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It is 10 hours g, m t. This is al jazeera, the coffin of Queen Elizabeth the 2nd has begun the 1st stage of its Journey Towards london for a funeral. On monday, september 19th, the cortege left Balmoral Castle in scotland about an hour ago and has since passed through the town of ballard. Her the small town of ballot her where its slowed to walking pace so that residents can pay their respect since now on its way to aberdeen. From there, the coffin will continue to edinburgh. The capital of scotland, where it will lie in the throne room of holly rude house palace overnight before a Church Service on sunday. People have been lining the streets along the route to pay their respects in the towns and villages. Of course, scotland being such a vast country, much of it is, as you can see, are rural in nature web. Very few people actually live. Lets bring it out as heres what madison, whos at our moral castle, from where that cortez left are in a round an hour ago. We also have a waiting in edinburgh algio as alan fisher and our diplomatic editor james base is outside Buckingham Palace in london. Rob let sir. Lets start with you than a poignant moment. A sad moment as that a coffin left about moral around an hour ago. But it was an opportunity for people who considered the queen to be their neighbor, to pay their last respects. Queen elizabeth the 2nd, making her final departure from alba moral castle here at home. That she has loved and lived in every summer at least for most of her life when since since she was a very young girl and it was vax longevity if you like that long linked with the castle here and with the surrounding area of aberdeen showed that has made her and the wall family so popular with the local residents. Many of the local villagers here have been taken this at the death of opinion. Elizabeth, the 2nd particularly hard not least because they regarded her very much as a neighbor. That was a phrase that we have heard. Very often when weve been talking to people whove been coming here over the last couple of days to give sorrel tribute and put them at the gates of the the castle. And ever since the announcement of queens death on thursday, ah evening, i the queen of course, dying here at belmore castle. But the link there has always been very strong. The. The local people were very used to seeing. And they are all family in a very, very relaxed mode and in the castle is an extremely private, extremely secluded place. And for that reason, they were able to be more like normal people rather than the public figures that we would normally see. And that extend it out to them though, that activities in and around the state, but also in the, the local villages and, and using the local shops and so, and then people became to recognize them simply as the royal family, their neighbors. And as a result became very protective of them and were very protective of the privacy. They were very proud of the fact that the royal family had chosen to send to its family home as it was in this part of the country. And the affection for the while family does extend across scotland as well as the scotland is in an interesting situation. Because of course, it has held a referendum within it with a view to potentially leaving the union that referendum and resulted in a no vote. And it is currently staying with a the union of a reckon and of course, in the braves it sir. A referendum as well as gotten voted very strongly to stay with the european union. Again, going against the thoughts of much of the rest of the country. But it seems as though the scots have been able to make us make the difference if we like to, to establish a difference between what they see as National Politics and westminster politics. And the rule and the, the commander of the royal family. The see the royal family and the saw Queen Elizabeth the 2nd very much as individuals, embodying our values that, that they held very highly, which is why of course, were seeing such a high turn out to people today willing to wanting to pay their respects as the critique makes its way through scotland now to says rob matheson reporting live there are from paul moral castle or many thanks. Did rob, lets go to edinburgh. Then i was his own. Fisher is there. Itll take another 5 hours or so for the quotation, reached the capital allen from there itll skirt by or once there itll skirt by Edinburgh Castle down the full length of the royal mile to the palace of hollywood house. By about 4 p. M. Local time. And the people have been gathering here since early this morning, hoping to get a position where theyll be able to see the queens cortege that makes its way to hollywood palace, the official residence of the queen in scotland, mobile moral was the place which could go to get away from it all wholly rude as where she really carried out her official duties here in scotland. She would spend at least a summer a week here every summer. And there would be investiture here. So when people are awarded an honor by the queen like a knighthood and are no b, e. Often the royal family we come here and carry out the was investors giving the honors to the was people here at hollywood, particularly when they were scottish shore, had had an impact on scottish life. And it sits right across from the Scottish Parliament where the 1st minister and other dignitaries, including the lord provost of a of edinburgh will greet the coffin and the cortez editor. As it arrives, it will make its way down. These calls from the robbers dead outside of the castle. There it will go up to aberdeen, which always had a connection with the queen because at the vic balmoral isnt overdenture, it will then come down the east coast through dundee and then head towards edinburgh. And what were hearing from the root is that there is no cheating or applause or celebration. People are standing in quiet reflection, a reflection of the respect that many people in scotland had for there were a family. Of course, there are those who believe that had read and hereditary monarchy is out of date in the early part of the 21st century. But they still respected the queen for her length of Public Service, 70 years. And also for what she did for a very long time, including her rule in the 2nd world war a speaking to someone i just the other day who said that the always had respect for the queen because she signed up for the womens auxiliary and spent part of the war in uniform. And when, when the cortez makes its way here to hollywood, it will. The queen is body. All right, a lie in peace for they are few hours. The people who walked at hollywood for decades will be able to see their fear. Well, and then Prince Charles as he was king charles the 3rd, as he is now, will be in edinburgh on monday and will lead a procession from hollywood up the royal mile. That you were talking about adrian to st giles cathedral, which sits about halfway between hollywood and Edinburgh Castle, which marks the mile or so. And its in giles, there will be a service of thanksgiving for the queens life with which will be attended by Prince Charles dignitaries. From scottish public life, but also from a few ordinary scottish people as well who will go into the church to see their farewells and then add the quin well a lie in peace again until tuesday when the body will be taken to Edinburgh Airport and the flight towards Buckingham Palace and lying in steed, which will happen in westminster hall. But people you can see a gathering that coming along the bringing their flowers. And they want the chance to see the final farewell to a queen that most of them have only known it. Shes been on the throne for 70 years and for people of my generation in your generation as well. There is no other monarch. We have no n a in the United Kingdom, of course, no replaced by her son, a king charles the 3rd and what is interesting as well is that it charles had scottish titles. He was known as the lord of the isles, and the earl of north sea. Those titles no passed to his son, Prince William and of course, the queens husband for years. A, a prince, philip, was the duke of edinburgh. So there is a very close connection between the royal family in scotland and between the royal family and edinburgh. Alzheimers. Alan fisher reporting live out from edinburgh. Many thanks. Wanted to alan. Lets go live than our diplomatic editor james bass at his outside. Buckingham palace in london, allen up sir j, the, the scale of, of this operational that has got underway in scotland to bring the queens coffin and the cortez from where she died at balmoral. So as to edinburgh. Then of course, ultimately to london, i just cant be underestimated the scale of it. And we now have a date of the state funeral, which will be on the 19th of september. Thats right, the 19th of september. And as you say, the scale of this, this national morning, is all very, very well planned, that the queen herself, was involved in the planning. She approved these plans that are now coming into force. And that will play out over this 10 day period until the funeral. That takes place, as you say, on monday, the 19th of september, relatively quiet day for king charles. Today, hes currently in current house. That is his home. Its a very short distance from Buckingham Palace. Its known as one of the royal residences that perhaps is a little bit more like a home than a palace. Hes been come to be living with camilla now the queen. Ready consort for a number of years where his grandmother, the queen mother, who died of the age of 101 the queens mother where she lived before back. And actually its where princess elizabeth and the duke of added bra, before she became queen before 1952 where they plan to live. But that never happened because king george 6 died while she was on the road towards she became queen 70 years ago. King charles today will be making his way from current house and about 3 hours time to Buckingham Palace for his official business of the day. I say its not a very packed day today, but definitely the most important meeting is with the secretary general of the commonwealth. And that is a barrenness, patricia scotland. That is important because the commonwealth is now headed by king charles commonwealth, a grouping of 56. 00 countries, many might say the commonwealth, which came out of the colonial times and out of an imperial britain, was solidified by Queen Elizabeth. She was the glue that held it together and there are some question marks now, whether in those commonwealth countries, whether theyll be as keen on on king charles as they were on in elizabeth. So i think thats why its important to have this meeting with baroness scotlands was telling you, baron of scotland is a form of British Government minister, a title until a few days ago. It was baroness scotland, q. C, because shes a Senior Lawyer as well as one of those strange things about about whats happened in recent days is that title queens council, which means a Senior Lawyer in the u. K. System. And its also used in other parts of the world commonwealth countries because of the historic links with britain. She is no longer baroness scotland, hugh see she is now baroness scotland, k. C. Kings council. That the Little Things that change, i think people are gonna continue to notice in the coming days are diplomatic editor james base live outside Buckingham Palace, alonda may. Thanks james. Lets bring in michael cole, who is a former rural correspondent. He joins us now via skype from suffolk. In england, michael, its good to have you with us. Or the nation is known, of course, that the monarch has passed away. Ah, it really hits home though when you see the coffin on the quarter sh. Theyre leaving balmoral and making its way to edinburgh with, with people lining the streets to, to pay their respects. Good morning on this very solemn sunday morning, and as you said, right, you say this is the 1st opportunity of the british people to pay a personal tribute to her majesty the queen of these or amazing pictures, a unique scene, the coffin of english rather than there we see some flowers being thrown, covered by her personal royal standard. And in the car, behind her daughter, princess and the Princess Royal was her husband. Both of them accompany her mother, his mother in law, only through a root. Of course, the majesty the queen knew very well whenever she came to her home in the highlands, all moral from abilene at court. They would drive along this very road and today people applauding others mocking it with solemnity. The coffin itself was born out of town passing by was only a state the state workers who she knew very well. Probably who knew her better than most people because she loved to get out on the. Ready hills on the brace, seeing what was going on her estate. She was very much of a country woman. Never happy of them being the land of them all. I am driven, baby single cause form of this route down to edinburgh. Many times they used to take me, i think about 2 and a half hours. I think its going to take 6 hours because they will pause and drive slowly. Whenever crown stars are seen, it will go as your correspondence said, by the granite city, the european oil capital down to dandy the great city on the river. A wonderful place. Beautiful setting down through the city of 2 edinburgh, scotland, cattle and to holley road house. The official residence of the moment in scotland and. Busy will be wonderful to see tomorrow was a procession without any preston to toll. When the coffin is taken up, the c h and historic royal mile with the new king, king charles, the 3rd and other members of his family walking behind to to saint rosen church of scotland because they so they glory and a peculiarity of the british constitution that majesty the queen of the moment is the Supreme Leader of the church of england. As soon as the monarch steps over the border into scotland, they become by magic, a presbyterian and here to the Scottish Church church of scotland. And michael, it is, im sorry, a, im sorry to interrupt your, your flow that, but as i was saying a few months, because you really cant underestimate the scale of this operation that swung into place here. I have to remember as our diplomatic editor was, was pointing out a few minutes ago. The queen herself, was heavily involved in the planning of this and every detail. Of course she would be, this has been planned for decades even when i was in the b, b. C. There were houses for it. It had an operational name. It was called London Bridge. And truly, truly London Bridge has fallen down with the age of 96. Of course a. But this was unexpected, unexpectedly switched to there was no contract waterfall. So anybody the queen died. I think it was a plan that it would be it all you know. Busy do you know how these things are going to happen . It could have been a grandfather died. But in a way, in a way, i think the queen, who believe very strongly in the union of the United Kingdom of Great Britain on, on, in a way. She is actually cemented that union by the very fact that she met and in scotland in balmoral because it does emphasize that these are 2 kingdoms which are joined together by the act of 1797. 00. And you know. Ringback the home is and the joss of shed many foxhole trench. Busy was the union is, is a union of law and fellowship, and friendship. And the queen would never wish to see it asunder. And i think these are thoughts which will go through peoples minds during the lines. It is just a siegel which im sure will be very well attended. And mike, i want, id want ask you about the, the public booth um, the death of the queen coming so soon as it did after her diamond jubilee. And how the mood in britain right now compares to the mood when Princess Diana a title of the queen mother her passing yes. Busy was there some questions because some the queen didnt make many mistakes during the 70 or a 4th year. The most of us given that onerous task but it was. Busy a mistake for her majesty the queen to remain a bar moral. Following the tragic death all was to be regret it. Diana princess of wales, on the 31st of august, 1997 the 25th anniversary we commemorated about 9 days ago. She stated that she was looking after the 2 princes. She did not come down, but it did spock headlines like talk to her mom, why its like nautica mazda. There was criticism and there was a very, very strange atmosphere in london that week. There was discontent. And the queen was, is always very aware of the national mood. And when she did come down from scotland for Princess Dianas funeral, she took the bowed stair, stepping out of her car, Buckingham Palace, where there were crowns, and then been many minus a few hours left. And one of her subjects approached her with a flaw. And she took it and she said, yes, ill put it with the others. And he said, no, its for you. Its for you. And that was a very key moment because she knew that the loyalty and the love all people had not been diminished by that delay in coming down to pay tribute to my daughter in law. So these things matter, these thoughts will be going through a lot of peoples minds. Of course, when the queen mamma died at 101 who was born in the beginning of the century and lived to into the 21st century. That was a slightly different thing because she had a life well lived. It was a celebration, and there will be in due course, the celebration of the queens amazing life. She had a wonderful life. Can you imagine being born in 1926 . Never going to school when she joined the brown is the brownish came to the age of 10. She became apparent when uncle david edward the 8th advocated, became king george to say, every waking moment has been and recorded by somebody people were looking at her. I dont think its the life that many of us welcomed. We enjoy our freedom, we enjoy our freedom of movement, speech, and saw the cleaners live life. And she devoted herself the age of 21. When she was in south africa on with parents to the service of this country being a life long or short. And my goodness, didnt she deliver on on the us . And michael, one final question, i couldnt let you go without discussing the new king and what sort of monarch you think charles, the 3rd will be i think hes made a splendid sauce. I think nobody could have been moved by the accession ceremony yesterday. He spoke very well in his 1st televised address. He went out of his way to express his love for his youngest son, prince harry and his wife megan, and the new their new life. Theyve had a making away from this country away from the royal family that had kind was going to have immediate results. And that resulted in Prince William picking up the telephone to his brother, a shadow of Windsor Carson saying, hey carrie, lets go down together and see the crowns and look at that was at the gates of windsor castle. Now that was positive, i think by the televised thing of the accession council. I think british charles wont open those. He wants transparency. Hes certainly changed. He certainly found stability. Hes found happiness and hes his marriage and in 2005 with Camilla Parker bowles, a she them was and that is to divorce these. They seem very, very happy is content in himself. And when a man is content himself, he can do good things and he can go on and he can be a great king because theres nothing about rain that doesnt mean its not going to be successful. A short range can be successful. His great great great grandfather with only from 1001 when he succeeded his mothers reign tour it rained 54 years. It would only rain until 910. 00. But it was, it was near and it was a golden age. People loved it, and he won the doggie, he went to france, he kissed the hand of a french actress and said, maam, you are as beautiful as french france itself. And that cemented the all talk or the hour after wed been on bad terms with france. So he has got tremendous capacity in the years that are left to him, as he said, the years that god gives them to do good things. And i think we have to how is that . That is the case. His intentions have always been good. Sometimes things that he said hasnt gone wrong down very well, but he knows this different role. The role of the monarch is to rain but not rule. Thats the job of the Prime Minister and the government. And hes well aware of that, and im sure that he will with his new wife at his side. Theyve been together now for 17 years. He will, he will do a good job and you carry an age. And maybe he will even surprise us all in the excellence of his reign. Mike, i really appreciate you taking the time to come and talk to us today may. Thanks into that. So formal role correspondent, michael coldwell, in suffolk. Well, of the cortez now making its way through the Aberdeen Sher countryside, heading towards the suburbs of aberdeen. It will next pass through bankers in scotland from the city of aberdeen on the coast. Itll travel through port left them in stone haven and that it will move inland again through the angus countryside. And past britain, it reaches the city of dundee. Itll go around that city and from there on to puff across the frightened bridge and then done a motorway, the m 90 over the queens very crossing which the queen herself opened when it was completed towards the city of edinburgh. We will continue to monitor the process of the court ash here on al jazeera, but for the moment, lets take a look at what else is happening in the world. In ukraine, russias grip on the northeast and cock, he region, appears to be weakening. Ukrainian troops of made significant territorial gains in that counter offensive. Taking control of 2 russian, a 2 cities on russian supply routes. Moscows withdrawn its forces saying that its regrouping at operations at the russian held support a sheer power station have been stopped. The Government Agency in charge of europes Largest Nuclear power facility says that its disconnected. The 6th unit from the park. Right. Lets go live, not a ukraines capital keefe out there, as gabriel. Alexander is there. And whats the latest youre hearing about the ukranian advances where the ukrainians continue this ambitious, offensive in the northeast, at his, according to a lot of independent observers, ah retaken up to 300 kilometers of land that was captured by the russians. Essentially the big picture is, is what took the russians months to capture the ukrainians are retaking in a matter of days. That gives you an idea of how quickly and how fast the russian lines have completely collapsed. Essentially, the poorly equipped and trained russian soldiers that were on the front lines were quickly overrun by ukrainians in the past 48 to 72 hours and a more well equipped and entrenched russian soldiers that were in towns and cities. They seemed to just flee immediately. Once the ukrainians started to approach the outer rims or outers outskirts of those towns, this offensive by the ukrainians has been not only as symbolic victory, but its also been a victory in strategy. And also very much in strategy and also very much as well in terms of how this war is moving forward from here. Its an ambitious ukranian military offensive in the northeast. That is retaking land and towns occupied by Russian Military that is now in retreat. By saturday night ukrainians had reached zoom about a 120 kilometers southeast of the regional capital had keep city of wood. Okay, enough rock bottom of the Reconnaissance Group and the special forces are already here in a zoom is glory to ukraine. The soldier said, is zoom home to a major rail line is strategically important and was a Russian Military stronghold for months. No more. Russian forces in the city fled as ukrainians closed in video showed ukrainians also recapturing copy, ask another key, supply line city and invalid clear re taken by the ukrainians a day before a Top Commander raised the flag as a sign of victory to day where completing the liberation of balak leah bestows big city in our offensive annual fund. Im sure this is not de la city, but the war has taken its toll in the recaptured town of gradually. Destruction can be seen everywhere. Through soft dylan that there are a lot of damage buildings in this village. It was completely destroyed. The Russia Service men occupied every 3rd house. There, a huge garbage piles and places they live to leave behind ammunition, bullets and other things, a used toner. The World Bank Estimates ukraine will need 349000000000. 00 in aid, just to rebuild nobody here in ukraine is declaring victory. We need to make that very clear. This still is going to be a long war. And its important to point out that the russians still control territory in the northeast, still control a lot of territory and don bass. And in the south, the russians still control. Ah, not all, but a good portion of the had a saw on region as well, including the regional capital of harrison city, even though in the south the ukrainians have a counter offensive there. Its much different than the one in the northeast that is fast and, and direct in a south. Its slow and more deliberate. While all this is happening, also in the south, the zappa region, Nuclear Power plant, the largest in europe, the last of the remaining operational nuclear reactors, there has been shut down intentionally by the ukrainian officials. Theyre in the early hours of sunday morning. They did this as a safety measure because they say constant shelling around the Nuclear Power plant temporarily, again cut off power, which d stabilizes it and potentially could lead to a nuclear disaster. So they took the initiative on sunday morning to completely shut it down, which has happened now. They are intentionally cooling it. And now what moving forward, they are just using one power source to keep it in their words safe. While this is not the ideal situation, its being described as the best option of, of a very difficult to ation. But the headline from this operation Nuclear Power plant on sunday is it is, it is no longer fully operational at all. It is just being completely shut down in a cooling mechanism or to keep it safe. A made it constant shelling the continue that threaten the Nuclear Safety there. Because in this power plant out there is gabriel, amazon alive and ukraines capital cave gave many thanks. Indeed, lou cranes president says that winter could be a turning point for reclaiming ukrainian territory from russian troops. But the laudermill zalinski insists that to achieve those goals, more weapons and Financial Support are needed. There are 90 days ahead, which will decide more than 30 years of ukraines independence. 90 days will decide more than all the years of the existence of the european union. Winter will determine our future and what the risks are. But well falcon her as a defense analyst, hes in moscow with me now live puddled godaddy with us while a Russian Forces were as the criminal describes at regrouping, president putin was presiding over the grand opening of a ferris wheel. Many of the president s, most fervent supporters, russian hawks are not happy about russias military performance in ukraine. How dangerous a moment is this for president putin . Well, its not politically dangerous for poaching, but this is, of course, a serious set back because the main thing is not just the last of some territory in ukraine. The main thing is that the ukrainian sum game, the Strategic Initiative that, thats clear. I mean there dictating where the battles are happening and rushes forces and just reacting, rushing in route and right now, reinforcements to establish a new defense line on the us. Busy coal river that of ukraine is at the same time are continuing to put pressure is her song and the freshest. Busy for sending a reserves right now to because of region, that means there be new windows of opportunity opening for the ukrainians. New list, a soft spot on the very long russian ukranian boy frontier, front there, which is a frown here song to car did 2500. If you are mentors and you can, theres not enough troops to be Strong Enough in all places. And if your reserves are tied down, ukrainian couldnt begin another offensive somewhere, ends up. I dont know she yet in the dont boss. So they have the initiative and they paid a lot for that. But now they took it away from the russians. And that is very bad, but there is also good news because theres a lot of rain coming. And that will turn the terrain into a sea of months that i spook the cranium. Weve demonstrated that they can do more, while very defensive will not be able to do that anymore, because he can move your armor through the feel. Thankful you. You could argue that the same could apply to, to the russian army, to you, sir, that this isnt a particularly dangerous moment for mister fuson himself, but hes succeeded in eliminating just about all of the low, the liberal and pro democracy opposition ah, in russias domestic politics, but if he begins to face more, the kind of criticism that hes getting from brushing hawks, the conservatives, the people who are supposedly supposed to be 100 percent behind him, it could become dangerous for him, couldnt it . Oh, absolutely. There is a war with your credit to its wrong and then theres the see, theres no clear and doing. But up to now the russia population was moralists, abortive. And despite me was says, because they believed that the war was good, was successful at visible ukrainian venture is meaning undermining the notion that everything is on course. And russia, women could be a very turning point for the wendy my foot, you know, internally not today, but in the coming weeks. Maybe you are in the coming months because again, in autumn you can maneuver of we fight neither side. But winters coming after that. Then theres is going to freeze and theres going to be more fighting in the fresh and will be seen as losing it. That will be a very serious and there are no christ, its part of the regime. Its good to talk to you, papa many. Thanks indeed, papa forgot how that in moscow. Lets go back now to the death of Queen Elizabeth the 2nd in scotland. She died at her home at Balmoral Castle and the quoterush is so now making its way through the Aberdeen Sher countryside towards the suburbs of the city of aberdeen, which is on the east coast of scotland. From there, it will take the coast road south to port lesson stone haven than in land through angus, and pasta break and on towards tante, and then puff and finally the capital of scotland. Edinburgh. That sir, bring in peter goggan, who is the editor in chief of open democracy and author of the peoples referendum . Why scotland will never be the same as he joins us now live or from lona . Good teddy with us. Peter. The scottish people have m a strange relationship with the british makita theyd she, the queen was, was highly respected in scotland despite the fact that so many people want scotland become an independent nation. Thanks very much have male and yes, i think you know, any part to especially great break of the kind of wales england, scotland, the relationship between the monarchy and, and particularly politics and scotland especially over the last decade has been and so my straw because we have had this independence referendum in 2014 installed and we still have a very strong, its called a nationalist movement. Its called us national park. Have been in power in edinburgh. 20007 for very long time. And a large number of people, almost roughly half population wants independence and the kind of relationship between the monarchy on politics and scotland hope and you know, has been kind of a for all one in some respects, back in 2014 the, in the Pro Independence. I took pains to say that they wouldnt be ending the monarchy that even its gotten both for independence. The queen would still be the head of station that kind of was kind of symbolic of i think the high regard to many, scott hug for the queen. But at the same time, a kind of unpaid balance about the monarchy. And at the time, actually, the queen did something, it was very unusual for her, which is kind of make a bit of an intervention into politics, you know, before just before the 2014 both which was one by the no campaign by 10, by 10 points. The queen said that scott should think very carefully before they made the decision about whether to stay part of the United Kingdom or whether to become an independent nation. But opinion polls show that support for the monarchy in scotland has been drifting over the years. Will that drift to think continue under king charles . The 3rd who course doesnt have the same links to scotland as her majesty the queen did was very striking over the last 48 hours in the last commentary about the queen, queen that she died, of course, and by more than scotland, a lot of people talk about how much she los bottom oral, how close she was about martin, the procession, as you rightly talk. Right, said its making its way to edinburgh. Its a long theres been a big focus in scotland on, on scotland park. All this kind of the morning period for to clean and in some ways, you know, somebody reflects someones out im business i mentioned earlier because you have by 45 percent stop say to support the monarchy, which is a bit lower than the rest of the nice kingdom 70 the kind of move to came charles, the 3rd, a lot of scots that could be its potentially quite difficult moment. Item tompkins, a former scottish conservatives m s p and the constitutional are talking about this is a moment of fragility for the union. I think that is true. How came charles is seen by people in scotland is really yes to be defined, but he seems kind of present as a credit english character. Whereas maybe the queen was able to project a bit more of a kind of con, u. K. Britishness and i think it will be interesting to see quite a lot of scots, according to opinion polls and said that they would want to then to the monarchy. If scott was independent, they would want they would want to be republic. So some of these issues, the cost of the queen would bring back up somebodys. Shes probably not today and tomorrow, but in the coming months and years ahead. How many nationalists do you think . Percentage wise, feel that way you said that, you know, in the last referendum Pro Independence people said that theyd keep the union of crowns if there wouldnt be another referendum tomorrow. First of all, do you think would it, would it pass given the, the current Political Climate and how many nationalists feel that they would still want to keep the union of crowns . I think its interesting that the polling is quite up and down. The seems you quite a solid majority for not having a referendum anytime thing that seems to be at the moment, especially when its gotten mostly but dont want to referendum in the next 2 years. Nicholas originally discovered partners that they will push for referendum soon. Its going to be a Court Decision coming in the next couple of months, which would be quite seismic about whether its actually possible to hold a referendum without the kind of what the legal go ahead of london. Because westminster ballpark johnson had successfully trust us that they wouldnt allow one. I would expect that this question of the monarchy was to be kind of kept off the bottle of paper, as you say to using a crowns is to unions. The act of viewed into political union, 77, which is what the national say they want to end on the union, the crime, the 63, the s n p. A said to start, the monarchy will be a question that could be settled after independence. I would be surprised if thats something that must be changes. Its possible that the queen would make more people think about Scottish Independence or scotland pace any. And what i want to say definitively, we will have a recall the small of course, the s and p have one goal that is Scottish Independence. If they dont get it, they are supposed busted as a political force. Will the queens death to think delay those cause for independence . Now, will this debate be put on the back burner for how long . I think its unlikely. This is a big long the base in scotland. The 2014 referendum as you know, its almost 10 years ago. Now, it changed as politics dramatically. The s and p went from be the 3rd party and started when it came to us many, such by far the dominant Political Party every day. They win the vast majority of states and west sensitive and government for, for 15 years. And im very much like to be in government for good, but bit longer to, according to opinion polls thats likely to change. I think if you know, i think the, the parking cream of pose questions about what the constitution of each of the u. K is in time the will be questions about you know, what, what is, what is britain look like . What is a 20 percent tree . Britain looked like. What does the monarchy look like . Whats the peoples relationship with monarch britain want to be an american system or are the ones to be, are public . I dont somebody say the conversations. I think the essence of probably really call that a much bigger problems for the s and p to kind of the queen coughing is not really part of what is the reality . Does the parties members want independence . Now the scott is probably probably isnt quite there yet. One final quick question, scotland in the referendum to, to leave the or, or the remaining, the in the europe, ian union voted overwhelmingly to remain, discuss, i want to be in the, you more than it wants to be of the u. K. This is another big part of whatever the next independence referendum debate will look like. Its a much more fishers debate, and it was in 2014, when was quite easy was yes, on one side, which is independent. The union with United Kingdom, htp, the crowns, you stay in your because that was all settled. Position anyway. No, was just keep things as they are. Its a much more difficult, complicated question, some Pro Independence peoples support to record. So maam, im to independence. People are very firm remainders, so its quite a complicated nashik process and what happens in other parts of the United Kingdom, particularly in northern ireland, particular on the northern protocol, it could have really big implications for was an independent scotlands relationship. Looked like, what would the rescue, i should think of andrew europe. So its a much more complicated, unpredictable political situation to was back in 2014, in many respects. And the queen passing probably contributions to it, but is now the overriding factor in that its always good to talk to you many thanks for being with us. Once again, peter gag that the editor in chief of open democracy. So as we continue to monitor the pro, monitor the progress of her, of the queens confident cartridge, making its way now to the Aberdeen Sher countryside towards edinburgh. Lets go live to the scottish capital al jazeera said alan fisher. Is there alan, the, the hearst. You to arrive there in edinburgh in a little over 4 hours from now before we talk about what is going to happen once it gets there. Perhaps you could just sum up the mood for us there in edinburgh at the moment with the as people prepare to come along and, and, and pay their respects to Queen Elizabeth have been setting up a helicopter with a military helicopter as well. Were standing outside hollywood palace, and this is the official residence of the queen and know the king when they are in scotland. And this is where the body will be brought back and it will lie in peace here for a few hours to give those who want to call in the chance to say farewell to the queen. And many of the staff here were with the queen for 2030, in some cases, 40 years at the people of edinburgh have been coming along, asking if they could when and lay their 4 attributes. And weve seen people from the age of 2 all the way up to people in their sixties and their seventys and for people who are my age and a new age as well. If you and we have no and no other monarch in the United Kingdom, other than Queen Elizabeth. So the people here are waiting to see to pay their respects. The roads around here have been closed and theyd be many more lining the route. If you go back 25 years ago, in fact, 25 years ago this month, you remember the funeral of Princess Diana and how as she was taken to her final resting place, the hair said to stop several times because of the 4 attributes as that were been thrown, but thousands of people lined the route that very warm saturday. Thats a very nice day here in scotland to day. And were expecting thousands on the route and its coming through the mean Population Centers of the east coast is going through aberdeen, the. The biggest, a city i would say glasgow lake city is that most people know in scotland, it will then come down the east coast to dundee. And then finally here to edinburgh. I and she will rest for a few hours here at holy road palace and then to morrow there will be a chance for the people of edinburgh to pay their respects by seeing the queens casket as it lays in rest at saint giles cathedral. Now, to give you an idea of the geography, a hollywood palace sits at the bottom, whats known as the royal mile here in edinburgh at the top of the royal mile is Edinburgh Castle. Very famous castle from a home of the kings of scotland. And between the 2, there are many Historic Buildings and probably about half way up a st giles cathedral. And that is where there will be the service of remembrance on monday. And the mourners will be led by king charles, who will fly up from london in the morning to join his sister princess on whose with the funeral cortez is. That makes his way down east coast. The queen has got many connections with scotland, but every year she would come here for at least a week and she would carry out what soon as investiture, she would hand the owners that had been given to audrey scores and people connected with scottish public life. People who had been awarded night hoods or dame hood should be given or be ease or m. B es. They would come here more often than not. The queen would be the one who would carry out the investiture ceremony. And she liked coming to Hollywood Castle a holiday palace. But she was really more at home at balmoral, thats where shed gone as, as a young child where she fell. She could get away from the pressures a of life in london and pressures of, of being the monarch and just able to relax. And there were many, many members of her household who were in tears, obviously the news, but to them it was no surprise that the queen decided that a, in our final days, that rather than be moved to hospital in aberdeen, that if she was going to pass away she would do so in the place by model that she loved so well. At least that she had a very special relationship with with scotland. What about the people of scotland though and their relationship with her . While her mother, of course was scottish elizabeth boys, lions who had a home in the castle of me way up in the north of scotland in which almost at john goetz the place you would have had of john agreements to lands and the 2 contrasting points and in the british isles, so that there was that connection as well. And she came here to scotland as a very young child, but she always liked scotland. She liked scottish music, she liked the scottish pike music as well. And she felt a real connection for someone who was quintessentially english ad, there was a real connection with scotland, which is considered. So the more left of center politically, certainly much more industrial, more working class than the english royal family. But there was a connection. She was known for her wicked sense of humor in the scots with tend to appreciate that a great deal. And so it, she did have a connection or with edinburgh and remember as well. Her husband prince fell, it was known as the duke of edinburgh. So the connections to scotland were pretty deep, pretty long lasting. And people here, even those who would consider themselves opponents of the monarchy, of the idea of a her ready in the 21st century. The appreciated the role that the queen played and the Public Service that she gave, and the charities that she supported and they were, we are 2 of our service and in the 2nd world war and that gained a lot of respect from people here in scotland, particularly those who lived through it and remembered at the likes of the eval london, went through the blitz and she lived through there as well. There were many tones in scotland that were industrial heartlands that were decimated places like clay bank and the west coast of scotland. There were essentially raised to the ground during the Bombing Campaign during the 2nd world war. And they appreciated that the queen had served in the 2nd world war. And there was a real affection and it wasnt just a generational thing. It wasnt just people like my mother. It was that people my age and much younger who felt that a respect and the love for the queen . Absolutely alimony. Thanks did al, his name is alan fish. There live in edinburgh. Ballast gases forced his forum. Adrian, thank you so much poems, eager, shy, and tac as underlying her standing as the worlds best female tennis player. She has won the us open title to claim her 2nd grand slam crown of the year. And richardson reports. I run her up at wimbledon in july on the job. Who was a need to go one better. The us open that you nicea in with a shot becoming the 1st african woman to win a grand slam title. In her way was world number one, e g s we on tech, the polish player targeting the 3rd major championship of her career. So we dont like made a lightning quick start. The match winning the 1st 3 games for the loss of just 2 points. So go from shred tag to hit that one. There were a few glimpses of the steely determination that has brought jabbers so much success. But it was, we on say we took the 1st said 6 to just 30 minutes. Ah, it was a lot of sense. I had one her past knowing finals in straight sets and tries. She might say jabber was struggling to hold her opponents momentum. Joggers fighting spirit flickered back into life at the right time. A match point saved a title, hopes alive. I break a match more and saved, but it was 21 year olds we on tech who had the edge in the 2nd set tie, break, closing out the match to become the 1st polish player to win the us open. What does this mean to you, man . To poland ah, well i dont know. I got to come back home and sag. I own a thing big road for me. I really i didnt make it easy for me, but she she deserves to win today. I dont like her very much right now, but its okay. Wow. Its we on 62nd grand slam title of the year, confirming her status. She just the worlds best female player, most. Andy richardson al, juicing rentals that she has one. And the mans us up and final takes place later on sunday, with more than just the title on the line. Carlos al cortes faces caspar, rude with the winter, becoming the new world. Number 119 year old out her as be to home a favorite, a francis cheer fo, in the semi finals for his tor leading 50th match win of the season. He faces norwegian star. Rude, who is in his 2nd grand slam. Final of the year were lost, the french open tide all to ref, and it out. Im just so hm. No, after all and of course, extremely happy. But at the same time, humble enough to think that that could be my only my only in a grand slam in my career. Those doesnt come easy. So here im back again, couple months later. So i feel so be on the board to describe on the court. I know i know him, i say say they place twice, a bit choice for him. But i mean, you know, hes playing really, really well. I know i know that and i will have to to, so my best worth longer. Spanish league match against cotton was delayed by more than half an hour due to a medical emergency, the stance the action was halted. As kat is goalkeeper harem, i as a lead, a small sprinted across the page to get into phoebe later to paramedics in a statement. Cat is set of bandwidth resuscitated after suffering heart attack and is now being treated and hospital the game finished now for now. When for bar some, the victory moves them a point clear of rain champions round madrid at the top of the table. Robert lemond, as he scored his teams 2nd goal ral could return to tops font with amino by mail cow on sunday. For our is charles laclare has qualified in po position for his teams home grand prix in italy, while a clair will start at the front in missouri. Hes a distant 2nd in the title race, red bulls mattress shop and has a 109 point championship lead for shop. And well start down in 7th after being hit with a grid penalty for using to many engine parts. It wasnt an easy qualifying session. I knew that there was quite a bit of potential in the car buddy and would everything together. I knew i knew about him in these last lot being 23, how to put everything together. And ill manage to do it. So very happy with the law. Very happy with the performance has been a great weekend. And so now the feeling with a guy is amazing. Im a saint louis cardinals. Legendary header crushed his 696. Come run of his Major League Baseball career is to run home run against pittsburgh. Pirates came albert, who whole 70 homer on the season of 42 year old is now tied with Alex Rodriguez for 4th on the all time list. Only 3 other players in history including babe ruth, have more career hong k. Adrian about his all your sport for now far. But he thinks the deals return from over to the made use of the day. The coughing of Queen Elizabeth. The 2nd has begun. The 1st stage of its Journey Towards london for her funeral on september 19th, it left all moral castle ah, 2 hours ago, and then headed towards the city of aberdeen at the modem on the outskirts of the city of aberdeen. Itll pass then on the coast road south through port lebanons, stone haven through angus, a past breach in the city of dundee. And itll go to pass across the frightened other, the koreans fairy crossing towards scotlands capital, edinburgh. Ah, where it will then be driven the full length of the rule mile to the palace of holly root house in a little over 4 hours time. Our coverage continues here on al jazeera, with my colleague, volleyball sieboldt, who will be here with you in just a few months. Ah, ah. Ah. Ah. Safe than even been hammered at any international intake or absent Excellence Award boat now for your hero. Environmental a se one of astray is most ancient forest on the threat from mine, with no penalties against protesters when i, when ace meets those prepared to break the law on i, which is here with wow, ah

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