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you're working out this air, i'm carry johnston, also coming up. o biden meets the mexican leader and a 1st visit by u. s. president to nearly a decade with the micro crisis and drug smuggling topping the agenda. the un chief appeals to the international community for billions of dollars to help pakistan rebuild after last as devastating floods. starting with the mission. and the u. k. launch is its 1st satellites mit soil hoping to go beyond the earth's orbit marking a big leap in its space program. ah . support has been pouring in for brazil's at president lewis and as you let us silver of the storming of government buildings, my support is of his predecessor on sunday. but he spoken with his us counterpart, joe biden, who described the violence as an assault on democracy. k i o in brazil's largest city, south of thousands of demonstrators rallies in defense of democracy. they want those involved in a storming of congress, the presidential palace and supreme court to be jailed. latin america editor lucille newman was at the right. there were huge, huge crowds out here on pal balise, the avenue here in south bolo. it's the largest avenue in the capital of the state . and our people were, they were very excited. they were very worried. they said that it was the 1st time in many of their lifetimes that they had a witness to what they consider an attempted kuda top, a military take over their words like fascism, genocide being said, the speeches were very, very incendiary. to say the least. people have been carrying signs like this one that says, you know, there's no more also no reason why diana d, i see that it must have existed or wouldn't have happened yesterday. what was all yeah. what do you mean by this? is that what we call? so not is actually an expression of faces. do you understand some pressures, i'm sorry? and so what goes on idle it has really all these years. it's an expression of freshness. younger than what, what happened yesterday is also an expression of crushes because people respect, public institutions, respect the elections. you know, well, thank you very much. this other scientist, terrorism, terrorist, go go to jail. there is a bit. there are 2 things that we have been hearing here that they want those responsible. not only the ideological offers the intellectual office, but the ones who actually carried out the attack on this country 3 institutions to be put in prison. but also they're asking for president or former president rather bull sonata to also be put in prison and his 3 sons while they're at it. so there is this call for there to be no amnesty, as has happened in this country many times in the past. but so far about 1500 people have been arrested in connection with the riots. dozens of buses were needed to take them to police headquarters in the capitol bristles. justice minister said the suspects would be identified and questioned by police. police have been clearing out camps rubles sanara supporters were staying. they refused to accept his defeat in october, presidential election, making unfounded claims that the vote was ranked prisoner to silver, has denounced to the riots as terrorist acts. monica inactive is in rio de janeiro has more when the president has been doing in the wake of theater. during the whole day to day, he held meetings with our congress man with the armed forces with the supreme court is and with the governors of all the states, and are they all are stuck together to defend democracy. ah, the justice minister also said that this was worse than the capitol hill storming because they had stormed 3 public buildings. but there were more people that had been detained than during the capitol hill storming, and that these people are now being investigated. and he said, we were blessed that though nobody died, he said that everything is going to, according to the plan that they're going to investigate. the already found out that people from 10 different states were financing this camp outside of brazilian. people had been camping there for over 2 months, and buses had come in in the last few days. so somebody was obviously paying for this of us is under pressure to expel to both scenario who's denied and citing the rise. he's been in florida for 2 weeks and on monday was admitted to hospital with abdominal pay. it's related to a near fatal stopping. he suffered june of 2018 election campaign from us democrats wants his diplomatic visa. vote for the state department has yet to comment directly on his case. if someone insure the united states on in a visa, which is essentially a diplomatic or foreign diplomats or has of state in a visa holder. if a visa holder is no longer engaged, an official business on behalf of their government, it is incumbent on that visa folder to depart us, or to request a change to another immigration status. within 30 days. the president of today is calling for a meeting of the organization of american states to discuss the attack. gabriel bartch was speaking alongside the president of columbia when you condemned sundays, right. in brazil are region must have a clear position on the rights from here with president petro next to me, i want to reaffirm categorical refusal to any attempt to destabilize the legitimate and democratically elected president lu. let us present, joe biden is meeting his mexican counterpart on his 1st visit to latin america's head of state talks in mexico city with undress manual lopez, over a door are expected to focus on immigration in combating drug. cartels liters will be joined on tuesday by candidate permit us to just ensure though, for north american leaders summit. well let's go live to teresa bo in mexico city. so teresa, what might we expect to come out of this meeting that while we're right here in the center of mexico city and right in front of the residential palace. that's a place where joe biden is meeting with mexican preference. i'm the manuel lopez. so what other, we're just hearing some of the issues being discussed in bilateral meeting between both of them on the locker. so who's a leftist leader who has resented the interference of the united states in issues in latin america with just in mexico? he was telling joe biting that bite in has the key to improve the relations, not only with mexico, but also with the rest of latin america. it's interesting to know that many countries in the region continue to view tonight, states as meddling in their own affairs, especially with countries like when, if well, with cuba, corolla, so was local photos was obviously sending him a message they are. and we also heard us president joe biden saying, how important this meeting is about cooperation about the economy. but also, of course, about helping the united states help fight drug trafficking. there's pressing issues between both countries. right now. one, the biggest one at this point is migration the hundreds of thousands of people that are trying to make it to north america, especially to the united states and later on canada that crossing through the americas and piling at the border between mexico and the united states. the u. s. has announced upper roll that would allow around 30 of 30000 people from cuba, corolla he and venezuela to enter illegally the country. however, if they're caught entering the country legally, they would be banned from applying for asylum for 5 years. now, mexico will also be accepting $30000.00 people a month before it from the united states, from those countries. so there are several issues on the agenda in this bilateral meeting. and some, some new announcements may come out in later on today. ok, we shall see teresa by law for son, mexico city. thank you for that. when in peru, 12 for testers have been killed in the latest demonstrations demanding the resignation of president dina watson. oh yeah. well they died in crashes with security forces. if you try to overrun an airport in the southern city of julie aka, and i took office to the impeachment and the rest of the former president pedro castillo, last month on charges of rebellion and conspiracy. his attention triggered protesting december, which left 22 people dead. a pakistan that says donors have pledged $9000000000.00 to help it recover from last year's devastating floods. it's been holding a major conference in geneva with the un to rally, support france the u. s. saudi arabia and china are among the countries offering help. at least 1700 people died and more than 2000000 homes are destroyed in the disaster. we must match the right response of the people of pakistan with our own efforts and massive investments to strengthen their communities for the future. it rebuilding back is than in a resilient way will run in excess of $16000000000.00 us dollars and far more will be needed in the longer term. and this includes not only flood recovery and rehabilitation efforts, but also initiatives to address doubting social environmental and economic challenges of pakistan's minister of climate change. sherry women that has been a crucial part of the proceedings in geneva. she says it's been a positive start so far. it's encouraging to know that we there actually is a coalition of the willing to help countries, the better. and so that we're not caught in an endless humanitarian relief and recover the trap. as the next climate guest gave a crisis comes along. we do have to also create constituencies of change on the ground where people will be engaged in rebuilding back with us, the huge philanthropic community and back a son who does a heavy lift whenever there is such a disaster. although of course, this one is unmatched in living memory, but we are hopeful that our development partners will also assist us with the kind of cutting edge technical capacity needed to project dies. so much of the recovery that will least be able to restore farm to market roles create really, really, networks that allow you know, a goods to reach the cities and focus really on livelihoods, agriculture and infrastructure. as for our recovery plan has suggested it's a living framework, it will keep evolving 16000000000 is just the beginning of the recovery. it does not account for all of the flood or even the climate resilience needed for 53 degrees centigrade. thousands of nurses from 2 major hospitals in new york have got on strike, overpay and staffing levels, hospital administrators, in the usa, they're struggling to recruit personnel because of a global shortage of qualified nurses. krista, something me reports from new york. it was 6 in the morning and still dark when 7000 nurses walked off the job at to private new york hospitals. but it was an unexpected nurses have been negotiating for 4 months now. management offered them pay increases amounting to more than 18 percent over the next 3 years. but the nurses say this is not about money. it's about safe staffing. and they have the support of the cities, labor groups. and we're going to be with them today. and as long as it takes to get a bare contract that they deserve, you cannot talk about patient care without talking about how you take care of and how you listen to the people who provide pe, he care guy, mount sinai, they canceled elective surgeries and move some babies out of the neonatal intensive care unit to other hospitals and anticipation of the service disruptions management is called, the nurses actions reckless. but the nurses said they're the ones looking out for patient safety. nurses say they are routinely asked to care for more patients than is safe, sometimes up to 20 per nurse and emergency rooms where a limit of 3 is recommended. but california is the only state that mandates nurse to patient ratios in a year and a half vacancy belonged to 5 or yeah, that is what is the retina? nurses say the staffing shortages started even before the corona virus pandemic. when they were hailed as heroes on the front line with city hospitals, crowded with sick and dying patients, many nurses put others health before their own. the stress they say is causing many to lead their jobs. 7 other spittles have come to agreements in the last week, but there appears to be public support for the remaining hold outs, because you get their money. they deserve it. every se, every dollar new york's governor has called on both sides to agree to binding arbitration, to minimize service disruptions. the nurses say that without guarantees on staffing levels, the crisis will only get worse for them and the patients they care for kristin salumi al jazeera new york. so heads here now says here i will look at how thailand is looking to gain from china's travel revival observation. lifted most of his cobit 19 restrictions. ah, off we go with your weather update for asia right here, right now. great to be with. you will begin in india still for a northern parts fog alerts in play. colds not conditions as well, but really right across the country. we will be dealing with con conditions toward the southeast and fair weather clouds may squeeze out just a few showers, but nothing major. here were there is major rainfall is in southern parts of iran, around the grass mountains. and as this precipitation bumps into colder air, her rods could see about 10 centimeters of snow on tuesday. also a lot of rain for southern vietnam now pushing into cambodia, typically these should be some of our driest months of the year up. it's certainly not the case over the last few days in some extreme flood advisories. still around sabu city and devout with torrential monsoon rain in the forecast. there's been some flooding right across java, more central java province. few showers in the mix on tuesday. pulses of heavier rainbow, northern sumatra. island off to china. we go. temperature is on the way up. let me look at some of these. wally and 21 degrees. turn ching at 16. but some rain though, in the forecast for type pay at $19.00 degrees and could see about 40 centimeters of snow for northern and western areas of japan. all because of that sea effects now touched up the sea later. ah, but after a lifetime in finland, an emigrant returns to somali land upon discovering his ancestral home could be a gold mine. but to benefit his community from the minerals beneath the land, he must navigate the age old, tribal disputes above it or witness golden lie. on al jazeera lou ah, he without his hair reminds of our main stories now for this in brazil have been clearing out protest camps in the capital of priscilla a day after an attack on government buildings by supporters of forward press, enjoyable sanara. around 1500 people have been arrested since the riots and thousands of demonstrators have routed in south hollow in defense of democracy . they're calling for those involved in it's hard to be punished. us present, joe biden. this meeting is mexican counterparts when his 1st visit to dr. america is a state the talks in mexico city with entrees money over his open door or expected to focus on immigration and combating drug. cartels ran a sentence to death. 3 more people for taking part in anti government protest sugar by the death of a woman in police. custody has already been international condemnation over the to the latest executions which are carried out on saturday. a total of 4 people have been executed. masa amena died, one in custody for violating around the dress code for women. financial sanctions imposed by israel could bankrupt the palestinian authority. well that's the warning from prime minister mohammed stan. israel will deduct $39000000.00 from taxes. it collects for the palestinians. you'll be given to israelis affected by what israel's new far right government called palestinian terrorism. but sanctions are response to p. s. decision to us international court of justice, for opinion on the occupation of the west bank as well should pay $256000000.00 in taxes to the p a every month. but it already deducts a 3rd of that and commissions to offset whether plus students pay to the families of those in is very jails. you are get mad. who is up the cabinet, the firms for the acts of piracy robbery and revenge by israel. the occupying power will not discourage people and the palestinian leadership from moving forward with its popular political, diplomatic, and legal progress. we do not trade our rights and freedom for money or benefit the procedures that the current occupation government took in regards to new financial deductions and the renewal of old ones to undermine the authority and push it to the brink financially and institutionally, which might limit performance of its work to serve people, but they will fail, as well as new far right national security minister to marvin. they're told police to remove palestinian flags from public spaces. it follows last week's release of the longest held palestinian prisoner in an israeli jail, korean eunice way, the palestinian flag when he was welcomed home to his village in israel. iran kong reports from western it's perfectly legal under israeli law to wave the palestinian flag. there's no actual law against it. there is a police discretion, however that we've seen hundreds of times over the last, certainly 1015 years. i've been covering israel and palestine and that's if those are public order issue. and oftentimes, what happens is when there are protests and people waving palestinian flags, the police will go in and they'll get a, they'll take the flag away from the protesters oftentimes actually escalates the situation. one of the key of times that i've seen this was in may last year during the funeral for our colleague who was killed by the british soldier during ab. luckily as her hers was bringing her coffin into jaffer gate in the old city for her to go to the the church. um that was a palestinian flag in the back of a that hers in the window is ready please i. she smashed the window and took out the flag and again, that kind of inflamed at the situation. so there's a discretionary power that the police have. but this once again is about taking a hard line. it may have been given that the national security minister is a very far right m p, he's proudly racist. he's proudly and he argues, proud very broadly. and he palestinian and he just wants to use this as to show his support of the a. he's a tough guy that he can put these things into place. however, there may well be legal challenges at all of this, from the police, for a very long time. there has been this discussion within, at israel, the security forces about whether it's even worth trying to go and take down a flags, whether it's a good use of police. time as it were, the u. n. has voted to keep a border crossing between turkey or in syria open for critical a deliveries for another 6 months. bob, our how our is the only remaining humanitarian route from took here to syria. across the border aid agreement was set to expire on tuesday. and agencies have criticized the temporary 6 month extensions and want a more permanent solution. i cobit 19 has spread rapidly in one of china's most populous provinces. health officials say 89 percent of people in the central hannan region have been infected. that equates to 88 and a half 1000000 people. most cases are said to be mild or asymptomatic. the government says is determined to reopen the country despite a nation wide surge in infections. katrina, you has more from beijing. this announcement is very big and it sparked new fears of the possibility of a 2nd wave of coven 19 infections across the country. especially considering that not only as china opened up its international borders, domestic tourism is expected to really be boosted over the next few weeks. because china has just begun to noon, which is the travel period leading up to the new year, which happens at the end of january. so for the next few weeks, about 2000000000 trips are expected to be made nationwide. so no doubt those people moving especially between cities, between regions and provinces, they're expected to bring the virus to new areas possibly. and the government itself is worried about remote areas because the health system is less developed and fewer people all vaccinated. now the 2nd reaction to this news is shocked. there's just a huge disparity between the biggest we're hearing from the provincial government and china's cdc, which is supposed to provide nationwide figures on curve in 1900 infections. and according to the cdc, just about half a 1000000 people across china, they say, have been infected like over 900. that's just a huge gap. the 100 provincial government said that he surveyed their population about 100000000 people to most populated province. here in china and about 90 percent of them said that they have already caught quarter. that's 90000000 people . so people are off on social media. i don't know what to believe, and it has also raised further questions about the death toll and given credence to what the w a tro has said about china under representing the outbreak here. the scale of the outbreak, according to trying to be official figures on death in the death toll is just over $5000.00, that's one of the lowest official figures in the world. and certainly people here are going to have further questions about what the actual decimal could look like in life of these new figures. hertada and has begun the welcoming visitors from china after bathing dropped. it's a strict coping 19 travel rooms on sunday. if i government has also ended it's compulsory vaccination requirements. tony chang has the latest from bangkok. oh, ruling out the red carpet on it, guests 3 ministers and a host of senior government officials, welcome passengers on a flight from sharmen and southern china gift bags and garlands. but for the tourists, it was reward enough to be able to travel overseas. and people are very friendly and the refuse is here. and here also help you repeat it, interest and everything loud is the tourist moved through the airport. neither they nor any of the other arrivals were required to show vaccine certificates. on sunday evening, the civil aviation authority that hardly announced all passengers will be required to show proof of vaccination or immunity from cove at 19 regardless of their country of origin. but on monday, the health minister backtracked thailand is dropping vaccine requirements, despite concerns that an influx of chinese tourists could bring new variance of the virus by not imposing restrict, speaking to al jazeera, getting the minister explained. he wants to do everything, so to encourage visitors to come, we evaluate the risk and the opportunity to gather a new i valuation is that there is no risk that is still risk, but we have things to overcome those risks. you in the financial risks of not inviting people who by the way, you mean the, find the economic risk of norfolk southern risk. this abrupt you said is an indication of the fact that thailand wants tourist arrivals from anywhere in the world. the fact they're hoping for $10000000.00 arrivals from china by the end of the year. so. so an indication of how reliant thailand is now on arrivals from china. other asian nations are also hoping to leo back chinese tourists. japan was one of the most popular pre pandemic destinations for chinese travelers. although now they'll have to show negative cov 19 tests. but no entry requirements for barley like thailand, indonesia has dropped all current vars curbs. although it expects visitor numbers will remain low. thailand however, needs to get back to pre pandemic visitor levels. fast hardy unhappy, the chinese tourists are coming back. we haven't been able to make a living. we all suffered while they were gone with only a 1000000 chinese arrivals expected in the 1st quarter of the year. that might be wishful thinking with the beijing government lifting all travel restrictions. many asian countries would be happy. chinese visitors make the most of the new found freedom. tony cheng al jazeera, thankful awhile tal and may be opening at stores to chinese travelers, south korea and japan. are remaining cautious. as units came, reports now from south. overseas visitors are back in this iconic softening district. install an area that has seen much of a luster fade out during the highly regulated pandemic years. now if online search results are any indication those in mainland china are also eager to return, but they will have to stay put for now, as the government has put a part on the issue as a short term fees on non essential, at least until the end of this month, some encouraging statistics, only 3.9 percent of mainland china, around on a short term basis, tested positive to close it on sunday. that's compared to double digit percentages that we saw the 3 days prior. despite travelers, how did you have a negative attachments? on board today we heard from a top adviser of south korea cobra respond passport shed some light came out. it was, you know, it was a hindrance. i hope that the full percent figure registered yesterday will be kept and stay below 5 percent. if the number of patients in china is greatly reduced, directly speaking, it should stay at about one percent or less and it's a bit comprehensible that more than one out of a 100 people test positive within 48 hours within south korea like many other economies, is looking to boost is terrorism sector, as well as visitors, numbers, which currently struggles to reach even a 3rd of what was at the pandemic years. this will likely that it will need visitors to return from the world's most populous nation and neighbor. but for now, officials say the travel controls will call. the 1st attempt to the satellite launch from western europe has failed to reach orbit was accompanied behind. the mission blamed an unspecified problem with the rocket. it was deployed over the atlantic ocean from a modified boeing 747 aircraft, which was safely returned to the spaceport in southwest england. rocket had 9 satellites on board. ah, this is al jazeera, these are the top stories now. oh.

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