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This is al jazeera ah, hello, im about this, and this is the news i live from doha. Coming out of the next 60 minutes, russia agrees to resume its part in a un broker deal to export ukrainian grain. Israels former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu appears sad to return to power after his military responders after pyongyang, launches missiles into waters close to the south. Kenya sends troops to democratic republic of congo to help fight an armed group. Im trying to get your oscar with action from the champions knee. Denmarks woke up mitchell appear. Neil, i bet i as a late winner as pennies tom equity. Ah, ah. Yeah. Okay. Were going to begin this new czar with russias decision to rejoin a deal that allows ukraine to export drain through the black sea. As part of the agreement, moscow says it will guarantee the safety of the shipments. The deal was broken by the un and took care moscow pulled out on saturday, accusing ukraine of drone attacks on its fleets in the black sea. Since the pack was signed in july, more than 460 ships of left ukraine with nearly 10000000 tons of grain, moscow had been blockading, keeps black seaports before the deal was signed, war sending and already severe global food crisis. Russell santa has more from istanbul, 6 pairs of paper, and one today, it was speaking in his parties, Group Meeting and. And he said that after his phone call with the president of russia, we let them put in yesterday. They have agreed to, to, to resume the shipments from the back seat on wednesday by mid day, so which is now and according to prison on. So russia is a back to the deal for now. So prison going also said that she is going to have a cool phone call with that and sky as well, probably drink decimal compensation is going to be russia message to, to, to kia tricky now is kind of a factor mediator between moscow and moscow and, and so we have seen that now russia had seen that one of the conditions for the resumption of the deal is that all the obstacles the trunk of exporting the russia fertilizers to be, to be removed at the moment. We do not know what is what, what that means exactly. Considering the fact that there are tremendous International Sanctions on russia and the Banking System is called to from the International Finance system as well. But that is one of the rushes condition for now. Well, lets be to have a false false. It is joining us now from it came. This was a worrying time, i would imagine for ukraine because it was relying on those green exports. What kind of impact is this change that russia is doing . Having an ukraine will and in the ukrainians have been pointing out that this deal had been going ahead even without russian participation. And so there is more of that kind of talk coming now that russia has resumed its participation. What weve seen from a Senior Advisor to present zalinski, mahalo puddle, jak, hes saying that rushes blackmail escalation threats of failed. It had turned out the grain corridor would work even without russian participation. And that it shows russia being inferior to those who show strength and argue their points strongly, and certainly the ukrainians have not confirmed any involvement in the attack on sebastopol that precipitated this withdrawal of the suspension by russia. And they also said that they have not been using the grain corridor to launch any attacks against Russian Naval targets, saying that russia was itself using its navy in black fleet, then the black sea rather to launch missiles towards ukraine. So i think the impression here is very much that a bluff has been called or so some facts being expressed to the un anarchy for restoring the state as close. It was before saturdays events. Harry, thank you very much. Indeed. Harry fossil talking to us from cave, the Ukrainian Military offensive, and the size of the country has slowed over the last week. Russian forces have been heading cities and towns targeting vital facilities, as i beg reports from the south of ukraine. This used to be the home of their gates uncle. He was killed when russian forced his fighter rockets that landed on his house. Even mister poker and welcome lever, the rock. It was very big. The explosion destroyed the structure and the kitchen door on my uncle was in the kitchen. He was wounded in the head, will pull him out and took him to the hospital. But he was too late. Russian forces had taken control of this village and stationed themselves at the local school from here, the fight across the open fields until they were forced out by the craniums. But the damage remains. The situation across southern ukraine remains tense. In the city of nika, pole shops remain closed. Some try to do business out on the streets, but they live under a constant deadly and imminent threat. People who are trying to continue life as normal. But nickel poll isnt normal. We had to have special accreditation just to get access to the city. Were not allowed to film freely and were given a minder. This is a country wall, and this city sandra, opposite Russian Forces station that europes Largest Nuclear power plant authorities here say the russians fire from the nuclear plot, but Ukrainian Forces cant fire back because of the risk were told we cannot film the river even go anywhere near it, authorities here are afraid it may give away ukrainian positions mr. Oliver should say. Ready the most difficult thing is live in durant concent shelling of civilian buildings, no one the fact that the lives of citizens are at risk. Also the fact it can happen at any time. I wish i dont have to go far to find destroyed buildings. Alicio nikolai shows us to rocket that hit this apartment block. So you know, its part spread all over the house. He tells us others of trying to do their bit for the war effort. These women gather every day to so clothes for the military war. Yon the rogers. This is my home town. I was born here and i dont want to leave. I want to be a part of what is happening with every one. My home was damaged, like many others. All so many of my friends have left the city, but i want to stay here with the air raid siren goes off and those that can make their way to bunkers. Mom. Yes, when you call, my son sleeps here. Every night we stay here every day. We have been staying here for 2 months. We dont want to leave. We dont. We are waiting for everything to be over. Outside the grown roses, despite the wall, the empty parks and the sound of rockets. This hope that theyd be able to enjoy their gardens. Once again, i thought, beg, ill dedira south ukraine. Its a former Prime Minister. Benjamin netanyahu is on course to return as leader with almost all balance counted and choose his election, his right wing block, except to secure a clear majority. It was as yours, longest serving Prime Minister and hes been out of office for the last 16 months. Banner smith reports from the crew Party Headquarters in west jerusalem. Ah, it looks like a baby is back after 60 months plotting his return. Benjamin netanyahu seems to have pulled off his political resurrection. According to exit polls, the former Prime Minister is on trial for bribery and fraud. His critics fear that back in power, netanyahu will bend the legal system to avoid conviction. Honey, because lamar piecemeal resume saw i havent got a voice, but we have your voice. Youre wonderful, thank you. I want to say to my friends from the hood from the can, i said the heads from the towns, the volunteers, those who have gone from town to town, neighbourhood to neighbourhood house to house, and afford the results. Thank you. The far right Jewish Power Party is celebrating a significant breakthrough. Theyll be the 3rd largest block in parliament and will likely be king makers, their leader, it mar, bang there, a man with a 2007 convictions for inciting racial hatred. Wants to run the Public Security ministry, liberty seemed i thought the word, im glad that we want to make a total separation between those who are loyal to the state of israel, and we dont have any problem with them. And those will undermine our guilt country. It will be the 1st time ultra nationalist. Politicians have held cabinet positions. So i believe that one of those people will be part of government. There will be allied the challenges on the complexity of these youth and other they would have to realize that theyre working under and the could lead government a low turnout amongst the minority. Palestinian Israeli Community means their parties have lost seats a higher turn out might have tipped the balance in favor of incumbent Prime Minister. Yeah, i repeat opposition parties if they will be that lucky than guns are not, is diabolical as nathan. Yeah. Meaning that its a no opposition voted against everything, even the stuff they believed in even, you know, extending the law, do you are citizens on the, was bank, they voted against it because they believe they have to bring down the government. There was no sense of national good. Are we going to be demanded smith . Hes joining us now from west jerusalem bernard, its looking like a clear majority now for netanyahu. Perhaps not a great big one. What might his government look like . Yes, rob. It looks like hes going to be a good significant majority for netanyahu and his coalition, but hes gonna end up forming. That was the most right wing government in israeli history. And Benjamin Netanyahu clear, i winger will end up looking at comparatively less right, right wing to the people. Hes now gonna have to share a cabinet with those ultra nationalists. The religious zionists led by a its a mar bang advert. Bodnar who has sat in that netanyahu said in the past, hes prepared to work with bank of it who sort of re made himself after that 2007, a conviction for inciting racial hatred. So he said, yeah, hes ready to work with him. But in previous governments, netanyahu has tried to have more sort of centuries, parties in coalition with him. This is why is going to look, given you know, how many guns or last time round who was sort of centuries. So this is a very different government than that. Yahoo is going to deal with and it might ruffle feathers or raise alarm bells in the united states. The most staunch support of the state of israel. Theres been rumblings from over there that there might be concerns of the, by the ministration is going to have to deal with a government here in israel thats got the far right in it. Given this structure of the government, there will be gradually beginning to to, to, to see am itll be formalized, obviously in the next few days. What does it mean do for the minority palestinian Israeli Community at whats the reaction that theyre having to this i think is going to be a challenge for the palestinian israeli part is a, in a canal at the end, the end, the actual turn out wasnt bad amongst their community, but it was still lower than the Overall National turn out. And what the palestinian israeli part is going to have to deal with now is an m and m bolden. Kinessa really wither with the the the 3rd largest part of these religious zionists. Once a fringe organization, once a fringe group, really not hunger so long ago at all. Now, at the center of power, this is a party, theres openly called for the transfer of arabs out of israel. So in the inner part of the world in a country which needs to at one day somehow reach an agreement. So a piece with the palestinians. This is not a particularly promising look for the palace in israel communities and in the occupied west bank, the palestinian Prime Minister ma hammock tier. He said that the rise of extreme right wing parties in israel as a result of a growing extremism and racism. And his railey society and he doesnt see any partnership in this new government for advancing peace with the palestinians. Ra garner for now. Thank you very much, bernard smith, talking to us from west jerusalem. Lets bring in some zone lot. Hes the Palestinian Ambassador to the u. K is joining us live from london. Good to have the weather. So on al jazeera, how concerned are you about that . What is going to happen to pakistan and palestinians if theyre faced with an israeli government, which does that eventually include such a significantly stronger far right . Influence it is extremely concerning. I mean i fear or people are in the occupied territories and inside is i little, are brothers and sisters and 40 areas. However, this is extremely unsurprising, i must say, was a desire to have been shifty without right on the extreme right over the years under the kids in front of the eyes of the world on the one hand. On the other hand, the difference between the 2 camps is really unfair than palestine. One can thus ethnic cleansing in a soft way, soft ethnic cleansing soft, southern mac building and other than a vulgar racism. Or, you know, in your face away the question i sitting with the International Community with counselors like where i am now the united kingdom, the united states, the rest of the world. Keep saying that they have joint mutual values with the as well. Now we need to see what values are they talking about. The values of big via now is the far biggest block, the values of racism, of the hatred of segregation, of mother, of all the accounts of terrorism that is ascribed to his movement. You know, been viewed on his movement was on the u. S. Terrace class. Only a recently, now we need to see a world that has for so many years in fact contributed to work as well as life to because of this cultural impunity. The lack of accountability making as they are above the law, the exception, and not only that, but to be wanting is learn more trade deals. More arms deals, even the Prime Minister of this country that hes or may, the former has even contemplated of moving the British Embassy from a levy to donaldson in such a contravention of International Law and rewarding for people like been via, im not on, you know, who prides himself publicly of murdering the 2 state solution and dealing with the all slow process. So i must say the ball primarily now is in the court of the International Community. Let me ask you about the palestinian turn out for the election, which was low. What. How much responsibility do you think that palestinian voters hold for the result of the selection given that they did not turn out in the numbers that were hoped for by palestinians it is its, its a sense of this and such heisman by are by the palestinians. Because they have been voting for decades and it gets worse and worse because they vote in a system that is inherently racist, inherently belt against them. And only a couple of years ago, the nation state law passed in the can a said what specifically deprived the palestinians and side as well, the right for connective Self Determination specifically are all of them out of any sort of cultural and political heights. And then for growing numbers of palestinians inside as well, see no value in this because, you know, israeli politicians and parties when elections and palestinians right across the board all was lose. Because what we need to visit is the inherent apartheid and racism and segregation and discrimination in the best in the system of the state of israel built and, and the horn structures. And i put out this book and occupied the record is that the west bank is little cinnamon garza and in the 48 areas, thats why people realize that their vote will not make any difference. Let alone on a sunday inside occupied directors who dont even have a voice over system that has defined the ultimate say over our lives. Where to go, how to work, what will prevail if we die or not . If we are born or not, you know, you cannot be born on this is issue a birth certificate. So is all controls the lives of all these 1000000 palestinians. And we have no say in such elections and more and more is there any public that vote vote for racism . Vote for segregation, vote for brutality and oppression like ben via and the only way is what happened in south africa in apartheid. South africa. It was only when the International Community, when the outside world intervened, deliver the verdict, impor sanctions that course of action and thats come to change and it will only change if, as i received the same faith if accountability is applied. And so what i tell you are the policy people will continue sparkling, will continue defending all right, lands and will continue our National Demand for liberation and independence, but short of International Responsibility about that matter. You would see even more extremist, more races, more tennis inside these really. Gov m. O. Sams online is Palestinian Ambassador to the u. K. We appreciate your being with us on our 0. So thank you very much indeed your time dunbar i had on the news. I including protests as in sure like i take to the streets to the message to the government. His home secretary says the asylum system is broken. Who brokers . Ah, you k primary so vicious in our faces, some tough questions about immigration and his choice for home secretary who are gonna do oh, and canadian fans get world cup fever as their team for parents for a long awaited return to the finals. Ah north koreas fight at least 23 misses into waters off its coast the largest number in a single day. This year it also fired about a 100 artillery shells near its southern border. South korea responded by condemning the action and launching missiles of its own. Robert bride reports from sold. This latest exchange of missiles comes as south korean and us warplanes stage joint air drills. The resumption of large scale exercises after a several year hiatus has infuriated the law, which has been conducting an unprecedented series of miss al launches. Since the start of this year, but this was a provocatively large number of missiles fired at once. With one of them seemingly directed south towards the south korean island of young dough. The air raid sirens were sounded for the 1st time there. And although the missiles fell far short, it landed 26 kilometers south of the de facto maritime border, known as the n l l. Even if i started this launch marks the 1st time since the division of the internet that a missile has landed in new york territory waters such as the northern limit line. It is very rare and we can never tolerate as south korea as tit for tat response came swiftly. 3 add to surface missiles were fired, landing exactly the same distance north of the dividing line. North korea has escalated its short range, Ballistic Missile testing, apparently developing its Tactical Nuclear asked no to the alarm of its south korean. And japanese neighbors was i came with that this is any known recently. North korea has been relentlessly and unilaterally escalating its provocations. Its section 3 in the peace and security of japan, the region, and the International Community. Unlike the previous south Korean Administration that was trying to foster dialogue with north korea, the current government has shown it is willing to match each military escalation with an equal response is just sort of a slowly, steadily escalating threat that at some point could lead to a really serious outbreak and thats really the, the concern whether this exchange of missiles will be followed by more is not known, but as a precaution. Some colorados used by commercial jets off the korean peninsula. East coast have been closed temporarily with airlines. We routing that play for fear of mall launching, rob mcbride, ill just era. So king is deploying troops to democratic republic of congo to help fight and 23 rebels. The un mission with john, its troops from a key military base in the east, with the rebels are trying to advance processors set fire to un vehicles in the city of gama complained. The mission has failed to protect them. The rebels lost a new offense of an a tober and seized control of 2 large towns and saturday. Well, the violence in the Eastern Province of north cave who has broken months of relative calm, more than 90000 people have been forced out of their homes by fighting between Government Forces and the m. 23 rebels. Kinshasa has accused nibbling rwanda of supporting the armed group, but that a london government has denied any involvement. The Armed Robbery group m 23 is based in eastern democratic republic of congo. Its made up of mainly ethnic tootsie fighters who emerged more than a decade ago when they seized the city of gola on the border with romando. M. 23 signed a peace deal in 2013. After being defeated by Government Troops and you end backed forces. Many of its fighters then integrated into the national army, but last year the and group resumed fighting, accusing the government of failing to honor its promises. Malcolm wipers more on the trip deployment from nairobi. The democratic republic of congo joined the East African Community economic block. In march this year, a few months later, east africa had this statement here in robi. And they agreed to put together a for the regional 4th, to go into easton congo, attentively to try and bring security and violence between groups and according to many and 23. 00. Back by rwanda, everyone. The denied that and the congo leave military as well. You kind of soldiers already in eastern congo time. Burundi and troops have entered the south key the province. Now president William Bruce has just spoken at a parade here in here. And i will be out of barrack, where hundreds of soldiers prepared to go to the congo and on display with their equipment. And he said its spoken to the un secretary general and the last couple of days. And hed given tacit approval for this mission. I said it was necessary to confront groups, and he said that the canyon forces would support the con, the least forces in disarmament and for purposes of securing civilians. We waiting to see what that actually mean, where the canyon forces will go if they will actually engage groups and in particular, and 23, which is widely seen to be a proxy of rwanda. Well, they were one that does deny it. Thousands of people have begun gathering for riley and rank is capital to protest against is economic crisis. Police have been heavily deployed in colombo, ahead of the demonstrations shlang cuz economy is facing its worst crisis in a decade. Inflation is rising, many people have been pushed into poverty, and fernandez, has more phone call on the anger and frustration seems to be bubbling over once again. We did have a few weeks of a sort of a higher turn where the government launched a sort of an over the top crack down. People were yanked off the streets were dead to question and challenge the government. But having seen that and having bad other sort of costs and the grid difficulty of economic crisis with people finding it difficult to put food on the table, people are once again angry, frustrated, and speaking out, if you just look over my shoulder, i mean, this is a part of the march, which is now coming to end people have actually, if i just move along are just over. They said, if you see the marchers have moved on, they gathered here are for over an hour now they are walking towards the mean realization of the country. Not this despite a massive crack down by the government. Dire warnings. In fact, this is a 3 page letter fired off to a number of senior figures that were involved in this march trade union. People, politicians are a warning them that under a number of regulations, the penal code, the Police Ordinance that getting together and protesting and causing a public disturbance a was something that would bring on should have legal action against them. But people have bring that up at the moment. Here are, there is a kind of an open area where people have got to get in that march. But further down the road, closer to keanes relations as a massive, massive military and police presence. We saw police are ready with tear gas. Ah, we did see military the air force as well. All waiting are if the protesters cross certain boundaries. Time for the weather is rob. Lets talk about lisa, a developing hurricane, still slowly strengthening, moving on was due west. So its affecting small islands by alans north of honduras and heading tools, the coast of belize, where it is best to meet landfill, most likely as a hurricane. Late afternoon on wednesday, local time these the wind speeds forecast that time, which gives a category one. Hurricane status, but of course it carries Everything Else with it. Some low lying land here. So a storm surge is notable one to 2 meters and are a big waves, whether its been moving slow, is it been churning up this relatively Shallow Water . So be damaging large waves as well. Overall, of course it will bring rain to virtually everybody as it moves slowly, western through belize, touching knolls, in guatemala, and into mexico. Anything up to 600 millimeters. The rain seems likely. You can imagine thats going to cause some problems for everybody in the area. And although lose its wind strengths as its last a couple of days, it runs back over warmish waters and then gets caught up with this going cold from from the u. S. So it may well redeveloped, and turned slowly back in again, bringing yet more rain that cold front in itself is no to both. The currently is bringing substantial style in the rockies. I would eventually get rid of the extreme warmth in the midwest. So i had an artist here in zimbabwe. Reformers who depend on maze are being encouraged to grow more traditional crops. Advantage fil is joe has the action as team edge closer to the title against the astros. Ah, the british she, rocky journalist whos visualizing complex statistics and a simple art home, i think it offers us some really exciting opportunities to break apart from those systems of power and to collect data in a way that baxa representing different communities, challenging mainstream misconceptions. I hate the quite crates and handle ministration. It doesnt alienate people, it doesnt make people feel like im not mind on the sense booth truth is it . Anyway . On al jazeera, its time for a memorable holiday with pegasus. Its time for turkey. Set sail for new discoveries. Enjoy. Have new experiences. Hit the shops. Make wonderful memories. Travel to turkey with pegasus, and with direct flights to istanbul and tribe zone. Book your ticket now for a memorable holiday. C y p g. S. For our best prices. Lou. Ah you watch about 0 reminder of our top stories. This. Our rush is confirmed. It will guarantee the safety of green shipments from ukraine. It follows a phone call between the president s of tortilla and russia. On tuesday. Moscow suspended its involvement in the deal over the weekend afterwards. Fleet and the black sea was attacked for my israel. Prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu appears to be on course to return as the countrys leader, with almost all ballots counted and choose his election. His right wing block loop set to win as slim majority. North korea has fought at least 23 missiles into waters off its coast, the largest number in a single date this year, and also launched around a 100 artillery shells there with southern border. South korea has responded by launching missiles you case Prime Minister wishes, silica face, criticism in parliament over his home secretaries handling of the migrant crisis on monday. So la braverman called high numbers of migrants crossing to view k in boats. An invasion which is also defended. Poor conditions at a major processor facility, the manson migrant cent, has been described as dangerously overcrowded walpole. Brennans johnnies live. No from london. So you came a gratian living large in the weekly sessions of Prime Ministers questions. The Prime Minister appeared to be on the back foot. Certainly, i mean, it was no surprise that immigration dominates at the exchanges between the Opposition Labor Party lead us a kiss. Darma and the Prime Minister richie soon act. Essentially because the labor party wants to keep pressure on the believe, get home secretary, so ela, bravo, man. Shed been criticized in the past week over sending confidential emails from outside her. Her home secretary, department, it to bite her personal email. And the other thing that is dominating the headlines here in the u. K. Is, is this use of manson airfield as it should be. A Processing Center is built in january this year for 1600. 00 people to spend no more than 24 hours there before being moved on to more permanent accommodation. In fact, a report that emerged on monday said that there was 4000. 00 people there and they were spending upwards of a month or more clearly against that, all the advice of Campaign Groups and even perhaps, against legal advice. Now, the exchanges in the commons were very testy between kissed armor and re shes soon act kiss darma saying, for example, why doesnt he get a proper home secretary, start governing for once and get a grip. Reaches synnex reply to that was that he and the home secretary were on the same page, but that party the labor parties policy was a blank page. And its clear that the pressure on immigration and particularly on soil, abraham is not going to go away. The, the, the opposition parties really sense it, this is a pressure points that they can keep on pushing. Paul, thank you very much, paul brennan, talking to us from london. A sentencing hearing for you. K swiss mining giant land corps has started in london in june. The company pleaded guilty to bribery charges related to its Oil Operations in africa and in barbara has more from london wished to day sentencing. Hearing is to determine what punishment should be handed down to glen co energy u. K. A subsidiary of glencoe, which is the Worlds Largest trading house, but also the biggest producer of cobalt element that is crucial for rechargeable batteries. For example, the back in june, the firm admitted 5 counts of bribery and 2 counts of failing to stop bribery. And that meant that it was saying, admitting that people working for it, paid a total of 28000000. 00 us dollars to employees of Oil Companies in 5 countries in africa, namely the democratic republic of congo, nigeria, cameroon, equitorial, guinea, and south su dawn. Now its emerged recently that there could be as many as 11 employees of glen court here in the u. K. Who could potentially face charges going co knows that its going to have to pay out a large amount in fines. Its actually set aside one and a half a 1000000000 us dollars for bribery convictions here in the u. K. In the u. S. And brazil. Interestingly, representatives of nigeria wanted to appear here in london at the sentencing hearing and make a claim for compensation as the victim of those crimes which deprived the state of tax revenue. They were told that they could have that only the prosecution, the Serious Fraud office and the defense. Namely, glen court could actually make submission so that a request for compensation will have to be for another date. Our leaders are meeting for the 2nd day of a 2 day summit in algiers, as they look to find Common Ground in an increasingly polarized region. During the opening ceremony, chin is impressive. Ok said handed over the councils presidency to the algerian leader. Delegates will discuss regional, political and Security Issues in context of the war in ukraine. Its the 1st face to face Arab League Summit since 2019, because of the pandemic, is in a hotter, has more from the summit and algiers. A lot of pressing issues that need to be addressed the algerian president during his opening speech, talked about what he called Exceptional International regional circumstances, et. That is the backdrop at which the, the arab summit is being held. We also heard the un secretary general raised concern about russias decision to suspend its participation in the so called Green Initiative that allows exports from ukrainian ports. Many countries in the middle east and north africa depend on grain and wheat. And of course, bread being a main staple in this, in this region, the un secretary general warning of the possibility of instability. So, food security, the fall out of the ukrainian war, the high food prices, the high energy prices. This has affected low income countries. There are calls for joint action, a joint strategy, and its not just the economy. Arab leaders have political calculations as well. So far, the majority of arrow countries have the stay that neutral. If you like in the ukranian, in the ukranian crisis, they have come under pressure from the west to take sides. So far they havent. What are we going to see at the end of this summit . In the final communique, are they going to reaffirm their neutrality in this conflict . It would be seen as a political or diplomatic win for russia if you like, which is trying to avoid international isolation, denmarks Prime Minister is expected to start talks to form a new Coalition Government after winning the general elections on tuesday matter. Frederickson block got 90 seats, but the slim majority in the 179 c. Parliament. National hibachi reports from copenhagen. Ha after last night of those suspense, the social democrats and its allies managed to secure 90 seats in the parliament. The result paved the way for Prime Minister matter frederickson to in your government care then mac. I am so proud we have had the best selection in 20 years. We are a party for all of denmark, one of the biggest winners in the election, other moderates the party formed by former Prime Minister. Last look a ross bison 5 months ago is now the 3rd Largest Political Party in the country. Or is it also know we have made it to parliament where well make our presence fell comedy here. The social liberals had triggered the snap elections last half of the seas. They had in 2019. They now stand at 8 the center, right . Vinstra was one of the biggest losers. The selection is its worse performance in 30 years. But the far right has done well, particularly than you. Right. And the denmark, democrats, who have expanded their bays by pushing a hard line on immigration. The election was dominated by climate rising inflation and costs of living. People here want to see the government preserve the countrys welfare state. One of the most generous in the world. Both read erection and rasmussen agree a centrist coalition when shore stability and put an end to the outside world. That small parties have been playing over many years. But its too early to tell whether the Prime Minister is willing to make enough concessions to convince the mother earth to join her government hash marble as either copenhagen voters in the us had to the polls in less than a week for their midterm elections, inflation, healthcare and Police Violence are some of the top issues, but voters priorities differ depending on their age. We spoke to to voters about what they expect their politicians to do. And joshua gibson, a student here at the university of illinois, chicago, an agency voter. Hello. My name is richard stewart, 53. 00 o voted from the south. He said of chicago, im also a barber and about as it ruptured Public Safety, there are several issues that are in a very pressing to me as a voter and a young person. And for example, to wish and being pretty high, i do find it pretty hard to pay in on a consistent basis. Safety is really important. Once you get older cars within the community, they are living. I see a lot of old people, they worry about going to, they cause crammed, i would say that violence says and rather concerning man about once or twice a month, we do gets a Public Service morning and from the college saying that a crime was committed. It does still scare me that Something Like this could happen relatively close. It need to be some polish before police need to get educating this sensitivity with the community and get to know to in visuals in the community. Like im a Public Safety advocate that we are, he abuse on a ground dylan with a lot of issues. Dick a certain, vanessa chicago with inflation getting very high and with wages not growing as fast. It is more difficult to see a future where somebody like me credit and be able to raise a family, buy a house, or be able to maintain a stable work. Life environment is very hard when you own fix income as an elderly. When you are fixed income, you only getting a certain amount of money to pay your bills to feed yourself, to bad clothes and houses. So if we can find a way to get back to that solid middle grounds, then were more likely to be united as a society and generally happier. Im a moderate, independent vocal. So the i voted like awful grass pharmacy. Zimbabwe are being encouraged to grow traditional crops that are more resistant to drugs. Thats because the governments worried its mays harvest. We only have this year due to poor range. Hardy mal tasa reports from woodson in a dry region where farmers are struggling to make a living. Abraham chima go to, hes making sure his plough is ready for the field. He hopes to start planting soon. As long as there isnt another drought this year. Last season, he and his wife emma grew sorghum, millet sunflowers and maze, but they made crop zimbabwe. Staple food didnt do all. We are fitting challenges of climate and also your decision friendly to rain. And the, if the buttons for info distribution is very poor, i even would say. So for maisie tool crowell, i, we are facing challenges. Its one reason why the government once more farm was to go additional crops such as minute and silken the country experience of the lean season. Every year from october to march is the drys period before rain start when families a few to no food stocks. As government we came up with a program where we say is the region where the farmer is found. That determines the type of coffee letter from a should and must grove in these dry and other teachings from small grains, or what you tend to additional grins are the most adaptable type of comp that are suitable for these environments. Many farmers are growing traditional grains, but on a small scale maze is more popular here and, and important cash crop. Abrahams families is at 1st, they werent sure about growing a lot of sorghum, but it paid off. The family sold most of what was harvested and this is whats left in storage, 13 bags of sorghum. Its enough to keep them going for a few months until the next harvest, humanitarian agencies and the government plan to feed more than 3000000 people during this lean season. Getting more people to grow, traditional grains could take some time, but low yields recurring droughts and Food Shortages are encouraging. More families to embrace drought resistant crops. And as they require less fertilizer and more nutritious monopoly, they could be the way to go harder. Matessa al jazeera would, zimbabwe surgeons the philippines, going back to school as mandatory in Person Learning resumes for the 1st time since the covered 19 pandemic. Schools have been partially open for the past 2 years. The resumption of in Person Learning comes with challenges including shortages of teachers and classrooms. Trotters new honor says the social media platforms going to charge 8. 00 a month for users with verified accounts. In a mosque said the move was essential to defeat spam or scam. It criticized the previous method of whats called blue take verification as being our lords and peasants. System mosque bought twitter for 44000000000. 00. Still hadnt sport kits. Confusion, why football fans in cameroon, are still in the dog heading into the world cup. Jos got the story. Ah. With with full. Ah. The hello and welcome back. Its time for the sports and his jo. Route. Thank you very much. Well those 18 days ago and so kick off at the world cup and teams to finalize in that 26 months called the tournament. Players have been doing their best to impress by helping the teams reach the last 16 of the way for Champions League on cheese. They, amongst them french defender claim, a long lay. He will be equal as if against my site. But it was a dramatic suffrage time when amelia vx field to one victory day, putting them through to the knockout sage as group the winners and hoping hes done enough to secure the ticket. You can talk about, i mean it wrapped up in that group and maintain that perfect reco. 6 wins from 6 fellow qualifies in line to know the goals coming from freshman, benjamin paval and a stunning strike from camerons eric my, since you promising. So to promote the staff by him and hes expected to be the stand out player for cameroon. At the well cub, earlier we spoke to a former international a young and who played with him and current camry and football president samuel at 2 at the 2010 in 2014 walcott. He says that expectations are high around the camera team while the prospects are really great. You know, camera did make africa dream. In 99, she woke up in italy. I was quite a kid probably about 4 years old. But later on i was able to see those videos and my dream football. So started that. So its, its been long that the countrys yearning to have an experience like that. And i think this, this, this particular team has a kind of special effect needs. So the everyone is having the prospect that is tim could go that it is not the most fantastic team in terms of trophies in terms of the names in the team. But theres a, theres a boss around the team, especially because you have a new president and everyone is hoping that his team can go and so price also is very positive. When we expect to take a look, im very happy that were not, cameron is not in brazil in the 1st game because you need to get a winning the 1st game. We have a kind of 2 different to percent chance to win the 1st game against switzerland. So i think that will be the main entry for, for camera and camera. Definitely have that chance to go to switzerland and then meet serbia in the 2nd game. And i think those are 2 games that camera can definitely put 100 percent to get the points, but bridge will be a tough nut to crack. So i think it was said awful camera and we need to take advantage of that shadow. Oh, its a little time left to the tournament camry and i yet one veiled there. Well cupcakes to add to the confusion fans is still able to buy a shirt, but the team wont be wearing at the finals. And cats are made. Adriece reports both with tipper. The promo for chem routes with bullshit is slightly movie come own was born some to mom, but its not there was get back with the city out of the country previously rebuked for wearing your breast and find by t f r for wearing a one z. Now has another shirt controversy, lecoq sport. His kit supplied deal was ended early by the camera for beaufort ratio. A new agreement with one, all sports is set to be the most lucrative cameras ever signed. But so far, no new shirts. Shopkeepers are all stocked up. But with the wrong shirts offered to stockton, if ever, if, if we had large reserve stock leading up to the major event, that is the well come on when people talk to us about the new one, all sports contract, its not easy for us, especially in these times of economic recession said to america, welcome here. Its a lesson own brand. Its an equipment supplier that weve often seen in formula one, an e going there. So its not a brand that is often kit it out football teams, etc. And thats what people criticize. And as well, we were really expecting big famous brands. They dont want it. So the official kit for 2022 is arriving late. But our friends, as warry does the shopkeepers, william said, but it doesnt matter that the camera in jesses and not out yet are lines of fighting and could go very thought. What was it was a good . I think things will go well. The jersey said just the background, know so we are there for the game for the moment. So we trust our president somewhere later or mcclain alfred richard, president sanctioned the switch as for say his looking to the future. If we will room ethel woke up, when will you need people with connections to put cameroon in football back at the level where it was, you have to put the Football Federation back to the size. It was and put cameras back at the center of World Football where it was, and only samuel ito can do that, mostly the mummy. Whatever theyre wearing, campbells target remains the same. Go deep into the knockout stages of the tournament and do it in style. Im a decrease elissia now canada will be playing at only the 2nd mens well cup as well as co hosting it in 2026. Their success is seen canadas sporting landscape change. A lot. Jay defense has moved from vancouver. O canadians are passionate about their sports teams. Generally those playing baseball, basketball, and of course ice hockey. But more recently, fans are turning to a different game with the success of the mens and womens sides has caused a massive spike and interest in the sport. The canadian womens team, one olympic gold in tokyo, followed by the mens team qualifying for just their 2nd world cap. Much of this success is down to the influence of coach john herdman. John herdman has brought so much confidence through the Canadian National team program that it attracts winners, right . Winners attract, winners. He had metal success as an olympic a coach for the canadian women. Hes more than brought that to the canadian men. This group of players is much more diverse than the team that played at the 986. 00 world cup and mexico. Among them, the Canadian Immigrant from ghana, alfonso davies, the buyer and munich player has captured the attention of the soccer world and his thriving under heard men ready while croatian born b, land bori, and tells everyone how proud he is to be part of this team. Happy to agree to, to give back something to canada, the gemini, give it to me, you know, new life, new everything, experts thank the world cap, could be a turning point for the sport in canada. Now this is an opportunity to be there in, in, in cutter this year. And then in canada, united states, mexico, in 4 years, this will set a real transition for canada to the next level. The recent success is already paying off with greater enrollments in Youth Programs and fans ready for a taste of world cup. Lori were gorgeous. Oh, with hopes of being a dark horse. Canadians are counting down to the tournament in guitar with excitement not felt in a generation. Jodi vance al jazeera vancouver. Well, joining me now is joshua clay gr, i said for the athletic, an old, her, the book, the voyages, the canadian mens soccer teams quest, joshua went to suck a rank for canadian sports fans compared to say, the traditional, big 4 north american sports. Yes. Probably towards the bottom of that list right now. I mean, i think Everybody Knows hockey is, is far a top that list its kind of unchallenged and its thrown in canadian sports, but things are definitely changing in the canadian sports landscape for so long. You know, beginning in the mid ninetys, more canadian children played soccer than any other team, sport and canada. You know, thats a large part because its an accessible sport. Its kind of a cheaper sport to play. And i think what youre seeing now is kind of the talent that was kind of created in the ninetys and the 2 thousands rising to the surface. And i think thats why this mens National Team and the womens National Team, of course, are experiencing such great success. And i dont think its a stretch to say that, you know, in a few generations, canada kurtz or a soccer, could certainly challenge hockey as the ino, the most popular sport in canada. Interesting. Well, one of the realistic hype, say, from this canadian theme at the tournament, will it make it out of the great . Yeah, thats the question i get asked literally every day now. And i think, you know, its realistic to expect that this team should score their 1st world cup goal. You know, they have incredible attack and threats like jonathan, David Alfonso davey stage on you can and kyle layer. And you know, these are players playing and some of the top leads in europe. I think its also reasonable to expect that they can pull off some kind of upset, right. They are in a very difficult group, but i think if we learned anything from their september friendlies where they really took the game to uruguay, a very, very good t in. This is a team that doesnt, you know, feel like they need to be afraid. Clang against very good. The teams like creation, belgium, they like to have the ball. They like to control play. They like to play with pace. And when you can do that, and when you can play without any fear that sort of lends itself to, to upsets, can they make it out of the group . Obviously, that, thats the big question. But i do think its important here for canadians to look at this team, not just as you know, whether or not they make it out of the group as, as that kind of being the determining factor for success. The fact that this team, you know, taught contact the calf and got here on a budget, so much smaller than teams like mexico in the united states. And as mentioned in the previous segment, this is a team that is known for its diversity. Its multiculturalism. I think these are things that it can should be celebrated and perhaps what were working towards is 20 to 26. When games are played at home. And some of these younger players are kind of coming into their own. Thats a time where i think canada can really compete to go deep. I think right now its important to just celebrate the fact how far canada has come in such a short amount of time. Because again, we should remember as recently as 2017, not that long ago, canada was right, the 100 and 20th in the world they were a minnow by fif is standards. So how far theyve come and such a short amount of time. I think right now that deserves to be celebrated. All right, joshua like that. Right. So for the athletic, thank you very much for joining us. Thank you. Oh i from the football, the Philadelphia Phillies lead baseballs well series against the Houston Astros afily secured a resounding 7 that when game 3 on tuesday, bryce harper with his 6th home run of the post season though also have home advantage for game for the series later on wednesday, as i live to win this title for 3rd time in the teams history. In the m b, i, a change of coach didnt help the brooklyn next against the chicago bulls. The nets sacked steve mash before the game as they fell through. They fixed the feet of the new season. Zach live, im doing the damage for the bulls. With 29 points was up to where it ended. Chris is looking good for semi final place at the t 20 wont come off to winning a thrilling match against bangladesh and adelaide. India posted a target of a 195. 00, which was reduced by writing if bangladesh falling 5 horns schultz and well no one is shown. Thank god, had w t a Finals Campaign off to a strong stops in texas. He was a straight sets went out of a duddy, a cassette tina in the group stage is a 5th when in a row over the russian this season. All right, that is all you support for now more with gemma later robert. Joe, thank you very much indeed. And that is it for this news are im going to be back in a moment. Was more of the issues course with the website as well. Ill just hear the dog called mom robot. Awesome. Thanks for being with me. Stay with me here. What if you care with good bye . Ah, watching the world cup in 1982 in glory send nicola from spain. Ive never seen, honestly like these plays a lot of come from a different planet. After that, i was all in on the welcome. I think were forcing from dial hall, which is now my home on the very 1st woke up is going to take place in the middle east. Going to be like it is a hugely complex and austin, controversial events cover. But once a ball is kicked, the passion and the excitement of football types, i jump into the stream when no topic is off the table. I dont think that anybody should be borne to privilege to the president of the day. We are the subjects of the royal family, plus one persons opinion, but whats yours . Amplify your voice. The judicial system in mexico is incredibly weak and it is not just corruption where a global audience becomes a global community. Those scariest part of those moment in my country is this toys for more weapons, the stream. Oh, now jazeera, a new series, exploring how traditional knowledge from indigenous communities is helping tackle todays environmental catastrophe. In columbia, the, our local people team of scientists, is to understand why a species of toad, once thought extinct, is still thriving in the coastal mountains of the sierra nevada. First nations frontline, the story night towed on al jazeera when the news breaks. Its not just personal property, but also infrastructure that now leaves fixing from power lines to water me when people need to be heard and the story told they would get punished if they spoke ukrainian. Im afraid i wont be able to return home with exclusive interviews and in depth through poor South African penguins, 118 captivity al jazeera has teens on the ground to bring you more Award Winning documentary and lives ah

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