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Difficult decisions the needed to contain inflection. Ah hello, im emily anglin. This is al jazeera live from, so ha, also coming up more russian strikes, heat cities across ukraine. The latest in a series of attacks targeting energy facilitates a deserts. During the rainy season, madagascar is suffering from draft while these mounds about a food crisis caused by Climate Change. And republicans get a narrow majority in the us house of representatives, but in finding complicates matters for leading member of the party. Ah, the u. K. Got and his preparing to present its emergency budget tax hikes and spending costs are expected after inflation of 41 year. Hi toby. Lets take a look at how the u. K. I ended up paying these trust became Prime Minister early in september, promising significant tax reductions. Finance minister kweisi quieting, then delivered his mini budget promising about 53000000000. 00 in on the funded tax cuts. Markets responded quickly with the pound, plunging against the us dollar. After 10 days of criticism came the 1st trust you turn. She scraps the proposed cuts for the highest earners, but that failed to stop the public fall out. Trust them sac quieting, replacing him with jeremy huns. But the damage was done and trust officially resigned on october 25th, making her the shortest serving Prime Minister in u. K. History where she soon app replaced her and dumped her financial plan. To break this down for us, lets bring in Andrew Simmons who joins us live now from london. Certainly love to talk about, and particularly around those spending carts ahead of the statement. What does this mean to the British Public when it means bad news, read a 55. 00 days after being told that they would be getting tax cuts and spending would be increased. In some areas of the government, the british people are being sold to expect at tax at rises. And furthermore, 11 point one percent inflation. That is the biggest for more than 40 years, people are finding it hard to get by. And now theyre hearing that their salaries will effectively be reduced millions of people because of changes which are expected in the taxi in contact system that will be a freeze is likely on allowances. Thats the sort of caps you get with, with the actual rate of tax. That means that the more people gets in the way of wage increases, the more likely they are to get into a higher tax band that will cost them dear. Furthermore, the Energy Oil Gas and electric subsidy from the government is going to be reduced quite dramatically, or that will cost the average family hundreds of dollars extra to get by with the heating. However, there is a sweetener on the issue of pensions and benefits. If you could call it that, because they will stay in line with inflation, but cuts elsewhere will affect people, such as local services, local authority, rates and so on. The government is trying desperately to get credibility back and to calm the markets further in attempt to try to also get Interest Rates down at by, by really re reducing inflation. But thats really caught a big job because in making such a huge cuts, you know, it, it is quite likely this will affect gross and gross is needed up to of the least lessen the impact of a situation whereby the country is, is, is really got a g d p rating, but could be out of control. So there is a big problem indeed with sorting out the british economy and doing it this way. The worry is that could well be a hit again on the u. K. In terms of growth. And that is an important area. All right, thank you for breaking down for us Andrew Simmons live for us in london to ukraine now, where keith says rusher is targeting critical facilities across several cities. There are reports of explosions in the southern port of odessa and the central city of denay pro capital cave is also facing blackouts. The Prime Minister says, and miss al factory in denise pro has been hit. Russia has sticked stepped out, the tax on Ukrainian Energy facilities in racin wakes. Meanwhile, ideal that in showed safe passage of millions of tons of grain from ukraine has been extended. The ticket and un broken agreement allowed grain shipments through the black saying its been in place since july, and we set to expire this way. The un secretary general has extended it by 120 days. Okay, we have correspondence tracking developments from ukraine, antique here soon because yolo is in istanbul with the latest on that deal. But 1st lets head to cave, where jonah holl is standing by for us with more on those strikes. Jonah, bring us up to speed on the situation so far. Yeah, but i can tell you that you crane has once again suffered an assault by long range missile rocket and drone from russia. The 6 such attack since early october, the middle of october, the 2nd in just a weeks missiles and drones targeting were told by the president ial administration once again, energy infrastructure, not just electricity, generation and supply. But we understand targets dealing with gas storage and supply as well. And so i mentioned, as you said there of a missile Production Facility as well. It seems as though the central city of denise pro bore the brunt of these attacks. A number of explosions reported there. Also in odessa, the southern port city speaking about denise wrote below them as the president had this message, denise pro morning, a peaceful city and the desire of people to live a normal life. Going to work about their business missiles strike the terrorist state. He said only wants to bring ukrainians as much pain and suffering as possible. And weve seen pictures coming out to denise road. Least one of those strikes very much appears to be in a civilian neighborhood. Reports of 14 injuries into neat bro. 3 injuries reported in odessa here in key the capital. There were s. S strikes, rate warnings in place as well. The City Military Administration says the 4 missiles and 5 drugs were shot down by a defenses. Here in kiva defense is in operation. Of course, in lots of other parts of the country as well. And indeed, at one point we heard what sounded like a Cruise Missile roaring above our heads over the city. What i can tell you now that this attack appears to be largely over the rate warnings have been given the all clear in most parts of the country. Apart from zach parisha and region in the north east. In their aftermath below the sky says 10000000 people without power need rolling emergency blackouts across the country. Now, down in odessa until the biggest private supply detect was told its customers that up to 70 percent of them will be without power potentially for a week. And it is cold today, the 1st snows have fallen. So this attack yet another blow to the prospects that many ukrainian space ahead of what will be an extremely bleak winter engage. Thank you very much for the take turner, how live for us in cave. Lets head to assemble now with him. Casino lou is joining us. Seen him that all important deal to export grain from ukraine has been extended. How instrumental has been to negotiation . Yes, this a great deal is actually a project of the United Nations. And they, im telling you, gutierrez, and, and turkey was the party who could negotiate and who could talk to moscow, especially russian president vladimir putin. And once again, turkish president proved that hes able to convince russian president , despite all the latest allegations that russia would be pulling out of the deal. And so far more than 10000000 tons of grains have been transported to several destinations in the world. But before the extension of the seal or turkish prison have been emphasizing that the main object of all the or let me say the priority of extending the deals should be reaching out to poor countries, mainly in africa and delivering grains initially. It to them. Still, he insist on that, but of course expert and extending the steel is very important given, given that there is a very big a food inflation all around the world. And especially because of the, a crisis in ukraine in syria and other economic developments. The prices are going up every every day and many have suggest that the u then has had earlier that if the grand deal doesnt continue, if it weighs, do not, which countries the foot crisis might reach to worse the dimensions and the coming year. Thats why it is very important. And from the turkish perspective on kara, its convinced that president ad on is proving he can be at peace established this. Id have his image deterioration within the last couple of years. Right. We appreciate you breaking down for us in him because he only live press the east amble now to the Global Climate change crisis where water supply for the worlds poor is a major issue at this ease you and comp 27 negotiations. Millions of people in madagascar are facing their faith Consecutive Year of draft. As neat, clark reports crops have failed, and finding mortar is a daily struggle for many were driving through madagascar grand suit. Its supposed to be the rainy season with the fields of bone dry. This is the footprint of Climate Change. One year of drought is bad enough, but 5 in a row is near impossible. Fierce hot winds turn the soil to dust crops, stand no chance in the village guerara like everywhere. Its a struggle for survival, water and how to get it is on every ones minds. And suddenly it appears from nowhere. I mean, a water tanker on route for far off destination has stopped from its leaking pipes. Theres a rare chance i every can contain or in bottle and can be laid on is filled quickly soon or the car will go. We have a needed a demonstration to some desperate people. This is this is very hot breaking because normally that no those kids playing those kids so live that childhood. But right now that are wanting us, would you look at that kind of landscape . You can feel at home. The situation is here in, in this, in this region, and this is literally everywhere in this median nearby amongst fields, once filled with maze and Sweet Potatoes lies the village. Water holes has been dry for 2 years. Also la jane dobbins. And thats why people are thirsty and they cant do anything about it. Theres no cassava, theres no mays lungs like are no crops at all, and life is very, very difficult. Our daily life in the village is about rain. But right now theres nothing to sit on. Were really suffering, sang angel heading back. We stop at a roadside market. May commodity for sale, water. Its got to the stage now where water trade is had set up in the cellar water. The side of the road is a commodity. Each one of these jerry cans costs about 0. 50 and theyre bought by people who perhaps dont have the wherewithal to go to the river themselves. The thing is even 0. 50 was too much for most of the poor grow up fast here, scavenging for survival. This is the human face of our changing climate, developed countries, stalling on finance for nations like madagascar. We do well to look into those eyes. Nicholas al jazeera evarado, madagascar delay don al jazeera, the Dominican Republic, tens of thousands of haitian refugees back to their country will tell you why in a moment. And a dutch court is set to rule on whos responsible for the downing of flight. Mh 17 ah anticipation is rising. And so as the atmosphere a you read in the way sponsored my cattle aways. When its almost nothing spectacular to, to report on him, he station out of the thames, they come down in Southern China to where they should be. There is rainfall links to the time biggest, some snow gathering in mongolia where the High Temperature is minus 3. And the sun is out for the most part elsewhere which is again correct. There is significant rain or even sleet in hawkeye. There in the northern part of holland, she had the 1st snow a couple of days ago 1st now the season. Nothing much dramatic changes between friday and saturday, except the gathering rain which will be significant. I think as it approaches the western major islands of japan, developing the bay of bengal, a circulation to pastry, fairly static. But i wouldnt trust that it just really want to head towards the coast of town either. But beyond that is quiet. And as you know, at this time the settled atmosphere means, for example, in new delhi and the whole air quality is really depressed is currently very unhealthy. Officially, theres nothing really in the forecast is like to change that very much. If we look more smoothly and im gonna stand on pakistan, there are showers in the north, but there are not sufficient stock sufficient move into that air to change the quality beyond that because its fairly dry temperatures on that low. In fact, were 33 in karachi. The weather sponsored by catch all a commitment to continuously conserve its wondered, is vital providing Breakthrough Solutions to Renewable Energy for an environmentally responsible future with transformation and collaboration. Indonesia urges and leave the world in moving forward as was recover together, recover stronger. Were the hello, youre watching to 0. Im emily. Angling. Hes a reminder of our top stories this our u. K. Government, who said to present it to emergency budgets tax high since spending cuts are expected. Inflation of 41 year high last month. Ukraine says russia is targeting critical facilities across several cities. There are reports of explosions in the southern port of our deaf, and the central city of denay for the capital key is facing blackout. And water supply. The worlds pool has been a major talking points at the top 27 climate summit. Madagascar is now facing if be Consecutive Year with drought get the latest on the u. S. Midterm elections and the republicans have 1218 seats in the house of representatives. This gives them just enough to control the chamber with fits. 6 other states still been counted. The democrats have 211 President Joe Biden has congratulated the republicans and promised to work with them. But this when could give them leverage to block his agenda. Mike hannah has moved from washington dc. They will have control of the house now that we know that theyve got that 20800 seats giving them the majority. But all indications are, is that its going to be the slimmest of margins. If the democrats win another 5 or 6, or even 6 seats, that will bring them to 217. 00, the march will be one, but anywhere between 1. 00 and 8. 00 is a very slim margin. The reason for this is that the Republican Party is not a uniform house. There are many elements of it, particularly the extreme right wing, of which there are a large number who may not go aboard with the, the, the agenda of the majority of the republicans in the house. They are then able to block any such agenda. So even though the numbers are small relative to the number of the regular republican, so to speak, they would still have the power to block what the Republican Party as a whole wants to do within the house. Now Kevin Mccarthy today was voted in as leader of the republicans in the house, but he still has to get confirmed on january the 3rd when he will need to get at least 218 votes. Now the problem with this is that today that he, republicans voted against him. So if that was happening on january, the 3rd, he would not be speaker of the house. So all of these elements are there, all of these problems ahead for the republican the Dominican Republic is sending undocumented haitian migrants back to their country. Its the latest in a wave of deportations thats already same. Tens of thousands and home gang warfare and political turmoil have fueled in exodus from neighboring, hazy, in recent months, to raise the bar reports from the hub on, on the haitian border. The, its the common all to come and seen haitian refugees detained in the Dominican Republic. We met them in this military base in the one right at the border. Theyre being sent back to haiti, even those who say theyve built a new lives here at the minute. My husband works in a construction site and i was pregnant home when the police arrived. They wouldnt let me get my babys clothes. I left all my money at home and i have nothing here. Security force, if you are telling us that most of his people were trying to enter the country. Some of the women are telling me that they have here that their children were born in the middle and the piano with her 8 year old son. She shows us his birth certificate that proves he was born in the Dominican Republic. I. My son has a birth certificate he was born here, they cannot send him back to haiti. The u. N. Has called on the Dominican Republic to hold the quotations. Haiti is in the midst of a political crisis that has gangs controlling large parts of the country. Thousands are fleeing, lack of Available Health Care Services in haiti have forced pregnant women to cross the border to deliver their children. But many are not allowed inside dominican hospitals and some have had their children on the street. Human rights activists say theyre alarmed about what they call a precedent lease. Or we know others persecution of haitians in his country was our program. Were here to push. There are massive deportations and the cases are not individual. Theres no due process. Theres children with papers, others with just visas. Its just massive and a scandal of even pregnant women being sent back to haiti. And the law says that shouldnt be done. The Dominican Republic is building a wall to protect its borders from smugglers, but also illegal migrants. Its all numbers on what gwens hillier says. His countrys poor and cannot allow every one in law is the only mechanism. The Dominican Republic has is to show that it will not tolerate migrant irregularity of the deportations. And this is what we are doing. This has nothing to do with ethnical reasons or racism, but under the problem, if the state stops all the potations, we do not know what could happen here. Haitis facing its worst crisis in years, human rights crusades, people are being discriminated against across the region. And theyre asking the Dominican Republic, among other governments for empathy, for those while twain to escape hunger violence and have no place to go. Do you know, i think there is, i will, ill jessia the have on, on the haitian border. A dutch court will deliver a verdict against 4 men allegedly responsible for the crash of flight image. 17 in 2014. The passenger jet was headed from amsterdam to call a long pole when it was shot down over eastern new crime, all 298 people on board. The flight were killed. The netherlands, malaysia, belgium, and ukraine had been working together to conduct an investigation. Prosecutors have alleged that one ukrainian and 3 russians were responsible that vincent has moved from shipple a port in the netherlands to a very emotional day here for the hundreds of relatives who have travelled to a skip hole where deferred. It will be wrapped. They are looking for answers, theyre looking for justice and maybe some kind of closure, 8 years after the plane was shot down carrying their loved ones. There are 4 suspects here on trial 3 russians. One ukrainian or the prosecutors have sat, they have played a major role in the movements and the logistics to get this a missile in place. The book miss, ill do that. According to the prosecutors with used to shut down and make 17. The prosecutors have also said that this book may style came from russia. So, but the defense se prosecutors have just watched one scenario. There were lots of evidence, according to the prosecutors, but defense, as its not conclusive, if none of the suspect here to day, they have not attended the trial at all. And only one of the russian suspect is represented by a lawyer. So it is a lot at stake here. The u. N. Is celebrating the 50th anniversary of World Heritage science in s goes World Heritage convention, was designed to promote the preservation of Cultural Properties and International Conferences taking place in the ancient town of delphi in grace. Thats where john thorpe list joins me live from a hello that john, whats being discussed at the meeting . Hello, emily, the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization today announced bold initiatives for the next several years to boost awareness of the world cultural heritage. Access to it, but also protection from over tourism and Climate Change. And i have next to me here peter de brian, who is us, goes sustain. But i want to ask you, peter, greece is one case in point this year, we seem to have gone back to 2019 pre pandemic levels of tourism. That year we had 30000000 visitors in a country of barely 11000000. And it seems to be the new normal. How does a country like greece manage of a tourism given that its also economically so important to generate sufficient economy here . Well, thats right john. I think tourism is credibly important for World Heritage. In fact, many of the top turn destinations are world sites and i think you have that dynamic where the World Heritage is a tourist will draw. So it really is balancing out the management of science versus the versus the tourism that gets developed. And for unesco, we really want to talk about values, sites are inscribed for their outstanding universal value. So we want tourism to reflect those values and to be Community Based because when you have that kind of a system where the communities are supporting the heritage and the terms of you get a better benefit. So you can better manage those increasing numbers. And theres been a lot of talks of a piece are also about Climate Change. Weve seen temperatures right here in greece. Weve seen both local communities and natural environments. And also tourists suffer from rising temperatures in the summer. How does your organization address Climate Change when it comes to tourism or Climate Change obviously is a tremendous threat for World Heritage in general. And were seeing that as she said, extreme weather events or having an impact there destroying the hearing. So that obviously has a direct impact on tourism. So really the messages we need to protect the sites and protect them better for the future for conservation but also for tourism because again, they are the, the goose that lays the golden age. And does that mean giving people money in order to build infrastructure, is like firefighting systems. Weve seen greece spent a lot of european money, for example, pruning trees and cutting down dead wood around there is like the acropolis, which actually were threatened a few years ago with fire in athens. But what about countries that arent members of the European Union and dont have great resources . How do they manage . Well, i think that for the International Community comes in and organizations like in us could help countries protect their sites and protect them against Climate Change. And that, that i think is really sort of a clarion call for everybody because there are these issues and they arent nobodys immune from it. So again, its, it really takes that really constructive effort of people coming together to protect the sites. Peter, thank you very much. That was peter de brian unesco Sustainable Tourism expert. Talking to me about the 2 main challenges that unesco has identified in the years ahead for protecting World Heritage over tourism and Climate Change, which includes rising sea levels. And of course, rising temperatures and wild fires and many other phenomena that we havent typically seen in the last 50 years of unesco existence. Emily in de thank you very much for that report to john sir up last, last press in delphi, grace ah, well copies just around the corner and fans will soon be heading to stadiums. Concepts and cultural attractions. Security will be a priority, but its not the only consent. The movement of people is also one of katara and Biggest Challenges as natasha can name reports. Ha, since the moment cutter was awarded the world cup in 2010, people have been asking, how will a country of less than 3000000 people host a global event, accommodating more than a 1000000 fans . The country will soon show the world how nobody believes that we will be able to do it. Nobody expected that we will achieve all the infrastructure, developments that to with it. Nobody expected that we will be ready with all the stadiums that was required and a small country and in a very confined place in that small country. And we did everything. Once their planes touchdown organizers, hope vans, will experience an efficient entry process. Doha will have to airports operating to handle the influx of arrivals. From an international airport, fans can use the doha, metro. On some lines, the trains are capable of transporting 1000 people. Every 165 seconds. Between one 3rd and half of the fans heading to matches are expected to hop on a free ride. Also free shuttle buses to carry crowds during peak demand. One of the thank to balance. These are the speak as the to give the spectator a multiple, multiple options to utilize a, either of them at a metro the buses, the tormentor the tournament buses. So they have multiple options to move around the city. Cut our residents are being asked to drive to the stadiums, to help reduce congestion on mass transit. 1700 kilometers or highways and major roads which include 207. 00, a bridges. In addition to 14300 and a combination under passes and tunnels, which definitely can, you know, give the free flow for a traffic during the world cup. The public works authority

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