Transcripts For ALJAZ NEWS LIVE - 30 20200209 : comparemela.

Transcripts For ALJAZ NEWS LIVE - 30 20200209

ok we're beginning with one of the worst attacks in thailand in recent years a soldier is holed up in a shopping center after shooting 21 people dead security forces storming the ball and called out where gunfire and explosions have just been heard hundreds have been rescued it's unclear how many remain trapped in haiti has been following the story from bangkok. well the latest update we have came through a short time ago from the health minister he is there on the ground in the city of coreg where this has been unfolding over the course of many hours and he confirmed that the death toll has risen to $21.00 and the additional fatality he confirmed was a police officer who was killed seemingly in a gun battle inside the shopping mall that gun battle of course taking place with the gunman himself we are not sure though because he didn't go into any further details the health minister about the actual situation that is unfolding there still we do not know exactly what the situation is there whether there are still people trapped or being held inside the mall by the gunman we know we've seen many people coming out of the more some of them injured including in the last couple of hours or so those injured taken away to the hospitals which are becoming very busy of course because not only do we have 21 fatalities but we have many people who are injured in the government officials have been calling for people who live in the area there to go to the local medical facilities to donates blood so the situation still very much unfolding it seems as if the gunman is somewhere inside that mall the security forces seem to be closing in on where he is but so far he is alluding capture or has been following that story since it 1st broke just over 17 hours ago being filed this report on how the situation developed. late on a saturday afternoon a shopping mall in thailand came under attack a gunman opened fire at a time when it would have been at its busiest. here he can be seen firing multiple rounds towards people and passing cars. people found whatever cover they could after he. into the mall panic shoppers ran out the day coming to a terrifying ying and. yang into the number of casualties is not yet confirmed as the situation is still ongoing we have been trying to bring out whoever we can 1st and we will gradually save others who are still stuck inside this was the heavily armed gunman seeming to walk casually through the mall he had earlier be named by police as jack reponse tamam a 32 year old soldier in the thai army he began his rampage hours earlier by killing a commanding officer on a military base outside the city as he continued his murderous spree he posted updates on social media including this one we complained that his finger was sore from pulling the trigger so many times gun violence is common in this country but not on the scale this will be remembered as one of thailand's darkest days when hey al jazeera bangkok. the number of people who died from the china corona virus has now surpassed the number killed in the sars outbreak in 200-3805 people are now confirmed dead the world health organization is sending an expert team to china next week to help beijing cope with the outbreak there are more than 36000 confirmed cases are around the world most on the mainland china on top of that at least 288 people have been infected in 24 other countries and hong kong the 2 day 2 week a mandatory quarantine for all arrivals from mainland china as come into effect and in japan thousands of cruise ship passengers remain in quarantine doctors in the port of yokohama of confirmed 64 cases on board between e.u. reports from beijing. the owners of this luxury cruise ship describe it as a home away from home and for those employees there's now no choice about 3700 people on the diamond princess i've been pointing frank least 2 weeks off of japan's yokohama push that's off to more than 60 tested positive for crude tires you know are all instructed to stay in their own cabin. you know that people from the insurer cabin and allowed up there on yak and they may have had a chance to interact although they've been instructed to stay a metre apart from each other so it's hard to read. the mood of the other passengers without a contact with them i see you know some people are very worried on the internet and social media. japan is already dealing with cases of the virus and has imposed new border controls to stop it spreading it turned away another cruise ship that had sailed from china. the world health organization says there's no need for alarm there's over 3700 people in crew and this is after extensive searching for cases and testing and testing of many many people so if i don't get my month's wrong that's that's less than 2 percent of people so. it's still a bad it's not a great number it does show the virus has spread in the ship but again let's be careful here not to overreact the outbreak that began in china has spread to at least 25 countries in kazakhstan there were reports of violence between kazakhs and the ethnic quake moving over fears of coronavirus. chinese restaurants and businesses have reportedly been burnt down or has increased its alert level after new cases of corona virus not linked to previous infections or travel to china of course it. people are rushing to supermarkets to stock up on food and essential goods and around the world more people are buying masks and what's called personal protective equipment or people pushing up prices and creating shortages there when he's facing the severe disruption in the market for person and for person and protective equipment the mondays have $200.00 times higher than normal and prizes not up to 20 times higher the u.n. agency says more than 80 percent of corona virus cases globally reported can be considered mild and is calling the nations to work together to fight the outbreak in a 2nd emergency hospital but beds for 1600 coronavirus patients has been opened china's president xi jinping has declared what he calls a people's war on the virus saying no effort is being spent in fighting the epidemic. but there is growing criticism of the chinese government's handling of the crisis social media is flooded with complaints and attempts by police and other government officials to nationally cover up the outbreak then silencing the doctors who 1st sounded the alarm for china's leaders this is increasingly a battle on 2 fronts against the virus itself and the discontent it sparked katrina you al-jazeera dating and the show says one of the major battles in fighting infection is countering the spread of misinformation while the virus spreads misinformation makes the job of our heroic health workers even harder it's diverting the attention of decision makers and it causes confusion and spreads fear to the general public doubly we're not just battling the virus we're also battling the trolls same conspired as the conspiracy theorists that push misinformation and undermine the outbreak response voting is over in arlen's general election with examples predicting a very close result their vote of the vote of cars parked in front of gail is 22.4 percent of the vote left wing nationalist shin fein of 22.3 percent and the main opposition party for a foil has 22.2 percent full brown and has more from dublin very says the rise of sinn fein as taken many by surprise. the opinion polls leading into this election had sinn fein ending its campaign somewhere around 25 percent over at because fianna gael dropping potentially as low a 17 percent now those are opinion polls and of course when you get to the ballot box it's somewhat different when it comes to the crunch where are you going to put your number your preferences 1234 and on what's that said for them all to come so close together is momentous it's a big performance by shin fein this nationalist republican party traditionally seen as a fringe party as far as mainstream politics goes so for them to poll and match the 2 big traditional parties who've seen power swap between them backwards and forwards for nearly a 100 years is extraordinary what we didn't know though was that voters wanted change and that's why it's perhaps no surprise that chin fein did so well. peace talks between representatives of libya's un or her eyes government and will also have again ended with no agreement senior officials from the warring sides gather the united nations in geneva this was the latest in a series of talks to tell if he's in the country well the honeyed is at the talks in geneva and she says both sides what a loggerheads over what to do about the various on groups in libya and on the withdrawal of forces. an internationally recognized government in tripoli has been calling for the troops of have to pull back 2 to 3 april 2019 position that means all the way back. pulling out of south of tripoli pulling out of sirte that is something the general have to has been the former general rather has been. saying no to and continue to say no to we don't know much about how did what was going on during those meetings simply because they kept it secretive at no point did read a report see any of these delegations coming in and out of the u.n. building behind us but we do know that there were some points where they didn't see eye to eye and the 2 main ones being what to do with the few diffusion of these armed groups and pulling the debris out of the clear libyan national army that needs to go back to the east now. that was issued at the end of this round it says that the 2 parties agreed that. thousands of this people need to go back to their homes but they also did not agree on ways to bring back some normalcy to those areas that had been evacuated by civilians of the conflict in libya is top of the agenda for the african union summit in ethiopia's capital addis ababa speaking at the meeting u.n. secretary general antonio criticized other countries for interfering. you know my god example with regards to libya it's evident the crisis has been seriously aggravated by the presence of forces and equipment from many other countries in clear violation of the mandate of the security council i think we have to reestablish the sovereignty of international law and the conditions in which the decisions of the security council could be implemented and that countries should understand that their engagement to promote certain conflicts only increases the potential for action by terrorist groups still ahead and al jazeera fears of another escalation in syria as turkey sends hundreds of military vehicles across its southern border. can a record setting master help promote peace in one of the world's most violent countries. however still snow showers following a few more to come for honshu rather fear i think for cardio that's for the normally breezes and that's where it feels cold minus 6 after best but still snow on the ground it's not reveal much better turkey is down to about 8 and the showers are slowly turning back to rain i think you'll see that the slow warming in tokyo to 11 degrees but still potential snow showers on the western slopes and it's been a long time coming but everywhere rest of the west of that is dry and sunny right back through northern china and surprisingly warm in beijing for the south in china it's cloudy once again involved catherine enough to bring a little bit of rain to once you places in the west not that many admittedly we have got there a little clump of showers developing here which is heading for the mainland for southern vietnam for cambodia don't need media future but i think by the end of the weekend you are feeling an increase in the breeze in the showers are showing themselves around the coast of vietnam little bit early maybe we saw a shower. in the philippines and of course the mass for the science in borneo on throughout indonesia where they have been quite heavy but those just caught coast of vietnam are now having towards crawl along maybe singapore i think is peninsular malaysia that gets a surprisingly wet monday. from . a conflict that is now considered to be the world's worst humanitarian crisis yet how many would not have to die behind this or stop these harnesses on are really for sale and investigation into how billions of euros are made from supplying arms to saudi arabia a leader of the coalition fighting a ruling in the south the case is interesting to watch his remarks on money involved yemen war profiteers on al-jazeera. there watching over is it or a reminder of our top stories this hour in thailand security forces have surrounded a shopping center where an active shooter is believed to be holed up a soldier went on a gun run page on saturday killing at least 21 people in the city of course. voting is over the nylons general election with exit polls predicting a very close result because party finagle has 22.4 percent of the vote that's less than a percent ahead of its 2 main rivals. the number of people killed by the coronavirus in china has risen to 805 that figure exceeds the number of people killed in the saw as a break in 2003. u.s. and afghan forces have come under attack in eastern afghanistan the soldiers were taking part in a joint operation in a province when they were engaged by direct fire and u.s. forces had been helping the afghan army clear an area threatened by the taliban in the region turkey has sent reinforcements across its border after syrian government forces advanced in the last rebel held province talks with russian officials have been taking place in unca to try to deescalate the situation in italy last week turkey said it killed dozens of syrian government soldiers in response to an attack the regime ignored warnings to retreat and it's now taken salad. is following the story from istanbul and he says turkey is losing patience with russia and its syrian ally. the turkish government has been frustrated over way described as lack of cooperation from the russian government it says that that russia has not been able to rein in president bashar assad his troops who have taken over and seem to be determined to move forward towards the city of idlib. this meeting is more about the need to see whether. the russians will be able to convince the syrian troops to back away from said and meant tame the turkish military outpost that were operating around and also on the outskirts of it that's very crucial for turkey this explains why they have been sending more reinforcements however if you look at the situation on the ground you have the syrian army sending more troops all the way towards such. as it could potentially move towards must have 10 hours to move ahead to words to words. and this explains why the turkish army is setting up new outposts in those areas and the turkish party has said that its troops that are equipped enough and ready to retaliate if the syrian government decides to go ahead or to whether it's made conditions worse for syrians living in a refugee camp in lebanon's bekaa valley the ongoing economic crisis in lebanon is having a serious impact on humanitarian programs funding shortage means fewer families are receiving support this year sort of hide out reports. they're all about probably 300 people living in this refugee camp it's one of many in back of ali. a few of them they said that the conditions are so harshly would prefer to die now these are people who have left the war in syria some of them and of been here for years and the conditions are getting harder and harder each year funding has been cut for the u.n. h.c.r. . an economic crisis has made life so much harder and they've also received a lot of hostility from the lebanese government as well as some local nice people who feel that they have put an extra strain on the economic crisis where the lebanese themselves are suffering from so there's about a quite close to a 1000000 syrian refugees here which is a large number and 3 quarters of those syrian refugees live. below the poverty line the shortage of dollars as well has affected some of the money that they've received through cash aid from you know you see also the conditions have been very tough here and the lebanese government just a couple of days ago in their policy statement have made it clear that a lot of them have to return back home they believe safe for them now and they say people are dead and 137 have been wounded in violence in kazakhstan gangs of on demand of attack restaurants and businesses in the southern zone bill region president causing so much has called an emergency government session and has sent security personnel to the area for him has more. than a letter fighting on friday night in southern kazakhstan brought this village to a standstill footage on social media which cannot be independently verified shows houses and commercial properties up in smoke and cars overturned as men in burleson confrontation throwing rocks dozens of people were injured and others killed somebody. it was a terrible night there was conflict between kazakhs and done before. attacked us unexpectedly i think it was planned the number of victims is higher the houses on the main streets a burned all the shops and buildings damaged and cars were stolen it's unclear what caused the violence in the car died district of john bill region the area where the fighting took place is home to ethnic kazakhs and the doomed minority group muslims of chinese ethnic origin while catholic sounds authorities declared a state of emergency the president has called for calm. a number of settlements in the quote i destroyed of the zambo region clashes and fights between local residents took place educators tried to take advantage of the situation unfortunately there are dead and wounded i express my sincere condolences to the families and friends of the deceased citizens the violence has forced many people mainly ethnic from their homes they are now trying to cross the border over into neighboring kurdistan. we were told to leave the area for security reasons i don't know what's happening that now we have left everything we were just told that people from shem can it will come aid groups in kurdistan are trying to organize food and medical assistance for as many people as they can. the aid is coming from different parts everyone is calling me even from russia my only concern is that the aid is only off the books people have organized themselves we are trying to facilitate passes at the border i want to thank the kurdish law enforcement for providing help to refugees while many here wait for peace to be restored the kazakstan government says it will set up a commission of inquiry to address the underlying cause of the tension mohammed al jazeera. voting is finished for the regional election in the indian state of delhi but i'm it's being seen as a test for the national governments that have been weeks of often violent protests against a new citizenship law some of the largest demonstrations were in new delhi and as with promise there and she sent us this report. determined to have this say millions in india's capital region headed to polling stations after a big campaign. from the very old to 1st time voters they told al jazeera what matters to them i think. from. an. issue. of youth are to be promised in that in their modi and has bought at the party of b j p have campaigned to end weeks of widespread protests against the citizenship including and the shocking bad neighborhood to be j.p. politicians were banned from campaigning after comparing protests as to rapists and murderers saying the demonstrators were determined to make india a muslim country. another politician said protestors should be shot they were too shooting incidents against protesters in one week after those comments were made a b j p election candidate said protest is a disrupting every day life yet every year. on race to know we want peace you want harmony because. if that is entirely peace in your city and your country. the 2 time chief minister ivan kejriwal from the common man party focused its campaign on development education and health care which. i'm hopeful that the delhi public will vote on the work that we've done and that the common man party can form the government here for the 3rd time analysts say the alternative could lead to more protests but the fear is that if the b.b. comes to power in delhi that the distance for the protests in different parts of the front be would be approved so what we are stating at this some. is some more tension in the coming days so let's see how it plays out. the election result is due to be announced on tuesday that the j.p. hasn't been in power and delhi for 22 years the result will indicate whether its nationalist campaign has paid off or if voters are giving the activists to. a 3rd term in office elizabeth for on al-jazeera. astronomy is being heard by a tropical cyclone and floods some areas have been soaked by the heaviest rainfall in almost 2 decades since friday the number of rescue operations in new south wales has more than doubled the country's bushfire crisis is raging for months but it could be eased by the gun course. i'm tired tica has just had its hottest day ever recorded the rating of 18.3 degrees celsius was taken at an argentine research base i had stanley a 4 degree warmer than the previous record based sits on the antarctic peninsula which is warm significantly over the past 50 years much faster than the global average under shepherd is a professor of earth observation at the university of leeds and here is such as the changes and the antarctic and its impact on the environment he says the damage won't be fixed for a 1000 years this temperature record from the argentine base is being really powerful for as it's allowed us to say whether the changes that are happening in antarctica in this part of the continent are short term look to ations or a long term trend and it's definitely the latter but they also very much like the canadian fires at the moment give us a glimpse into the future and how different parts of the world will be in just a few decades time so we learn a lot about how ice response to changes in climate just because of this particular part of the planet the northern tip of the antarctic peninsula there are series of ice shelves and really floating extensions of glass tears into the sea and they've broken away over the past 2 or 3 decades and we didn't think that that was possible until it started to happen. and they were reversible process they won't grow back again for a 1000 years and this is the 1st time it's happened in in 10000 years so this is definitely a signal of dramatic change the ice is retreating for the south are not taught but we've learnt how really glasses respond to ocean and warming because of what's happened and we can use that information to improve our predictions of what's going to happen farther south where there's a lot more ice. and mexico city artists have been joined by hundreds of volunteers to create a temporary masterpiece and it could be a record breaking piece of string taht the tradition of decorating the ground with colorful exhibits started in europe but it's now an important part of the culture of mexico and central america and all the polish reports. corn husks dyed salts and pine needles are just some of the materials being used in this distinctly mexican piece of art. and the canvas for this potential masterpiece is mexico city's central plaza and socolow right in the middle of the city's iconic historic district. it's taking more than $300.00 volunteers to design and execute this one of a kind that bit the monument done or monumental mat this style of art has its origins in europe over the centuries however it's become an iconic part of mexican culture on this saying you know everything we're doing revolves around the design which requires many different forms and textures everything is based on harmony love solidarity and peace we want people to come out and join us and learn more about this culture. the clock is ticking to finish the artwork before the weekend when tourists normally flood this part of town only put out to see it luckily there are volunteers like and don't use it but that you have offered to lend a hand and don't use been creating that it is like these for 25 years and says he's committed to having this one finished on time and. i took time off work to join this project this interests me and i like it i think everyone here really likes this and makes us feel proud to be able to share this tradition we have in mexico. the final design will feature. a hairless dog with strong ties to mysticism and mexican folklore. but getting all the textures and colors to look just right requires a surprising amount of attention to detail. the choice of materials is one of them . most important aspects of designing a traditional debit in this instance were using dyed corn with all of the materials or organic biodegradable and reusable. a few last minute touches and the final product is complete. a little fanfare to get the crowd excited and it's time for the. measuring some 3200 square meters organizers see this step it. could be the largest of its kind in the world. and mexico city. this is all of these are the top stories in thailand security forces have surrounded a shopping center where an active shooter is believed to be holed up on saturday a soldier went on a gun rampage in the city of conduct killing at least 21 people were in hay has more from bangkok we do not know exactly what the situation is there whether there are still people trapped or being held inside the mall by the gunman we know we've seen many people coming out of the more some of them injured including in the last couple of hours or so those injured taken away to the hospitals which are becoming very busy of course because not only do we have 21 fatalities but we have many people who are injured in the government officials have been calling for people who live in the area there to go to their local medical facilities to donate blood voting is over in arlen's general election with exit polls predicting a 3 way tie their vote out because party fin a gale as 22.4 percent of the vote left wing nationalists shin fein have 22.3 percent and the main opposition party found a foil has 22.2 percent. the number of people killed by the war hong kong on a virus which broke out in china has risen to 806 people that figure exceeds the number killed in the sars outbreak in 2003 talks between representatives of libya's u.n. recognize government and the wall awfully far half to have again ended with no agreement senior officials gathered in geneva as the latest in a series of talks to ease his till it is in the country turkey sent reinforcements across its border of the syrian government forces advanced in the last rebel held province talks with russian officials have been taking place in ankara to try to deescalate the situation in. antarctica has just had its hottest day on record the reading of $18.00 degrees celsius was taken out in arjun time research base and it's nearly a full degree warmer than the previous record. and those are the headlines the news continues here on al-jazeera inside story by africa. a potential political shakeup in pity and poll said the irish a shifting away from the 2 main parties towards shin fein so how might this affect the next government and could it redefine island's politics this is inside story. hello welcome to the program i'm adrian finnegan islands governments of long been dominated by $0.02 a right posses feed a gale that's the posse of current prime minister leo veronica and feet up.

Related Keywords

Kazakhstan , Istanbul , Turkey , Afghanistan , United States , Hong Kong , New Delhi , Delhi , India , Antarctica , Beijing , China , Mexico City , Distrito Federal , Mexico , Yemen , Ankara , Syria , Dublin , Ireland , Russia , Ethiopia , Cambodia , Italy , Bekaa , Béa , Lebanon , Libya , Poland , Doha , Ad Daw Ah , Qatar , Japan , Philippines , Yokohama , Kanagawa , Argentina , Vietnam , Republic Of , Indonesia , Haiti , Sirte , Sha Biyat Surt , Thailand , Idlib , Singapore , Geneva , Genè , Switzerland , Bangkok , Krung Thep Mahanakhon , Saudi Arabia , Polish , America , Chinese , Turkish , Mexican , Russian , Syrians , Thai , Afghan , Libyan , Syrian , Lebanese , Argentine , Russians , Mohammed Aljazeera , Ivan Kejriwal , Addis Ababa , Leo Veronica , Bashar Assad , Shin Fein , Sinn Fein ,

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