Transcripts For ALJAZ NEWSHOUR 20220830 :

Transcripts For ALJAZ NEWSHOUR 20220830

supporters of iraqis, she, i later marked out asada of far rockets, an automatic weapons as they fight with security forces in baghdad. green zone and the violence in the iraqi capital was killed at least 30 people. the 1st funerals have been held desperate for help aid sod circling into pakistan. millions of flood victims have been waiting for assistance for weeks. and ukraine tries to re take control of household, but russia says the assault has failed and support serena williams retirement will have to wait as the 23 time grandson champion makes it to the 2nd round of the u. s . hyphen have final major tournaments. ah, we're going to begin and iraq were fears, fi. i think it has erupted in the capital off to a powerful she, i later mocked to other such as an i was, he was quoting politics, sought his supporters of bottling iraqi security forces, 2nd day, famous, or most of our academy as warned against the use of live rounds. my security green zone has been hit by several rockets. it has as government buildings and a foreign embassies. let me take you to a press conference, which she i later knocked out on saturday is getting right, lottie. and i hope that you will be up to the responsibility in conveying your messages and rift in the gaps. thank you very much for that. and 1st of all, i feel very sad because of what's going on in iraq now. and i am alarmed and i don't want to talk too much to you. mar, fire. with all my apologies rocking bit up another but regardless and man by dad 15 who has started this rifts yesterday i'm fema thought the are right to day. i am saying that not the good, my head's he goes down and i apologize for the iraqi people who are the only one i was suffering from this rift thought it was the killer and now and the one who killed our both one in fire, not the one who lost his life and the killer guard both are in fire. i don't want to repeat that. so on con advice, more and more. but regardless, who has, if started this, my father, i 1st portal, 2nd part the 3rd, but it doesn't make any difference. so all the killer and the one who lost his life are equal on the same kind. my country and i refer to my nation when i see it is to be captive by corrupt, done. now my country is captivated by violence and corruption at the same time the court when there was my holger, to see me are peaceful demonstrations with a diesel off here. demons saves reserve, crosses with the hands, with the car, friends, recall, but not walk i. those who use the oh jeez, what's our kind of revolution? what's a shame? what a kind of revolution is this up? a novel on man who had bought the godless, who has started dumb this revolution. shabba had on as long as it is merge with violence and the killing of osler, then it's not told by the i revolution and starting from now, i'm not going to say it is a revolution. come off on a day. on fin me at the ha thought this revolution hall is not on at the cook's. i want to now getting bought. i couldn't den, and i criticized devolution. and the revolution of the sonorous, i'd like to thank either the security forces, laughlin, who were neutral, was councils, artist, jabber, and lecture, thank by the eye. doctor operator of the platform says above the individuals, oh, it has no relation with this. they will never hill any citizen of this country water, and i'd like to thank you kindly security forces, iowa and the shadow commander of the armed forces at the same time that good luly don, could i, jim ok, tell me the situation is not on the control and the tribes are fighting and they wanted i got a bill, revenge and lead on relieving that. and how much if you are the sons of your mama, the southern or hammer, the southern that doesn't believe in that after how far you to fighting and killing is not allowed at all. it's hot on her arm, out from the tribes, from either my parties from the south reserve committees. yet when there are some like that brutal, malicious but the sub, the should not, i think, beaman and vulgar. i still believe that our servers are disciplined. that's why within 60 minutes, if not withdrawing from the sit in front of the parliament are no good be, i'm not going to be the saddest leaders again. are in me a much peaceful demonstrations. oh, okay. to me about my i don't want even peaceful demonstrations in november, not one hell out. a 1000000 brown. people are in horror. people lives in hollow, gunbar, pd's, youth, and bombs. people who are living safe in the houses are the to rise. don't. celine wanted to hold on, kill anyone, would you? i don't want resistance camera in 3 and in the houses after a revolution unit to come in and i perform complete with roll and i'm out of one, even from the sit in front of the parliament. and if you go out of the that on po bay and we'll be having another situation, another stance, you should care about your country or you should care about your religion. thank you. if you have any question, i'm all right with that, obviously i said i'm article, i have nothing to do with politics. i think i said yesterday that i have completely withdrawn from politics. i have withdrawn completely. i have quit politics, mark and the market. there is no interference. there is no interference. thank you . that said that i have nothing to do. i'm an iraqi citizen. i have nothing to do with the politics. walker follow fairly. do you think there are? oh, there is a 3rd party. marty gallagher. i have nothing to do with this. no politics, no politics. i quit. militia walker militia. what are the vulgar, brutal militias? i have said before, we need to dissolve these militias. thank you. you're watching, i'll just hit it would been bringing you live coverage of a press conference or the speech that has been made by the iraqi shiite leader mocked out all santa he was saying that to day i am seeing that my head goes down in apology to the iraqi people who are suffering for this rift, he's talking of course, about 2 days of violence that we've seen, but only in baghdad, but which has also been spinning across to other cities across iraq as well. he said the killer and the one who is killed are the same. my cousin, my nation used to he be captivated by a corruption. he said, no, it is captured by violence and corruption. let's go live to mock moved up the walk head who is in baghdad. forest knock wood before we go on to the speech that we've just heard and bring us up to date with the violence and the fighting that's been going on in and around the green zone where you are well, 30 people are dead and 700 others wanted including 110 from the security forces injured according to medical sources of business at the latest figures. this tuition remains very tense. as the confrontations continue in and around the green zone between rival the groups, we have been hurting, get explosions inside the green zone. because this was what the government said. 7 of the rockets have been fired inside the green zone. good, who is still in place with the possible exception of the only a few vehicles just moving around, belonging to this same on groups controlling the idea because the forces belong to the government have been deployed in the area, but the did not engaging in the ongoing humidity confrontations. tell us a little bit about the speech that we just had. it was fairly clear from what i was hearing that the outside was condemning the violence that has been happening over the last couple of days. yes indeed, they're not only condemning but even blaming gear. those who are engaged in the military confrontations in violence on from both sides, including his own support as he literally said that if he is, has been wanting them. if they're not his supporters, if they're not disbanding the sit in and leave the parliament area within 60 minutes, then he will disown them completely. this is the, can you see the level of frustration to level of disappointment that look that a so that has just shown it seen that he is in a state of this illusion meant that he's fed up with the whole a current, a political system. and also the latest incidents, including the violence that has been erupting inside the green zone. he'll so it's rated that those who are engaging in violence at do not belong to to him. he is this owning however a gets into the killing into the military confrontation that is going on inside the green zone. he's been also a, are applauding for those who have been trying to maintain security and re gained the safety of the people inside the degrees on, including those accused of acquiring at des, protested so this is the tone of someone who was trying to keep it because most trying to alleviate the attention that has been resulting in violence and in many killed and wanted inside the greens on markwood for now. thank you very much indeed. markwood abdulla had outside the green zone in baghdad. well, i'll just see it as alec hutchins joining me live now on set. you've covered iraq extensively. you heard that speech. is that gonna be enough? do you think to make the violence deescalate? well, it seems that the sound of this message was conveyed in the way or another, giving his supporters, 16 minutes to withdraw from everywhere as an indication that he wants now to de escalate him as stressing his condemnation, even to his supporters who went towards some of them and maybe others to watch violence is also a stressing get point that he doesn't want to take the situation more, 2 more escalation. ok, this is, this is the status quo now that fit that song. now, once again, he reiterated that he is not into politics. he's all type politics. i quit this is . he repeated several fires now. who is going to talk on his behalf? this is, this is the big question right now. is he completely withdrawing from politics? because this is not the 1st time that looked at the father analysis retirement. he did it on several occasions. he did it in 2007, if i'm not mistaken. he went to iran to continue studies later on. he did it in 2014, i mean, on several occasions he was going in and out. but this time, it was very serious because it came also in a context, in a different context, completely different context given the iraq crisis that we've been witnessing for the last few months since the election. you got the majority in the parliament, not a majority that could make him a form of government, but it may jealousy that with him with him on the top of all the other political movements. so now this is, i think, a message not only to his rivals, but also to, to iran on one side in the event that, that, that to his followers sheet his words and the violence does deescalate what happens next. because if i understand correctly, this is essentially a conflict between 2 rival shy groups, but this is also about how iraq should be run about the politics and the future of politics in iraq. wow. does a situation move forward in the event that they are? the violence does actually deescalate well in case in from now to that 60 minutes. as he said, every one is, is as out of the green zone and things the escalade. there should be right now. links and, and, and channels that are conveying messages from one side, jaw to, to another, and a place where these parties are going to sit and talk. and there is nothing going to happen without a dialog. dialog is right now, this is, this is what, what, what the other feathered was referring to that stalk and the other side, the st. let's look now. he made his case in the street. well, he had the intention to show this or not. this is another issue was he's, was he telling his rivals, deal with it when i'm not in? well, i'm not in the picture. this is also another another issue. what's right now we haven't used take a school, we have a new situation. the parties should talk together. this is, i mean, this is the new way outside this crisis. with regard to the message that you suggested when he was sending not only to his own followers, but the followers of, of particularly that the sheer groups which are backed by iran. how do you think that that is going to be taken by them? well, for now a, you know, we need to hear from them because till the moment they were silent on the, and during the past hours, except for a stressing the importance of dialogue and you know, the dead legacy and the legitimacy of the, of the, of the government of the government. now the, the, the next step is going to be meeting him in the middle of the road. and if, if they're, if they are, have the intention to, to, to really engage in a serious, diana, then they'd have to meet him in the middle of the road. and then things will still be taking from there. and i'm, i'm quite a, with an analysis, you know, i'm just analyzing now that there are already channels activated whether it's diana channels or channels. i mean, through some of those who can influence the decision, whether it's, you know, a regional channels such as iran or may be local channels and journal channels through some very or well respected personalities in the, in the country. whether it's she it, whether it is she or personally, these are characters or may be sunni and curse. ali for now. thank you very much. indeed. i out as it is alley hush. i'm talking to us there. i want to bring in it says r g. i, he's a fellow at century international, he's joining us from baghdad. thank you very much indeed for being there with us. let's talk about the political process, the fundamental, if i understand it correctly. one of the fundamental elements of this is the way that iraq should be governed in the future. what is the possibility that's given the fact that iraq has not been able to form a government and that is facing an economic crisis. it has been for a very long time. what is the possibility that politicians are actually going to be prepared to unpick the system that they have and try to find an alternative? why the unlikely and what's the source of this violence? my son does not want to form a government with his opponents and why rules his opponents and rivals do not want to change the system that they've had in place for many years now. and that has been interested parties, and they fear the retribution for most of those followers, but also from others who have been so disillusioned with the system since 2003 what they will do if they come to. and so where we are at this moment in time, now decide is wanting to compromise and that's why it's going into the level of ones. so species oversee taking some responsibility for that, and he's disappointed that he's on foreigners, his own movements have engaged in math. but still it doesn't sound like there's a way out of this phone in time. as i'm speaking to right now, i can hear the sounds of rocket via so even off to the speech, even on this deadline, he's getting his followers. and i'm the opposing side are still engaged about when, unfortunately, it doesn't look like there's a very clear way off at this point in time. if there was a way of actually finding a solution, do you have any idea what that could be looking at the broader picture within iraq? so one way that's talked about is just quote unquote fresh elections, just dissolving on them. and to get me asking the courts to on that and allowing frustrations to go ahead, but they would still take over year to organize, in my opinion. the other option would be for us to compromise and allow the formation of a coalition government. but it doesn't seem like he's willing to bet. the 3rd option is to let the suntrust form of government and the other side remain in parliament. but again, it up until now we see and yeah, i for that. so at the moment we don't really have very clear picture of what's going to happen the next few weeks. and once there is, of course, as i the house was just mentioning that i looked outside, it has given his support is about 60 minutes in which to leave the area around the green zone in baghdad. do you think that that is likely given the level of intensity of violence that we've seen over the lot certainly over the last few hours. well, i would be surprised if the one that stops within the next 60 minutes. as i says, i'm speaking to you now, i can still it sounds of explosion and the fact that it's not just in baghdad, it's of course, several provinces. you've had over 2 dozen people killed already, several offices of each side that have been effective. but i'll be very surprised if somebody will, that comes to stop and track some of these sort of old rivalries and divisions. some of this is in revengeful, pos killings. and actions, and therefore even though the what's the phone caraway, i'm ok support is. this still could be extra retribution for many more days. i want to ask you about the role of 1st of all, how to meet the prime minister at the moment to some degree it has so far appeared to be restrained. what do you think his tactic is with this? well, in his defense, he probably wants to avoid escalating the situation. he's on the street, of course is not to fight back when fight upon to avoid killing protesters or even some of those who armed and transfer into the green zone. that's his perspective, and it may have led to some of preventing binding from escalating. but also, i think for a lot of citizens looking at this, their discipline to the name of the prime minister in his government. and the fact that he's failed to enforce rule of law since yesterday afternoon until now people be fed right. essentially you the sounds of exposing explosions and shootings. and it seems that the iraqi security forces are just standing by while allow me to fax a lot of and so from, from general rocky perspective, it's really not good enough. and the government doesn't seem to be able to control the situation such as i had thank you very much and he felt about this century international. we appreciate your time and i was, i was thank you very much and i let's go live to mock mood of the walk head, who is in baghdad to forest mac mode. i can see behind you there are lines of people who appear if i've got this right to be coming away from the green zone. tell us what is going on at the moment. yes, indeed. these are supporters of c at lee. that meant that us other carrying gout, his wishes as you know, that in his it, at last his speech, he has more commanded than that of to on what he can to plan. there was no way to pull out from the area. as you can see, this man is speaking arabic, it is that, that we're now carrying galaxy. the command is of a mock. let us other by was the wind from the area from the green zone, including those in the sit in front of the part of that it is this stage id for a month now. so this is a new development. as you can see, lines behind me did, and i was doing a mark that a pulling out there to say that dismantling the tense, that they have set up in front of the, of the parliament. that is photo and gather this crucial a speech by look to the southern himself or after the clash is that the result it in at 30 people dead and 700 other wandered. macro does have any indication of any gun fire or rocket fire equivalent to what we've been hearing over the last few hours. sorry margaret, i don't know if you can hear me, but i was asking you if you were still hearing any gun, fire or rocket far like we've been hearing over the last few hours, i think we've lost our line to buy mach murdock had, who's outside the green zone in the baghdad to the very fluid situation there. as you can imagine, we're going to talk to for hub allied. the alden, the he is the chairman of the iraq advisory council is joining us live from london . so thank you very much. indeed for being with us, given what has happened over the last couple of hours or cup. i'm certainly the last couple of days. the clear dissatisfaction appears to be with the way that iraq has been governed over the last several years. are we seeing a point at which the political system in iraq is reaching a point where it has to change iraqis, though bur for a long time, been debating this bullet to kill sister, man. it's viability. and it's sir, increasingly clear that this system is not gonna work. the constitution was drafted and, and voted upon and 2005 that it is based on her power sharing and power sharing in terms of components. then in terms of each component, that's sharing power within and in that, through all these years, it's proven that this is not the right way to, to govern and given now if the parties and the various sizes of each party is so close to each other, it's very difficult for anyone party to get a clear majority. so you have to end up with the concepts as government. and usually this is a, been a girl with corruption and everything else that these political parties have been dividing the ministries on the spoils of these ministries. for themselves, for their own good. and this has led us to where we are now. we have had seen, similar government says structures in other parts of the world. and when suggestions have been made that they should be unpacked and rebuilt with some other system. those who are benefiting from those systems are very unlikely to be willing to do that. how likely is it you think the iraq can actually move to a different type of political system? it is very difficult there. the constitution is very rigid. unusually, you have any change to the normal change to the constitution requires 3 governors to vote upon or done. this was a safety mechanism, but the kurds insisted on when they voted for the new constitution. so changing it is very difficult. that's why maybe we're locked of a sudden, wanted to do is change the system entirely. and he so that he cannot do it through through the parliament especially that he was blocked to form a government after his winning in the election. he thought that he could do it lucian, but now as being thought to, through the violence and to day he renounced as violence than here announced even those who fought for him. and, and by describing her the dead as they gonna be in hell. ah, so it is, it is, it is clear that there's gonna be difficult and it's, it's unclear. oh, who's gonna take over this, this change? it has to be perhaps within the system, but it's gonna take long time for her aladdin chairman of the iraq advisory council . thank you very much indeed for your time. so thank you. and we'll, i'd get some more perspective. not as aidan i'll honey is a non resident fallow or the arab center washington dc. it says sad as announcement could be an attempt to escape accountability violence carried out by the armed wing of the southwest movement. well, it's not the 1st time the most of the father resides from politics. for the past few months, if we go a few months back, one, the early elections that was scheduled for october 2021. and that did take place. he did claim that he will wake up the elections and not participate in it. and during the process and during that time when other political leaders and they just need their, we're trying to convince him to do participate and those elections. and there are many claims to be elections where it is form for me to look toby just to push for his participation because the political class was concerned about the major timothy of the voter turnout without, without the, the suggest dissipation. and during the very same period, most of the other movement and political committee was preparing and ended up developing a mobile app for the address voters to find their candidates and their neighborhoods . so a resignation from politics is not necessarily something that we will consider to be a permanent decision from the southern. it is also not the 1st time that he claims that he was and make sure that he freezes operations of any association that is affiliated with his movement. and we can see this taking place for the past few hours. which is we are doing office address movement is currency and clashes against other arm doing affiliated with the political parties within the coordination framework. however, there might be a speculation that is spreading that most of a fund that has attempt to announced that he's politically resigning from iraqi politics as an in direct attempt to escape. accountability for whatever i'm doing will be doing. and the next few days still had a knowledge of here and other news packet songs counting the cost of the so called monster monsoon. like government's estimated economic losses of more $10000000000.00 were live in pakistan next. in his election battle heads of court, presidential candidates, royal or dingo launches his challenge. after rejecting the results earlier this month, i live support the battle of the big hitters in major league baseball. let's coming up with joe. ah, with he has begun the the full world cup is on its way to catherine group. your travel package today? hi there. thanks for joining in. here's your weather update for europe and africa. nice to see you. we've got a line of thunderstorms stretching from the south of france, pushing rate into romania. and this is white doubt the heat red across the area. so next in line and big drop in those temperatures for book whereas, but for now you've got a high 35 degrees on tuesday that there's spot, we're seen, high temperatures is the levant. we put the colors on dark of the red hard, the temperature of mine at 40 degrees on tuesday. this is an extended period of heat. doesn't look like it will lead up until early next week. let's remember or into september. so the average temperature here is 31 degrees, other side of the mediterranean few showers, popping up from valencia rate into malagon with the high 31 degrees on tuesday. and we've seen those big storms around the baltic state so much cooler and fresh air air in behind it stuck on just a hive. 17 degrees for you after africa. i think some big downpours, big problems as we look around, senegal, the gambia than we have some showers spreading about mauritania on tuesday to the south. south africa right now vigorous winds for the northern cape, the western cape. same goes for the eastern cape in quasi luna towel turban has a high of 17 degrees on tuesday. that shows up. the cats are airway official airline of the john ah ah. safe, then he'd been home and then he international anti corruption excellence award boat . now for your hero, lou ah, you're watching audra 0 reminder of our top story is this, our supporters of she idly them are taught all sada, have begun leaving the green zone and the iraqi capital. that's out a sort of gave his support as an ultimatum to end their demonstration, which had turned violent. nationwide, curfews now been lifted at least to 30 people, have died in the 2 days of violence and 700 have been injured. the 1st funerals have been held for several of those killed in bagdad. moving on to other news now, humanitarian organizations in pakistan are struggling to get aid to more than 33000000 people affected by the worst floods in decades. more than 1100 people have died since the monsoon rains began in june. most of those deaths have been in rural parts of southern syn province where people live in basic mud and brick houses in basra abbey has the story of one remote village in chicago district, where people are desperate for help. until the monsoon rains came last week barcode elise was the newest house in the village was never but okay, that a big man and it started raining my neighbors, cynthia children to my house as well because my place was new, it was safe. there was no fear. suddenly at 2 in the morning, there was a loud crash. and the entire roof came down. 16 women and children were asleep inside at the police wife, young son and 3 other children were crushed. tad, welcome your mother. he feels helpless. he says, his household wiped away. traditional structures in rural sin, affordable for the poor, usually suited to the terrain, are being overwhelmed by the effect of climate change. the weather has become so extreme. so suddenly people say the building techniques, their fathers and grandfathers used to make houses just aren't strong enough anymore. pockets on producers less than one percent of global carbon emissions, but suffers some of its worst effects. mohammed sustain last 2 daughters and the son when the roof collapsed, a message to the world from a grieving father. nursing me, i got helped me. i've got my friends go to my for the lego. the rain was not like this before. i just want to tell the world, prepare yourselves, go somewhere safe. my advice is don't sleep under ruth, may god keep your safe. i wouldn't wish what happened to us on any one of his wife was in the house at the time to get me. but she now clings to the children she has still in shock. she hasn't said much since it happened. they put their children to bed where they thought it would be dry, where they thought it would be safe. men slept out in the open to give women and children more room. the best of intentions met with the worst effect. this zane basra, the old 0, she car poor since the province pakistan on the 0 to come on. hider is now who is live for us, and no shadow in the chiropractors club proven set. we can see some of the water there behind you and just talk us through what the situation is where you are right now, what you see behind me and the concerns point of to river as you can see from the right it the river car. but that is coming down from the way and then from the knowledge that the river and i can see that line behind me between the 2 water and that showed that 2 rivers merging. however day for the 1st time we have seen the water is receding and old religious ritual completely under water. the people are now let turning to their homes. and i've got to draw it right now, a clean up effort that, that continuing. so there was maybe all was for that high booked on while province . however, all of their body of water which came down from the nod is now heading south. it is going to be a dangerous situation because the river does read it is merging and do is in high florida at several points. and that of gods will be additional rate 2 areas which have already been pulverized by a heavy rain that grounded to re did. so there is no absorption and dug up. got welcome, found the problem in the southern fun job region in the province of sand read all this water is heading. so and an emergency situation emerging death. but for the high brooklyn, while province some relief. as people go back to their home, the structure that badly affected me, god of the water dining. and that of god will mean that many of the structures will no longer be. but at least there was a massive effort by the local administration to get the people out of harm's way. we're also told that the military is still continuing with this helicopter operation in order to get back to it from the north and places like up a swat are to relative safety. so indeed, it's a high sky of relief. sorry, for the people of the high book, the law province, however, dec crops, that guy made the lines, are damaged and it will be difficult for them to blog at need for the next few months because of the heavier nomination of their fees. and kamala, we've been hearing reports that the some sort of aid is beginning to trickle in to pakistan from, of, from foreign countries. is there any indication? and i appreciate that we're only in today that the 1st few days of this is of any indication that any of it is making its way to where you are not yet not grades this fall. and let's not forget because the area in which a was defected are cut off because the highway where it scrapped away the bridges which ripped away. we weren't able to see and flawed the machinery back on the road trying to get an egg going drawer denture, dr. debated on bridges or debate, improvised bridges, why it's such a steel brigade in order to ensure that access is made possible and it did after that that gets applied will be able to reach go daddy, which are affected. so it is going to take some time there will be logistical difficulties, but there's also a lot of question marks because unfortunately, because of the rampant corruption, the way the bridges were buried, they could not last against a flower. then it's quite interesting to note that bridges that will build a 100 years ago during the british colonial period. i still standing, however, many of the bridges that were been recently have been swept away. so they will be question marked as to whether buckets on short now think about doing much more in order to mitigate the effect of bugs, i may change because of thought expected. anyway, they were warning by abs that government and the national disaster management or thought it was not well prepared despite the warning. so indeed focused on we'll have to think very carefully because it was like go ahead august on since it didn't dependence. and it cannot afford. busy another flag like the one we saw, the monsoon is likely to continue the 15th of september. and every one of us here will be hoping that there is no more rain not been now, not on india, which have been inundated in the province of sand and put together li baluchistan. we did that in more province regarding of access that i've gotten had been worked k . so of god did i let him to be learned here that government much pay attention to ensure that they did neighborhood dig mega in order to prevent that. all right, let's go, man, am i dfacs office? i did not come all high to talking to us from chiropractor, unquote provence. come all thank you. ukraine's launched the counter offensive against russian forces in the south and never to retake the castle region. the government says its troops are broken through russian defences on the front line, forcing units to retreat. but russia says the assault failed and that ukraine suffered heavy losses. thousands of people have been leading cason to escape the fighting. traceable has more from cave. well ukraine, the operation on command south which handles a lot of the military announcements happening in this country said that they carried out 3 different attacks all around the area of had a phone that's in southern ukraine. and this is happening if there's been lots of talks in the past month about the possibility of a counter offensive president of the me to fill in the has been promising and talking about liberating the cities that have been occupied by russia in the south . and many believe that this could be the beginning of it. now, when russia 1st invaded ukraine, they moved in from the crimea and peninsula and move towards taking the southern part of the country. but they were stopped in the city of nikolai of, that's where they were repelled and take him back. and that's why they have remained in the city of had a phone that is under russian occupation. however, what happened to me is what prevented the russian troops from reaching all the way towards the russian speaking speak of, or they help for the past month, you know, there's been the contact line. the front line has not moved much. there's been lots of fighting between russian and ukrainian forces right at that frontline, but that has been much more moved much ukrainian forces using western provided weapons among them. the high precision he mars provided by the united states military had been trying to push the russian forces back. and that's why they have asking for more weapons to be able to push them even further. so, you know, all of this situation is ongoing. it's not clear yet whether this is actually a counter offensive what's been going on. there suddenly raises lots of issues and lots of questions whether ukraine has the manpower and the weapons to succeed in carrying out something like this. and all of this is ongoing. while a visit by the i a has already arrived here in ukraine, is expected that they will begin a visit towards the top $4010.00 nuclear power plant in the next few days, where there be monitoring like the safety, the personnel working in that nuclear power plant lots of fighting and shelling, having all going on around that area. and there's lots of concern about the possibility of a nuclear disaster scholars culture of russia and ukraine. risk list for s and p global intelligence. he explains why both sides are fighting so hard for control of custom. your son is the only city on the left, western bank of the nipper river, which is under russian control. and it opens a gateway to the to potential ground defensive, which russia potentially would aspire to, to take towards make live. and then i guess in order to deny ukraine the black sea coast. so if you crate managers to retake had a song, it would be very significant because it means that russia would not be able to stage such an offensive in my view, very significantly, ukrainian armed forces and now heavily dependent on western western manufactured weapons and ammunition. because the, the soviet era, soviet standard size, which was previously available to ukraine, has been either the stock has been either depleted or destroyed during the 1st 6 months of fighting. so increasingly, ukraine depends on continued supply of weapons from the west. and with the latest arrivals which are more complex and more advanced western weapons, its military capabilities have improved brazil's presidential candidates have held the 1st debate 5 weeks before october's general elections. the date was plenty of drama but paul. so most people have already made up their minds between the 2 candidates, the left wing formerly to let the silver and the right ring president shadow sonata one can you knock. here is the story. it was the 1st public debate between the 2 front runners and brazil's presidential election. 6 candidates were on the stage, but all eyes were an incumbent right when president jape, also model and left wing, former leader, wheezing, masula silva. together. they have more than 70 percent of the votes, lula who govern brazil from 2003 to 2010, and is leading the polls. blame both sonata for the countries rise in poverty. and by you could issue the country i left is a country that people miss. i was a country of employment. it was a country where people had the right to live with dignity with their heads held up in this country will return by barbara wilson are attack lula, accusing him of leading a political corruption scandal involving brazil state for an oil company. petro, but ice corp, you thought it was corruption, president blue law. you want to come back? what for? keep doing. the same thing at petro press. wallace spent 19 months in prison before bribery convictions against him were not putting him back on brazil's political scene by a bull sonata was trying to appeal to women, voters denied misogynistic claims against him women. but during the debate, he attacked a female journalist who criticized his response to the coven, 19 pandemic verandas. would you spell talk was it was vera. you sleep thinking about me, you're a disgrace to journalism. analysts say both front runners did poorly on sunday, but that will unlikely influence the outcome of this unprecedented election. they are totally different for more than lexus and brazil because you have an incumbent president fighting in as former president. and that that has never happened was in history. ah, separately, no president, comment president has started the campaign unit that vintage regarding his opponent taxi driver, callous. costa says the debate did not change his mind. yet, what in the putting me out of it? i voted for both narrow in 2018 because i was sick of corrupt government, a book for him. again, vanessa. the santa says she supported lula and still does. focus is, is she seeing a movie? i would prefer a 3rd opinion between lou lambert and arab, but since we have none, i'll vote for lyla, because i know his government has favorite to port and we're now struggling to put food on the table also. and i was thrilling ruler in all of the polls. both men, we will have to win more than half of the valid votes cast to be elected president during the 1st round on october. second. if not, you election, we'll go, we're run off on october 30th. monica and i give al jazeera rio de janeiro loosened argentine is capital, have used water cannon and tear gas. after supporters of the vice president broke through barricades to gather outside or home, christina fernandez the customers facing corruption charges for allegedly awarding public works contracts with family friend. if found guilty, the former president could face up to 12 years in prison and the band from politics for life. king supreme court is holding a pre trial hearing to outline the process for the legal challenge and to the results of the election held earlier this month, william wrote up was declared the winner, but for the 7 commissioners over saw, the polls refused to endorse the results. as rival viola dingo says, the commission system was hacked and want to reach out believing it'll show she one mark on my was where the snow from nairobi. malcolm. this could have a big impact on politics in kenya. talk us through what's been happening. what is the next chapter in the struggle for power here and can you it started out the supreme court over the next 6 days, judges and the lawyers representing the various parties. i will go through the evidence that has been submitted by liver dinger and his lawyers alleged that there was electoral fraud, his main opponent, william router, who's the deputy president denies it. there are also allegations against the electoral commission 5 years ago. we were in a similar position. ryder a dinger than leading the opposition challenged the results. and in an unprecedented move, the supreme court overturned the election in order to re run it in 6 days from now that we are expected to get a judgement and we'll find out if the supreme court upholds the election results as it was announced, dorshek called for a recount or re run of those polls if that happens, it has to take place within 60 days, according to the constitution malcolm, obviously we're going to be coming back to you forget any sort of response from the court hearing. but for now, mark on webinar robot, thank you very much. indeed. i still had an al jazeera when they got set on day one of the us open, there's a ukrainian boulevard knocked out a form of grand slam champion details. come evans, sports with job. ah ah ah ah ah ah ah, i'm sorry sports his joe rob, thank you very much. serena williams expected retirement. we'll have to weiss off to the $23.00 time grand slam champion. reach the 2nd round at the us open and what will be her last major? the grand slam champion here is set to quit to off to the tournament, walked on to court, looking every bit the queen of the game in a sparkly outfit with diamond encrusted trainers, she was ready to say good bye to have funds if it came down to it that she beat dunker covenant to set up a meeting with 2nd seated and that cultivate and serena's refusing to label has stepping away from the game as a retirement. i think when you're passionate about something and you love something so much it's um, it's always hard to like walk away. sometimes it gets harder to walk away than to not. and that's been the case for me. and so i've been trying to decide for a little while what to do. but i was just like, all right, well i think now the time, you know, i just have a family, you know, have, you know, are so high, i'm only her father chapters are my iphone, you know, are call with when will then run her up on mister burn joins serina in the 2nd round of she beat madison bramble in straight sets the tin is in her seat at 5th hasn't been past the 3rd round in new york previously but there was a big shock on day one for to time grand slam when a simona hallett, who was knocked out by qualified darya, sniggered to 6 to one for the craney news ranked a 100 and 24th and well, this was her 1st. when on the doesn't see a tool, she fought back tears and dedicated the victory to her country. i mean it with 2019 champion, bianca andrea. you will have some awkward meetings with her sponsors. nike of to complaining to the umpire about her dress. she was allowed to go and change went on to when her match against harmony. 12 sets to one it wasn't just bothering me on not some 4 hands. i just felt like it was kind of coming up a bit. obviously the when did and howled, but i mean i could have definitely used a different choice of wording on so i apologize to her any one i disrespected, i mean i love nikeema. i hope i can be with them for the rest of my life. the biggest shock on day one came in the men's draw with stephanos, it's a pass losing his opening match. took qualifier. the greek foresee had a terrible start dropping in the 1st 11 games against columbia. as daniel allow he, harlan, and he never really recovered. eventually losing in 4 sets against a man who was appearing in the main drawer in new york for the 1st time gallon took the victory on his 9th match point. i didn't like he couldn't quite believe it was a good day for the qualifiers. as for at flushing meadows brandon holds, playing in his 1st grand slam beat, the tents, seed, and fellow american taylor fritz was ranked 200. 1 places above him halted the son of 2 time. you are so from women's singles champion, tracy austin as excited to be playing. ah, my 1st major on march. i had a pretty good momentum from playing 3 caused madras in a row. so i thought pretty match tough and am i right? i had a lot of fun, lot of friends and family were on the corner. big stadium. this one i played so far, so i was really happy to play in there. and another qualify a year being wound became the 1st chinese man to win a match in the us open main draw. he defeated 31st seed nicholas phil ashby lee of georgia in straight sets nick carey else's safety. true to the 2nd round after a straightforward wind, got his fellow straight, ian, and double partner, the nasty co connect case. the 200 crew when for carry a huge the wimbledon final in july, where he was beaten by no joke of it. he's not competing in new york because he's not had the coven one through faxing. the men's? well no one had little trouble in his opening round much. daniel met with the defending champion at flushing meadows. and he made light work of american stefan cars love dropping only 6 game. the russian is trying to come when to put to us i since 20086. not the most surprising news in football boomers have sack that had coach scott parker. after the 9 mill defeat to liverpool on saturday. it was only the 4th time a team has been beaten by that record margin in the history of the premier league after the game parker said they were under equipped to compete at the top level. he'd been in the job 14 months and gotten promoted to the premier lake. the club say, such friends, replacement begins immediately on the battle. if the big hits is in major league baseball are and judge against shanghai tawny by the top 2 candidates for the american league, m, v p a ward judge place when you young, he's in is the leading home score of the season. he hit number 50 against his honeys, los angeles angels moving within 11 of the young. he's record of 61 in a single season set by roger maris in 1961 bots. attorney also hate one that was his 29th of the season. and it was his angels team who edged the game full 3 for their full straight victory. yeah, he's continue to lead the american league east division though. for miami marlin's fans, this was the highlights of the evening off to the team was beaten by the late judges . this dancing couple showed off this steps before the ceremonial 1st pitch, their killer moves distracted the mascot too. who failed to catch the bowl. alright, that is like a sport now. have mow for you later. joe. thank you very much. indeed. i don slight, but you can want a lot more. of course on our website. the address for that is w w w dot all 0 dot com. molly, so you is gonna be here in a couple of minutes with more on all these stores. stay with us. if you come on board matheson goodbye. ah ah frank assessments the heat waves we're seeing now are they a product of global warming? we will say more of what is happening is the climate change it making them work. in depth analysis of the days headlines inside story on al jazeera september on al jazeera jillions go to the pose innovative could we define the country, but will the people approve the both the constitution up front returns mclamore hill top through the headlines to challenge the conventional wisdom, the u. k is conservative party alexa, new leda to become the country's prime minister. amid an impending economic recession, listening closed, examines and dissects the world's media. how they operate, and the stories they cover. with rising prices, causing hardship and discontent across the globe, we were both on the human cost and maximum. the 10th a tackling the crisis september on al jazeera pro democracy activists risking their lives fighting autocracy was. i know that i might go to prison. good. so i will join the run democracy may be exposed, the struggle of those who believe democracy is worth dying for. we never know when an opening is going to come. when a fruit vendor is going to emulate themselves and say enough is enough. my life for democracy on al jazeera, a showcase of the best documentary films from across the network on al jazeera, ah, iraqi shy need and mac thought outside our colds for com, following violent protests by his supporters. ah.

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