Transcripts For ALJAZ News 20221104 :

Transcripts For ALJAZ News 20221104

a protest march. he says the government is responsible. ah. are there more kyle, this is alex, is there a live from doha also coming up. as when asking, yahoo will be israel's next prime minister with his coalition securing a majority in the canal. the bank of england announces its biggest interest rate, height and decades, warning mucus facing its longest ever recession. some of the walls that most famous, glassy as will disappear by 2050 unesco calls for urgent action to save the rest ah for pakistani prime and the emerald con has been shot at a rally. he's blaming 3 top officials, including prime minister shabba sharif. colin was leading a protest, march advanced snap elections when a gunman opened fire party officials say he was hit in the leg, but his condition is not serious. as i have been javert reports, ah, this is the moment former prime minister, iran han was shot in the leg. chaos broke out after the leader of partisan barrick in south party with the tides. oh, my god, protect him, ron khan, by the grace of god that we are okay. some of our compatriots are wounded and one has been killed. please keep us all in your prayers. are the party leaders were also wounded? police arrested the gunman who reportedly confessed to the attack. he said he wanted to stop on from quote, misleading people. with some politicians demanding revenge. the parties, leadership, called the com, would all organizing shortly in each city and pakistan that we find ourselves in as a mock of our protest. we do not intend to attack any one. we don't have an intent to allow anyone to attack us either, but that's the story for later human hahn was leading the slow moving march to the capitol islamabad from the city of the hor, but 350 kilometers to the south. the convoy helped to force the government to give a power since losing the permission to a new confidence stuart in april hun is insisted he will not stop campaigning until early elections held. the attack is likely to further fuel political unrest. some member of the wrong hands when he has been on the record to calling it to play the march and expressing the apprehension to the march could get naughty and could get out of control him. hon is out of danger. and without providing any proof his party secretary general says home told him to name the alleged attackers being local. i have no doubt 3 people involved in this a pm ship. i sharif interior minister, run us an hour and major general pfizer, our demand it all 3 be removed from their posts. and if they're not removed, then they'll be countrywide protest. protests have already broken out in 7 cities. the prime minister has called for an investigation and condemned to violence. all political leaders, including those little pause him, and hon. have reiterated the condemnation. that's unlikely to bring down political temperature as focus on entered another phase of instability. some of the job is out there earlier this week, im ron called, spoke to al jazeera about the danger he was in. he was defiant, insisting he was willing to die for what he called his freedom struggle. there's always a threat when you as challenging the state school. there's always a threat, but that should not stop you from doing. what is, what i believe is, is a genuine freedom struggle for me. for me, it is better to die rather than to live a life of slaves under the is this important government of drugs? if i have to live under them, i prefer death rather than living under this criminal. well, thank this is now turning to the shooter and whether he was working as part of a group come, all hider has more from his mom about that i have a question mark as to how the lone wolf died. gording to the government that there was only one person and wife was able to make a confession within 15 minutes of that attack. and they m. ron con party calling they scripted, choreographed his former minister said that they were not just one man, that decoy defy, came from an automatic drive for this. and that they may have been more than one or tag. so do their preliminary investigations, but it has certain and need raised eyebrows to how somebody can be taken into custody. and within 15 minutes, the 1st thing and then the radio relief or television station. so big question mark on that box. configurable anger across the country. they've been protest, although focused on there's going to be more protest tomorrow. enron con, um, garage door to the board that day. sure. not a huge while in that day shall remain before, however, angered i have fled, people are engaged and it is a reaction across the country. but the question mark as to whether the, for the loan was all way to have a more accurate involved me jameer is a pakistani political analyst and a friend of him wrong. com. he says he warned him an attack was likely only 3 days ago. i texted him that day, you know, as since he is going out on his long march, he should be reading a bullet proof vest, it should be properly secured. and i know nor again from childhood. i really said miss mighty back. but having said seriousness, this was expected. he himself has been saying for a long time that he was under threat. he's got some names he's already recorded. so really, i don't know whether this was a teaser or whether this was the actual, or you know, the, for the company. but at this present moment in time, the whole country in the state are shock, particularly as close friends with my so we never, we never thought you know that this would happen, but it has and a lot of questions have come up. israel's next prime minister will be benjamin netanyahu, after he secured a majority in the connected, along with his right wing allies. catholic, la peter conceited, and congratulated yahoo! who's already as long as prime minister leader for a total of 15 years over multiple. but it's facing corruption challenges with all the votes now counted the block, led by benjamin netanyahu, and liquid party has secured a majority of 64 seats, and that can asset the outgoing employment. cl, up his blog claimed 51 seats with other parties winning the remaining 5, stephanie decker more for western islam. last year, people thought that perhaps it, and finally the, the end of, of prime minister benjamin netanyahu. i was in tel aviv on the night that he was no longer prime minister. there was massive celebrations and what most people were telling me were saying that it wasn't particularly that, you know, the new prime minister at the time, naturally been. it wasn't about support for him, but it was about the fact that it was time for a change. while netanyahu at the time vowed to bring down the government and vow to return to the prime minister seat. and that seems very much what he has done and he has done it with a vengeance. he's bringing with him the most right wing government. israel has ever seen. he's bringing with him, you know, religious ultra nationalists that have a presence in parliament and he's really connects it a 14 seats. the 3rd largest party. and so is hugely significant in terms of how it's changed the political landscape. and if you will, it depends who you speak to. some people who supported this are say that only benjamin netanyahu can lead the country and say that you know, this ultra nationalists faction that they're not as bad as they seem. but others are extremely concerned. also is really palestinians, palestinian saying that you know, someone like it to mar banga via who is a very controversial figure whose cold for the expulsion of palestinians who cold for the annexation of the west bank was cool for the right for jews to prayer on the alex so mos compound which is hugely, hugely or inflammatory or red line, not just for palestinians, but for the muslim world in general. and so he is going to be someone that more than likely will have a major seat in cabinet. well, not long after netanyahu was declared, the winner air raid sirens went off to warn of incoming rockets near the gaza strip, as well as ami says a rocket was intercepted by a missile defense system, causing an explosion over the south of the says of the country it's the 1st such myths are fired at as well since august. for palestinians have been killed in separate incidents in the occupied west bank. is there any force of kill 2 men and arrayed on the jenin refugee camp? 4 others were wounded including an 8 year old child. earlier in the day, one man was shot dead by israeli soldiers after a stopping incident in occupied east jerusalem. another was reportedly killed in bate to qu in the west bank. the winds, nuclear watched. oak says it's found no evidence. ukraine is working on a so called dirty bon ukraine. archie, i am to inspect 3 sites in the country. after russia claimed keith could use a bomb containing nuclear material inspector said there were no signs of any undeclared nick jr. activities or materials hurry force, it has more from cave. there were, these can sit and all these continuing allegations coming from russia. they were particularly concerted towards the beginning of last week that ukraine did intend to create some kind of dirty bomb on its territory, use it and then blame russia. so the i. e, a inspectors were called in at the beckoning of the ukrainian or thirties. and as you say, they have now so that there is no indication that had of any of the sites that they inspected. there were any undeclared nuclear activities going on. they've also taken samples. and so those off for analysis, i mean for us it was whole both that this and other are from craig ah, and her to prove it again. so we ask thee a ah, his spectrum to come to verify this information will of course we, we are sure that, and that's, that's only on the fake. and there is another important eucharist issue ongoing. at the moment ukraine says that diesel generators are being used to cool the currently shut downs up richer nuclear power plant. 6 reactors, making it the biggest nuclear power plant in europe or ukraine says that the power lines that connect it to the ukrainian electricity grid was severed by russian shelling late on wednesday of the russian nuclear energy company says that ukraine d energized those lines. european union has pledged 1000000000 euros for west and balkan countries to help them tackle the energy crisis, sparked by the war in ukraine. even path pavlovitch has more from berlin. the reason of the rest of balkans is important, especially the time of russia aggression against ukraine. this was emphasized by german chancellor sauls. he says that the defense of common values and freedom is crucial. that's why bolt, berlin and brussels promised rewards for the western bolcom. the head of the europe and commission also from the lion, announced an energy package worth 1000000000 euros for western bulk them in order to overcome the energy crisis. also, there is a 30000000000 euros to fade from european union for the creation of a common market. it should be a move forward on iraq. and in return, the expectation like those from serbia, that it clearly defines itself towards russia and allies, its policy with one of europe in the union. also the know what normalization of relations between serbian cost always expected. the act of signing the agreement on the border crossing with identity cause is that a 4th consider as a historic step and the credits that for death goals to german diplomacy, which wants to give a new momentum to the billing process that i had had on out there on mining giant glen court, find hundreds of millions of dollars over bribes paid to officials in africa. i'm in evelyn shut down unauthorized chinese police stations, reportedly being used to follow on just to them the anticipation is rising. and so when you're ready with lots of my cattle aways, well, it was windy and briefly wet in hong kong as the remains of the gay span up. but it's now dissolving as a storm. so it's just left a legacy of good data cloud and some heavy outbreaks of rain. but the ne monsoon as the following in and it's taiwan is the focus of the heaviest. ambles, i suspect touches come down in most to china now in the korean clinton and in japan to come down fairly rapidly empty, sold 11 degrees. i took you at $21.00, so it's gonna come down a bit more suspect about how we get to saturday. but the real cold is still being held a long way north. there's no real snow on the forecast and do lamp or $1003.00 degrees, hong kong where it should be at $25.00, still go in the shower potential. the red wet weather is to the south of that. in malazan power, borneo in the far south of thailand, viet nam, sue marshall. it's particularly when the western side of java, likewise, is even potential of something windy up into tropical depression or tropical storm . in the indian ocean and the northeast want soon as it cuts in across the bay, bengal means that this side of india will get wet, been very wet in general, but that rains ease. but in tamil nadu carolyn was for lanka. it's light speed very well. the next day or so, whereas most places to the north are dry. the weather sponsored by cat on a ways in the light of the open sea, hides the dark secret men forth to work without pay inflate for years. but a glimmer of hope remain for the forgotten fisherman. as a group of activist of deep into the legal fishing industry, demanding justice and freedom. go sleet, a witness documentary on al jazeera. ah, the me reminder about top stories us our full package on the prime minister. iran con, been shot as a rally defaming 3 top officials including prime minister ship sharif with the engine in the next. but his condition is not serious as well. the next 5 minutes there will be benjamin netanyahu off the he secured a majority in the connected along with his right wing eyes. and now he's got 160 for the 120 on the on the you and see if there was talk says it's found no evidence . ukraine is working on the circle. does he bomb it comes after russia claimed keith could use a bomb containing nuclear material. the united kingdom central bank has height interest rates by the largest amount since 1989. the bank of england increase the rate from 2.25 percent to 3 percent in attempt to control inflation. charlie angela has more from london as predicted. the bank of england has raised rates by point 75 percent to 3 percent after the vote by the monetary policy unit, which was not unanimous. that's the same rate rise chosen by the u. s. federal reserve and the european central bank last week is the highest rate rise in this country since 1989. and the last time we had a 3 percent interest rate was in 2008. during the financial crisis. the bank also releases economic full costs saying that britain is already in a shallow recession, which could continue until mid to 2024. and one. it's not the deepest downturn. it could be the longest. it's records began in the 1920. as the governor of the bank country, bailey explained, the economy has suffered a huge shock. if we do not falsely now, it would be worse later on. and as the forecast we're publishing today shows is a tough road ahead. the sharp increase in energy prices caused by russia's invasion of ukraine is made as poor as a nation. he went on to explain that the bank job is to bring down inflation because low inflation is the bedrock of a stable economy. and this country currently runs a 10 point one percent the highest in 40 years. the bank is trying to bring it down to 2 percent, which they hope to do with interest rate rises in the next 2 to 3 years. but this is the 8 rate hike in a row, and while that might be welcome use for those few who saved cash and banks is going to be very worrying news for those mortgages and credit card debt. at the time when many families already trying to choose between whether or not to heat the home or fill that cause with fuel. both of those a u. k. court has find one of the world's largest mining companies, can call then cool pleaded guilty to 7 counts of bribery and june. will now have to pay $310000000.00. re challenge reports. to allah, a busy coastal city and camera room, the fuel tanks belonged to sonora, the country's national refiner. and one of several african companies, glenn cor, admitted to bribing for preferential access to oil money that could have been better spent. glen cargo, glenn, who is a big corrupt the fam, recognize this, they said we confess that we corrupted people in coming room into the company s and hate on sanara. we paid around $10600000.00 us dollars in bribes. that's money that didn't reach the state coffers for our development. so we can have water, electricity, roads, and health care for us and our children. there were other companies like sonora and other countries, like cameroon. in equitorial, guinea, ivory coast nigeria and south seed on the behavior with similar prosecutors at southern crown court in london. said glen, cause you k, subsidiary paid middleman to fly cache and private jets across africa to bribe officials, blank, or pleaded guilty to 7 charges and was ordered to pay $310000000.00. this is the largest criminal penalty ever handed down after conviction. this is also the largest complication, and this is the 1st time that a corporate has been prosecuted under section one of the u. k. bribery. that essentially means that they weren't just guilty of failing to prevent driver if you will, but actively authorizing drivers, the company and its lawyers are apologizing, plan, montgomery, one of blanco's legal representatives in court, said that the company's behavior was inexcusable. that it had no place in glen called bob, that these practices did not happen in any form in glen cove companies to day. but this case isn't the last of glen cause legal problems. it's set aside $1500000000.00 to settle a series of global investigations, including about $1100000000.00. the us authorities, rory, talents, out as era london. and netherland has close to unregistered chinese government missions on that soil. and civil rights group says it's found these missions which operate of police stations and more than 30 countries. sebastian reports from ross of them. it doesn't look anything like a police station, but this flat and rotterdam is on a chinese list of overseas missions use for counselor activities like extending passports and drivers licenses, but also to do police work, extending home chinese nationals accused of committing crimes. but it goes further than that, according to a spanish civil rights group, which as it has evidence that these stations also spy on dissidence and intimidate them. threats and harassment, the family dissension of family members covers agent or the kind of patient being involved in tracking people directly wherever they are around the world. activist, one going to sasa person claiming to work at an overseas police station in rotterdam, contacted him earlier this year. i saw his fall charges over the service and he asked me, go to look at them immediately. and he asked me thinking with my parents, and i also asked me to go back to child solving my problem. one who says he's wanted in china for political activities as he broke off the contact after you felt threatened al jazeera can't independently verify his claims. the dutch foreign minister has ordered the chinese ambassador to close the undeclared console of stations since he did not apply for an official license. but china denies the service centers are illegal, police stations. walker goes with the congee woman. what i can tell you is that according to what we know, the institutions you mention are not police stations, or at least service centers, where activities are made to assist local chinese citizens, really to renew an expired driving license, is online and provide helicopter services will mean this address is one of 30 listed by a chinese website as one of food shows overseas police stations. but when we spoke to the daughter of the man accused of running it, she denies any counsellor activities are taking place. and she says there's certainly no intimidation or harassment coming from this apartment. i just want to say, no, it's are true. i don't know what people are talking about. and i feel very offended because this like happening. our private life is lay. we don't know what to do because we can, i don't know what to say because only the some 1st thing for me and for my family as well. in the u. k. the government also takes the reports very seriously. and they started an investigation. protection of people in the united kingdom as the of the utmost importance and any attempt to legally repatriate any individual will not be tolerated. government investigators will now have to find evidence if this is what has been happening at what china calls it. overseas server centers steadfast and al jazeera in rotterdam, unesco says, some of the world's most famous glasses will vanish by 2050, regardless of global temperature rise, and its urging leaders to act fast to save the rest. un agencies report shows that one 3rd of class is at 50 world heritage sites are condemned to disappear, including those in yellowstone and kilimanjaro national parks. the glasses are losing 58000000000 tons of ice every year. that's the combined annual water use of france and spain and melting glasses are responsible for nearly 5 percent of the global sea rise. mark houghton is a climate change expert to the estrella national university. he says, glass will melt, is speeding up the planets fresh water crisis. when, when a glassy melts, what you see is an immediate increase in water availability downstream. and so it gives a false sense of security to people. they think there's plenty of water, but once they close the mills, you have less and less water during the summer period when typically that melt occurs. and that means that things like irrigation, downstream or supply of water facilities, is going to be interrupted. and so less water in the longer term, even though we may get a little bit more water in the short term, that that water in the short term can also cause di, seal likes to disrupt. so often these likes are formed by the rocky debris, the sort of rocks left by glacial melt previously. and so they form dams, and sometimes those dams can break and you get catastrophic flooding. and we've seen a couple of instances of that lightly where we get really big damage downstream. so, and obviously that water has to go some way it ends up in our oceans and that's what, why we're getting sea level rise. and part of that sea level rise is due to places in those world heritage areas and everywhere else as well. melting bustios is about 4.5 millimeters and, and that's quite scary. and so when we look at how that propagates out into the future, we see really significant threats for. ready low lying islands and low line areas such as in bangladesh or other parts of the world. and. and so there's multiple contributions to that. so glassy is the one contributes to that breakdown of ice sheets like on greenland or another. and that also expansion of the ocean, as it warms up, is also a contributor. when we add all of these up, we actually ending up with quite scary scenarios. at a low level, perhaps a half a meter, let's say level rise by the end of this century, and a high level and meter, or possibly more by the end of this century. ah, this is 16 days before the fif wold cupcakes often cast all the new attractions for fans are opening up across the country between gay somebody has more from the sale . when they, 1st of all is to mark the official opening albany sale boulevard, which is a significant lamar when it comes to the hassle with at the end of this. now, pedestrian, i don't is lisa l. stadium and not where the world final go be held organized to say this event, you're going to be a 10 for free. we say lot to find the ready and then you national hit. and while all of them for about looking forward to the fact that they'll be able to see some of the world's best bowlers. hm. he's off the pit. there is a battle of the brand that is heating up 2. ah, the beauty bob, be the germans gates, then i didn't traditionally be the reigning champion when he comes to football. grande doc for the 3rd consecutive will, comp, american sports where company nike is sponsoring more shirts than it's right. it's secure deals with 13 of the $32.00 national teams in the tournament, including favorites, brazil. how the death is design shirts. i'm the 71 is mexico's away shirt. inspired by a mythical private serpent, home casing corporate elements that popular japanese comics. brenda experts say companies are under a lot of commercial pressure to produce a shirt that sells well. companies were all looking for a standard design. that's something that's attractive. it gets a lot of notice on primarily that the fans move by. the main objective is to get as many rep with the sales a relatively short period of the time. not all designs have been well received. the front of switzerland shirt designed by german for pima has been likened to a q r code and added official for algeria has an good morocco. it says the geometric blue tail and yellow design is common in moroccan mosaics, and amounts to cultural appropriation. the situation is really bad and if it's not really, i mean it's, yeah, it's something that happens when you have national in germany. designing shirts for a culture. familiar with tension between countries will be high on the pitch of the battle of the brand is its own high stakes. the 1st one of the biggest groups of support is expected to arrive here in class or in the coming weeks is the one from mexico, an estimated 80000 mexican fan and on hand to help them with everything from where to go to what to say is one of the dedicated fan leaders, i provide the funds to make the compliance information cronsa bring kwame daylight to us and gone. they think that they can do it that way. they can read their requirements to enter and enter the country. but i also organize events for mexican plants coming to the work of doing the work problem course. and i cultural activations want engagement, communicate, engagement, and a lot of fun things organize. i say there's more than 400 fan leaders for more than 3 countries. engage with ban and help them get the most out of that time.

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Serbia , Jerusalem , Israel General , Israel , Taiwan , Greenland , United States , Hong Kong , United Kingdom , West Bank , Tel Aviv , Brazil , China , Russia , Ukraine , Gaza Strip , Mexico , India , Nigeria , Netherlands , Morocco , Guinea , Switzerland , Spain , , Doha , Ad Daw Ah , Qatar , Japan , Algeria , Iran , Islamabad , Pakistan , Brussels , Bruxelles Capitale , Belgium , London , City Of , Germany , Bangladesh , Iraq , Thailand , Cameroon , Jenin , West Bank General , Berlin , Chinese , Mexican , Russian , Moroccan , Germans , Pakistani , Britain , Spanish , Ukrainian , Dutch , German , Serbian , Israeli , Palestinian , Japanese , American , April Hun , Stephanie Decker , Nick Jr , Houghton Isa , Viet Nam , Glen Cove , Benjamin Netanyahu , Ron Khan , Nadu Carolyn , Al Jazeera , Indian Ocean , Amar Banga ,

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