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A kindergarten was hating fridays air strike, northern ethiopia to grey region. And ukraine has exported a 1000000 tons of Food Products since a un back to grain deal signed late last month and is poor. I found that al says the absence of now that the joke of it is a tough breaker for the upcoming us open. Does great rival is unable to travel to the United States because hes no vaccinated against public 19. Ah, we begin this news out with the unprecedented flood that of submerged large parts of pakistan and neighboring afghanistan. Nearly a 1000 people are dead in pakistan where a National Emergency is now in place. And the Prime Minister has asked for International Help or nation has received a rec, or monsoon rainfall this year. At least half a 1000000 homes have been damaged, roads washed away and nearly 150 bridges destroyed. The all provinces are effected. The south western bullet is done, the region has not been cut off of the floods washed away its roads and railway tracks. The bit logo again go glee. The river was sold to us by these people to have no fear of god. There is no such thing as humanity. If it was a river, why was it sought to us . Here was my house. My entire life savings are gone or the southern thin province has received an excessive amount of rain and it usually gets this time of year and in the mountainous northwest range of triggered landslides. More now from the same as robert who is in sent the a pause in rain, a chance to survey the disaster that has unfolded in pockets on 2 months into the monsoon season. The country is declared a National Emergency focused on the leaders, including the Prime Minister himself. Seeing the floods up close, promising to mobilize more aid. But the skies have dumped so much water. No amount of help seems like enough. Driving through the water logged interior of sin province, youd be hard pressed to spot a single rescue crew. But death and destruction abound. Who will save us . When will the waters recede . What happens now . People in floods stricken pockets done left with questions, but little else. No one comes here, not the landlords. No one from the government. No one comes to us. Everyone is just lying here, starving children, little ones. The poor dont have anything. Where should we go back to our village . Its not even there any more. Our houses sank in the water. Were dying from hunger, we have nothing. Everything is gone and weve become beggars were starving, were starving everywhere and seemed desperate testimonies. And please, for help. For the moments the human suffering, the devastation of peoples lands and their home. It is worse here in sin province, but just in the last few days, the flooding from milk, glaciers and rainfall in the north of the country has gotten so bad that even though it is quite difficult to imagine what is happening in the north of the country could overtake what is happening here. Flood water, cascading through the swamp valley. In hybrid the province is moving swiftly south, cutting down anything in its path. Down stream, flash flood, warnings and evacuation orders are in effect, volunteers pulling the dead from the water or warning people to stay away from the rivers. Levels are rising faster than expected. It is time they say to get to higher ground. So we have to correspondence in the pakistan. Come out. Hi, this is in the north of the country now share in kind of talk to inquire province 1st to zane is ravi in connor in Sind Province zane. Can you give us an idea of what the situation is like there right now . While millions of people across the country are waiting for help, most of them in the south of the country and baluchistan and send province everywhere. Weve gone here, as is often the case with climate disasters in pakistan, the devastation is vast and the immediate needs are very basic people. Weve spoken to say that what they need right away is some form of shelter. Anything to put over their heads. They need food and they need medicine. Weve met children who have already begun to experience skin disease, the symptoms of dehydration. And most importantly right now the media challenge is to do something about the hunger people here are hungry and there is not enough food to go around. And jane, obviously getting help to people is extremely urgent right now. What are the main challenges for the aid organizations . Well, i have to say there really arent any 8 organizations at the moment. Any of the places that weve visited, what we have seen is most of the help. What does it a little help is being arranged. Hes being arranged at the local level, there are no international, n g o z. And it is taking time for the government to mobilize any sort of National Rescue and relief response. And there is now mounting anger over those circumstances where were seeing is, there are roads that have been washed away, so communities are cut off and simply assessing the damage, assessing what people need. Thats a challenge in and of itself. So people are being asked by local officials by local government, as well as the federal government to be patient. They say that health is on the way, but the rains are on the way as well. And what were hearing in neighboring baluchistan province is protests of already started to happen in quite over the lack of relief and the lack of health and the slow pace of that health. Ok saying, phys ravi in la khana, thank you for that. Well, come, hider is lie for us in the town over not share in northern focused. Come out. Whats the situation where you on the situation. Its quite grave. They got about 350. 00 pounds. And you think the water off . It bought thing near north shera and theres more coming in after doors. Heavy rains and gnawed and was rarely one of the head was that was the way. It would not be an exaggeration to fit their hobble buckets on. Right now were under water. 33000000 people across the country to be affected to do it all about. But then of the country population, why do we have people read the livestock on high ground . 200000 people have been evacuated from an adjoining district of jobs within the last 12 hours. I know all about the need what a number of people have been evacuated from the low lying area, nor should. So this is indeed a huge grice and i was saying that very later, the board from the top to do that regard not being regard pockets on itself from political instability. And all the tension was toward the political inviting rather than they are tragedy that were done forwarding across the country. So then did coming at the time when the country, the economy is in bad shape. And the blog is going to affect millions of people who have lost their proper days last at home. I did, of course there are no, no they wanted to get you that belonging to god that it will be important to see whether those fellows continue longer did spread them on dont read off that day. Maybe more to come. Ok, leave this now. Come out. Hi. That, thank you for that. Well, for more on whats happening in pakistan, lets talk to our whether presented Jeff Harrington here in the studio. So what is going on . You know, kerry, this is one for the record books parts of pockets on syn providence. This is historic monsoon range that weve seen. So we take a closer look at the numbers right now where theres almost 2 meters of rain over the past 2 months. And we know theres still another month of the monsoon season to go now for pocket stones largest city karachi for the 1st time in 55 years, picking up half a meter of rain. And the indication is, by the end of september, the city of lights could see a meter of rain. If that happens, it would be historic. So we talked a lot about the numbers. These are the scenes were seeing in sin providence here. So really, from karachi, hydra bad to watch shot right through to jacob about just rhodes, clogged with water here. We know every province in bucharest on somehow some way has been impacted tens of millions of people impacted here. So whats been going on, weve had a number of monsoon depressions. So what exactly that is is we get this batch of rain off of me and mar, it starts to intensify the baby gall and then it tracks over northern india. Eventually, in some cases we have seen it go out over the re, b and c, and it cooks up even more. And then it slams into pakistan from there, the system, it just sits, installs out and rings out all of its moisture really top to bottom rate across the country. So we got to talk about, is there relief coming . The good news is it looks like these monsoon rains for the time being are starting to face aloud. So heres our forecast on sunday in see much more dryer weather but still keeping that rain toward the northeast. So from as long back to the hor, and the prediction actually is were going to get a bit of a law for the monsoon range probably until about mid september when potentially they could pick up again just as the season starts to wrap. But weve got dry conditions in karachi with 33 degrees on sundays. So again, kerry, the good news here is deads, were going to get into a bit of a law, but we know it will take time for those water levels to go down. But anyway, you look at it, the devastation has just been. Incredible. Certainly is extraordinary. Okay, jeff, thank you very much indeed for that. Youre welcome. Now in neighboring afghanistan floods are affecting several regions North Eastern that punch. Here is the latest province to be swamped by heavy rainfall. Flood waters have inundated around 3000 homes and destroyed fields and crops. Thats sullivan says 182 people have died. Or rad. How did a heads the delegation to afghanistan from the International Federation of red cross and red crescent societies in cobble and joins us live now thanks for being with us. So can you give us all an idea of the scale of the flooding . Did korean, thank you for having me today. Me like its another to prove that like do not acknowledge like what you have been experiencing, im commenting on who pakistan is been witness. What kind of, im hearing up with this one of the more catastrophic human crosses into all im saying because what millions of people before, even that kind of division would think as you know, as you turn good, is it going to be even worse as the sanction all 22000000. 00 half of the Commission Funding putting on the table. Thats a as adult as well to complain again, Climate Change and youll see that how you looked at and a lot of statements recently over 700 people have been displayed. Thats the number again, to feed and menu. This is the numbers. All right, well you are facing this in the country that already been divided. We can, by the over 3040 years of being can accomplish. Like these. I have to say these and the kinds of further compounded by plants in active and i know people have to toggle with most of the head off season rain that has been ongoing since july. And you rightly said, when you mentioned about the number of people like over 100 people, but like we have more than 1585000 according to the report. If you could get a better question. So we add them to the duration of the us and we have been working. We would our National Dentist to ensure that they are providing life tv services, so that use the supporting of the people. How can you spell . And with that, let me just ask you, forgive me with suffering is enough help getting through. Weve heard that in somewhere is that theres no help getting through. I was like our are we we are coming by the shortage access to the hawk of each areas. The good thing that our national tablets are widespread all over again. And this is where more than 50 people are providing the services to the community. But i have to admit that our repeated underfunded and we are hoping capacities affected household because this is the 2nd time in this year that people are experiencing flooding. Its been ongoing. Our Emergency Operation center at been open like an active and running the best in the middle of july. That was a result of the previous week. So i have to admit its a serious of complex emergencies that the people are going to have to go. Because mobile section economists situation have like is right where we dont have concern about the ability to provide services to those people who are in need right now. Okay, right. How did we do appreciate your time here and also sarah, thank you for having me affecting more head on the knees, including a growing food emergency. We look at why millions of children in chad facing hunger. We meet the Indigenous People of crimea who have been forced to flee because of russian attacks ice for talks, trailing him back in the championship. Ah, fridays, so i can northern ethiopia killed at least 4 people, including 2 children. Unicef says a kindergarten was getting the cur, the regional capital of the to grow. The conflict between rebels into gray and Government Forces began in late 2020 a. Sci fi was agreed earlier this year, but the fighting resumed last week, contained that those young reports an air strike in the capital of ethiopia as t gray region could signal a new phase of renewed fighting local media, say the Central Government is responsible for the attack in an area control by rebels from the te graham Peoples Liberation front, or t p l f, as she does desiree, sonya belinda. I think the s drive kid around noon a neighbourhood is a residential area, sar. Only civilians live here. So the northern lovey, the fighting which began earlier this week marks the end of a ceasefire. There was agreed to and march it also derails efforts to negotiate a p still between Prime Minister abbey augments government and t p l. A. Fighters. Its important at to have some insight about why this war resumed right now to guy was under, should d. C h, i receiving no fuel . No electricity, no communication, no banking to guy forces. Ive been weakest point right now. The fighting has made an already dire humanitarian crisis. Worse. Millions of people have been displaced with more than 3000 reportedly fleeing from the region every day. The u. N. And other agencies have been able to deliver some made in the past few months. Earlier this week, the head of the World Food Program accused tp ellen fighters of stealing food and more than 500000 leaders of fuel, humanitarian aid men for civilians never reach its target. All the parties need to do whatever they can to protect or to protect civilians and also very poorly, i think, to ensure the unimpeded passage of humanitarian of goods. The latest round of violence is raising concerns. They could put even more people at risk and ti grey and the surrounding horror and afar regions cards. The a little piece of the young al jazeera, well, just after the strike, the head of the World Health Organization to just a ton of grasses whose from to grow, treated this saying horrifying images from the kelly children killed in kindergarten in todays strike. While the 21 months a starvation, deprivation, and death of children continues besieged by ethiopia, must end and unfettered humanitarian access, restored urgently, some ill get to choose as an independent journalist and joins us from the ethiopian capital artist of the. How concerning is this new fighting . Well, its really concerning this air strike happened in the last, or perhaps just over 24 hours ago. There has been 4 people that have died, including 2 children. As you mentioned, weve seen high numbers, but we cant verify this is one of the conflicts or the challenge of covering this conflict because a part of her, i mean, the whole part her for to gray is not accessible to us. But the reality is if it there famine that you mentioned that w p has been now highlighting is also happening and im horror. And our fire region, w. P has been forced to cancel some of its programs in the somalia region. So this is really getting into the breaking point. There are millions of a if youre benson need, or for a food aid, which are they un, agencies cant even access. Theyve been calling for us a corridor or a humanity and corridor to be able to give and law for assistance. But now they stand and theyre accusing the t. P level of ceiling are some of their fuels that are needed, the scarcer a fuels and to gray in the to gray Regional Government or the t p. F is accusing them saying that they did all of them they did lend, done by can generally, they to occur what belong to them. So with this kind of accusations and contact ations, the suffering of ethiopians are with the population of, for well over a 150000000 continues. And this conflict that began. Busy almost 2 years ago is approaching its 2nd year. Come november, and is there any significance over the timing of whats happened now . Well, there was supposed to be a peace engagement. The t peer love said they had met with the ethiopian side. Im in c shells and other country i believe in kenya to try to solve their differences. But with this kind of fur, accusations and contact ations. And now a strike which the open government is saying theyre fighting against or an entity, the c as a terrorist organization. Continues and the cuban government has been saying that they are a watch fool. Theyre trying to be careful, but theyre expected to have more strikes because the to open government has said the people for to gray should stay out of their ways from potential targets in which the to open government is saying they will continue to target and they will air strike to try to eliminate in their own words, a door sucker again, sir apiece or engagement or a peaceful way of solving the differences. Again, the differences between both sides is really huge. Duffy can union has been trying to solve it. The United States, the biden administration, has been sending its invoice to our dsilva, but there doesnt seem to be an end in sight, samuel get a true thank you for that. Well, and are them si se is a political commentator, and he joins us on zoom from ethiopia, capital addis ababa. Welcome to the program. What do you make of this outbreak of hostilities . So what i mean somebody indicates is that the very people are going to be affected once again, like ready before next tuesday. So somebody will the people that are going to see any benefits if anything, being done then to try and restore the ceasefire. That was agreed that this year you know, by now, by a by may get out of the way. I think that books to read the piece, build the fence and back to work. I teach you said just before a few days before hes found was so i think that should be at home from my band. Was that because that was the, the stuff i did my everything to be well, you have to be given something i think they should be able to come to the table and i thought yes, you say forgive me for its about giving you say the suffering indeed i mean, what is the humanitarian result of all this in what was already a desperate situation it was already a desperate situation. How much is this going to make it even worse . I think the book, i mean i got to the discussion already begun the discussion for monday so that they should have not getting the ones to put up on the floor talking before 4. So that should just be there for a piece. Okay. And then the minute one is already going the future is already because thats because thats why they store the program that 570000 future on the vehicle. So they shouldnt have to wind down maybe around today. And while them see, say, we appreciate your time here. Thank you. Youre welcome. Now ukraine says its exported a 1000000 tons of Agricultural Products so far under deal broke by the u. N. In turkey last month and estimated 20000000 tons of grain and food stuff had been traction ukraine. Since the russian invasion in february q says it aims to ship 3000000. 00 tons of products in the next month. Last month on the oceans precarious addition, the 1st 1000000 tons of agricultural product were exported since february 24. Does a victory. By the way, 44 ships, green Agricultural Products have already been sent to 15 countries. We have 70 more implications for the arrival of ships for loadings. The goal is to reach a volume of 3000000 tons of export by sea every month, but speak now to teresa bo, whose life for us in the key. If so, were, was the latest about these all important shipments . Well, im right here in front of michaels monastery, and you can see right behind me some russian tanks and trucks that have been destroyed. And while this war is ongoing, what is known as the Green Initiative is for many a success story. In spite of the conflict that continues to exist here in ukraine, in spite of the russian invasion, it was a landmark agreement that happened between russia and ukraine. With the help of the United Nations and turkey, they managed to create a humanitarian corridors through the black sea, so that to vessels can leave the country with much needed grain to other parts of the country. We know that over 30 battles have already left the country. Some of it carrying humanitarian aid towards countries in africa. Among other things, so precedent to lensky said that they had already reached a 1000000 cons of brain that has been exported. And the objective according to the United Nations secretary general and whatever it is to increase that number 2 to 3000000 pounds. And it will be ideal if they could make it up to 5000000 talk for now. The next a directive to increase the amount of grain that is being carried out. And whats interesting about this whole initiative is that, for example, for many is that this is happening. Some type of annual c h and between ukraine, russia, you know, they agreed to get the grain out of this country to assist a world that is struggling with the much needed. So suddenly for many, this is like a precedent that it will be a record. And if a people were to happen at some point, however, you know, precedent for lindsey has already been very, very clear that you know, the piece is still very far away. That he cannot negotiate with that invading force and invading force raping people according to him that is carrying out war crimes among other things. So this is something thats definitely very far away, but you know, its suddenly set to precedence. I mean the, to raise, what more can you tell us about the latest fighting . Well as we have seen is that the fighting has towards the southern and the eastern part of the country. Its been a main concern of the fighting. That is thing happening around, thats what each Nuclear Power plant Russian Forces are saying that Ukrainian Forces have been showing around the, the, the town and around where we are, where the plant is located, while Ukrainian Forces are blaming the russians. And this is something that we have been ongoing for seeing for a while. Theres a main concern that something could happen. Ukraine has been warning about the possibility of a Nuclear Disaster will fortys in the area, have been distributing i o dean pills in different hospitals in case something were to happen. I can be used to protect the thyroid gland. Something that, you know, review could have an impact on so, suddenly, right now, whats necessary is the presence of a 3rd party that would be the United Nation Nuclear Watch doc. They expected that they would visit that area. And the other thing that were seeing is that russia have increased attacked in the dont. Yes, reasons, and people are saying that this is where some queen soldiers towards that part of the country and also an increase in troops in the crimea and peninsula. Theres been some pictures and reports that tanks and are more vehicles and tractors and story and trucks have been been coughing, but me and peninsula bridge. And this would be to, you know, increase the military presence in that part of the country. You know, its, weve been talking to many people that were forced to flee from the crimea peninsula. In the past year 4 cylinder. Theres no peace without the crimea peninsula. And this is our report on law, both members of the grey me in touch, our Community Gather every friday at this mosque, just outside of ukraines capital. Keep. Many of them have been living here since russia next crimea 8 years ago. Know we live here, but in order child families still living there. He says people in crimea are struggling under russian occupation. What rush and brings to the territory where they come, they bring nothing but a crime, destroying mother cry. Orphan children were so this in crimea were so sincere to and now you see theyre trying to do this and couldnt ukraine. In the past week, there have been a few ease of attack from the cranium peninsula, even though ukraine has not acknowledged its behind them. An attack on the saki airbase destroyed 8 fighter jets from russia, black sea naval aviation. I further drone attack, managed to put Russian Ground forces on high alert. The attacks in grey me a show ukraines capacity to strike russian targets deep behind the front line. Press involving me to fill and ski, says he will fight to recover all occupied territories, including crimea. Crimea to tars were deported from an infant by the soviet union. In 1944 and thousands of them were forced in 2014, when russia occupied the peninsula. People here are hoping that when this voiceover may be able to return to the land, even though we have not from crimea, he says you need more help to win the war. Ukraine is a free people. Its not like russian people. We want to live independently. We dont want to be with russia and all we need from actually worked in congress. Its weapon. If it had the weapon, we will fire till that. And the International Community has repeatedly condemned the annexation of crimea. Yes, somebody let us have us as the peninsula plays a crucial role in the conflict in ukraine. Russia use crimea as a military base. President lansky faith, that 715, so strikes against ukraine. Rome are claiming peninsula, sir. Hello. It wasnt raining as the war goes on ukrainians, and since theyre fighting for their freedom for crimean satires. This is also about returning to where they belong. Very well, ill just keep sort of head here on al jazeera. Why the miss england beauty pageant making history. Sports, the Major League Baseball going above his team. I hope your weekends off to a good start. Everyone. Weve got a stormy mix of weather. So here his heart is across europe. Eastern side of germany, pushing into the czech republic, gods, st rate around croatia as well. Some of these could be severe thunderstorms, in fact, berlin is under a severe thunderstorm. Warning on saturday. Still some showers in the forecast for its stumble, but nothing like you saw the other day when we had a months worth of rain dumped on the city within 6 hours. Other side of the mediterranean, a slug of rain around that east coast of spain. So valencia, what day for you have got some showers pushing into madrid is while. Okay, so we can really see the dividing lines here with that stormy mix of weather toward the east high temperatures, warsaw, 32, but back behind it. In the west, weve got temperatures in the low twentys, soft africa we go, theres been some flooding in the northeast of nigeria. What weather has poured in from n jemina thats killed at least 10 people there. The showers in storms really pepin up across the gulf of guinea api. John at 23. Thats below average for this time of the year in southern africa. Not a lot going on plenty of sun. Those winds will finally back off across cape town. And maybe the risk of seeing a few showers across that east coast of madagascar, but looking good and, and turned in a repo with a high of 22 degrees. Thats it. Ah ah ah. Safe going home and then International Anti corruption Excellence Award boat. Now for your hero, oh, a without just a reminder of our top stories now, unprecedented monsoon rainfall has submerged large parts of pakistan, killing more than 900. 00 people. The government has declared a National Emergency and is calling for international health. In neighbouring, ive got to start and floods are affecting several regions. The waters have inundated around 3000 homes and destroyed steals of cops with 100 on the says, 182 people have died. Ukraine, this says it has exported 1000000 tons of Agricultural Products that fall under a deal broken by the u. N. And turkey. Last month, grain has been tracked at black c port. Since russia invaded infantry. At least 2 people have been killed in fighting between rival armed groups and the libyan capital. The violence broke out early on saturday in a heavily populated part of the city. Over the past week, tripoli has seen a build up of rival forces with jostling for power. Its the latest threat to 2 years of relative peace of a ceasefire between allies of rival governments of more on there. So were joined now by malik trina, whos in tripoli, so what more can you tell us about this outbreak about well, last night around 1 am local time, a group affiliated with the Prime Minister to me today, but thats the internationally recognized Prime Minister stormed a military base belonging to another armed group thats affiliated with the parallel government, Prime Minister, betsy shot classes and sued for several hours last night. Were Hearing Health officials are telling us that at least 2 people have been killed, dozens injured, but that number may rise. We spoke to the head of the emergency an ambulance services, and he said that the, the Health Officials have not been able to go into areas where the fighting occurred. The situation is still tens. I dont know if you can see behind me, but theres, you know, you can see the smoke billowing, theres also a, we can hear the sounds of gunfire echoing throughout the city. So the situation is extremely tens. You know, there are calls for people for, for the groups to stop the fighting. So that Health Officials can go in and try to help those that are in need of help to help those that are, that have, are injured or, or need needs medical, medical attention and how much of a threat could this be Going Forward . Whats the situation now . Well, i mean, this is a huge blow to the cease fire. Well, you have to remember libya, how to cease fire in 2020. Theres been relative peace, but just earlier in the beginning of the year, the eastern authorities appointed another parallel government, a Prime Minister, the former he betsy, who was the former minister of interior. Hes from miss rata. Hes currently based in miss ross. And hes been saying that hes going to, hes planning on attempting to coming to tripoli, so you can see that, you know, i mean, we can hear, we can clearly hear of the light and medium weapons being fire in the distance. This is an a, this is a blow to the libyans, the libyan stability. I mean, weve seen statements by the u. S. And the un saying theyre deeply concerned by the threats of violence. And theres fears by libyans here that, that we can see a full scale conflict happening in the capital. Libyans just really want to see an end to the violence and see the country head towards elections. Ok really, but theyre not at china. Thank you. Concepts and drought have left more than 5000000 people in chad, desperately short of food. The government has declared a food emergency and the hope other countries will deliver aid. But its been slow to arrive even more than reports from lake chad, north of the capital loan. When i mean im, i met, gave birth to her daughter 2 years ago. She said the child was in good health, but a lack of sufficient food for am in a family in lake chad. North of the cat in capital, in germane now, has now lets go to mont malnourished. I, biddy, though i didnt. There are so many types of food she needs and we dont have them at home. We have to go buy it from the market, and things are expensive. We buy what we need, depending on the money we have available. I mean, and her family represents some of more than 5500000 people facing Food Shortages across chad. Thats more than a 3rd of the population. And more than 3000000 of those are children. The highest number is in lake chad, where hundreds of thousands of families trouble to get nutrition. While some people in chad can get the food they need to do to Climate Change or conflict here, both factors affect that leg. Chad is one of the main sources of food here, but has dried up to about a 10th of its size in the past 50 years. And the presence of the militant group broke her arm has cut off many from their livelihood. Hundreds of thousands have been displaced because of the violence around the league. Fatima ibrahim and her family fled to this side of the lake for safety. But she said 8 has dwindled to nothing in the 8 years theyve been here. When you come a montana in a day, if were lucky, we get meals, but our lives are hard. If we have breakfast, we dont have lunch. If we get dinner, then there is no breakfast the next morning. It is extremely hard and there are no jobs for us for you to come. Earlier this year, chat government declared a food emergency and urged national and International Organizations to assist those in need. That in and in yellowstone, we need about 100000 metric tons. And the government has secured 6000 tons and distributed it to the markets with people to be able to get it in some countries have donated. But others and some monetary bodies have any place to stand by the people of chad, but the yet to keep their promise. And while the government waits for aid, those in need continue to suffer. I mean a fierce, she may lose her daughter. He but morgan august 0 lake chad. The u. S. A pharmaceutical firm madonna is suing its rivals, pfizer and byron take, saying they copied the Technology Behind its covey, 19 vaccine. The companys jobs use a technique which madonna claims it developed years before the pandemic. Pfizer says its surprised by the lawsuits and will defend its methods priyanka good to report. 2 a once in a generation pandemic, broad, the was 1st m r. Any vaccines to the market at warp speed, millions of lives were saved. Billions of dollars were owned. Now one of the manufacturers medina is suing his biggest rival, pfizer, and his german party. By and take it says for copying its invention. The see your says the lawsuits are aimed at protecting the technology that the pioneered and invested in years before the pandemic began. Theyre not asking for any money for that visor might have made from the govern us government. So and that is neutral because they dont want that money. Theyre not asking for an injunction. Stop anybody and. And assuming everybody theyre basing his own from supervisor. I think that in fact, theyre probably thinking that if they, if they win this lawsuit, theyll be in a position to license other companies that want to think this researchers exploring. If m r n a technology can fight diseases such as cancer, malaria ana chevy. These lawsuits an opening shot at who gets to protect its future. Whats at stake is absolutely huge because, you know, what modern is trying to do is to form a near monopoly of m or in a technology. And thats going to stifle innovation. Not just with cobra vaccines existing but future generations of cold vaccines and vaccines for influenza, a bowler and other kinds of are emerging Infectious Diseases that we need to, to tackle. As country is learn to live with a pandemic. That one stop the world. The battle has only just begun over who owns the technology and who keeps the profit proud, gotta all his ear b, u n. It says journalists income both youre facing, growing harassment and intimidation by the government. Authorities have long been accused of restricting the rights to free speech on line and after the warning of a wider crackdown. So in st. Louis reports from non pen nina is an agricultural entrepreneur in pinon pen. He never thought hed go to prison over social media post, but he spent 18 months in jail after being found guilty of incitement for making sarcastic comments about the government in 2020. He had criticized what he saw as its reluctance to declare a state of emergency, to control the spread of the crone a virus not long ago, gave and gotten when they emphasized that i am spreading provocative information at that time when our country is in graces. They said that, well, the government is controlling doris of corbin. I am a king. The governmental activists are concerned by cases like these and say the space for Free Expression in cambodia is about to shrink even more. In february, last year, the government issued a regulation to establish a government run to internet gateway, through which all internet traffic in the country will be channeled into realty cowboy. But heres the thing. It seems that some articles in the regulations or well give authorities the right the monitor, all information on the internet. They can block websites, companies or take action against those who criticized the government. It is a serious blow the basic freedoms, including privacy. Under the decree, operators must retain and share matter data. There are still quite a few things, not known about the internet gateway. Its exact technical infrastructure, the companies and agencies theyll be supporting it. Civil rights group say they are concerned, the gateway will help increase the government censorship capabilities. The government has repeatedly rejected such concerns. The regulation states that the purpose of the gateway is to manage Internet Connections to protect National Security and strengthen revenue Collection Group beside that, all in all sectors. The royal government must take care of the National Internationally, the sub decree on the stablish, the National Intern of the gateway is the 1st step leave for the accuser, so that the Service Provider now so that it is under the control of the government now and for revenue, yeah. And secondly, the fight against online crimes by the directive was originally slated for implementation in february. But its been delayed indefinitely due to the pandemic and technical difficulties still with a general election due next year. Rights activists are concerned that once its in place, it will further limit dissenting views. Online Florence Lee Al Jazeera and on penn. Now researchers have discovered a new species of birds in a remote corner of a sudden chile. Well, that chirping you can here is the Sub Antarctic wire. Ditto. They were identified in the Diego Ramirez islands of chiles, southern coast, the tawny bird nests in holes in the ground and stove in trees. Due to the scarce vegetation on the archipelago. Had i had hair on al jazeera formula, ones title rivals will be starting. The belgian grown pre from an unfamiliar position soluble behead, but that still ah ah, ah. Safe going home and then International Anti corruption Excellence Award boat. Now for your hero . Ah ah ah. An english model has made history by competing the beauty pageant without makeup, the haunting has the story. I am yeah. Its an industry known for glitz, glamour and lots of make up our media. Thousands of women compete in beauty pageants every year. But for the 1st time, in nearly a century of the miss england competition, one woman took to the cat walk with nothing on her face. Obviously it did get there was some nerves. But once youre in that, once i did, i just spoke so beautifully. My did, i does how young women and disagreement in general should be able to speak with. And im so proud i came into such a like a great movie today. 20 year old Melissa Ralph is from south london and chose to compete with a bare face. No make up no frills. The pageant introduced and no makeup round in 20. 19. After receiving highly edited photos of contestants, they said they wanted to see what the women really looked like. But ralph has taken that to the next level now and they so many goes to like they have swimming comes in the feel and the school by the school like she is on the ha, ha ha, like the committee empower women to divide them when i make a real beauty with i think its such a beautiful route. Her bold move has paid off. Shes advanced to the finals of miss england and will compete for the crown in october organizer say she plans to go bare faced again. We a hardy and al jazeera but stifles sports news. Now his son, thank you very much very while argentina have beaten the all blacks in new zealand on the 1st time in their history, argentina moved top of the Rugby Championship table. A thanks to this 25 to 18 that went in Christ Church is a 3rd street at home last for you. Sealant. Only once before have argentina beaten is a sweet time. Well champion that when came in australia 2 years ago. After reco defeat against argentina last time out, australia continued in 9 year on beaten run on home soil against south africa. A school 3 tries at doing it is 25. 00 to 17. 00. When against the wall champions in adelaide, south africa are now bottom of the championship table or found, the don says the absence of no back. A joke of it is a tough breaker for the upcoming. You us open joke which is unable to travel to the United States because he isnt vaccinated against coven 19. Apparently the way on the old time list that for mans grand slam title wins. And all has 22 championship victories, while joke of it to has 21. Its always a shame window, the best plaza of the wall. Im not able to, to play a dozen one to because own because of injuries are because of Different Reasons on the, in this case ah, not having cough one of the best lawyers on the hasty in, in that, that all honest lamb is always an important than miss, we saw it in wimbledon, he didnt play many tournaments this year. He came there he won. So hes just such a champion and their rivalry go against raphael. Really . I feel like he did not been away nor 20 to 21. Just a joke of a number, so i feel like its a beauty is not a year. It would be a great her story. I would think 14 you sounded tennis wise, but of course its not asked any squares. Its our american golden rule. So its completely understandable also tennis, tennis saw cocoa. Gov says the example Selena Williams was crucial in her development as a player 23 time grand slam champion williams is set to retire from the school. Tough to the us open. Williams place her 1st round match on monday. I would say before i was born there wasnt many. And before serena came along, there wasnt, you know, not really an icon of the sport that looked like me. And so growing up, i never thought that i was different because, you know, the number one player enrolled with somebody who looks like me. So i think thats the biggest thing that i can take from what ive learned from serena. And also on a more personal, personal level, i got to, you know, have a couple conversations with her on later on in life, in i think as to whether she handles her herself and she never puts herself down. And i love that she always elevates herself and a lot of times being a woman and in the world, a black woman in the world, you kind of settle for less. And i feel like serena just taught me that from watching her, she never settled for less. I dont, i cant think of a moment her in her career in her life that she settle for less. Tom brady looks said to turn to action for the tampa bay buccaneers. He 7 time super bowl champion briefly retired from the nfl earlier this year for decided to carry on it 45 year old. Then mr. 11 days of his teams Training Camp for personal reasons. Welcome years, it will take all the Indianapolis Colts and a preseason game. Later this saturday. Its important for game continuity. You know, we have some new guys on the old lawn. We have some new guys at receiver. So other than practice together, we need to see him and again, with certain situations and just the flow of it, no matter how long it is, we just need to see if as if says its been on the indian football federation, overseeing is decision to block all teams from the country from competing and international matches, the well governing body had imposed the sanction the suspension earlier this month due to what it called on june 3rd party influence. The lifting of the ban also means that the under 17 womens woke up will go ahead in the country as scheduled in october. Formula one, a title rivals max. Their stop in and charles the clock will stop the belgian column clear from the back of the grid. The drivers out paste their rivals during friday practice, but both have been p anessa for using too many engine parts qualifying for sundays race takes place in just over 3 hours time. Well not so much really. Busy change, i think we just looked up all we could set up the call and the best possible way. And i think soon as we went out, the car was working pretty well and there was Little Things you know, you want to find human balance. But out of the out of the world, basically the 1st run, i was happy with south africa fighting to save the 2nd test match against england. Jimmy anderson that took the wicket to of South African captain. King aldo, early on day 3 in manchester, or south africa, began their 2nd innings, trailing england by more than 250 runs short time ago. Theyve reached 45 for 2 and take a look at one of the best catches weve seen a Major League Baseball this season, steve co on all the cleveland, the guardians diving into this fans to help his team out in this game against the Seattle Mariners who on crash straight into the seats, but he did avoid serious injury. Despite his efforts, the guardian still slipped to 3 to 4. And as i spoke, when we entered you back to carry some, i thank you very much. Indeed. Thats it for this nice out. My colleague, tom mccrae will be here in a moment, but more of those developments do stay with an artist. Ah ah. A which site is willing keyless or control . What does a new forever proxy war mean for america and nato . As long as americans keep consuming prices are going to keep going up. Why didnt joe biden see inflation comic . How did we get so much raw . The quizzical look us politics, the bottom line. The latest news, as it breaks doctors here, tell us that theyre desperate to get more antibiotics and other medical supplies for to those who are injured with detailed coverage, a plastic container of their fry until their demand for bag as much from around the world, even as the new king to parts a new to seen his praise. Brenda lloyd, the lawyer, b for scientists. The evidence is irrefutable. But americas Climate Change, denial stubbornly mistrust of the fact that despite soaring temperatures, raging wild fires and shrinking water reserves the Worlds Largest economy, it still splits along ideological lines. So can it ever reach consensus to avoid catastrophe climate wars on a jessia . Ah, al jazeera, with every chaos and destruction record monsoon ryans cause extensive damage across large parts of pakistan. Nearly a 1000 people are dead. Aah until mccraney, this is al jazeera live from doha. Also coming up, uni staff says a kindergarten was hit and fridays is strike in northern ethiopia is to cry region

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