Transcripts For ALJAZ NEWSHOUR 20221008 :

Transcripts For ALJAZ NEWSHOUR 20221008

this is al jazeera ah hello, this is in use our own al jazeera. i'm fully back to bo live in till hot coming up in the next 60 minutes. moscow says a truck farm has damaged a bridge connecting crimea to the russian mainland. it's a vital supply. rhodes voids, forces fighting in southern ukraine. israeli forces kill to palestinians during a raid at a refugee camp in the occupied west bank. also the south, the turkish parliament, debates or legislation, the government says we'll fight this information. others say it will be used to send send media, and haiti is requesting an international security force to deal with weeks of violence as supplies of water, a few and basic good one hour in sport the playoffs. immediately baseball get underway, an important one, maxima step and closes in on back to back. well titles, printing, pole position for sunday's japanese grown pri. ah, thank you very much for joining us. we begin with breaking news. the main bridge linking crimea with mainland russia has been damaged, shafter an explosion security camera footage appears to show a huge blass at the current straight bridge. earlier saturday morning. russia's national anti terrorism committee says it was caused by a truck bomb part of the road section. of the current street crossing has now collapsed and a fuel tanker train on the rail overpass caught fire. the bridge is a vital supply route for russia's forces in southern ukraine. president vladimir putin drove a truck across the bridge tree, now greeted in 2018. at the time it was the only land corridor between crimea and the russian mainland. where we have 2 correspondents standing by for us on the story where each highlands is in cave will be speaking to him in just a moment. but 1st mohammed vow who is in moscow. mama, this is the critical link for mosque, or what is the reaction from the kremlin? the reaction we have now is from former president to dmitri magenta, who is now the deputy chairman of the national security council. he basically said about a little while ago or days ago, one of the ukrainian officials spoke of the need to strike thought the particular bridge. i hope i hope he understands what is that he told the authorities, goals will be he also said in july, in july he said if they hit crimea judgement, they will come for them. so, i mean, this is a very strong reaction from mid viet f and also the speaker of the duma. he described what happened as an act of war on russia. so very of the, obviously russian leadership, very angry with what happened. they consider it a terrorist act, and russia has promised avowed to react to any tight to, to this particular type of, of a talk on each what each considers each territory and it interests. thank you for that. mom at vall live there in moscow. let's get the reaction now from keith, where we challenge this in the ukrainian capital for is rory, what are the ukranian thing about this? well, there's a lot of insinuation, but no explicit confirmation that this was the behavior, the results, the actions of ukraine's military. the both still states are, you know, think was taken by mckayla padaya, who's an advisor to the president savanski. alongside a picture of the batting bridge. she writes on switzer crimea, the bridge, the beginning. everything illegal must be destroyed. everything stolen must be returned to ukraine. everything occupied by russia must be expelled. other officials with recants had a bit more fun. with this city, secretary of the national security and defense council of ukraine had a picture of the budding bridge along sides. marilyn monroe was singing, happy birthday. mister president's. what of course, yesterday friday was vladimir putin, the president of russia's 70th birthday, sic, burne, was the simple comments from another official ukrainian accounts. but i suspect behind this provider, there is a bit of nervousness in ukraine about what's the response from russia might be. this is a huge blow to them both logistically and in terms of psychology as well logistically, it makes it very, very difficult for the russians to supply that troops in the south of ukraine fighting against ukrainian forces there. the use of rail networks is absolutely the integrity to how russia's army supplies itself and taking out that crucial link across the straits means that basically it can be very, very difficult for those troops fighting for russia to be supplied. but then of course, there's a psychological blow. this bridge was effectively, the cord stitched crimea to mainland russia and told russians that these 2 would be linked forevermore. well, if this was the ukrainians, that court has now been severed. vladimir putin said that any attack on crimea and the other next trees was an attack on russia, and they would use all its means to defense. this will have to see how far he's willing to take that, rory, thank you for that very challenge. fly in keith. now let's just remind you about where the explosion took place. the area in read is under the control of russian forces and separate to finalize the coach road and rail bridge lengths, mainland russia, and crimea, and is a vital and landon road supplying rushes military in southern ukraine. ukrainian forces have been pushing a counter offensive in the east and in the southern care sand region. a damage to the curb straight bridge, appears to be affecting maritime traffic to tracking websites show a build up of vessels around the passage. the route is a shipping cord or for russian ports in the black sea, to ukrainian regions under military occupation in the sea of oz off. while i speak to chris bellamy about this is a professor emeritus of maritime security at the university of greenwich is joining us from london. thank you very much for being with us on al jazeera. first of all, your reaction to watch this happened today just how big of a set back is this for russia? how important was this bridge for the russians? incredibly important, both from the logistics point of view and also for prestige. it was opened in 2018 by president putin, and he drove a truck across the motorway bit in himself. and it carries a huge amount of road traffic. and as your a reporter was saying, also a railway which is crucial to how the russian army supplies itself. i was when i 1st heard about it, i was amazed that the assuming was the ukrainians. they managed to do it because rage because they so important is heavily protected, not just by the russian army or navy, but actually by the catch brigade of the russian guard, which is president putin's personal presidential god that they got technology designed to counter program and underwater drones and miniature submarines and so on. but instead the, i'm assuming it was the grainy and they went for an asymmetric solution of a truck bomb which was detonated just in time to a set of 7 fuel wagons on the railway. so it was it may just have been lock box, it was, it was an incredibly successful strike. then i can understand why the russians are absolutely livid. the image is quite impressive. i mean, the pictures that we're looking at now, i'm looking at right now of this bridge and this huge film of black smoke. the kremlin, says the bridge will now be closed with no forecasts on the timing of its reconstruction . how is this going to affect maritime traffic that well, the one of the reports i saw says that a, the is called the navigation. oh, that's the, the big gap in them. in the middle with a like a can to leave a bridge over it for to allow ships to pass through into and out of the sea of assault. but only russian defense ministry website sousa. ah, we see ships are stacked on both sides of the bridge. and so it may be that once they ensure that nothing's going to fall, mall is going to fall off it. they can reopen the maritime route under it. there's just one section of the bridge. we're ocean going ships and can pass through, but then to get the bridge repaired for rail and road traffic to cross the cache straight. this bridge is the longest bridge in europe, i incidentally, ah, and it is an incredibly achievement for the russians to build it. they've been planning to build a brochure with us since 19 o 4. so it might take a while to rebuild it for the j. it'll take some time to repair it. right. so what are the implications? no. yeah, i want to find out more about the importance of the maritime voted south, where this bridge is along. what are the implications for maritime traffic? not just for russia and, and russia's conflict in ukraine rash as warn ukraine, but for the wider region. probably not that much because the bridge the current straight is between the black sea and the see allows you to see of ours off is now a russian like so the only people are actually gonna suffer from this. all are the russians all? oh, grey, you shipment, tree drawn pool, we should now received out for ukraine's, but a c portable desa though they are there on the other side of the black sea. so that's not affected. so i don't think the implications for maritime traffic, or actually is great as low as the rail on the road traffic. but what this has done is saver the umbilical cold connecting crimea to mainland russia. ukraine. thank you so much for talking to us about this. thank you for your time, chris bellamy, joining us there from london. this you. meanwhile, the mayor of ukraine 2nd largest city says several russia miss. i struck over night explosion spread fires in car cave damaging i know full medical facility and other buildings. there's been no reports of casualties. a, some city has been a frequent target of russian strikes and the war began in february. ukrainian authorities say they have found a large burial site in the eastern town of lee mon. the regions governor says it's unclear how many bodies it contains. the man was retaken by ukraine in recent days . it's now reportedly being used by ukrainian forces as a base for further counter attacks. as 20 more had on this, al jazeera news hour, including the u. s. chips away at china's major tech forums with new export controls. as we find on how this is drought and heat, wave in southern spain have affected olive harvests. and the women's rugby world cup kicks off with some record breaking games details coming up later. ah, at least 2 palestinians have been killed and 11 others injured by israeli forces in the occupied west bank. they were targeted during and is really great in the janine refugee camp. local sources say one of the palestinians detained is the brother of a member of these lamp. she had corp who's wanted by the israeli army. where following developments in ramallah is neither a brain was at the funeral of one of those killed, i believe, for funerals. i understand being held to day in 3 different locations at the west bank. tell us about what's happening me to go one less than 24 hours for palestinians were killed by is ready for since the wire. 3 of them are teens. this is the funeral of one of them. 17 year old maggie le dad were good friends, family members and people in the village leads him to rest. here with a lot of people say that she was trying to defend his village and from an attack by radio. settlers of when israeli forces came in last, they usually do come to protect settlers even when they are the ones that are talking palestinians. just to give you an idea when you're in the cemetery, that give you an idea how close this re supplements are just across this mountain. over here. there is an illegal is really supplemented. you probably can see the israeli flag on top of it. these supplements are in she, closer towards past in your cities, they're growing so, and with them there is an increase. impunity palestinians see there's an increase of subtler attacks against palestinians that often leads palestinians, injured baghdad. and there we haven't seen cases of settlers are being prosecuted. and also we see is really a process usually coming to their rescue. this is the case of maddie le dad with 17 year old, but there are 3 other palestinian smallwood killed between friday and saturday. we are expecting for funerals are all in all in 3 different locations after israeli forces of a weighted meaning and clashed with the palestinian. i'm we're here and i also see a reason for that one. it was intention and the use of earlier lee enforcement. there's a growing tension, and since the beginning of the year about moving the west bank loan not on really forces killed more than $114.00 palestinians including lunches, either shooting a pony look. thank you. needed me to abraham ly for a set near rama. as cool guest straight in the us state of texas says suspended its entire police force 5 months after a gunman killed 19 students and 2 teachers. the attack at rob elementary and you've already in may, sparks more appeals for gun control. the police department has been under investigation for its response to the shooting heidi's or castro has more on what this means for the school district. it leaves them with few good options because now they're turning to the texas state police to fill in that boy to keep their students safe. but that police department is also under investigation for the way that it handled the school shooting back in may. this police force that is run by the school district. there were only 4 officers remaining after the chief was fired in august for his role in responding to the shooting and 2 others. employees were placed on administrative leave. and the major question that all of these investigations have been looking into is why did it take more than an hour, in fact, 77 minutes to be exact, for our police officers to breach the classroom door in order to stop the shooting, the shooter within those classrooms killed 19 students and 2 teachers in the ensuing time and the school district police force. they of course, now have been suspended for an indefinite period of time. and a state police force that has been asked to replace them still under investigation at all for its role in responding to that killing, raging has accused the u. s. of abusing trade measures after the biden administration announced more export controls on chinese tech companies. china's top maker of memory chips, why mtc is among the companies affected, and you measures prevent aging from accessing advance to as semiconductor technology. they also ban us base companies from selling the hot way to china without a license al jazeera mike. hannah is in washington with more well as certainly the widest ban that has been imposed in at least a decade. and it will have a major impact on china. given the fact that the technology is used where everything from super computers to missile launches. so this is a critical issue, it is very wide ranging as well in terms of the number of companies that are targeted more than specific companies are listed. and it forbids any us company from selling chip technology to the chinese. but it goes far further than that. it also places a ban on any company worldwide that uses us technology from placing any sales with china. so it's exceedingly why ranging than the commerce department, which actually announced the ban, also added that it was concerned with china is surveillance activities. and this certainly would be something that would harshly limit those activities. so valence that commerce department claims is illegal and has been prying into us affairs, such as private phone calls. but this is going to have a massive impact on the development of chinese technology. the turkish parliament is debating a controversial media bill proposed by the governing act party and it's nationalist allies. the proposed law is intended to combat what is the port is call this information. but others say it will be used to crack down on journalist him because he will do reports from a sample you news or that you economist and you took research. it is a vocal critique of turkey as a comic policies which have resulted in soaring inflation and collapsing currency. the capital markets forward suit him for his predictions. on the rapid slide of the turkish near the new media bill, i guess there's some formation which some called censorship law concerns says top lemma. galle. i know that we were little, the goal is not to inside public outrage, but to warn about the risks of wrong policy. even if the government changes, i'll keep criticize mama, we think they're trying to suppress voices by pushing for this before the election . and then a real table may by present bridge of $25.00 or 40 and his nationalist l eyes calls for one to 3 years in prison for citizens. so intentionally spread what the government considers misleading information. it also requires social media platforms to remote content. that's deemed false and share account details with authorities, but it will allow news sides to receive public advertising revenue and issue pret skarts. i sincerely qu, runs multilingual digital platform of a pro government news outlet. lease. some regulation is necessary because it is that because that is journalist, we have to keep up with all the developments and social media. journalism is a fast paced, admirer, and if you're not part of that environment before behind it, opposition parties have tried to block the bill, but are unlikely to succeed. the governing party holds the majority in parliament. what journalists have protested against the bill saying, is that government attempt to sense or freedom of expression and restrict independent media? since the definition of falseness is, well, it is up to the prosecutors to define what false news is. in this case, the system will have an active complaint mechanism is basis to verify is your 40 itself, which mine use is already about. if the authority denies, then your story becomes false news. the proposed law, which has been in the works for more than a year, comes ahead of a presidential election scheduled for next year, the neighborhood and assembled all sound. it was once known as barbara, the birthplace of early church, his journalism. a lot of changed since then. digital and social media now a big role in how we get our news. but may torcous media south, no fear. if the villas fast it could be used, the says are they were, as journalists seen of her solo, l to sarah sambro, haiti's government as appeals for international military help to contain a deteriorating security situation. supplies of water, fuel and basic goods are running out protesters at ranch road since by mister i l r. he ended he'll subsidies last month that led to a sharp increase in petrol and diesel prices and aid. his most powerful gang has brought taxes to its largest fuel terminal is wanting, its members will stay there until the prime minister resides gas stations. a shop hospitals have cut back on critical services and businesses have curtail their hours. haiti is also dealing with another color outbreak with several debts reported. the prime minister says his nation is in crisis. my, my little go me live, i am asking the international community and all the countries that are friends of haiti to support us, help us focus mentor in crisis. i'm also asking for aiden help my mom. i need for you to give us the support. we need to stop people from dying in droves. if we don't do anything really treated water and medication to reduce the people that are sick, in other colors other to make a return to the country. and while the unrest in haiti dominated this year's general assembly of the organization of american states, the regional body says it's committed to help the island nation mariana sanchez, reports. members of the 52nd assembly of the organisation of american states agreed hades. economic and security crisis is one of the regions biggest challenges . hideous request for an international police force to confront gangs didn't go unanswered to madison expect, united nations system that has both capacities to be present in haiti to whoever i put response and that the security council can advancement urgency. what do universal multilateral system must provide? a solution, but there were differences on some of the other issues. members the nels to human rights violations, him, he got our but a motion to remove opposition leader. one way though, as dennis willis representative failed to pass, as part of the lea medical aeration members pledged to work for gender equality and fight against discrimination and poverty. one of the most pressing issues in the america is the migration of thousands of people. the united nation says 86000000 latin america now live in extreme poverty. members here at the assembly, se be, are committed to help. hannah must sit thousands of migrants were risking their lives. crossing the darian gap, one of the most treacherous roots in the americans. and say that armor in the door right now, there is a migration crisis that we must attend to. and we must respond with a fire and joint responsibility to the cries of hundreds of thousands of latin american brothers. and that are going through a very difficult situation. sadly, you are secretary of state antony, blinkin pledged $240000000.00 for my grandson. refugees. the pulse pandemic. slow down, and the rice in food and fuel costs because of the war in ukraine, remain a great challenge in these countries. and one of the most unequal regions in the world when he enter sanchez, i'll just see that lima be to still ahead on the news. our voice by on easter island damages some of the most famous. molly's statues cost more than 500 years ago. we are a bangladesh way, a fisherman said advising cost of living along with climate change is threatening their future. and with just weeks to go and tell the teacher well, come here and contact children from the impoverished teeth abroad are paying a special kind of how to be a here's your weather update in a minute. 15 things are starting to dry off across the islands of ireland and britain. good to see by the way, but that's all going to change over the next little bit. push of some atlantic rein, moving west east over the next little bit. so some disturbed weather will be back in the forecasts. rain is still stuck in this eastern side of spain, the south of france around the valley. eric says wallen, at times we'll get some pretty good bursts of rain here. of course this area has been prone to flooding around the valencia area. as of late a week band of showers is moving in to switzerland and austria. so that's going to put a bit of a cap on temperature 16 degrees in zurich. but we do have some warmth to be found in the bulk in suns out, sophia bulgaria, up to $21.00 degrees, disturbed weather for turkey as black sea coast. and we're also going to draw down some cooler air for the capital on camera. just the high of 15 degrees on saturday, off to africa we go. there's been some flooding in northern gonna around boucher and the rain is still falling there on saturday. meantime it's all about the heat. as we look toward the south southern botswana, the northeast of south africa, southerly wind from my po, 25 degrees. but watch what happens on sunday. we get a northerly wind up on up your temperature to 37 season. ah. the 3rd of the country is under water. more than 33000000 are suffering from hunger, disease and displacement. you heard stories about children who were drinking from the same water with their dead cattle was floating al jazeera questions, that climate change play a role in the deadly down hole. we had 1752 millimeters of this kind of in can sink any place the full report pakistan. the great deluge on al jazeera, this november, the world is coming to cut off and the clock is ticking as the main event gets closer with every step of the way. i'm going to get you on that with a new show each month. so you can expect some strong support hearing test bringing the latest news from teens and fans in different regions across the globe as they look to make their mark on pat 2020 to the world cup. count back with everyone else. oh no. julia. well, lulu ah, are you watching the news hour on al jazeera with me for the battle? a reminder of our top stories. the main bridge linking crimea with mainland to russia has been damaged after an explosion. rushes national anti terrorism committee says it was caused by a truck bomb. at least 2 proceeds have been killed and 11 others aged by his ready forces in the occupied west bank. they were targeted during an israeli rate in the janine refugee camp. sources say, one of the detained is a brother of a member of these law me. she had group and her school district in the usa to texas, her suspended it. and this entire police force 5 months after a gunman killed 90 students and 2 teachers. the attack at rob elementary involved in may sponsor more pittsville gun control. now to the czech republic, where labor unions are holding a demonstration against the soaring cost of food and energy. this is the 2nd valley in the capital, prague in 10 days. many protesters in september's demonstrations said their economic troubles are because of the easiest tough sanctions on russia. after its invasion of ukraine as go live to anti virus that boston who's at the riley in prague. so how is demonstration shaping up well, this has been a lot to sunday, been demonstration in 10 years, so it's called the demonstration of growth doesn't go quality. and there's a lot of. 2 muscle workers, so practiced by workers, all kinds of factory workers are here, thousands of them and also the labor leader reaching out to them just because one of the law a hold of europe more than 70 percent on people are really struggling here. i'm done. it is not all this with our gas stuff. he's one of the organizers. lots of good jack might sound to meet you. what are the main concerns of the people here? your member space? yes. oh the go. this is dina. protest alpha trade unit on it is from all possible i book your vote has drilled. it also features people from god church that they're up and they are really concerned because because they do not want to fall down into the power to because of a high inflation in the country, which is over 70 percent. and for example, our government did not increase the minimum wage, and this is just terrible. now we, so speaking to you represent a post office and she said that the day to day are members past. if you're on every, just then thousands grounds which is $4000.00, you are for, for $400.00 euros, lower wages. and what is the average in the country? and the energy bills have gone up and immensely like 4 times higher in many cases. so what are your main demand from upside? the government has not been doing enough. what are you demanding? there are about, oh, with 10 demands a make something to us. a usable way to energy prices on government is working on dead, but there is no proper solution until now or housing farm. right? got one. got it right. definitely on, on guess. and on electricity, because we are big bro. you sir. so electricity and the f reducing the energy for very low price body, the increase of prices for household and for companies, it's like $3.00 to $5.00 times. and big producers have big robots and they are leaving the country and with our manufacturer season or so, leaving the deed, evoking places. there was no one is going to be a real crisis in the next few months during the winter. he thing huh. yeah, he, the next winter i will show because when it will be really hard to meet a lot of recent snow and so it will be of a high impact on the country and its economy. and i know people so real more spray or go to winter for out here in clock in the last couple of weeks. and they were also watching from texas like people who are actually demanding to lift the sanctions against russia. how are you a, this is rudy. this is definitely not our case. really stay on the side or west and we are members of nato. you. but we ask florida. um her standard is uh huh. ill, well, fully, because if you imagine the minimum wage form a, something like, oh, $650.00, you're off. but of both richard extremely low compared to other countries and the baby, same bales as in germany who f like 3 times higher, a jason her what to the government bill? immediately amazon, immediately to put together own l. a. m. on alex michigan. yes. rices to regulate under price is s in france, because france now has about 70 percent inflation. we have 17 and for example, to increase the minimum wage. if we go, for example, in germany, there be inflation of 8.5 percent by the government from the beginning of the year increasing the minimum wage by 22 percent. we have 70 percent of inflation, but no increase. people receive 0 more. thank you so much, guys, a lot of anger here as you get me around the streets and brock and not only in proc, led our demonstrations, protest all over europe. not only today, but also in the last couple of weeks or more to come when. now this winter is kicking in boston in product. thank you very much for that well, economies so warning of an on sort of public spending cuts in the u. k. after the government announced new plans for economic growth, among those most at risk are those who depend on social welfare and face a possible reduction in support need. rocca reports from london, julian was told he had a brain tumor when he was just 28, and the prognosis wasn't good. it was a ton of diagnoses, so they gave me 6 to 12 months in 2016. now 34, he's out lived all medical expectations, but the form of football coaches unable to work and relies on state financial support, spiraling prices. media now worried about how to pay for the basics. i'm trying to live as good as i can with whatever time i have left. but how can i do that from one of our, my, the cost of living going on in our, my vintage is between fear it for the week or petro for hospital appointment, extra heating costs, medicines, travel, it all adds up and for people like julian can mean many hundreds of dollars more on top of their usual expenditure. and now add to that the cost of living crisis, the price of electricity, gas, and food rising steeply. little wonder then that a quarter of all young cancer patients now drowning in debt sleeping behind on mortgages, rent, and energy bills. illustrious governments put economic growth center stage, announcing massive tax cuts to turbo charged, the economy paid for from debt funded boring. we need to get rated meeting the markets, vo reacted badly, the pound falling to an all time low against the dollar, with thousands of mortgage deals pulled as boring costs sword. but despite abandoning its top rate of tax cuts on the highest earnest to help calm the markets, most of the governments other $48000000000.00 in tax cuts remain intact. raising di warnings of big spending cuts to public services to help pay for it. and fears the government will fail to increase things like disability and unemployment benefits in line with inflation. children pension is low and competitors and the severely disabled suffer the most because they caught work to make up the difference between lower payments and higher prices. it means more hunger, it means we'll have all going cold in our homes over this winter, and also fundamentally will be more death as well. we now know the real cost of past austerity measures. findings released this week claim there were more than 330000 excess deaths linked to government cups and public services and benefits introduced by previous british governments between 20122018 people dying premier truly because of reduced incomes, ill health, poor nutrition, and housing good boy, there is a human cost to some government decisions as affordable people, like julian brace for a difficult winter. i remind her that the health of the country's economy and its people are inseparably linked. neve parker al jazeera london, spain is facing a crisis in his annual olive harvest the nation experience, its worst drought in 500 years. the summer and its olive production could be darned by as much as 40 percent. harry foss, every force from the province of high n. m. salam, spain, autumn in southern spain. the time when the olives turn green and plump ahead of the harvest, the province of high end has become a virtual mano culture. more than 60000000 olive trees producing more than a 5th of the world's olive oil. but this year's harvest is projected to be down massively gabrielle chica has spent his life working these groves. he says this summer's drought, which scientists have called the worst for 500 years as that some trees baron, some with a much reduced number of usable olives, into the being greater than what you see into. this is the main source of income, especially for people from the high in the area, without olives, than construction work goes down, and a bit of everything else over the last. if people don't have incomes, they don't spend all of trees. a famously hardy able to survive extremes of heat and cold, and keep producing their fruit. the fact that these trees so stressed after this years drought and heat wave is a worrying sign for this region that rely so heavily on them. the fear is that climate change could greatly disrupt spain's olive oil production line. the country provides nearly half of the entire global supply. agriculture already places, huge demands on limited water resources. industry leaders here this summer's shock could point towards a future. not too far away, bowling it unless you've got everything indicates that what used to happen occasionally is becoming something structural. this unfortunately means average temperatures will volume with higher peaks as well and very little rain. and when it does rain, it's going to be $21.00. already along with other vegetable oils prices are going up, although produces, say not by enough to compensate for this year's collapse. tavis, a lot of it is green gold, oil vegetables, everything has gone up because of the inflation when also now with the soap duction of all the vote, it all has an impact. when it comes to rising crisis in the fields, the work goes on. the aim to salvage as much as possible. if this is harvest, the forecast is for more dry weather in the coming weeks. and while that's a worry, the real fear is what will happen to this arid farmland in the coming years? are you force it? i'll just euro southern spain. the united nations secretary general says reason floods in pakistan were the result of man made climate change. $1700.00 people were killed and the disaster cost nearly $40000000000.00. antonio terrace has been speaking during a session on the impact of the people of pakistan's, of the victims of a green call close of climate injustice. pakistan is responsible for less than one percent of global greenhouse gas emissions. yes, it is spacing. a super sized price for manmade climate change. when months ago, i traveled there and so a level of climate carnage beyond imagination. floodwaters covering the lens mouse 3 times the total lady of my own country, portugal. many of last, every sink that homes that livestock, their crops, their futures lives would wash. the way the want health organization is working with the gambia and government to investigate the deaths of 66 children linked to for cough syrup. se made in india, the country has launch and urge in door to door campaign to retrieve the medicines that i believe have cause acute kidney damage is investigating the indian pharmaceutical company which made the coughs. hairs that are, sneak, is a naturally occurring toxic substance use as an insecticide. and in some manufacturing processes, in large doses, it can be deadly. al jazeera is rob reynolds visited one california community, dealing with high concentrations of arsenic, where they wanted the lease in their water. when former dennis hudson pumps water from his well in allens worth california, he knows there's danger lurking. even though the water looks clean, it's contaminated with high amounts of arsenic. the way we feel about the water is it can't be trusted there carcinogens in the water. arsenic is a carcinogen. it will cause cancer. it it affect it? it affixes itself to the fatty tissues in the by the toxic substance leaches into the water supply from underground rock formations. the u. s. government says the safe level of arsenic is 10 parts per 1000000000. hudson's. well, water has more than $300.00 parts per 1000000000, and many other wells in the community are similar. arsenic is colorless and his odorless. you can't see it. you can't taste it. and in fact, people before we really realized the extent of the arsenic in our wire, there are people who would visit allen's worth and say, wow, this water really taste good. allen's worth is an impoverished town of about 600 people founded by black settlers over 100 years ago. because people don't trust the safety of their water. many travel to other towns to buy filtered water for cooking and drinking. it's a problem that extends far beyond this small california farming town across the united states. it's estimated that 2100000 people draw their water from wells contaminated with high levels of arsenic. scientists from the university of california have set up an experimental filtering project on dennis hudson's farm. so the implant groundwater has about $200.00 parts per 1000000000, arsenic. and by the time it reaches the end of achievement training, we treated this water. it's coming out consistently below 10 parts per 1000000000. similar filtration systems have succeeded in countries with high arsenic concentrations like india and bangladesh. this promise is to me, one of the lowest, if not go lowest cost ways, who reliably remove arsenic from. go more at a place that local communities can afford. the researchers hope the equipment can solve arsenic problems in other communities. and dennis hudson is praying, it will. what would it mean if you could live with clean water? it would mean the world to this community and to california, it would just mean life and in life abundantly lean water in a time of climate change and drought more precious than ever, rob reynolds al jazeera allen's worth california, and the 7 people have been killed in ireland, after an explosion at a service station, rascals are searching through rubble for victims in the village of crease. sly in donegal, the blast destroyed the petrol station and damaged apartments. islands, prime minister says the death toll is likely to rise for his eyes on easter island . in the south east in pacific have damage some of its carved stone statues. the pacific islands, controlled by chilly lies some 3500 kilometers off its west coast. it took emergency caused 8 hours to control the flames around the unesco world heritage site, where some of the figures known as why i said to be badly charge. the island has nearly 1000 of the statues which were carved by its indigenous people more than 500 years ago. he was defi, gurley. the damage is unquantifiable. unmeasurable is also unrecoverable because the fire warmed the stone and the stone cracks. our scientists, along with the park administration, will have to go to the island to make the corresponding analysis and see how big the damage is. and what we'll have to do in the future. i do not know if there's a solution for this little fisherman in bangladesh. they're struggling to make ends meet and they blame. soaring a fuel costs a 50 percent rise in diesel prices, is having an effect on other essentials and extreme weather patterns are making the situation worse. one fisherman told armed his ear about the hardships his facing. i'm on put his realty. i'm on mom pollard mother. my name is kevin mcgee. i was born in rango near chuck to graham. i miss how about him as lily? i must see fisherman and 58 years old. and i have been in this straight for a long time on upon the really will them we typically had for the ocean after bank provision for our trips needed it, but now the prices of essentials have double because of high diesel costs. evelyn fell on them, but it used to cost us out on $1600.00 for all expenses for a fishing expedition. really not. that's double that. making it very difficult for us to look what i was probably gonna have. we now have to journey more than 24 hours to reach the fishing grounds in the sea. years ago we could find catches within 2 hours of studying outlet, but things of change am. i've sometimes we are even scared to head to the deep sea because of the nature of the weather, which is now unpredictable because i am on that we don't have any compass or navigational tools and, but i can predict the mood of the sea and how it will be including it's that just by traveling few kilometers i know is from experience levels. i can predict the weather just by looking at the formation of the clouds. and the color of the sea water lifting a we connects isn't used, and other information as there is no mobile communication network. when we are in the deep sea thought i could calculate. now there is no rain during the monsoon season before we cannot even fish during the stormy season. but nowadays we can wake up. the weather pattern is completely changed. it follow together that if we could get a sooner in the gps navigation tools than it would be so much easier for us to catch fish in the deep sea. but how can we purchase such type of equipments when we were always struggling to make ends meet little or thought? i'm out of, i'm out of emily, the american barrels of. i have to support 12 family members, including my children and grandchildren, but i'm the only bread winner in the family life. and sometimes we go to a rough time, especially when the fishing trawler breaks down that a football fan is it does have a, is allmers in australia. here the government is making this use of the ukraine and the russian conflict and using it as a pretext to increase the full price by 50 percent. in other words, texting us unfairly by cutting into our earnings. it is like the big fishing, the small fries not down the way around. do you understand me, rudolph? i'm up towards his coming up after the break, as no van joke of a chores into another tor semi final. joe has a detention center. ah . october on al jazeera campaigning for nigeria. elections begins as candidates vi for votes, and what is set to be a decisive and close race. emmy award winning folk lines returns with an exclusive investigation into alleged cover ups by the us border patrol. china holds its national congress of communist party members with president g likely to be re elected as its head. what does this mean for china and the world? only with dreams takes you beyond the glitz and glamour, revealing the stories of those seeking fame in 14, in the world's largest film industry, 60 years on from the cuban missile crisis. we asked what can be learned from events that lead the world to the brink of nuclear war? october on al jazeera, informed opinions. i believe that our media again should have bilateral negotiations. we've been calling back for many time. critical debate is the commonwealth still something that king charles will take on the inside story on al jazeera lou, lou, time novice, worse his jo, fully thank you very much max. the 2nd is taken another step closer to a 2nd consecutive former one while title. the read val driver took po position for sunday's japanese form pre the stop and was just 100 to the 2nd quicker in qualifying them. for charles, the cook color science will start from 3rd on the grid with his ferrari. if the sap and when sunday's race and post the fastest laugh at zucker will seal backs about well championships. for the dutchman, the title has been decided 11 times previously at the same socket. i was pretty incredible to to dr. mariman discretion qualifying it. or when you all know fuel, these cars really come a larger to for a sector or so. yeah, of course, very happy to be involved, but also in general, just super happy to, to re record the play of some major league baseball underway with the wild card games and its advantage. cleveland guardians, against the tampa bay race. and they have this man to thank 11 slash syria is the 3rd baseman hitting a 2 run homer in the 6th inning. to help the guardians defeat the res to one in the best of 3 series, the seattle mariners one that 1st playoffs game in 21 years. they defeated the toronto blue jays for nothing. col. raleigh, smashing a 2 run homer in the opening. and louis castillo became the 1st picture mariners history to throw more than 7 innings without proceeding to run. for out. number 3, the new york met sort of the for the 1st time in 6 years and they had a night state while the forget, hammered by the san diego padres, 71 luxury pitcher max show the played his 1st post season game for the mess and gave up the 7 wrong for being the place. i was you tonight now i got here a lot. i don't know why that is. you know, i thought i made the right adjustment to come in tonight and you, i'm in the right position usually best well has brad tonight. and louis cardinals were in the box seats in the opening game against philadelphia. they lead to nothing heading into the final and then suffered a dramatic collapse that adelphia picks runs and none came from hi miss is really winning away from home. 6, the 3 women's rugby well cup has kicked off in oakland in front of a record. 40000 fans. that's double the previous mark for an international women struck me much defending champions and told them to host the zealander up against the strayer suffered as they conceded 3 try and trailed by 17 points for 20 a minute. but you villain, rallied to win 41 to 17. with a hat trick for wing portia woodman. favorites england opened that campaign with record 14 tri when again debbie told fiji after dominance. second half. even talk. 10 of those tries came off to the break with wing claudia mcdonald. say here, individual, highly to 4 england winning 8419 helpful c. earlier, france has ranked forth in the wealth to confound africa and the opening game. the french are expected to be title challenges alongside england and new zealand. the dog started lineup out play south africa. he point 5. nobody took of, it says he will need to elevate his game for semi final clash against wellness for dental med that of in catholic san. it'll be the 1st time in almost a year that the 2 played each other joke of it who's currently ranked 7 in the world reach the last 4 of the astonish open or beating karen, catching off and straight set for his 7th. when right, the serbian is going for bucks, bank title. met with it. he put in a dominant performance to get post for both of a t still a good in that cause the final, the russian dropped just to games as he saw of the spaniard 6161. it was met with the 40th went on to seaton. tennessee is hosting a women's tour event for the 1st time, but local phones we look disappointed of the home favorite owns shipper suffered a shock, exit the well. number 2, who was born of 16 conferences from on the stay where the tournaments being held showed some flashes of brilliance in the final match seat. and then 3 set my american plan, you who's ranked 73rd. the always was just over a month to go until the fif wilcock kicks off here in castle. but starting today, teams from 24 countries are taking part in the st world cup in doha, the tournament amos to highlight the place of more than 100000000 children living in poverty worldwide. barnaby lo went to meet players from the philippines where the girls are putting the country on the football map. in any other neighborhood in the philippines. this would have been a basketball court. must massage and thought fine alma, but for years now, british coach in charity worker roy moore has been teaching you tear how to play football. not only as a sport, but as a way out of poverty made just felt like gradually and really growing things from the grassroots up as well. we could make the most difference, not just with football, but with the education, the social, emotional development, the holistic mentoring that we bring here at that play. and being able to recall that level, the playing field. jasmine claire grew up in an impoverished area and just started playing football last year. but she speeded into the play at the football club. it's become one of the more competitive teams in the country. and she plans to use this experience to get the college scholarship. so then if those are weak off, it's one way of showing that i can be good, both in sports and in my studies are viable. now jasmine is part of the national team that reached the final of this 3 child world cup in brazil in 2014. what wallace? oddly, an elective sport in the philippines. it's really only recently that it's becoming mainstream. it is the women who are leading the way to the national to qualify for the women's world cup next year. the 1st time for any philippine football team. 2022 has been a breakthrough year for to women's national team. they reached the semi's of the women's asian cup and won the final against regional power house thailand. at the southeast asian championships, there's no stigma for the girls to play with, so they have an opportunity to, to buy a new soon as they join in. as soon as they play the challenge against boys, the challenge to go caller stronger people when they have the level of quickly. it's just giving them a chance. a lot of countries don't give them a chance. it's a chance of a lifetime for families like jasmine's for other siblings are also being coached by roy anything if they do well, they will all have a shot at college football scholarships, an opportunity that their parents never thought was possible. orange below al jazeera manila. all right, that is, are you support for now or have more for you later? folly joe, thank you very much for that asset for this. he's our on al jazeera. we'll be back with another news, our 1300 hours g m t that just stay with us. terry navigator has more of the day's news for you. ah, ah. a 18 months after mere laws, military cool. the balance of power is shifting us thousands of pro democracy activists joint forces with ethnic minority insurgents forming a united front to take on the military. people in power goes behind the scenes to reveal growing optimism that the coalition of peoples defense forces could transform the country's future from me and mas frontline on a jessica with fermi taishan cultural tradition. hollywood thing on the countdown block on douglas coronation marks the final days al is minutes and seconds until capital a 2022 kicks off. for the 1st time the competition is being held in the middle east and they'll be plenty of other 1st. the 1st will come to be played in november, december, female referees, in the men's tournament. and, and ambition to make this the most sustainable tournament of old time count down a bench like this. want to happening all over the excitement to building for fans in the 32 nations he qualified and has even more so in the high city. oh.

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