Transcripts For ALJAZ NEWS LIVE - 30 20180107 : comparemela.

Transcripts For ALJAZ NEWS LIVE - 30 20180107

minutes. if i weren't involved they wouldn't be talking about olympics right now u.s. president donald trump credits absolve for the upcoming talks between north and south korea. also new arrests in the kingdom of saudi arabia eleven princes are detained after a rare show of protest at a palace in riyadh. also surviving the war but will they survive the cold wet winter a plea for help from syria's internally displaced. doctors are good to have you with us protests against the greek orthodox patriarch of jerusalem of overshadowed all the docs christmas celebrations the alleged sale of church to israelis has sparked ted seems as well have a judge judy explains from bethlehem. the protests were unprecedented in a display of an. toward the greek orthodox patriarch of jerusalem demonstrators attacked the convoy of the office the third as it made its way to bethlehem's manger square in the occupied west bank behind all this recent news reports alleging the patriarch has been involved in property sales to foreign tax havens and those properties may end up in the hands of israeli businesses. protesters believe the allegations and say it will make it harder for palestinians to establish their own state but the live now to mount a clear and simple we want the patriarch to resign we want to reform the patriarchate and to sign a legal committee to evaluate the situation representatives of the greek orthodox church of jerusalem deny the allegations and the handle of the snow that we did not as they claim to sell our lands to the israeli occupation those are old deals the patriarch wants to rectify clarify because all those old deals are detrimental to the rights of the patriarch eight and its congregation while this is not the first time the church has been accused of selling some of the numerous properties it owns in jerusalem the outrage now is far greater than it had been before. in manger square despite the marching bands and music a truly festive atmosphere was hard to achieve. the arrival of the patriarch wasn't just protested local officials also gave him a cold shoulder when they refused to welcome him to the square another issue overshadowing celebrations this year is the decision by u.s. president donald trump to recognize jerusalem as israel's capital in the month since that decision was made there been numerous protests in the occupied west bank and it's really contributed to a growing sense of hopelessness amongst palestinian christians forty year old george was sad says he's never witnessed such a song or mood at christmas is the level of the headline if things remain as is opie pool seek to leave who'd stay here if you see it being so and the city is sad have you ever seen bethlehem like this thousands would usually be here at christmas . it would show up even before kristin's palestinian christians in the west bank are worried their relatively small number will continue to do windell and according to a recent study by the daughter of kenya university college twenty eight percent of palestinian christians said they'd leave this region if given the chance highlighting yet again the growing feeling of despair at a time of year when there is usually at the very least a small semblance of hope mohammed atta bethlehem the occupied west bank. jordan says the arab league will seek international recognition of a palestinian state after trump's decision on jerusalem but some members of the league betty in the jordanian capital amman jordan has seen a wave of protests against the u.s. and israel following trump's decision to move the american embassy from tel aviv to jerusalem. become our goal is to overturn the american decision to recognize jerusalem as the capital of israel and to assert that it has no legal effect. we have specific requests the most important of which is the recognition of the palestinian state with jerusalem as its capital according to the june the fourth nine hundred sixty seven borders now the new york times is reporting that egypt has asked media in the country that to play down opposition to president trumps jerusalem decision it leaked to phone recordings a senior intelligence officer reportedly told leading t.v. talk show host to influence their viewers to back the decision despite egypt's public condemnation that the newspaper quoted captain ussher followed coley asking hosts how is jerusalem different from ramallah which is the current base of the palestinian authority in the occupied west bank captain kohli was quoted telling the talk show hosts and into fodder would not serve egypt's national interests and could revive harass him at heart is director of research and analysis of the arab central washington d.c. he says there seems to be a disconnect between the palestinian cause and what arab leaders want. generally speaking that aboard has been quiet and actually it has been quiet but a long long time everybody knew and everybody knows what the israeli government has been up to for four decades and now you know that this is not really and you would think donald trump just simply made sure that this decision was taken but he must have reviewed thought that it's a good step and a regime that would probably support that since it's a problem and that person is would have to have to do something about it which is always be a problem the arab street is not necessarily with the arab rulers on this issue that absolute still believe that the palestine issue is the central issue and jerusalem is the most center of that center issue you know the muslim world definitely i think the same way it's a problem that is a basically a bifurcated position you know between the peoples of the arab and muslim worlds and the leaders of the arab and muslim world and. the palestinian equation itself has to also. come to terms with the with the with the problem of the arab and muslim world and the palestinians themselves have to be take up the mantle for their own. cause. u.s. president donald trump has reacted to that he's mentally unfit for office describing himself as a stable jenius that follows publication of a book that questions his ability to do his job and claims his staff view him infantile well as john hendren reports from washington d.c. trump's latest attacks all the michael wolff of again his policy agenda and i did a quick interview with him a long time ago having to do with an article this book clearly has donald trump rattled the suggestion in fire and fury the cabinet members and allies to question trump's intelligence and his fitness for office they've gotten under the president's skin the book has driven a wedge between trump and his one time closest adviser steve bennett but i don't know this man i guess sloppy steve brought him into the white house quite a bit and it was one of those things that's why sloppy steve is now looking for a job as republican leaders met the president to discuss their legislative agenda for twenty eight eighteen trump began his day with a barrage of morning tweets or he wrote throughout my life my two greatest assets have been mental stability and being like really smart and he said that winning the presidency qualifies him as not smart big genius and a very stable genius at that in defending himself against the allegations in this book president trump was knocked off message in it steve bannon says he's lost his stuff media mogul rupert murdoch calls him an idiot and staffers describe him as a semi literate fool but what the republicans who met with trump on saturday wanted to talk about with their plans for twenty eight teen and immigration reform it was candid it donald trump signature campaign and we are building a wall on the southern border we need safety we need cameras and i will have mexico pay for that wall it turns out he might have that half right the administration's plan for an immigration overhaul would spend eighteen billion dollars over ten years and add five hundred five kilometer. to an existing border with mexico and the u.s. congress would pay for the bill is expected to restore some protection for the so-called dreamers children of undocumented immigrants who were brought to the u.s. by their parents trump recently rescinded an obama era rule protecting them but democrats fear the new immigration funds could be used to deport dreamers who registered for the program or their families they don't have resources to deport eight hundred thousand dreamers and it's not at all clear that the information that the dreamers volunteered to the government to establish their right to be legally work at work and otherwise could be used to identify and detain and then deport the dreamers but immigration was not the top question trump addressed on saturday john hendren. washington. as well as proclaiming his genius the us president said he's open to talking with korea as well trouble's has said that he's hopeful of next week's meeting between the north of the south will go beyond the participation in the winter olympics. well i would love to see them take it beyond the olympics we have a very good relationship with south korea i would love to see it go far beyond the only things absolutely just probably time we get involved right now they're talking olympics it's a start it's a big story if i weren't involved they wouldn't be talking about olympics right now they'd be doing no talking or they would be much more serious the government of saudi arabia says eleven princes have been detained in riyadh after staging a protest outside the royal palace they're being held in editorials high security prison nothing contrast to dozens of other high profile figures who were detained in a luxury hotel last year during a so-called anti corruption dr peter shah possible. eleven saudi princes were arrested outside the royal palace in riyadh where they've been protesting about the kingdom's decision to make saudi royal to pay their water and utility bills as part of a wider austerity plan the princes were transferred to the high security prison of a high year and expected to go on trial be loaded huge loss oafish they were arrested because they were leaving about the fact though they had asked for subsidies or water electricity for some reason they were denied the reports. back they were presidents of brits who are sick sick you did you know you were two thousand and sixteen and come to us who are you sure it's very conflicting at this point we don't know exactly what is going on saudi arabia has introduced a string of austerity measures to boost revenues and cut spending as the global slump in oil prices led to ballooning budget deficits slapping a five percent sales tax on food clothes electronics water and electricity and raising fuel prices significantly ex patrick workers who also caught up in the price rises but careful not. to complain and spend seven hundred sixty eight something in wayne city. by percent that's one thing that the six and the. police officer. we're helping so there may be. more than two hundred princes were arrested in november in an anti corruption led by the crown prince mohammed bin solomon which also served to strengthen his power many of the country's richest and most influential princes struck deals for their release while a few remain here at the palatial ritz carlton in riyadh described as the most luxurious prison in the world saudi arabia's oil based economy has taken a battering with the fall in oil prices balancing the books will be a long and protracted task that will not prove popular with ordinary people here or at very least ordinary princes peter shop al jazeera. well still ahead here on al-jazeera millions of orthodox christians celebrate christmas across the globe. and we'll tell you how a worldwide ban on certain chemicals is finally helping to heal the planets do stay with us here on al-jazeera. from the waves of the sales. to the contours of the east. welcome back we are scenes in quite heavy rain developing across southern and eastern parts of china extending all the way from hong kong through towards taiwan some snow further towards the north pretty warm weather for northern vietnam as the winds come up from the south and then as i move the forecast through into monday you see that rain area is still there so pretty wet in fuzhou who in parts of taiwan seeing some rain but still fine across the bulk of indochina so let's head down into southeastern parts of asia for the philippines where the conditions not looking too bad a few showers but nothing untoward as for borneo looks to be quite a few showers here and this little circulation low pressure is going to give some heavy showers for job essential carter that could be wet at times and still some heavy showers likely on monday about stage working our way out through the we've got a famine a dry weather for both singapore and kuala lumpur and aside from the odd shower doesn't it too bad across much of thailand and through into cambodia for south asia it's all about the mist in the murk and the smog for new delhi there with temperatures just eighteen so the nighttime temperatures dipping there feeling quite chilly for the south temperature thirty in chennai but the air quality not great here either the same goes ahead on through into monday elsewhere should be fine in mumbai and respect a top temperature here of twenty nine degrees. the weather sponsored by qatar airways. june nineteenth sixty seven sixty's there redrew the map of the middle east this is america. victory of the israeli army in that war was the greatest tragedy in the history of islam fifty years later al-jazeera explores the events leading to the war and its consequences which are still felt today we tried everything we went to the united nations and tried mediation contacts through different countries and it was clear that all this was you know the rule in june at this time. welcome back you're watching al-jazeera i'm so whole robin a reminder of our top stories protests against the greek orthodox patriarch of jerusalem have overshadowed orthodox christmas celebrations in bethlehem the alleged sale of church land to israelis has sparked tense scenes demonstrators say they could make it harder for palestinians to establish their own state also the u.s. president donald trump says he's open to dialogue with north korean leader kim jong il it follows a recent escalation of rhetoric between the two leaders trump and he was hopeful of progress in next week's talks between the north and the south and eleven princes have been detained in saudi arabia after staging a protest outside their all palace they're being held in a notorious high security prison. an attack by government in senegal has left thirteen people dead and at least seven others wounded the attack happened in the southern casamance region the army says the victims were a group of civilians who were searching for firewood it's still law clear who's responsible. a series of airstrikes by the saudi led coalition's targeted a fruit and vegetable market and gas facility in northern yemen witnesses say these strikes killed one person and left three others injured the area is under the control of the iranian backed hoofy rebels who fired a ballistic missile into saudi territorial friday some ten thousand people have died in the civil war. lisa fourteen people have been killed in airstrikes and artillery attacks in rebel held suburbs of damascus now there's been a spike in violence in eastern recent weeks activists say it's coming on daily bob barker and about four hundred thousand people remain trapped under a government siege and the running out of food medicine and a wish to breath gordon is an adviser to the coalition of medical charities in syria he says there are currently more than one hundred twenty children needed urgent medical care and rebel held areas that are under attack the last horrific. attacks particularly. christmas and new year period we've seen over ten hospitals. commission in. the damascus area in libya we currently have one hundred twenty five children and. we absolutely need syria is aziz are so there is seriously injured. also in syria people who fled the fighting and are facing a battle of a different kind surviving the bitterly cold winter. and serious southern province of daraa those displaced by war face a new threat the weather. this is a zoom camp one of the largest in the region. and her grandchildren arrived here after escaping fierce fighting between syria's armed opposition groups and i saw a water logged field is now home if the rain continues and we forced to leave where can they go. when they left our homes without any possessions you can see the rain water around us you can see for yourself how bad conditions are what can we do helpless the complex basic infrastructure there are no paved roads no drainage people feel forgotten are there are you rubble this used to be farmland it was unfit for people to settle on in the first place they can't hasn't been supplied with any of the basic services no one has lent his or will lend a helping hand none of the relief agencies either serious long civil war has triggered one of the worst humanitarian disasters in modern history eleven million syrians have been displaced by fighting half of the whole population most around six million are internally displaced it is a bleak existence. park and al-jazeera there are thousands of pro-government demonstrators have been rallying in iran it's the fourth straight day of search rallies in response to antigovernment protests they waved iranian flags in chanted slogans against the u.s. israel and britain iran's government accuses western nations of for mentally ill rest which is seen twenty two people killed and more than a thousand arrested in the last ten days. it's christmas for orthodox christians across the globe thousands of faithful have attended midnight mass from bella ruse to ethiopia orthodox christians and follow the old julian calendar and celebrate the birth of jesus christ on january the seventh asama binge of it has more. the him from what's perhaps the largest cathedral in the middle east assured in midnight mass. this egyptian church with a capacity of one thousand people open its door for orthodox christmas many of the faithful prayed for a better year ahead after multiple attacks on the gyptian christians in recent months and that's the let me all my life we hope peace will prevail over the world in general and especially in egypt and that will get rid of terrorism and troubles at the man. wishing egypt and all the region to live in peace and god to protect us from any kind of terrorism or anything which might hurt us. tens of thousands of security personnel were deployed across egypt to ensure safe celebrations and there were reassurances from the president more than one hundred christians have been killed in attacks in recent months the latest just a few days ago. you are our family you are part of us we are all one christians and muslims and no one can ever divide us. from below to stay with e.o.p. the orthodox follow the old julian calendar and celebrate christmas on january sixth and seventh. each celebration is unique so celebrate the traditional burning of old french's and dried leaves many preserve some pagan traditions inviting dead and sisters to their homes. new green for instance some fabricate a straw dog for the ancestors wednesday some families also spread straw to emulate the nativity scene. to see. history thousands attended midnight masses across russia home to more than a third of the world's author docs christians russian leaders including president vladimir putin but in attendance. fears were also held at the church of nativity in bethlehem in the occupied west bank a place at the heart of many conflicts in the middle east and beyond and hear their prayers for better times from a job read out as their. there are talks between germany's two major parties to form a ruling coalition the resuming on sunday a potential sticking point between dangler merkel's christian democrats and the social democrats is the refugee crisis that divided over whether to allow relatives of people who are already in germany to join them for bavaria it came reports it's time for nine year old michael michael to do his homework and as in many families his big brother is on hand to help in fact twenty two year old mahmoud is more of a father to michael than an elder brother. because as yazidi refugees these two have been granted asylum in germany but for the past two years their parents and siblings have been stuck in a holding camp for migrants increase. the mission of the view of my hope was that germany told them they could come join us here but then a few months ago we were told they could not come the official said you have no documents that prove your brother is related to your parents paid for the papers to come from iraq then they said they needed to test michael's d.n.a. and now finally they've said that ok your parents can come. but the brothers' hopes of a reunion have been dashed twice before and their situation is not unique since twenty sixteen germany has put a temporary hold on reuniting the families of people who are not classed as refugees the bavarian christian social union and go to medical system party in the southern state says while genuine refugees should be allowed in those with subsidiary protection and these claims for asylum are rejected should not we are objecting to the right of so-called subsidiary. accept that if you choose to bring their family to terminate because to be honest this would. exhaust our capacities what makes this view more interesting is that stefan meyer speaks on this issue not just for his party but also for angle americans christian democrats but this particular point of view is not shared by the social democrats and with coalition talks between the three parties now intensifying in the new year the question is might this issue be a sticking point because the social democrats believe that where possible families who qualified to be reunited should be allowed to do so the political fight in germany is now about how to bring the government together from parties with such differing views from mahmoud and michael matalin it's how to bring their family back together dominic can al-jazeera in bavaria. well germany and turkey have agreed to work on improving relations their foreign ministers that knowledge that differences remain but said they believe they can tackle their issues through dialogue and cooperation relations it was strained by the arrests of german citizens in turkey and berlin's criticism of the turkish crackdown following the twenty sixteen failed coup and visit of the childish nation i believe we have the responsibility to find a way to get along judy our historical legacy and the wishes of our citizens we must not forget that we've both made it our business to do everything we can to overcome the difficulties there have been and german tarkus relations and to find more common ground in the future by remembering everything that binds us together. we have a difference of opinion on certain subjects we have some problems in fact there was an escalation there was tension but as to foreign ministers we believe we can overcome this through dialogue we believe we can better improve our relations three mutual understanding and sincere cooperation well to the americans now are a prominent republican senator says there's no evidence that u.s. diplomats and her van are were targeted with an unknown weapon jeff flake reached the conclusion based on classified briefings from u.s. officials it does contradict claims by the u.s. secretary of state that a targeted attack called several diplomats in cuba to fall mysteriously ill in twenty sixteen the canadian government is also investigating the so-called sonic boom that has disabled and the scene workers. i'm not suggesting that nothing happened. but evidence of an attack for cuban government. i've not seen evidence of that he said i'll talk about what i see the classified setting but it is inconsistent with the cubans are sad to. see you go to. there have been long queues outside supermarkets in venezuela after the government ordered them to slash their prices hundreds of people gathered outside shops of the capital caracas after prices were slashed to last month's levels and that's despite rampant inflation which is estimated to have risen above one thousand percent it's led to widespread food shortages of medicine as well president nicolas maduro blames the economic crisis on international conspiracy. suitable asia now where the government that has approved a new attempt to find the wreckage of flight m.h. three seven zero in the indian ocean despite a three year search for the missing plane its disappearance remains one of the world's greatest aviation mysteries it was on route to beijing from kuala lumpur when it went missing with more than two hundred thirty people on board malaysia has accepted an offer by a u.s. based company to resume the search. now the first man to command a space shuttle flight has died at the age of eighty seven john young girls the ninth had to walk on the moon and is the only astronaut to fly into space all the gemini apollo and the space shuttle programs he remained active in nasa and it is seventy's young died at his home in houston texas following complications from pneumonia other u.s. space agency nasa has recorded data showing the earth's protective glare is recovering side to say the thirty year global ban on the use of certain chemicals is producing some great results and a hoax to explains. finally rare good news concerning the environment nasa scientists say ozone depletion is going down is a lead is a protective gas in the atmosphere that shields from harmful ultraviolet rays from the sun this is the source of the good news and that's the satellite that monitors the hole in the ozone layer which is first detected at the end of the one nine hundred seventy s. that's what we're excited about is that we see for the first time chlorine levels are definitely going down and ozone levels are responding to it manmade chemicals called chlorofluorocarbons or c.f.c.'s left chlorine in the atmosphere the destroyed ozone molecules the damage from the ozone layer has been blamed for an increase in skin cancers because of the harmful ultraviolet radiation that gets through and this is the effect it has on plants c.f.c.'s were found in products like aerosols pesticide sprays packing materials and refrigerants and they were banned globally in one thousand nine hundred seven nasa has released images that show the changing ozone concentrations since the c.f.c.'s were phased out the montreal protocol has been a great success once the protocol was signed in those the regulations went into effect we saw at the surface levels of both on depleting substances going down but scientists warn that full recovery will take decades because of c.f.c.'s could remain in the atmosphere for another fifty to one hundred years. as there. you're watching i was there i'm still robin these are all top stories protests against the greek orthodox patriarch of jerusalem have overshadowed orthodox christmas celebrations in bethlehem the alleged sale of church land to israelis has sparked tense scenes demonstrators say they could make it harder for palestinians to establish their own state. jordan says the arab league will seek international recognition of a palestinian state after tribe's decision to recognize jerusalem as the capital of israel some members of the league that in the jordanian capital amman jordan has seen a wave of protests against the u.s. and israel following troops decision to move the american embassy to tel aviv from tel aviv sorry to jerusalem. u.s. president donald trump says he's open to dialogue with north korean leader kim jong un it follows a recent escalation of rhetoric between the two leaders trump also said that he's hopeful next week's meeting between north and south will go beyond the north's participation in the winter olympics. i would love to see them take it beyond the olympics we have a very good relationship with south korea i would love to see it go far beyond the things absolutely just probably time were given right now they're talking olympics it's a start it's a victory if i weren't involved they wouldn't be talking about the interest rate would be doing not off the world it would be much more serious and i've been princes have been detained inside the arabia after staging a protest outside the royal palace they're being held in editorials high security prison. at least forty people have been killed in a strikes and artillery a time said rebel held suburbs there damascus there's been a spike in violence in eastern guta in recent weeks about four hundred thousand people remain trapped under a government siege who and they are running out of food and medicine. thousands of pro-government demonstrators have been rallying in iraq since the fall straight day of such rallies in response to antigovernment protests now they waved a radio flags and chanted slogans against the u.s. israel and britain iran's government accuses western nations of full band to the rest you follow all of those stories on the web site at al-jazeera dot com back with more news in thirty minutes the next it's inside story do stay with us. there's fury in the white house as a new book lays bad done all trials first year in office the u.s. president has slammed it calling the author a loser but what are the ramifications of this work for the middle east and trumps presidency this is inside story.

Related Keywords

Jerusalem , Israel General , Israel , United States , United Kingdom , Hong Kong , West Bank , New Delhi , Delhi , India , Tel Aviv , Beijing , China , Yemen , Casamance , Senegal General , Senegal , Arab League , Al Qahirah , Egypt , Syria , Mozambique , Russia , Reunion , Mexico , Yazidi , Abyan , Mumbai , Maharashtra , Cambodia , Ramallah , West Bank General , Libya , South Korea , Greece , New York , Malaysia , Kuala Lumpur , Philippines , Doha , Ad Daw Ah , Qatar , Damascus , Dimashq , Texas , Iran , Cuba , Fuzhou , Fujian , Vietnam , Republic Of , Borneo , Malaysia General , Riyadh , Ar Riya , Saudi Arabia , Washington , Canada , Carlton , Jordan , Germany , Caracas , Distrito Federal , Venezuela , Kenya , Thailand , Iraq , Singapore , North Korea , Bavarian , Fars , France , Berlin , Chennai , Tamil Nadu , Turkey , Palestine , Americans , America , Saudi , Turkish , Greek , Korea , Iranian , Cubans , Israelis , French , Jordanian , Israeli , American , Canadian , Egyptian , Britain , North Korean , German , Cuban , Kristin Palestinian Christians , Peter Shah , Steve Bennett , Michael Wolff , Michael , John Hendren , Steve Bannon , Indian Ocean , Rupert Murdoch , Jeff Flake , Palestinian Christians ,

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