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This is al jazeera ah hello, im emily anguish. This is the news ally from doha coming up in the next 60 minutes. Russia and ukraine carry out their largest prisoners swap since the war started. More than 250. 00 people freight guilty as charged to un backed war crimes tribunal upholds the genocide conviction of cambodia is last surviving to me. Rouge later banks in lebanon will remain shots indefinitely after a series of hold ups by customers demanding their own money. And growing concerns cholera is making a comeback in syria with is maybe to blame to the app. Right. Im going to get your lets go with the sports. The scandal head owner at the phoenix suns puts the n b a team up for sale and tennis dolls. Gather in london as Roger Federer proposed to say farewell to the schools. Russia and ukraine have exchanged hundreds of prisoners of war in the biggest swap since the conflict began 7 months ago and that a tiny to feign frayed, include u. K, u. S. And moroccan citizens as well as commanders from the claims. As of the tell him, the battalion held out against a prolonged russian sage and mary ukraine, set free oligarchy. Victor met chuck, hes an ally of letting me person and hes facing challenges of treason. 54 russian prisoners have also been released one of the dial as well. Let me know, congratulations in your return, our guys, our heroes. Its good to see everyone. Its nice, after all the time weve been on the phone, were proud of you what youve done for our nation proud of each and every one of you. And im very glad that the team got you out of russia. Im glad we made the 1st step. You are safe in turkey on the 2nd step is of course to get you homes. And there was also a separate deal negotiated by saudi arabia, 10 foreigners who fought for ukraine, having frayed by russia and sent to re add the groups include aiden as lynn, the british citizen sentenced to death by moscow. Back separatists. Correspondence of following developments is seen him cuz he lou is in turkey. I country, which played a role in those negotiations. But 1st, lets get the latest from Gabriel Alexander who joined me from keith in ukraine. Hello, they gave how i ukrainians, reacting to this need. Well, theyre thrilled, theres thrill that these 215 ukrainian soldiers have been released because its been a priority for the ukranian government. And quite frankly, for the ukrainian people as a whole, to get this done. Because these arent just any soldiers, of course, ukraines are happy when would be, of course, when any soldiers would be freed. However, these are particularly important ones that ukraines hold close to their heart, quite frankly, because of they are these as regimen soldiers. A vast majority of these that have been freed that have been held by russians. These are soldiers that ukrainians considered to be national heroes. Because they held out so long in the as it would stall steel mill in mary oh, poor when they were surrounded by russian is elaine shell by russians for many, many weeks. And that is why you go around keep and other cities, and youll see huge signs around the city saying we need our as its all heroes this they say free. So this is a moment of quite celebration for ukrainians, quite frankly. As this now this moment that theyve been waiting for a long time has finally arrived. Indeed gabe and tell us more about these high ranking politician. That key is releasing to moscow. Yes, sir. 58 year old victor med check. Hes a ukrainian oligarch who is very pro russia for many, many years now. He was actually put on house arrest in the opening days of the evasion on trees in charges. But then he escaped house arrest and was recaptured by the Ukrainian Special forces in april and jailed. And hes been in jail ever since. Hes a close ally of russia, but hes even more than that. Hes a close personal friend of latin mir food. In fact, his daughter godfather is Vladimir Putin himself, so hes actually a sort of sort of a relative in a way of food. So its been clearly a priority for himself and for russia to get him released. And that is who he is, the ukrainians feel. At this point, it was fine to release him given the fact that they are getting back to 115 of their own soldiers as well. But this is clearly someone glad you wanted out of ukrainian jail and free, and now we will be presumably released back to russia. All right, thank you very much for bringing us up to speed Gabriel Alexander live for us in cave. And as we heard, turkey played a major role in the negotiations that paved the way for one of these steel seen him. Costello joins us live now from a stumble, seen him here with the prison, is brought to took here. Well, emily, as we know these 5 prisoners, ukrainian prisoners, far brought to turkey our, the high level commanders of this resilience group, which are known to be although regimen russell battalion. As my call again, kim mentioned also regiment was the fight to rupe who defended those still still workers who were trapped inside the factory. And they became when maria pool was staged by russian forces. Then they became national heroes. And as you can imagine, those 5 members of this group are, are the ones who lead this defense in maria pull against the russian forces. And they are brought to turkey and asked for the turkish sources. And as for queens, at present, as the landscape sad yesterday, these prisoners, these men, the fighters interest key, will remain here until the war ends. And they will be a protected by turkey. They will be in full protection and they will be in a comfortable and fall environment. Of course, a trick tricky turkish. A peasant pe bad dom gave personal assurances for the safety and protection. 1 these fighters, as well as they are very important figures for ukrainian resilience against the russian agression so far. And it is as though fighters why is and mothers a travel to turkey a couple of times actually before this. And they were also said when we interviewed them here, they were also suggesting that they are men or thumbs. Shelby wrote the Cherokee Country who can open the speak to both sides, and their husbands or sons shall remain inter key until the war and but back then a russian president , putin has rejected them or id appreciate the update seen him because he live for us in assemble protests have broken out in russia in response to president vladimir persians. Partial military mobilization, dozens of people have been arrested demonstrations. A Monitoring Group has reported attention to at least 36 cities, including moscow and sim petersburg. On wednesday, president putin announced thousands of reserve. It would be called up to fighting ukraine. And once again that russia is threatening to use nuclear weapons. This time the comments came from dimitry, med fidelis, a former russian president truth now the deputy head. If its National Security council, maybe they have said roster is prepared to use any names possible to defend its territories. He added the referendums in the dumbass will take place, saying there is no way back. Un General Assembly on wednesday, so many World Leaders condemned the latest announcements made by rushes. Leadership in his address to the assembly ukraines president. Let me, lensky said, moscow is not serious about ending the wall. Allan fisher has developments from new york. Its rare for a president to show up to the un General Assembly and attack another world leader directly. But thats exactly what you bite and decided to do. Let us speak plainly. A permanent member of the United Nations Security Council invaded its neighbor, attempted to erase the sovereign state from the map. Russia has shamelessly violated the court. Tenants of the United Nations charter has comments coming just hours after letting me put in the night, the biggest military mobilization in russia since world war 2. And a nice many which warned of a nuclear responds to threats to russia. This raw should see these outrageous acts, what they are putting claims he had to act because russia was threatened, but no one threatened russia. And no one other than russia sought conflict. Bidens address set the scene for perhaps the most eagerly anticipated speech of this General Assembly from ukrainian president vladimir zalinski. It was prerecorded and that had to be approved by a separate vote. President zalinski demanded the you in itself, do more to punish russia for what he called its aggression orange, yet the right to walled deprive delegation rat or remove the right of veto. If it is a member of the un security castle, in order to banish then resar within that institutions. So lensky said the russian mobilization was a sign. It was not serious about peace, as he laid out his 5 point plan to end the war. What is true then the military am embolization in russia is true. Sham referendums are also true. Russia once war is true, but russia will be able to stop that course of history mankind and the International Law, a strong again. Then one terry ski. The russian delegation listened to the speech, but sat unmoved at the end. As the ukrainian president received a lengthy standing ovation. No one in his 25 minute speech. The president zalinski mentioned Vladimir Perkins name, but he believes ukraine can win the war with increased International Support both here at the United Nations and in ukraine itself. Alan fisher, ill just either at the u. N. In new york, a u. S. Bank war crimes tribunal has rejected an appeal by the last surviving can be laid on the court in cambodia has upheld the genocide conviction and life sentence handed to 91 year old q. Sam fan in 2018. He was head of state during the rule of the committee, when 2000000 people were killed. Foreign fluid has been following the story from quite a long pull. This is the 2nd, but its also the final case to be heard by the us back tribunal. And to some point, he was initially charged with 3 others, but one was found unfit to stand trial and one died before hit the hearing could commence. And he was convicted in 2018 together with noon chain was known as brother. Number 2 in the commune, rouge regime, and he, this is, hes appealing that conviction and then she died before the appeal could be heard. On thursday, the Appeals Chamber of the Community Tribunal dismissed nearly all the all the arguments put forth by to some pon, prostitute to say he was one of the most one of those was most responsible for the crimes during that period. Even though que some point had sought to portray himself as a mere figurehead, he was the head of state. He was the public face of the committee rouge. Rashid and he tried to argue that he had no real power, and the court was not convinced of the arguments. And they said, even though there were some areas that were found at trial, which it was not enough to overturn that conviction. And so they affirmed the life sentence. Now practically, it actually makes very little difference because hes already serving another life sentence for conviction handed down in 2014, also for crimes against humanity. For the 4th evacuation of non pen pakistans, former Prime Minister in mon con, has appeared in court. He says he will apologize for threatening a judicial officer after being charged with contempt. Of course, authorities had called enough parts of the capital islamabad, fearing protest by com support is the phone the Prime Minister has faced several charges since he set down in april camel. Hi, there has been covering developments from islamabad. Hello, they come out. It was quite a brief court appearance, wasnt it . Indeed they draw. Jan edwards expected that they would be indicted to day. The chief justice said he had torn ada, asking the chief justice if emron concert be allowed to come on the rostrum. He appeared on the rock term, he said he was willing to apologize to the lady judge and also apologizing for any red lines. He may have cross achieved justice. Then saying that discourse praiseworthy there did good his personal decision ready. He wanted to go in front of the judge and apologized or read a would be giving a, a, a, an effort david, now he were dos. That is your phone is d for david. Within a week. The court obviously stopped all those charges because of that the apology is now going to appear in court on the 3rd of october. But before that he will already be finishing the affidavit and reggie real estate that he is apologizing. So the case likely to be decided against the indictment by the isabella. Hi gord, which had the constitutional paula to be able to issue nor did in contempt of court. But it is also the magnanimity of the god there did can set aside certain cases. So indeed, painstaking a dramatic turn. There was an expectation that after the other day laying off the judge earlier that day on so by him, ron conway, unsatisfactory edward norton, unconditional biology. And therefore you would be indicted. But now everything has been delayed the charitable robot and run ember on foreign doug. Give god ever david, it is likely that the charges against it may be dropped. All right, we appreciate that update as always come al honda live for us in islamabad. Thank you. Plenty, morehead on this miss ally including y flower grow is in the netherlands by not be able to bloom this when to just soaring gas prices. The war in ukraine is proving lucrative for some companies in south koreas defense industry. And later in support with joe will have more on this incredible catch in major league baseball. Ah, indigenous groups in australia have held rallies in several cities calling for the british monarchies rule over the country to be abolished. They want a return of land and recognition of the atrocities committed against indigenous australians. During british rule, organizers say they are taking a star stand against crimes committed against 1st nations april. The protests are happening as the government observes a national day of mourning for britons. Queen elizabeth the 2nd still in australia and nearly 200. 00 wales have died after they were stranded on a bench. The part of pilot whales was found on the remote west coast of tasmania. On wednesday, 35 of the mammals survived rescue teams and now trying to get them back out into the c. Color is making a comeback in syria. The World Health Organization has reported at least 23 deaths in the past 3 weeks. The you, an agency says the source of the outbreak is likely the huge threat and contaminated euphrates rather and other contaminated with is millions of people rely on them for Drinking Water and crop. Irrigation of the un says river levels dropping because of extremely dry conditions. Thats leading to build up a syringe and pollution. Dr. Alam and harry is a regional director at the World Health Organization is just returned from visiting syria and says the situation there is starting to get theory. 253 cases have been called current having quarter, according to statistics that we have so far. They are a 5 to a 23 deaths from, you know, the say about the cases. And i mean, no contracts are wanted in 6 out of the 14 given rates in the country. It is linked with the Drinking Water that you know, the quality of the Drinking Water from 100 sources. And at the same time, also it is linked with consuming contaminated food due to irrigation and unsafe water. So it is really a very serious situation and thats why in fact, lot you have been studying in from the 1st moment. This is sort of regulatory, very happy to walk, to seeking the support and whatever it is in the bust. You know, we used to have at least the basic infrastructure, like for example, theyre getting, you know, clean sources of water and the civic system is there almost, you know, to deal with these sort of changes. But now it is. So, you know, 12 years of war led into destruction of the infrastructure and, you know, the economic status of the community there is really very bad, you know, people cannot tolerate buying. So for example, you know, a clean water cannot tolerate buying a or having healthy lifestyle. Including the food. In addition to that, you know that there is no electricity, you know, regular interruptions, so that the war affected all aspects of life. Lebanese banks will stay shot indefinitely after at least 7 were held up last week by, by people trying to get their own money. A woman held up a bank in beirut with a toy gun and she told channel is shes not a criminal. Sally have is says she needs to withdraw money to pay for her sisters. Cancer treatment banks in lebanon have limited withdrawals in 2019 because of a foreign currency shortage. Lebanons Prime Minister touched on the economic crisis of you in General Assembly nat geo. Mccarty said his administration is trying to find solution was to see who was at the, to address the economic crisis. Our government is working on a financial and economic recovery plan. Were also working on a package of comprehensive structural and sick torrell reforms that meet the requirements of the lebanese people. It also provides them with a social safety net job. We are also developing laws that ensure absolute transparency and combat the gorge of corruption. The new yorks attorney general has announced a big lawsuit against former us President Donald Trump and his company that they should. James is alleging business forward involving some of the trump organizations most valuable assets, petty calhane reports from washington, dc. Former President Donald Trump has always been keen to put the focus under many buildings he owns, but now hes been accused of fraudulently misrepresenting the value of those buildings. And this is the subject of a Civil Court Case announced wednesday by the new York Attorney general. The allegation professional assessors would decide how much the buildings were worth, but when the trumps went to get loans or insurance policies, they dramatically insulated the amount in order to pay less interest and get cheaper premiums. This conduct can not be brushed aside and dismissed as some sort of good faith mistake. And the statements, a Financial Condition were greatly exaggerated, grossly inflated objectively false, and therefore fraudulent and illegal. Some examples, his club in florida mar, logo, the likely worth was 75000000. 00, but the trumps alleged it was worth 739000000. 00. 40 wall street in manhattan, likely worth 220000000. But they put the value at 527000000. 00, antrim park avenue, likely worth 84500000. 00 alleged worth a 135900000. 00. Claiming you have money that you do not have does not amount to the ard of the deal. Its the ard of the steel. Trump responded to the allegations on his social media site, calling the attorney general racist and accusing her of doing this to win in election writing. I never thought this case would be brought until i saw her really bad poll numbers. She is a fraud who campaigned on a get trump platform, but experts for these kinds of white color cases can be hard to when you have to show that there is impact the specific intent to defraud and the lack of emails. And if there isnt somebody who will testify against President Trump and say that he had the intent to do fraud, that will be something that he can certainly use in his defense. This is a civil case, but the attorney general has referred her fine. Insta, jurisdictions that can bring criminal charges, and the Internal Revenue service. She is asking the judge to band the defendants for being able to work as an officer for any newer companies, for life, ban them from buying commercial real estate or work with new york banks for 5 years. And she wants to trumps to pay 250000000. 00. Last month, trump had a chance to defend the practice. He pleaded the 5th so as not to incriminate himself hundreds of times. Now his lawyers will make the case for a trial that could have huge repercussions for the trumps and their businesses. Patty gall have al jazeera washington. The u. S. Central bank has raised the Interest Rates to the highest level in almost 15 years that it tries to bring inflation under control. The key rate jumped by 3 quarters of a percentage point taking the target range to between 3 and 3. 25 percent. How did your castro reports from washington . They think us central bankers announce the federal funds, Interest Rate will increase saying another 3 quarters of a percent. For the 3rd time in a row, it was an aggressive, the widely expected move in an effort to bring down stubbornly, high inflation, still storing at above 8 percent a 40 year high in the us. The price of gas is down across the country, but in nearly every other category, the cost of living like food, medical care and rent remains high. Meanwhile, the job market is strong with the Unemployment Rate at just 3. 7 percent. Federal reserve chairman Jerome Howell signal that the central bank will continue to tightness Monetary Policy despite the risk of economic pain in the form of job losses before even our recession down the road. No one knows whether this process will lead to a recession or if so, how significant that recession would be. Thats going to depend on how quickly wage and price inflation, inflation pressures come down, whether expectations remain anchored. And whether also do we get more labor supply, which would help as well. The u. S. Federal reserve says it will likely raise Interest Rates at least another 2 times before its done. Thats wealth. Central banks around the world are taking similar measures to sizes. Weve warning from the world bank that these synchronized moves could trigger a global recession. More than a 1000000 households in the netherlands is struggling to pay energy bills that have doubled or even tripled in recent months. Some people have decided to cut off their gas supplies even though winter is coming. Benevolence has the highest gas prices in europe, and steadfast, and the only gas, well my, my a still use. This is for the t lights used for info via stove. The terror caught up pots retain heat, which helps keep her a little warmer. As the Colder Weather approaches, the shop owner decided to have her gas cut off after her bill double to 345. 00 a month with a warning from her provider that it could reach 700 dollar out of ankle. And he said hell buy a home. My shop has hardly any income. I love customers during the curve at 19 pandemic. And now inflation is so high. People dont have money to buy childrens clothes. So my income has really dropped below minimum. I know i cant pay these High Energy Bills while its getting colder in her house behind these doors, millions of cruise antonyms are thriving in warm temperatures. But greenhouse farmers depend on gas to continue operating during winter, and many have decided to stop the flowers and beg you to balls in the next few months. Something that could seriously affect the export. Normally, if we have like every like 10 percent, of course, no problem, but theres now like 10 times more than 2 years ago. Its crazy in this way. If nobody can survive, no company, no people with a household, no nobody with new techniques that use less fossil fuels, while divers st hope to be able to continue his business. Although hes worried that the prices of flowers will climb so high that the month will dry up. Thats pay twice as much for gas as other europeans. You to have the energy tax and dependence on gas generate electricity. And while other you members have kept their Energy Prices to dodge government is being accused of doing too little, too late. Both testers carry in flags upside down boot royal family oper. King William Alexander delivered his annual budget address, promising a price cap on energy, an 18000000000. 00 to compensate poor families. A recent survey to jeff at 7 and 10 dodge citizens have lost trust in the government. If you get problems of whether you can pay your food and energy because thats where youre talking about, even if they work full time, if they can still basic necessities then. Yeah, thats the best way for voting. Trusting your own government for the Opposition Party said, and the governments a package has not been thought through and fear it wont be enough to keep the country warm this winter and that plant to support entrepreneurs to keep the businesses running, to fake and have come too late that fast and al jazeera works on holland, the natalie and still laid on al jazeera, the metals tell the story most bait to olivia an unparalleled pen about his journey from weight lifting to activism in the face of a political class. And in school at the president s cab staff later on thursday, but much of the told involved the plays missing from the event ah, still showering and still cool across portions of central and eastern europe. Hey everyone. So heres the forecast on thursday. Think we may even see some founder downpours in some spots as well, but with this most of the action around the black sea. So lets go for a closer look. This is pretty much extending from the boss for a straight through to turkeys ne black see coast some big downpours in the forecast here. Some showers hanging around the belly arcs. Weve also got breezy conditions as well in that wet weather is point in to the east coast of spain, around valencia, an area that has seen some flooding as of late, a run of some atlantic re moving across the islands of ireland and britain on thursdays. Simon into western norway as well. And now were off to africa. Its going to be a white day for the southwest of nigeria, northern portions of beneath and togo. And the we got this run of rain around the gabby. I already seen a circulation on it. Thats something well watch and the dates to come. And now were going further toward the south much commer conditions for south africa. But a week weather front is pushing into the western cape thats gonna generate some showers, also breezy conditions as well for cape town with a height of 18 degrees. But again, remember i told her its a nicer day as we looked toward kazer than a towel durbin in the sunshine and 26 degrees. And now youre in the know ah ah say that. Mm hm. And then International Anti corruption Excellence Award boat. Now for your hero. Well, lulu ah, hello, youre watching on his ear. Im emily. Ang, when hes a reminder of our top stories, the sal, hundreds of russian and ukrainian soldiers have been released in a prisoner swamp. 10 foreigners finding for ukraine have also been frayed through a deal mediated by saudi arabia. A you, and back to war. Crimes tribunal has rejected an appeal by the last surviving later of the can me rouge armed group according cambodia, upheld the genocide conviction and life sentence had is 91 year old. Hugh sam khan and lebanese banks will remain shot indefinitely following several hold ups last week. The Banking Association says the government cant guarantee staff safety, eliminates Prime Minister is his administration is trying to ease the Crisis Health services in pakistan as struggling to cope with outbreaks of waterborne disease after the torrential rains caused some of the countries worst flooding indicates the World Health Organization says its stepping up processes to monitor for cholera and acute diarrhea. A wanting to view as this report by laura burton manley contained some distressing images. Samir is 7 years old. He is weak and suffering from a skin disease. His family is from pakistan, sinned province, one of the regions worst affected by the flooding. They were trapped in the village shar debt caught for one week in august, before they found temporary shelter, more than 300 kilometers away in a route flight camp. One of sydney, his brothers did not survive his father to grief stricken to speak on camera shelters. Like these have become a mainstay. Many people have similar elements there, but on the floods have not only taken our homes, but also we are faced with acute diseases where everyone is suffering. The doctors just visit the camps, but we dont get proper treatment. Its very painful. Some the found assistance in charity run cams, but even they a facing severe shortages thought a be model guy, but it dont fit almost all of us including children. The elderly and women got hill because we dont get clean Drinking Water and the government is not providing proper food. Hits up diarrhea may die if they dont get proper medical care. What be done, why the World Health Organization is concerned about the spread of cholera and local authority, say bacteria and parasites, a thriving in the stagnant water causing it. Outbreak of waterborne diseases, barbara jewish look broke. The number of patients from the flood effected areas are 550000 gastro, 650000 skin related 185000 or millerio cases, and almost 12000 or den gay related cases. So its a huge challenge rugs for bookcases. I. These camps have become homes and clinics, but they lack basic food, clean water, and medicine, stretching aid and Health Care Workers to then limits laura, but a monthly al jazeera, several villages have been destroyed in Northern Nigeria as jig, our stace devastation comes after. Flash floods breached to dams, least 38 people have been killed in flooding across the region, which followed 2 days of torrential rain. Thousands of people have been displaced. Local authorities had been warning communities along with the banks to evacuate. Hurricane fiona has claimed a laced 6 lives in the caribbean. The category for storm is tracking towards the bahamas anthem. Meta as people in puerto rico, begin the clean up. Many say the storm caught them by surprise than while at rap low reports from the salinas. In puerto rico, ah, as flood waters from Hurricane Fiona recede. For families in southern puerto rico, its time to cleaner category. Why . Like, we dont know how this happened. Like how he got this bad. We just been category away. A lot of rain if a lot of rain. Exactly. Yeah, i dont know that he says the hurricane caught her off guard. They left the bathroom is horrible right now. Her home was still being repaired after being damaged during hurricane maria, in 2017 jehovah says she wasnt expecting the damage from fiona to be so severe. They wasnt worse than maria because maria, he was more air than water. Like the wind that it was really strong. And in this while he was a moraine, unless when a state of emergency remains, in effect in puerto rico, allowing the u. S. Government to send assistance to tens of thousands of people. And this level of federal assistance is going to greatly assessed and our ability to continue to provide the efforts that are needed to support those who need it. Most. The Southern Region of the island was the worst hit by fiona here. Flood waters are still on the doorsteps of many residence, up and down the neighbourhood streets here in the community of salinas, in southern puerto rico. Its the same scene playing out. People are clearing out the mud, throwing away their damaged personal belongings. The storm may have passed, but the suffering is still not over some half a 1000000 people in puerto rico or without Running Water and thousands more without electricity authorities war. And it could be several days before electricity returns to everyone on the us island territory. Manuel rap a little al jazeera salinas, puerto rico authorities in bangladesh, say stray motor shells and bullets from fighting and me and my landing inside its territory. At least one persons been killed and several injured after they were caught in the crossfire between me and my military and fight. As opposed to the june to hundreds of people want to cross the frontier of safety. But bangladesh has sealed us for him, can be challenging, has moved. This is tim ro and bunder bundles sticks out this bangladesh, about 6 kilometers from the main row hang camp, which is and talks about the distinct non my left is a no mans land where there about 6000 going refuge is living there since 2017. Now this area has been a place for intense fighting right across the body can see the me and my military check post for last one man. This area ive been experiencing noise of artillery shell motor shell meshing and fire then night. Even while we were here never that list 9 or 10 rounds of murder shows that blended nearby. People are in panic and in fear, including their own hang out. The government is thinking of moving at least 300. 00 families to a safer zone, including those living in the no mans land. Refugees on 16 september, killing laundry hang. Been enduring. 5 others . Several other shug landed didnt explode. Theres been aerospace, violation by men mar, air force where the helicopter gunship and fighter jets violating International Law bangladesh has been pursuing and tens diplomatic policy in defusing. This tension. Now this fighting between our account, but this rebel and me and my military has been very much intensifying within last one monday or bangladesh bought or International Community has talked a lot about the un said there should be sanction. And theres the initiative i british job to bring and embargo on the me, on my arm sales. But everybody doubt it will have any effect. People are still selling on china, india, russia, israel, not korea, are selling arms to me and mine, that business is going on. Japan, thailand, singapore, and many other countries are still doing business in man, man, bangladesh is really doubting the International Effort to resolve this crisis. It wants to take a new initiative to put pressure on me and mark to stop this crisis and good dorians attacking to the strength to protest the death of a woman allegedly killed by her Police Officer husband. I have gathered outside the National Police building and demanding accountability. It also condemns what they call the impunity that police enjoy. Maria land been some days after entering a Police Training school where her husband was working. Hes still on the run. Well now on those protests in australia where people have gathered in several cities calling to the british monarchies rule over the country to be abolished. Sarah clark followed this report from cambra a minutes silence as astrology and pay tribute to the queen. This would be the most fitting memorial to the magnificent life of service to others. May her majesty Queen Elizabeth the 2nd rest in eternal peace, but not with strains, have embraced the national day of mourning. Instead, protest is in state. Capitals have voiced her position, demanding recognition of the suffering that Indigenous People endured during british colonization. The monarchs representative in australia has acknowledged that the queens death has prompted abroad to bite about the countrys colonial past, unconscious, and respect that the response of many 1st nations, a strident shaped by our colonial history and broader reconciliation journey. That is a journey we as a nation, must complete the tent. Embassy is a National Landmark representative of the campaign for aboriginal rights. This year marks the 50th anniversary since it was erected, but the death of the queen has recognized the movement once again. It also spots conversations about a strong future under the marquis and opinion poll. This weight suggests less than half the population is in favor of becoming a republic. I personally supportive over a public and i think but im not quite sure having say nap flooring of grief and support for the claim that theyre quite ready. But i think i love education to do between now and its part of our history. And i think with lunch that with like golf history before and we shouldnt let go again. The Prime Minister has ruled out referendum for now noting its not the right time for such a debate. Fair oclock, ill just 0 camera. A crowd Funding Campaign has raised enough money to begin Emergency Operations on a stricken tank is sitting off yelmans coast. There are fees, it could break apart or explode, causing a catastrophic oil. Spill. Kristen salumi reports from the United Nations. Its been called a ticking time bomb. The aging Safer Oil Tanker sits more as a Floating Oil Storage vessel in the red sea off the coast of yemen. It holds more than a 1000000 barrels of oil. A lot has changed in yemen since the ship was constructed in 1976. Thanks to civil war there. Its had no maintenance in 7 years. Environmentalists are very worried. The main concern is for a law catastrophic level, we get to either the ship sinking or a missile striking it either intentionally or accidentally they point to the long term devastation caused by the 1989 exxon valdez. Oil spill just off the coast of alaska and the fact that the sapphire has 4 times as much oil on board, but in a world full of emergencies, raising the 113000000. 00 needed to finally address the problem was no easy feat for the United Nations, we agreed with the fairest face of the court to get shipped and submitted by the united nation. On wednesday, yelmans foreign minister announced theyve raised enough money to begin the operation. An appeal to the general public raised 200000. 00 profit, enough International Attention to begin the work. We can probably help prevent billing us for company one to 15 fishing and for a country where more than 11000000 people rely on the un for food assistance, its not just an environmental disaster. The u. N. Is trying to avert many people there rely on the ocean for their livelihoods. It would create its own humanitarian catastrophe along the coast. Communities that were self sufficient. From a fishing, no longer be self sufficient and they themselves dependent upon humanitarian assistance. Her busy United Nations, yemen provides a rare bit of good news. First, a truce to slow the fighting. And now finally, enough money to begin to replace the aging tanker. But theyll have to move quickly and raise even more money to avert a catastrophe. Kristen salumi algebra the United Nations International Buyers have gathered in south korea from fer, which organizes the billing is one of the biggest in the world. South korea has emerged is the 2nd biggest weapons manufacturer in asia. Thanks in part, the war and ukraine robbing fried, explains the. Its an impressive show of fire power from a country that is cementing its position as a leading manufacturer. In a mountainous valley turned into a battlefield. South Korea Defense Industry puts on display its latest weaponry, in particular heavy armor for a gathering of International Buyers and media. Countries with the ability to buy weapons based, great importance on seeing them used in the field. They want to see them in action. South korea is defense, exports this year have already reached an all time high with much of that growth driven by the war in ukraine. Poland in particular, has signed a record deal to replace equipment that it has supplied to the ukrainians. Equipment manufactured to nato specifications makes it attractive to european nations wanting to bolster their defenses. Nato member countries have a system of collective security, but there is an increasing feeling. Each country should be able to defend itself and korean weapons are Cost Effective and internationally proven. Similarly, according to us intelligence, russia is looking to north korea to replenish its docs of soviet era, shells and rockets. It seems decades old tensions on the peninsula have now involved both careers in a far away war. Its partly because of the threat from north korea. The south korea has been pushing the development of its own defense industries. It means with its industrial might. Its late to be the growing Global Demand for new sophisticated weaponry. Does the number of visitors from developing Asian Countries seems to indicate growing regional tensions are also driving demand closer to home . Not only russians worrying ukraine, but as you will note, there is a situation related to pie one. So countries feel the urgent need for security. And a world of growing confrontations, korean arms may, cuz it seems well have no shortage of orders. Rob mcbride, al jazeera go young south korea may be in paralympic whiteleys day. A sam cray won national and International Competitions throughout his career. Now he trains people with disabilities and serves as a special needs rights activist. He says decide the paypal in may be a face. Many challenges need more government help. I somebody him, chris ah, my name is a his, im clearly im from the city of so butter and im 49 years old. Yeah, i was born with a paralyzed leg. I mean, i started competing in weight, lifting in paralympic competitions in 1996 and ive won dozens of national and International Medals and moved to sweden for 4 years, where i competed professionally, switch among goblin larry, other before sports. I was a shy person too. I didnt go out much and i didnt socialize with people carry out here. I found out had hidden talents and he bought his skills next martin did of confidence. Yeah. I realized that nothing you think or level all you know difficult in the canadian has been with hard work. I am now a personal trainer for those with disabilities and especially that right that i had yet lear and live here. This evil people suffer from any challenges. There are no Public Places that are accessible for graduate, special needs. They are a disabled people who are helplessly how many of them dont leave their houses because theyre afraid of how they will be free leisure without even their families arent educated, should they ran for their rhiannon. Robert marshall had the right to access Public Places, and there are hundreds of thousands of disabled people in libya as little thats increased because of war. But unfortunately, officials dont care about this. Well, my advice to those with disabilities that we are get out of the house, practice boards, find activities to do. He had, it will give you the confidence you need to become a productive member of society and never stop asking for your rifleman as your rights are like freedom. They are far, lord, not giving it. And we must continue to fight for our rights only not. And i hope one day we will eventually get them and i should look for it is coming up after the bank. Yeah, hes one of the greatest athletes ever to play in sports. The worlds best tennis plays gather in london to say farewell to Roger Federer. Jerry will have more in that in just a minute. Mm hm. Ah ah, ah ah, its time f, his sport, hes john. Emily. Thank you, disgraced phoenix, sons are not, robert salva has announced hes selling me and be a franchise in w. M. B, a team, phoenix, mercury. Following his suspension for workplace misconduct just over a week ago, the n b. A handed solver, one you ban, and a 10000000. 00 fine. Option independent investigation found hed use racist and sexist language during his time in charge. In a statement he said, i expected the suspension would provide the time for me to focus, make amends, and remove my personal control the see from the teams that i and so many funds love been in our current unforgiving climate, it has become painfully clear that is no longer possible and be april cost of brandon scoop, be robinson, as told out there, the league could have gone further with that punishment. Please please. Progress is being made problem in the world. Massage lead. Racism so i think he just got caught mattie now gotten caught, we wouldnt be sitting here talking right now. I think that ultimately when you look at the National Basketball association and even there nfl counterparts, there are multi 1000000000. 00 old teams. And there is a thought process that is there. So when you ask if theres progress, i think they, they fix the leak in a very a leaky faucet. But i still think that there are a roles because its mindset and it wasnt it. So i believe lebron james, both he and chris paul, chris paul was a member of the phoenix sense. Tweeted, what they tweeted that many people followed suit. You heard it privately once. Le bron james tweeted about it once. Chris paul tweeted about, it was only a matter of time before that peer pressure was going to begin its course. But you know, you take a cursory look with people in front office is another team owners. You know, those that have spoken with. They all felt that, you know, was bad. What server was was proven to have said, but there are many people who do privately have those beliefs in until those beliefs are no longer belief. I still believe that are, those things could still replicate themselves, not even just an m b a in the workplace and in schools and other places. So, i mean, its a start, but i dont think its its far from over. Ultimately, i think in this case, he had to sell his team because there are a lot of people who felt offended and they werent going to tolerate those levels of racial epithets of disrespect with his last professional tennis match. Touring clay said Roger Federer appears to be enjoying the send off. Hes getting from his fellow plays at the labor cup. Theyve been taking cell fees at London Bridge together. The 20 time grand slam champion will play for the europeans, who will face the rest of the world team in the tournament, which begins on friday. Europes team consists of the big 4 of phaedra nova, joke of which raphael the down. And im the murray, as well as to find a fast i want to catch the root. Federal is likely to team up with the dial in the doubles and what will be his last professional parent feels almost a little bit surreal. To be honest to all of a sudden be here because right now i feel im giving up for my tournament. Im doing the press like i know i do. And then everybodys in a good mood im practicing but its like the cliff. You know, its like nothing left after and its ok, thats how i want it to be. I chose it and im really happy with a decision to feel totally different. And all the same. Been very busy, also going down memory lane a little bit and looking back and its been, its been fun looking forward to hope that amazing weekend he has left a huge legacy that will live for a very long time. And i personally am proud to be part of this team and you know, both in the and i didnt know that this is going to be his last last matches farewell this weekend. So that, that makes this occasion even even greater. Because, you know, hes one of the greatest ever complain sport any sports and hes popularity on and off. The court just speaks for itself. So im sure were going to have a blessed this weekend. The season is going from 5 to work for the womens former. Well, no one day i miss soccer. She just pulled out of the pan pacific open in tokyo, where she was the defending champion. A socket was meant to face beatrice had at maya in the 2nd round, was suffering from abdominal pain. In her 1st romance, she only played a single game before her opponent. Daria saffel was forced to withdraw with an injury. Is the latest step back from full time grand slam champion who sent out the whole cross court season with an achilles problem, and also pulled out of a tournament and toronto with back pain. The president s comp gets on the way later on for a North Carolina which sees team usa versus International Players outside of europe. The americans have only lost one of the 12 additions. But much of the talk this week has been about the golf is not competing because they joined the live series. Theres a couple of guys that i definitely mess havent around but you know, its a cycle, you know, its just like, i think its like anything in life is a cycle. You know, golf has a long life span. The guys stay for a long time, but theres just a cycle of guys, new guys coming in or guys coming out and its repeating cycle, but its never anything ive really given thought of because, you know, ive, ive got a 1000000 other things i got to worry about and my wedding, so yeah, in may joining facebook japanese doll show. Hey, tony extended his hitting streak to 7 games. That was a red highlights to be angels against the Texas Rangers autonomy then schooled when taylor would crab, the home run, the angel fled to nothing before losing 72. 00. And how about this for quick reflexes . All was a way by broad so anyone knows the answer to that question, the Texas Rangers relief pitcher also managed to remove their tiny face. All right, that is your support for now. It is back to emily. Incredible stuff. Thank you. All right, thats it from me, emily, i wouldnt for this news hour, but the more news in just a moment they were a ah and a informed opinions. I believe that our media agenda should have bilateral negotiations. Weve been calling that khomeini time. Critical debate is the commonwealth still something that king child will take on the inside story on al jazeera ah. Knowledge is here. With every oh, transport measures employed to tackle pollution in one of chinas showcase city. They say all that is happening with fully electric. Oh, and how environmental crossroads campaigns are joining forces in the us. There is a global connection that is happening and we want to utilize that power to make change. Not only for today, but for future generations as well. Oh, thrice on al jazeera, ah, in with ah

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