In the early, 2, thousands or in the 90. So we have come a long way when it comes to fight against terrorism. But of course we still are fighting terrorist groups every single late be it in northern iraq. It in Northern Syria or beat within turkey as border beat and you know, in cross Border Operations or in terms of a rating, some of the, some of their locations be in an in metropolitan places or in the rural areas. So this fight is still continuing, but of course when some are slipping through, theyre able to carry out such a bloody attacks again civilians, mehmet, so it, so you know what were gonna take . Were just going to reset because its 1500 g m t, and im mindful that some of our viewers may be joining us just now. So we are just about over an hour removed now from a blast that has rocked central is stumble. Its been an explosion, and it happened in one of a stumbles. Most popular Tourist Spots is thick law street. The mayor says there are multiple fatalities and injured, although he hasnt given a number, is give you an idea of where it happen. You are looking at the map right now is bringing our correspondent simco. So glue, shes on the line from his stumble, sent him, can you hear me . All right, well go back to it. Well go back to send him in a moment. We know that she is scrambling her team and theyre working their sources to get us all the information a latest information on whats going on. Were going to take a look at the latest pictures as well. Now that we established where this has occurred, ah, these are among the 1st pictures that we got moments after the blast in is the cloud street, which we have now established is one of the multiple commercial, as well as cultural hubs of istanbul. Youre seeing the Armored Vehicle moments after the blast, and youre seeing security personnel establish a security perimeter as they worked to clear the area of civilians in the early pictures, we also saw civilians fleeing the area as we told you, multiple injured multiple fatalities, as well as go to our met, we sell who joins us from ankara on skype for more on this. Im it, as you see these pictures. Um, this is taking us back. This is taking us back several years to a time, a dark time for turkey. When it was a regular i understand the turkish president , wretched time or no one is speaking, listlessness. Weve taken to new hospitals and clicking on your lesson biggest journals, not intellectual. Jacqueline, i mean by shredded, im be today ruffian. But one of the that a 30 people have been injured in the incident. A watch too much harder to identify that there are detailed inspections being carried out. Again at the sight of the incidents on a tool and got ready to let you live with Health Professionals have reached the incident sites using their own means. I have a question about a, the number of injured has been determined as 38 at this current time on whats going on with that. Theres a lot of activity taking place at the site of the incident at present. But if you dont mind, im gonna give you a were going to continue following double the price on the site. 1 all right, you just heard the turkish president , wretched, ply, bird, one who told us at least 38 people had been injured in the blast. That rock central is stumble just over an hour ago to speak to v by son. Hes a political analyst. He joins us live from a stumble, maybe something actually i should have asked you earlier, or you were anywhere near the blast site. Is this something that you heard or that affected you in any way . Mono, fortunately not, i mean the asian side. What in fact im looking to go out, the power is just for the few. I didnt get anything saw a but almost immediately the news reached because they loved ones are searching dollars just to make sure that theyre doing. All right. As i said, these are some of the destination and pedestrian zone, and very, very crowded. You cannot imagine, especially we chance them in the evenings. So therefore everyone is worried because you think that either your friend, brother, or sister, whoever you did there, no doubt. Thats why we should have a christmas new stumble, paragraph, one of them on it, am very angry, and as the fatalities are reported, a novice personnel a 2nd. If i, if i can, if i can get you to elaborate on that, whats it like to live in a city . And, you know, as someone whos lived through not a stumble, but in a city that was also targeted by multiple terror attacks in the past. I know what its like described to us. What happens is, even if youre not in the vicinity of the attack, when you her hear that a blast has occurred, what do you do . You look at your phone, you make calls. What . Well, i mean, because we experienced us in the past, and im like, you know, i was born and raised in istanbul after living many years abroad. I came back to live in this model. Beautiful city and of course, very alert and, you know, any kind of incident occurs immediately to reach the one people we know that possibly could be there. I mean, the police that anyone can go and see like my, my kid today would have gone down much all the going could, i could have been there possibly because i always go there because you have the newspapers and also nice cafes and musical instruments. Other soul, nice, beautiful cafeteria restaurants. You just, you work enough and you have the car truck on it. And if you want to ride on, its like a beautiful city, a beautiful street beaufort, lo and many, many tourists. And they just come to visit, the 1st thing they do is to go to the istic land and just to visit and havent have a good time. Therefore its quite alarming. And his talk before the bishop terror attack, i dont confront officially about having jury on except incredible. And as i said, man women, children, you have with the problems babies walk. And so is that kind of a place . Yeah, i dont believe i dont have the information that this has been confirmed as a terror attack, so we cant say that now we cant establish that yet. For the latest reporting. Lets go to or a correspondent in a symbol, sit and conceal glue. Shes been with us since this occurred in him. I know you have scrambled your team. Youve worked the phones, youve worked your sources. What can you tell us at this stage . Her. Then there is a broadcast band serial the government, the presidencies, communications director, aid issued a broadcast band for responsible reporting on the incident and, and just a couple of minutes ago, we received a fax from the turkish presidencies and communications director. It warning journalists to be careful about their reporting on the incidence and not to be grasped by what is being shared on social media without having a basis. So thats my from novel every journalist is true. Going to try to be more careful about their reporting, but of course this is also to prevent any kind of speculation about the incident. So far. We know that there are 4 casualties and there are more than a dozen injured. And the area has been told the list field of my colleague in the field is trying to reach to the explosion site right now. But and none of the press members are being go out. So the press members are waiting in line in texas square to have access to the pedestrian road is sick not street. And the security measures have been tightened. There is a helicopter right now, rolling around rowing up a bow, a sick lie street to check the a to, to check the details in the streets. Because the area has very narrow streets and buildings that are leaning, leaning on each other. So the, the, the, the Building System is actually tied in the area. Thats why the security, my, a, the Security Office officials are now searching for more evidence or any, any people who can been related to the incident. This is what we know so far. And if there is no more official statements asked them, what is some old governor has said about the casualties. Saying that 4 people have been killed in the incident. But the area, the area is a right now, a very busy. There is traffic inside a stumble even for me to, to reach. So the row was difficult as it is also sunday, a busy day and an early evening. Everybodys trying to reach new homes or trying to go to dinner. So a mobility in the city is very high right now. Thats why it is going to be difficult for the civilians who are around the area and for the Security Officials to provide a security and as seal the area in order to a stop. And the leaks air to the exposure side. This is what we know so far, sir. Sim, something we to establish, i dont know whether we can say this for sure or not at the moment. But is there a manhunt going on . And i know that there are several assumptions implied within this question. A man, hon would mean that potentially this was an attack. We dont know if thats the case. We cannot report that certainly the turkish authorities are staying away from calling it an attack at the moment. But, you know, when, when an attack occurs, again, hypothesis when an attack occurs, this, these man hunts are things that happen when, when Law Enforcement is looking for anybody who might be responsible. Do you have any indication whether this might be the case . Hi, pathetically. The manhunt goes on in every incident, is similar to this one. But as i said, we dont know, we have no indication on whether this was perpetrated by any of the terrorist organizations that have committed similar attacks earlier or whether it is a long walls incident or, or are you who dropped the it or who left the, an explosive device out there, so definitely while they are trying to secure the area and to prevent any more losses in case of a consecutive a explosion around the same area, it thinking from the security or offices perspective, a men hahn is always on their agenda because even if they cant find the person who has perpetrated they can, they would think they would find some links. That person, if there is this person who profess rates at their take from which building he enters or from which street he came to the period of pedestrian road. All these kinds of details, the camera and the c. C. A cameras are probably a being investigated or by the police right now. So all these kinds of details are always on the table when it comes to such incidence. Especially thinking that is thumb will experience similar incidents before 6 years ago. And in what sense did you get from speaking to your security sources . Well, they avoid saying ha, anything critical, but they say that this is, this is a bomb and they suspect it is at terrorist attack. This is an air. When it comes, they stumble and other big cities of turkey, a in general, they are 1st suspicion is l always a point starts add to the though to kurdish fighter group, the p k k. But as i said, it stumble has it has been targeted by i saw as well, or by some other it all through a left, this groups as well. And local left his group. So they avoid say anything that would be binding the journalist right now they are saying that they are close, they are deeply investigating this situation. And they, they want to be loyal to the broadcast span as well. Of course, of course, to them because certainly we understand all this context or youre putting us or putting around this for us at the moment and well let you continue to news gather. Thank you very much. I want to go now to so halo de mirror who heard the explosion when it happened. She works for hover, global, a news channel, and she joined us on the phone. Can you describe the moment when it happened, what you saw, and what you heard really, really charged find going on for ups for every people. And its your class streets. I was about to go to a Museum District rate and on the hard of last a very long find. And we couldnt understand what happens. And maybe we told maybe its the gothic social because any stumble know those we can solve this times. Blast relate to rich gas explosion. Done real part of the be so people screaming and started to run away with the package that its hard to find and i am running to shops. I mean Somebody Just later for a while, i try to speak with polio because we couldnt understand what was going on because the street is a very, very childish place. All right, and even tom days, its really heavy. The lights burn trish to go mystic district and also home to my foreign residential. Mike a hard stumble and its really hard to imagine this trash trick. Then employees confirmed that its an explosion to the total risk attack or notch. So there is no confirmation about this, but it was really scary to have. Respectfully, im going to have to interrupt you because the turkish yes and the threat of piper to one is speaking. And we want to listen into that for people who have lost their lives and to i have lost the lives in the hospitals. 53 persons are wounded and some of them are simply wounded. Probably this, sir, figure my tries, but these are the figures that i have obtained from the east and blue governor hospitals right now are taking care of the citizens. So i wondered, and theyre very, very shortly i will move to bowie to attend their d 20 meeting. And as you all know, the meeting will be held on the 15th and 16th of her, the month in bailey and her. For now, we are trying as an International Community to face the consequences of a covered 19. There are a lot of discussions about their food safety. We will deal with all these files in our meetings the russian ukrainian war also will be on the agenda. And we will discuss this war. Also the inflation wave that hits the world for the time being will be also discussed earlier. All right, you were listening to the turkish president richard pipe or the one who confirmed that 4 people have been killed in the glass that occurred in stumble about an hour and a half ago that several people are still being treated, that several wounded are still being treated in the hospital, i want to go back to the hailey to me that i was speaking to just before we dipped into this halo. Where were you when the blast occurred . How close, how far its really close actually to the skin. And i couldnt see a due area right. Plus a kerchief. And then i go on what else . And so the police team arrived just id love to i have to skin please hold on. So we couldnt go further and be try to stay safe area for our own safety, but no strict and all the pedal. Those teachers are really caught on the whole. I mean you people are referring to stay at home. I am shoulders. Jill. Some kind of fear because we still dont know it cause objects, lotion, maybe its the terrorist attack, maybe the older misers checkers are new. Are still in this in this city. So there are so many things which are on known for now. But after to motion arch, im sorry, but straight open for pedestrian. I suppose that quite interesting because your soul does something very big happen is very big exposure still because we canceled the people voting over the streets and now its closed. And so halo, i assume this brought back memories because of course, explosions, blasts like this, especially in crowded areas, have already happened in turkey. Granted, they havent happened in, in recent years, but there was a time not that long ago when they were pretty regular occurrence. Yeah, i can remember after 5 or 6 years ago. Yeah. Server so many blocks in tumble or an ontario, but you do experience those kinds explosions for years. So averaging was normal and safe for us is street if you can do also curious people every day, every hour. So its like hard to stumble. Its a very international place. Maybe i can say i can call that. So its really, its had, im sure youre flying. What happened today . Im maybe we can figure out the reason after after a while, but now we have very limited information because you guys shall still go wrong. So people are really curious to reason extra me because we have elections of your years. So the strikes to the biggest for are you were to for people for the parties. So its a little bit how can i stay concerning the moment now as to halo de mir . Thank you very much for giving us your eye, witness accounts of what happened and how you coped to the explosion in the moments that followed this give you an idea now of where this blast happen is declared street is a thoroughfare this lined with shops and restaurants and popular with tourists as well as locals. Street is also famous for its heritage tram system. I want to bring back in murat as land in anchor. Hes the security analyst, murat. It is notable that the turkish authorities are not going out on a limb right now. Not trying to establish a cause for this, they are not calling this even an attack at the moment. In fact, theyre saying very little, we heard the president address the nation. He said there were 4 dead. That is the extent of what he said where you dont know if you just call it so quality use and also read you to just who could think i think its something clear and presence is really well informed. I believe. The 1st thing there is a lady dropping it back. And a few minutes later theres an explosion most fully said a Remote Control improvised explosive device. That means somebody would just eat night explosion by a several condo. This act reminded me another x p k, k. The previous long as you remember they had, you are a troopers that put important from each league to internet and attacked tele, a city which is famous for tourism to destination, or most tourists, either russia granger video of the u. K. So its clear that this is somehow an indication he came, he started this at deck and the basic strategies to target good touristic places in order to deliver a message to novel needed trucks only bottles of global public. Well, there are reasons for that. First, they are really on the pressure in the rocket via so they wont attract what they are expensive right now. And they are pressing a lot, especially to the government. So she went in or germany or the others just because of their membership. And you know, demands of it and, and fiddle. And so its a message, its a message. But i believe that this sort of attack is ability for kids because they die, it targets of the civilians. Just because of that, you know, somebody is called on has to truly find them, but theyre picking them not to dish. But peggy, that ms. Tara step, thats crystal clear. I murat al. So thank you very much security and list a standby. Youve been with us for more than our since this occurred, giving us precious analysis. I want to speak to vb by saying hes a political analyst. We want to bring him back a, youre in istanbul, you told us a little earlier. Thankfully, youre nowhere near the blast. Thats good news for you and your relatives. I want to go back to this point that the president of turkey spoke an hour and a half after what appears to be a major explosion in a, in an economic and cultural hub of is stumble. And he only spent a minute or 2 on this, and he really gave us very Little Information apart from confirming that there are 4 f