Transcripts For ALJAZ NEWS LIVE - 30 20180111 : comparemela.

Transcripts For ALJAZ NEWS LIVE - 30 20180111

admission manned mars military accepts that its soldiers killed ten row hanjour whose bodies were found in a mass grave last month. and a political standoff over immigration reform threatens to shut down the u.s. government. hundreds of people in southern california remain trapped after mudslides emergency teams struggle with more heavy rain on wednesday at least fifteen people are known to have been killed survivors are recalling stories of dramatic rescue all reynolds joins us live now from santa barbara and rob we are also standing by to get an update from officials there in santa barbara county but as things stand right now what is the latest that you. yeah that's right richelle the officials will will probably give us an update shortly and we'll we'll come to that but it's a day of rescues and cleanup here the day after the disaster hit mont to see joe people are still being extracted from their homes many of them by helicopters and other people are tear telling some sprit hair raising stories or ran into a gentleman named bernard sandler age eighty who told me about what happened to him and his wife today as we walked through the orchard a little bit muddy in our feet and i said well him but there's the fence over there you see and there's we can get there we'll get as you get going and get a little bit further a little bit further bottom line is two hours later we're still standing up to our middle of our thighs and my dad and my wife almost fell and i thought she would die and i actually. am very. sorry they were married fifty seven years as mark and i thought as owners and i really felt that we were going to make it a lie and mind you it's not just numbers that we're talking about here and these are actual people so what what is the latest as far as that the rescue efforts go rob. as far as we know two of twenty four people are still missing fifteen people as we've reported have lost their lives the sheriff's department here in santa barbara county told us some moments ago that about three hundred people are still missing the problem is you can see this highway behind me richelle this is highway one hundred one it's very well known to people here in california it's the main artery along the coast between santa barbara and los angeles and normally there'd be thousands of cars in the picture behind me but it's closed now because been damaged is only a few rescue vehicles and emergency crews working there now people working to get it under to get it working as quickly as possible but there's a network of smaller roads up in the mountains that have been so badly damaged that the only way really to rescue some of these marooned people is from the air. there is no way in or out of mudslide devastated areas of montecito except by air the crew of a u.s. coast guard jayhawk helicopter rescued a stranded family including the mother father a newborn baby a young girl and boy and two pet dogs they were one of many families whose houses were overwhelmed and lives up ended by a rampaging flow of water mud boulders and debris an intense rain storm pounded the affluent cultural area in the pre-dawn hours of tuesday morning a centimeter and a half of rain fell in one five minute period alone in addition to more than a dozen people killed by the slides authorities say an undetermined number are missing and several hundred people are stranded roads including major state highways were overwhelmed by mud highways. are now listening to the deputy fire chief and santa barbara county kevin taylor let's listen continue to operate in search and rescue mode the favorable weather has allowed them to complete approximately seventy five percent primary search of the debris field i am very pleased to report that we have over five hundred responders working on this search and rescue effort and ten search dogs they have successfully rescued three people since this morning yesterday afternoon i reported that there were people still trapped in americana and without any way out and we were able to remove all of them last night we continue to work down a list of missing people and their addresses and do a much more focused search of that area i would like to take just a second to recognize the exceptional effort that our emergency responders have put forward our local responders regional responders and state responders thank you. thank you chief i'd like to bring up sheriff bill brown santa barbara county sheriff. thank you dave and hello and thank you everyone for being here today another extremely challenging day as we find out more about our community members who were tragically killed and also those who are missing and have loved ones who are in an agonizing holding pattern waiting for word on the status of their loved ones and if they have indeed been found we are saddened to report that the death toll has now risen to seventeen with two additional. fatalities recovered today the process of positively identifying the victims is a process that is slow it takes time and it cannot be rushed or coroner's office and our forensic unit are working around the clock to make careful identifications to be absolutely positive that we make the right identifications and to work with and notify the next of kin at this time we are not ready to release the names of the victims or identifying information but anticipate that we will be doing that in the near future we appreciate your patience as we go through this important process and we ask for privacy right now for the many family members who are dealing with the worst of circumstances i want to particularly thank our coroners detectives and other corners personnel for the very difficult and emotional work that they continue to do throughout this event and i also want to thank the personnel from the los angeles county coroner's office who arrived here today after mutual aid call to assist and support our coroner our coroner's office in this mass casualty incident. we also know that there are many people who are still missing family members and friends and are deeply concerned about the uncertainty of their status we are happy to report that some of those who were unaccounted for have been located safely and reunited with their loved ones but there are still thirteen reported missing persons cases and we have a number of other names that we have gleaned from social media and from other. sources that we are looking into as well if you need help locating a family member you can go to the family assistance center that has been. prepared for this event it is located at the first presbyterian church twenty one east constance you can call a toll free number that's eight three three six eight eight five five five one again that's eight three three six eight eight five five five one and this family assistance center is a joint venture but they're listening to an update in santa barbara county to see where these deadly landslides have happened here is one of the deputy fire chief kevin taylor now this is the sheriff of santa barbara county updating some numbers unfortunately one number that continues to go up is the death toll is now at seventeen and he says there are at least thirteen people that are missing are robber and else has been covering this live as well rob i know that you know from covering things like this in particular the wildfires that kind of set the stage for this it's that often the the number of missing sometimes it's just a matter of not being able to communicate that somebody is actually ok right. that is correct rachelle and the folks that we've been speaking with here say they do not have internet connectivity sometimes their phones aren't working either most of the electricity has been restored in this immediate area but further up in the hills and mountains of that may not be the case so the way that people normally communicate with one another especially online is is for the moment temporarily suspended as the sheriff there bill brown said seventeen people now confirmed to have lost their lives thirteen have been. determined to be in to be a missing they found quite a few of the people who are missing because that number of missing earlier today was twenty four but i got to tell you richelle you talk about the wildfires nature has really delivered a one two punch to this part of california i was out here during the wildfires before the christmas and new year holidays people were scared then people were evacuating driving through here on the way to this spot you can see blackened hillsides so this is been a really really tough a period of weeks for the people of this area of california and it will be a long time before anybody forgets the winter of twenty seventeen and twenty eighty does seem to be one one trauma after another rob thank you i know you'll continue to update and listen in on that very thing and let us know anything else we need to know rob runnels live in santa barbara thank you columbia c.l. unravel christmas arching the government to same talks president suspended the goetia actions after rebel attacks following the expiration of a cease fire yellin leader say they and citizens should not derail the peace process he has more for about a set. historic three months long ceasefire now over and in the worst way as the rebels resume to taxing colombia many hoped for an extension of a truce which the spy violations have been considered a success but on wednesday colombia's last active rebel group perpetrated four attacks wounding two colombian marines and affecting an important oil pipeline colombian president juan manuel santos spoke forcefully against them. they applauded the government deplored the ends decision to restart its terrorist attacks on the general public the armed forces and on parts of the national infrastructure we were always i repeat always ready to extend the ceasefire with the airline and negotiate very quickly a new cycle of talks in the will she added. inexplicably not only rejected this process but chose to restart their terrorist attacks on the very day that they were obliged to initiate the new round of negotiations. from quito where peace talks had been expected to resume leaders said they were hopeful the talks could restart but then explain the reasoning behind the attacks. that we're going to hear it in table was making progress during the cease fire so we maintain the decision to give continuity to what we achieved what we need a new ceasefire that overcomes the difficulties of the first one. president santos immediately recalled to the recently appointed negotiators for consultations experts say the failure to extend the cease fire shows deep divisions among the leadership. we. will win. the match in this sense is not only the probably what will happen with this cease fire is what will happen with the table general process between the government and . the talks have long been complicated by a lack of confidence between the parties and to tangible results and we can now expect the colombian military to start a bombing campaign in rebels areas a full blown return of the of steely gaze that will make very difficult to resume the talks at least for now listen to. latin america analyst hector parallel thanks both sides are being pressured by hard line elements. this is going to be really tough they're in a difficult situation from a strategic standpoint i kind of can understand why that yellen decided to take this right so the ceasefire was over technically and so they could have been attacked they could have very easily been attacked themselves and so i think they kind of sent the signal that we're serious we're not you know we're not a defeated force we're here we're going to fight we're willing to fight if you don't meet us seriously at the negotiating table and so i think the colombian government is going to have to save face and they're most likely going to have to respond militarily but i hope and you know i think over the long term for the for the short term it's going to be a significant escalation of violence but hopefully over the long term you know everyone kind of saves face comes back to the negotiating table and cooler heads can prevail in mars' the military has admitted its soldiers killed ten henschel muslims captured by buddhists villagers the remains were found in a mass grave in rakhine state last month the army's commander in chief made the statement on his facebook page and posted a picture of the grave he says action will be taken against the members of the security forces found to have carried out the killings it's thought to be the military source public admission of wrongdoing sense that launched a crackdown in rakhine in august that wells is a senior crisis advisor with amnesty international who's been documenting the violence he says there's a mountain of evidence that shows mass killings over him just civilians to place all across rakhine state. it is extremely rare for the military to admit to any sort of wrongdoing and it's a military in which soldiers operate with really near complete impunity no matter the nature of the crimes and crimes are talking about here that the military has said today involve soldiers summarily executing murdering ten men who had been captured but i think the one thing to note about the statement on the commander in chief's facebook page today is what it doesn't admit which is that this incident is not an isolated incident that in fact we had amnesty the u.n. and media outlets around the world have documented how there's a much wider pattern of killings of sexual violence and the burning of over a hundred villages across rakhine state and so we need to see justice and accountability for this enormous range of crimes and not a pretense that there's really just you know one or few isolated incidents but just less than two months ago the military is very different reports that was a complete white washing in which they said that all of their soldiers follow the rules of engagement there were no killings of civilians that there is no sexual violence despite the mountain of evidence that has come out again and again showing otherwise i think it's probably too quick to say that there's any sort of shift i think perhaps what we're seeing instead is that there is a lot of pressure growing pressure from countries around the world in response to the atrocities that have been committed against the range of population and perhaps what the military is trying to do here is you know show that they're they're doing something that they that they're looking at this one particular incident but again this is this is not an isolated incident and so until that the military really acknowledges and takes action to in response to the crimes against humanity that have been committed across northern rakhine states and i think there's a you know good reason to be suspicious that there's a real change and the military's actions. the man marm military said mission to the killings came on the same day two borders on a list who were reporting on violence in rakhine state were formally charged with breaching a secrecy law journalists in myanmar have staged a sit in against the decision by loaning how so or accused of acquiring information illegally to share with foreign media and if they said to fourteen years in prison it's unclear whether they were reporting on the mass graves in the end in the village. lots more ahead on al-jazeera including why and embarrassing leak involving his son is forcing the israeli prime minister to defend himself against corruption allegations and able to afford a home course people in brazil's largest city take matters into their own hands. from the waves of this. to the contours of the least. hello there is still rather cold for many of us across china at the moment a maximum temperature in shanghai of five degrees and dropping well below freezing gerri midnight is also rather cool for us in hong kong where our maximum would just be around seventy but at least here it should be dry it looks like there were a few showers around in the philippines those sticking around as we head through friday and also want to showers just making their way into the central parts of vietnam as well before the towards the south of this plenty of showers here and watch out for this huge area of cloud here because this is going to give us a period of more prolonged rain as we head through the next couple of days so for some of us here over a very wet including force in singapore and k.l. for thursday and friday does look very wet indeed as this area of low pressure begins to develop as we head out towards the west across india and pakistan the skies are largely clear at the moment however there is a problem with the visibility thanks to the pollution and the haze further south here one or two showers around those just clipping the southern coast all of india and also making their way across parts of sri lanka of the more of them on thursday for friday to here in doha no major changes for us over the next couple of days we're looking at a top temperature of around twenty three degrees and getting down to around fifteen or sixty during the night. there with sponsored by qatar and greece. there were over forty charges as i recall but primarily it was material support to terrorism the holy land foundation was the biggest muslim charity in the us i'd definitely said that this was a political trial and the fees were political prisoners because we weren't able to see the secret over them we weren't able to tell him in a two part series al jazeera world examines one of the most controversial court cases of the so-called war on terror the holy land falling at this time on al jazeera world. this is al jazeera and these are the top stories right now the number of people killed by landslides in southern california has risen to at least seventeen hundreds are still trapped and mud into very following more heavy rain. colombia's ellen ruppel purpose urging the government to resume talks the president suspended negotiations following rebel attacks after the ceasefire last yelling leader say the incidents should not to rail the peace process and mars military has admitted that soldiers killed ten or henschel muslims captured by buddhist villagers the remains were found in a mass grave and rakhine state last month it's thought to be the military's first public admission of wrongdoing sense of launched a crackdown in rakhine in august. as president donald trump is still insisting that any immigration reform must include funding for a border wall with mexico it comes a day after a federal judge blocked the government from ending protection for illegal immigrants brought to the u.s. as children our white house correspondent can play hockey. donald trump was defiant when asked in a joint press conference with the norwegian prime minister whether he would sign an immigration deal that does not include funding for a border wall with mexico are annoying for you know no it's got to include the war we need the wall for security we need the wall for safety we need the wall for stopping the drugs from pouring in trouble appears to be giving little ground on finding a compromise to immigration reform i think there needs to be a willingness on both sides it comes one day after signaling he may be willing to yield to demands by democrats to keep in place protections for illegal immigrants brought to the united states as children but a tuesday california court ruling blocking trucks from ending those protections outraged the president who took to twitter suggesting the decision that will likely be challenged is flawed the program commonly known as dhaka allows kids brought to the united states before their sixtieth birthday to remain in the country democrats want to keep it and have threatened to stop funding the government over the issue we cannot wait we cannot tolerate to. delay is a term to employed by those who do not wish to see a deal in addition to demands for funding a wall to block illegal immigration trump is also tying the current battle over immigration to funding for the u.s. military it's not a point of negotiation we can say oh we're going to give you money for your military but you have to give us money for something that frankly is much less important trump says he wants to work with democrats but time is running out funding for the government ends in a little more than a week and there is no sign of a resolution can really help get al-jazeera washington. beijing's ordered the closure of north korean businesses in china to comply with the u.n. sanctions after a deadline to do so passed on tuesday but the north korean establishment are still operating in china beijing is one of pyongyang's main allies but the relationship has been strained over north korea's nuclear program rob mcbride is in beijing. according to the directive yesterday the ninth was when all north korean restaurants were meant to have closed so that by today the ten north korean lunch should be off the menu but we've just been inside this restaurant and were able to order a full meal with no sign of it being closed down we don't know exactly what the setup is here with this restaurant but it's suspected that song in north korean restaurants may be changing their management structure to make it look as though they're now owned by chinese management when in fact money from them is still finding its way into north korea china has promised to implement fully all u.n. sanctions but coming off the claims that it's been allowing north korea to get around some other embargoes news that some north korean business is still seem to be operating will fuel suspicions of a disconnect between what china promises what china implements the u.s. accusing syrian government forces and its allies of killing at least eighty five civilians in eastern canada in the last ten days alone an area which was agreed to as a deescalation zone has come under heavy bombardment in recent weeks as government forces try to take back control from rebel fighters the u.n. says at least thirty children are among those killed in the recent attacks eastern data is home to around four hundred thousand people who have been under government siege for more than four years. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu is defending himself against more corruption allegations after a secret recording of his son was leaked and the conversation recorded three years ago a year netanyahu says his father pushed through a natural gas deal which benefited an israeli business tycoon it comes at a difficult time for the prime minister who is already under investigation for corruption and yahoo says the audio leak is part of a media witch hunt aimed at ousting him you've come to the dogs you're didn't know about the gas deals he had no clue about that he didn't know anything and what he said in the recording he said under the influence of alcohol in a tasteless joke with a friend but he had no idea the hoffman is the chief political correspondent an analyst for the true sun post he says the leak is an embarrassment for the israeli prime minister. it's absolutely disgraceful that the young men who went to strip clubs using a car and bodyguard in a driver provided by the state no prime minister before in israel had ever requested security guards for his children these were provided by for security reasons that we can't really understand but there's no reason anybody should be paying for it and people are very much upset about it it won't have any political impact and it's a no because netanyahu didn't go to a strip club only his son did and i don't see anybody in his coalition government leaving the government over it but it doesn't leaves a bad taste in our in the mouths of the people of israel who are already upset and it's now for his own criminal probes violence has a glance again flared up between police and protesters and five nation cities including the capital after a fourth day of demonstrations or than two hundred thirty people have been arrested and the wave of anti austerity rallies demonstrators are angry over the government's planned price and tax hikes the opposition is calling for the two thousand eight hundred budget to be scrapped his prime minister has urged calm saying the economy will improve this year at least two people have been killed in pakistan during protests against the rape and murder of a seven year old girl dozens of people attacked a police station and a government building in eastern province on wednesday the violence of up to eight hours before the funeral of zainab ansari her body was found and then on tuesday clay says she was kidnapped sexually assaulted and murdered. and brazil a cry for help over the lack of affordable housing in south america's largest city is growing louder the people without fair cap and south pole it was started by a land of form group by months ago as now home to eight thousand families it's a home and that some of them. on the first day there were five hundred families now there's a tent city on the outskirts of sound paolo it's a land occupation organized like many others to pressure the government into providing a food bill housing. some here are homeless others live in overcrowded often irregular dwellings like how to deanna she says a two bedroom house with her three children parents and siblings was the scene most i want to house for my kids where they can be raised in safety and quiet our own house city house prices is so high that those are minimum wage would have to say for food two years to buy one would have the possibility of a food your own house. it's impossible she says. but in two recently a pioneering government program was making the impossible possible mean you cause so many of either which means my house my life help millions to get subsidized homes it's been drastically cut mean you're cus i mean you have either has accounted for three quarters of all homes built over the last decade it's been a tremendous lifeline to the working class but it's also helped leave the brazilian government broke now work has slowed down or stopped from developments like this one the housing deficit is growing again the problem may be resurfacing now but high open land prices have been a problem for decades was about to come down the housing expert says this is an opportunity for most sustainable solution to be found last year was the government should use its power to buy tracts of land and then sell them to developers to build moderately priced housing that way it can make a bit of money provide housing and regulate the system to reduce the price of land . but for now the only method adrienne and many others have used to begin and put pressure on a struggling government provide. i don't home in. sao paolo. or south kerry and these are the headlines on al-jazeera hundreds of people and southern california remain trapped under landslides emergency teams struggle with more heavy rain on wednesday at least seventeen people are known to think hill survivors are recalling stories have dramatic rescue as one of the orchard a little bit muddy in our feet i say well but there's a fence over there you see and there's we can get there we're good as you get going to get a little bit further a little bit further bottom line is two hours later we're still standing up to our middle of our thoughts and mud and my wife almost fell and i thought she would die and i actually. think it's. so right they were married fifty seven years this month and i thought as owners and i really felt that we were going to make it a lie we realized that this is going to be a long and difficult journey for all of us and for our community and we ask for your patience we ask for your understanding and i ask you for your prayers for the many victims of this tragedy for their families for the people who are impacted by this terrible event. colombia's rebel group those are urging the government to resume talks the president suspended the gauche a sions following rebel attacks after a cease fire lapsed yelling leaders say the incident should not derail the peace process and mars' military has admitted that soldiers killed ten referential muslims captured by buddhist villagers their remains were found in a mass grave in rakhine state last month it's thought to be the military's first public admission of wrongdoing sense it launched a crackdown in rakhine in august as president donald trump is still insisting that any immigration reform must include funding for a border wall with mexico it comes a day after a federal judge blocked the government from ending protection for undocumented immigrants brought to the u.s. as children trump suggested making comprehensive reforms to the u.s. immigration system. those are the headlines and his continues keep it here on al-jazeera inside story is next and more news after that when you are. investigating apple prosecutors in france want to know why the company slows down its old i phone it's it's claimed it could be a ploy to get users to upgrade lawsuits are also under way in the u.s. so how will this impact on consumers trust in apple products this is inside story. of a.

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Norway , Pyongyang , P Yongyang Si , North Korea , Qatar , Doha , Ad Daw Ah , Philippines , Shanghai , China , United States , Hong Kong , Washington , Brazil , Beijing , California , Colombia , Syria , Canada , Sri Lanka , Pakistan , Quito , Pichincha , Ecuador , Mexico , India , Israel , Singapore , Dhaka , Bangladesh , Santa Barbara County , Los Angeles County , Montecito , South Korea , France , Greece , Colombian , America , Norwegian , Chinese , Korea , North Korean , Syrian , Israeli , Kevin Taylor , Brown Santa Barbara , Santa Barbara , Benjamin Netanyahu , Bernard Sandler , Juan Manuel Santos , Rakhine States ,

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