Transcripts For ALJAZ NEWS LIVE - 30 20171016 : comparemela.

Transcripts For ALJAZ NEWS LIVE - 30 20171016

morning foul of football's latest technology. welcome back we'll look at the weather across the americas in north america this frontal system is pretty active across parts of the midwest through towards the great lakes that is going to sweep on through as we head on through monday so it's just there towards the eastern seaboard so any early rain should then clear way brighter fresher conditions to fall on behind certainly cooler there for dallas twenty two degrees so some showers across the florida peninsula as i move the forecast through to choose day so fine conditions but cool conditions towards the eastern seaboard fine across the midwest twenty in sunshine chicago and then as a cross the west are still got some snow across the rockies for the north but generally dry conditions for a time in seattle in washington state before the rain pushes in later in the day and falling further south in california a temperature of thirty three likely in los angeles down through into central parts of america and through this was some pretty heavy rain around the gulf of mexico region into the yucatan peninsula not too much in the way of sunshine there expected and across the islands of the caribbean it's looking fairly wet moment showers in many areas through to choose to not a great deal of change expected here perhaps a little bit brighter times across cuba some heavy showers across north western parts of south america further towards the south it's looking dry across paraquat high society three innocent. the sum and age old part of spanish culture no one i can stop thinking of are the bullies in my life others are explored and a symbol of central government by what we should and carry on something that goes against the morals of got along the sides as a whole the catalan nationalist perspectives the bullies were present banished cultural history and catalonia lost full fight at this time on al-jazeera wild. from the shawnees of the red sea storage a clean water act is a global problem and the whole management of the major hurdles but in georgia this team at the moment is changing out to the peaks of the himalayas where water conservation looks like. solutions to save the world's most precious resource and the next episode of rights we look at what is being done to stem what's prices. at this time. and again let me remind you of our top stories the iraqi army is advancing north towards the kurdish held city of kirkuk the reuters news agency is quoting iraqi left tenant colonel k'naan is saying the objective of the advance is day control of the k. one air base an oil fields located waste of the city. at least two hundred seventy six people have been killed in the largest suicide bombing in somalia's history no one has claimed responsibility for the blast in mogadishu on saturday. conservative leaders a bastion kurtz's claimed victory in austria as general election but he will need to form a coalition the thirty one year old politicians people's party won more than thirty one percent of the vote is victory makes him the youngest leader in the world the result marks a sharp shift to the political right for austria. when our top story in advance by rocket troops towards the kurdish held town of kirkuk child stratfor joins us now on the line from erbil charles what are you hearing about this much but we're hearing reports from the iraq army. iraqi militants. nites division is moving towards areas around kirkuk they are being supported by counter-terrorism groups and the iraqi federal police it's important to note so far at least according to the iraqi army that shia militia groups are in a supportive role in this operation it is being spearheaded by the iraqi army the federal police and counterterrorism groups we hear that they are advancing on areas oil fields around the north the west in the south of the city and also that k. one military base a full iraqi military base that was taken control of by the peshmerga in two thousand and fourteen when the iraqi army fled and i solute fence see if. we know also that the governor of kirkuk has made statements the kurdish governor of cocoa has made a statement calling basically people in kirkuk saying anybody with a weapon should defend the city there's been a statement made by the iraqi prime minister hyderabadi saying that the kurdish people the people of kirkuk and the peshmerga should cooperate with iraqi forces in this operation he's already said that this operation is not directed towards the people of kirkuk but oversea a very very worrying development we've seen a build up towards this over the last few days that huge deployment of iraqi military forces and shia militias around kirkuk repeated claims and counterclaims and three bottles about this offensive starting but it was interesting last night there were reports that came through reported additionally by the reuters news agency a statement made by hydro. accusing the kurdish will sources of moving p.k. k. fights is. kurdish workers policy fights is to kill a cook as a means of defending the city these this party considered a terrorist organization not only by iraq but turkey iran in fact the international community as well those accusations completely didn't know i eat by the k r g but body saying that that move was a declaration of war and as i say that was four or five hours ago we heard those reports and now we are hearing reports of a move towards these positions around kirkuk it's important also to recognize that the we're not actually hearing any fighting starting it but it does seem to be a conservative offensive towards these positions might say it seems i would say that iraq is looking towards a military solution here what happened to the politics. well the politics has failed to dismiss hasn't it i mean you've got to look at this within the context of the controversial referendum that happened last month there has been mounting pressure on the k r g ever since then we've had international airspace the airports here on the quay argy closed by the federal government they have been closing down all. for example monitoring bank transactions federal control of mobile phone networks here there's been threats from turkey and iran joint military operations across their respective borders with the iraqi army. so you know. condemnation of this referendum has been basically pretty universal and it was only yesterday following a meeting between the iraqi president must soon who came to the k r g for meetings in silliman a with the k r g president and representatives of the p u k party it was following that meeting the statements were made by the k r g l sources here saying that they refused to reject the results of this referendum a referendum that saw ninety to ninety two percent of people who came out of voting to vote saying yes to eventual kurdish session the politics has failed but you've got to look at kirkuk specifically kirkuk is in a disputed area it is exceptionally oil rich and as i say was taken control of by the peshmerga in two thousand and fourteen when the iraqi military fled and i select fences and it took part in this controversial referendum it is if if you see huge importance to both sides the kurds saying that they will not withdraw from that city he's very much part of what they see as being a few chip tensional future in depend. state but there's never been any agreement on who will eventually control that city and when you when you look at the amount of oil wealth that it has i mean it's one of the two main oil producing areas of iraq it's believed to have around four percent of the world's oil resources so it's hugely important we knew that this city was going to be a flashpoint and certainly it seems as if that's happening now thank you. voting is underway in venezuela. twenty three states elect new governors the regional vote is the first since president nicolas maduro created a constituent assembly with powers to overrule opposition m.p.'s and amend the constitution polls and put the opposition on course to win many of the states but has warned any elected governors will have to swear allegiance to the constituent assembly that is for us in the business the venezuelan capital caracas. while i'm here at the opposition headquarters where there is a lot of anxiety and also some happiness in a way they're saying that they're getting very good news from their bases in different states around the country full of polling stations have now closed they have the obligation to remain open until the last person in line had been able to vote and turnout was a major issue on this day especially for the opposition because there are many that are defined chanted among their supporters because they're very worried backing that up to months and months of protests they were going to be able to either push the government out or force the government to call for a general election a general presidential election that did not happen but also there were people you know people here were just denouncing the amount of irregularities that happened in this vote and we were able to see how many people have to wait for hours in line under the sun later on under the rain to be able to vote because they're voting centers where relocated over two hundred vote in countries where relegated for the government however this it was like a big day with the capital they say that they beat violence blaming the opposition and protesters in general for the violence that's been ongoing in this country they say that they were beating an attempt overthrow a democratically elected government of course people here think completely different and what they're basically telling their supporters now are to remain. in the polling stations the counting crows have had begun and it is crucial for them to remain there to care for the vote because otherwise then waiting in long lines queues what about the concerns of fraud and manipulation that we saw in the last elections. well that's when you could be a major issue for a voters here especially a position voters because they're worried that something similar to what happened last july and during the vote for the constitution and the family could happen once again and that basically where the the smartmatic who's in charge of the machines of the voting machine denounced that there's been manipulation in the voting machine so people here were very worried that something like this would happen again however opposition leaders have said that this shouldn't happen because this time they're going to put their money tourism were present throughout the vote they're there to control the whole voting polls have which did not happen in the last election that had them been told the papers later on with a national but i guess we should leave it that it is a both a. kid his opposition coalition says it will continue protesting for electoral changes despite a government ban a rerun of august election is set for twenty six but there is confusion over whether the vote will happen after the main opposition leader pulled out of the race for me the miller has more from an opposition rally in mombasa. thousands of people came out to hear opposition leader raila odinga speaking with. his supporters say they are prepared to continue protests against kenya's electoral commission demanding its reform. we have already said that we will not go for election if thieves are in charge we want to go for election on a level field we will root all the foreigners we will remove all the tree stumps will remove all the stones we will cover all the holes and we will enter that field and see other man to man. the commission says it will go ahead with presidential elections in ten days that's despite a ding a withdrawing he says the rerun will not be free and fair after claiming the august vote which he lost was rigged with a nod. on a fishing expeditions where we put a down a document which was a good basis for carrying out this the positions were called the minimum and then the commission didn't even attempt to respond to those demands of the supreme court and now the results of that election last month saying they were neither transparent no verifiable with so much uncertainty already clouding the upcoming vote kenyans are waiting for president to sign the amended election laws and those nos would allow kenyatta to be named the winner after his withdrawal but it's clear if indeed these would apply to this month's rerun by the way people here are saying as long as a thing as not taking part they won't be any election. several opposition protests have so far turned violent with looting and police using tear gas to disperse protesters police are accused of killing at least three demonstrators meanwhile kenyatta is campaigning across the country he says the election should go ahead and expects his governing jubilee party. to get more than the fifty four percent of votes it got in august but there's still uncertainty about exactly who will take part after a court ruled more candidates can't participate the rest of the presidential candidates don't have the kind of support the very last and it really doesn't participate that means half of the country is not going to participate in them actions and that will put us in a very difficult situation because. the jubilee government can continue and then half of the country will still be roiling. the political battle look city continue on kenyan streets and even the courts and with a dinger not at hearing two commission requirements to properly withdraw from the election many kenyans watching say anything is possible for me to al-jazeera. catalan is president has less than twenty four hours to say whether or not he'll declare independence following the secession referendum if he says yes spain's prime minister may take the unprecedented step of removing the region's political autonomy so negate the reports from barcelona. facing up to the biggest challenge of his political career all eyes are on catalunya as president cutlass prejudgment the man who could be about to declare europe's newest state here remembering the life of the last man who declared an independent capital and republic. in one thousand nine hundred forty this was with form a castle and president was executed by firing squad for a belling against the military rule of general francisco franco with only hours to go until this depleted what except what defies the order for the dread to end his drive for the session he gave no clue as to his intention. on behalf of the government and myself i want to reiterate our commitment to civility. and democracy as the inspiration for the decisions we have to make. on the eve of the day when mr preacher one is expected to confirm or deny his declaration of independence his presence here at memorial ceremony for a hero of catalan independence is not going unnoticed and many here are drawing parallels with that situation. there has been much emotion stoked here in the past few weeks but the attempt to frame this as a story of oppression of a wealthy region by the central government is not convincing the european union despite the violent crackdown by madrid on any attempt to push ahead with self-determination if the. army. that the. peaceful. position never use the balance to defend our arguments. the catalonia of today is different from the impact of place it was during the spanish civil war but for the. gabaa tear the specter of past heroes of the cause is never far away even if catalonia is pro independence politicians step back there's no guarantee that they won't pay the price for their part in spain's current constitutional crisis. al-jazeera barcelona. japan is preparing to go to the polls in a week's time after prime minister shinzo called a snap election as campaigning picks up two new parties are trying to take votes away from the ruling coalition from his lawyer reports from tokyo where people are weighing their options such oco fujioka never used to give much thought to politics that is until she had a child. i was the kind of person who worked and worked to talk to having a child i began to see society through them politics is connected to our everyday life for example nursery or day issues food and energy that realisation inspired her to set up a small organization called corozal which means living in japanese to create a space where people can take time out from their busy schedules to talk about society and politics among other things you don't want to call the whole thing you guys i think it's important to know your position and have reasoning behind it i want to continue to shop my views through talking to many people. when prime minister shinzo called a snap election last month many voters questioned the timing given he's not required to go to the polls until december two thousand and eighteen he said he is seeking a stronger mandate to deal with the country's problems ranging from a north korea security threat to a rapidly aging society but he's also likely to be taking advantage of an uptick in approval ratings and an opposition in disarray several opinion polls suggest the ruling coalition is on track to retain its majority but the same surveys also say many voters still remain undecided part of the reason for that is the emergence of two new political parties the liberal left party the constitutional democratic party of japan. and the party of hope led by tokyo governor yuriko billed as a conservative alternative to the ruling party there are two opposing parties it's easier to decide where there are three it becomes more difficult to determine the deciding factor votes.

Related Keywords

Georgia , United States , Japan , Tokyo , Iran , Mogadishu , Banaadir , Somalia , Madrid , Spain , Cuba , Florida , Catalunya , Spain General , California , Austria , Togo , Washington , Seattle , Barcelona , Comunidad Autonoma De Cataluna , Kenya , Caracas , Distrito Federal , Venezuela , Kirkuk , At Ta Mim , Iraq , Corozal , Estado Guarico , North Korea , Turkey , Chicago , Illinois , Venezuelan , America , Kenyans , Spanish , Iraqi , Japanese , Al Jazeera Catalan , Asa Cross , Nicolas Maduro , Erbil Charles , Francisco Franco , Los Angeles , Reynolds Aljazeera Los Angeles , Raila Odinga , Cook Asa ,

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