Transcripts For ALJAZ NEWSHOUR 20200203 :

Transcripts For ALJAZ NEWSHOUR 20200203

the super bowl. well we begin in china where a surge in the number of coronavirus cases from city officials to impose severe restrictions on a 2nd just city residents in the eastern city of one show will only be allowed to send one family member out of the house every 2 days to buying the cess it sees well the illness is not responsible for the deaths of at least 360 people in china within 17000 people are infected with the virus a man from 100 became the 1st to die outside of china at a hospital in the philippines or a number of african countries including botswana and go all the. have reported cases and a growing number of airlines are suspending services to and from china south korea the philippines new zealand and the u.s. of all bands people who've recently traveled there from reentering the country where barbie laws in manila this is the death of a chinese man in the philippines has caused alarm across the country. there has been one death here 2 cases positive for the one corona virus the one death is off a 44 year old man from one which is the epicenter of the corona virus the new corona virus and the other patient is a 38 year old woman was also from one and was actually the partner of the 44 year old man who died on saturday at a hospital government hospital here in manila and now there is fear and a little bit of panic here because this couple arrived on january 21st in manila via hong kong han and then traveled to the central region of the philippines and then they stayed there for 4 days they were going around the region for 4 days so they may have been in contact with if not hundreds thousands of people on the plane filipinos on the streets and they reportedly also attended a street festival in the province of sybil and now the health department has a lead fears by saying that they have been diligent in tracing or in contact tracing they are now trying to trace all the people who may have been in contact or in touch with this couple but that is going to take a lot of time a lot of effort and people here don't trust that the government will be able to do that but the government is saying that they are on top of the situation well that's cross live that's a scott high blair he joins us from beijing scott those numbers just keep rising and just bring us up to speed on the latest if you would. caller yes you know those numbers as you said every morning they come out of pretty early almost around the predawn hours the new figures come out and as you mentioned in the beginning you know it's 361 confirmed dead and over 17000 confirmed to have contracted the corona virus so yet every day these numbers come up the dead the death numbers around 20 percent it seems increase over the last 56 days so that is continuing monday today is an interesting day here in beijing that's because you know this is supposed to be the end of this extended lunar new year holiday the government announced last week that they were only going to bring back those essential employees government workers and just kind of underline how seriously the government's taking in how they're trying to control this the spread of this virus as you mentioned earlier hala you know the certain cities are locking down even though they're not at the epicenter but they're still locking down and controlling the people to go out in the streets heavily and doing everything they can to try to stem the spread of this virus one thing that's kind of a good example of house how far they're taking this usually every day in the afternoon the ministry of foreign affairs has a press conference here in beijing this is kind of the the way that we hear what the central government's saying that day that's the one way to do it they're not even holding that in person this week at least possibly even longer they're doing it over we chat which is a social media platform so they're not even having people come to the ministry for the daily press conference are going to do it all over we chat and it's about scott i should say the china's not really setting on it sounds here they are taking measures they're taking quite radical measures if you will spit so as just being complete seeds are these measures have a practical impact center people reassure. i would say it's a mixed reaction at best you know it'll all be extinct yes that new hospital built just in 10 days will come online today supposed to be coming online today a 1000 extra beds staffed by over 1000 military medical personnel so that will obviously alleviate some of the stress these current hospitals are dealing with and will hon with all these patients but you know is it enough is it going to help you know in the longer run there's been a lot of online criticism which is a rarity here in china because it's usually controlled heavily about some way some mechanisms the government is putting into place and some actions by the local government there was another case kind of overnight into monday were government officials are meeting with with medical staff who have been on the front lines dealing with this down with the government officials had better mass than those on the front lines dealing with the patients so a lot of criticism about that there's been a lot of criticism about donations getting to the right places going through through the right channels so there's been a lot of criticism exactly how this has been handled by the government but again they're doing everything they can to counter that and and i would imagine with this new hospital coming online we'll see a lot of images coming out a lot of discussion about this from the central government ok scott hynes of that life is a friend thank you very much. well the chinese markets have reopened and the funds almost 9 percent starts after the lunar new year break markets have been closed for that holiday which was extended you'll remember over fears of that coronavirus spreading meanwhile china's central bank says it will inject $173000000000.00 into the economy this monday to help offset the economic impact of the outbreak and many stores have been shots that crisis worsens let's get more now from casey wally's c.e.o. of achievement that's an employee motivation web based platform he joins us from tokyo by skype could have you with us here on the user we knew the markets were going to take a hit but do you think they were going to take this much of a hits i mean a 9 percent drop did you think it would be that bad. it's . called a result. we're not seeing that kind of trouble or. this is going to have a big impact. level in terms of an impact with hong kong open their stock markets certainly before mainland china has hong kong to go ahead but they have started to recover at this monday at g think this is a short term blip and stocks will rebalance or idea to split this being more of a long term scenario. i hope it is a sort of her live and i think everybody around me is hoping it's a sort of a. i think we're just starting to see the impacts of the series starting to take over 'd and here in japan people's behaviors are starting to change you know later realistically we're only seeing like a 10 to 20 percent impact of tourist numbers of a single economy rather than what we saw were like 90 percent of the south koreans or was last year enough it was going on but i think it's just the beginning of his really changing behaviors here is becoming more pervasive so that's going to get out into the economy and i think we like to talk about the the markets have been impacts is the stock exchanges going up and but for the average individual in china and in the library region what sort of impact does this this kind of economic shock have on day to day life. there is a lot how do you see it selling out of masts people can get mass on the secondary 'd market the different outside of southern those are some 10 for like $100.00 in japan for example people are trying to stay out of. public transportation. here in tokyo for example where we don't have so many cases yet but here is starting to happen and people that have the ability to drive around in a car which is a luxury are doing have to get in that is rather than the alternative for patients but specifically here for japan what i'm really hopeful can happen is remote work might actually be really happens other than is them talking about changes in the works for a long time and nobody's are starting to send their employees home managers saying wait for a month or so so i think we're starting to see people take actions whether it's an area other than south korea taiwan or or china by the fear however we're seeing so is changing behavior a lot becoming company behavior ok casey well great to get your thoughts like you so much in seats at case of all joining us there from tokyo. let's turn to other news no protesters in iraq are denouncing the appointment of a new prime minister protest as a b. marching in several cities including baghdad nasiriyah and not just former communications minister mohammed alawi was named prime minister designate on saturday he's promising reforms and an early election now iraq is in months of mass protests against corruption unemployment and poor government services so wonderful tina's in baghdad she says many protesters are very to continue action until their demands are met. the opposition to allowing was known the well before he was appointed and still president barham saleh went ahead and that ignited him the new prime minister doesn't that perhaps because he was the only candidate that the president thought the parties could agree on now he's unlikely to reverse that decision where we have to wait is how parliament will react the next 30 days parliament will have to meet and vote on the cabinet that allow it put together which will then essentially decide whether or not the prime minister has the confidence of the political establishment but in the meantime what receiving on the streets is a split within the protest what we're seeing on the one hand you didn't you came out today opposing allow women on the other hand we have the followers of hey let's call it cleric looks at a set of one so now we're supporting and protecting the protest movement and they have come out in support of allowing what it seems to be happening now is it looks at us that are a force to lose weight behind allow us try to basically limit any opposition in the streets to allawi so we have to see how that will but play out but we're seeing a lot of opposition to allow it among the protesters among the students and they are determined to keep going until their demands are met and these demands are a complete overhaul of the political system and an independent candidate who does that sort of not represent the political establishment that is in place so far. now the turkish military has sent reinforcements to northern syria it's warning it may intervene against the government's offensive in aleppo and its lives activists say 9 civilians were killed by your strikes on from day well last week the u.n. said almost $390000.00 people mostly women and children had fled their homes since the start of december for human how much reports. smoke darkens the skies above aleppo's countryside syrian russian backed force. have launched an offensive to seize the area syrian armed groups. fighting back. but civilians are caught in the fighting. my uncle's house was hit by a missile his wife was in the kitchen and she was killed the strike was so severe that the missile penetrated into the lower floor. government forces have been making important gains most recently the town of moderates. nearby in stark heb fighting is also taking place in densely populated areas that's despite a cease fire deal agreed between turkey and russia it's another strategic town as it's near the m 4 highway that runs west to east across. the casualty numbers are growing on. a center for rescue workers the white helmets was reduced to rubble and some wounded there on the top of the fighting has extended to the northwestern town. which was under eisel control 3 years ago one missile hit the turkish tax free syrian army and opposition positions. turkey has since sent a military reinforcements to president. on friday that turkey could intervene if the violence escalates. and strikes and a ground advance by the syrian government has given people only one option to flee . packing their cars and trucks with whatever they can carry. others haven't had homes for years forced to move on to other places several times now some live in makeshift camps on the side of the road ran by about i don't know where we are i don't even know which ways and with a sound we all suffered so much and. with all the airstrikes. we don't get help we'll go to sleep hungry we don't own anything we can't afford to buy food. and the young a suffering the most the u.n. says the situation is turning into a crisis for children more than 6500 have been forced from their homes in the past week there are about 3000000 people in this area these are people these are civilians who are trapped in a war zone so you know this is why we're so shocked and horrified at the continued military onslaught on the civilian population because you know the international humanitarian law must apply aid groups say the rational to just of food water and medicine and if the bombardment doesn't stop it could soon create one of syria's west humanitarian disasters. al-jazeera. as phones were still to come on the news our including those from sciences and you to point to look at the challenges its forces are facing in africa's vast son whole region for us imo and for sure in iowa where they're about to cast the 1st votes in the 2020 u.s. presidential election campaign it's not farce because it's important it's important because it's 1st. hand in sports it's a record 8 to strictly an open title for novak djokovic and he will be here with that story later in the show. though a man has been shot dead by police in london after 2 people were stopped on a busy streets it's believed the attacker had recently been released from prison police say the incident in the southern suburb of stratham was terrorism related catherine stansell reports. was. a moment of panic on a bustling streets in south london police target a man suspected of stopping people within minutes he was shocked at. armed officers who were part of a proactive counter-terrorism surveillance operation and were following the suspect on folks who were in immediate attendants and shot a male suspect dead at the scene. the suspect had been recently released from prison where he had been serving a sentence for islamist related terrorism and the whole family. the suspect was wearing a hoax explosive device. but this is the 1st such attack to happen in a relatively unknown london suburb and it's shaken the people here credibly shocked absolutely devastated by this shoot a patent on this and i'm here in stress and we try. ourselves of being in close inclusive welcoming community and so many people from so many different backgrounds living in a very harmoniously together it's a place where you just wouldn't expect this to happen i think it's you know obviously that was like one street away from where you live it makes you feel a bit unsafe because you know if we had left the house 10 minutes earlier we would have been here as it was happening rather than just his advantage to you know it's it makes just feel very very safe. forensic teams remain at the scene coming the area for clues politicians took to twitter including the british prime minister who extended his sympathy to those affected and london mayor city khan who said terrorists seek to divide us and destroy our way of life here in london we will never let them succeed this is the 2nd terrorism related stabbing incident in london in just over 2 months and it's likely to put intense pressure on for us johnson and his government to do more to prevent such attacks in the future it's done so al jazeera. at least 18 people have been killed by gunman and northern kenya faso armed men on motorbikes attacked a village in the bani lisa policy north of the capital wanted to go public in a fossil is among the countries in africa so whole region where france is deploying $600.00 more troops to fight so on groups the french defense ministry says the soldiers would be sent to an area that also includes parts of mali and in the air france already has around $4500.00 military personnel in the region michael moore is a visiting fellow at the london school of economics he says french troops and african forces must cooperate if they're going to defeat armed groups in the saddle. this particular issue is that if the easy way to solve it's a very fast area unknown but enough assume. really really not to well policed and the military capability to actually cover this white extract is actually a challenge see if you have this vast set of place and it's not very easy for all you know to have to pass a communicator permitted to actually cover the host trade i mean the french special forces sound very well equipped and they had intelligence as well as you know at the african forces swept in alongside them but if you've got such a vast area and you've got a set of jihad these attacks that that is always going to be a challenge to keep things have been a the last meeting they had the january was he said that there was going to be joints coalition forces sudanese joint command this joint boots on the ground francis our forces mixed with african forces in order to actually be able to combat this you had this attack that i think previously it would not be a defense now forces were sort of acting on their own going where the light were ass some sort of intelligence wasn't quite been said and this seemed to be a separation of forces not think not there overeating working together and actually concentrate their efforts in the uk tax against the slummy state and agreed to say as well last book o'hara. malawi's constitutional court is set to room on whether to a no last year's disputed presidential election results the vote in may return the sitting president to power sparking widespread process by the opposition. has more . opposition supporters in malawi say last year's presidential election was rigged to favor peter who narrowly won reelection of opposition leader lazarus cerqueira 4 months they've been demonstrations in several parts of the country including the capital long way government officials say at least one police officer was killed civil society groups accuse the police of using exists of force to disperse protesters demonstrators insist there were lots of irregularities many vote tally sheets were altered using typewriter correction fluid let's let's try as much as possible to have elections that are free and fair where nobody feels you know that they've been cheated because i think that's that's the thing these people who are not just demonstrating for the sake of demonstrating very strongly felt that they had been cheated the system had cheated them. a hearing over the election dispute and a constitutional court began in august but it's been controversial a prominent malawians banker was recently arrested keys are trying to bribe judges mase election results shows president peter metallica beat opposition candidate 515-9000 votes a lead of just over 3 percentage points all in the president of the. so. called he said and i am here to seek justice and. suggest this from behind. and it is justice that is being expected from the calls it is the constitutional duty of the courts to deliver justice 5 judges could decide which article legitimately won the presidential election or say the opposition did the. it could be nullified and another round of elections would have to take place the police service sure that it is tied to the security across the country. and should not be afraid to move around a fuel that has been issued by government we're still you know in the environment of peace and this. which eric accuses the opposition of trying to sabotage the economy and spread chaos he vehemently denies allegations of vote rigging and promises to revive the economy and tackle institutional corruption in a 2nd term the country relies heavily on donor finding and unemployment is high right now malawi isn't political limbo only when the 5 judges give their ruling or people here know what lies ahead for the country politically and economically. al-jazeera . an israeli ban on palestinian agricultural produce has gone into effect israel's defense minister says the import ban is in response to a palestinian boycott of us for the cow traders since export millions of dollars worth of farm produce to israel every year well israel has also stopped the delivery of cements in cigars or as well as place in $500.00 business permits on hold it's another setback for those who've been living in dark conditions under 13 years of blockades and are stephanie decker reports from gaza city the u.s. president's proposal for the region hasn't offered any hope news of u.s. president donald trump so-called deal of the century reached 1500 kilometers away here in northern gaza after all this is where it's all about. but she's more concerned with providing for her 6 children cooking gas is the latest shortage so she has to cook outside using collected wood lot. of people want to be able to feed their children to have a dignified life and a future for their kids some people went out to protest against the deal sure but what's more important for us is better living conditions hopefully one day things will get better. but there is no sign of that israel's blockade of gaza is into its 13th here the water supply is sporadic as is electricity sanitation is an issue and there is widespread poverty and unemployment the shop with the images that. people need solutions. jobs to be able to provide for their families everyone has taken out loans and can't repay them i've only had one client since this morning. our own 2000000 people are stuck here in the gaza strip a tiny shut off piece of land where no one can leave without. permission and most people have never left at all the united nations issued a report 8 years ago predicting the gaza would become quote unlivable by 2020 while it is 2020 and still no political solution in sight and judge shower tells me that this plan offered no new ideas and nothing that the palestinians could take as a starting point to work with this will lead more and more. anger for more. of the actions from the different political groups from the individuals. there's been a slight increase in cross border tensions in the last few days a cycle of escalation and shaky truces that everyone here has had to become used to . reiterate what so many others have told us too people are fed up with their leaders. no one. i blame the officials who are sitting on their chairs and don't care about us even her masters and care about us they're enjoying their good lives in their homes while our children can't get through. gaza needs a long term political solution one that allows freedom of movement and the building of infrastructure needed to sustain 2000000 people one that creates jobs and opportunities people tell us they just want to be able to breathe but what this so-called deal of the century does manage to do is highlight just how very far off that political solution is stephanie decker al-jazeera gaza. selzer come on al-jazeera a look at home racism and xenophobia are spreading along with the coronavirus plus . i'm a solid job it in kazakhstan and i'll tell you how the remnants of soviet culture is having an impact on how the society deals with the disabled. and in sports the goal for celebrating is 1st we're going to sense 2014 and. hello again welcome back to international weather forecasts well in the coming days we are watching a system coming out of the sea of japan and that's going to bring some snow as well some cooler air across much of northern japan and temperatures really not getting above 0 for parts of our sapporo expect to see about minus 2 plenty of snow in your forecast here on monday not really changing temperature as we go towards tuesday but the snow begins to pull out slowly by the time we get towards tuesday over here towards tokyo it is going to be a better day a little bit cooler for you with the time to there of 11 and rain continues across taiwan as well as into southern china with hong kong seeing a temperature of about 20 degrees there where the philippines look quite nice over the next few days we don't expect to see much in terms of rain in your forecast here on monday manila maybe some spotty showers in the afternoon attempt a there of 28 degrees but over here towards vietnam particularly up here towards the north we all watch you see rain showers. making its way down here across much of the coastal areas by the time we do get to tuesday meant it is going to be a nice warm day for you with the tempter of $33.00 degrees f. or bangkok we do expect to see 32 ash are expected high and here across parts of india rain is on the increase over here from the east as well as into the central areas i dare a bad expect to see attempt of 30 and kolkata at 24. in the philippines the black market for gold is worth hundreds of millions but not everybody is reaping the rewards to sound paying the ultimate price when i went east investigates why people like dying for gold on al-jazeera. al-jazeera. after. a journey of personal discovery my great grandfather he was a slave in the property al-jazeera is james gannon expose his family's legacy of slave owners shut down like my family's status and wealth has benefited from their choice to slave people and america's debt to the black people today some of us so scar we even scared to speak out as a surprise. al-jazeera correspondent a moral debt. the. this is al jazeera reminds of the top stories for you know the number of people who've died from coronavirus in china has risen to more than 360 a certain factions response of the government to impose severe restrictions on movement in a 2nd major city protesters in iraq kurds announcing the appointments of new prime minister mohammad to lobby has promised reforms and early elections put the demonstrators out samantha greater political change. and has been shot dead by police in london after 2 people were stopped on a busy street police say the attack was terrorism related. well as return to our top story on the corona virus has been reported in 24 countries from asia to europe and america researchers in the us are matching the scale of the global i pray to the larger red don't since a case in the highest number of infections mainly sits over china's hu bay province where the virus originated a correspondent catherine sawyer is in nairobi though she says the virus is a real concern for areas in africa which have already been affected by a bola. there's a lot of concerns that have been raised by people living in countries on the continent who are quite worried about how prepared their countries are to deal with koren a virus that's why you see in many statements that have been issued by countries in different regions of particularly since statements from kenya and ethiopia all of them trying to assure their citizens that hall is while talking about increased measures talking about increased surveillance border screening screening in all border points and this is something that has been going on from before especially in this region because of an airball outbreak in the democratic republic of congo so government officials i've talked to saying that they're just enhancing these measures in kenya they also say they have expanded the capacity of isolation wards just in case we've also seen several national airlines like wonder and kenya suspending flights to china kenya has suspended flights to one zoo there's also this response than that if european airlines particularly which is one of the largest airlines on the continent has said it's going to continue with its life to people particularly in ethiopia very concerned about that and it's also important to note there are many many africans working and studying in. china there are about 5000 students in one alone. the corona virus spreads the reports of research directed towards the chinese and the chapelle explosions. the corona virus outbreak has led to complaints about a rise in anti chinese sentiment around the world and france for example the hash tag i am not a virus is being used to share stories of bullying in school yards and city streets and of hostile treatment by the media a regional newspaper has had to apologize for this headline that use the phrase yellow alerts while scenes like this one here but see here are widespread of people appearing to cover their face just because they're sitting next to someone who's asian. is the only one. of those in the metro going to work and i sit down on the seat when the person sitting next to me moved over by a few centimeters i could have moved a few meters he would have but at least it was just a few centimeters but he didn't cover his mouth full of the scuff i was shocked and speechless i didn't know why and i didn't want to fan the flames so i didn't say anything but i really wanted to tell him how the body down was an ok it's the 1st time it's happened to me of it when upset. we've seen the awakening of the latent racism which we already knew was that which is now completely out in the open with a behavior that is disrespectful impolite or even clearly racist and media outlets across europe and australia are facing criticism for cartoons and headlines that reinforce old asian stereotypes as our business is like this nail salon in vietnam which has banned their chinese customers now these stories naturally make people feel very uncomfortable and unwelcome in their own communities brian levin is the director of the center for the study of hate and extremism at california state university san bernardino he says that ignorance and misinformation about the coronavirus has a big part supply prejudiced works with regard to its depth to some people might just be honestly fearful but ignorant and we're in a very tribal and polar ice time where the information flow sometimes is still piped where people are talking to other conspiracists or ignorant people. and what we've learned is that if people feel fear we have with 3 parts of prejudice one is the the kaaba how we experience and perceive something the other is how emotionally we feel about it and then how do we behaviorally respond to it and it works only when there is a surfeit of ignorance that will allow that will be like a funnel that will allow these other negative stereotypes to take root that's why it's so important for government agencies and officials to be ahead of the wade and explain as best they can about the wrist indeed the united states we have thousands upon thousands of people die from the traditional flu every year so we have to put it in some kind of perspective when we're reporting these kinds of things hundreds of people rescued from the mediterranean have arrived in the italian port of put salo in sicily there were celebrations on board after my conspire led to disembark 363 people rescued by the open arms spanish charity ship joined 5 different operations in recent days it's early on to malta as initially tonight permission for the ship to don't. last night about 830 we received a call from the italian coast guard headquarters in rome telling us that they assigned us to the port to disembark the 363 rescued people who have been aboard the open arms for the past 6 days about 8 30 in the morning we were entering the port and once we docked we received medical assistance some of the senate taishan personnel boarded and gave medical tests to all of the people on board checking their temperature and after a couple of hours the disembarking began. somalia has declared a national emergency after billions of locusts have a stated food supplies across the horn of africa east africa is facing its war start break in decades kenya is the worst affected 70000 hectares of crops have been destroyed u.n. agencies are warning of severe food shortages in the region if you have greek is not contained. rice workers in kazakhstan say thousands of the sable children living in orphanages are facing abuse and neglect a soviet era practice means children with disabilities can be handed over to state institutions at birth but says her son a binge of aid reports from our must see some parents are trying to end the practice and make society more inclusive. from buying medicine to groceries everything is a struggle in a wheelchair and winters are specially hard for maxim he finds it difficult to live on disability benefits with no access to work political he just from normal to march i sit at home because of the read there if i get sick then there may not be enough money from the allowance so i have to see food and that's without delicacies they cost them. but beyond the lack of access there is a much deeper stigma in kazakhstan for people who have special needs or disabilities. bible says her marriage ended when she decided to keep her son who has down syndrome when children with disabilities are born here parents can send them to orphanages a soviet era practice of exclusion and abandonment which forces those with disabilities to live under institutional care yes here. it's down syndrome then the diagnosis will be clear literally in the 1st minutes of his life that's why there are so many children with down syndrome abandoned by their parents. human rights watch reports physical violence for sedation and neglect in state institutions i guess trying to raise awareness that orphanages are not the solution yeah. i saw that the attitude towards children is what's towards patients the treatment was psychiatric and neurological meaning high doses of psychotropic drugs prescribed to children who were not dangerous to themselves and those around them i saw some children were tied i saw children who can eat on their own and being fed carelessly i saw children who cannot walk lie in bed all their lives there are more than 2 dozen state institution that cater to children and adults with mental her. conditions and disabilities and approximately 2000 or so children living orphans even though they still have one or both parents are busy or has made several requests to the ministry of education as well as the mayor's office to allow us to see for ourselves where the children institutions like the one behind me are being abused and neglected but we have not been granted permission extends government believes it has a better system than the rest of central asian states but there is still room for improvement. there are 74 centers 460000 children after an indefinite cycle but they've got to go service the children receive timely correctional support there are 186 i call correctional offices and 14 regional centers where children receive support but our objective is not to hold them their . dinner works as a cleaner and had decision to take care of her son with cerebral palsy comes with its own set of challenges her husband is a labor and the little they are in the spent on paying bills and medical care for their son so what the praise be to god i do not know how but it is enough for us we allocate money for rent food and clothes we take loads from other people and don't buy a lot of plates what he needs is a lot of the therapeutic physical training and messages we provide when we can afford. but with love and care not a son has improved in the last 9 years and so has my good son his mom wants to see that with inclusion and compassion children with disabilities can be vibrant and productive members of their society some of the job without the 00 marquee kazakhstan. yes democratic presidential hopefuls have made their final pitch to voters ahead of monday's nominating process in the state of iowa the iowa caucuses have been held 1st for more than 40 years and that's despite the state being the search if populous and 90 percent whites alan fischer looks at why it's 1st and. whether that might change. this is the benefit from going 1st the chance to meet the candidates face to face to ask them questions to test their positions iowa is not 1st because it's important it's important because it's 1st iowa has been the 1st in the nation contest since 1972 that's because its caucus process is drawn out and complicated presidential campaigns can spark into life here or be extinguished that gives people incredible power one report suggests voters in iowa have 20 times more influence than almost any other state the weight and meaning of iowa is really supplied by our national media establishment this is the 1st time they have hard results from actual voters and so if you just as an opportunity to essentially understand where these candidates are in the race iowa is predominately white it's mainly rudel has few big industries essentially it doesn't look a lot like the rest of america there are plenty who would like to see the 1st contest held in the state this more representative of america as a whole but that's simply not going to happen if somewhere were to move its primary or its caucuses in iowa would move it so and because the state law says it always has to be flushed. the people here insist they take the responsibilities very seriously in vetting presidential candidates and i just think that you know we've made good decisions in the past not always one you want but very important to know that the people that are on the 1st line for cookies doing are knowledgeable and can represent minorities throughout the united states when experienced political watcher says the people here know that doing their job for the rest of the country i will say in terms of the diversity of the state. iowans care about a wide variety of issues there's a lot of issues including issues that relate to the minority community they get aired in the iowa caucuses there's a brown and black specifically. to. me it's an opportunity for their issues. or not. some politicians have skipped iowa complaining of its size influence it's never worked out for them whether they like it or not for the moment the road to the white house goes through here alan fischer al-jazeera des moines iowa. that's what names and film have gathered in london for the british academy film awards or after as this year's ceremony has been overshadowed by criticism over the lack of diversity among nominees because you look at what in reports welcome to the british academy film awards a star studded ceremony that honors the best in the world of film the top winner of the night 1917 san mandy's for 90. the world war one movie won 7 awards including best film and best director. best documentary 12 for sama a film about a young mothers experience in syria's civil war thank you so much 1st thank you for so many other people volunteers from 100 to 2 violet to so many other people these are we did to get this award for them let them hear your voice renee zellweger won best actress for her role in judy thanks everyone and laura dern best supporting actress for marriage story so thank you bafta thank you for including me in this room of extraordinary artists but amid the glamour there was criticism for a lack of diversity of the 4 acting categories and none of the nominations included minorities joaquin phoenix who won best actor for his role in joker address the issue i think that it is the obligation. of the people that have created and perpetuate and benefit from a system of oppression to be the ones that dismantle it so that's on us for the 7th year no woman was nominated for best director so many women made great films this year and i think it just goes to show you that there is a systemic problem that. you know that is. very prevalent brad pitt one's best supporting actor for his role than once upon a time in hollywood in a message read out by his costar margaret robbie he referenced brock's it had britain had just became single welcome to the club. the prestigious ceremony has been celebrated for more than 70 years. amid criticism for a lack of diversity baptise chairwoman said the academy will review its voting procedures including the types of films being made and how they are marketed cuts the locus of a yawn al-jazeera. so to come on al-jazeera there's another career record for christiane also an eventis and she will have all the details for you in sports. that sense of thousands of american football fans of galatz of course the super bowl in miami where the kansas city chiefs song playing the san francisco $49.00 ers it's the nation's biggest sporting event a 32nd television commercial costing some $5000000.00 some of the biggest spenders . doesn't donald trump as well as presidential hopeful michael bloomberg well nancy gallagher is in miami for us following that game and say what's happening where you are. while a very tense moment here at the moment the score is 2020 between the kansas city chiefs and the san francisco 49 ers are actually just looking now at a touchdown by kansas city you haven't won since $970.00 we've only got about 3 minutes left on the clock so this is the game that was predicted a very tough game a very close game something that might help the viewing figures which last year dropped by about 5 percent to 98000000 i think this year we might see those figures go up and of course if you notice but we've had an amazing halftime show with she care and jennifer lopez and of course all those ads that people have been watching that cost millions and millions by just saying that it takes down stands which means a kansas city chiefs are now in the lead with just minutes to go found here most of whom are from kansas absolutely going wild and there are pictures coming in from kansas city and san francisco as well as these fans closely watch this game just remember about 100000000 people junoon to watch this game as well as the people who are paid about $7000.00 a ticket to be at the game here in miami so this is a very tight game with just minutes to go before the end ok amzi we'll let you get back to that much thank you very much deeper break is up to the latest breaking the score by the end of the new sarah but for now let's cross to the other andy has the rest of the sports news for you. thank you very much no a joke of it is celebrating a record of standing 8th title success at the australian open the sir beating austria's dominic seen in 5 sets in sunday's final in melbourne laurence smith reports. the 2 finalists went into this match in very different places one seeking a maiden grand slam title and the other chasing number 17 djokovic lived up to his favorite tag sweeping through the 1st set i. but the picture changed in the 2nd the defending champion rattled by a fight back from team. and time violations from the umpire for slow service but was 2nd and things got better for the underdog as he moved ahead in the 3rd set dropping just 2 games was but the experience of playing in 26 grand slam finals would come to joke of it she's 8 he recovered his composure and took the match into a deciding say. was just an early break was a bonus too. was a joke of each went on to wrap up another famous win in melbourne. was the start of the season with a grand slam win you know significantly boosts your. confidence in your expectations are quite high you know for the rest of the season but whatever happens the season is already successful he keeps his grip on the australian open trophy and he's also back on the top of the world rankings after a record 8th title on the rod laver arena lord smith outers era. of football's world governing body faith has ended its 6 month control of the african gang thing for president jani and fancy announced last october it would be directly intervening on the continent after a number of corruption scandals fifa says its mission to speed up reform has now been successfully completed the new plan includes the use of independent professional referees and a $1000000000.00 investment funds be shared across the $54.00 member nations. chris turner an elder who scored in a record equalling 9th straight at sally and league game events as ford converted to penalties to help in a 3 when i was here in siena have a treasure gave the last place to have such a goal scoring run and that was back in 20053 points clear of insulin at the top of that stable. in the english premier league tottenham beat manchester city the game to turn spurs his favor after a 1st half penalty save by keeping hugo lloris for milk or gun to one city's alexandersson shankar was then sent off spurs wanted with goals from steve burke wine and human sun spurs up the 5th in the table the champions remain 22 points behind leaders liverpool the team is good the team is good i like the way may team play. in but it's not enough so we are far away and of course the distance is so big in the distance a reality in the next season has to do better france got off to a winning start in the 6 nations rugby championship against england in paris and caps in sholay vansickle 2 of their 3 tries it seem built up a 70 nail half time lead england did fight back after the break but france held on to beat last year's world cup runners up 2470. i think we will see in the response we got in the 2nd half we had a mental hangover. was one of those guys. france flight well i think we should be giving french credit young tomb you know there's a bit of a nice once in french rugby there's a good narrative form and submerged in much too intense the early on. big names have been in the middle east for the saudi international it was graeme mcdowell he gave fans a reminder of his qualities as he took the title at the royal greens course the northern irishman with a level par final round that saw the 2010 u.s. open champion winning by 2 shots for his 1st picture on the european sources 2014 and champion dustin johnson who came in 2nd. by big goal this year was back in the top 50 the world back competing in the big tournaments. i'm very excited that it's happened a lot faster than expected but hopefully it's learned some foundation stone for having a big year in world cup skiing there was french success at sunday's giant slalom meeting in germany. around with a strong final run to take the title here it was his 27th world cup career win in his 4th this season. noise and richter stuff still leads the overall standings despite only finishing 7th. and in russia federica only of italy won the women's world cup c.p.g. closes the gap on overall leader mccullough shifrin american 3 time champion skipping this weekend's events. and hockey's so-called battle of alberta lived up to its reputation chaos erupting in this game between the admin's an oil is and the calgary flames the main focus of the violence a match up between the 2 goalies who actually switched teams last year ok that is only sport for now more lighter. thanks and say as still no final score on the super bowl final they are in the last 3 minutes though but they do keep it here and i'll dizzier you can either get laces from the websites or kim bennell is with you next before she'll have the score for you then all the best by. play. so bring on al-jazeera. and tension with the u.s. and protests over a plane downing iran's hanum entry election will be held on february 23rd parties to syria explores the phrase of india's religious minorities on the prime minister modi's hindu. us voters get the chance to weigh in on the 20 twentieth's action al-jazeera will have comprehensive coverage a new series looks at how female scientists across the globe are opening doors for other women to pursue careers in science and up to 5 years of civil war could be to rivals agree a peace deal to revive africa's youngest nation. february on al-jazeera. informed opinions the economy is actually what's keeping donald trump afloat right now an in-depth analysis of the day's headlines the protest movement is only getting stronger the more people he killed the more resilient the resistant they will become inside story on al-jazeera. our coverage of africa is what i'm most proud of every time i travel band whether it's east or west africa people stop me and tell me how much they appreciate our coverage and our focus is not just on their suffering but also on the more uplifting and inspiring stories people trust on jersey and to tell them what's happening in their communities in a clear and unbiased way and have an african i couldn't be more proud to be part of you know. the touch. a conflict that is now considered to be the world's worst humanitarian crisis how many did not know how to die like this stock is hard says all are really for sale and investigation into how billions of euros are made from supplying arms to saudi arabia a leader of the coalition fighting a war in the south the case is. going to watch the amount of money involved yemen war profiteers on al-jazeera. we understand the differences and similarities of cultures across the wound so no matter how you take a al-jazeera. the news and current affairs that matter team. down to 0. people are quarantined around the world after the 1st death from corona virus is confirmed outside of china. the crisis for the stocks in china is a plunge nearly 9 percent after markets reopen. i'm convinced this is al jazeera live from doha also coming up protest is march in several iraqi cities against the newly announced prime minister. 18 people are killed in an attack and became a faso france announces it's sending 6.

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