Transcripts For ALJAZ News 20230319 :

Transcripts For ALJAZ News 20230319

ah, you're watching al jazeera life from headquarters in delphi and daddy, and obviously they're also coming up blood reputed and visit the russian annex. city of merrier poll for the 1st time since the start of the war in ukraine. we report from nigeria where a vote counting is underway after millions of people voted for state governors. a health crisis in gonna, a shortage of vaccines leads to an outbreak of measles on polio among children. i'm new medicine and losses on west in delaware shop. onions license has led to a huge crisis. farm was landed on climate change and government i hello, it's been 20 years since the start of the us led invasion of iraq that toppled president saddam hussein opec 2nd largest oil producer is still struggling to improve basic public services, political instability, and demi corruption and security issues have all contributed towards the iraq economy being in flux. some of the job aids reports from bus ro, the buttress famous italian bridge wasn't here 20 years ago. neither was the main road that leads to busters international stadium. now the streets are peaceful and is relative, political come in the city and across it all. how can i and the chief more than $8000000000.00 a for an investment up to february 2023. we are keen to achieve major projects, and this is all in coordination with the federal government. lots of projects were completed in basra, related to infrastructure services, commercial and tourism sectors. in this oil field is the mid noon, which means crazy. in our big summer that refers to the large amount of oil. there's found here in one location and estimated 38000000000 barrels. the mission field produces 240000 barrels a day for iraq's economy. and production is planned to be expanded to 5 and a half 1000000 barrels per day. in our government says despite obstacles like corruption, red tape and an unstable region invested the lining up there, mainly interested in the countries abundant deposits of gas. but despite its large hydrocarbon resources, iraq imports a 3rd of the gas, it needs for its power stations. nearly $2000000000.00 birth comes from iran in on a stretch budget. that's a burden it up also spends an estimated $5000000000.00, unimportant diesel and petrol. that's left it off currency struggling against the dollar, and that's not all. and there's no malia and the obvious of other hazard molly behead do as estimated by a parliamentary committee. corruption cost around $10000000000.00 a year, around $600000000000.00 have been smuggled out of iraq in the past years. we have to fight against corruption, administration and financial. there's no real development in the rocky economy. despite that wealth, millions of iraqis struggled to get clean water every day. and every year, thousands of people fall due to waterbury, diseases drank rivers, and climate change has increased risks of food shortages. 2 decades ago, the 1st battles of the iraq war were fought in buster. the city of a 1000000 people was besieged by mainly british forces. cluster munitions were used in the international coalition to ban uranium weapons says u k and us forces use depleted uranium. frenzy is after the invasion, a lot has stays yet. this problem continues to them in the bag won't put off oil based economy, but still the complains of the people are a lack of jobs, opportunities, infrastructure, and the lack of attention from the people in power. some of the i with others era butler, cyril vanya, takes a closer look at what happened 20 years ago. so let's take a look at the main events leading up to and during the iraq war. 1991, the gulf war ends, the un security council demands that iraq give up all weapons of mass destruction in exchange for lifting sanctions imposed after iraq's invasion of kuwait. during the 19 ninety's, iraq promise is repeatedly that it has turned over all it's banned. weapons not true. several or later discovered in 1998, president bill clinton signs the iraq liberation act that makes removing saddam hussein's regime. the official policy of the u. s. government, after the $911.00 attacks clinton's successor, george w bush identify the rock as part of an axis of evil. that speech widely seen as laying the groundwork for american military action in november 2002 as the u. s. is preparing to invade. the un security council pass is resolution $1441.00, giving iraq a final opportunity to disarm the united nations carries out $700.00 inspections for weapons of mass destruction. and what do they find? no, w. m d 's. still on march 20th, the us invasion of iraq begins. aerial, bombardments 1st, then a ground invasion. within 3 weeks, us forces take baghdad. and this becomes a defining image of the war. the statue of saddam hussein pulled down and fertile square. elsewhere in the capital, there is widespread arson and looting. american forces do little to stop that. iraq's army loses on the battlefield, but many soldiers go into ground and form armed groups. as for saddam, he is captured by us forces in december 2003. but the insurgency continues for years. officially, the u. s. leave the rock in december of 2011, but it still has troops there today. 2 decades after the invasion, robert kelly works in iraq, as the director of the international atomic energy agency, weapons inspection, teens. he says there was no evidence of weapons of mass destruction. it was very clear to us when we were back in 2000, 2 and 3. there was nothing there. we started out with an open mind to prove there was nothing there. and we followed up on a lot of leads and following up on those leads, we found nothing. so this is the nuclear teams and we were looking at satellite energy, open source information in all led to a dams, especially the 2 things in the united states gave us to justify the war work full garbage. you have to remember that the scientists from the nuclear weapons laboratories in america were on the team. so the discussions were taking place with people who were scientists who were from that community as well. i, we pass that information on up the line through the political chain. and what we saw at every step outside the agency was, we don't care with chance to say, we're going to be war. and you were just kind of in the way we know. and the summer get work was happening, we didn't worry, there were going to be where we knew there was going to be a war before we went back into the country, the us was positioning soldiers and supplies in the region. so we can see that we were going back for political reasons, but we knew that the war would start by march because the us was worried about putting our troops in the field in chemical protective gear and hot weather. so we knew we had until march, and after that we figured it would be over some u. s. military veteran say the country shouldn't have fought the conflict in iraq. isaiah jane's is one of those former soldiers. here is his story. in his own words . my name is as a james on iraq war veteran. i went to times iraq also was that guys then? my job in the army was alone. bravo for those. no, no, that's infantry. my additional skill identifiers bravo for, for those who don't know that the sniper 1st appointment was 15 months, 2nd deployment was 12 months. 3rd deployment was 12 months. so i've been 39 months of combat. straight fighting. i could take a rifle in queer room and do all this crazy stuff. i'd aerosol to dot a helicopter . i grant dudes and put bags over the head. zip, tie them and put them on helicopters in solemn via phone away. and i've never seen again the iraq war did not knew that, but it certainly had happened. iraq did nothing to us. and we killed a 1000000 iraqi civilians lost $5000.00 plus american soldiers for what it diminished are standing in the world. it dennis bankrupted our coffers. all i did was make the war machine get bigger and stronger in america. i think anybody who's been shot at and blown up and seen people blown to little pieces as anti war. if you're not, and this is for, i'm speaking directly to every veteran out there. if you love war, then you've never actually been and if you, i don't give a damn if you, so if you talk about america, these of you never seen somebody take the last breath in a violent situation. you've never seen. i have a, she is not great. you do so much better than i ran for congress because i system is completely broken. i mean, we are, we are, by far the most powerful military in the world. we have one of the large economies in the history of the world and all these the, there are, quote $33.00 industrialized nations on the planet earth. 32 of them provide their citizens with some form of guaranteed healthcare. the only one it does is america, americans, now war for over 2 on it is mouth. our job as is new generation war veterans who are more technologically savvy, who have access to more education. but it's not gonna change the way magazine in the world. ah, president vladimir putin has visited russian occupied mario pole in ukraine. the city in the daniel screen general was annexed by moscow last year. hootin drove her on several districts on saturday and was shown restoration work at a theatre under university. his trip comes after he travelled to crimea to mark the 9th anniversary of its annexation from ukraine. stephanie decker isn't keith. with more on putin's visits. it's the 1st time he visits the city since the war began. it's also 3 days after the deadliest anniversary. you may remember russia bombing the theatre in my apple mar. apple endured a savage assault. that theatre was sheltering, hundreds of civilians and, and that was bombed on the 16th of march, in one of the deadliest incidents of this war will. now almost a year later, he is touring the city talking about reconstruction. it comes off the back of also visiting crimea on the 9th anniversary of crimea is annexation and also defiant sign, i think, showing him traveling at the fact that now the russian president is liable to be arrested in a 123 countries. when it comes to this arrest warrant issued by the international criminal court will certainly doesn't face that danger when it comes to the territories that russia has annexed. so yes, 1st time we've seen the russian president turing, these areas properly talking about reconstruction. but of course, particularly when it comes to mario, paul, that city was hugely devastated by the russians in the war last year. vote counting as underway, nigeria, after millions of people voted for state governors, violence and voter intimidation were reported in some cities. voters cast their ballots for more than $900.00. assembly legislators and 28 governors. results are expected. on monday. off my, the duties has more from cano they vote, county and county is progressing very, very well. and everything is calm. unlike in previous elections where we had cases of counted violence across the street, when the police notice plans to disrupt the post yesterday, we saw how quick there was in stepping in to sort of bring everything under control . and that gave some level of confidence among the populace and around the state. however, in other parts of the country, there was reported cases captive cases of violence in lagos. in particular, elections are being re, run today simply because of events of yesterday why polls were disrupted in such an area of lego state. now to talk about the situation here in kind of why we are and why vote counting and telling is in progress is the commissioner of police county state. well, how much was saying go well, so talk to us about your assessment of what happened yesterday. and today, and what are we expecting? are we expecting trouble or your office admin up to the task? what are the hearing and what do you want to say? thank you very much idea before the commitments or go to i how serious of engagement with tech hold of us, one of my team up on this or this as an agency which that we all talk to talking to our sales on how best we can give the people of this to get that they've got help. yes, the best security that they can pull this data right of voted without limitation of ghana is struggling to respond to a measles outbreak in the north due to a shortage of vaccines. governance has it can't afford them because of high inflation. but critic explain mismanagement colon baker has more. zane of adams lives in the city of tama lee, 600 kilometers north of gone us capital across. 3 of her children are sick with measles and she suspects her 4th is to. she's left her business to visit them in hospital. this is really stressful. i had to look up my shop through wisdom at the hospital and the little money i have is what is spent on their medication. the shouldn't have happened. i tried to get all my children vaccinated against these preventable diseases, but was unsuccessful. why should the country even run out to vaccine for children? zanan children are among scores who fallen ill since october last year during an outbreak of measles in the north. the united nations and gone us health minister say children have not died from the disease in the country for nearly 20 years. now, 5 are suspected to have died at the start of 2023. many health workers say that could have been prevented by vaccination. would allow that over 80 percent of the patients that we got between last year and now have not received a immunization either the we have not received anything or they received this as single those sick standard childhood vaccines are made available and gone through the un and the global vaccine alliance gathered the government funded vaccine, including for measles, ran out it blames and inflation rate of more than 50 percent. our i will try to reach out to our various offices across the globe to see with some free countries can land some of these about these 2 countries. so that they feel the gop ganna is among many african states whose vaccination programs were brought to a standstill. during the pandemic, the government acknowledges there are shortages but says it's managed to get new deliveries. but they've come to late for st. children and she can only wait and hope they recover. column baker alba, 0 survivor as a cyclone friday or warning. another color outbreak as possible in malawi, the country face that's worse outbreak in 2 decades before the cycling struck. more than 50000 people are reported to have been infected during the past year. tens of thousands have been forced from their homes by flooding and land slides, and more than 440 people have died. are watching al jazeera coming up right after the break allegations that filipinos are being targeted, trafficked and force into a life of crime. ah, in a concept called in baghdad, away from the conflict and tales from the war, sectarian bonds and sanction the iraqi national symphony orchestra has full to perform classical him. traditional arab music. in the face of all adversity, al jazeera will tell it's challenging story. symphony for iraq on al jazeera, from breaking down the headlines to exposing the power, attempting to silence reporting. the listening post doesn't just cover the news. it covers the way the news is coming. oh, now does either latin america is a region of wonder i'm joy tragedy and yes of violet. but it doesn't matter where you are. you have to be able to relate to the human condition. is in with me. i've been covering all of latin america for most of my career, but no country is alike, and it's my job to said light on how and why move ah, hello again. the top stories on al jazeera this hour. it's been 20 years since these of the us led invasion of iraq, the toppled president. saddam hussein. the military operation was launched without un support. unlike the 1st go 4 and the invasion of afghanistan, president vladimir putin has visited russia, occupied mario pole in ukraine. the city and the done yet region was alex by moscow last year, who met resident and visited areas under reconstruction. counting is underway, nigeria, after millions of people voted for a state governors, violence and voter intimidation were reported and some cities results are expected on monday. kuwait's constitutional court has declared law september's election, no on void. the court has ruled the previous parliament should be reinstated. instead, last year, the weight's crown prince dissolves parliament and called for early elections in a bid to end. political feuding, palestinian authority officials on is really officials are due to meet an egypt, coastal city of santa michelle. they're holding a follow up summit after a meeting in october in jordan, last month. and during those talks, palestinians, and is really delegations agreed to establish a security commission to prevent an escalation of violence. him has more on the recent summit from but i'm a law. there are a number of reasons why that summit is being held 1st. it's a continuation of law public summit that took place enjoyed in 3 weeks ago. it was called a 4 by the, at by 5 our 4 parties, jordan egypt, the u. s. and with the participation of israel and palestine. now, one says here in palestine or at least as far as palestinian officials are concerned, they don't have the luxury to decline such an invitation. they're looking for ways to de escalate tension. we know that israeli forces i've been reading cities left right and center that has left a lot of palestinians killed. but for palestinians since october, which is 3 weeks ago, $24.00 palestinians at least were killed by israeli forces fires. so they argue that the palestinian authorities approached this whole matter if they don't agree with that, they say that is, will, will continue. it's aggressions. this is the term many pasting is used to refer it to these really a continued reads it to the west bank cities. iran's top security official is in iraq for high level talks to shore up relations. ali sham county is expected to discuss security issues. the implementation of economic agreements and facilitating bank cooperation. iraq is iran, 2nd largest trading partner after china. in india, a drop in onion prices and the western state of my roster has led to a crisis among farmers. the countries the world's 2nd largest producer of the vegetable, the state government sizable, compensate growers after hundreds of farmers started protesting. pub, natal reports from law school go. i. this is how prices are decided at each as largest onion, wholesale market. farmers and traders from nearby areas meet in the town of laslie gout every morning to day then buddha, somber. they say they're struggling because of falling prices, like never little back on the final guy. whiskey, what else? i'm going to me like. i lost more than $1300.00 the season. i'm known deborah people, i can't even on my house. i'm worried if i'll be able to grow onions next year. what? i'm scared my dep fuel increase and i'll be stuck in cycle of launch. i get the western state of my roster as in just largest producer of red onions. recently prices dropped by half, creating a big crisis in the region. grew as a blaming this on surplus produce estimated to be around 30 percent pharmacy. i say government policies are making it difficult for them to export onions. climate change has all to impacted on in supply higher than usual temperatures and unseasonal rain have reduced the shelf life of these onions, forcing farmers to bring them earlier to markets before they rocked. lead architect and the magic not heard of it. j to say they're trying to revive the market before the summer harvest arrives, then courage and customers to bite low prices and working with farmers to find long term solutions. they wanted a big while for sellers, could europe as opposed killer warehouses? yup, it is red onions cannot be stored for too long. the pink onions have along the shelf life. and so we are asking farmers to expand warehouses for those social studies. we are also suggesting they grow varieties that can be exported to regions like europe in the middle east. so next time there's a crisis here, we can so the produce that last week housings of farmers started marching to move by to demand financial assistance. the end of their protest after the state government agreed to their demands, those include subsidizing prices and waving loans. some say the solution is only a temporary fix. madica's joy will. oh, so that owner to you, the entire system needs to be overhauled right now. political parties interfere and decide who's allowed in the market. this should only be buyers and farmers, no one else. additionally, farmers need to learn to balance onion production with demand, so they can get a good price. harvest season is expected to begin next month. farmers hope they'll benefit from new policies and start recovering their losses. bob newman, the lodge is eda lawson gone western india, a senator and the philippine says that she's uncovered an operation in which filipinos and possibly other nationals were traffic enforced into crime. she says victims were lured by jobs at call center, as in cambodia and me and mar, but then pressured into taking part in frauds. barnaby low reports from manila. so nasa muslim community area. this clip was taken by filipinos held at a communion police station in january's. they say it shows they were victims of human trafficking and i didn't buy from america. men. 2 of the group have says, returned home and told al jazeera their experiences were horrific. though with a boy, bruno doesn't want to reveal his identity and says he was me to travel from one country to another illegally. and by boat, 17 guy, me, me my lit up or there was had meant in the 1st in a small wooden bold, including an infant and luggage. that was the most dramatic part. we cause to vote with cup safe anytime. and no one would find out if we dana, this was her destination in cambodia. a large business complex with many buildings . mile says there were given customer service jobs, but then forced to carry out online fraud. st. but they had been the 3rd day of chatting is when we offer potential victims fake crypto investments. the lowest offer is $50.00, but it can go up to as much as $50000.00 a month. but unlike bruno miles was florence come bodya posing as a tourist? what are the more common routes and methods? according to victims, filipino trafficking victims who come forward said they're usually questioned at border checks when leaving the philippines. but they pass through with relative ease. they say at least one immigration officer stamped their passports, let them straight through. at least 6 officers are being investigated by the bureau of immigration or b, i. following send an inquiries. the b, i should not be a scene of the crime. it should be the last line of defense for our migrant workers . so it really has 2 cracked down on the syndicate or syndicates still operating within human trafficky during the legislative hearings. it was also revealed that the government had rescued. $200.00 victims caught in a similar schemes up on board. there were not only from cambodia, but laos and myanmar that's raced. fierce, many more cranks like these are going undetected. barnaby low al jazeera manila, brazilian security forces have launched a major crackdown on criminal gangs after 4 nights of violence in the north of the country. at least 3 suspects have been killed and 97 people arrested since tuesday . that operation was launched after a gangs torched cars and shot a government buildings across dozens of cities. police were saying be crime wave was organized by jailed gang leaders to protest prison conditions. dozens of african business women have displayed their goods by video link at an exhibition and due by the 3 day exhibition, supported by the united nations development program, includes $26.00 businesses run by afghan women. and they joined remotely because of issues obtaining visa. they say the taliban restrictions on women and public life and the country struggling economy are hampering their businesses. that's it for me . thanks for watching. the news continues on al jazeera after inside story by, by the that radius left japan. they are on the way as he got a couple of fine days, i think. but it's clearly cloud and rain spreading through central and southern china. now it's not a dry time. the don't expect a lot of rain, but i think we might get a bit more than the average would suggest is running on the yanks. he says probably welcome. lot of this an indication of the general war feeding it we've seen in china for the last year really last summer was quite hot, and temperatures have about 4 or 5 bees above the average. now, admittedly, these are good to be. spring temperatures are be rising fairly rapidly, but they have come up a little early as well. this is also been unusual. the number of showers we've seen around in india and pakistan and bangladesh and the far south as they've been. but this is barbara salt, which is rather mother whitter $71.00 mil wasted in the last 6 hours or $36.00 out of finished on the average is 40. so even here is a little bit wetter than you might expect, most not gone off show accepted the northern plane in bangladesh, but we do see more big dam pulse temperatures have been suppressed a little bit, cuz we did see a rise. the pre monsoon heat before that, but that's come down. i think increasingly they'll stay on the low side. basically, $22.00 is low. cannot. she's about where it should be, but karachi could be catching big showers by the time we get to mid week. ah, errors from al jazeera on the go and me tonight out is there is only a mobile app. is that the, this is where we dissects, analyze, to find what thing and i guess, going from algae. there is a mobile app available in your favorite app store. just sat for it and tapped are made a new app from out a 0 need at you think it, it international criminal court issues an arrest warrant for russia's president over allegations of war crimes. kremlin says it's not.

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