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11 oclock this is in use. I live from doha, coming up in the next 60 minutes, president Vladimir Lensky warns of a powerful response to russia on the eve of ukraines national day. U. S. Officials say iran has dropped some of its conditions for reviving the nuclear deal, but to iran denies any climb down. Heading to jail. Malaysias former Prime Minister, reggie brazil conviction, and a multi 1000000000. 00 Corruption Case is up held by the top court. Shrinking harvison child how extreme weather is affecting thousands of farmers and pushing up fruit prices. Im driven ash, with sport as competitive football returns to war torn ukraine for the 1st time since russia invaded, but no fans with associates and g to the risk of ass strikes. Ah. So ukraine is on edge off to warnings that russia may ramp up a tax round its independence day. The u. S. Has issued a security alert saying it has information. The russia is expected to step up, strikes against civilian targets in the coming days. Cave has burned Mass Gatherings for the whole week, but ukrainians are still finding ways to mark the occasion for isabel reports not from the ukrainian capital. Its national flag, dane ukraine, president following me the philippines. He attended a ceremony to honor the symbol of the fight against the nation fetus across the east and south had been occupied by russia. Ukraine is fighting to get them back. Me calling. There is name which is g. We will never recognize someones callers or nor land, and in our skies were always ready to the fin, or blue and yellow flags. I asked now to commemorate heroes who gave their lives for those colors. With a moment of silence, olivia ukrainian marking 31 years of independence from soviet growing. The government has paid russian tanks and are more vehicles that have been destroyed during the past 6 months. Ukraine and official se moscow had been hoping to hold a military parade in central key to celebrate its victory. But this is what they got instead, veda. Glenn is confident her country will prevail and we pray everything a moment for the war to be over. We believe in our army, and were sure its going to be over with our week 3, but it just depends on the time ukraine. Hes on high alert. President lensky says, loving me to pull the floating pressure falls and Us Intelligence agencies have warned. Russia may be planning strikes against government buildings or civilian infrastructure. Keep as far from the front line and as only rarely been hit by russian missiles. Since youre queen and forces managed to push russian soldiers out of the city, back in march, but or 40, they are cautious or have bending public gatherings and are asking people to take the air. Raid sirens very seriously rule since february, thousands of people have been displaced, enjoyed and killed. Felicia, you, that reminder of the atrocities Russian Forces committed in their attempt to take the capitals by then. But he says hes still helping to bury the remains found in mass graves across town to 1000000 the to the queue. I think that neither i, nor anyone who lives in ukraine who witnessed the war, can understand what happened. So now we are surviving on adrenalin. But after everything thats happened, im worried that the off demand will last decades. 6 months on ukrainians are fighting for survival against an enemy that is unwilling to retreat. That is, i will, i will just see down, keep, lets say this on we can speak, dont ivana can push consults a, she is a creating m p in the chair of the Parliamentary Committee on ucr integration into the you joins us via skype from cave, a welcome to the show, ivana. First up, can we talk about independence day, which after all, celebrates, are the 31st anniversary of independence from soviet rule. What is the, the sense . What is the mood and cave in the country given the ongoing russian invasion and the heightened parent heightened potential for tuck it all definitely over this 6th period of 6 months after they are full scale invasion of this 8 and a half years war has started on a lot more ukrainians, many more ukrainians have clearly understood. Ah, what kind of enemy we are standing up against. Anti there is a um, there is more National Unity and national resolve to ensure that we are pushing the enemy out of the of the country. And tom, i wont of people who ive talked to who have actually, ah, gone to her static st to main street of key of that you were just showing on your program with that, with this destroyed a russian ammunition our russian equipment are saying that this gives them additional and it is no hope that way well prevail and that therefore the i are celebrating predominantly in homes, predominantly with their families, but with a lot of heart. And a lot of, i hope for the future, not only survival, but living, living on and developing and prospering as a country. You need heart, you need hope at a time like this, of course, brit looking for. Personally speaking, how do you see things pony out through rutgers simply not giving up. Well, roussel will not give up if, unless and will not stop unless it will be stopped. And thats why it depends not only on the resolve of our armed forces and our training of our, of our armed forces and resolve of our society. But also on the support that we need to sustainably receive from our western partners. And from those who believe in them, rule of law, who believe in international, in international law, in values in awe, in independence and territorial integrity as, as basic rights of the, of the nations and countries. So yes, dissertation is not easy, but some of the ab regains and liberation of our territories that weve succeeded to have definitely inspire us. And at the same time, we are having a lot of losses, a lot of experiencing in a lot of destruction. A lot of um, homes, some civilian infrastructure is being destroyed by the enemy. Ah, but that does not preclude us from, from desire to regain the territory and to ensure that people are safely back there and us restarting their lives in you. Yeah, you talk of ongoing help. How confident are you that steve . The support, you know, particularly arm support will continue to come in for my life. We are grateful for everything we have received, but we also see that there is some tiredness kicking in some of the societies and among some of the political events in different countries. And i think we have to preclude that from happening. Its our common responsibility to stop this empire frome trying to re colonize. Im at this moment ukraine because its appetite will be only growing if we wont stop this monster are here and we will note i can bring him back to the cage to the territory of Russian Federation itself is one final thing and slightly different title. I just wanted to ask you about the killing of girl dina. Vladimir putin says it was a ukrainian eyes. Was it . Do you think . No, i saw it was, and tom russians are ah, dubiously known for their lives. And i think that thats yet another one of their ah, lies that where they are trying to put their own ah guilt on someone else and definitely, ah, wells to blame and if not ukrainians, theyd been blaming us for different things. But at the whole world have, have learnt and that said they were blaming us for something that they did by themselves are most of ukrainians. 90 probably 9. 9 percent of ukrainians have never heard of var mrs. Dar doogie now before this assassination. And there may be 97 percent of ukrainians have not heard even about her father. So i think at that time the Russian Federation is trying to use any, any pre tags they can to justify. Yet additional attacks, aggressiveness and brutality that they are planning to bring to our land devona. We appreciate your time. Thanks very much. D for john is her on al jazeera that savannah can blanket its a ukrainian m p. And chair of the Parliamentary Committee on ukraines integration to use and well, hundreds of people including politicians have gathered in moscow for the funeral of that her pro kremlin political commentary to georgina, she was the daughter of a Prominent Russian ultra nationalist, was killed in a car bombing that rush of blames on ukraine, dean bava, his report. Alexander duke, in listening to tribute to his daughter darya to dinner was killed on saturday in a car bomb attack. Name oscar. Her father says she recently told him she felt like a warrior. Ah, the price that we have to pay can be justified by only 1. 00 thing, the highest achievement victory. She lived in the name of victory and she died in the name of victory, our russian victory, our truth, our orthodoxy, our country, and our empire. Daria took in her was 29 and worked as a commentator on a nationalist, Russian Television channel. Just 2 days after the attack, rushes federal Security Service or fs, be named a ukrainian woman as the perpetrator. It said shed rented an apartment in the same building as to gonna, ukraine has said it does not resort to tara tactics, blaming russias own government or security operators. It typically came things, month for even years, often never for a political mergers to be sold. And yet a f as b rosss curtis, those claims have done as a matter of hours. And i think everyone looking the kind of details that providing, ah, you come to the conclusion, theres nothing credible about the story that they have put together. How much influence to gain has over the president , Vladimir Putin has been the subject of speculation inside and outside russia. Whats clear is he and his daughter expressed far right. Nationalist views in public and strongly supported the invasion of ukraine. But theyve both been placed on International Sanctions lists for spreading misinformation. Witnesses say Alexander Duke in decided at the last minute to travel in a different vehicle from his daughter, social media footage showed him looking on with the car still in flames. You, president putin has never publicly supported him, but hes called the car bomb evil and posthumously awarded to give her the order of courage medal nadine baba al jazeera, a group of e u countries that share borders with russia want to ban tourists from the russia Borders European Union members, finland estonia, latvia, its wayner, and poland. All 5 are now pushing from e wide band on russian tourists, entire block band, russian plains, from its airspace following moscows invasion of ukraine in february. That made countries with land borders into popular holiday destinations for visitors from russia, russia license plates and luxury cars. Now a common sight at finlands biggest airport, Finland Foreign minister says its become a transit country. A barn is expected to be discussed at next weeks meeting of e u foreign ministers. Not sure if we should should not be able to travel. I think everybody should travel because when you see how other peaceful, confused leave, then you become more peaceful to we. Busy oh wait, this her stop. And once. Ready or normal situation in all the world and in our country to in the ukraine. To irma ran to lou as the stony minister of foreign affairs. And he says, the move to ban russian tourists is a matter of ethics. It is on more on pro, understanding to allow the Russian Federation citizens to enter the country for when there is an aggression war going gone. And secondly, also to that, to give a clear signal that there is a need imminent need to go close all europe to Russian Federation citizens. And there are around 10000000. 00 valley. Shes going to beat us, which are already should, to russian for the nation citizens. And we believe that they should be ban european sanction. To close them, the russian tourist can get into a state account if they come through or get their visas from other european countries. Is that right . Yes. Now they do have, we are, did, having negotiations with neighboring countries of you, of Russian Federation, where that arent our national competence, we should leave me that entry. So our countries. But right now, at the 3rd countries you should get, these owners are allowed to pass for 74 minutes. So you want the a union wide band. Do you think its likely i think yes, this is our moral duty where we are capable to that level of responsibility. Lets see in coming weeks in coming tie. So let me remind that all the, both sides of for delaying. They have price and the price are not bombs. We char drop a 3rd to our towels, but the bombs, which are dropped or do the home schools and hospitals of innocent ukraine. The International Atomic Energy Agency has said that the team is expected to head to ukraine, separate a Nuclear Facility in the coming days, but only a phone going talk succeed with moscow to allow access. I a, a chief rough l. Grossey said ukraine reported further shelling at the plant on both saturday and sunday, which damaged infrastructure. Moscow and cave have accused each other of hitting the plot. United nations has called for the demilitarization of the area to prevent a nuclear disaster. Sidewall is still head on the user, including the migrants who died at sea trying to leave lebanon. The military searches for their parties of the coast of tripoli. I protested in haiti demand the Prime Ministers resignation as Gang Violence and poverty spreads across the country. Because poll coming up to england, cricket count, tim explains why he almost walked away from the game last year. Ah. So us Officials Say iran has dropped some key demands as part of his negotiations to revive the 2015 nuclear deal. Thats according to u. S. Media, but tara has denied backing down from anybody conditions. Its good morning this with all White House Correspondent company. How can the company tell us more about whats being said by site . Yeah, was v reported here the United States that a ride has dropped, so one of its main demands that really is seen as an obstacle for reviving this 2015 agreement to live. It arrives nuclear program. Namely, they insisted that the inspectors closed the investigation into its nuclear program. Specifically the suspected presence of uranium at 3 undeclared sites. Now we know that already there had been another key Sticking Point that had been reportedly dropped. And that was from the perspective of iran that it had been asking the United States to drop the Foreign Terrorist Organization designation of the Iranian Revolutionary guard corps. So given the fact now that there is reportedly to key obstacles that have been dropped, this appears to be a very hopeful side, at least from the us standpoint. Because this seem to be perhaps the main Sticking Points from the u. S. Perspective that would allow for the moving forward of the reviving of this agreement. Something that the by the white house is very keen to do, given the fact that the Previous Administration under donald trump in 2018 pulled the United States out of this agreement. But as you reported, as this is not what al jazeera is hearing from, the iranian sided factor al jazeera has confirmed that advisor to the iranian Negotiation Team has denied these claims of factor, right. As saying, it has not dropped any of these Sticking Points. And is really saying that these media reports are essentially false and that is a real problem for moving this forward because what we do know is that it comes to precarious time given the fact that media reports indicate ron may now have enough enriched uranium to make multiple nuclear weapons, right . How important moment would it be if this agreement is revised both domestically for biden . Im internationally well, politically, its very important for a number of reasons for choke bite. And because i, he promised the world stage that america would be back, that he sought to undo many of the things he saw to be damaging, not only for americas reputation internationally, that was done under donald trump. But also in terms of security for the United States and the world. And specifically what he sees as an existential threat to one of americas top allies memory, the least. Namely israel. In fact, thats why we know that the Israeli Defense minister benny gans will be here in washington later this week to discuss the fact that it is the israel is bravely concerned about just how close it believes iran is to. Especially being able to manufacture some sort of weapon given the fact this year, and he was now rich to this degree. So there are going to be multiple meetings that will be taking place. We know at the pentagon with top officials, as they discussed this. And given the fact that there are these contradictory reports, we do know this is going to be a discouraging side. At the same time, the white house of the state department are hopeful. They say, well, there are many obstacles and gaps for maine. They do believe that they can with discussion, be able to revive the seal. Interesting. All right, complete, thanks for that company. How could reporting that from the white house in iraq supporters of is she a politician with todd rossiter, rallied outside the offices of the supreme judicial counseling. By god they called on judges to dissolve parliament and set a date for the elections to be help. But last week, the judicial body told so that it has no authority over the legislature. The council says its unconstitutional to try to force it to assure decree, mahmoud, or to what it is in baghdad. He says, an arrest warrant has been issued for a senior approach. Sutter o leticia, they have been chanting again as to what they consider the corruption of the state of the judiciary system. In fact, they have been sitting up 10 here. They say that theyre planning for an open sit in until the demands are met. Now, this is another episode of the escalation, this time in front of the Supreme Judiciary Council. Remember these, some of the supporters that were camping in front of the parliament for a month now. The sent, some of them have been sent here. And they say that the accusing the judiciary system, the District Council being part of the corrupt system in, on the other hand, the Supreme Judiciary Council has opened an investigation in what is considered as threats to its a task by supporters of the a. So that impact the Judiciary Council has issued an arrest warrant against a top leader proof. So the leader, a former, a law maker and prominent politician affiliated to me, up to the a. So that for what the History Council considered as threats against the council. Now, these protests to say that the, the judiciary counsel is collaborating in the whole dilemma by not taking decision to dissolve the parliament. Remember, this is one of their top demands. The reason why they occupy the Parliament Headquarters is that the demanding, the parliament be dissolved and an election be held as a way out of the current political deadlock to malaysia where the court is up held a guilty verdict in jail sentence against former Prime Minister g brazza g repealed against the 2020 conviction for Money Laundering and corruption, and a 12 year prison term. Prosecutors have said 4 and a half 1000000000. 00 was stolen from the one m d b fund. He confounded falsely reports now from calling them. Why, why not ye browser get seen leaving court with a Police Escort . After losing his final appeal, malaysias former Prime Minister begins serving a 12 Year Prison Sentence and must pay a 46000000. 00 fine. He had been found guilty in 2020 of illegally accepting 10000000. 00 from a former subsidiary of state investment fund, one mtv. His departure from court was in stark contrast to his arrival earlier in the day. Because it 1st id like to thank everyone for showing up and showing me your support. I have tried with all that i can, but everything i propose to the court is rejected. His lawyers had attempted to postpone proceedings and even tried to have the chief judge removed, but failed. Malaysias top court was unanimous ruling no jobs defense was, quote, so inherently inconsistent and incredible that it failed to cast reasonable doubt. On the prosecutions case, lawyer say they have not ruled out seeking a review of the decision. Now jim could also seek a pardon from the king. Of course, we are very sad because we lost the appeal. I only see that really sick comfort and solace in the words of a great indian juris who said that the all my dear lord and his friends perfect justice, some supporters were visibly upset when the decision was announced. Analysts say the judgment will have political implications. Not only, not you would have her sibling night tonight, sir, but the party to which he be long term, namely, a no party would also have to ponder very carefully as to whether they would continue to align with him in terms of claiming innocence or they would draw a clear line of demarcation between the party and you such dead. So for example, the party would have the refresher image. The ruling will also make it more difficult to navigate. To stage a political campaign, hell lose his parliamentary seat and wont be able to contest the next election. A damage to his reputation is severe. Not only was he the 1st Prime Minister to lose a general election in 2018, he is the 1st to be convicted. Nadia still faces several more trials linked to the looting of one mtv. He is denied all charges. Slightly al jazeera, qualitative for the state fund was set up in 2009 with Prime Minister nigi ra zak. Has its chairman. There was meant to encourage Economic Development through foreign investment. The trouble started in 2015 when it mr. Loan payment to invest as of half a 1000000000. 00 that unsettled markets and forced the government to investigate us. Justice department intervened and said 4 and a half 1000000000. 00 was embezzled through criminal schemes involving International Money laundry. It also found money from one m d. B had been spent on extravagant items including luxury homes and properties in Beverly Hills in california. Which it, well, she has an Honorary Research associate with the university of nottingham malays. Is Asia Research institute and she says the case shows that nobody is above the law in malaysia. Well, i think we should be careful that the to recognize that this is one case involving one politician. And i think what we do see is that this is nobodys above the law. Im really sure that he was the former Prime Minister. It was a case it took for years. And while there are serious issues involving want him to be scandal that continues to affect the country, not least of which of the payments that ordinary citizens have to make. I think what we do see is that the judiciary system worked. We saw multiple courts could convict in a whole the conviction. And i think this is a very important day for malaysia historic moment. In fact, i think there are 2 things here. First of all, its no question that weve seen much more open public debate and exposure Corruption Cases. And corruption is a very serious problem that is ramp it across the system of which i think we have as seen a politician been affected by that. And particularly those in the dominant party, the not only, not you, but other Senior Leaders in know do, can face and serious corruption pieces and theyre still ongoing. I think that the question of management corruption is something malaysia is wrestling with them. This decision today . I think sense of good precedent that people will be targeted for issues of corruption, even at the top. The 2nd issue, however, is that weve seen malaysians really come out and object to this. And i think we saw this in the 2018 election where people voted to remove g for office in part because of corruption. And while the government only lasted 22 months and a new coalition took over, what we have seen and even the current government has recognized that there is a lot of anger in Malaysian Society about the corruption. And i think this is one of the reasons why the case is Still Holding a still ahead here. No, sir, we followed protest thailands capital where people have gathered to demand the resignation of the Prime Minister. Australias government is ordered an inquiry into former Prime Minister Scott Morrisons holding of the secret ministerial folders. A young kid may finally have time to run the terrible run a full laser full ah hello there. Lets look to the middle east and from northern half of the region. It is a relatively quiet picture. Temperatures still on the up for the likes of 2 ways, as well as Western Areas of iran and iraq. Temperatures have been down however, across the gulf. Weve got a shamal thats going to blow in, thats going to pick temperatures up, but it will relieve some of the humidity in places like a guitar. Its still looking very unsettled. However, in that Southwest Corner we have seen devastating flooding in yemen. That rain continues trickling up into the southwest of saudi arabia. Weve also seen devastating flooding across sudan. At least 6 states have had states of emergency declared that rain is set to continue. And you can see that band of red, nice easily waves pulling west, bringing some of those heavy downfalls to nigeria and for the west. More coastal areas such as senegal and the gambia, southern areas of martina as well as seems very heavy rain by thursday for the south of this much quiet picture across large areas of southern africa. Theres been some improvement in kate tom for the wet and windy weather is never far away. Look at that, a drop to the mid teens for cape town, but for johannesburg, sunshine, the temperature at 25. 00 degrees celsius. That she, whether ah, but every month youll have someone from home that will say, oh please, i need my me for days with the economy and free full and children, and spread around the world. How does the family survive in moderns improperly as to pull about 4 people know, always every responsibility, saving money, whole plan, just feel like im stretching myself. Quickness transactions on al jazeera, both germany and the police violently. The 1st thing protest this, these are some of good tens of thousands of people try to flee, cobble inspired to program, making. Welcome to generational change, unrivalled broadcasting. White people did not want black children in the schools. We have to fight for it and Al Jazeera English proud recipient of the new york festivals broadcaster the year award for the 6 year running. Ah ah, so youre watching out 0. Remind about top stories this hour and ukraines president for the mid zalinski says there will be a powerful response, but forces if russia launches any attacks. Wednesday marks both ukraines independence day. And 6 months since the start of russias invasion. The International Atomic Energy Agency has said that a team is expected to head to ukraines upper region Nuclear Facility the next few days to inspect it security. But only if ongoing negotiations with moscow succeed and crane reported shelling at the plant on both saturday and sunday. U. S. Official se ron has dropped several key demands as part of its negotiation to revive the 2015 euclidean accords. Us media with her on has denied backing dumb, and he was condition turkish president , threats at toppa. One says palestine expressed it support for the normalization of ties between turkey in israel. He made the remarks during his meeting with palestinian president lovely to pass o 2 and said turkeys decision to restore ties with israel does not mean it will abandon it support for the palestinians. Israelis the steps taken in our relations with israel will in no way diminish our support for the palestinian cause. On the contrary, our palestinian brothers also expressed that these steps will contribute to the solution of the palestinian issue and improvement of the situation of the palestinian people. Or wrestles heard or as in Esther Bullen has more on the meeting in less than a week of the normalization of relations between turkey and israel. The palestinian present moment above had visited anchored, and he met, took his prisoner type out one of the be meeting during the joint presser, president. Ridge a paper one has reiterated his support for palestine and said that turkey will continue to support a 2 state solution. And he said that the normalization of relations between uncle and leave is not going to come at the cost of turkey. The nation with palestine said that on the contrary, the Palestinian Authority is also supporting the move because the normalization of relations will be for the benefit of palestine as well. He also added that turkey is going to establish a free Industrial Zone engineering in palestine on the other hand, present moment. But i said that he has brief present ad one about the problems and the challenges that palestine is facing. Now, particularly the attack from israel on the residential area, the refugee camps, educational institutions, hospitals, and also and yours. And he said that the only way out of this carols and the problems that is caused by the radio ca patient is a free palestinian state within the border or 1967, which is vic organized by the united nations. So mama bus with it has came right up to the decision made by trick in israel to restore full diplomatic relations and to reinstate the ambassadors for the 1st time since 2018. And todays, with it a between privilege of type ab one and mom with our bus was a declaration of the commitment between palestine and turkey. And also from the tricky side, it was an assurance to the palestinians that turkeys normalization with israel is not going to come at the cost of its relations with palestine. Aids crane silos in lebanon that were damaged in the bay report explosion of collapse. Its a 3rd time Storage Facilities at the port of collapse and past month. Officials say the buildings absorbed much of the impact from the explosion in 2020 that killed more than 200 people. The government had ordered, they should be demolished, but the operation was put on hold victims families wanted. The soil is preserved as a memorial. A fire had been burning since july is rotting grain fermented in the summer. The Lebanese Military and searching for the bodies of 30 people who went missing off the coast of tripling 4 months ago. They were attempting to seek a new life in europe. Submarine has now been used to try and find the bodies sonata. As his ripple, the shores of northern lebanon had become part of a route for refugees and migrants bound for europe. 4 months ago, a tragedy at sea highlighted the desperation among an increasingly impoverished population. Now, survivors have returned to the site of the shipwreck about 6 kilometers off the coast. At least 30 members of their families. Among them, children are still missing with a submarine paid for by donations. And operation is under way to try to retrieve bodies that could still be inside the boat. 450 meters below sea level. And down in the many areas, find it behind them. Older villa barneys government did not do is duty towards that people. And it is because of them these people died. They wanted a better life with salam and money as on. They were among those who drowned their mother bodya survived, because along with her 2 sons and future son in law, she and her 2 daughters had hoped to reach italy to escape a life of poverty and unemployment. There are conflicting reports on what caused the boat to sink when it was intercepted by the lebanese army. But families want closure. Hello, my name is alice low. Feel even if its just one bone i wanted a shoe. Whatever it is, it belonged to my daughters, and i want it. The tragedy hasnt stopped lebanese from trying to reach europe by sea. Earlier this month, 75 people were rescued from a sinking boat off the coast of turkey. Authority say illegal migration has been increasing steadily. At least 3000 people are believed to have tried or were able to reach europe in the past 6 months. And unlike in the past, most people risking the journey are lebanese, not syrian or palestinian refugees. Bomb low mother, i will make another attempt to leave another. I wont stop until i leave this country where you live without any dignity here. Theres helplessness and concern for the future. But most of all, there is grief. There ill just eat off the coast of north and lebanon. For me. Yes, President Donald Trump is trying to stall the investigation into materials the f. B. I seize from his florida home 2 weeks ago, from lawyers of asked the federal court to pull the examination of the documents until a neutral official note in us law. As a special master can decide which documents can be released. At least 2 people have been killed in the haitian capital, puerto prince, during unto government protests widespread poverty and political instability, fueling Violent Crime and lawlessness as victoria gayton. B now reports cale simple apron, ah, haiti is a country without a functioning government. Its economies collapsed and protest as a demanding Prime Minister ariel emery stepped down. Oh, what we haitian people will demonstrate with our plates and spoons, and blankets and pillows in front of our allen resolves to ask him to resign. Because hunger and insecurity are killing us all ah, during the demonstrations a man was shot and killed. Witnesses say, the attacker fled in a co Gang Violence. His serge, since the assassination of president juvenile morsey, left j, his successor in joey support from the international community. But has been criticized for saying he has no plans to step down until elections are held. If louisiana also say that with him about how much we live in a society with people cant afford to eat and drink if conditions for the most Vulnerable People he had done to improve. We will stay on the street like them that we have a different vision for the country. One way young people can thrive. Haiti is still struggling to recover from a magnitude 7. 00 earthquake that destroyed the southern tip of the peninsula a year ago. Crippling Economic Conditions are likely to worse than is the political crisis drags old. Theres gas or shortages, there is severe criminality. Were kidnappings and Gang Violence ah, ah massacres over the last a few weeks. Ah, and therefore the government so far has been, ah, rather weak in its responses and hasnt been able to are to address these realities that are affecting daily lives for asia. Ah, critics of the Prime Minister, her vow to continue to protest until they get the change. They say haiti, ne ha, Victoria Gate and be out his era. There be, protested thailands capital of bangkok, ahead of a court ruling that will decide if the Prime Minister can remain in power. Profit. China archer and 10 of his ministers survived in a conference folk, osmond opposition parties have alleged ethics violations, price took power and occur in 2014 opponent. Say he should step down on wednesday when his 8 year term is up. Tony chang has more now from franklin, a hair in the crowd of the protests. Is there a People Holding up signs calling for piety, General Church to get out ah, occurring the speech is the fiery speeches up on the stage to speak about. The speaker is denouncing out in his time and pow, did they say, according to the constitution could, should come to the end of midnight tonight. The point to which hes been in power for 8 years after seeing how im a military coup in 2014. He said hell abide by the decision of the constitution. Copeland, were going to rule on that hawkins of law to morrow. I dont know theyll make an immediate decision. But its constitutional court, which is states in the governments made of 5 of the 9 judges being put in place by the my rulings in the past have generally favored the government. Nonetheless, this is really about building up momentum by the opposition. I head of elections next year. The crowd here is relatively large, but this isnt what type of gory opposition we store in 2020. When tens of thousands of young people took over the tie capital hauling for the Prime Minister to step down. And i think the opposition and bringing this call for the Prime Minister to step down from pal and to be held according to the constitution e post through 2017, a child to build that momentum. Again, there is unhappiness here in china with the government. There is a cost of living crisis is a mailing that covered was mismanaged. And they want to capitalize on that. I had a general election next year. These trailing governments is to launch an inquiry into decision by the former Prime Minister to secretly appoint himself to 5 ministries during the pandemic. The for this, the general says at Scott Morrisons appointments were legal for the decision to keep them quiet, undermine the principles of responsible government, sir oclock. As this one day after receiving advice from australia solicitor general Prime Minister anthony albanese, unveiled his report. It is found that his predecessors decision to appoint himself covertly to 5 ministerial rolls was legal, but filing to inform his cabinet at the parliament, the public and for ministers was inconsistent with how the country should be run. The advice show is, i think, a very clear, clear criticism and critique all the implications that are there for ad democratic system of government. During the pandemic, Scott Morrison swore himself in as joint minister for health have affairs, finance, treasury, and resources. The governor general ever saw the appointment, but he too, didnt to inform parliament that was cleared by the nations top lawyer. Albanese says a wider inquiry is needed. The inquiry will know to examine what happened and how it happened. It will also need to examine what the implications, ah, ah, for what occurred either whether there are any legal issues that arise constitutional law is agree and say the Parliament Needs to be informed of all ministerial appointments. If democracy is to be upheld. If we have secret seems we had a fund to those principles into those norms that frustrates the ability and prevents palm and holding minutes to the counter. You dont know who the minutes are on, which ministers are responsible, what alma cant bat process a bit of cereal. Accountability to parliament doesnt work. Were time minister albanese has flagged the loophole that allows ministry appointments to be made without informing the public and has asked his department to make that a priority. As to scott, most of the former Prime Minister said it was in the National Interest for him to take on the extra portfolios during the pandemic. Extraordinary and unprecedented time cypher. Hes refused to resign. Sarah, clock out his era, brisbin, australia, pakistans, former Prime Minister in my con, says terrorism charges against improve. There is no rule of law in the country on sunday. Police charged con, with making threats against the judiciary and the police. The high court grunted in bed until thursday. The khan was forced out of office in the conference motion in april, whose popularity has surged as people face a sharp rise in cost of living. In k let gone gun migalia and get it done. When we say we will take legal action, the government registered a case and took out a warrant against me, which is the show that there is no rule of law in our country. Diesel made to subsea cushion cheese and let em will me the most positive thing about all of this is that people of our country have woken up. They have become so aware. Im confident the genie of awareness that has come out of the bottle is not going to go back into the bottle again. No matter how hard any one tries to nicholas me, while pakistani Prime Minister shabba sheriff, has begun a 2 day visit to tata latina from his homage of aid. He reports from dough facing a desperate economy. Parkinsons Prime Minister in cutter looking for investment in various aspects with a high power delegation with us to discuss it is the federal minister for maritime affairs. Mr. Pennsylvania. Why are you . Thank you very much for being with this up. Now the situation is dire, economically, in pakistan, the money that was supposed to come in has not come through. Your government has been in charge for almost a quarter. Now, what have you achieved and why you ahead and i believe we have achieved a lot in terms of fiscal responsibility in terms of some stability. Otherwise, the sentiment will start buckets on. Youre going north dice when it comes to economic and financial terms. Secondly, some sanity in policy has well, buckets on curbed, import, so on the luxury items focused on in bullets more and more docs on Peoples Court gift access. And its still, we are looking for other revenues at 1st or 3rd and other nations are concerned. We know that pakistan has been in partnership with them since long our deal with im if on the card we have already given them our letter of intent. So we are pretty much sure that got it. And other countries will be facilitating bucks on, along with the im of deal. Now what we want here, we want business styles more, you know, the box on energy dependent on other valid g as well. And b m l and last comment had the long Term Contracts for them. Unfortunately, in 3 and a half years of sol since 2018, there was no agreement on l n. G. Now we are not only looking for the elegy extension, but to construction of and the elegy terminal at fort off in the ministry which i looked for that had been in opportunity of building new Container Terminals to handle clean cargo at karachi portrait. Somehow it was shot down into 2021. After picking this up and i could share with you about your terminals and karate bork, trust our talking very aggressively. And soon we are going to conclude that farmers in chad say Climate Change is affecting the harvests, contributing to an increase in food prices. Hundreds of thousands of people are struggling to make ends meet the world bank estimates. 42 percent of the population lives below the poverty line. Ever morgan reports from a city in the i had your lemons region north of the capitol and mana, 4 years sala, hel beckett, has own this farm. Exporting corn and other crops to provinces across chad. But in the past few years, he says his harvest have shrunk a lot, all in the 3rd mobility in the past 3 years or so we would planted around the time, we were expecting rains. It would rain and then stop way. So some died. I lost 20 acres of the crops i planted this year because of the change in rain pattern of her mother. Thousands of champions depend on farming for their livelihood, but many se theyve been producing less as the result of global warming. The u. N. Environment agency considers chad among the countrys most vulnerable to Climate Change. Its not just erratic rainfall. Chad also suffers from cycles of drought. Dick, stream, weather mean smaller harvests and lower returns for farmers. And because less produce reaches the market. Prices have increased in a country where nearly half the population of 13000000 live below the poverty line. Chad relies heavily on imports and the knock on effect of the rise in global prices can already be felt. Many people say they simply cant afford some items of food. A or as amanda. Anybody whos got their did up when i was to be guys just keep increasing his de owens. I used to buy a lot of food before. Ha. But now ive reduced what i buy, im some things ive stop buying altogether. Inflation is less than 3 percent, but hundreds of thousands of people are in less than 500. 00 a year, according to the government, which says its working to reduce costs. Oh goodness, another the government each year sit some of its budget to buy commodities of the normal price and sell them to people who cant afford lower prices. Well, thats to reduce the impact on price hikes, and the government is working to support Vital Industries and work on getting investments to improve the economy. And i love people here say they hope prices go down soon so they can afford to put food on their table. He bill morgan out to the euro, had, as theyd be at chad. Sport coming up on the usa as domestic football in ukraine kicks off the 1st time since the start of a wall. Ah ah say that. Mm hm. And then International Anti corruption Excellence Award bought now for your hero, hulu. Ah ah, i was born on his gemma. Thank you. Nick, competitive football has returned to war torn ukraine for the 1st time since russia invaded the Domestic League. It kicked off with a nail little drawer between shots and ask am netlist at the Olympic Stadium in keith. The venue which hosted the 2012 European Championship final was empty of fans because of the risk of asterix. And just in case the match is only being played at stadiums with bomb shelters, the decision to start the new season doesnt have the backing of all football fans in ukraine though with football now. But still i dont saying that its right time to start at football championship because its not safe for footballer and its played resolved spectator. So football is for spectators. Football is a football fans and they are not allowed inside the stadium. So i think its wrong decision. Dynamite, keith are set to play their 1st Domestic League match on sunday. Right now. Theyre focused on pulling off an upsets, reach the great stage of the away for champions. League dynamo, trail ban, fee cut to nail, going into the 2nd leg. The build up has been disrupted by the wall and the team having to train and play in poland because of it. That coach is a way of how his plays feel, being away from their families. But hopes getting on the pitch helps the other players who didnt see their family live about a month because the tiny because it was a Family Living and another person is not to do for us. But i said that last time more to be on the beach and would try to forget that sort of all this kind of thing than to concentrate with so much pain. And its been feca are in the driving seat of the tie off to that 1st leg victory. The Portuguese Club is strung together, 11 consecutive wins across all competition. I think its very important for us that you should also from the 1st 2nd that we are they are and thats not done for us. So i think we want to use the home advantage. So sharp to play us did it very well the last day. So theyre motivated and concentrated near manchester united. Thus, eric said, hog has praised his sides fighting spirit falling that c one victory over livable goals from Jayden Sancho and mark as rash. Red gave united their 1st points of the season. Peace estimates has more to finally, they are positive signs at manchester, united we have a long way to row and if you make a team, ill go to scott and we stick together as escort than we can achieve a lot. Im coughing so motive, against a backdrop of disgruntled friends, marching in protest against the clubs, ownership. United delivered a performance that surprised even the most loyal supporters. I hope spent the place known. Understand that the base is always team fight expert. Now to the other burning issue at old trafford, will christiana renelle to leave before the transfer window closes on september 1, the united boss remains coin for me is it is not an issue. If you or your you are good enough and when youre old and you were still delivered to performance, you also good enough. At little cracks have appeared with 2 drawers and a loss to start the season. Yoga club, downplaying possible, frustrations among the squad. Not any kind of issues in the team like this and that nobodys happy after you lose the game is completely normal. Um, but know that this is not an explanation. All the excuse, all of them, its all fine down this department. The last to united was a livable food defeat in the league this calendar year. Peter stammered al jazeera england cricket captain ben stakes feared he might not play again after taking an extended break to focus on his mental health. The 31 year old has stepped away from the sport for 6 months last year to prioritize his while being stakes is still on anxiety. Medication on his dress, the importance of opening up about mental health. Last month, ill round it announced his retirement from one day cricket, citing the unsustainable rigour of playing all 3 formats of the game. Something now that i look back on and just go, didnt had to feel like that. Unfortunately, thats where so thats how society is give off this provider being a big, you know, like tough northern lad with use and stuff like that. And i was like, im tough because im tough. Doesnt mean that i can struggle mentally because these things you can pick and choose when they go to fit. You thought like a switch in your brain of going play . Im going to feel good tomorrow. Im going to feel bad. The worlds best tennis players making their final preparations ahead of next weeks us open. The 2020 champion, dominic team has struggled with injuries in the last 18 months drop down to 231st in the rankings. The austrian is pulling up the last grab some of the at a tournament in north carolina. And in the 2nd round team that took care of j. J roof. In 3 relief for tampa bay. Buccaneers fans is tom brady returned to training often missing the last 2 pre season games. The 7th time the super bowl, when his absence became the subject of several rumors, some even speculating that brady could leave tampa bay the 45 year old his back in training had of saturdays of final preseason game. The new york yankees appeared to finally turn things around with a little help from our and judge. He hit his 47 major. The came out of the season as the yankees beat them at 40. In the 1st game of whats known as the subway series to straight when the yankees now off a nightmare run the whole scene losses from 17 game and is something you dont see every day. A triple play in Minnesota Twins and taking out 3 a texas ranges back in one place and at any took around 7 seconds is just the 2nd time this season. The twins had done it. It didnt out they range is 1. 00 to 1. 00. That is all your sports from me. For now, ill have another updates, a little bit iconic. Pretty jama. Thanks for that. See later. That is, it for this news arent going to hand over to you on the colors to take over for another half hour news, just cover minutes for me to buffer. Ah, ah, its time for a memorable holiday with pegasus. Its time for turkey. Set sail for new discoveries, enjoy. Have new experiences. Hit the shops, make wonderful memories. Travel to turkey with pegasus, and with direct whites to istanbul, and tribe zone. Book your ticket now for a memorable holiday. C y p g. Yes, for our best prices. When the shuts came from the holiday and the birds cracks, we heard some noise. This was known, a sniper alley was on in the most dangerous intersections and sought able he didnt come in through the front entrance. That was, will happen to the people who were shot they came in through the wrong entrance. The nightly pyrotechnics are funded to turn to the camera man. So thats good. Theyll out of you. Sorry eva, holiday and whoa hotels on al jazeera, thousands of migrants set out from the city of dublin, chula, in the early hours of monday. Theres numerous nationalities among them. But the vast majority, or from venice when, 0, one to reach the United States. Its already been a long and difficult journey for most. There are many of us migrants here. We need help. I just like this woman. I many people died in the jungle on our way here. Its the largest migrant care band to set out from southern mexico. This year theyll rest for now, but the plan is to take to the road again after midnight and make it as far as they can before the heat sets in once again. Ah

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