Transcripts For ALJAZ News 20221101 :

Transcripts For ALJAZ News 20221101

russia says it's unacceptable for ships carrying grain to pass through a black sea corridor and won't guarantee their safety. and missile strikes across ukraine leave hundreds of thousands of people without power or running water. ah, them nora. kyle, this is al jazeera live from doha. also coming up a warning for oil companies from the u. s. president. lower prices all pay higher taxes and will be live in the philippines were over a $100.00 people, a dead and hundreds of 1000 displaced auto tropical storm mulky. ah, russia says is unacceptable for ships carrying grain to pastor a black sea corridor and won't guarantee the safety of the vessels. it comes days after moscow suspended potter's paste in a turkish and you and broke a deal. but 12 ships loaded with more than 350000 tons of grain still left 2 queens black seaports on monday the most moved and a single day since july or the mask as to james bay's reports. for more than 3 months, this corridor through the black sea has been a humanitarian lifeline. the un says about 9000000 tons of grain has been transported and it says, despite russia suspending its participation after the cranium drone attack on its fleet, the scheme will continue. they have suspended, they haven't withdrawn, they have suspended, and they haven't terminated. and the difference is the difference is very, very simple. the difference is that as parties to that lexie grain initiative, they are still bound by it. but russia's defense ministry issued a statement saying the fact that the grain cargo ships was still using the black sea root was unacceptable that followed these comments and rushes ambassador to the un. you receive the roman name or to the russian side cannot guarantee the safety of civilian vessels participating in the black sea initiative. me more of the listing is pretty good. we cannot allow an unimpeded passage of vessels without our inspection, and we will have to undertake our own measures to control what was allowed by the joint coordination center. without our consent. we will provide details in our conclusions and our approaches to this in the very near future versus 3rd big problems ahead for the un. how will insurance companies react? and what we're shipping firms do, if premiums skyrocket, it's also worth noting that the deal is only supposed to last until the 18th of november. will russia now agree to extend it? james bay's ouch is era at the united nations was get more now on the impacts of russia decision. russell further is in a stumble. here is the killer district office stumble where blacks him, it's a both for us right behind me. there are tons of west anchored here waiting to be inspected by the joint coordination center and it's tumble. and this is just a small portion of the west of and could around a stumble in total $97.00 loaded west of and 15, inbound west have registered to be inspected by the coordination center. and according to the information that this coordination center has just provided. $809.00 more of them have lied to be reduced at for the for the inspection. on monday, turkish and the united nations, more than 400 ships have passed it through the bush forest carrion, 9300000 tons of the ukrainian grain to the international market. this number seems quite big, but just before the war, the number of ships care carrying ukrainian grain passing the boss for us were double off off of this, this number. so lexie is quite a critical region. it accounts roughly around 30 percent off the global green trade and also more than 17 percent of the corn export globally. russia is number one green export in the world, and ukraine is ranked 5th, and majority of this trade is happening to black. so any, so any, any disruption in the black sea could further detail create the global food crisis, which out than as opposed to political consultant. and for the us state department official, he says the balance of power in the black sea is weighted against russia. russia, like all the players in this conflict, has an important domestic constituency to signal to. and it's been a bad month or 2 for the domestic constituency in russia, with regards to the russian results on the battlefield, especially with regards to the naval aspect of it. it's interesting to hear russia say that it cannot guarantee the safety of civilian vessels on the black sea when it's become increasingly clear that they cannot guarantee the safety of their own vessels on the black sea. the attack last week. and another one over the weekend of may unmanned naval vehicle surface vehicles, as well as unmanned aerial vehicles against russian ships, has shown that the balance of power in the black sea does not favor russia. now in the same way that it did, perhaps when this 1st deal was i contemplated. ready so russia might have had sort of the veto power over anything that moves in the black sea 6 months ago. they don't have that now. and so i interpret the statements from moscow as more signaling to the domestic audience that looked like we still really can control the flow of grain. when the truth is they might be able to hit some ships coming out. they have a lot to lose if they do that. but i think it's, it should be understood in the, in terms of the need both the signal or domestic audience and the slipping control over naval activity in the black sea that they actually have. if the russians want to sink civilian ships with drain, they'll do that and they can sink some of the can't sink all of them. but they would lose as well. there's a number of reasons that this makes bad sense for russia to do it. they can't do it completely and they would be shooting themselves in the foot to do so because their own grain exports would be affected, as would their very thin level of international legitimacy, the joint coordination center that you referenced earlier in the report, for instance, is one of the few examples of where russia is cooperating with the international community, the western nations, and also the receivers of this grain to do something that's, that's viewed as legitimate international activity. russian president vladimir putin has warned that he can do more after a series of miss aw, android attacks and ukraine. the strikes attacked critical infrastructure leaving 10 cities intensities, leaving many people without power and running water. fusion says it was a response to a drone attack on russia's black sea fleet and crimea on saturday. i force that report from keith to the 3rd, tell him this month. this was how a monday morning began for the people of keith. miss are striking north of ukraine's capital hurd across the city. again, russia was targeting energy infrastructure, was this video pixilated location said to shown electricity work and being rescued from the rubble of an office building. the area north of give contains important infrastructure including the reservoir and the hydro electric power station are operating under ukrainian military restriction. so there are limitations on what we can and can't film. we can show you the precise location of the strikes, but we can say that one of the targets was a piece of energy infrastructure north of cave. and the impact is being widely felt . this building is close to one glass site. soldiers prevented us from showing it fully in a shelf in a nearby residential area. katerina is making do. she says the power went out with the last loud blast, shortly after 9 am carson with the curse because it was quite scary. but given that we live through all of it in the 1st days of the war, it wasn't too bad. it's come down, but it's not ideal without direct tricity. others tell us they had 10 explosions in all 4 close by and powerful. shaking all calls, shaking, and we don't have no electricity, no water, no new, and no one use yes, no entry and use because their energy and internet in another neighbourhood, the initial shock of the explosions turning to quiet resolve. for now, at least this is the sole water supply. alexi is taking back a bottle for himself and one for a friend who's had a stroke. like so many, he's bracing for a winter war on civilian infrastructure. the route will hold on. we can't influence britain, america can't influence it. we just have to stay positive. the russian defense ministry released these images of the miss. i launches declaring the latest strikes of success wherever. when the armed forces of the russian federation continued strikes with long range, high precision air, and sea based weapons against the military command and energy systems of ukraine, the goals of the strikes were achieved or designated targets were hit. ukraine said its air defenses shut down. $45.00 more than 50 cruise missiles launched. the front lines may be to the south and east, but this monday, another reminder that this entire nation is at war or force if our 0 be sure road north of kill us present. joe biden has told oil and gas companies to lower energy and petrol prices. full americans all face a higher tax rate on their record. profits biden has been threatening a windfall tax against oil. johns and the lead up to mid term elections. he says many firms have been profiteering from the war in ukraine, calling the earnings outrageous. us rival chevron, an exxon mobil have been report, have reported profits in the range of $70000000000.00 so far this year. and 21 they took in around 25000000000. gimme a break. enough is enough. look, i'm a capitalist. you've heard me say this before. i've no problem, corporations turn to a fair profit, get in return on their investment and innovation. but this is my remotely what's happening. all companies record profit today or not, because to doing something new or innovative, their profits are a windfall of war windfall from the conflict as reverend g. ukraine, and hurting tens of millions of people around the globe. you know, at a time of war and he come to receiving a storage one pro proper like this has a responsibility to act beyond the narrow self interest of its executive shareholders. while the jordan is in washington, d. c was what else abide and say and why now? well, it's 8 days before the u. s. midterm elections, which will determine the control of congress. and certainly, republicans have been able to make inroads with voters this year because of the surge in energy prices, particularly in the cost of automotive fuel. after the invasion of val ukraine by russia valve, the price of gasoline has fallen by about a dollar 2325 cents a cents midsummer. and that's because the biden administration put on the market to billions of a, sorry, millions of barrels of oil from the strategic petroleum reserve and also be said, see a bit of a drop in demand. and so that helped ease prices as well. but because the buy that ministration knows that americans look at the price of gasoline as a harbinger of how they're doing overall economically. this was a moment for the president to come out on monday and to say to voters that he is still working this problem. now, democratic go politicians on capitol hill have suggested taxing of the companies who are don't share enough of their profits with consumers. but so far that legislation hasn't picked up much traction. and because congress won't be back up for until the later part of november, it's unlikely that you'll see any positive movement on that legislation before the end of this year in by, than i said that other restrictions might be placing. what could he actually do here? while there isn't much beyond actually changing the tax code, and that's where the appeal to legislators to look at, trying to recover some of those billions of dollars and redistribute that money to usaa taxpayers. that is certainly something that some voters would approve of. and certainly those in the president's party would approve of as well. but certainly almost as soon as the president was finished, making his remarks on monday, lobby groups representing the energy industry. all came out and said that such a windfall tax would be unworkable. they say it would get in the way of their company's efforts to find new sources of oil and natural gas. they say would get in their way of their efforts to try to expand and refinery capacity, which has been a real problem in the united states for the past 25 years or so. busy of something that could, if sensually put more fuel on the market, and they say that it would stop by innovation. a certainly the one thing that didn't, wasn't said by these companies is that the people who invest the way in with them would be very unhappy because they wouldn't be getting as much in dividends or other distributions if this tax were to take effect. ross, thanks very much, was in children reporting that from washington. cilla has her on out as aaron. i'm reynolds outside the yard, lo canyon nuclear power plant in california with a report on how new forms of nuclear power the revolutionize the industry. the election that was caused by the mass killing, all that minx, a tight vote is expected in denmark. ah, anticipation is rising. and so is the atmosphere. are you ready for the way spotted my cattle aways. callo we have yet more right in the forecast of the philippines are to go through the next couple days more that in a moment at present, some wet weather, some bluster, weather some when she went to the far northeast of china, further south this so little where the front here that just runs back up to was now again, remember now gay has the storm that passed through the philippines a few days ago that will run up towards the far south and southeast of china by that front that extends back into the open waters. drawing that moisture back towards tie one through the taiwan strait towards hong kong. what have you shout, blustery spells of wet weather coming through here, then lottie dry by their state into a good part of japan. we have got a little bit of weather in to northern areas of china, but nothing too much to speak of by a large is fine and try now into the philippines. and here we go with now. yes, you can see into the open waters of the south china sea. redeveloping may become a typhoon for a brief period as we go through the next 24 to 36000 little weaken slightly. she makes us wait was high. nan island coming in behind his and next system. not a particularly powerful one, but something of a rainmaker. nevertheless, of course the crowd is already saturated into those eastern parts of the philippines. it will make its went though central areas around wednesday and thursday with risk of further floods. the weather sponsored by it's all day away. every 3 days, a woman is kinda in the murder of women and unprecedented levels of domestic violence have shopped easily to the call. the violence is more violent, violent men are younger. why does it keep happening? and what can be done to stop it? this is not deprived, i want my daughter and all the daughters to pay. that's not the country i want to witness. pharmacy to you for me is very simply the question of power on al jazeera . ah ah, no, again, you're watching out there. his reminder of our top stories this hour, russia says it's unacceptable for ships carrying grain to pass through a black sea corridor, and it won't guarantee the safety of the vessels. moscow suspended participation in a turkish and un bro could deal ross as president vladimir putin has warned that he can do more after a series of missile android attacks in ukraine. the asterix had critical infrastructure and 10 cities, leaving many people without power and running. on the u. s. president joe biden has told oil and gas companies to lower energy and petrol prices for americans will face a higher tax rate on their record profits. experts, they nuclear energy is good to become a big player. once again, as consumers look for alternatives to storing energy costs, it's had a controversial past with disasters and should noble on fukushima, but new innovation in the field look set to give nuclear an image may cova reynolds reports. this is diablo canyon, the last functioning nuclear power plant in california, though, scheduled to shut down in 2025. the state recently extended its operations by up to 5 more years global energy disruptions caused by russia's war and ukraine. ant sky, high fuel prices mean aging nuclear plants are getting a new lease on life. i think it's, you know, one of these elements that just add up to the, the, the, the pressure to see if, if we can continue operating these countries including germany, japan and the u. k. plan to keep on running plants that had been scheduled to close . even as traditional plants like this one are having their life spans extended all around the world. a new type of nuclear power plant is on the horizon one that may change the industry forever. they're called small modular reactors or s m r's for short. i think small, marcelo reactor technology is really going to be a game changer for a nuclear going forward. is some, ours are smaller and cheaper. they can be built in factories and delivered to where they're needed. so you could have some really remote locations that just need a little bit of power. that can be a blue for countries struggling to cut fossil fuel emissions. everybody's really having a look at a small marcela reactors as part of their energy equation. some scientists say s m r's are safer than traditional reactors because they don't need externally powered pumps. to replenish the water supply used to keep fuel rods from overheating. the reactor is, are, are, are actually immersed in a big pool of water and at pool is sufficient to cool off the reactors. there is no power requirement to safely shut down these reactors so no meltdown. no, still other scientists say as seymour's lack of a robust containment system, like the giant, concrete domes on conventional plants could present a danger. but u. s. regulators have already approved one companies, s m r design with more than 70 commercial s m. r designs on the drawing board world wide experts say the 1st s m, ours will be operational sometime in the next decade. rob reynolds, al, jazeera san luis obispo, california. for that i am present jap. all sorrow has still not public. he conceded sundays election. he lost the left is full and presently let his silva by just over one percent. as anyone reports from sao paolo, ah, each story come back of the former mental worker who became one of the world's most influential progressive leaders is a game changer. especially for brazil, latin america's largest economy, who recourse should i consider myself to be a candidate who's had a process of reconstruction and brazilian politics. because my rivals tried to bury me alive. and here i am here to govern the country from a very difficult situation. among those difficulties, the acceptance of his narrow electoral victory truck drivers who support far right wing president jade bull sonata are blocking highways in at least 11 south and southeastern state. they are showing their defiance of the election outcome. oh my didn't a scene about brazil's, like the next environmental minister says, this is also not a version of the capital takeover in washington. leaders of both houses of brazil's congress have congratulated lula, but in an unprecedented move. president bull sonata is so far, refusing to concede defeat, or even speak publicly, and that could fan more calls from his supporters from military intervention. you some, i'll put out. this is a fraud, and if the people have to call in the army, the army must intervene. communism will not be allowed in brazil. my contrast lula has received scores of congratulatory messages, including one from us president joe biden, who described the election as free, fair and credible, noted the scene of as wasting no time quitting brazil back on the international map, starting with his own region latin america. a short while ago, alberto fernandez the president of argentina, which is the 2nd largest country in latin america, arrived here to meet with lula. and they are going to make a very important announcement. and that is the return of brazil to so lack that is the regional organization that was created by lula when he 1st president, along with the former president of the new whaler, will charge is but most so now to withdrew brazil from that forum. now brazil is going to be again, taking a leadership role. yeah, but 1st lula will have to put his own house in order to begin to heal the wounds from a political battle for the hearts and minds of brazilians. which has divided this country as never before. we see in human al jazeera cell power search and rescue teams in the philippines are still looking for bodies. after tropical storm naggie, at least $101.00, people have died more than half the fatalities, but from flash floods and landslides. dozens of still missing more than 2000000 people have been affected across the country. with 800000 displaced. below reports from cushion in the southern philippines. we are in the village of crucial in the province of mac into now deal north, and this is considered ground 0 off the disaster on friday. just before a tropical storm nog, you made land ball. in the northern philippines, there were torrential rains here and those rains triggered a flash flood. but it was not the flash flood that residence here saved her driver's save that they were unprepared for. it was the last slide that really caught them by surprise because they never experienced a landslide here. so as you can see, it's all mud. now, the entire village has been wiped out. this is not just damaged. this is an entire village that's been flattened. there are remnants here of life tin roofs. there's a have buried car over there. there have buried houses over there. and search and retrieval workers have been able to dig out more than 20 bodies here . but there are more missing. they say they cannot guarantee how many more are missing officially at this point. there are 4 missing people from this village, but they said it could be more because the survivors say that many villagers rushed to the chapel. but the chapel is nowhere to be seen. right now, but search and rescue workers retrieval workers say it's very difficult at this point to find bodies because it's so huge. she says 3 hector's, the land there used to be 200 houses, houses here. it's all, it's become a very difficult operation. now we were able to attend a mass bureau earlier today where 12 bodies were buried. and we saw just how heartbreaking it was for the survivors to bear will, to their relatives in this way. and the death hole is rising nationwide as well as the number of missing people. 9 people have been arrested in connection with the pedestrian bridge collapse and western india at least a 141. people died when the structure came apart on sunday, just days after renovation were completed, as arrested rules are associated with the company that maintains the bridge that being investigated for culpable homicide trials are under way and a wrong 100. the people charged during ongoing anti government protests, officials of issued new warnings to people thinking about joining the demonstrations. those of jabari has the latest from tower on more warnings from high ranking officials in iran for protesters, thinking about going out onto the streets this time from the head of the countries judiciary column. hussein edge are you who urged people to be careful. and he said that those who intend to confront the establishment in order to topple it and have connections to foreign entities will be punished based on legal principles. his comments come, as we've also been hearing from the head of the judiciary from tehran province, who said that another, as 700 indictments have been issued. so in total, just over a 1000, people are going to be facing charges in court. we understand that some of those charges include sabotaged destroying public property murder, inciting unrest, and $300.00 over $300.00 of those. people have now been in court since saturday. this seems to come at a time when we are seeing the demonstrations really focus in specific areas in the country. and there is a sense that the officials here are reaching their last straw when it comes to tolerating any kind of unrest that is continuing for the 7th week in this country. officials from armenia and as or by john, have met in russia to try to resolve a territorial dispute. so i'm, it comes a months off the worst classes between the neighbors since the war in 2020. so i'm calling to report some sort she where the meeting took place. armina and as i be, john have agreed to refrain from the use of force according to a joint statement issued at the end of the trilateral, summoned held here in such he between russia armenia and as a beach on the final statement of the trilateral summit has also stressed on the importance of the work of the peacekeeping unit, the russian peacekeeping unit that is currently operating in the disputed areas between add media and us. that'd be john. but there was no mention of the caliber region. at the end of the summit, the russian president vladimir putin said that there has been elements that hasn't been settled and thus we're left out of the final statement. also by the end of the a trailer trail summit, all 3 countries have says that they will continue working together in order to reach a lasting peace agreement between armenia and as that'd be john also dasha has confirmed that it is fully ready to present maps from the soviet era that could help in the demarkation of the borders between armenia and as i'd be john coaches in denmark are headed to the polls on tuesday. opinion polls show is unlikely the 2 main political blocks will get the majority needed to govern. asana barrow has more from copico. copenhagen. this is an historic election with a record number of political parties voting for a bigger se. in the parliament, 50 percent of the voters have not decided yet. which party they're going to vote for raising concerns about the potential over parliament, which is likely going to be the most fragmented parliament in the modern history of the country. this is an election mainly about inflation, wising, living costs, economic hardship, and also climate change. and there is a growing consensus in denmark that regardless of who's going to win the elections, the country will continue to clamp down on immigration. prime minister fredrickson is hoping to be able to maintain her lead.

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Moscow , Moskva , Russia , Taiwan , Japan , Doha , Ad Daw Ah , Qatar , Philippines , Dasha , Zhejiang , China , United States , United Kingdom , Hong Kong , Copenhagen , Køavn , Denmark , Armenia , Iran , Argentina , Washington , Brazil , California , South China Sea , Brunei General , Brunei , Jordan , Ukraine , Diablo Canyon , India , Tehran , Capitol Hill , District Of Columbia , Turkey , Brazilians , Americans , America , Turkish , Russian , Britain , Ukrainian , Brazilian , Soviet , Russian Federation , Russians , Alberto Fernandez , Vladimir Putin , Al Jazeera , Luis Obispo , Joe Biden ,

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Transcripts For ALJAZ News 20221101 :

Transcripts For ALJAZ News 20221101

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russia says it's unacceptable for ships carrying grain to pass through a black sea corridor and won't guarantee their safety. and missile strikes across ukraine leave hundreds of thousands of people without power or running water. ah, them nora. kyle, this is al jazeera live from doha. also coming up a warning for oil companies from the u. s. president. lower prices all pay higher taxes and will be live in the philippines were over a $100.00 people, a dead and hundreds of 1000 displaced auto tropical storm mulky. ah, russia says is unacceptable for ships carrying grain to pastor a black sea corridor and won't guarantee the safety of the vessels. it comes days after moscow suspended potter's paste in a turkish and you and broke a deal. but 12 ships loaded with more than 350000 tons of grain still left 2 queens black seaports on monday the most moved and a single day since july or the mask as to james bay's reports. for more than 3 months, this corridor through the black sea has been a humanitarian lifeline. the un says about 9000000 tons of grain has been transported and it says, despite russia suspending its participation after the cranium drone attack on its fleet, the scheme will continue. they have suspended, they haven't withdrawn, they have suspended, and they haven't terminated. and the difference is the difference is very, very simple. the difference is that as parties to that lexie grain initiative, they are still bound by it. but russia's defense ministry issued a statement saying the fact that the grain cargo ships was still using the black sea root was unacceptable that followed these comments and rushes ambassador to the un. you receive the roman name or to the russian side cannot guarantee the safety of civilian vessels participating in the black sea initiative. me more of the listing is pretty good. we cannot allow an unimpeded passage of vessels without our inspection, and we will have to undertake our own measures to control what was allowed by the joint coordination center. without our consent. we will provide details in our conclusions and our approaches to this in the very near future versus 3rd big problems ahead for the un. how will insurance companies react? and what we're shipping firms do, if premiums skyrocket, it's also worth noting that the deal is only supposed to last until the 18th of november. will russia now agree to extend it? james bay's ouch is era at the united nations was get more now on the impacts of russia decision. russell further is in a stumble. here is the killer district office stumble where blacks him, it's a both for us right behind me. there are tons of west anchored here waiting to be inspected by the joint coordination center and it's tumble. and this is just a small portion of the west of and could around a stumble in total $97.00 loaded west of and 15, inbound west have registered to be inspected by the coordination center. and according to the information that this coordination center has just provided. $809.00 more of them have lied to be reduced at for the for the inspection. on monday, turkish and the united nations, more than 400 ships have passed it through the bush forest carrion, 9300000 tons of the ukrainian grain to the international market. this number seems quite big, but just before the war, the number of ships care carrying ukrainian grain passing the boss for us were double off off of this, this number. so lexie is quite a critical region. it accounts roughly around 30 percent off the global green trade and also more than 17 percent of the corn export globally. russia is number one green export in the world, and ukraine is ranked 5th, and majority of this trade is happening to black. so any, so any, any disruption in the black sea could further detail create the global food crisis, which out than as opposed to political consultant. and for the us state department official, he says the balance of power in the black sea is weighted against russia. russia, like all the players in this conflict, has an important domestic constituency to signal to. and it's been a bad month or 2 for the domestic constituency in russia, with regards to the russian results on the battlefield, especially with regards to the naval aspect of it. it's interesting to hear russia say that it cannot guarantee the safety of civilian vessels on the black sea when it's become increasingly clear that they cannot guarantee the safety of their own vessels on the black sea. the attack last week. and another one over the weekend of may unmanned naval vehicle surface vehicles, as well as unmanned aerial vehicles against russian ships, has shown that the balance of power in the black sea does not favor russia. now in the same way that it did, perhaps when this 1st deal was i contemplated. ready so russia might have had sort of the veto power over anything that moves in the black sea 6 months ago. they don't have that now. and so i interpret the statements from moscow as more signaling to the domestic audience that looked like we still really can control the flow of grain. when the truth is they might be able to hit some ships coming out. they have a lot to lose if they do that. but i think it's, it should be understood in the, in terms of the need both the signal or domestic audience and the slipping control over naval activity in the black sea that they actually have. if the russians want to sink civilian ships with drain, they'll do that and they can sink some of the can't sink all of them. but they would lose as well. there's a number of reasons that this makes bad sense for russia to do it. they can't do it completely and they would be shooting themselves in the foot to do so because their own grain exports would be affected, as would their very thin level of international legitimacy, the joint coordination center that you referenced earlier in the report, for instance, is one of the few examples of where russia is cooperating with the international community, the western nations, and also the receivers of this grain to do something that's, that's viewed as legitimate international activity. russian president vladimir putin has warned that he can do more after a series of miss aw, android attacks and ukraine. the strikes attacked critical infrastructure leaving 10 cities intensities, leaving many people without power and running water. fusion says it was a response to a drone attack on russia's black sea fleet and crimea on saturday. i force that report from keith to the 3rd, tell him this month. this was how a monday morning began for the people of keith. miss are striking north of ukraine's capital hurd across the city. again, russia was targeting energy infrastructure, was this video pixilated location said to shown electricity work and being rescued from the rubble of an office building. the area north of give contains important infrastructure including the reservoir and the hydro electric power station are operating under ukrainian military restriction. so there are limitations on what we can and can't film. we can show you the precise location of the strikes, but we can say that one of the targets was a piece of energy infrastructure north of cave. and the impact is being widely felt . this building is close to one glass site. soldiers prevented us from showing it fully in a shelf in a nearby residential area. katerina is making do. she says the power went out with the last loud blast, shortly after 9 am carson with the curse because it was quite scary. but given that we live through all of it in the 1st days of the war, it wasn't too bad. it's come down, but it's not ideal without direct tricity. others tell us they had 10 explosions in all 4 close by and powerful. shaking all calls, shaking, and we don't have no electricity, no water, no new, and no one use yes, no entry and use because their energy and internet in another neighbourhood, the initial shock of the explosions turning to quiet resolve. for now, at least this is the sole water supply. alexi is taking back a bottle for himself and one for a friend who's had a stroke. like so many, he's bracing for a winter war on civilian infrastructure. the route will hold on. we can't influence britain, america can't influence it. we just have to stay positive. the russian defense ministry released these images of the miss. i launches declaring the latest strikes of success wherever. when the armed forces of the russian federation continued strikes with long range, high precision air, and sea based weapons against the military command and energy systems of ukraine, the goals of the strikes were achieved or designated targets were hit. ukraine said its air defenses shut down. $45.00 more than 50 cruise missiles launched. the front lines may be to the south and east, but this monday, another reminder that this entire nation is at war or force if our 0 be sure road north of kill us present. joe biden has told oil and gas companies to lower energy and petrol prices. full americans all face a higher tax rate on their record. profits biden has been threatening a windfall tax against oil. johns and the lead up to mid term elections. he says many firms have been profiteering from the war in ukraine, calling the earnings outrageous. us rival chevron, an exxon mobil have been report, have reported profits in the range of $70000000000.00 so far this year. and 21 they took in around 25000000000. gimme a break. enough is enough. look, i'm a capitalist. you've heard me say this before. i've no problem, corporations turn to a fair profit, get in return on their investment and innovation. but this is my remotely what's happening. all companies record profit today or not, because to doing something new or innovative, their profits are a windfall of war windfall from the conflict as reverend g. ukraine, and hurting tens of millions of people around the globe. you know, at a time of war and he come to receiving a storage one pro proper like this has a responsibility to act beyond the narrow self interest of its executive shareholders. while the jordan is in washington, d. c was what else abide and say and why now? well, it's 8 days before the u. s. midterm elections, which will determine the control of congress. and certainly, republicans have been able to make inroads with voters this year because of the surge in energy prices, particularly in the cost of automotive fuel. after the invasion of val ukraine by russia valve, the price of gasoline has fallen by about a dollar 2325 cents a cents midsummer. and that's because the biden administration put on the market to billions of a, sorry, millions of barrels of oil from the strategic petroleum reserve and also be said, see a bit of a drop in demand. and so that helped ease prices as well. but because the buy that ministration knows that americans look at the price of gasoline as a harbinger of how they're doing overall economically. this was a moment for the president to come out on monday and to say to voters that he is still working this problem. now, democratic go politicians on capitol hill have suggested taxing of the companies who are don't share enough of their profits with consumers. but so far that legislation hasn't picked up much traction. and because congress won't be back up for until the later part of november, it's unlikely that you'll see any positive movement on that legislation before the end of this year in by, than i said that other restrictions might be placing. what could he actually do here? while there isn't much beyond actually changing the tax code, and that's where the appeal to legislators to look at, trying to recover some of those billions of dollars and redistribute that money to usaa taxpayers. that is certainly something that some voters would approve of. and certainly those in the president's party would approve of as well. but certainly almost as soon as the president was finished, making his remarks on monday, lobby groups representing the energy industry. all came out and said that such a windfall tax would be unworkable. they say it would get in the way of their company's efforts to find new sources of oil and natural gas. they say would get in their way of their efforts to try to expand and refinery capacity, which has been a real problem in the united states for the past 25 years or so. busy of something that could, if sensually put more fuel on the market, and they say that it would stop by innovation. a certainly the one thing that didn't, wasn't said by these companies is that the people who invest the way in with them would be very unhappy because they wouldn't be getting as much in dividends or other distributions if this tax were to take effect. ross, thanks very much, was in children reporting that from washington. cilla has her on out as aaron. i'm reynolds outside the yard, lo canyon nuclear power plant in california with a report on how new forms of nuclear power the revolutionize the industry. the election that was caused by the mass killing, all that minx, a tight vote is expected in denmark. ah, anticipation is rising. and so is the atmosphere. are you ready for the way spotted my cattle aways. callo we have yet more right in the forecast of the philippines are to go through the next couple days more that in a moment at present, some wet weather, some bluster, weather some when she went to the far northeast of china, further south this so little where the front here that just runs back up to was now again, remember now gay has the storm that passed through the philippines a few days ago that will run up towards the far south and southeast of china by that front that extends back into the open waters. drawing that moisture back towards tie one through the taiwan strait towards hong kong. what have you shout, blustery spells of wet weather coming through here, then lottie dry by their state into a good part of japan. we have got a little bit of weather in to northern areas of china, but nothing too much to speak of by a large is fine and try now into the philippines. and here we go with now. yes, you can see into the open waters of the south china sea. redeveloping may become a typhoon for a brief period as we go through the next 24 to 36000 little weaken slightly. she makes us wait was high. nan island coming in behind his and next system. not a particularly powerful one, but something of a rainmaker. nevertheless, of course the crowd is already saturated into those eastern parts of the philippines. it will make its went though central areas around wednesday and thursday with risk of further floods. the weather sponsored by it's all day away. every 3 days, a woman is kinda in the murder of women and unprecedented levels of domestic violence have shopped easily to the call. the violence is more violent, violent men are younger. why does it keep happening? and what can be done to stop it? this is not deprived, i want my daughter and all the daughters to pay. that's not the country i want to witness. pharmacy to you for me is very simply the question of power on al jazeera . ah ah, no, again, you're watching out there. his reminder of our top stories this hour, russia says it's unacceptable for ships carrying grain to pass through a black sea corridor, and it won't guarantee the safety of the vessels. moscow suspended participation in a turkish and un bro could deal ross as president vladimir putin has warned that he can do more after a series of missile android attacks in ukraine. the asterix had critical infrastructure and 10 cities, leaving many people without power and running. on the u. s. president joe biden has told oil and gas companies to lower energy and petrol prices for americans will face a higher tax rate on their record profits. experts, they nuclear energy is good to become a big player. once again, as consumers look for alternatives to storing energy costs, it's had a controversial past with disasters and should noble on fukushima, but new innovation in the field look set to give nuclear an image may cova reynolds reports. this is diablo canyon, the last functioning nuclear power plant in california, though, scheduled to shut down in 2025. the state recently extended its operations by up to 5 more years global energy disruptions caused by russia's war and ukraine. ant sky, high fuel prices mean aging nuclear plants are getting a new lease on life. i think it's, you know, one of these elements that just add up to the, the, the, the pressure to see if, if we can continue operating these countries including germany, japan and the u. k. plan to keep on running plants that had been scheduled to close . even as traditional plants like this one are having their life spans extended all around the world. a new type of nuclear power plant is on the horizon one that may change the industry forever. they're called small modular reactors or s m r's for short. i think small, marcelo reactor technology is really going to be a game changer for a nuclear going forward. is some, ours are smaller and cheaper. they can be built in factories and delivered to where they're needed. so you could have some really remote locations that just need a little bit of power. that can be a blue for countries struggling to cut fossil fuel emissions. everybody's really having a look at a small marcela reactors as part of their energy equation. some scientists say s m r's are safer than traditional reactors because they don't need externally powered pumps. to replenish the water supply used to keep fuel rods from overheating. the reactor is, are, are, are actually immersed in a big pool of water and at pool is sufficient to cool off the reactors. there is no power requirement to safely shut down these reactors so no meltdown. no, still other scientists say as seymour's lack of a robust containment system, like the giant, concrete domes on conventional plants could present a danger. but u. s. regulators have already approved one companies, s m r design with more than 70 commercial s m. r designs on the drawing board world wide experts say the 1st s m, ours will be operational sometime in the next decade. rob reynolds, al, jazeera san luis obispo, california. for that i am present jap. all sorrow has still not public. he conceded sundays election. he lost the left is full and presently let his silva by just over one percent. as anyone reports from sao paolo, ah, each story come back of the former mental worker who became one of the world's most influential progressive leaders is a game changer. especially for brazil, latin america's largest economy, who recourse should i consider myself to be a candidate who's had a process of reconstruction and brazilian politics. because my rivals tried to bury me alive. and here i am here to govern the country from a very difficult situation. among those difficulties, the acceptance of his narrow electoral victory truck drivers who support far right wing president jade bull sonata are blocking highways in at least 11 south and southeastern state. they are showing their defiance of the election outcome. oh my didn't a scene about brazil's, like the next environmental minister says, this is also not a version of the capital takeover in washington. leaders of both houses of brazil's congress have congratulated lula, but in an unprecedented move. president bull sonata is so far, refusing to concede defeat, or even speak publicly, and that could fan more calls from his supporters from military intervention. you some, i'll put out. this is a fraud, and if the people have to call in the army, the army must intervene. communism will not be allowed in brazil. my contrast lula has received scores of congratulatory messages, including one from us president joe biden, who described the election as free, fair and credible, noted the scene of as wasting no time quitting brazil back on the international map, starting with his own region latin america. a short while ago, alberto fernandez the president of argentina, which is the 2nd largest country in latin america, arrived here to meet with lula. and they are going to make a very important announcement. and that is the return of brazil to so lack that is the regional organization that was created by lula when he 1st president, along with the former president of the new whaler, will charge is but most so now to withdrew brazil from that forum. now brazil is going to be again, taking a leadership role. yeah, but 1st lula will have to put his own house in order to begin to heal the wounds from a political battle for the hearts and minds of brazilians. which has divided this country as never before. we see in human al jazeera cell power search and rescue teams in the philippines are still looking for bodies. after tropical storm naggie, at least $101.00, people have died more than half the fatalities, but from flash floods and landslides. dozens of still missing more than 2000000 people have been affected across the country. with 800000 displaced. below reports from cushion in the southern philippines. we are in the village of crucial in the province of mac into now deal north, and this is considered ground 0 off the disaster on friday. just before a tropical storm nog, you made land ball. in the northern philippines, there were torrential rains here and those rains triggered a flash flood. but it was not the flash flood that residence here saved her driver's save that they were unprepared for. it was the last slide that really caught them by surprise because they never experienced a landslide here. so as you can see, it's all mud. now, the entire village has been wiped out. this is not just damaged. this is an entire village that's been flattened. there are remnants here of life tin roofs. there's a have buried car over there. there have buried houses over there. and search and retrieval workers have been able to dig out more than 20 bodies here . but there are more missing. they say they cannot guarantee how many more are missing officially at this point. there are 4 missing people from this village, but they said it could be more because the survivors say that many villagers rushed to the chapel. but the chapel is nowhere to be seen. right now, but search and rescue workers retrieval workers say it's very difficult at this point to find bodies because it's so huge. she says 3 hector's, the land there used to be 200 houses, houses here. it's all, it's become a very difficult operation. now we were able to attend a mass bureau earlier today where 12 bodies were buried. and we saw just how heartbreaking it was for the survivors to bear will, to their relatives in this way. and the death hole is rising nationwide as well as the number of missing people. 9 people have been arrested in connection with the pedestrian bridge collapse and western india at least a 141. people died when the structure came apart on sunday, just days after renovation were completed, as arrested rules are associated with the company that maintains the bridge that being investigated for culpable homicide trials are under way and a wrong 100. the people charged during ongoing anti government protests, officials of issued new warnings to people thinking about joining the demonstrations. those of jabari has the latest from tower on more warnings from high ranking officials in iran for protesters, thinking about going out onto the streets this time from the head of the countries judiciary column. hussein edge are you who urged people to be careful. and he said that those who intend to confront the establishment in order to topple it and have connections to foreign entities will be punished based on legal principles. his comments come, as we've also been hearing from the head of the judiciary from tehran province, who said that another, as 700 indictments have been issued. so in total, just over a 1000, people are going to be facing charges in court. we understand that some of those charges include sabotaged destroying public property murder, inciting unrest, and $300.00 over $300.00 of those. people have now been in court since saturday. this seems to come at a time when we are seeing the demonstrations really focus in specific areas in the country. and there is a sense that the officials here are reaching their last straw when it comes to tolerating any kind of unrest that is continuing for the 7th week in this country. officials from armenia and as or by john, have met in russia to try to resolve a territorial dispute. so i'm, it comes a months off the worst classes between the neighbors since the war in 2020. so i'm calling to report some sort she where the meeting took place. armina and as i be, john have agreed to refrain from the use of force according to a joint statement issued at the end of the trilateral, summoned held here in such he between russia armenia and as a beach on the final statement of the trilateral summit has also stressed on the importance of the work of the peacekeeping unit, the russian peacekeeping unit that is currently operating in the disputed areas between add media and us. that'd be john. but there was no mention of the caliber region. at the end of the summit, the russian president vladimir putin said that there has been elements that hasn't been settled and thus we're left out of the final statement. also by the end of the a trailer trail summit, all 3 countries have says that they will continue working together in order to reach a lasting peace agreement between armenia and as that'd be john also dasha has confirmed that it is fully ready to present maps from the soviet era that could help in the demarkation of the borders between armenia and as i'd be john coaches in denmark are headed to the polls on tuesday. opinion polls show is unlikely the 2 main political blocks will get the majority needed to govern. asana barrow has more from copico. copenhagen. this is an historic election with a record number of political parties voting for a bigger se. in the parliament, 50 percent of the voters have not decided yet. which party they're going to vote for raising concerns about the potential over parliament, which is likely going to be the most fragmented parliament in the modern history of the country. this is an election mainly about inflation, wising, living costs, economic hardship, and also climate change. and there is a growing consensus in denmark that regardless of who's going to win the elections, the country will continue to clamp down on immigration. prime minister fredrickson is hoping to be able to maintain her lead.

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