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This is al jazeera ah, hello, im sammys a dime. This is the news. Our live from dell are coming up in the next 60 minutes. Egypt says israel and the Palestinian Armed Group Islamic jihad of agreed to a cease fire in garza. The conflict in its 3rd day at least 41 palestinians, including 15 children are confirmed dead tube and Fire Fighters are joined by teams from mexico and venezuela. After appeals for International Help to put out a blaze at an all time fall, ukraines president accuses moscow of nuclear, tara, after shelling as a plant in russian held territory. The government of what all goes well, ill give you over 30, blah, blah. And just days out from kenyas hotly contested elections. We looked at one of the biggest issues of otis and i am he, december to the school sees a loss for manchester, united in erickson huffs 1st game, but a dream lead debut for men, cities, earling holland, high schools twice in a to know when of a west ham. Ah, we begin this news hour with developments in garza. Were at least 8 palestinians have died in the latest fighting thats despite report the sci fi between israel and palestinian Islamic Jihad is now eminent, and egyptian delegation is now in garza to negotiate. Its official say both sides have agreed to a truce, but theres been no firm confirmation of that from either the palestinians. All the israelis estimate to had fighters have launched a barrage of around a 100 missiles towards southern israel in response to the killing of one of its leaders by is ralph sirens and explosions have been heard in other cities including tel aviv. When people ran from the beach, palestinian Prime Minister mohammed should, he has called on the Un Security Council to intervene. We, what we call on this institution to take more steps than just to verbal denunciations. We called for an end to the double standards and dealing with the question of human rights and international conflicts. While i, you can, we can never accept the continued crimes against our people, our children, women and civilians, families that have lost their children and children that have lost their parents and families that have been deprived of their homes. Earlier malden 1700 ultra nationalists, israelis added detentions by entering the locks the most compounded occupied east jerusalem. It was on the annual day of fasting. We have 2 correspondents covering the laces developments. Its actual name is in west jerusalem. First, lets go over the south for the gallery, his line from, from garzo, with seeing the casualty, toll mounting. Now. Tell us what happened in the latest is really air raids. Well, the minister of hell say that 41. 00 full of seniors have been killed on including 15 child and during the 3 days of israeli escalation, while we are reporting now, we could hear the explosions of the kids that are fly up from garza and to israel. And we could, we could also the exclusion of israeli, i on the system, is trying to intercept the rockets fire from gun just few minutes ago. There were a 3 i fax or 3 rockets, fire a just right, 300 meters from our beauty here. It seems like a warning, a warning explosions, which means that there will be another bigger exposure. All of our colleagues here are pointing the cameras and waiting for the expected explosion. On the other hand, you could see in the background doc, most of most of the gaza strip now is in, in dark since the, the power station yesterday i switched off on because of the lack of the fuel. Now 56. 00 days it shuts down on the tool made proceeds, karen shallow for the goods or kernel plentiful goods. And it is for individual ha, which me is or which will for more humanitarian crisis. The International Aid organization, or humanitarian organizations now are appealing to appealing because the humanitarian condition is deteriorating in gaza, which this escalations, they say this collision will add more humanitarian crisis to the already existing crisis. 50 percent of the population in garza are unemployed. 70 percent of them also depend on the food a distributed by United Nations or other human italian organizations. And suff one. Lets talk a little bit about a cease fire was supposed to come according to some reports. It should have already been in place now. Do we know where we stand with that sci fi . The gamut of these conflicting groping reports about the announce or the broker egyptian si fi are on the ground or is let me just still launching the rockets on it. Has not confirmed yet or reaching us fire also days really side. They have not also or it hasnt confirmed reaching for such a cease fire. Audition broker sees fire. Yes. There are conflicting report. We we are, we have been watching. We have been listening to different or related reports, but on the ground, only the rockets on that is really dark. Are dominating the field of hearing god. All right, thanks so much stuff. What kat clued there . Lets take this now to natasha her name. Shes in west jerusalem with more of this. What are we hearing from israeli officials, if anything about this cease fire . Well were just learning that a prominent member of the canal, it is saying that hes been in contact with members of the cabinet and that a cease fire is quote close. The hope was that at some point this evening, israel would be able to announce a cease fire that has not happened at this time on day 3 of operation. So called operation breaking dawn. The government has not said anything officially about a cease fire, but there are media reports that the government is not going to meet any demands made by the palestinian Islamic Jihad. One of the demands that the assad mac to hide is making is that israel released by some l i. E d. He is a member of the senior leaders, leadership of Islamic Jihad. He was arrested on thursday. And as i said, israel according to media reports, is not bargaining. And of course is so much you had, one could say doesnt not have much leverage when you consider that. According to the Israeli Military, 97 percent of the rockets fired into israel over the last 3 days have been intercepted by israels iron dome system. And all of the fatalities and injuries have been in gaza. There has been an indication all day that the Israeli Government does not want this operation to become a protracted one. The interim Prime Minister. Yeah. Your la pete had called it an extraordinary achievement that most, if not all of the Senior Leadership of islamic, she had had been eliminated. And there was also a feeling that a kind of divide had been created between Islamic Jihad and hamas, which governs garza because hamas has remained on the sidelines for throughout the last 3 days. A repeat had said that this from the beginning was to target Islamic Jihad, the operation was to thwart an attack on israel, and that there was no intention of this escalating into a wider event. However, the longer this goes on, the greater the concern that hamas may enter the fray was were seeing the death toll in pa garza has increased this evening. 5 children were were killed in a cemetery and jap, aaliyah. And i, i will say that although the Israeli Military has not gotten back to us, that is really military is reporting, excuse me, is really media is reporting that the blame falls on his la mac. She had that apparently this is the result of another errand rocket on saturday evening in the java lea, a refugee camp for children and one elderly women women were also killed. And at that time, the Israeli Military is saying that was also the result of an error rocket and it released a video earlier today proving this in any event. The pressure is only growing on israel from the International Community to hold the air strikes and to allow humanitarian assistance into gaza. All right, well leave that thanks so much and casual name. Lets bring in now francesca albanese, shes the un special repertoire on the situation of human rights in the palestinian territory. She joins us now from catania. Good to have you with us. So 1st of all, palestinians civilian casualties. A mounting there. Now, in the hundreds, when you count both those wounded and those who have been killed, are you concerned . But the laws of war are not being observed here. It occurred more than a grown sir, and that that was not being, im concerned that the all system embodied by international is not observed. And i think that this is the case, not just when there are bonding, like this is like this days. But that this is the general situation in gaza, unfortunately and, and the current bomb being and escalation is just reminding the International Community fair and just need to be to be found because war cannot be used as a matter of policy in occupied palestine. Israel says it launch these strikes on friday to prevent palestinian stomachs you had from launching revenge attacks after that. Israeli raid on jeanine in the west bank can that be justified . Can these kinds of strikes be justified as preemptive strikes . As these relatives call them . Look to be, to be very fair. This all issue of preventive tried preventive. Self defense is all very controversial. But my point and this is why i was so adamant about it is that these particular attacker and i can also speak of the others. But this particular attack was, was a lawful, immoral and responsible because of course he was, its clear that he was going to escalate and to trigger more violence. There are only 2 cases in which self defense his override is permitted on the international law. And when to read the volume into a talk that has been tough food which justified justify which justify it, a kind of response. So in order to, to create and to prevent further violin. Or when he took arrived by the United Nations by the Security Council. And he, hes ro neither. So this is why i said this is unlawful and also its the moral because god has suffered large scale operations derived kill was in 2009 in 2012 in 2014 in 2021. And a 15 year old child has already gone through so many words. This is immoral also because john, even before the attack was already on the brink of collapse, is that you money tare, an emergency on a, in, on a study leak on the basis. And of course, its responsible, so there is no way does can be justified. Again, the law is the last to resort in international law. Let me go. If i could, this is will be, can you mentioned that the history of the so many wars have happened in gaza . Can this cycle of violence now theyre talking about c, but even if its agreed to it had cease fire before, can this cycle of violence, this conflict really and without an end to the occupation of an end to the seed without policy has been given. Normal civilian rights and state heard, you know, the root cause is being addressed without what human Rights Groups are now calling a policy of his railey apartheid towards palestinians. Yeah, easy. I dont think that the root causes her address. I think that one of the bigger be a problem we have is that the root causes have not been addressed, and sen, termination her palestinians are entitled to. As any people or nerd is still to be realised that there is a tendency to treat garza as if it was there and as separate as standing alone. Entity a nor a garza is part and parcel of the territory that remains of historical palestine aware. Israel was created in 1914 and these territory as been under a military occupation with heavy and violent settler encroachments seems a 1967. So know that the very fact that the palestinian Self Determination is not realized is a problem. Israel cannot maintain, has no ground to maintain an entire population subjugated in prepared treaty. This is, this is the bigger issue here, an International Community, or must phase because eventually, if israel doesnt comply with the law, if israel is allowed to go ahead with impunity, it to it. It also means that the International Community has its own responsibilities that are not her effectively discharged. I thank you so much for your thoughts and analysis on that. Slightly more still ahead on the news hour, including columbia prepares to welcome its 1st left this president , gustavo petro, be sworn into office in the coming hours. And the night, maam, start from manchester, united new manager in the premier lead. Peter will have all the details in school, the path of growth. Ah, now ty ones defense, Ministry Says its detected dozens of warships and aircraft in and around the strait. China has been holding military exercises near the island for a 4th day. The drills are in response to the visit to taiwan by u. S. House speaker nancy pelosi, china deployed warships fighter jets and drones over the territory which beijing claims as its own. Taiwan is accused, the chinese army of simulating an attack. The u. S. Has called the exercises an escalation. Ukraines president is accusing moscow of Nuclear Terror after shelling at the plant and brush an occupied territory. The head of the u. Anatomic watch dog has warned damage to these upper a g. A plant could cause a Nuclear Disaster or fail groceries, calling on all parties to show restraint around the factory cave and moscow are accusing each other of firing at europes Largest Nuclear power station. Ukraine state Nuclear Power company says a worker was wounded by russian shelling on saturday. John hendrick has more from keith on the situation. The company that owns that plant, a Ukrainian Company says a Nuclear Disaster was narrowly averted when it was hit just today. That what was hit with an area with spent nuclear fuel rods, which are left in the open air to cool off. Well, theyre radioactive. And so that area was struck, but apparently not breached. So no disaster day, but the head of the i a a says that hes very concerned about the situation there. He would like to send in an International Team to secure that facility, which as you mentioned, was controlled by the russians behind the russian lines, but operated by ukrainians who have been ordered to continue operating the plant essentially at gunpoint. So its a really dicey situation there. As you said, shell today, a worker was wounded and the company says it was pure luck that something really major didnt happen when it was struck today. The interesting thing here is that we really dont know who struck it. The president of ukraine validity, lansky says that it was russia. He wants an International Investigation and he wants tougher sanctions on russia because this threatened to be a Nuclear Disaster, not just for ukraine, but for all of europe. The problem is getting people in there and trying to get the permission of the russians to actually do that. So its a particularly dicey situation with no end in sight in a country where in turnover weve had a Nuclear Disaster before. Ah, the plant is near the city of nevada, in southern ukraine. It has 6 reactors and usually generates nearly half of ukraines Nuclear Power. Russia has been shelling the town of nicole, which is across the river. On friday, ukraines Nuclear Agency said shells hit the nitrogen oxygen unit. And the high voltage power line at the plant. No radiation leaks were detected, but a reactor has been disconnected. Ukraines foreign Ministry Says a shell hitting an operational reactor could at the same impact as an atomic bomb. Natalie growth is a Nuclear Arms Control specialist who previously worked at the International Atomic energy agency. He says, it doesnt make sense for either side to shell, the Nuclear Power plant, russia to occupy and capture those that are easy, a Nuclear Power plant, i think, to provide electricity to the eastern parts of ukraine that russia has occupied at capture during this aggression against ukraine, but we really do not know what the situation is that separate the Nuclear Power plant. Why would the ukrainians shall it when they have their own people there . And then similarly, why would the russians shall it when they have best soldiers and technical experts . There really needs to be given the permission, then facilitated to send the Technical Team to find out clearly what the facts are on the ground. I was looking at the state National Regulatory inspect correct of ukraine. S. And are you that is the official regulator or licenser of Ukrainian Nuclear facilities . And the latest report on its website is from the 26th of july. They do not have any information on the current accusations being created. However, in the stress steps that were done in ukraine following fukushima, s m, i u reports that there are 4 independent high voltage power lines coming into separate power plant. There are 20 backup diesel generators that are 3 generators per reactor, plus 2 extra which just efficient for 250 hours of backup power in this hour was lost completely to the side. So again, the director general has talked about the 7 pillars of nuclear safety. However, on the website, it does say the latest update from yesterday that 2 of the 6 power plants are working. Its appalachia and there is no immediate threat of radiation leak canyons head to the poles on tuesday to vote in a closely for president ial election. The 2 front runners, ry loading and william root ho, promising to tackle widespread corruption. But critics say their roles and previous governments hit by scandal, call some doubt from their credibility. Welcome. Web reports from nairobi. This new highway running through nairobi is the most expensive road per kilometer ever built in kenya. Its initial cost of nearly 600000000. 00. Rose by about a 3rd with little explanation given by the government. Anti corruption activists say just the latest overpriced infrastructure project, enriching corrupt politicians. Most road uses a still stuck in traffic on the old road, unable to afford the tov and motorbike taxi drivers like duncan, a callo arent allowed to use it. The government of what were getting out of very much what up what the problem kenyan did you to vote in general elections on tuesday . The empty Graft Commission recommended 241 candidates be disqualified from running because of corruption. But almost all of them have been allowed to run, and it has been always questions about where he got his wealth corruptions. Candles have been the subject of many of patrick as far as political cartoons is often drawn. Both of the main contenders for president former Prime Minister ride over dinner and Deputy President William Brito will been kind implicated. And ive been part of this system that has been looting from canyon for a long time. One of the reasons why can you develop sort of a calling pace, you know, when it would be running in lots of resources actually not spent on ourselves to spend on the crop and full efficient when riley dingo was Prime Minister. Some of his family members were implicated in scandal of stolen a subsidy. Do been telling is supported. Hes the one who can fight corruption to the main kinds of corruption. Both of them. Denial of william root over school. Those may subsidies as agriculture minister. Hes also promising to fight corruption. Hes been Deputy President for the last 9 years, during which activist se corruption has ballooned as have borrowing to funded china and the money to build a new highway. One of several costly Infrastructure Projects built by the government a router and outgoing president who can yetta in the present an institutionalized was electric for every 100. 00 of, of connection debt from the thing was 20, can be its close to 56. 00. And now that can continue forever, because then it means that they didnt sufficient the money. Luckily, pay for the Public Services or more bordering is going to talk to take place. Meanwhile, candidates a promising to tackle this flooring. Cost of living. Things may get worse before they get better. The i m f ones kenya to end food and fuel subsidies to prevent upset crisis. Officials in the incoming government will expect their share of patronage. Kenya faces a massive economic challenge. Whatever the next leader does, kenyans will likely pay the price. Malcolm web al jazeera nairobi, can you go to columbia 1st, have a left. This president , he likes ghost of a petro set to be sworn in about 2 hours. Several leaders from across latin america have arrived in bogota to attend the ceremony. At ro is taking office with a promise to reshape the deeply polarized country with a long list of reforms and social programs. Scave, now to alexander m. P. S. He is live for us in bogota, says something of a turning point for columbia, right . Ah, absolutely, thats the way most people here feel this government to be. Theres a huge expectations. Some people fear what this government will be will will mean what they will try to do. Its bay ambitious program. So back for the 10th of thousands of people that are here in downtown book that today participating. And this ceremony, this is a day of rejoicing that they have festivity. Traditionally it now durations events in columbia and new governments are very formal, even somber affairs, with just a few 100 b i. B guests invited to the ceremony. In this case, instead that a tire downtown has been filled with big screens with stages with live music. There have been demonstrations of all the different, popular music, the from columbia, and just a lot. A lot of people here who want to be president , for they now gratian of the 1st, the left, the president of columbia. Obviously, given that the expectations are so high, the question is, if this government will indeed be able to fulfill the expectations of so many columbia, so many reforms that is promising to put in place. If you talk to observers here, theyll tell you that the government will have to prioritize and decide what the most important thing to do will be. But that obviously will start tomorrow that the expectations is that the in the coming months, the government of course have a better will try to put in place a very ambitious facts are form to be able to find the many social programs that it has that promise it will be difficult though, because it will face a very complicated economic situation, both being here at home and internationally. Inflation is at that 20 years high. And also the truth is that that the government will face a major deficit left by the outgoing government. Avi van do okay. Obviously, given the fact that the country had to deal with them, and in the aftermath of a bank of li, can it situation for better about one with huge expectations, given the fact that at that for the 1st time i left, this government will be empowering columbia that is kind of a big deal. Thank so much show center empathy, lead spring in now. A restaurant bo, hes a political analyst and rank sort of the conflict analysis resource center, joins us now from bogota. Good to have you with us. So is this going to represent a massive change in politics as we know it in columbia . This, that seems to be the expectation, right . Yes, huge expectations, but it will be a big change. I mean, just the groups of interest are going to be represented in these government. The 1st dormant from the left that we have in columbia, it from a non Traditional Party leader, but also one that will have a wider Equality Coalition in eagle river that has been able to assemble over the past month and which will give him the opportunity of bringing reforms are radical different reforms to policy areas that we have not seen before in the economic areas, social policy, but also environmental policy, which is one of the key aspects of these new government. How difficult is going to be for the president to deliver and all those promises hes got to alleviate poverty on the one hand for example, but hes also got to protect the environment by shutting down one of the biggest earners for the, the economy, or at least restricting in the oil industry, it will be very expensive for the colombian economy to abandon the production of oil and gas one or who are main errors of hard currency. Most likely, those changes will take time, will take maybe decades, and then it will lead to move towards, for example, the shows that he can deliver their rapidly like drug legalization. Columbia. As you know, is one of the main exporters of coal gain to the world. Maybe that will be an area in the end. He will make rapid changes. And that will have a huge impact in terms of the International Relations of colombia to the world, especially to the United States. One of our main allies and stalwart support is for colombian government. Im glad you mentioned foreign relations. What sort of indications have we had since his election victory as to which direction hell take the country when it comes to foreign alliances and relations, especially with the us very likely to get closer to the government of argentina, chile, new mexico. Also, governments from the last or less leaning governments and broadly beast and seen itself from the United States. Very many people are expecting to find a re approach meant, especially in terms of a drug, anti drug and d trafficking policies, from colombia. But he will have, well have to see what it will be the actual point of contact we the United States, one of them. And this is very important, is that what will be the role of columbia in the relationship with venezuela government . The government of federal has already assumed that we are going to rejoin that were going to restart the blow about the relations and opened the border with venezuela to the trade. But well have to see how that will square up to the negotiation with the opposition to minute minute origin. That has been leading by the government of norway. All right, thanks so much for your analysis. Thank you. Cilla had an al jazeera, we hear from a mother in garza, our house. Shes been trying to help her children since israel begun at stripes of the territory and will be live in washington as the Senate Continues to work on a bill. So would see the largest Climate Investment in us history. Class linelle massey delivers another content for goal of the season. Those p. S g open their account with something victory. Ah hello there. It continues me a story of extreme heat across the middle east, with exceptionally high temperatures for Western Areas of iran, iraq, and to wait. Now were going to see them continue to rise in the days ahead. You to that plume of heat pushing temperatures in q, weights to 50 degrees or above doha, like to see the temperature rise as well as that warm sweeps in. Took a tar droppings. The humidity remains largely hot and dry across the levant temperatures here, where we expect them to be for this time of year. Warmers, well, further south, we are going to the unsettled weather, intensify. However, for Western Areas of saudi arabia, as well as yemen, those severe storms picking up by tuesday and that joins up with wet or whether were seeing waves of wet weather moving across central areas of africa, particularly Western Areas of the Central African republic. We have got thunderstorm warnings out here putting into Northern Areas of the d. R. C. We could see some flooding, 70 millimeters of rain expected to fall over 24 hours. No further south of this is a bone dry picture for much of southern africa. Weve got wildfire warnings out for Northern Areas of south africa. Its wetter in the east cape town, seeing the temperature pick up ahead of a wet weekend. Ah, ah. In a post colonial world, the scars of european imperialism run deep. Nowhere more so than in the democratic republic of congo, where a recent history still shapes the presence of visceral, yet intimate insight through the eyes of a whistleblower and a patriotic military commander. Witness presents this is congo. 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And on saturday, a 2nd commander from his stomach, you had, which is well says it was targeting was killed, but civilians including women and children, are also among 41. 00 killed and hundreds injured. And a few hours ago, more than 1700. 00 ultra nationalist israelis added detentions by entering the along some of compound and occupied east jerusalem. It was on the annual day of fasting. On the no say it reports from garza on the days events. Israel has carried out the 3rd day of air rates of the guards. This tread mashaila struck refugee camps and destroyed apartment buildings. Eye witnesses say the attacks took place without warning, no ins, holy wetness as the we were praying. Suddenly we found a miss, silent, our home. We didnt know where it hit us from. It was so sudden, little rock. Israel says the target was palestinian Islamic Jihad and the 2 of the armed groups leaders have been killed. Handed mon suit, a Senior Member of a could brigade, the groups motor wing was killed in rafa near the addiction border. Israel also, essays, tunnels. Ill post rocket launch sites and weapons stores have been destroyed. Islamic jihad responded by firing rocket still with israel. Symbol which were shot down by the i dont miss i defense system. Other smaller power groups are also believe to have fire rocky Different Countries in organizations have condensed the violence, the un humanitarian coordinator for gaza. Shes gravely concerned by the civilian death is in injury. While another un official says the israeli attacks are not just legal, but you are responsible and that god is on the verge of the humanitarian crisis. With border crossing, still chrome, no humanitarian or medical aid is able to enter, caused a fuel shortage, has already forced the soul power plant to shut down and hospitals are warning of dire consequences. If assistance does not arrive soon, you may see it. Al jazeera garza city and garza have been sharing their experiences on social media. One mother in man bashir posted a video online of a small song while the above bottom was underway. Me the early, as she told al jazeera about the impact, the fighting is having on a family. Its overwhelming, actually most of the time. And were trying our best actually for the 1st time we had, we brought in coloring for their faces or so. So that we try to distract them because we know that once they ask questions, we dont have answers or, or we can answer them. But we know in their eyes that they know that we are liars. Ive been telling them that it is fireworks. Ive been telling them that people are happy that that, that because there have been a High School Graduation few days ago. So its kind of similar but the, the sounds are louder. So after while i started feeling that they dont believe me, but they dont want to say it. But this is a new to me because now i have a baby girl. This is different from the last word because the scale is 6 months old. This is our 1st aggression and i dont have my husband, my husband is doing an m, a in, in wyoming, and when in wyoming in the city. So im all here by my own. And i know that my situation is not in combat. The other mother who has waking up finding they are homeless, finding that their, their, their, their children are buried under durable, who has, who have lost many children. I dont think that my kids have even recovered from the last for her. And to tell you the truth, at some point, i started to feel that my kids and the garzon children are some kind of an entertainment petition for the world. I mean, i was trending the last word. Im trending this for so. But what then cases are in besides tool to plan a warren to, to launch or a war like it, america supports it and nobody stops them from, from doing this herbal act and from their raising. Our children are sams almost as the Palestinian Ambassador to the United Kingdom he demands. Israel immediately stops its aggression. So much of this is father, that i term ending the israeli or salt aggression is the right term. And there has been a lot of efforts with egypt and with regional powers on of course, with International Powers to end this unprovoked assault, to this very murderous machine. And the Security Council is supposed to meet to morrow upon the request of the state of palestine and the support of key Security Council members, and are members of the of the council and the u. N. A. So we have no confirmation yet, except that the bombardment continues the targeting of civilians continues the israeli trading of our blood blood, the palestinian blood. This is just the part of starting the Election Campaign early on on goes as, as happens all the time. Politicians and israel compete who has more palestinian blood on their, on their hands. And therefore this is an opportunity for, for all of us the Palestinian People to actually unite. Because this is not an issue with garza only, this is an issue with the Palestinian People. You have reported what happened today in jerusalem. The storming over like some was the thousands. It was really illegal settlers in our more secret sites. They occupied city of jerusalem. This is an or an all out aggression by israel assault by israel on us everywhere. Wherever we are with it in the west bank, with orange, also living garza or even refugees outside cuba has appealed for International Help to fight a fire thats burning out of control at an old depot. The blaze at the Storage Facility in the city of mountains us was caused by a lightning strike. At least one person has died, a more than a 120 the will have been injured. 17 Fire Fighters, missing mexican venezuela, have sent support cruise, elect periods. You know, its a complex situation. Experience says that the tank must use up all the fuel inside. We are making every effort with International Assistance to shorten the time. But we cant know when the fire will stop. Hello. At augustin has mall from the times us in the north of cuba. As you can see right behind me, theres a huge plume of smoke coming out from one of the tanks that still burnings. There are 8 that called super time, because each of which has approximately 50000. 00 kill him at trick tons of petroleum. To avoid exploded the 17 firefighters one as being from the other 16. Im missing. I think its safe to say the expectation is very low. That they are alive because they will just meet away from one of those times trying to dance it with water to stop it exploding. When it exploded. So these people will have been incinerated. The president of cuba met today with family members of those who are still not confronted. Missing cuba, aust serenade is a very proud country. This is a country that doesnt ask for a dismiss. It really, really needs it. Boy, does it need it . They are low on the Technical Technology and also experience in dealing with this. Mostly this is a biggest industrial buyer this, this countries ever faced. The venezuelan firefighters on the mexican specialists arrived hours ago and they, they not only have with them the know how to deal with this, you know, big Oil Producing nations. But they also have technology and that crucially the materials that are needed to put out fires of this magnitude you are santas, is battling to pass president joe biden, 740000000000. 00 economic package will if past the bill known as the inflation reduction acts, we the largest Climate Investment in american history, much of the money will come from the tax reforms including a new 15 percent minimum tax on large corporations. Its also intended to slash Health Care Costs and fight Climate Change. Rosalyn john john joins us now live from washington vc. So is this going to clear the congress . Well, its looking a bit harry, at the moment tell you mentioned the 15 percent a corporate ty, income tax, and there is an amendment. Im not going again to all the details because its really complicated, but there is a new amendment which one of the Democratic Senators kiersten cinema of arizona apparently has just voted for. And that window, basically a disrupt, the deal that was a cobbled together in the past week between another democratic senator joe mansion and the democratic leadership. That agreement is what brought this bill to the senate floor on saturday. Now its my understanding that apparently theres another amendment that essentially is going to supercede the one that was just voted on by cures and cinema. And that should theoretically keep this deal together. And thats important because now that the Vice President common law harris has arrived at the u. S. Senate ostensibly to be on hand for a final vote on this legislation. Later on sunday, it would really look like as if this was something that the by net ministration had really been counting on having happen. And theres this small risk that it could literally all fall apart. If it does clear how much of an oval whole will this represent of Climate Policy . Well, if it does clear, were talking about a more than 300000000000. 00 in investment in electric cars, in other forms of Renewable Energy to make the United States more. And i put this in air, quotes, energy independent, but more important help the United States comply with its own commitments under the international law, Climate Change protocols where every country is trying to reduce the energy that it uses the fossil fuel energy that it uses. So that global temperature rise is below 1. 00 celsius. This bill also was does provide some protections and some expansions of health care coverage. It also does have this 15 percent Corporate Income tax, which theoretically, could reduce the tax burden on middle class and working class of people in this country. Something which the bite administration has been really keen to try to bring about. But certainly trying to deal with Climate Change is in a way, according to the white house, a way of dealing, not just with the Global Climate or emergency, but also with dealing with the expenses that ordinary americans are now having to make in order to continue their lifestyle, i thanks so much. Rosalind joan now the great Prime Minister is apologize to the leader of the opposition over a wire tapping scandal. Chirico smiths attack, his says he didnt know the socialist party chief, was put under surveillance by greeces intelligence service, and would never have allowed it. Nicholas under like his, an cnn journalist synopsis caucus say they was spied on in 2021. Greeces head of intelligence resigned on friday. Also the allegations were known in ivory coast. President s is pardons, his predecessor laura bag bo, for a theft conviction that would have seen him jail for 20 years. Back by was ivory in president from 2000 to 2011. In 2010, he refused to concede the election to current leader alison or what are the dispute sparked the civil war that killed 3000 people. A caught lay the convicted bag, both stealing funds from the central bank or a roger below is the editor of Africa International magazine. She says, Lauren Bagwell has been pardoned because hes no longer seen as a political threat. After accepting as a return to the country offer from the president or on babel and staging public will unions leafy mina re last atmosphere. Ah, it was time for walked out to meet expectations and do something more substantial. It was time to wipe the slate clean at my dealing with this job id suspended over back bulls head like a swarm of damocles. And that doing so on the independence days i was a symbolic gesture. And also, or why hes doing that now because a battle is no longer so threatening. Has changed the name of his party making the japan african party. Nobody is sure hes their supporters. Im not sure what he means by that. And a, you know, hes the very, are, these are time now. But also the problem is laughter. This is just a pattern. Its not an amnesty, which means that best buy will cannot run for president in 2025. So its, its, its, its a measure we for invisible strings attached, or what aha is, has been a permanent, its a 9 with his are standing back there. They should handle got power to the new at 2 and a younger generation, including himself still had on al jazeera tennis. Well, number one secures his 1st title for the year, people have the details in school. Ah ah ah safe going home and then International Anti corruption Excellence Award boat now for your hero, hulu. Ah, i lets catch up on all the game with peter. Thank you, sammy owning hole in the school. Twice sunnys primitive debbie to fire champions, Manchester City to a to know when at west am the norwegian opened these account for his new team will a 36 minute penalty. Have claudio assigned the 22 year old from buddhas he had dormant for around 60000000. 00, and that investment was already looking like great value in holland later, the 2nd of the match, final school man, city to west ham mill. The ericson hockey era, ad majesty united is off to a losing start of the to one home defeats of brighton in they 1st match of the new premier League Season bright. And striker pascal gross measured the opening goal of the 29 minutes to study the home. Crowd soluble, he away, fans increased their volume. Just 9 minutes later is wrong when gross said doubled the advantage for the visitor i res. Quicker all that he might have told went back through an Alexis Mcallister own goal. But it would not be enough as bryce and want to lead match at old trafford. For the 1st time condemning 10 half 2 defeats in his 1st game in charge. United church, i think it was a good start. And then after, and we dropped down the level drop down in belief. And we make mistakes and the opponent, british, but they think its a good the opponent. I worked long to get it. And when you make mistakes and you can punish for that, a pinch should change. The anal may see produced another moment of magic to help paras sandra men begin their title defense with an emphatic 5 know when a french champions went ahead. When macys flick set up name of the school, they 1st 9 minutes into match against really promoted clermont. The 2 superstars combined again, verse time name are setting up. May see parents to put p. S g face little lab before massey at the argentinean say these best philosophy, acrobatic li, rounded of the scoring of jillions overhead kick victory for the coach crystals galaxy it in his 1st league game in charge in tennis will member one there, neil medford davis. Finally, back in the winners circle, the russian took the title in last couple of mexico, claiming the 1st tournament victory of the year med video was too strong for cameron. Normally in the final 756 love. At now 1480 p title school made that it the 1st since when in the us open 11 months ago, every match was very good, but im in the finals always special. And then the final you play the best a player of this week. Ah. So yeah, its always a high level match i and im really happy that i managed to ah, to show some good level, some good shot sign such an important match the last time, the curious one, a title was in washington 3 years ago and he remains on track to repeat that performance. The australian booked a spot in the final after getting past swedens, michael emer in straight sets. Meanwhile, the tournaments top seed suffered a surprise loss. Andre rib live went down to will them in 96. Youll she . He told me she ok, on the womens toil diarrhea. Concertina is through to the final in san jose beauty spaniel, caliber dasa. Russian has now defeated to top 10 players and the wimbledon champion this week. Because akina will play local favorite Shelby Rogers in the, beside her, the american defeated veronica, who the matter in straight sets to reach her 1st w t. Finally in 6 years in murder gp francesco barn yard took victory in the british grand prix. And called her the biggest when hes overhead, frenchman, your and zachary started on fall and saw justin and was leading. And he crashed out on lap 5 vanya past alex wrens to hit the front with 9 laps to go. And the italian rider stayed there while behind them. Please. Ducati t may. Jack miller was overtaken by maverick virginia lace with 3 laps remaining and half a settle for 3rd place. But for benya. And he picked up where he left off before the summer break, making a 2 winds in a row. And 4th of the season champ job leader, fabio. Quite out all finished down in a half east. Lee was elsewhere art at 10 acres, one the rally, finland for the 3rd time in his career, a hyundai driver entered sundays final stage in the lead and held off the challenge of will championship leader. Hallo, rovan. Para the estonian eventually winning by 6. 8 seconds. 11 pedestal leads the standings with 5 rounds remaining it was a busy, athletic stay of the Commonwealth Games in birmingham on sunday with 8 events fishing out medals. There was some joy for zambia as mozilla. Some of kong took 1st place in the mains, 400 meters final. This is just the 2nd metal was ambiance of one of these games. And they 1st gold, englands matthew had some. Smith was 2nd with Jonathan Jones of the bahamas in 3rd. There was gold for barbados, say in the womens 400 meters final say to williams time of 49. 90 seconds is a new Commonwealth Games record. Williams crossing the line ahead of victoria, ohio and jody williams, both from england. So england having to settle for so by, in both those events, but they turned the tables in the main school by one of the leaders relay, the new scene comprising of jonah for locos on o hughes, nathaniel mitchell, blake, and o. G. As bowden finished 1st, and its on the 38. 85 seconds to take the gold medal head of trinidad and tobago. And nigeria. But nigeria is women manage see improve on that bronze medal performance. When they turn came nigerians beating england and jamaica to 1st face in the womens 4 by 100 meters read by final actually coming home in 42. 10 seconds in birmingham will even even a sports news later. Again, demi, thank so much. Well, thats it for may sammys a daft for this news. Have of the good news is lauren is back with a full show. So stay with us. Ah, i talked to al jazeera, we ask, so the rebound you speak of is clearly coming at a high cost for airlines and the industry. Whats going wrong . We listen, you were part of the, im struggling in the 19 seventys if you have any regrets. You know, we meet with global news makers and talk about the stories that matter on al jazeera, on the 9th of august, kenyans will head to the polls. The country is gray for a closely contested general election that will determine its future president s. I mean, growing political and economic pension, who will be announce the winner on can vote as expect a free and Fair Election join us for special coverage on al jazeera. I believe, yeah, mike, everywhere connectivity is paramount. And yet for infrastructure and dependence on Foreign Corporation means to many remain offline. Now, a politician and tech activists are building a home grown solution to connect clinic views and secure the nations technological sovereignty. Ah, rebel beaks, the Citizens Network on a just you on blend. It sounds like an agreement between criminal justice is slight trading in stolen goods that have been taken by the place. If anyone ever comes to ask a question, they sort of throw their hands up in the air and say, i dont know, i was just a nominee director. Were doing a, an investigation into a ukraine. Could you . I bribes, youve been corrupt. Ive been caught up. I did just what is it insane . Al jazeera investigations, the oligarchs o

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