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ah, hello there, i'm miss darcy. hey, this is al jazeera live from doha. also come in pakistan, investigate security failures after more than a 100 people were killed in a suicide bombing as mosque moraine for lashes new zealand largest city after a rec or down born flooding already over the last 5 days. and boeing bids farewell to an icon with the last delivery of its 747, jumbo jazz. ah, now protesters are mocking 2 years since the military seized power in man, man. there were demonstrations outside man mas embassy and bank hawk human rights group, say, nearly 3000 people have been killed by the military since the crew. back in 2021. soldiers are accused of deliberately targeting civilians in order to spread fear will not speak to tony chang. he's in the tie city of may. so that's just on the border with me and not tony. can you give us a sense of the situation now and me? i'm, are we talking about a fully fledged civil war here? well, the statistics are pretty horrifying. that apparently more than 22000000 people in mere inside ma'am, are now living below the poverty line. 1.7000000 people have been displaced from their homes by. i think over the past 12 months, in many parts of the country, there know basic services health care has pretty much fallen to pieces after many doctors chose to join the civil disobedience movement and as effectively no education living 7800000 children without any means of getting to school over the last couple of years. and remember that comes on the back of 3 years of the coven 19 pandemic. so the situation is die. it's getting worse, according to many the people we've spoken to. and of course, the fighting is still going on in many parts of the country. in areas close to where we are there been, there's been fighting against government forces for decades. but the fighting is now going on right in the center in miramar. south going for example, which is very close to mandalay has seen 40 percent of the air strikes launched by the military in the last 6 months. and this is an area where the military in the past and a previous governments would've expected support. so i think it's an indication of the fact that nobody within mia mark is she is willing to accept military rule at the same time as they're putting out fierce resistance. the military showing no signs of backing off. and tony, you managed to get inside the country. i know we've got a special report coming up. do you see any sign of a resolution very difficult to see one know at any point in the future. it really depends who you speak to. when you hear statements coming from the military and the government, they're clearly wanting to push on their, talking openly about elections that they say will go ahead. in august of this year, the terms of which of it's still very unclear at this stage. i think many people assume they will be fatally flawed. and when you speak to the rebels, her, they say they are on the verge of victory, that everyone has joined their revolution. the same time you hear that they're running out of ammunition. they don't have the heavy weapons that they need to counter. mia mars mila chief, particularly when it comes to air strikes and artillery and coats in the middle of all of that, he finds civilians are really caught in the middle. the body of door saw me are lies in her modest home relative packs a bag with things she'll need for her journey to the afterlife. her son watches without emotion as the funeral rights proceed. she died after being hit by an artillery shell and a shell too close to the fields where she worked. the sheldon explode, but she bled to death after it hit her in the thigh. oh, upon alex and the ground was shaking and my child was crying. the woman shouted, and hey, i'm hatch laces. she die 09. this primary school in the same village was hit 2 months ago, killing a 5 year old girl and enduring 8 others. walls pockmarked with shrapnel and a whole left by a direct hit suggest the school was intentionally targeted by mere mars military. in a nearby clinic, a young boy winces with pain injured in a traffic accident. the doctor tries to patch him up, but aside from stitching and cleaning the wound, there's very little that can be done. medical supplies, a se, guess, to model the military government, right? this is that they cut food and medicine to the area when there is fighting. we have to connect with local resist, ankles to solve the problem. even places of worship on safe villages say this church was burned down by the army in the summer, but no one can get in to rebuild or repair. because the area is heavily mind. it's a tactic the military uses frequently. now, you know, they are many land minds. we retrieve more than 700 land miles from john da village, which the enemy has planned it. they use it as protection when they're weak. we have lost many lives, lakes amount to land mines of suffer more because our minds that in battle back in the village, the body of those formula is ready to be buried according to local tradition. her possessions burned as mona's whale. her coffin is nailed shot, and load into the ground. another civilian victim of the army was supposed to protect her, tony cheng out reserve. now in pakistan, a committee has been set out to investigate the security lapse at the shallow police compound that was targeted in the suicide bombing on monday. funerals have also taken place for some of those killed and monday's attack, which took place in a mask. the bombing happened during pres more than a 100 people were killed and more than $220.00 injured. well, let's speak now to come all hyder, he's in charge of the district to north west pakistan that near shala come on when we spoke yesterday, we were talking about all those questions being asked about how this could happen in such a high security zone. it seems the inquiry is going to happen quite quickly. absolutely, that in the big question on everybody's mind as to how much are deadly or dad could have taken place in such a sensitive area. where in the district of georgia and at least 18 of those policemen killed in that deadly block, hey, from this district that bodies of gods have been brought to religion. you can see behind me that people who are now have full pres with the family for sure. that's all your data with family need. we also have the leader of the army national party and my wife on also had to pay his condolences. then we ask him that came question 1st of all, a big question that everybody is asking as to how good does have happened in such a secure loan. and do you really think this was a suicide bomber or what you're more than direct? now thank you for your concern and thank you for the concern of your attorney for this nation. and the situation as we speak of we don't know how come a normal guy cannot enter that place. the situation is a clearing up as the time is going around. first of all, the concern is that this wasn't a suicide attack. on luckily, we have seen a lot of suicide attacks. but we have never seen a suicide bomber collapse of building. this is for the 1st time we are seeing a building being collapsed and they're giving it the name, offices, and bomb. and then number 2, as the building collapsed. i guess when we were watching the television in about 45 minutes, we couldn't even get where the blast have taken place. but in the next 15 minutes, we got to know who has done where he was, where he is from rich group. he is from what i think this is a story which has been created and now they are trying to lead to the nation towards that story. this seems a planter to bomb. as a police officer spoke to capital city police officers officer. he gave a statement yesterday and he said that might be this person has entered this place in a government way. now this is a serious question. i guess on that door, you know, common person, not even a supply of constable or some lower police rank officer to speak and enter that place like that. then what i think someone who has got the immunity of entering the gate of adult chicken must have taken this insight. now tomorrow i'm, i'm holding a press conference and what i think the i g them to ccpo must lien holder accused and there must be asked. because as we see that having a lot of information which must be clad many of your body leaders have been killed in suicide bombings that very good taliban buggers. don't cook responsibility for it. oh, who do you think was responsible for this? once again? the 1st of all of the biggest responsibility of all this situation, if i have a direct answer, that's the united states of america, it is their mindset and ideology because of which this region is on fire. number 2, my state, number 3, all those elements which has worked for this job since the past 5060 years number for all those people who are trying to give this to the, that the of the ticket i live on of on the stand has like, is broken, the change of slavery in yvonne is not all of those people are responsible for what's going going on. thank you very much. thank you. so that was the leader of the army national parky expressing opinion that a lot of dog hair as to who carried our big bag. but not everybody is willing to believe that it went the day to get that. yvonne bucket on back to you and dos. come out of there for us on the ground and very near that size is that bombing, thank you so much. come on in the same province and pakistan she knows have also taken place. the victims of a boating tragedy. $49.00 students, one teacher, and the boat. get that all drowned when the vessel sank. late on sunday, the scenic area is popular with tourists and students that are on a day to read for students and another teacher. why rescue? now the you are sexy. states has told israel and palestine indeed as that washington opposes. any thing that puts a 2 state solution further out of reach, anthony bring and visited the region during some of the last violence than years. bennett smith reports now from ramallah and the occupied westbank in his meeting with the palestinian president, the u. s. secretary of state sticks with the line that washington remains committed to a palestinian state alongside israel. but antony blinking knows it's a diminishing prospect. we have been clear and consistent. neither side should take any, you know, or actions that right now potentially would, would add fuel to a fire and over them a medium to long term ah, would make gather prospects of achieving to state even more distant than, than they currently are. so far, $35.00 palestinians have been killed this year in confrontations with israeli security forces. benjamin netanyahu returned to power in december and appointed far right. politicians and religious nationalists in senior cabinet posts, one of them national security minister at my bank there has promised to give more gum permits to his railey citizens and expand illegal settlements in the occupied west bank. and in there's a very high risk of escalation. the, this new israeli government is very fast, it's far right on. it's very intent on committing inflicting violence upon palestinians. and in fact, you know, their, their political mandates are where we're premised on that. so i think in the weeks in the monster. com, we're going to see a cooler regime of occupation inflated upon the palestinian people. mahmoud abbas, and the palestinian authority are reliant on international pressure to make sure israel on as its commitments when it comes to the occupation of east jerusalem in the west bank or anywhere we want. a complete cessation of all unilateral is really actions that undermine all signed agreements. it is the main way back to re engage politically and end the occupation for the heads of the jordanian and egyptian intelligence agency sat down with a bass, had his meeting with blinking an indication of the concern in the region about the security situation here. it's understood, they asked the palestinian president to adopt a flexible position with the americans. the palestinian authority wasn't expecting much from antonio. lincoln's visit, certainly not a commitment to re engage on a peace process with israel. the u. s. is concentrated on the war in ukraine threats from iran and its relationship with china. the certainly no evidence of any real pressure to stop a slide into a wider conflict here. the palestinians are on their own. bernard smith, al jazeera ramallah, al stella here on al jazeera. ah, i promise is prepared to hold mass and democratic republic of congo. you can see the crowds already there up to a 1000000 people are expected to attend. ah, african story from african perspective. a mint condition, select wireless cuz you with. ready a full, short documentaries, from african filmmakers for booking facility and head. for me, it's really important to teach as it comes at bill, something that i can be proud of. the paint and g hines that africa direct on algebra, a city defined by military occupation. there's never been an arab state, he with the capital of jerusalem. everyone is welcome. but the support structure of that main thing called all the projects. that's what we refused. a was one of the founders of a settlement with this and the story of jerusalem through the eyes of its own people, segregation, occupations, discrimination, injustice. this is upper thigh to the 21st century. jerusalem, a rock and a hard place on al jazeera. hope. frances is set to visit the democratic republic of congo and south to dawn in a trip that is meant to heal the wounds that is still bleeding. fill the pontiff to visit started chapter a piece and reconciliation ending the internal conflicts of these 2 nations. pope and africa on al jazeera. ah, ah, ah ha, you're watching out as aaron. i'm the stars. yes. hey, here in doha, let's remind you of our top stories. people are demonstrating outside man mas embassy in bangkok to mark 2 years since the military seized power rights group say, nearly 3000 people have been killed since the crew and pakistan a committee has been formed to investigate the security labs that lead to a suicide bombing. inside a mosque in a police compound, more than a 100 people were killed in monday's new secretary of state has told israeli and palestinian leaders that washington oppose anything that puts a 2 state solution further out of reach. antony blinking visited the region during some of the worst violence that indians on the zealand larger city has been lashed by more torrential rain flooding in oakland forced road closures and caused landslides. the city remains under a state of emergency that was declared after unprecedented down tours on friday. for people have died, thousands of homes have been damaged in many businesses. have also been closed. it's been a tough saba with the weather the way that it is. you know the ces albriton by the time of year and local businesses have been hurt, and they have been hurt with a lot of what i call out of town locals are staying away in order to stay in the way because of the weather that we've had for what is the the majority of summer so far? well, let's bring in peace newman. he is a climate change expert and a professor of sustainability at cursing university in australia. he joins us now via skype from perth. peace at the new zealand prime minister was definitive in his assessment that this was caused by climate change. do you agree? yes, i do. it's very clear that these extremes are happening with increasing intensity and frequency. we cannot continue to use fossil fuels the way we do this. i remember around this time last year, i believe we had experts calling once in a generation flooding across that has been on australia's east coast. should we still be thinking of it as once in a generation, or are we talking about a new flood season? and the region once in a generation is looking back at what has happened in the past. we can no longer do that because climate change is increasing the energy in our atmosphere in ways that we have never seen. so no records will be able to say once in a generation any more, it will be happening increasingly. so we're talking every year, having a one in a 100 year event. this kind of thing is now going to be happening. it is not any longer possible to say once in a generational al, meteorologists hear it out as they are telling me that this weather system is headed for the south island next. but it's expected to be not quite as bad as what we saw in oakland. just how predictable are the weather patterns these days. very difficult to predict. we've just had an experience in our part of a down under the in western australia where we had an atmospheric river like hit oakland. but this came in off the coast, turned around in the desert and went back down a river catchment and people weren't expecting it at all. no bureau of meteorology prediction was there to say, please get ready and it dropped a meter of rain fall in a couple of hours. so it was dramatic. we had a river 50 kilometers wide. so this is the kind of thing we can now expect. oh wow . obviously, as you alluded to, seeing the devastation that climate change is wrecking across the planet extreme floods fires, drought snow storms. all of these in places they don't normally happen. do you think that they're actually sparing action enough action? the increase in action is quite exponential in my experience serve 10 years in the i p c. c. we are now seeing dramatic shifts in action. everybody is lining up to do something. we've still got the recalcitrant, particularly in the gas oil and call industries that want to keep producing more. but all of the businesses that are signed up for net 0 as saying, no, you will not get anything from us any more. you must move on, the world is changing. and certainly it's a very big political issue now in every election in australia and new zealand. this is, this is happening around the world, often encouraging signs, or at least he's a newman climate change expert speaking to us from perth in western australia. thanks so much for joining me. thank you. not hope frances is set to lead mass very shortly in democratic republic of congo, and the 1st visit by a head of the roman catholic church since the 1980s. earlier the pope's condemned to what he calls, economic colonialism and africa. you're watching live pictures now from the area where mass will take place in the coming hours. but 1st, let's hear from malcolm web. the pope's 1st stop in africa is the country with the largest roman catholic population, about half of congo, nearly 100000000 people are members of the church. pope frances was due to visit last year, but the trip was postponed because of a problem with his knee. tens of thousands of people lined the road from the airport to the city. the vatican had planned for pope frances to visit the country's east, but it was dropped off to the conflicts that escalated in recent month. i'll country with the fighting and all the problems we have today. we've received the pose and we believe in his blessing. the presence of the pope will bring peace and it will bring great things, not only for the catholic church, but for the entire country. the last pope to come here was john paul. the 2nd in 1983. the population has tripled since then. when they arrive at the time, i thought it was my honors and honors the bike. his 1st thought was the presidential palace where he met felix jesse kennedy. elections do later this year and jesse katy wants to run for a 2nd term. pope said, the poll must be free, fair, and credible. he said greed is fueling conflicts, and the congo, the vast mineral wealth of these lands and the whole african continent continues to enjoy various forms of exploitation. and this is terrible than the poison of greed. his me to diamonds with blood to the pope didn't say who he thought was responsible for, escalating conflicts president his academy did. so you do that. we had to stop this misfortune which has lasted for nearly 30 years. is that a part of our territory way in addition to i'm groups, phone pals, gritty for the minerals committed, cruel atrocities with the direct and cowardly support of our neighbor. rwanda, me, rwanda's, widely accused of backing the n 23 on the group in the east. one that denies it the pope's due to spend 3 days in congo. before traveling to south dawn, malcolm web al jazeera can shatter democratic republicans. kang k. a black man who died at the hands of us police officers will be laid to rest later on wednesday. the family of tyree nichols gathered as a church in the city of memphis on the eve of his funeral, to call the police reform. they were joined as you can see that by community and religious leaders. 5 officers have been fired and charged for the fatal beating of carrying nicholas on january the 7th. well, the last a boeing 7 full a 7 aeroplane has been delivered, knocking the end of an era in aviation. the jumbo jet transformed trans continental travel from millions of people during it's 5 to have from year reynolds has been the end of an era in aviation. as the final, boeing $747.00 to be built was delivered to freight carrier atlas airlines. we all share in a deep admiration for today's guest of honor, the awe inspiring quito skies glowing through a gala ceremony for the occasion. but it's a melancholy moment for aviation aficionados, i don't think is really anything quite as iconic as the 747. i think anybody who's a bad of aviation and it has any kind of soul, it can't help and shed a tear for this. a rather sad if inevitable moment. and as it slowly begin, the 747 made it's made in flight. in 1969, the aircraft size sleep design and highly advanced technology. amazed traveler only knows for those who could afford it. the upper deck was an airborne island of luxury in free champagne. the upper deck was a thing of beauty. just still access through that, that staircase deal like you were in your own private lounge. but it wasn't just a jet for the jets said before the 747, long distance air travel was unaffordable. for most people, the new aircraft range and capacity changed all that the engines were the 1st high bypass commercial engines in service, which meant their economics were so much better than previous generations of engines. and that really helped get ticket prices over the years. the 747 carried some historic passengers, including ayatollah home maniac returned to iran from exile in 1979. and the nasa space shuttle piggy back to mortar specially modified 747. an unforgettable sight in the sky you. since 1990, the 747 has been the official plane of us presidents air force one. the aircraft was also involved in aviation histories deadliest disaster. in 1977 to 740 seven's collided on the runway of an airport on the spanish island of 10, a reef, 583 people were killed. advances in engine technology and development of lighter weight materials eventually caused most airlines to shift from larger aircraft like the 747 to smaller, more economical to engine jets like the air bus 320 and boeing 737. the remaining passenger models of the $747.00 will be phased out over the next decade. rob reynolds al jazeera. all that sent for nene is darcy at hey, but i'll be back with much more news here on out is air after inside story. ah. hello we got yet more wet and windy weather rolling in across northern parts of europe, a rattling of a shower cloud just coming in across scotlands. very strong wind still in place. he was to go through the next 24 hours, wednesday, another particularly a windy day, ga force windsor across northern parts of scotland. this wet weather, that windy weather, wintry weather punches its way down into central eastern parts. if you have quite a bit of snow just pushing further eastwards, that is some snow there to the east side of the cares. wet weather and some windy weather to across that eastern side of. but it's ready the fight. dry weather, settle weather that is a firm west, not particularly warm, but getting up into double figures their intimate trade over the next couple of days, some dry weather, making his way across france as we go through thursday, where to weather coming back in across the low countries and there we go, is snow pushing down towards the outs easing over towards the bulk as peninsula and pushing further east, which as we go on through friday, friday, ridge of high pressure company to western parts. not dry then for england wells. good passover island as well. i should be a few showers coming to that western side of scotland show as to brisk wind, still grazing the far north east of africa, to pass of egypt. and a chance of one or 2 showers on the gulf of guinea. ah, the tough times, the man tough question is, what exactly are you asking for you? what the troops on the ground, the rigorous debate we challenge conventional wisdom racism is so deeply entrenched in the country that is identified with americans. so when you challenge racism, it looks as if you're challenging almera and demand the truth. there's no serious discussion about this because it goes to the very root of who we are up front with me. mark lamb on hill on al jazeera, grief and anger in pakistan after dozens of people are killed in an attack at a mosque in for shower. pakistani taliban has been.

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