Transcripts For ALJAZ NEWSHOUR 20221101 :

Transcripts For ALJAZ NEWSHOUR 20221101

ah. hello, i'm rob matheson, this is the news are live from doha, coming up the next 60 minutes. israel's former prime minister benjamin netanyahu has voted in the 5th election and under 4 years, he's hoping to make a comeback. i'm harsh him. i have bought in denmark where voters cast their ballots in an election dominated by wising inflation, climate change, anxiety, and the future of the countries welfare states. that apology from south korea's interior minister after a stampede that killed more than a 150 people police had met the response, was inadequate. gimme a break, and enough is enough or warning for us all companies. president joe biden tells them to keep prices down or face i penalties and restrictions. i'm john, i guess. rosco, with the sports the world cup kicks off later this month in castle, but defending champions, bronze suffer blow with so midfield a pool pump that rolled out because of injury. ah, we're going to begin is news i with the election day in israel. voters are heading to the ballot box for a record 5th time in less than 4 years. analysts say the biggest issue is whether voters of for or against former prime minister benjamin netanyahu was facing corruption charges. he only to break a long standing deadlock in the can asset, antique, $61.00 seats, to regain power. to get them is the could party is turning to the far right. it's expected to seek a coalition with anti palestinian ultra nationalists. politicians like it's a mob been given of gained momentum in recent months, or stephanie deck as johnny as live now from wise to richland, despite everything that israel has been going through along with the rest of the world. over the last couple of years, there is really just one issue that appears to be central to these elections. isn't it stephanie? well, benjamin netanyahu, he's really been central to quite a few electrons now, so mindless will actually have called it that he's holding the political scene of his country hostage. you could only say that this is perhaps the final litmus test when it comes to benjamin netanyahu. it's the 1st elections in 12 or 13 years where he isn't the prime minister. so, you know, has absence made these ready heart grow fonder with his absence in the prime minister's chair. but i think also what is interesting this time round is that if you are lucky, this is the caretaker of prime minister at the moment, managers to simply hold on to power in the sensitive naturally out doesn't get $61.00 sees that we, he will continue in that role until new elections once again early next year. so we're talking at a 6 election because of the deadlock, if you will, when it comes to the political scene here. so we're gonna have to wait and see. interestingly, israeli need a report to the as of 10 am this morning. that is 3 hours off to the polls opened. that turn outstanding a just under 16 percent. was that an all time har since 1981? so the question is, are people either coming out to vote already because it is a national holiday and then to enjoy their day? or is there a sense that these elections are actually important to why is that? because as you just mentioned, if netanyahu does come to power, you will have a very, very right wing government with a very controversial member you mentioned and very who could take a senior post in government? you know, he's someone who's been advocating for the expulsion of palestinians from the annexation of the west bank to quoting for the right of jewish prayer on the lot. so most compound. so a lot of his reading commentators also saying that this is a threat against is really democracy. so just gives you a sense of the complexities and what is at stake in these elections. what has been interesting about the connected over the last couple of years is the fact that the there has been an arabic, there are not representation. and there, there are no 3 if i understand it correctly palestinian block. so competing for seats, their talk is through the significance of that yes, yes, you did in the all selections, you had a palestinian israeli party in government for the 1st time really playing a king maker role if you will, refusing to join benjamin netanyahu and essentially ensuring that he didn't become prime minister yet again, while those cut, those parties are not to running on a joint list, they are running independently. there is no unity there. so it's, we're gonna have to wait and see whether they will cross the threshold. there is a basis to parliament that's 3.25 percent. you will then automatically get foresees and 4 seats still when it comes to the real fractious nature of politics now and the essence of getting 61 season, this is only one seat majority. so this is a very minor majority. these kinds of parties can play a major role in how to shape the future. so this is also why i just briefly, the palestinian israeli vote is touted as being very important turn out was predicted to below, but people are now saying perhaps because if they realize that they're luck to vote, could play netanyahu's favor and it's all up for grabs. so let's wait and see how we're going to have exit polls 10 p. m tonight. and then perhaps we'll have a bit of a big better picture as what the future here. the political future is going to look like. 70. thank you very much indeed, stuffy decker talking to us from westerns. people in denmark are also picking a new parliament, 14 parties vying for a 179 seats. the political battle is between the incumbent left wing block and right wing candidates prime minister met if frederickson was forced to call the early election after a so called mink scandal of popularity dropped after the cove at 19 policy to call the entire me population. well, frederickson is one of the frontrunners, she's been prime minister since 2019. she sent her left, which is embraced typing immigration policies. further to rights. jakob ellamin jensen is the head of the liberal party. he is the 3rd generation of his family to enter danish politics. the conservative party leader is sovereign papa paulson, whose long being considered the most credible politician on the right. but his credibility has sharply fallen after a recent scandal and those former prime minister last locker rasmussen is served twice as p. m. and he's the head of the newly formed moderates. well, i speak to hash ma cobra has joining us live from copenhagen at danish politics in many respects is often regarded as being i certainly is a seat of consensus and negotiation, but it sounds as though things are different this time round. rob this is quite an interesting moment for the voters and for the danish political parties as we speak, 20 percent of the voters has half cast their of those. and this is going to be an a tight race of prime minister. metaphysics is said a while ago that she's concerned the far white and the and the white wing parties are going to make some gains and her men rival. last looker rasmussen, the leader of the murderer said, this is going to be an extremely tight race and he expressed hopes that the danish people will vote for his political party. the mother is saying that this is could be going to be a chance for, for, for the country to move forward and to address some of the key issues that people are looking forward to see addresses to talk more about one of those she, i'm joined by well, how much a honda, who is a human rights activist mohammed emigration is not really topic of the agenda, but it's still there. what does it mean for the danish immigrants when they see voters to day moving forward to cast their votes in this historic moment? unfortunately, it means that this sort of restrictive and heavily creed, if migration policy has been mainstream for the extent that far right wing parties might not end to parliament. and next nixon v as their policies are now, they are adopted by bill if law, which is immensely concerning full people of manual technology and in denmark. now, what happens next? i mean there are 3 options here. meta fredrickson forms the same code as she, she has a 2019. the 2nd option is she teams up with the moderate. a 3rd option is the font white. otherwise come together as a you know what? there's a chance we can for our own go at it. what does that mean for the emigrants and the refugees in denmark? fortunately, it almost means the same result. it's the same rhetoric, the same policy as the mainstream, not in all of these blocks that now, no matter who's gonna sit in government, it's gonna be the same outcome heavy restrictions against migrant. the only difference will be the issue with the one that pharmacy, whether or not it will come in to legislation and actual implementation. you're referring to the the has been signed with me, the government and the one to the policies about relocating the asylum seekers to to where they could stay there permanently. thank you very much. and did mohammed to harder rob, there's something here which is quite interesting about danish politics. usually political parties are defined along ideological lines. the white are the white, i mean they are pro less taxes and less government interference. and the far right is more towards her strength in the welfare system. it's not the case here. the, the, the centrist or left is spot is and wife parties are embracing basically the same ideology for this, for this simple reason that pretty much concerned about the far white gaining momentum in the country. and this is why they're saying we are united on the data for the left us on immigrants in denmark. so what are the expectations were expecting better for this since party, the social democrats to see the biggest lock in the country. however, the moderates are gaining more ground to cut the can become easily the 3rd largest political party, but there is some new development here since 2 days ago. the social is people's party, which is a green left. his party has been gaining momentum. if i think that this behalf could be the party to move ahead with the transition to was renewable and is, is now when we get the results tonight, we'll get a sense of which political direction denmark is going to take for the upcoming years. rob, obviously we're going to be checking in with you as we get closer to the point where those results start to come in. but for now, hash omaha bar encore by hagen. thank you very much indeed anymore. i had in the news are including russia says it's unacceptable for ships carrying brain to pass through a black sea corridor. and it won't guarantee their safety waiting for both sonata or supporters of brazil's president block roads in protest against his election loss. and we're going to take a look at behind the scenes at all bait stadium where the world cup is gonna open later this month. that's coming up in the sport with joe. ah, so i was curious, interior minister has apologized for a crowd surge during a halloween festival on saturday, but killed at least a 156 people. police had met the response was not adequate. and president jones, hook, you all has called for most safety measures to prevent such accidents, but mcbride's at the memorial site and soul. and he says, the government says crowd control and safety is their top priority. the primary has been giving a lengthy, a briefing for its national media here, prime minister handbook sue, he explaining the government's response to this tragedy, how it will ensure that nothing like this he says, will ever happen again. to be honest, hasn't revealed too much in the way of new information, is export from a commitment to he says a full comprehensive investigation of this and also repeating a promise that we've also heard from president. so y'all that really south korea does have to improve. it's a crowd management's, it's large, st. carnival events like this. that for all of its sophistication and advances that it is made south career is still lacking in that, in the way of controlling these large crowds when it comes to the actual cause. because there is now an extensive investigation underway into all of the various things that lead up to this tragedy. and the surge of people forward at the prime minister says that no one single thing that contributed to it, that there are multiple factors that will be looked at. but he's also promised that they will be looking at the individual responses of different institutions, bodies, government agencies, including he says, at the police. now the police have come in for a lot of criticism in this, in the number of offices that they had at the scene. given the 10s of thousands of people who are out and who had expected to come out for this hollow in festival. and also the response when they started to get emergency calls to it. the police chief of south korea has come in for particular criticism. he had a grilling press briefing earlier tuesday. he has said that yes, the response was inadequate. there wasn't a proper risk assessment of the all of the risks ahead of time in his prime. and so that ends ramadi is expected to visit the site of a bridge collapse that killed more than a $140.00 people. rescue workers have resumed such operations in the town of more b, in boucher that state police of arrested 9 people, including ticketing agents and employees of the firm contracted to maintain the pedestrian bridge. russian missiles times have destroyed half an apartment building in the ukrainian port city of mich alive. an elderly woman is believed to have been killed in the attack. ma, strikes come a day after russia targeted energy facilities across ukraine because power outages and a number of cities and water outages in the capital key. at him from the un nuclear watchdogs in ukraine to investigate rushes allegations. that key was working to create a so called dirty bomb. the i. e 8 says it's inspecting 2 sites out of a request from the ukrainian government. it's aiming to detect any possible undeclared nuclear activities. the grandma says keith could use a dirty bomb containing nuclear material on its own territory as a false flag operation. will russ's decision to pull out of a green deal with ukraine hasn't stopped, keeps vessels from leaving? it's black. see ports the u. n. 's coordination center says 3 ships left on tuesday, but moscow says it's unacceptable for the ships to pass through a black sea corridor. and it won't guarantee their safety. our diplomatic editor james base reports for more than 3 months. this corridor through the black sea has been a humanitarian lifeline. the u. n says about 9000000 tons of grain has been transported . and it says despite russia suspending its participation after the ukrainian drone attack on its fleet, the scheme will continue. they have suspended, they haven't withdrawn, they have suspended, and they haven't terminated. and the difference is the difference is very, very simple. the difference is that as parties to that lexie grain initiative, they are still bound by it. but russia's defense ministry issued a statement saying the fact that the grain cargo ships was still using the black sea root was unacceptable. that followed these comments and rushes ambassador to the un. you received the roman name or to go to the russian side, cannot guarantee the safety of civilian vessels participating in the black sea initiative. me more of the listing is pretty good. we cannot allow an unimpeded passage of vessels without our inspection. and we will have to undertake our own measures to control what was allowed by the joint coordination center. without our consent, we will provide details in our conclusions and our approaches to this in the very near future. 3rd, big problems ahead for the un. how will insurance companies react? and what we're shipping firms do, if premiums skyrocket, it's also worth noting that the deal is only supposed to last until the 18th of november. will russia now agree to extend it? james bay's ouch is era at the united nations. us president joe biden told oil and gas companies to lower energy and petrol prices for americans or face a higher tax rate on their records. profits. lighten has been ripening a windfall tax against oil giants and the lead up to mid term elections. it says many firms have been profiteering in the war in ukraine. gimme a break enough is enough. welcome, a capitalist, you've heard me say this before. i've no problem. corporations turn to fair profit, get in return on their investment and innovation. but this is my remotely. what's happening or companies? record profits a day or not? because to doing something new or innovative. their profits are a windfall of war windfall from the conflict as reverend g. ukraine, and hurting tens of millions of people around the globe. you know, at a time of war and he come to receiving a storage one pro proper like this has a responsibility to act beyond the narrow self interest of its executive shareholders roslyn. jordan's good law from washington d. c. it's 8 days before the us, mid term elections, which will determine the control of congress. and certainly, republicans have been able to make inroads with voters this year because of the surge in energy prices, particularly in the cost of automotive fuel. after the invasion of vaal ukraine by russia. well, the price of gasoline has fallen by about a dollar 2325 cents a cents midsummer. and that's because the biden administration put on the market to millions of barrels of oil from the strategic petroleum reserve. and also be said, see a bit of a drop in demand. and so that helped ease prices as well. but because the by the administration knows that americans look at the price of gasoline as a harbinger of how they're doing overall economically. this was a moment for the president to come out on monday and to say to voters that he is still working this problem. now, democratic god, politicians on capitol hill have suggest it taxing of the companies. uh, who don't share enough of their profits with consumers. but so far that legislation hasn't picked up much traction. and because congress won't be back of for until the later part of november, it's unlikely that you'll see any positive movement on that legislation before the end of this year. or the world's biggest oil companies have registered profits or more than a 170000000000 dollars this year without the saying that more gains are on the way shell. and total energy is reported. profits of $59000000000.00 for the foot. 9 months of 2022. that's compared to the more than 24000000000 made in the same period last year. u. s. rival, chevron and exxon mobil reported earnings in the range of 70000000000 in 2021. they took in about 25000000 experts say the earning surge is a direct result of russia's invasion of ukraine, but the introduction of winful taxes and profits in europe as had little impact arbitrage. and john is the director of market research for energy. intelligence is as policies should be supportive of the industry and they're not really going to be responding in any meaningful way. you know, i think they are, you know, sort of going about business as, as it's proceeding, whether it's upstream or they're downstream businesses. just kind of taking what the market is giving them. i don't really, you know, expect much of a response. i think don't you know the few comments we've seen over the recent past few weeks and few months, you know, are simply just that, you know, policy should be supportive of the industry instead of instead of sort of agonizing. so i don't really expect that much of a direct response to this. you may hear from industry groups and others, but not addressing. this is really just kind of a talking point, mid term messaging. and you know, whether you're talking about current congress or future gongora's, right? depending on what happens with the terms and how it looks from january onwards, neither one i think you're going to see much headway in this in this session. you know, the, the current congress, i'm getting getting something like this through folks like senator joe imagine and whatnot. i think is simply a nonstarter and then you certainly have a change in the house. the change in the senate to republican side. i think i think i think proposal like this will with, with not really even be you make it past the floors. there's been no breakthrough and talks between armenia and as a by john officials would be meeting in the city associates resolve a territorial dispute. it comes among tom to the worst violence between the countries since 2020 selim called reports from soci armina. and as i be, john have agreed to refrain from the use of force according to a joint statement issued at the end of the trilateral, summoned, held here in and such he between russia armenia and as and beach on the final statement of the trailer to the summit has also stressed on the importance of the work of the peacekeeping unit, the russian peacekeeping unit that is currently operating in the disputed areas between add media and the as i'd be john. but there was no mention of the car. battery jim, at the end of the summit that russian president vladimir putin said that there has been elements that hasn't been settled. and thus we're left out of the final statement. or also by the end of the or trailer to the summit. all 3 countries have says that they will continue working together in order to reach a lasting peace agreement between adelina and as i'd be john also dasha has confirmed that it is fully ready to a present maps from the soviet era that could help in the demarkation of the board there's between armenia and as i'd be john, supporters of brazilian prison, charitable sonata have blocked roads across the country after he last sunday's run off vote formerly to lewis, and i feel like the silver one by little more than one percentage point. boston auto has yet to concede, defeat for his abode reports from louisiana in brazil. o supporters of president jade was fernando gathering in the streets away to prove the result of sunday's presidential election. the waiting for press nimble tornado to tell them what to do . they are convinced lucy nasty leather silva was selected precedent by committing fraud. it was the election isn't over. we want a 3rd round. we're not going to give the country to a thief so that we become venezuela. he was sentenced to prison and was freed by a friend. we have brought to to remain on the roads, but are still uncertain about what to do. next. truck drivers who support president jade was fernando. we're blocking this road that connect the capital brazilian with other parts of the country. they were removed by the police using tear gas. this is an example of the extreme polarization that exists in this country. and how there is lots of people here that are not happy with sundays result. their road blocks in several parts of the country at close ally of lula silva. compare them to donald trump's supporters. we'll try to take over us congress when joe biden won the presidency. our there is only because camera we want to military intervention because we can't accept these results. lula is a thief and he should be in prison. on monday, there was little activity at the blend. elder presidential palace jade will sonata was there, but chose once again, not to speak. the president silence only adds up to the tension that has prevailed throughout the electoral process. he sons, while members of congress expressed their support for their father on twitter. one of them wrote that i am with you for whatever is coming next. ah, but while the incumbent precedent remains quiet, president elect low leather silva, has already started planning his cabinet and talking to leaders around the world, lose your leader, michael, including a meeting with argentina's president, alberto for man this annually say one of his top priorities should be ending the d polarization that exist in this country to day. glad it is clear that this final results shows a divided country divided regionally divided between the states that makes up the brazilian federation and a deficient with a society. and even among harmless, which make the 1st task of the new president elect to seek to establish an agenda proposal to reduce this political polarization. jade while. so nato has 2 months left in office. every one he's waiting to hear what he has to say about the election and whether he's message, we're bring reconciliation or self further divisions with him. brazilian society there is i will as a cedar euphony at brazil. so i had an ard as it were going to be live in belfast for a look at our political deadlock in northern ireland is starting to affect the lives of ordinary people, ada, not so magical experience for guests at a disney resort in shanghai. find out why they've been trapped inside and reaching new heights, the world up trophy lines of one of the highest capitals in the world that's coming up in sports with jo. ah there finally, the bolt is being broken into europe and nostrils. just report this warmest october on record, those records go back to 155 years. but this is cooter and i pushing its way slowly across. but at the moment it's still settled under these high pressure in eastern europe. and this is a fairly typical scene. we expect november to be a foggy months in much of central europe, and this is just proving the point in the next day or so. this still little wind, that cloud and rain just falls upon its way slowly eastward. it's more active in france, but shells in scandinavian has been for the whole of last month as well. so there's still some heat to hang on, particularly down in the southeast corner. but you still see temps in the 20s, quite happily forecast. sophia does see a slow leakage of heat away, for example, we go from 25 down to 20. over the next 3 days, it still went above the average though of 14 jumping south and the rain is going south with the same as you might expect for africa. but still it's as far north as guinea. it is catching quite heavy the coast of galler and nigeria, there is a concentration south of that cam routing gabble and the r congos where it is fairly wet and where it should be. ah yugoslavia disintegrated. war descended only to inhabitants amidst the death and destruction. one man created a peaceful microcosm for boys whose fathers faced each other in battle. episode 3 of football rebels enters the world of footballing legend, prag, pushy h. who went from coaching boys football to teaching young men live, frederick push each of the siege of sarajevo on al jazeera. on november, the americans woven all the seats in the house of representatives. at 35 percent of the senate will be contested. americans are expected to split on strict ideological lines with abortion and the economy named as the key issues. the results will define the rest of your biden's presidency and put americas democratic principles to the test. special coverage of the midterm elections on al jazeera lou. ah ward, you know, the 0 might of a top stories. this are people in denmark are picking a new parliament to 14 parties. a vine for a 179 seats. battle is between the incumbent left wing block and white wing candidates. south korea's interior ministers apologized for saturday, stampede that killed at least a 156 people. please admit the response was inadequate. present jones of your household for more safety measures? israel is holding its 5th election in less than 4 years. analysts say the biggest issue is whether voters are for or against former leader benjamin netanyahu was facing corruption charges. well, as you began this cycle of elections in 2019, under the shadow of a corruption investigation into benjamin that a nahu voters went to the polls twice that year. but a stable government didn't emerge after a 3rd election. deadlock and 2020 netanyahu and his centrist rival, benny ganz agreed to form an so called and america emergency unity government citing the pandemic. but the deal faltered to and a 4th vote was held in 2021 yard. le pete was leader of the opposition at the time and he assembled a fine job coalition which fall apart in less than a year. once results from this voter in more coalition talks are likely to resume. but if a deal can't be reached in the 120 sickness, it is really going to head back to the poles for a 6th election. banner smith reports from wester roussel among netanyahu's, push to get back in to power. ah no one in israel politics divides the country more than benjamin netanyahu. his supporters love him as much as his opponents loathe him. he's on the campaign trail trying to win back the job of prime minister that he'd held for a total of 15 years until last year. once again, it's about nathaniel foreign against them. it's not only a personal issue, it's an issue that have to do with her characteristic off his reli democracy, more majority on democracy versus more populous or more madry, dorian and populist, or more liberal democracy and of about her identity or right wing lest wing the political stalemate, this is the 5th election in 4 years. is for many israelis tied to the start of when netanyahu was indicted for breach of trust, fraud and accepting bribes. he says the trials are a political witch hunt poll, suggest netanyahu's party will be the single biggest in parliament, but just a seat or 2 short of a majority. he needs every vote for lunch. so i asked you to go all your friends with all of your neighbors and all of your relatives and tell them that nobody stays home. we are going full power this time, full power with all of our masses to get your, your la pete out of the prime minister's office to his support as he gave israel 10 uninterrupted years of economic growth, normalized relations with for our up countries and got the us to withdraw from me around nuclear packed his party, the could, can imagine no other lead because he's been the leader of the could for so long his really shape the party in his image. and the party as well believes with good reason. i think that they would do less well with somebody else at the helm. you know how it is in politics. if, if you feel that your party leader is actually reducing your chances of getting elected, you'll ditch him right away. that's not the sense in the good his critics say he's threatening israel's democracy in his determination to stop his criminal trials. netanyahu suggested he'll build a coalition with the far right religious zionists, to form a government far i wants to make changes to the law that could allow benjamin netanyahu to stall all and the fraud and bribery trials he's facing. but not everyone on the right is comfortable with sharing power in parliament with extreme nationalists. so even if it comes off, it could be a short lived coalition, forcing israelis back to the polls again. early next year, bernard smith, al jazeera west jerusalem, northern on its top politicians are said to meet for a new round of talks on tuesday to end their political deadlock, or at least to try to the regions executive as not functions since an election in may. and it's elected assembly has not been said in because of a boycott. but the british pro, in british biggest pro british unionist party, the d u p. now, northern ireland is heading for another election after politicians, mr. deadline to restart its devolved a government law. paul brandon's joining us live now from belfast. paul, i, are there any signs that this political deadlock might be seeing some sort of breakthrough frankly, the expectations from today's meetings are very low. indeed. they've been characterized as follows. just simply to discuss next steps. and it's clear that the government minister responsible for northern ireland, cris heaton harris, although he has expressed and repeatedly expressed his desire to announce elections here because of the more that the forces him to do. so it seems he's under intense pressure from the london government to postpone that for as long as possible. so as to give space for the talks between the u. k and european union on the north island protocol. this the rules that govern trade between the u. k. and northern ireland to give them that space to come to some kind of compromise up to the u. k. and brussels. the leaders will meet here at ask in house, in central belfast during the course of this morning. but as a say, this really just uncertainty and frankly pessimism as to whether they confirm any breakthrough today. and on monday in london, the prime minister wishes united official spokesman did actually say that there was no update expected this week. it's pretty pessimistic, frankly, at one would imagine that people in northern ireland are getting pretty frustrated with the situation. why is it so important for people? how does it affect in their lives? well, i mean it's, it's affecting people here in northern ireland, in a very visceral, very real way in politics is not some kind of abstract concept here. for example, you've got the funding of northern property services is done by thing called a block grant. now in dollar terms, it's around $17000000000.00, which is given by london to the alarm and the executive and the executive director, the dish out according to political priorities. but because of the functioning executive that is not being done, and we're talking about enormous shortfalls. and funding and various different important functions of government. we've been looking in the last couple of days as to the areas that have been affected by them. it's important that politics doesn't operate in a bubble. report. politics can sometimes appear remote, irrelevant even to the daily lives of ordinary citizens, but not in northern ireland. political differences here are deeply felt and the lack of a functioning government is having an impact in all parts of the public sector. transport rhodes, justice, environment, and health, all of the left treading water. but in reality, the thinking the political stalemate has locked progress on important health care reform, waiting lists for treatment along and growing and excess mortality figures are increasing. people are literally dying for a lack of political leadership. what has happened as a result of that? it's, we haven't had a budget and to haven't been able to plan to anything that has been done at the moment is done in the old way. a new ability whatsoever to plan them to think to the future. so it is purely firefighting at the moment with the service under so much pressure and more pressure than we've ever seen that under health care work has here in northern ireland have been promised a 4.5 percent pay rise. but unlike workers in england, scotland and wales, we've already received that pay rise here without that evolve government and nobody has signed it off the yet to actually it. it's a similar picture in northern islands education system. teachers are currently taking industrial action over 30 percent erosion and pay. schools are struggling to meet repairs and maintenance costs. children's education is suffering while northern islands, political leaders dig their heels in. we are at a point now when the vast majority of our schools at every sector are in huge financial deficits. in fact, before covered the standing figure for education was one and a half 1000000000 pines for the small place that is a lot of money. the urgent talks between the main political parties and the british government hold little prospect of a breakthrough just 6 months after the last election. few believe that calling another one will make any difference. politicians stick rigidly to that principle. but those principles have a practical reality. that means ordinary people are left worse and worse off. now let me put a couple of statistics on that. so for example, in this population of 1900000 hint, 363000 people are in a hospital waiting list. $190000.00 of them are waiting more than a year to get their 1st outpatient. appoint much as far as the education budget goes, it's a $230000000.00 short for the education funding. and the fact that there isn't a functioning executive in order to address these financial problems and, and allocate them according to policy means the fed just not being sold the, the need is enormous. but the, the breakthrough just isn't that paul. thank you very much. indeed, paul brandon, talking to us from belfast. jerry is hosting the 1st out of the summit since before the covered 1900 pandemic. the meetings being overshadowed by political divisions among member countries going to call reports from algiers. it's a region plague by political conflict and economic crises. the international monetary fund says, 141000000 people in arab countries are hungry. and at nearly 30 percent, they have the world's highest levels of youth unemployment. the region also faces the humanitarian crisis. internal conflicts have created the largest number of refugees and displaced people in the world. while suffering acutely from climate change, temperatures have soared and water is scarce. against this backdrop arab leaders will be meeting in the algerian capital further and will summit. the 1st since the pandemic began 3 years ago since then, there have been 2 political changes. the arab world has long been divided, but the decision by some countries to sign the so called abraham accords and normalize relations with israel shifted dynamics. if you consider that post, i was always really at the heart of the oblique and what it start stood for this new alignment of states with israel potentially again, palestine is something that is certainly transformational. the other issue has been nobody see the ukraine war as of late, which had a massive impact on obviously energy markets on supply chains. the impact is being felt by the lower income countries, where societies are struggling with rising food and energy prices. the ukranian war has also had an impact on the politicians calculations. the desire not to be drawn into the conflict between russia and the west. does seem to be something that all countries in the region share. so they are looking to insulate the region to the extent that they can from being drawn into what might become a new cold war. arab leaders are engaged in the tensions between the east and west, among them. saudi crown prince mohammed ben cell, man, he has been under us pressure due to a decision by opec plus to reduce oil output. washington believes that works for russia's benefits, whether a unanimous stass and statement comes out. first of all, in support of saudi arabia. second of all, in support of out of neutrality, away from the current. yeah. russia, ukraine, you'd more cause this if it happens we're empowered to. so the political decision and the pushback against washington pressure, arab summit have had few if any impactful resolutions due to regional differences. but this time around the challenges as a result of international developments may affect the outcome. then there else is eda algiers to margo as boats have sunk off the coast of greece as the try to navigate strong winds. the 1st one down near the island of india for rescuers and now trying to find 60 people and off the coast of santos island, a 2nd boat sank with 12 people on board. yes. border officials of shot had a group of venezuelan migrants with rubber bullets on the country's southern border . on monday, the groups in protesting after being expelled from the u. s. to mexico, by the, by the ministration. under a new policy, the trump euro title 40 to order allows the government to block migrants from seeking asylum site in public health concerns. visitors to shanghai disneyland have been trapped inside on monday, unable to leave until the showed a negative covered 19 test. there is ordinance that would be shutting immediately to comply with china. strict 0 common regulations. shanghai reported 10 locally transmitted cases on saturday. but as far as following developments from beijing, the 2nd time in less than 12 months, thousands of visitors were trapped inside the theme park. apparently after they had been an infected person or a close contact infected person that had been inside. so they were told that they weren't allowed to leave until they had a negative test. a thought is also announced that anybody had been to the park since last thursday, had to go and get tested 3 days in a room. we have to talk about this extraordinary video that circulating on social media as well. of people rushing for the exits and an employee of the park calling out to them saying that the amusements are still open and the restaurants are still open. i mean, this gives you an idea of how this sort of thing has really become normalized in this country. but people are incredibly afraid they're afraid of for these disruptive a locked dance of right now. there are millions of people across the country in more than 200, a separate loft and you know, the government's really given itself an impossible task. it said that on the one hand, it wants to boost growth and help the economy recover. but on the other hand, it wants to stick with the 0 current policy, but certainly when you look at this case, the shanghai k, sir, this is really going to affect consumer spending, particularly as we're seeing cases take higher in this country. so to rescue teams in the philippines are still looking for bodies in the aftermath of tropical storm, no gay, at least a 110 people have died. more than half of the fatalities were from flash floods and land slides. dozens are still missing and 800000 are being forced from their homes . barnaby lo has more from cushion in the southern philippines. this elementary school is temporarily being used as shelter for victims of the landslide in the village of crucial the province of mcginn. the now del norte did, that's ground 0 of the death and destruction that tropical storm naggie left in its wake. so there about a 1000 individuals here more than $200.00 families. we were able to speak to some of the victims. one woman told me that she lost her one year old daughter. they got swept away by the flashed blood and then the ensuing landslide. and they got separated from each other. she thought that all her family had already died. fortunately, many of them survived, but the 12 bodies that were buried yesterday and the mass barrier that we were able to witness. all of them were her relatives now. right behind me is a huge crowd over there. president ferdinand marcus junior was just here a few moments ago and he promised that the government would provide financial aid to the victims so that they can rebuild their homes. but what they really want here is not just to be able to rebuild their homes, they want to be able to move to another site so that they can be safe from the landslides, from possible ad slides. they were actually re settled there so that they can be safe or from storm surges. they were originally from a coastal community. but now many of their neighbors, their friends, their families have died from a landslide. so what they want is to be able to move to another location that is safe for them. the man accused of attacking the husband of euros house speaker nancy pelosi has been charged with attempted murder, burglary, and assault. david did pop and said to appear in court later on tuesday, prosecutors a senior to hold him without bail. paul pelosi was beaten with a hammer inside the cup of san francisco home on friday, the 82 year olds recovering from surgery. boat i says in democratic republic of congo have been valued against or wanda, and uganda. sh me accused the neighbors of backing m 23 rebels said a staging attacks in the region. the robber group captured the town of k one, j. m. eastern democratic republic of congo and saturday, blocking access to the capital goma. this prompted the government to expel one does a basset up at a london government denies involvement. still ahead on al jazeera in the world comstock. later this month we're going to be alive and though has waterfront. you see how cut out capital is getting ready to welcome funds. ah ah ah ah ah ah ah. so i'm not with this ford here is drew from. thank you very much. well, it is the 1st november we can now officially say, well cup starts later this month, but defending time his france will be heading to cas hope without one of their stars. pooh papa event. midfielder hasn't played all season off to injuring his knee in the summer. and has failed to recover from surgery in time. papa was one of his country's most influential player, scoring in the 2018 final against croatia. france begin the campaign against australia on november the 22nd. while the tournament kicks off in 19 days time, and there's already been some big changes taking place in catalyst capital to welcome the fans. let's get life to natasha named down on dough house cornish water front. natasha. the city. a can very different today. tell us more well for why i wouldn't be able to stand here on the middle of this road in less than 3 weeks. this stretch of the doha coordination will become an epicenter for fun and fans. yet the gulf water fraud here, which has scenic views of the west bay skyline, pedestrian and bike pathways. this road will remain closed for almost a 7 kilometer stretch. they'll be restaurants, cafes kiosks. this side of the road, however, will remain open only to buses, caring, and fans, and to provide access to emergency vehicles. public works here authority in cutter has been preparing for this moment for over a decade. more than 1700. * kilometers of roads and highways have been built and more than 2100 kilometers of bike and walking paths constructed. there been 29 simulations to ensure that the roads are ready. and at each stadium there will be a control room, continuously monitoring traffic. the doha waterfront, called the cornish. we'll host a month long carnival. during cut our 2022. the primary artery for cars will be transformed into a pedestrian, only entertainment district for an estimated $1200000.00 fans at st. absorb and every experience we talked about having people walk down the street, you know, having the st. oh pedestrian eyes waterfront with all kiosk through those shops, restaurants, give phase lighting. it's. it's an enjoyable space. i would believe the compact nature of this year's world cup means traffic congestion. in a condensed area, as people travel around a small country where most of the population lives in the capital, the hope is as many as half the fans attending matches will use doha, metro. it debuted in $219110.00 cars will make up 270-0000 trips each day. that it lines concordy, 1000 people every 165 seconds which can handle the demand of the of the spectator. but anyhow, i like this is the nature of the tournament. all the spectators should expect some delays controlling crowds and keeping the p said footballs. premier event is every host countries greatest challenge. nearly 50000 security personnel have been trained and multiple exercises have been held with international partners to prepare for press are 2022 work hand in hand with before we're confident with the plans that we have in place of safety. security for us is of utmost importance, whether it's navigating the journey or the crowds at match or concert. the organizing committee says planning and patience will create an enjoyable and see world cup experience for all fans will have a personal id called a higher card. in addition to being a visa to enter the country and a ticket to go to the matches, it will also be an encyclopedia of all things. cats are 2022, including how to play on your journey and any kind of traffic snap food. a twitter account has also been created. it's called road to cut our 2020 to go. it will provide up to date traffic. uh, information. you know, since this world cup was awarded to cuts are in 2010 people have been asking, how will a country of this size accommodate a global event with more than a 1000000 fans? the country will soon show the world how natasha. thank you. it's quite incredible . to see that road behind g, the m t people abels across the street to the tournament, the kicks off with host castle taking on ecuador. on the 20th of november, the stadium is called albania, which an arabic translates to the house, and it's like nothing you've ever seen before. and the rich son has been looking at what makes our bite stadium so special. a stadium reflecting the nomadic culture of the region is providing a home for footballs. biggest tournaments, 35 kilometers north of the capitol, doha, this is al bate stadium with it's designed to represent a better win the traditional home of castles past has now become a place to welcome fans from around the world. ah, the consistency in theme is evident, right? down the detailing on the seats in these extraordinary luxurious changing rooms, ancient arabic patterns, reminding even the most exhausted of players that are taking part in the middle east's. very 1st world cup. ah, the workforce that made this all possible is recognized here a picture of everybody who collaborated on the project at peak times 2 or more than 10000 people on site construction began back in 2016 and was finished in time for the opening match of last year's paper. erica? ah, it's the 2nd biggest stadium that cat has to walk for with a 60000 seat capacity. 9 matches will be played here. right up to the senate finals . ah. if you've got the pockets or generous friends you might get to watch a game from here, the b i p. sweets will be turned into a 5 star hotel after the world cup out of a legacy plan for a stadium. ah, ah, that plan includes having the stadium capacity with the upper tier of seats here, either being donated to another country or taken to a different part of doha to help with the hosting of the 2030 asian games. the end of the world cup will kick off a new chapter in the story of outright stadium. ah . has your great state in there? well acro doors fans got their 1st look at the well cut trophies. it continues on its global tor, football's biggest prize, reached new heights as it was welcome to a government palace hotel. ecuador capital is the 2nd highest in the world at an altitude of 2850 meters above sea level trophies, listing 54 countries before making its way back to cattle. 64 matches it is well cup and out. there'll be following the action every step, the way the way to is nearly over for the bigger show on earth. all eyes are on the cutter. as the world cut comes to the middle east for the 1st time, a truly global event, bringing together football culture from all over the world war. 32 countries battle it out for the trophy party of correspondent on all continents will bring you coverage like no other at the will come from cut out. we will take you around the world. the cats are 2020 to well come on, are the 0 away from football him? oh he bucks kept up by perfect winning starts the new and be a season. janice had skimmed birds, helped scold with $31.00 points as they feet a detroit pistons. on monday, the victory was only secured in the final 45 seconds of the game, went through holiday. thank a 3 pointer, a buck taking this 1110 to 100 nights in the nfl. nick chub underlined his reputation as the league's best running back with 2 touchdowns. in monday's victory for the cleveland browns, a rush, the cincinnati bengals, 32 to 13, to end all game losing street. and at the t 20 cricket world cup sher lanka kept alive there outside hopes of qualifying to the semi finals with a sick sick it when i ref dentist on in brisbin and and julia de silva, led the run, chase full sherlyn co, with an unbeaten $66.00 as they reach that target with 9 bones to spec. alright, that is like a sport for now i'll have more for you later. roger. oh, thank you very much indeed. monica, are you going to be here in a couple of minutes with more and all the story? stay with us for john or bob officer, goodbye. ah ah. and in the light of the open seas hides the dark secret. men forced to work without pay? inflate for years, but a glimmer of hope remain for the forgotten fisherman. as a group of activists delve deep into the illegal fishing industry, demanding justice and freedom. ghosts fleet, a witness documentary on al jazeera, unprompted, and uninterrupted discussions. from our london broadcast center on al jazeera after world war 2, frances great empire began to unravel and vietnam to moses. everybody was trying themselves into the street, was busting with joy kissing each other. and algeria, she listened, or she knew if the indo chinese but managed to beat the french army. why not die? the decline continues and episode 2 of blood and tears, french di colonization on al jazeera when the news breaks, it's not just personal property, but also infrastructure that now leaves fixing from power lines to water. me when people need to be heard. and the story told they would get punished and they spoke ukrainian. i'm afraid i won't be able to return home with exclusive interviews and in depth report south african penguins, one is in captivity. al jazeera has teens on the ground to bring you more award winning documentaries. and lives ah.

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