. So bail and his while she made sir in the same group, his asias top rank sighed around him. Now rods and katara, the reigning team, who are managed by portuguese, a coach, carlos carols kick off their campaign against england on monday. But england themselves are expected to edge down and cut our on choose day. They were euro runners up and reach the semi finals at the last world cup. Out of their arrival. We caught up with one of englands most well known sports stars to talk about the 3 lines prospects and his favorite world cup moments. A miracle watching champion no matter what memory was when the world cup. And thats when i was on fire play that when now though, it was awesome to watch my favorite. Well, i like the done done with always will play. You play a meeting. I mean, he also went to in front of the world. He was also one played that well, obviously with controversial is i used to gave to as well. So i do remember my, they say that awesome guy. Fun. You know, the, all, could you get together all committees get together watching football and whats the best, the best seats, all different colors, different kind of people all day or football. So my experience with, with the in team. So being amongst england team, you know, even the players, i mean there was also going to be seen there via the energy was amazing and the other one will come out, dont forget the, makes it very proud to know that the will for them country and all the photography took a fact that many times before. So im really looking forward to visit and ill fix b and b. Paul is welcome. Obviously me be from england. Im going to support my english book, to be honest with the countries like with friends. Do really, really well for the team, so its going to be a problem. I 51, a brazil on winning tournament organizers. Urine, doha had a royal visit as they count down to the rival, hundreds of thousands of fans, cutters, m. Your shake to me a been hum at all fanny towards fif is Main Operations hub. It includes the tournaments, volunteer center, 20000. 00 volunteers from a 160. 00 countries are helping to run the event found that the world cap will be able to watch multiple live games in one day. All stadiums are within a 55 kilometer radius of doha. And with your high a card, public transport is free. Laura con has been out testing the system for us. Ah, im at the metro station and how much International Airport in carter now got me bouldins plan for going to be arriving on a daily basis for the people walk up. So today im going to head to 3 stadium by the metro and stuff a doctor to see how easy it is to navigate around, caught up with the matches. We played an 8th stadium. Alger knew the mama lou sale and they can be reached from the red line Education City and i havent been on the green and stadium 974, and Halifax International from the gold. Ah, is that true . Began operating in 2019 and could reach speeds of a 100 kilometers an hour, making it were the funks. This dr. Live streams in the world. This is stadium. 974 as a 30 minute walk away from rock above the metro station or top on the subtle, named after cut of International Dining code. But also the number of contain a few to build it all 3 lines, the red gold and the green insect right here. And which tire of station wants to read and go to be failed. Hell be patient. And this is miss, they updated it to pack 80000. 00 fans. Im just going to hold the finals to the wall cock. You can see some of the intricate details of the building behind me. This is actually been fired by the alpha. Now i love that the arabic traditional candle, ah, this is just a jump off the shuttle towards ignore the city of al court where we have a date stadium. Now this is built to look like a bed when tank. An inside is a wash with color, with a traditional to pattern, again, an ultra model stadium with a not to cut as history. Ah, today you have a great idea by metro and stuff about in one day. And im not going to have my day back. I come back to our boulevard, we did live in south restaurant and have a real tractable atmosphere, a elsewhere in del how well kat sounds gathered for a special event at the katara cultural village. Far, hyatt, was there a representing the Different Things that hold the country a free event taking place in the country before the world. Many people are here to celebrate and are really excited. Ah, tell me what is your outfit for. And can you explain to me what the outfit, when do you, where the outfit or were you excited to read a way to and im very excited to, ah, you know, all these braces today are happening for a very big reveal, which is unusual, bought, related to the world cup, because this is the largest boots in the world, designed by artist mohammed the lease whos from india, and hes come all the way from there. Especially for this big reveal mohammad. This is not your 1st attempt to enter the dentist records. This is my 4th again, this is an attempt, but also youve done other designs. What else did you do a lot of just to bad, min directed not just to get that off. Mahatma gandhi, not just a very basic. And so this is not your 1st is that im probably not your last right. Well, the significance avoidance also comes down to the fact that the indian whole team played this bus Evans National game. And in the 1940 s, and they turned out without football boots, that crisis asked why. And he said, we played football, you pay people whove opens the claimant and i was a para le. Hi. Excited are you all had to be for the while. Copy and show you how excited we are. Can you go with that as i used to work for now . Back to you. Thank you very much. Fire. It doesnt guitar look bright how beautiful. All right, thats it for this news. Our dont go anywhere. More news in just a moment. I i a i its every football is dream to play in the world. Ah, a new series follows plays from 6 countries and meet some up and coming stars with hopes of making it to catch our 2022. Everyone dreams of that ever since were where it gets to where the National Team jersey in the work up episode one looks at how the host nation is gearing up to compete at the highest level, the world cup dream cattle on al jazeera. Ah, this is the face of hunger to describe what is happening here as desperation, trivializes the extent of the suffering. Theres been a scramble at the supply truck because people here know that there is not enough for everyone, but they are still the lucky ones here across the way where the road has been completely washed away. Or people cut off from other villages as the trucks begin to empty, panic returns and people jumped the queue once again, making sure the weakest in the crowd, women, children, the sick and elderly dont get pushed to the back of the line. Often requires force ah

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