Transcripts For ALJAZ News 20221112 :

Transcripts For ALJAZ News 20221112

celebrations in ukraine off the russian troops withdrawal from the city. okay, so ah, i'm carry johnston. this is al jazeera life and also coming up displaced by rebels . now living with trauma, chilling accounts of rape and torture. the eastern democratic republic of congo, the wells biggest crypto currency exchange is f t x files for bankruptcy, and it c o has resigned. a catalog goes green, organizes a football well comp on hang out some the best pitches as an end to deliver a common neutral tournament. ukraine is celebrating one of its most significant victory since russia's invasion in february ukrainian forces of entered the southern city of her son o residence to welcome the soldiers on the ukrainian flag has been raised on public monuments. president of the mass lensky has held it as an historic day. his son is the only regional capital that was taken by russia. it's retreat is being seen as one of the biggest setbacks of war. ukraine could use this advance to expand its counter offensive to other occupied territories, including crimea, which moscow seized in 2014 russian forces of set up new positions on the eastern bank of the in the pro river. right opposite hassan city, giving them a strong base to escalate the war. if they choose to. i said, beg, met relieved residents who have lived under russian occupation for several months. on the march to her son, the ukrainian military has advanced fast since russia withdrew its forces. and this is how local people greeted their countrymen. o crowds cheering and chanting glory to our heroes, glory to ukraine. the russian flag no longer flies here. during the withdrawal, russia and ukraine have traded blame over damage to the antenna of ski bridge. it shall lamarcus our armed forces hid the russians during the withdrawal from the city when they were trying to escape using fairies in the area of onto dusky bridge . the bomb being cause the destruction of many vehicles and personnel. they have also left a large number of vehicles behind mia richards. russia says it left no equipment or personnel behind video posted by the ukrainians. tell a different story. her son has been occupied since the beginning of the war. president vladimir zalinski calls a russian withdrawal. an important victory. she warning is tradition in day to day is a historic day for your grain last year. bring him back 1000. you bring. we bring him back. her son, ukrainians, horses inside the city, citizens are waiting for our soldiers. i'm very happy to normal luck. wouldn't think residents who've lived under russian occupation or relieved for now or it was night when that thought i'd ye yeah. the new yeah. going to blog. right. yeah. do that, i can't find the words i want to cry, that'd be the were constant explosions, but now it's so quiet that we can't get used to it. how the place was liberated darnesha. everyone felt so strange, so scared by the silence. but, you know, hearing this silence is so good that note that this has got to do with your credit is joel is the most decisive event in this war. so far and embarrassing for moscow, it's boosted the morale of ukrainian soldiers who say they now believe they can win this war. russian forces still control a considerable amount of territory and are able to strike targets here in carson region as well as rest of ukraine. some ukrainians are fearful of returning to the towns of villages because of the destruction of potential winds that i've been left behind. this will goes to show that the war is still far from over. i said big i 0 hassan region. mohammed vall is in moscow. he says that russian officials are down playing the withdrawal. the last minister of defense confirmed the law thrush and soldier left the city of her son by 5 am. friday morning, after a night of heavy bombardment by russian artillery and other defences against ukrainian positions in an attempt to prevent them from getting closer on the top thing that withdrawal. and later in that they thought mr. defense gave some more detail, saying about 30000 russians folders left. the city of kraft on 5000 and military equipment units also were moved to the eastern side of the river. safely even begin it, but needed a pair on now safely on the east side. they say, so you talk about an organized operation whereby no mistake was committed. they didn't want to check the resistance. what are you units of the russian armed forces have taken up tactical, defense of lines and positions, organized in advance by military engineers. no loss of military personnel, weapons or material has been allowed to happen. all civilians wish to leave the right bank of the harrison region have been helped to evacuate. russian officials have also commented favorably about what happened describing it as a plan and a strategy at the head of the international relations committee in the state. duma . she said this was a necessary move to protect the lives of the nation serviceman. now that they will be located in safety positions defendable positions on the eastern side of the pro river. and also he said, we will definitely return to have sun and we will definitely be victorious. we will win this war, trying to reassure the russian public who is asking tough questions about why the russian army has left positions and locations and territory that the, that the government hasn't officially and next and made by constitution a part of the russian federation. ok, giles, is a russia experts, the conflict studies research center. he says the full of hassle is damaging phenomena. putin. it is huge. of course, it's something which president puts in and his proper again to operate as cannot explain to the russian population who have been sold the story for so long that this isn't a war. it's a special military operation. and it's going well for russia. this is the kind of setback that is absolutely undeniable. and that of course, puts president put in in a difficult position. in fact, he's in the corner. he painted himself into 6 weeks ago when he declared the annexation of those ukrainian territories and said they would be rushing forever. that's the kind of rhetorical bind, but you can't extricate yourself from through spin or through propaganda. let's not forget that annexation declaration was made in a rush. they brought forward the, the timings of the sham referendum was because they saw the successful ukrainian offensive. and plainly there was greater confidence in russia than was merited. that they would actually be able to hold onto these areas. so it just makes the ukrainian success all the more startling that they forced russia into this position, where they have to give up a major city and pull back to a defensive lines behind a river. fighting has flared up in the eastern democratic republic of congo. a soldiers a battling m $23.00 rebels on several fronts. even 23 is had a major resurgence this year, forcing the 200000 people from their homes in july human rights watch said the armed group has killed at least 29 civilians and errors under its control since mid june, including 2 teenagers, many of the victims were accused of being informants for the congress army. others were civilians looking for food. and 23 has blamed other armed groups for the killings. its recent advances sent tension soaring with reminder to congress of government accuses of supporting the rebels. webb has more from the eastern city of goma under warning. this report contains disturbing images. ah, gloria, not her real name says she was pregnant when she was gang raped by fighters from the n 23 rebel group earlier this year. and $23.00 fighting government forces here in the east of democratic republic of congo is widely understood to be a proxy of neighboring rwanda. well, they were wonder denies it. glorious as m 23 fighters came into the bashi ran, started drinking beer, and smashing bottles. to come back in 3 men raped me before i fell conscious, there was nobody to help me. when i woke up i was in hospital, my neighbor had rescued me. i don't know what they used because it was badly torn and i bled. was leaking, glorious baby died before she gave birth and was surgically removed. now she's joined the nearly 200000 people who fled their homes. the conditions in the camps side. there isn't enough food or clean water and the shelters don't keep out the rain. well, congos army and most of these groups are accused of widespread right to be says, the fact that tens of thousands of people have chosen to come here, leaving behind their homes and their farms give some indication of just how scared they are of m 23 rwanda's army and the armed groups who supported have been accused of carrying out massacres and rights abuses in eastern congo since the 19 ninety's . it's always denied the allegations. rwandan soldiers were photographed with n 23 fighters 5 months ago. we asked them $23.00 about reports of rights and pieces . it spokesmen sent this video clip denying all the allegations made in this story . who are these people? they are so many people were extra amused, talking not to destroy us. they are working with the government. when con guys army defeated them 23. 9 years ago we filmed the bodies of prisoners, tied up and shot dead in the basses. they fled. some of the prisoners appeared to have been kept in pits in the ground, which is what this man says. m 23 did to him earlier this year. he says m. $23.00 fighters accused him of supporting enemy militia and beat him for 3 days, demanding a confession. then he says he was tied up and thrown in pits with other prisoners for 3 weeks before being released. his wife thought he was dead 99 quickly. you can lean on one way or the other, but you cannot that i doubt when it rains or what the cousins the but we are looking like pigs because of the mighty, the pete. once i did the god and ty is one, i'm and text it to or the please don't have to read it. it is the life we suffered . this school classroom is home for now. outside others, a sleeping in shelters made on broken rock. the struggle for control of minerals below the ground has made eastern congo the center of regional conflict and rights abuses. for decades. people here wonder if they'll ever be left in peace. malcolm web out to 0 go, ma, democratic republic of congo. are the world's largest crypto currency exchanges, his father, bankruptcy in the united states, as t x says it's seeking court protection as it looks for a way to return money to uses the company's c o. it's time when free will also step down f t x. this week agreed to sell itself the knowledge of rifle by nonce, but the deal fell through and decided to sell after customers rushed to withdraw funds that was in response to concerns about whether s t x had enough capital. then goodman is a crooked currency consultant for the financial platform. thorough an author of the book, the crypto trader. he says, when freeze rise and fall has been equally spectacular. is a pretty horrible kind of situation that at the same time it with homes, i feel to be almost inevitable because this guy rose from nowhere so fast to suddenly get a few years ago. nobody knew who he was. and then suddenly he was on the stage with bill clinton. tony blair does al bunch and was suddenly one of the world's greatest philanthropists. we were told and it will just happened. so suddenly i can help but feel a bit uncomfortable at the time. now that's not to say that i knew that there was anything wrong with what he was doing, but when you build up a huge trading platform that quickly so that it's suddenly worth tens of billions. sometimes i guess it takes shortcuts in order to build up a company that quickly we don't know the full details of what happened and what he did. but we do know that there was certain amounts of tokens that he created are effectively out nothing. they became worth lots of money and then were told he was using them allegedly as collateral to finance loans and other investments. and so that way these, these tokens, which are now worth very little we're, we're sort of built upon to build a bigger structure. and then of course is a house of cards that comes collapsing down. there will be investigations. and also of course, there are calls for more regulation, but the, the great irony of all of this as far as unconcerned is that it was poor regulation in the united states that actually forced most of the crypto trading business off. sure. us share prices have surged after report, so i know consumer price inflation eased to 7.7 percent, you know, tobar as the lowest rate of inflation since january markets. also going to boost off the china relaxed some of its coven 19 measures stop market recorded. it's best today since april 2020, with the s and p 500. the next closing 5.5 percent higher. unless say, the u. s. federal reserve may be less aggressive when raising rates. now that inflation has dropped, so the hotel and al jazeera, the rescue missions devoting europe, france takes on a migrant ship. that was turned away by this brighton government. how a decade of conflict on the school division in libya has affected its national health sense. ah, anticipation is rising, and so with sibling at all anyways. hello there. let's look to east asia and not a drop of rain has fallen in tokyo since the start of the month will. that's about to change. thanks to this front, that's pulling its way across northern areas of china, bringing some really wet windy and wintry weather. it's pulling across the korean peninsula on saturday, dropping temperatures for the likes of so it's already done that across more central areas of china. and we'll see that reflected in shanghai, certainly on sunday, dropping down to 18 degrees celsius. a lot of heat, however, still to be found in southern areas for the likes of hong kong. the things are brought to change it further east of this for japan. you can see that system being heavy rains stretching all the way down from kinder further north. and if we have a look at the 3 day for tokyo, let's set to arrive on sunday. the temperature dipping down. certainly by monday now was move across the south asia for northern areas of india and pakistan was seen temperatures slightly below the average for this time of year. but it's a lot dry up here. it's down south within the worst of the wet weather for places like tom will now do, as well as carol actual anchor as well seems some fierce thunderstorms as the wetter weather pulls its way further west from the bay of bengal. some winds blowing along the east coast, but lots of sunshine to be found in the north de, with sponsored by cats are they always, the climate has changed every year for millions of years, decades of talk. but little action is all about distract, create confusion to crate, smoke and mirrors. the shocking truth about how the climate debate has been systematically supported. the oil industry was a main bank roller or opposition to contact the campaign against the climate. do you think that's a bad thing more to to a debt which you should think? absolutely. on august eve. ah ah, you're watching ounces here, armando, about top stories now. ukrainians celebrate. has their forces retake the southern city of hassan is the only regional capital that russian troops had captured. russia's retreat is being seen as a major setback in the ongoing people escaping m. 23 rebels in the democratic republic of congo. say they've been sexually assaulted and tortured congolese army has been striking level health. and the board with brenda one of the world's largest crypto county exchanges, has filed a bankruptcy in the united states. f t x says it's seeking court protection, as it looks for a way to return money to uses the owners of the ocean viking at rescue ship. so european states have failed to deal with the humanitarian emergency. italian officials refused to avow the ship to enter one of its ports, even though it carried asylum seekers. countries far right government is now at odds with france which allowed the boat to dock on its shores and rush about the reports from to them. he end of an ordeal at sea after 3 weeks. yeah, ocean viking rescue ship. finally docked in the southern french port of too long after being refused entry to italy on board $230.00 asylum seekers, including more than 50 children. most of them traveling alone, the angio that operates the ship said italy's actions and the u. slow response to the crisis was a scandal. a basic principle is a duty to rescue from anyone at sea and then an obligation from state to coordinate to find a place of safety in shortest time possible disease. the law decision, danesh annella, this is mary them convention. what we are requesting from you on the states is just a respectable french officials say the migrants will be housed in a reception center. those eligible to seek refugee status will be able to stay in the you, the others will be deported. not object if it popped with or a mr. rapidly put in place procedures that will allow us to have certain each person stay to solicit restaurants who press on the fate of the ocean. viking spoke to route between france and italy, the french government as a king, the rome of flouting he rules by turning away the ship and says it will take retaliatory measures including bolstering its border. will that the theory 8 in the far right? italian prime minister, who says paris is actions i incomprehensible and unjustified georgia maloney holds to stop the arrival of migrants on italian shores and says, the e, you should do more to help tre, kick cossack if for a body. what exactly makes them so angry? the fact that italy must be the only possible port for migrants in the mediterranean, because this is not written in any agreement. i want to question my counterparts on this. should italy be the only possible choice for migrants arriving from africa? i don't think this is right. the rescue ship is also divided opinion in france. some fall right supporters protested against its arrival into law. but while the political rouse and diplomatic rifts continue to reality for those who spent so long on board is a future that still uncertain. natasha butler al jazeera to la. the vatican is launching an investigation into a french cardinal who's admitted to abusing a 14 year old go. john pierre recalled as the retired archbishop of bordeaux. he issued a public letter admitting to abusing ago 35 years ago. the vatican says it's not evaluating who would be the best suited person to conduct the investigation? revelations come a year after the church found evidence of widespread abuse by priests. the votes are still being counted off to tuesday. the us mid term elections? well, this is the situation in the house of representatives. the republican party is leaving with 211 seats. that 7 shore to the 218 needed for majority. democrats are expecting war winds from western states, such as california for their behind the moment with 126 seats. meanwhile, in the senate's neck and neck, republicans have a 49 seats. the democrats, 48 officials are still accounting votes in the swing states in nevada. and our zona, ga will hold a run off in december. she have a fancy, has more from washington d. c. where there is a consensus of the republicans will eventually take control of the house, certainly by with 218, but not much more potentially, maybe just one or 2 to 2 other seats, which is amazing. and already again, as discussion about will, the implications of that will mean for the republican party in the house and the potential for, for reactions between those who are all the erstwhile leadership and others. you may think, hang on a 2nd, maybe you don't deserve the leadership. but in this, in the senate. meanwhile, yes, it comes down to these 3 states. we have the, we have the runoff election in early december in georgia. but again, increasingly we're seeing from analysts and those you understand where these votes are coming from. busy and when they were, when, when they were delivered in some cases. but the sense that actually the democrats are getting more and more bullish about actually having all of this sorted out. but the actual balance of power in the senate, just through i resign nevada alone. that seems to be this real confidence. now that perhaps the democrats can manage that, in which case, the ga run off will be more about how large the, the democratic majority in the senate will be, which was unheard of. these are the consensus opinions in the world and where consensus opinions are relatively meaningless. however, they all based on educated guesses and looking at well ballots out standing are what still needs to be counted. us president joe biden has promised with confidence that his country will meet its target to reduce emissions by 2030. it's also a good the comp 27 con talks in egypt. the u. s. was committed to ensuring global average temperatures. don't come of a 1.5 degrees. biden also said to warn you, crane had made it more important than ever for countries to reiterate their commitments to fighting climate change. libya has a universal health care system, but many public hospitals have neither resources nor staff to provide adequate treatment. cancer patients are often the most vulnerable china reports from his router every 3 weeks. so back comes to the so brother clinic for chemotherapy. it's one of 5 clinics for cancer patients in the country. people from across the west come seeking treatment, but after more than a decade of conflict and political divisions in libya, medicine and resources are scarce, muscular, yet the problem is with the medicine. it's just not available. sometimes i can't afford to buy it in the market, and i have to skip a chemotherapy session. muhammad jammah needs chemotherapy every 2 weeks. he says he drives more than a 150 kilometers to get here. um and i even, what am fia could i have colon cancer and it has spread to my liver and the government doesn't provide enough medicine. i take 3 different types of medication for my chemotherapy and only one is available now. those who can afford it, try to find medicine privately, but it's expensive, like in my letter, my pension is less than a $100.00 a month. if my medicine isn't provided here, it costs more than $2000.00 a month. i've had to sell almost everything. i have and borrow money from friends and family, and for some the latin lab here we are, rich country. the government can easily provide us with our medicine. though the sonata cancer clinic is libya, largest and best equipped with 25000 cancer patients, registered in libya, including more than 6000 children. the house system has struggled to treat them. many people blame the government. no one from the tripoli administration wanted to comment. though mazata clinic has 350 birds, but more than 13300 cancer patients, including children, are registered here that as a phenomena letter. the, unfortunately, all public clinics faced many challenges due to the political divisions unqualified . people are putting to senior positions in the ministries and are unable to make the necessary decision to provide the clinics with the medication needed to treat the patient. on consistent basis, libya has africa's largest reserves of crude oil and should be a prosperous country. people here hope it's instability can be overcome. so future generations won't face the same hardships malik trina, ultra 0 sorta the world's governing football body. first at its broker deal to allow football fans from israel and palestine to travel together to the well cup fee for says the agreement without direct charter flights between israel and cat hart. during the tournament, it's reported at least $8000.00 to palestinians, and nearly $4000.00 israelis have higher cause. that's a fan idea that allows ticket holders to enter the host nation and it's stadiums. qatar and israel do not have it. formal diplomatic ties. like a tie official to local media that allowing the flight does not alter the conscious broader stance on the israeli palestinian conflict. i might think growing grass in the gulf is a tough ask. what organizes of cat are 2022 will deliver some of the best football pitches in well come history. it's all part of trying to deliver a cabinet neutral torment. and i guess she, raska has more. it's early morning in cattle. but the work, the world cup, turf and tree nursery, is reaching fever pitch. there's grass to be cut and watered and tough to be delivered to the stadiums. what we did here were just like a grab a piece of land from the desert and were converted to this beautiful, a land full of for trees and the grass. got those breakfast for the gross by the way. because the glass need sun, her needs air, water needs for sizes, and we can rent all of this here. the turf is cut into long lengths. first is then carefully rolled up on to a tractor wrapped in mesh. and finally, the precious bundles placed carefully on the back of a truck to be moved to the stadium. the t me have the process so well rehearsed. they said a record for the fastest turf laying of a football pitch by completing it in just 6 hours and 4 to one minute. put just like the 1st mid least world cup. the grass here is unique. having to stand up to more boots and cold temperatures over a short period with matches held over $29.00 days in just 8 stadiums. with our design, new design of the stadiums. it's more compacted and higher. so we had the challenge that with this air conditioned the stadiums. so it's cooler than usual by generating a new, a kind of gus that can survive during the summer and the winter. and would the extensive a schedule of games we get an ot which species is gonna walk more for the walk up? it's not just tough that they're growing here at this nursery. there's also all of these trees. some of them have been saved from sites around cats are, while others have been donated by members of the community. this is the place that we saved all the trees from all on the doha. some of the trees are very old yet. that's more than 50 years old, actually for in some area or some of these, we know even how much we bought it or how much the person who did it for us or how much he paid for. so i am one of the so that so one of their guys, he was a kid that is good. he donated like his gone for the 3 and he said like my grandfather, he bought it for tauriel in 1970 saw a bit for me. this is like their legacy and the history of the, of the, of the stadiums. an average mature tree absorbs $21.00 kilos of carbon dioxide a year. equivalent of a 170 kilometer journey in a petro car. cat eyes planting more than 5000 of them. they'll absorb greenhouse gases and local pollution as they aim for carbon neutral event.

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